CF :: Volume #27

#2629: Keeps off me dead!

Chapter 2502 第2502章 Keeps off me dead! 挡我者死! A collision of terrifying, the blood splash, in the universe starry sky, appears especially dazzling. 一次恐怖的碰撞,鲜血飞溅,在宇宙星空之中,显得格外的刺目。 Because the blood of would-be sovereign expert within the body is the same like dazzling Sun, splendid. 因为准皇高手体内的鲜血如同耀眼的太阳一样,熠熠生辉。 Top Level expert, in the body, each cell is flooding the astonishing divine nature. 顶级高手,身体之中,每一个细胞都充斥着惊人的神性。 The body of Chu Yunfan had an astonishing wound, his chest was divided to cut an astonishing wound by the flame long blade, the blood splattered. 楚云凡的身上多出了一道惊人的伤口,他的胸口被火焰长刀劈斩开了一道惊人的伤口,鲜血喷溅了出来。 However the complexion slight change of Chu Yunfan, he has not cracked into a smile, in his opposite, scarlet flame god Mr.'s chest fist seal, had almost not been punctured by Chu Yunfan. 但是楚云凡的脸色没有丝毫的变化,他只是咧嘴一笑,在他的对面,赤炎神君的胸口也有一个拳印,差点没被楚云凡生生打穿。 both sides are both sides suffer! 双方可谓是两败俱伤 Chu Yunfan has been ready, but scarlet flame god Monarch has not actually made the preparation that delicious such owes greatly completely. 楚云凡早就做好了准备,但是赤炎神君却还没有完全做好吃这么一个大亏的准备。 Said accurately, he has not thought from the start, the attack of Chu Yunfan can injure to oneself. 准确的说,他压根就没有想到,楚云凡的攻击能够伤的到自己。 After all seems like in him, perhaps in the defense, has the protection of Nirvana God Tree, Chu Yunfan can contend with him, however in the striking power, Chu Yunfan cannot injure own. 毕竟在他看起来,在防御上,或许有梵天神树的保护,楚云凡可以与他一较高下,但是在攻击力上,楚云凡是伤不到自己的。 However at this time, Chu Yunfan actually gave him with practical action ruthlessly a palm of the hand, Chu Yunfan truly had to threaten his ability. 然而此时,楚云凡却以实际行动狠狠给了他一个巴掌,楚云凡确实拥有威胁到他的能力。 A moment later, two people had restored 7788. 片刻之后,两个人就已经恢复了个七七八八。 didn't expect you can fight this situation unexpectedly, is truly extraordinary!” Scarlet flame god Monarch is staring at Chu Yunfan stubbornly. What method no matter but you have, today's you, are doomed dead!” 没想到你居然能战到这个地步,确实了不得!”赤炎神君死死的盯着楚云凡。“但是不管你有什么样的手段,今日的你,必死无疑!” Long blade on scarlet flame god Monarch hand the universe in Void shakes immediately, murderous aura the record, the killing intent is infinite. 赤炎神君手上的长刀点在虚空之中顿时乾坤震荡,杀气笔录,杀机无限。 Entire starry sky in turbulence! 整个星空都在动荡! Such strength already far exceed common would-be sovereign. 这样的战力已经远远超过了一般的准皇了。 His blade can chop into pieces stars conveniently, although from the build, he is similar to the ants to be ordinary compared with stars. 他的随手一刀能劈碎一颗星辰,尽管从体型上来说,他比起一颗星辰来说如同蝼蚁一般。 However he can actually disintegrate stars at the principle level. 但是他却可以以法则层次来瓦解一颗星辰。 This is the accurate sovereign Level expert most fearful place, the principle to them no longer is the thing of being as deep as a well, but is the tool, can crush the tool of opponent. 这就是准皇级别高手最可怕的地方,法则对于他们来说不再是高深莫测的东西,而是工具,可以粉碎对手的工具。 The scarlet flame god Mr.'s whole body covered one group of flame, changed to Battle Armor, he is sneering, flushed toward Chu Yunfan across the sky. 赤炎神君的周身覆盖起了一团火焰,化作了一身战甲,他冷笑着,朝着楚云凡横空冲了过来。 But Chu Yunfan still fearless, in the hand had a treasure cauldron, is not other, is the Mountain and Rivers cauldron. 楚云凡依然无惧,手中多出了一个宝鼎,不是别的,正是山河鼎。 He grasps the Mountain and Rivers cauldron, will pound as if generally with the sledgehammer, it may be said that is the Violence full fighting method. 他手持山河鼎,将其如同大锤一般砸出,可谓是暴力十足的打法。 