CF :: Volume #27

#2672: Solar sovereign, the converging attack of moon sovereign

Chapter 2547 第2547章 Solar sovereign, the converging attack of moon sovereign 太阳皇,太阴皇的夹攻 The Lord of five elements by a spear/gun to bind, mortal body was cracked, in which Primordial Spirit was sewn in the chaos, after a pitiful yell, was changed into destroyed. 五行之主被一枪扎中,肉身崩裂,其中的元神被钉在了混沌之中,一阵惨叫之后,被生生化为了乌有。 That pitiful yell sound shaking entire world. 那惨叫声震动了整个天下。 The feeling that many one types are not even able to explain, kept aloof, like being alive Gods general Sovereign, same will fear death. 许多人甚至都有一种无法言喻的感觉,原来高高在上,如同在世神明一般的皇者,也一样会怕死。 Same will call out pitifully by to bind. 被扎中了一样会惨叫。 They same are also the lives, is not Gods! 他们一样也是生灵,并不是什么神明 Does not know that under Lord of many five elements would-be sovereigns are howling, their biggest backers did not have, in their hearts also had several points to rejoice. 不知道多少五行之主麾下的准皇在嚎啕大哭,他们的最大靠山没有了,同时他们心中也有了几分庆幸。 After without the Lord of five elements, their future roads will not cut off. 没有了五行之主之后,他们未来的路也就不会被斩断了。 But many Sovereign are the facial color complex looks to slaughter Chu Yunfan that at this time Chu Yunfan has cut to kill eight big Sovereign more than half. 而许多皇者则是面色复杂的看着大开杀戒的楚云凡,此时楚云凡已经将八大皇者斩杀过半了。 That terrifying method, lets them with amazement. 恐怖的手段,让他们骇然。 Even in the future some day, in them some people will still become Sovereign, perhaps also at all is not the Chu Yunfan opponent. 即便将来有朝一日,他们之中有人也成为了皇者,恐怕也根本不是楚云凡的对手。 Chu Yunfan faces, although is senile Sovereign, but they turn over to senilly senilly, however in very short time stays the Peak condition to have no issue. 楚云凡所面对的虽然都是衰老的皇者,但是他们衰老归衰老,然而只是很短的时间内保持住巅峰的状态还是没什么问题的。 Is equal to in other words, what Chu Yunfan faces is be at most Peak condition Sovereign, then when they strongest rout them. 等于就是说,楚云凡面对的是一个个处于最巅峰状态的皇者,然后在他们最强的时候将他们击溃。 Not like like that the employ stalling tactics that many people think, bit by bit drags them. 没有如同很多人所想的那般,采取拖延战术,一点一点将他们拖死。 This is also Chu Yunfan only odds of suc­cess that many originally conceive. 这也是许多人原本所设想的楚云凡唯一的胜算 Chu Yunfan young is he biggest qualification, similarly placed Peak the fight of condition, Chu Yunfan can fight to exceed they ten times of time. 楚云凡年轻就是他最大的本钱,同样保持在巅峰的状态的战斗,楚云凡可以战斗超过他们十倍的时间。 Hit several days and several nights later, rubbed again slowly them. 打个几天几夜之后,再将他们慢慢磨死。 Naturally, the premise is Chu Yunfan is killed at the scene, can that several rounds of attacks of achievement most terrifying. 当然,前提是楚云凡没有被打死当场,能够成果最恐怖的那几轮攻击。 However now Chu Yunfan actually slaps their with the fact ruthlessly, Chu Yunfan is useless the solution that they try to find, but by berserk to berserk, by diamond cut diamond. 然而现在楚云凡却用事实狠狠打了他们一个巴掌,楚云凡根本没用他们所想的办法,而是以狂暴狂暴,以针尖对麦芒。 With the strongest method, hits to explode various sovereigns, establishes the unsurpassed prestige. 用最强势的方法,将诸皇一个一个的打爆,奠定自身无上的威名。 After this fights, Chu Yunfan might become through the ages First powerhouse. 这一战过后,楚云凡很可能就会成为古往今来第一强者 In various sovereigns, only has the explicit record, hit to explode ten big Sovereign terrifying to exist. 诸皇之中,唯一一个有明确记录,打爆了十大皇者恐怖存在。 Also however when the everyone train of thought diverges, in the chaos, the war had not finished, because knew, this possibly is their last war, they do not have other choice. 