CF :: Volume #27

#2630: to become Huanglu, broke

Chapter 2503 第2503章 to become Huanglu, broke 成皇路,断了 Fights now, both sides put out really ability! 战到现在,双方都拿出了真本事 But scarlet flame god Monarch has not thought that Chu Yunfan can unexpectedly powerful to this situation. 而赤炎神君也万万没有想到,楚云凡居然能够强大到这个地步。 However is only would-be sovereign Eighth Layer, unexpectedly can fight this situation with would-be sovereign Ninth Layer! 不过只是准皇八重,居然能和准皇九重的自己战到这个地步! Not only does not drop the wind, but also incomparably was dreaded by oneself. 不仅不落下风,还让自己无比忌惮。 Meanwhile, those who let his didn't expect is, in the hand of Chu Yunfan, will have complete sovereign unexpectedly. 同时,更让他没想到的是,楚云凡的手上,居然会有一件完整的皇器。 Even by the mastery of five elements gate, sovereign has to see, but is basically broken. 即便以五行门的底蕴,皇器不是没见过,但是基本上都是残破的。 Because of the back of each sovereign, what represented is powerful incomparable Top Level Sovereign. 因为每一件皇器的背后,代表的是一个个强大无比的顶级皇者 If Sovereign remains, then sovereign is impossible to wander about destitute outside. 如果皇者还存在,那么皇器就不可能流落到外面。 If even Sovereign fallen, that inevitably is a frigid war, even some staunch Sovereign Sovereign to finally even/including Huangqi from exploding. 而如果连皇者陨落了,那必然是一场惨烈的大战,甚至有许多刚烈的皇者到最后连皇器都自爆了。 To obtain broken sovereign is very difficult, by his such status, cannot obtain sovereign in ancient. 想要获得残破的皇器都很困难,以他这样的地位,在古界之中都没能获得一件皇器。 Let alone, complete sovereign. 更别说,一件完整的皇器了。 But the body of Chu Yunfan is sovereign Mountains and Rivers Diagram, is the top accurate sovereign Mountain and Rivers cauldron, Nirvana God Tree wait/etc., each makes him look is jealous incomparably. 楚云凡的身上又是皇器山河图,又是顶尖准皇器山河鼎,还有梵天神树等,每一个都让他看的眼红无比。 Kills!” “杀!” The scarlet flame god Mr.'s body erupted intense killing intent, only then killed Chu Yunfan, can capture on him all things. 赤炎神君的身上爆发出了强烈的杀意,只有杀死了楚云凡,才能夺取他身上所有的东西。 The remaining three five elements god beasts, Azure Dragon, Black Tortoise, Qilin, swooped toward Chu Yunfan directly, with entire universe vitality Frenzy. 剩下的三头五行神兽,青龙,玄武,麒麟,直接朝着楚云凡飞扑了过来,带起了整个宇宙的元气狂潮 But at the same time, Chu Yunfan is battered to death is also recovering by white tiger and vermilion bird that. 而与此同时,被楚云凡砸死的白虎和朱雀也在复苏。 Because of not flesh and blood, but is Divine Object that the legendary principle evolves, this is also five elements gate Secret Inheritance one of the Divine Ability and methods. 因为并非本身的血肉之躯,而是传说中的法则所演化出来的神物,这也是五行秘传神通和法门之一。 World five elements is among World one of the most Foundation principles, is next to the Yin-Yang two air/Qi. 天地五行乃是天地之间最为基础的法则之一,仅次于阴阳二气。 The Lord of five elements closes right up against this five elements strength to become enlightened, the abstruse truth of implication, is naturally inconceivable. 五行之主靠着这五行的力量而成道,其中蕴含的深奥道理,自然是难以想象的。 Although said that three thousand Great Dao, high of passable World. 虽然说,三千大道,条条可通天地之高。 However these three thousand Great Dao have the high under division, the roads of different becoming enlightened, finally the strength of achievement is also completely different. 但是这三千大道却有高下之分,不同的成道之路,最后成就的实力也是完全不同的。 Otherwise the Huang Jueshi impossible person to hang to hit several Sovereign. 不然皇绝世也不可能一个人就可以吊打好几个皇者 five elements Great Dao is most ancient, one of the most powerful Great Dao. 五行大道便是其中最为古老,最为强大的大道之一。 