DLAT :: Volume #6 Volume 6

#1101: Retaliation

At this moment, Umbridge mood Dreadful, in a moment ago, her knew from the «Daily Prophet» front-page news blockbuster news that Voldemort has reactivated. 此刻,乌姆里奇的心情非常糟糕,就在刚才,她从《预言家日报》的头版新闻上得知了伏地魔已经复活的重磅消息。 As mingling among the Ministry of Magic's advanced official and outstanding politician, actually Umbridge is very clear this to mean anything, her previous all efforts turned into the laughingstock, what worse was the prediction unexpectedly becomes real, her boss Cornelius Fudge is facing by the risk that the people chased off the stage, perhaps the distance left office to get the hell out is not far. 作为混迹在魔法部的高级官员、优秀的政客,乌姆里奇很清楚这究竟意味着什么,她先前的所有努力都变成了笑料,更糟糕的是预言居然成真了,她的上司康奈利·福吉正面临着被群众赶下台的风险,也许距离下台滚蛋已经不远了。 If Fudge really in the summer, chased off the stage by the people, her prediction? 如果福吉真在夏天的时候,被群众赶下台,那她的预言呢? In the Umbridge surface does not believe the prediction of Trelawney, but has actually believed at heart. 乌姆里奇表面上不信特里劳妮的预言,但心里其实早就已经信了。 Therefore, she never takes risk to enter Forbidden Forest, for fear that really encounters what mishap. 所以,她从未冒险进入禁林,生怕真遭遇什么不测。 So long as Forbidden Forest, with Forbidden Forest concerned prediction not to become true, but will oneself really shut in Azkaban Prison? 只要不进禁林,与禁林有关的预言就不会成真,但自己真的会被关进阿兹卡班监狱吗? The probability of this matter should not be high, but...... Umbridge really feared. 这件事的概率应该不高,但……乌姆里奇真怕了。 Although Dementor has the rebellion, had left Azkaban, but also no one wants to pass the remaining years of life in that damn Wizard prison absolutely. 尽管摄魂怪发生叛乱,已经离开了阿兹卡班,但也绝对没人想在那座该死的巫师监狱里度过余生。 Some matters more were worried, more does not think it to happen, it is easier to happen. 有些事越担心,越是不想它发生,它就越容易发生。 In knows that noon that Voldemort resurrects from the newspaper, Umbridge receives the Ministry of Magic's Owl letter, she was suspended to investigate, Ministry of Magic requests her to leave Hogwarts as soon as possible. 在从报纸上知晓伏地魔复活的当天中午,乌姆里奇就收到魔法部的猫头鹰来信,她被停职调查了,魔法部要求她尽快离开霍格沃茨 Simply is a nightmare! 简直就是一场噩梦! Umbridge remembers the Hogwarts students to look at own vision, could not bear hit to tremble. 乌姆里奇想起霍格沃茨学生们看自己的目光,忍不住打了个哆嗦。 She when Hogwarts holds an office, actually to make how many to make the matter that the students hated? 她在霍格沃茨任职期间,究竟做了多少令学生们痛恨的事? Umbridge is unclear, but in her actually very clear Hogwarts school, comes Tring student besides few, other students hate her. 乌姆里奇已经记不清了,但她却很清楚霍格沃茨学校里,除了少量的斯来特林学生外,其余学生都非常痛恨她。 If Umbridge or Headmaster or Senior Investigator, how the students naturally do not dare to take her, but she already not, once they know that oneself were suspended the investigation, Umbridge do not dare to imagine simply when the time comes what happened. 如果乌姆里奇还是校长高级调查员,学生们自然不敢拿她怎么样,但她已经不是了,一旦他们知道自己被停职调查,乌姆里奇简直不敢想象到时候会发生什么事。 It is not good! 不行! After making clear own situation, Umbridge realized oneself cannot leave Hogwarts under the nose of students, otherwise really does not know that will have what dreadful matter. 