CF :: Volume #27

#2673: Peak strength, savage

Chapter 2548 第2548章 Peak strength, savage 巅峰战力,凶残至极 The style is simple, but its might actually very astonishing, raises hand to step, that is the attack of Great Dao, traceless boundless. 招式简单,但是其威力却是十分的惊人,一举手一投足,那都是大道的攻击,无痕无际。 Divided to fall on the spot directly. 当场直接劈落了下来。 Crushes all! 粉碎一切! This move, Ordinary Sovereign is hard to resist. 这一招下来,寻常皇者都难以抵抗。 But the Chu Yunfan whole body, turned surged terrifying the strength of Thunder, by strength of resistance Yin-Yang principle Thunder. 楚云凡的周身,翻涌起了恐怖雷霆之力,以雷霆之力对抗阴阳法则。 The collision of principle, in an instant, turbulent World! 法则的碰撞,刹那间,动荡天地 Three thousand Great Dao, may prove Sovereign. 三千大道,条条可证皇者 However in these three thousand Great Dao, there is the division of strong and weak, since the ancient times, the say/way of comprehension Yin-Yang is quite difficult, if Cultivation succeeds, in many Sovereign, is the outstanding person. 但是在这三千大道之中,也有强弱之分,自古以来,阴阳之道领悟极为困难,但是一旦修炼成功,在诸多的皇者之中,也是佼佼者。 The solar sovereign, the moon sovereign two people collaborates the strength naturally is invincible. 太阳皇,太阴皇两人联手实力自然更是所向无敌。 However Thunder principle in many principles, is the domineering of becoming famous. 但是雷霆法则在诸多的法则之中,也是出了名的强势。 cultivation who cultivation has, is famous powerhouse. 修行雷法有成的修行者,都是名闻天下的强者 The 3 Types completely different principles collided, formed the earth-shaking potential, confused the chaos directly. 三种完全不同的法则碰撞到了一起,形成惊天动地之势,直接将混沌都搅乱。 both sides share half and half unexpectedly. 双方居然平分秋色。 Those who let the solar sovereign and moon sovereign two people shocks, Chu Yunfan can anti- live in two people fit offensive unexpectedly. 让太阳皇和太阴皇两人震惊的是,楚云凡居然可以抗住两人合体攻势。 At this time they understood finally, why others in the Chu Yunfan front, performance collapsed at the first blow. 此时他们终于明白了,为什么其他人在楚云凡的面前,表现的那么不堪一击了。 Chu Yunfan was too strong, the domineering to was hard to imagine realm that! 楚云凡太强势了,强势到了难以想象的境界 Two people look at each other in dismay, Chu Yunfan does not know how is Cultivation, how such terrifying, simply will be a super monster. 两人面面相觑,楚云凡也不知道到底是怎么修炼的,怎么会这么恐怖,简直是一个超级怪物。 Chu Yunfan becomes the sovereign considering everything, actually also 100 years, in hundred years time, he has grown unexpectedly this situation, collaborates including oneself two people, unexpectedly can only share half and half with Chu Yunfan. 楚云凡成皇满打满算,其实也就一百年而已,这一百年的时间里,他居然就已经成长到了这种地步,连自己两人联手,居然都只能和楚云凡平分秋色。 You are really a disaster, didn't expect, unexpectedly made you grow this situation!” “你真是一个祸害,没想到,居然让你成长到了这个地步!” Moon sovereign saying of one voice solar sovereign. 太阳皇和太阴皇异口同声的说道。 To them, actually not have to a Chu Yunfan understanding, only felt that this fellow does not know where braves, suddenly appeared all of a sudden, then on to become sovereign. 对于两人来说,其实是对楚云凡一点了解都没有的,只感觉这个家伙不知道哪儿冒出来的,突然一下子就出现了,然后就成皇了。 Before an indication did not have. 之前一点征兆都没有。 Especially during that time, actually the solar sovereign and moon sovereigns were in the deep sleep Stage, was four big Sovereign besieged the evil sovereign jointly the time awakened. 尤其是那段时间,其实太阳皇和太阴皇都处于沉睡的阶段,也就是四大皇者联手围攻邪皇的时候才惊醒了过来。 