Killed you, I had a card capital!” “杀了你,我就有了证道的资本!” Scarlet flame god Monarch roaring, the strength of five elements seethes with excitement on his body, changes to all kinds of attacks, sweeps across. 赤炎神君大吼一声,五行之力在他的身上沸腾,化作各种各样的攻击,席卷而出。 You are not clear, even if killed me, possibility that you have not become enlightened forever!” Chu Yunfan loudly shouted. “你还不明白,即便杀了我,你也永远没有成道的可能性!”楚云凡大喝一声 What did you say?” Scarlet flame god Monarch stares the big eye. “你说什么?”赤炎神君瞪大眼睛。 In the Chu Yunfan top of the head Mountains and Rivers Diagram rotates unceasingly, reduces and solves the attack that various types swept across, what threat cannot pose to him. 楚云凡头顶上山河图不断地转动,化解了各种席卷过来的攻击,都没能对他构成什么样的威胁。 I said that you were too naive!” “我说你太天真了!” The Chu Yunfan portable Mountain and Rivers cauldron pounds to fall fiercely, that Qilin by the bang, instantaneous entire was flown upside down, the body collapses directly, in the sky disintegration. 楚云凡手提山河鼎猛地砸落下去,那一头麒麟被轰中,瞬间整个倒飞了出去,身体直接崩溃,当空解体。 Your cultivation comes up, what Cultivation is five elements main Great Dao, can you once have little your Great Dao?” Chu Yunfan loudly shouted. „, No Sovereign say/way is through the ages same, since the Lord of five elements has become enlightened, you had determined is absolutely impossible to close right up against the say/way of five elements to become enlightened, this most basic truth you are not clear, do you also want to become enlightened? Gives you 10,000 years of you possibly not to become enlightened again!” “你一路修行上来,修炼的是五行之主的大道,你可曾有一点点自己的大道?”楚云凡大喝一声。“古往今来,没有一位皇者的道是相同的,五行之主既然已经成道,你就已经确定了绝对不可能靠着五行之道成道,连这最基本的道理你都不明白,你还想成道?再给你一万年的时间你也没有可能成道!” The Chu Yunfan words like Huangzhongdalv, shocked scarlet flame god Monarch instantaneously. 楚云凡的话如同黄钟大吕,瞬间震动了赤炎神君。 He thought instantaneously! 他瞬间想了很多! Thinks this innumerable years, do not know emerged many startled certainly colorful genius, by natural talent, were not under initial these Sovereign, Sovereign physique one after another braved. 想到了这无数年来,不知道涌现出了多少惊才绝艳的天才,论天资,也不在当初的那些皇者之下,封皇体质一个接一个的冒出来。 Even has compared with Sovereign of same ages must splendid is also not infrequent. 甚至有比同年龄段的皇者还要更加的出色的也不在少数。 However so many years, unexpectedly no can become enlightened? 然而这么多年,竟然没有一个能够成道的? Ten big Sovereign, in the past so many years, are still ten big Sovereign, can't this explain something? 十大皇者,过去了这么多年,依然还是十大皇者,这难道不能说明一些事情么? He very early was appraised to be able to prove the say/way to become the body of sovereign five elements, what has with the Lord of five elements is the same physique. 他很早就被鉴定出拥有可以证道成皇五行之体,与五行之主拥有的是一样的体质。 From a young age on crossed the threshold by the five elements gate admission, treats as the seed to train, had been through repeatedly the innumerable wars, does not know that kills an outlet from many Heaven-Blessed Genius. 自小就被五行门接纳入门,当做种子来培养,历经了无数大战,不知道从多少天纵奇才之中杀出一条出路。 Kills has not known of the same generation powerhouse of many titled as King physicals, even the peers of Sovereign physique have killed. 击毙过不知道多少封王体质的同辈强者,甚至连封皇体质的同辈都击毙过。 Broke in would-be sovereign Ninth Layer at the shortest time within, may be called startled certainly colorful. 以最短的时间之内就冲入了准皇九重,堪称惊才绝艳。 However passed so many years, since becoming certainly the sovereign, already several thousand years, became sovereign Ninth Layer had over a thousand years certainly, did not have the little advance again. 