搞清楚自己的处境后,乌姆里奇就意识到自己绝不能在学生们的眼皮底下离开霍格沃茨,否则真不知道会发生什么可怕的事情。 Tidies up line of Lee simply, Umbridge tries to go to be located in the Ministry of Magic's office through floo network directly. However, she soon discovered oneself deposited floo powder in clay jar does not have unexpectedly. 简单收拾行,乌姆里奇试图通过飞路网直接前往位于魔法部的办公室。然而,她很快就发现自己存放在陶罐里的飞路粉居然没了。 Do some people try to prevent her from leaving through floo network? 有人试图阻止她通过飞路网离开? No, this is impossible! 不,这不可能! Umbridge wants to look for other professor, not, should say that looks for Lane Filch to select floo powder, but this manager mister does not seem to use the custom of floo powder. 乌姆里奇原先想找其他教授、不,应该说找费尔奇飞路粉,但这位管理员先生似乎没使用飞路粉的习惯。 As for looking for other professor? 至于找其他教授 Umbridge had offended professor in school during his tenure, especially previous Professor McGonagall after her relations Lane Auror enters St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, she from the start does not think other professor meetings are willing to provide the convenience. 乌姆里奇在任职期间已经将学校里的教授都得罪了一遍,特别是上次麦格教授因她的关系被傲罗圣芒戈魔法伤病医院后,她压根不认为其他教授会愿意提供便利。 Umbridge has to accept itself the brutal fact that must leave from the Hogwarts front door. 乌姆里奇不得不接受自己必须从霍格沃茨大门离开的残酷事实。 Must leave quietly! 必须悄悄离开! Cannot make the Hogwarts' student detect. 绝不能让霍格沃茨的学生察觉。 Therefore, after Umbridge considers over and over, decided leaving the time places the evening, when everyone when Great Hall dines leaves again quietly. 为此,乌姆里奇再三考虑后,决定把离开的时间放在晚上,等大家都在礼堂用餐的时候再悄悄离开。 Umbridge actually does not know, Lee Jordan is disseminating her to be suspended at this moment everywhere the news of investigation. 乌姆里奇却不知道,李·乔丹此刻正在四处传播她被停职调查的消息。 She will leave the matter of school during the dinner, had been known by the students. 她将在晚饭期间离开学校的事,更是早就被学生们所知晓了。 When dines in the evening, Umbridge with the help of Filch, dragging line of Lee to arrive at the castle first floor corridor, is very smooth, has not run into other students. 在傍晚用餐的时候,乌姆里奇费尔奇的帮助下,拖着行来到城堡一楼走廊,一路都很顺利,没遇到其他学生。 Umbridge just relaxed tone time, saw that is previously returned Hogwarts by divination professor Sybill Trelawney that she dismissed unexpectedly. 乌姆里奇刚松了口气的时候,就看到先前被她开除的占卜教授西比尔·特里劳妮居然重新回到霍格沃茨了。 Why does not know, some Umbridge at heart not good premonitions, moreover this premonition quick on to become true. 不知道为什么,乌姆里奇心里有种不好的预感,而且这种预感很快就成真了。 I want to go to school hospital to visit you, but Madam Pomfrey said that you have left the hospital.” Toward Umbridge how Trelawney reveals you not my expressions in school hospital. “我原本想去校医院探望你,但庞弗雷夫人说你已经出院了。”特里劳妮乌姆里奇露出一副你怎么不在校医院里等我的表情。 You......” “你……” Umbridge is looking at being in the way Trelawney, the complexion is much cloudier, her very clear opposite party runs to taunt absolutely intentionally own, she wishes one could to extract wand to give front this fellow cruciatus curse. 