After how long not to have passed, entered the condition of deep sleep. 自那之后没有过去多久,就又进入了沉睡的状态。 However what didn't expect is, without proclaiming deep sleep how long, Chu Yunfan became the sovereign suddenly. 但是没想到的是,才没自封沉睡多久,楚云凡就突然成皇了。 Simply is the miracle. 简直就是奇迹。 They have almost no understanding of Chu Yunfan, these for hundred years in process of unceasing understanding. 他们对楚云凡几乎没有任何了解,这百年来就是在不断了解的过程中。 However fights after truly, discovered, before Chu Yunfan became the sovereign, with that fought the material that collected with the witch sovereign, now seems like a huge joke. 但是真正交手之后才发现,之前在楚云凡成皇之前,和与巫皇那一战所搜集到的资料,现在看起来都是一个天大的笑话。 Because has no use! 因为根本没有任何用处! didn't expect you can fight to a draw with us, have the extremely arrogant qualification, but this world, is not you can extremely arrogant!” 没想到你能和我们打成平手,有狂妄的本钱,不过这个世界,不是你能狂妄的了的!” Solar sovereign coldly said. 太阳皇冷声说道 Fights to a draw? Is who gives your misconception?” Chu Yunfan laughed heartily. “打成平手?是谁给你们的错觉?”楚云凡哈哈大笑了起来。 You spelled to go all-out a moment ago are also and both of us fight an evenness, you think that you also do have odds of suc­cess?” The moon sovereign says. “你刚才拼尽全力也不过是和我们两人战个平手,你以为你还有胜算么?”太阴皇开口说道。 Spells to go all-out? Have you seen my full power appearance?” Chu Yunfan laughed heartily. For today's this war, I made many preparations, since you want to take a look at my full power appearance, I made the appearance that you had a look at me to put together to go all-out good!” “拼尽全力?你们见过我全力的样子么?”楚云凡哈哈大笑了起来。“为了今天这一战,我做了很多的准备,既然你们想要看看我全力的样子,那我就让你们看看我拼尽全力的样子好了!” Bang!” “轰!” terrifying aura released from the body of Chu Yunfan, vibrates the entire chaos, even the chaos vibrate because of terrifying Qi and Blood of Chu Yunfan release. 一股更加恐怖的气息从楚云凡的身体之中释放了出来,震动整个混沌,连混沌都因为楚云凡释放的恐怖气血而震动。 Compared with Chu Yunfan, this time Chu Yunfan obviously was powerful incessantly double. 比起刚才的楚云凡,这个时候的楚云凡明显强大了不止一倍 Before he displayed shook the principle of thunder Attribute the Heavenly Thunder body comprehended, however his physique may, not only shook the Heavenly Thunder body. 之前他只是施展了震天雷体所领悟出来的雷属性的法则,但是他的体质可不只是震天雷体呢。 The physique of immemorial deep phoenix, Top Emperor's Battle Body wait/etc., fuses completely together, is the Chu Yunfan true full power. 还有太古冥凰的体质,皇极战体等等,全部融合到一起,才是楚云凡真正的全力。 Meanwhile, Nirvana God Tree evolved, changed to Battle Armor to wrap his whole person. 与此同时,梵天神树演化了出来,化作战甲将他整个人包裹了起来。 This time Chu Yunfan aura increased the pinnacle! 此时的楚云凡的气息才攀升到了极致! The solar sovereign, the moon sovereign two people facial expression incomparable dignity, as if saw any most inconceivable existence. 太阳皇,太阴皇两人神情无比的凝重,仿佛看到了什么最不可思议的存在。 Chu Yunfan seemed like too also too terrifying at this time! 楚云凡此时看起来太强也太恐怖了! That terrifying aura crush to their bodies, almost made them have suffocation, desperate feelings. 恐怖的气息碾压到了他们的身上,几乎让他们有一种窒息,有一种绝望的感觉。 In an instant, chaos ebullition, but Chu Yunfan acted! 刹那间,混沌沸腾,而楚云凡出手了! His palm of the hand clapped, in an instant, that palm of the hand changes to giant stars, the stars pounds to fall, crushes all. 他一巴掌拍了出去,刹那间,那个巴掌化作一颗巨大的星辰,星辰砸落下去,粉碎一切。 Flying immortal big hand imprint! 