还而在众人思绪发散之际,在混沌之中,战局并未结束,因为知道了,这可能是他们最后一战,他们没有别的选择。 Even if saw that Chu Yunfan cuts to kill them more than half, they still have no one to run away. 即便眼看着楚云凡将他们斩杀过半,他们也没有任何一个逃走。 In that split second, Void Space of Mountains and Rivers Diagram anchorage was broken open Big Hole directly. 就在那一瞬间,山河图定住的空间被直接破开了一个大洞 A man and a woman two Sovereign intruded Void Space in Mountains and Rivers Diagram. 一男一女两个皇者闯入了山河图内的空间 This a man and a woman male middle age appearances , the whole body is sending out to just to the Yang terrifying strength, but on the side of the strength, that female roughly the 18 or 19 years old appearance, is looking extremely sweet and pretty, but her body is sending out one type Yin to the supple strength. 这一男一女男的中年模样,浑身散发着至刚至阳的恐怖力量,而在力量一边,那个那个女子约莫着十八九岁的模样,看起来极为娇美,而她的身上则是散发着一种至阴至柔的力量。 Solar sovereign, moon sovereign!” “太阳皇,太阴皇!” These two break the person who the defense of Chu Yunfan Mountains and Rivers Diagram forced one's way into directly is not others, is legendary two Sovereign, the solar sovereign and moon sovereign. 这两个直接打破了楚云凡山河图的防御打进来的人不是别人,正是传说中的两位皇者,太阳皇和太阴皇。 Chu Yunfan has seen these two Sovereign in the Pill Emperor memory, in the antiquity years, these two Sovereign was famous. 楚云凡丹皇记忆之中就见过这两位皇者,在上古年间,这两位皇者就非常有名。 It is said that they are the couples, becoming famous is early, moreover always with drawing back, a person Cultivation Yang principle, but yet another was Cultivation the Yin principle, and finally both the card said. 据说两人乃是夫妻,成名非常早,而且向来同进同退,一个人修炼阳之法则,而另外一个则是修炼了阴之法则,并且最后双双证道。 Before them, but also no one can in Yin-Yang Great Dao this legend succeed to Cultivation, how regardless of cultivation, not to have means Breakthrough to become Sovereign diligently finally. 在他们之前,还没有人能够将这传说中阴阳大道修炼成功,无论怎么努力修行,最后都没有办法突破成为皇者 But after them, everyone knows, so-called this lofty one Yin is not long, truth that alone Yang does not live. 而在他们之后,众人才知道,所谓孤阴不长,独阳不生的道理。 Only the Yin-Yang blends, two types can the mutual promotion, become the sovereign together. 只有阴阳交融,两种才能相互促进,一起成皇。 Only a Cultivation principle , there is nothing alone possibly becomes enlightened. 单独只修炼一种法则,根本没有任何可能成道。 After that their couples ruled World to surpass at that time for over ten thousand years, because two people were the couples, the strength was similarly astonishing, therefore when their couples ruled, even if various sovereigns evaded, but far it. 自那之后,他们夫妻就统治了当时天地超过上万年,由于两人是夫妻,战力又是同样惊人,因此在他们夫妻统治的时候,即便是诸皇都避而远之。 After all various sovereigns many come and go freely, but the solar sovereign and moon sovereign two people actually two, how can contend with them. 毕竟诸皇多是独来独往,而太阳皇和太阴皇两人却有两个,怎么能和他们相抗衡。 Facing the couple who this comes in waves, Chu Yunfan actually does not fear, directly by the Mountains and Rivers Diagram anchorage another two Sovereign ways forward of. 面对这联袂而来的夫妻,楚云凡却并不惧怕,直接以山河图定住了另外两个皇者的前进之路。 Naturally, he also knows, is unable to prevent another two Sovereign for a long time, after all that two are also Sovereign. 当然,他也知道,无法长久的阻挡另外两个皇者,毕竟那两个也是皇者 However in a short time prevents, that was also enough. 但是短时间内阻挡,那也是够了。 