乌姆里奇望着挡路的特里劳妮,脸色阴沉得可怕,她很清楚对方绝对是故意跑来嘲讽自己的,她恨不得抽出魔杖给面前这家伙一记钻心咒 Your complexion is very unattractive.” Trelawney narrows the eye, high and low sizes up Umbridge some cheeks of becoming dark, suddenly said that you recently greatly troublesome.” “你的面色很不好看。”特里劳妮眯起眼睛,上下打量乌姆里奇有些发黑的脸颊,忽然开口说,“你最近有大麻烦。” Umbridge has not opened the mouth, goes round from the Trelawney body side unemotionally, pretends that has not seen the opposite party. 乌姆里奇没开口,面无表情地从特里劳妮的身侧绕开,假装没看到对方。 Trelawney is not angry, has not obstructed, but follows in Umbridge behind, continued: Initially, you should believe that my prediction, Hogwarts' Defence Against the Dark Arts professor is really not the good occupation, you did not have therefore to discard the poor life are the luck are very good. Right, don't toward forest, otherwise you will be in danger.” 特里劳妮也不生气,更没有阻挠,只是跟在乌姆里奇的身后,继续说:“当初,你应该相信我的预言,霍格沃茨的黑魔法防御教授真不是什么好职业,你没因此丢掉小命已经算是运气很不错了。对了,别往森林里去,否则你会有生命危险。” Umbridge continues to pretend that has not seen and not hear, steps out to walk toward the entrance hall, has not actually thought that entrance hall is livelier. The Hogwarts' most teachers and students gather here, their fronts wear the toad badge, the head wears the toad ceremonial hat, in the hand takes the toad firecracker that is used to celebrate. 乌姆里奇继续假装没看见、没听见,不由加快脚步往门厅走去,却没想到门厅处更热闹。霍格沃茨的大半师生都聚在这里,他们的胸前都佩戴癞蛤蟆徽章,头上戴着癞蛤蟆礼帽,手里拿着用来庆祝的癞蛤蟆爆竹。 Toad professor! Toad professor......” “癞蛤蟆教授!癞蛤蟆教授……” When Umbridge appears on the corridor, everyone is applauding spontaneously, the cheers link up into a single stretch. 乌姆里奇出现在走廊上的时候,大家都自发鼓起掌来,欢呼声更是连成一片。 Umbridge is looking at enthusiasm the students, want to turn around to leave directly. 乌姆里奇望着“热情”的学生们,很想直接转身离开。 Which do you want to go?” Trelawney smilingly blocks the Umbridge escape route, reminded well-meaning: Everyone gave you to prepare the viewing specially.” “你要去哪儿呢?”特里劳妮笑眯眯地拦住乌姆里奇的退路,善意地提醒道:“大家特意给你准备了送别仪式。” Umbridge stared Trelawney one ruthlessly, dragging line of Lee to pass through from the warm students. 乌姆里奇狠狠瞪了特里劳妮一眼,拖着行从热情的学生中间穿过。 The next quarter, the both sides students sounded the toad firecracker in the Umbridge direction in abundance, along with a cannon bomb explosive, the paper scraps of dark green smog and toad shape flew from the toad firecracker, covers Umbridge thoroughly. 下一刻,两侧的学生们纷纷朝乌姆里奇的方向拉响了癞蛤蟆爆竹,伴随着一声大炮轰炸般的爆响,一股墨绿色的烟雾与癞蛤蟆形状的纸屑从癞蛤蟆爆竹里飞了出来,将乌姆里奇给彻底笼罩。 The explosive sound embezzled the scream of Umbridge, the applause on corridor was still still continuing, professor also stood in the crowd follows everyone to applaud together, was Umbridge sees off. 爆响声吞没了乌姆里奇的尖叫,走廊上的掌声仍然还在持续,就连教授们也站在人群里跟着大家一起鼓掌,为乌姆里奇送别。 After the explosive sound of toad firecracker vanishes, a lot of small-scale fireworks sticks start flying carelessly on the corridor, in in the air writes to see off the Umbridge words unceasingly automatically. 在癞蛤蟆爆竹的爆响声消失后,大量小型烟花棍开始在走廊上胡乱的飞行,不断在空中自动写出送别乌姆里奇的话。 These words are used to see off Umbridge is very truly appropriate, at least everyone believes like this, professor did not think has anything is not right, Professor McGonagall lit Lee Jordan to hand over the past fireworks stick personally, to express own mood at this moment. 