Bang!” “轰!” The both sides knock-on collision, erupted the dazzling ray, long blade that in the scarlet flame god Monarch hand the flame changes, is his would-be sovereign, the sacrifice practices for many years, in accurate sovereign community, is very strong. 双方直接碰撞到了一起,爆发出了耀眼的光芒,赤炎神君手中火焰化作的长刀,乃是他的准皇器,祭练多年,在准皇这个群体之中,都算是非常强的。 However the Mountain and Rivers cauldron in Chu Yunfan hand is more uncommon, although is not he refines personally, but is actually practiced by the Pill Emperor sacrifice personally, although is becomes enlightened beforehand Magic Artifact. 但是楚云凡手中的山河鼎更加不凡,虽然不是他自己亲自炼制的,但是却是由丹皇亲自祭练的,虽然是成道之前的法器 However after becoming enlightened , conducts many sacrifices to practice, even if has some disparities with Mountains and Rivers Diagram, but still also above Ordinary would-be sovereign. 但是在成道之后,也进行过多番的祭练,即便和山河图有一些差距,但是依然还在寻常准皇器之上。 Naturally, is the major function of Mountain and Rivers cauldron is not mainly used to battle, otherwise, he can very easily breaks the long blade in scarlet flame god Monarch hand. 当然,主要也是山河鼎的主要功能并非是用来作战,否则的话,他可以很轻易的砸碎赤炎神君手中的长刀。 The arm that however even so, by firm of Mountain and Rivers cauldron, in addition Chu Yunfan the advantage on mortal body, still hits scarlet flame god Monarch tingles with numbness. 不过即便如此,以山河鼎的坚固,再加上楚云凡肉身上的优势,依然将赤炎神君打的手臂都发麻。 How possibly, this mortal body intensity!” “怎么可能,这种肉身的强度!” Scarlet flame god Monarch seems like did not have the means to accept for a short time, Chu Yunfan can the domineering to this situation. 赤炎神君似乎一时半会儿还没有办法接受,楚云凡能够强势到这种地步。 This wave fights, fought instantaneously hundred and thousand of times. 这一波交手,瞬间就交手了成百上千次。 Also made Chu Yunfan understand immediately own advantage was. 也让楚云凡立刻就明白了自己的优势所在。 With scarlet flame god Monarch regarding the control of principle compared with, only then would-be sovereign Eighth Layer Chu Yunfan wants on weak some without doubt. 与赤炎神君对于法则的掌控相比,只有准皇八重楚云凡无疑要弱上一些。 However by the mortal body intensity, Chu Yunfan is not under scarlet flame god Monarch, scarlet flame god Monarch is also the Sovereign physique. 但是论肉身的强度,楚云凡并不在赤炎神君之下,赤炎神君也是封皇体质。 In fact, at this time can Cultivation to would-be sovereign realm, without exception be completely the Sovereign physicals. 事实上,此时能够修炼到准皇境界的,无一例外全部都是封皇体质。 titled as King physique, only if the peculiar circumstance, otherwise simply does not have the limit of means Breakthrough aptitude, thus becomes certainly the sovereign. 封王体质,除非是特殊情况,否则根本没有办法突破自身资质的限制,从而成为准皇。 This is the limit of bloodlines, although is brutal, but this is actually the fact. 这就是血脉的限制,虽然残酷,但是这却是事实。 This with cannot be solved diligently! 这已经不是用努力就能够解决的! Because of can Cultivation to this realm, almost not steal acts slippery deceitfully, conversely, one by one diligently cultivation. 因为能够修炼到这个境界的,几乎没有偷奸耍滑的,相反的,一个比一个更加努力修行 aptitude, the resources, for­tu­itous en­counter wait/etc. each aspects, are impeccable. 无论是资质,资源,奇遇等等各个方面,都是无可挑剔。 Even if places Earth or Kunlun World such place, the casual would-be sovereign, that can be the child of destiny. 甚至如果放在地球或者昆仑界这样的地方,随便一个准皇,那都可以算得上是天命之子。 In average man opinion, can be that type probably, goes out casually walks by the child of destiny best quality goods Magic Weapon trips. 在常人看来,大概都可以算得上那种,随便出门走路都会被极品法宝绊倒的天命之子。 However with Chu Yunfan this 3 Types Sovereign physique collection compared with a person, absolutely does not have the comparability. 