飞仙大手印! Martial Arts that extremely this flying immortal gate founder founds to the hand of Chu Yunfan is to transform castoffs into delicaties, reached a even founder not unimaginable altitude. 这一门飞仙门祖师开创出来的绝顶武学到了楚云凡的手里可谓是化腐朽为神奇,达到了一种连开创者都无法想象的高度。 Almost is split second routed terrifying Array that the moon sovereign and solar sovereign two people formed jointly. 几乎是一瞬间就击溃了太阴皇和太阳皇两人联手所形成的恐怖阵法 Bang!” “嘭!” A loud sound spreads from the chaos, the moon sovereign and solar sovereign two people were rumbled to fly, coughs up blood in abundance. 一声巨响从混沌之中传出,太阴皇和太阳皇两人被轰飞了出去,纷纷咳血。 Also can share half and half with Chu Yunfan a moment ago, but actually defeats in the hand of Chu Yunfan now immediately. 刚才还能够和楚云凡平分秋色,但是现在却立刻败在了楚云凡的手上。 They understand significance that at this time Chu Yunfan said a moment ago where. 他们此时才明白刚才楚云凡那么说的意义何在。 Chu Yunfan under this condition is the true Peak condition, displayed the full power truly. 这个状态下的楚云凡才是真正的巅峰状态,才是真正的施展了全力。 Struck caused heavy losses to the solar sovereign and moon sovereign, this berserk strength, blew another two Sovereign in chaos, made another head, numerous would-be sovereigns in be frightened. 一击就重创了太阳皇和太阴皇,这种狂暴的战力,镇住了在混沌之中的另外两尊皇者,同时也让另外一头,古界之中的一众准皇都被吓到了。 The Chu Yunfan strength was also too savage, even the solar sovereign and moon sovereign this can the husband-and-wife team jointly, facing Chu Yunfan time, actually did not have the strength to hit back, this is clear. 楚云凡的战力也太凶残了点,即便是太阳皇和太阴皇这样可以联手的夫妻档,面对楚云凡的时候,竟然也是毫无还手之力,这就已经非常清楚了。 Chu Yunfan one step steps forward, in an instant, had rushed to the front of solar sovereign and moon sovereign horizontally, two people domain world was torn instantaneously, is unable to prevent Chu Yunfan to clash. 楚云凡一步跨出,刹那间,就已经横冲到了太阳皇和太阴皇的面前,两人的领域世界被瞬间撕裂,根本无法阻挡楚云凡冲进来。 Both's domain world was the Yin-Yang of fusing together blends, changed into huge Yin-Yang Gossip. 两者的领域世界是融为一体的阴阳交融,化为了一个巨大的阴阳八卦 However at this time, was torn by Chu Yunfan directly. 但是在这个时候,被楚云凡直接撕裂了开来。 Chu Yunfan in an instant, had rushed to two people front again horizontally. 楚云凡刹那间,就已经再度横冲到了两人的面前。 Flying immortal big hand imprint! 飞仙大手印! Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” Chu Yunfan laid out a lot of terrifying flying immortal big hand imprints in an instant directly, the innumerable stars almost must fill up the entire chaos. 楚云凡刹那间直接拍出了千百道恐怖的飞仙大手印,无数的星辰几乎要将整个混沌填满。 This would-be sovereign releases to exhaust whole body the move of Cultivation Power one time, now Chu Yunfan can display at will, in an instant, released a lot of times. 这种准皇释放一次就要耗尽全身的功力的招数,现在楚云凡可以随意施展,刹那间,就释放出了千百次。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” The explosion of terrifying overflows directly, two forms that the air/Qi of chaos vibrates were shaken from the chaos directly returned to ancient. 恐怖的爆炸直接将混沌之气震动的四溢出来,两道身影直接从混沌之中被震回到了古界之中。 everyone sees, isn't the moon sovereign and solar sovereign two people? 众人看到,不就是太阴皇和太阳皇两人么? At this time two people body already cut and bruised. 只是此时两人的身体早已经是被遍体鳞伤。 During a series of collisions, was almost killed a moment ago livingly. 在刚才一连串的碰撞之中,差点被活生生打死。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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