那些话用来送别乌姆里奇确实挺合适的,至少大家都这样认为,就连教授们也不觉得有什么不对劲,麦格教授更是亲手点燃一根李·乔丹递过去的烟花棍,以表示自己此刻的心情。 After the dark green smog gradually diverges, Umbridge also vanished, what replaces it is a deep green toad. 等墨绿色的烟雾逐渐散去后,乌姆里奇也消失了,取而代之的是一只深绿色的癞蛤蟆。 No one knows that actually what happened, but Umbridge was truly caught dark green, seems like only the human form toad. Those who most make everyone be startled, Umbridge also no longer walks unexpectedly normally, but looks like the toad squatting down body, starts to jump jump outward. 没人知道究竟发生了什么事,但乌姆里奇确实被染上了一层墨绿色,看上去像只人形癞蛤蟆。最让大家吃惊的是,乌姆里奇居然也不再正常走路,而是像癞蛤蟆般蹲下身躯,开始一蹦一蹦地往外跳去。 Toad professor! Toad professor! Toad professor!” “癞蛤蟆教授!癞蛤蟆教授!癞蛤蟆教授!” The cheers of people louder, many people make an effort to clap the hands, rip open the throat to yell. 众人的欢呼声更响了,很多人都用力地拍掌,撕开嗓子大声喊叫。 Lee Jordan holds up the camera excitedly, the searching high and low shooting angle. 李·乔丹更是兴奋地举起照相机,四处寻找拍摄角度。 Peeves does not know when appears above the Umbridge top of the head, in the hand takes a big bag, is unceasingly broken toward the small paper that on Umbridge sprinkles the toad shape and chalk ash. 皮皮鬼不知何时出现在乌姆里奇的头顶上方,手里拿着个大袋子,不断往乌姆里奇头上洒癞蛤蟆形状的小纸碎与粉笔灰。 „, God!” “哦,天啊!” Hagrid and Albert stand in entrance hall, Umbridge that looks dumbfoundedly is seeing off in the applause that jumps in the people outward. 海格艾伯特就站在门厅处,目瞪口呆地望着在众人欢送的掌声中往外蹦的乌姆里奇 That once let the old sorceress who the innumerable students dread, now has degenerated into the laughingstock after Hogwarts students food thoroughly, and has spread in Hogwarts together with toad statue, becomes a wonderful Legend story. 那个曾经让无数学生畏惧的老巫婆,如今已彻底沦为霍格沃茨学生们饭后的笑柄,并将连同癞蛤蟆凋像一直在霍格沃茨流传下去,成为一段美妙的传说故事。 „Did some people use imperius curse for Umbridge?” Hermione frowns to ask. “有人对乌姆里奇使用了夺魂咒?”赫敏皱起眉头问。 Is confundus charm.” Albert answered, advanced...... I meant that specially fierce confundus charm, can mess up others' brain temporarily, making Umbridge think were oneself a toad?” “是混淆咒。”艾伯特解释道,“高级……我是说特别厉害的混淆咒,可以暂时搞混别人的脑子,让乌姆里奇以为自己是只癞蛤蟆?” „Do you do?” “你做的?” Hermione turns head to look to Albert, besides Albert, whom she really cannot find out to achieve this degree quietly. 赫敏扭头望向艾伯特,除了艾伯特外,她实在想不出有谁可以悄无声息做到这种程度。 „It was good, this absolutely is the most interesting viewing.” Harry looked at entrance hall toad statue, looks that jumps Umbridge that leave, said: Our toad professor are doomed to become a Hogwarts' legend.” “太棒了,这绝对是最有趣的送别仪式。”哈利看了眼门厅处的癞蛤蟆凋像,又看着一蹦一蹦离开的乌姆里奇,笑着说:“我们的癞蛤蟆教授注定会成为霍格沃茨的一段传奇。” Far more than a legend, Umbridge will become a Hogwarts' phase of history forever,” Lee Jordan said self-confidently, most Dreadful professor representative, was sewn on the shame column in history forever.” “何止一段传奇,乌姆里奇将会永远成为霍格沃茨的一段历史,”李·乔丹自信地说,“有史以来最糟糕教授的代表,被永远钉在耻辱柱上。” Outside also has a bigger pleasant surprise.” Albert said suddenly. “外头还有更大的惊喜呢。”