First cuts to kill this couple, then remaining two people simple were many, basically can say on is the general situation has decided. 先将这一对夫妻斩杀,那么剩下的两人就简单的多了,基本上可以说的上是大局已定。 Chu Yunfan, your perverse actions, now is to end your time!” 楚云凡,你倒行逆施,现在是要终结你的时候了!” The moon sovereign opens the mouth, the sound is clear, but in the tone contains astonishing killing intent. 太阴皇开口,声音清脆好听,但是语气之中却是包含着惊人的杀意 Saw that Chu Yunfan killed so many Sovereign, even is invincible, always the fearless moon sovereign and solar sovereign two people, produced for several points to dread. 眼看着楚云凡杀死了这么多的皇者,即便是所向无敌,向来无所畏惧的太阴皇和太阳皇两人,都产生了几分忌惮。 Unexpectedly is the moon sovereign and solar sovereign two people, two people do not know that multi- youngster has not collaborated, now collaborates because of the clear/pain sovereign's relations, perhaps clear/pain sovereign troubled is big!” “竟然是太阴皇和太阳皇两人,两人已经不知道多少年没有联手过了,现在因为楚皇的关系而联手,楚皇恐怕麻烦要大了!” The scene also had many would-be sovereigns to recognize this husband-and-wife team, many people cannot help but worried, although Chu Yunfan was very powerful, husband-and-wife team but who has not been defeated facing this pair time, really can beat them? 现场也有很多准皇认出了这一对夫妻档,许多人都不由得担心了起来,楚云凡虽然很强大,但是面对这一对从来没有失败的夫妻档的时候,真的能够击败他们么? Many would-be sovereigns feared that the Chu Yunfan support does not pass. 许多准皇都怕楚云凡支撑不过去。 Especially another two Sovereign in glare like a tiger watching his prey, even Chu Yunfan can defeat in detail, but leaves his time, are not really many. 尤其是还有另外两个皇者正在虎视眈眈,即便楚云凡能够各个击破,但是留给他的时间,真的已经不多了。 Idle talk little said, your two people also had the big prestige in the antiquity years, but now unexpectedly reduces such situation, I to you was really very disappointed!” “废话少说,你们两人在上古年间也有偌大的威名,而现在居然沦落到了这样的地步,我对你们实在是很失望!” Chu Yunfan shook the head said. 楚云凡摇了摇头说道。 You can the ginseng broken Yin-Yang not be actually able the ginseng broken life and death!” “你们能参破阴阳却无法参破生死!” The moon sovereign and solar sovereign two people glanced at, decided mutually immediately disagreement/not with Chu Yunfan spoke any idle talk. 太阴皇和太阳皇两人相互看了一眼,当即也决定不和楚云凡多说什么废话。 Two people one Yin one Yang, one on the left and other on the right, fiercely attacked toward Chu Yunfan. 两人一阴一阳,一左一右,朝着楚云凡猛攻了过来。 In an instant, vast, the ancient aura erupted. 刹那间,一股浩大的,古老的气息爆发了出来。 Two people becoming famous time are very early, probably in extant Sovereign, not compared with their age also big, in their cultivation method, even with some immemorial Era characteristics. 两人的成名时间很早,大概在现存的皇者之中,还没有比他们年纪还大的了,他们的功法之中,甚至带着些许太古时代的特色。 Incomparable berserk, aura without order. 无比狂暴的,不带秩序的气息。 Only transformation between this Yin-Yang, really had a feeling of vicissitudes. 只这阴阳间的转换,竟然有了一种沧海桑田的感觉。 Two people act directly, no Martial Arts style, but was directly by regarding the Martial Dao comprehension crush. 两人直接出手,没有任何武学招式,而是直接以对于武道感悟碾压了下来。 Two people collaborate, Ordinary Sovereign was not rumbled carefully at the scene the severe wound, even the direct body dies has the possibility. 两人联手,寻常皇者一个不小心被当场轰成重伤,甚至直接身死都是非常有可能的。 This strikes simply does not have the rule, does not have the trace, basically has achieved supreme realm. 这一击根本没有规律,也没有痕迹可言,基本上已经达到了至高无上的境界 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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