然而过去了这么多年,自从成为准皇之后,就已经有数千年的时间了,成为准皇九重都有上千年的时间了,再也没有寸进。 He has also had the suspicion, why the card in would-be sovereign Ninth Layer, does not have the little advance again. 他也不是没有过怀疑,为什么卡在准皇九重,再也没有寸进。 However others are also so, this also made him relax to own request, he thought what oneself missed was a turning point. 但是其他人也都是如此,这也让他放松了对自己的要求,他觉得自己差的是一个契机。 However now the Chu Yunfan words, reminding him instantaneously, as if legendary various Huang, in several years, breaks in everywhere of sovereign boundary from king Jing directly. 然而现在楚云凡的话,让他瞬间想起了,似乎传说中的诸皇,在数十年之内,直接从王境冲入皇境的比比皆是。 Has not heard difference many! 没听说差多少! If the cultivation environment, ancient boundary/world do not miss compared with the antiquity period, but actually cannot be born Sovereign. 如果说修行环境的话,古界也不比上古时期要差,但是却从来诞生不了皇者 His anything understood instantaneously, is not because the environment is not very good, is not because the natural talent is insufficient, is not because for­tu­itous en­counter is insufficient, is not because the resources are insufficient, only then a reason, that is they cannot take an own road. 瞬间他什么都明白了,不是因为环境不够好,不是因为天资不够,不是因为奇遇不够,不是因为资源不够,只有一个原因,那就是他们走不出一条自己的路。 Each Sovereign is Heaven-Blessed Genius, suppresses Era! 每一个皇者都是天纵奇才,镇压一个时代 Possibly is not ascends others what others say! 不可能是拾他人牙慧! The Method of five elements the Lord of five elements hands down lets since his cultivation, but also limited him to enter one step! 五行之主传下的五行之法让他修行至今,但是也同时限制了他更进一步 However why this truth, no one has told him, even the Lord of five elements has not mentioned. 但是为什么这个道理,从来没有人告诉过他呢,连五行之主也从来没有提到过。 At this time he only feels the whole body to feel cold, ten big Sovereign that keeps aloof are ordinary like keeping aloof Gods, looks that under throne these people struggle desperately, cannot achieve with their same realm. 此时他只觉得浑身发冷,那高高在上的十大皇者如同高高在上的神明一般,看着王座下方的那些人苦苦挣扎,就是达不到和他们一样的境界 Looks at their going astray road helplessly, actually also no one proposes one. 眼睁睁的看着他们走错路,却也从来没有人去提一句。 Ten big Sovereign formed a certain tacit understanding in this aspect! 十大皇者在这方面形成了某一种默契! Thinks to feel fearful, why these don't Sovereign raise? 想想都觉得可怕,这些皇者为什么不提? Through the ages, multi- youngster, was spreading, so long as has with various Huang the same physique, had the possibility of becoming enlightened. 古往今来,多少年了,古界之中都流传着,只要具备和诸皇一样的体质,就具备了成道的可能性。 However passed on a message is the rumors, has not been confirmed. 然而传言一直都是传言,从来都没有得到证实过。 After ten big Sovereign, no one can become enlightened! 十大皇者之后,就再也没人能成道! With radically is a premeditation for a long time trap! 和根本就是一个预谋已久的陷阱! They realize this point now, is too late! 他们现在才意识到了这一点,为时已晚! Their Great Dao have fixed, wants to change, easier said than done! 他们的大道都已经固定了,想要更改,谈何容易! Can again Cultivation, from waste Cultivation Base, how many people there are to have such boldness? 要重新修炼,自废修为,有几个人有这样的魄力? He as if saw a behind-the-scenes plotting, interrupted all to become Huang roads among the antiquity years! 他仿佛看到了一个黑幕,自上古年间截断了一切成皇的路! Interruption sovereign road! 截断皇路! However has not waited for his train of thought to continue, a giant fist has crossed the universe, a fist pierced his chest. 但是还不等他思绪持续下去,一个巨大的拳头就横穿过宇宙,一拳洞穿了他的胸口。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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