艾伯特忽然说。 What pleasant surprise?” Ron asked curiously. “什么惊喜?”罗恩好奇地问。 Fred and George to the pleasant surprise that Umbridge prepares.” Albert does not plan to disclose temporarily, does not have the plan to let off Umbridge. 弗雷德与乔治乌姆里奇准备的惊喜。”艾伯特暂时不打算透露,也没打算就此放过乌姆里奇 Since did, does not give Umbridge any opportunity, then, he gave in the arrangement. 既然做了,就不给乌姆里奇任何机会,接下来的,他都给安排上了。 Preparation Umbridge packing off. 准备把乌姆里奇给送走。 When Umbridge jumps the castle, everyone gushes out the castle, is only left over Filch also stupidly to shout toward Umbridge: professor, your line of Lee.” 乌姆里奇蹦出城堡的时候,大家都涌出城堡,只剩下费尔奇还傻傻朝乌姆里奇喊道:“教授,你的行。” Hagrid, takes line of Lee with coming up.” Albert bumped with the elbow still in a daze Hagrid, the reminder said. 海格,带上行跟上去。”艾伯特用手肘碰了碰还在发呆的海格,提醒道。 „, Too was really interesting, but can this bring the trouble to Professor Dumbledore?” Hagrid walks toward Filch, carries to leave Lee with Umbridge, but Peeves was still still throwing the thing, the mouth is unceasingly snort/hum the song of toad. “哦哦,实在太有趣了,不过这样会不会给邓布利多教授带来麻烦?”海格费尔奇走去,拎起行乌姆里奇,而皮皮鬼仍然还在扔东西,嘴里更是不断哼着癞蛤蟆之歌。 The Anti-Toad Alliance student is also singing this happy song cheerfully, following Umbridge that jumps to walk toward the school front door behind, this is planned that sees off Umbridge to leave Hogwarts, Hogwarts' professor with. 反癞蛤蟆联盟学生也乐呵呵地唱着这首欢乐的曲子,跟在一蹦一蹦的乌姆里奇身后朝着学校大门走去,这是打算欢送乌姆里奇离开霍格沃茨,就连霍格沃茨的教授都跟了出来。 In fact, entire school only then Dumbledore here, others do not deliver a Umbridge regulation, because everyone heard after Umbridge this time leaves, might enter Azkaban, later did not have the opportunity. 事实上,整座学校就只有邓布利多不在这里,其余人都来送乌姆里奇一程,因为大家都听说乌姆里奇这次离开后,很可能会进阿兹卡班,以后就没机会了。 As for Headmaster Dumbledore, he is actually not suitable to act, is not suitable to participate, therefore can only stand in the castle gazes after Umbridge to leave. 至于邓布利多校长,他其实不适合出面,也不适合参加,所以只能站在城堡上目送乌姆里奇离开。 Outside the Hogwarts iron gate, receives the message to catch up to interview Reporter Harry Potter's beforehand also to look dumbfoundedly is jumping Umbridge, one after another photograph sound links up into a single stretch quickly. 霍格沃茨铁门外头,事先收到消息赶来采访哈利·波特的记者们同样目瞪口呆地望着一蹦一蹦地乌姆里奇,接二连三的拍照声很快就连成一片。 They see Peeves, when Umbridge jumping over school entrance, lights specially-made fireworks that prepared beforehand. 紧接着,他们就看到皮皮鬼乌姆里奇蹦到校门口的时候,点燃了事先准备的特制礼花。 With a deafening bellow, a mark of toad appears sky over the Hogwarts' castle. 伴随着一声震耳欲聋的轰鸣声,一个癞蛤蟆的标记浮现在霍格沃茨的城堡上空。 All Hogwarts students run up to Umbridge front, arranges by the Hogwarts' entrance, along with brandishing Peeves of walking stick, simultaneously was singing the song of incomparably cheerful toad, professor of school at light snort/hum song, sees off departure of Umbridge with one voice. 所有的霍格沃茨学生们都跑到乌姆里奇地面前,排在霍格沃茨的大门口两侧,伴随着挥舞着拐杖的皮皮鬼,齐齐唱起了无比欢快的癞蛤蟆之歌,就连学校的教授们都在轻哼着歌曲,齐声欢送乌姆里奇的离开。 After the song formally ended, Hagrid opens the school front door, after Umbridge jumps, line of Lee will place outside the school gate. In students see again, toad professor.” In the sound closed the school gate. 