但是和楚云凡这种三种封皇体质集于一身的人相比,还是完全没有可比性的。 With realm, Chu Yunfan is nearly invincible, but facing even realm higher scarlet flame god Monarch, Chu Yunfan holds the advantage as before. 境界之中,楚云凡近乎就是无敌的,而面对即便是境界比自己更高的赤炎神君,楚云凡依旧占有优势。 Therefore Chu Yunfan almost designates the plan of combat immediately. 所以楚云凡几乎是立刻就选定了作战的方案。 In an instant, Chu Yunfan had rushed to the scarlet flame god Mr.'s front. 刹那间,楚云凡就已经冲到了赤炎神君的面前。 Scarlet flame god Monarch naturally also understands this point, when battles with Chu Yunfan, obviously discovered, own mortal body might as well Chu Yunfan, in addition Chu Yunfan has the war clothes that Nirvana God Tree turns into unexpectedly, compared with his war clothes must. 赤炎神君自然也明白这一点,在与楚云凡作战的时候,明显发现了,自己的肉身居然还不如楚云凡,再加上楚云凡拥有梵天神树所化成的战衣,比起他的战衣还要更加了得。 If close combat, suffering a loss can only be he rather than Chu Yunfan! 如果近战的话,吃亏的只能是他而不是楚云凡 Immediately he wants to spread out, five side God beast pounced upon suddenly toward clear/pain Yunfang directly. 当即他就想要拉开距离,五方神兽直接朝着楚云方猛扑了过来。 These five side Shenshou are the five elements principle, racing line/traverse in the universe, the imposing manner soars to the heavens. 这五方神兽乃是五行法则所化,在宇宙之中奔行,气势冲霄。 Keeps off me dead!” “挡我者死!” Chu Yunfan loudly shouted, the portable Mountain and Rivers cauldron direct cauldron pounds to fall. 楚云凡大喝一声,手提山河鼎直接一鼎砸落下去。 Bang!” “轰!” Kept off like a white tiger of Divine Mountain is pounded everywhere essence before him by this cauldron on the spot, scattered in all directions along with the principle. 挡在他面前的如同一座神山的白虎被这一鼎当场砸成了漫天的精华,伴随着法则四散而出。 That is the gold/metal is the principle, therefore everywhere is exuding the golden ray. 那是金系法则所化,因此漫天泛着金黄色的光芒。 However in his front, vermilion bird, Black Tortoise, Azure Dragon, Qilin these four Great God beasts. 但是在他的面前,还有朱雀,玄武,青龙,麒麟这四大神兽。 Meanwhile, scarlet flame god Monarch also taking advantage of this millisecond time, takes away as many things as possible like landslide tsunami in the Chu Yunfan direction the flame ignition of everywhere generally. 与此同时,赤炎神君也借着这千分之一秒的时间,将漫天的火焰点燃如同山崩海啸一般朝着楚云凡的方向席卷而去。 Bang!” “轰!” Attack of terrifying instantaneously Chu Yunfan submerging. 恐怖的攻击瞬间就将楚云凡给淹没。 However these attacks, and four Great God beasts cannot injure to Chu Yunfan. 然而这些攻击,并四大神兽并没有能够伤到楚云凡 In that boundless Endless flame, huge medicine cauldron drops from the sky, was battered to death directly vermilion bird. 在那无边无尽的火焰之中,一只巨大的药鼎从天而降,直接砸死了其中的朱雀。 Chu Yunfan reveals the true body, slender tall and straight, is vigorously ordinary like chaos Demon God. 楚云凡露出真身,修长挺拔,雄健如同混沌魔神一般。 How possibly!” “怎么可能!” Scarlet flame god Monarch does not believe Chu Yunfan unexpectedly uninjured. 赤炎神君不相信楚云凡居然毫发无伤 Unexpectedly, he saw in the Chu Yunfan top of the head turning round rotation Mountains and Rivers Diagram. 蓦地,他看到了楚云凡头顶上滴溜溜转动的山河图 Sovereign!” “皇器!” Scarlet flame god Monarch almost does not have an old blood to spurt, war clothes that mortal body intensity very strong Chu Yunfan, in addition Nirvana God Tree changes , is very difficulty to hit. 赤炎神君差点没一口老血喷出来,肉身强度本身就很强的楚云凡,再加上梵天神树化作的战衣,就已经很难打了。 Now adds on an sovereign guard again, turned into an iron turtle simply thoroughly. 现在再加上一件皇器护身,简直彻底变成了一个铁乌龟。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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