在歌曲正式结束后,海格才打开学校大门,等乌姆里奇蹦出去后,将行放在了校门外。在学生们的“再见了,癞蛤蟆教授。”的声音中重新关上了校门。 After leaving school, Umbridge finally returned to normal, collapses to the ground on, while he prepares to turn head to look angrily at these toward the students of waving, suddenly feeling surrounding realizes one secretly, the surroundings shone the innumerable white lights and white smokes immediately. 在离开学校后,乌姆里奇终于恢复了正常,一屁股瘫坐在地上,正当他准备扭头怒视那些朝着挥手的学生们,忽然感觉周围的实现一暗,周围随即亮起了无数白光与白烟。 Umbridge however raised the head courageous, saw that a group of reporters are revolving her courageous racket. 乌姆里奇勐然抬起头,看到一大群记者们正在围绕着她一阵勐拍。 Ended! 完了! She felt that the chest one breath has not come up, worked as all reporter grounds to faint directly, stayed behind look at each other in blank dismay the reporters and in the castle iron gate is yacketing the Hogwarts student. 她感觉胸口一口气没上来,直接当着所有记者地面昏死了过去,留下面面相觑地记者们与城堡铁门内正在哄堂大笑地霍格沃茨学生。 The reporters looked are fainting directly past Umbridge, looked to iron gate outside area that a group of Hogwarts teachers and students, muttered low voice: Actually this woman made anything in Hogwarts, is so irritant!” 记者们望着直接昏死过去的乌姆里奇,又望向铁门外地那一大群霍格沃茨师生,小声咕哝道:“这女人究竟在霍格沃茨做了什么,这么招人恨!” This issue falls to Harry on finally, Boy-Who-Lived Mr. not slow who this knocked Calming Draught not slow said, besides Mr. Headmaster, the school teachers and students here, you said?” 这个问题最终落到哈利身上,这位磕了颗镇定剂救世主先生不徐不缓地说,“除校长先生外,全校师生都在这里,你们说呢?” Therefore, these rumors real?” “所以,那些传言都是真的?” Rumor, no, that was not the rumor, Umbridge prepared 123 Educational Decree in the Hogwarts' student, therefore she pulled out 123 whips by Anderson ruthlessly.” Harry holds up the palm, places the front of reporters the back of the hand, she is at heart abnormal, likes using the punishment quill punishment student, the trace on my back of the hand is the evidence, entire Hogwarts has the most students to receive the penalty.” “传言,不,那不是传言,乌姆里奇霍格沃茨的学生准备了123条教育令,所以她被安德森狠狠抽了123鞭。”哈利举起手掌,将手背放在记者们的面前,“她是个心里变态,喜欢使用惩罚羽毛笔处罚学生,我手背上的痕迹就是证据,整个霍格沃茨有大半学生都受到过惩罚。” Mr. Potter, what significance does the hat of badge and head of your chest front have?” The famous reporter asked. 波特先生,你们胸前的徽章与头上的帽子有什么意义吗?”有名记者问道。 This is the symbol of Anti-Toad Alliance, therefore......” Harry makes the movement that please look, you understand, almost most students are the member of this alliance, this actually is also the matter of having no recourse, Fudge the matter that to conceal Voldemort resurrects, conducted the brutal suppression with the aid of Umbridge to the entire Hogwarts' student, he even allows to use the chains to hang, or shuts in the dungeon, either the use whip punishment student, she even also recruited some to come Tring student, gave them the privilege, suppressed other Hogwarts students, un, several Death Eater descendants were one of them, right, Umbridge Also likes using Veritaserum and cruciatus curse interrogates the student.” “这是反癞蛤蟆联盟的象征,所以……”哈利做了个请看的动作,“你们懂的,几乎绝大多数学生都是这个联盟的成员,这其实也是迫不得已的事情,福吉为了隐瞒伏地魔复活的事情,借助乌姆里奇对整个霍格沃茨的学生进行了残酷的镇压,他甚至允许使用锁链将人吊起来,或将人关进地牢,或使用鞭子处罚学生,她甚至还招募了部分斯来特林学生,给予他们特权,打压其他霍格沃茨学生,嗯,好几名食死徒的后代都在其中,对了,乌姆里奇还喜欢使用吐真剂钻心咒审问学生。” He such has really done.” “他真的那样做过。” Right, entire school at least has the two layers students to drink the drink that added Veritaserum, she even also uses cruciatus curse for Harry, tried to find the Dumbledore's whereabouts.” Ron brandishes the fist angrily. That simply is a fearful old sorceress. ” Hermione echoes saying that is the nightmares of all students.” “对,整个学校至少有两层的学生都喝过加了吐真剂的饮料,她甚至还对哈利使用钻心咒,试图找到邓布利多的下落。”罗恩愤怒地挥舞拳头。那简直就是一个可怕的老巫婆。”赫敏附和道,“是所有学生们的噩梦。” Her Defence Against the Dark Arts, anything, will not even attend class each time only with writing books reads in that side, we anything have not learned in the classroom.” “她甚至不会黑魔法防御,什么都不会,每次上课都只会拿着书在那边念,我们在课堂上什么都没学到。” Everyone has no means that because she represents Ministry of Magic, but we are only the students, is unable to revolt against Ministry of Magic.” “大家没有任何办法,因为她代表魔法部,而我们只是学生,无法反抗魔法部。” ...... …… Therefore, will have today this.” “所以,才会有今天这一幕。” „Does she really use cruciatus curse?” The reporters are all dumbfounded, suddenly somewhat understood that Umbridge so will be why miserable. “她真使用钻心咒?”记者们全都目瞪口呆,忽然有些理解乌姆里奇为何会这么惨了。 Right, many people saw.” “对,很多人都看到了。” She also makes Dementor attack me, planned that makes Fudge dismiss me by this, this matter she acknowledged.” Harry continued, in fact, he almost worked.” “她还让摄魂怪袭击我,打算让福吉以此开除我,这件事她本人承认了。”哈利继续说,“事实上,他差点得逞了。” How you see to Fudge.” Rita Skeeter smilingly asked. “你对福吉怎么看。”丽塔·斯基特笑眯眯地问。 He with many Death Eater is good friend, Malfoy, Goyle, Crabbe......” Harry to blow out one pile of Death Eater name, in fact, attacked the Dumbledore's time in Fudge, Voldemort has seized the chance to win over Giant and Werewolf, saved the Azkaban's lackey, many Dark Wizard, even was Dementor closes up to him, but he is more of a hindrance than a help, making everyone miss the best time.” “他跟很多食死徒是好朋友,马尔福,高尔,克拉布……”哈利爆出一堆食死徒的名字,“事实上,在福吉打击邓布利多的时候,伏地魔已经趁机拉拢了巨人狼人,救走了阿兹卡班的爪牙,很多黑巫师,甚至是摄魂怪都向他靠拢,而他帮了倒忙,让大家错过了最佳的时机。” Sometimes, from the Fudge conduct attitude, I suspected that very much he covets life and fears death, was worried that receives the Voldemort's retaliation to give Dumbledore to hold back, he was actually controlled by imperius curse, or it is the Voldemort's lackey.” “有时候,从福吉的行事作风来看,我很怀疑他是不是贪生怕死,担心受到伏地魔的报复才给邓布利多拖后腿,还是他其实被夺魂咒控制,或者本身就是伏地魔的爪牙。” „It is not I must question Minister for Magic, but before is earlier, Albert holds Barty Crouch Jr. time, Fudge makes Dementor eliminate a potential informant immediately, prevents news divulging that Voldemort resurrects.” “并不是我要质疑魔法部长,而是在更早以前,艾伯特抓住小巴蒂·克劳奇的时候,福吉就在第一时间让摄魂怪灭口,防止伏地魔复活的消息泄露。” ( https://) (https://) 1 second records the putting down the pen interest island:. 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