CF :: Volume #26

#2571: Human Race Civilization is in imminent danger

Chapter 2444 第2444章 Human Race Civilization is in imminent danger 人类文明岌岌可危 As Chu Yunfan moves the world, about his family background is not considered as that any secret, the purple Leizhou Chu Family family background, was only very small Family. 随着楚云凡名动天下,关于他的出身也不算是什么秘密了,紫雷州楚家出身,只是一个非常非常小的小家族 If before place, perhaps will not bring to anybody's attention. 如果放在以前,恐怕根本不会引起任何人的注意。 However is such in small Family, actually went out of Chu Yunfan, the Chu Hongcai two King, it may be said that was a miracle. 但是就是这样一个小家族之中,却走出了楚云凡,楚鸿才两位王者,可谓是一个奇迹了。 Chu Yunfan and Chu Hongcai are the Chu Family final two members, other members die during the rebellion entirely. 楚云凡楚鸿才楚家最后的两个成员,其他成员统统死于叛乱之中。 This is also the Chu Yunfan family background background material that everyone understands. 这也是众人所了解到的楚云凡的出身背景资料。 But if must go to purple Leizhou, does not need to drag in lots of people, Chu Yunfan only needs a thought that can appear in purple Leizhou. 但是如果只是要去紫雷州的话,根本就不需要这么兴师动众,楚云凡只需要一个念头,就可以出现在紫雷州之中。 Therefore everyone did not understand, is not clear, hometown that Chu Yunfan said actually there. 所以众人并不了解,也并不明白,楚云凡所说的故乡究竟是在那里。 Tang Siyu and Chu Yunfan two people stood shoulder to shoulder. 唐思雨楚云凡两人并肩站了起来。 Person king, later Human Race asked you!” “人王,以后人族就拜托你了!” land Xuan and Tang Siyu one and stand up to leave, under glare of the public eye, vanishes in the everyone front. 陆轩与唐思雨一并站起离开,在众目睽睽之下,消失在众人的面前。 Kunlun World, capital city. 昆仑界,首都市。 Human Race in the Kunlun World final fortress, is the Human Race Civilization final hope. 人类昆仑界最后的堡垒,也是人类文明最后的希望。 Giant safety mask, capital city package firmly in. 巨大的防护罩,将首都市牢牢的包裹进了其中。 But outside, nearly Monster Beast crazy attack of vast and limitless! 而在外面,近乎无穷无尽妖兽疯狂的进攻! Countless Monster Beast in crazy attack! 数之不尽的妖兽在疯狂的进攻! In this vast and limitless the rear area of Monster Beast tide, incomparable gigantic factories from standing erect above smooth land, in the meantime, in the factory in the assembly line produces is not the manufactured products, but is leader incomparable gigantic Monster Beast. 在这无穷无尽妖兽大潮的后方,一个个巨大无比的工厂从矗立在平整的大地之上,同时,工厂之中流水线上生产的不是什么工业产品,而是一头头巨大无比妖兽 These Monster Beast were soaked in the amniotic fluid, by an astonishing speed catalysis, then batches of quantities was produced, then the stepping onto battlefields of batches of quantity. 这些妖兽被泡在羊水之中,以一个惊人的速度催化,然后成批量的被生产出来,然后成批量的走上战场。 But all Monster Beast goals, only have one, is Human Race in the Kunlun World final barrier, the capital city. 而所有妖兽的目标,只有一个,就是人类昆仑界最后的壁垒,首都市。 Endless Monster Beast roaring sound hiding the sky and covering the earth, camouflaged all. 无尽妖兽的咆哮声遮天蔽日,遮蔽了一切。 Meanwhile, in the capital, everyone looks nervous, post of respective trend respective work. 与此同时,首都市内,所有人都神情紧张,各自走向各自工作的岗位。 After the innumerable expansions, the capital city has accommodated tens of billions people sufficiently simultaneously Life, but currently has several hundred hundred million people in simultaneously Life. 经过无数次的扩张,首都市已经足以容纳上百亿人同时生活,但是现在却足足有数百亿人在同时生活 Because other base cities were broken through, the refugees in other base cities flood into the capital city in abundance. 因为其他各个基地市被攻破,其他各个基地市的难民纷纷涌入首都市之中。 They look above Sky is glittering crazily laser Weapon ray. 他们看着天穹之上疯狂闪烁着的激光武器的光芒。 Innumerable flight Monster Beast swoop, hiding the sky and covering the earth, cannot see Sun. 无数飞行妖兽飞扑下来,遮天蔽日,根本看不到太阳。 But the laser tower that towers high does not need to aim, sweeps directly is a big pile. 而高高耸立的激光塔根本不需要瞄准,直接一扫就是一大堆。 These mopped up Monster Beast corpse fell, quick was shaken the smashing by Barrier. 那些被扫灭的妖兽尸体落了下来,很快就被结界震成粉碎。 Endless Monster Beast like falling the stuffed dumpling fell generally, simultaneously the blood is common like the next cloud burst, crazy falling. 无尽妖兽如同落饺子一般的落了下来,同时鲜血如同下一场大暴雨一般,疯狂的落下。 Meanwhile, above Sky, powerful Federation expert are resisting these vast and limitless Monster Beast furiously. 同时,天穹之上,一个个强大联邦高手正在奋力抵抗那些无穷无尽妖兽 Almost several hundred years ago compares, the Federation strength had the tremendous changes. 和差不多数百年前相比,联邦的实力有了翻天覆地的变化。 Several hundred years ago, that startled great wild goose one under the leadership of Chu God, Human Race wins presently has puzzled Human Race Monster Race and Ocean Race, integrated during all Kunlun World known areas own control. 在数百年前,那惊鸿一现楚神的带领之下,人类打赢了一直困扰人族妖族海族,将所有昆仑界已知地区都纳入了自己的掌控之中。 Had the supplies of Endless resources, Human Race Federation the science and technology or Martial Dao had the tremendous changes, almost can say, is explosive development Era. 有了无尽资源的供给,人类联邦无论是科技还是武道都有了翻天覆地的变化,几乎可以说,是一个爆炸性的发展时代 In the past, Divine Ability Realm expert was not a unimaginable side big shot, Core Boundary that is realm that only then in the legend few existences achieved. 在从前,神通境高手都是无法想象的一方大佬,丹境那更是只有传说中寥寥无几的存在才达到的境界 However now the graduate who graduates from Federation University, inferiorly is also Divine Ability Realm. 然而现在从联邦大学毕业出来的毕业生,最次也都是神通境 Before each Student places, that is a side big shot Level character. 每一个学生放在以前,那都是一方大佬级别的人物。 One generation compares one generation, this is the core idea of Human Race Federation. 一代更比一代强,这就是人类联邦的核心理念。 Rather than tracks down the vintage! 而不是追寻复古! Because Human Race Federation does not have the mastery, each one step walks makes the history! 因为人类联邦没有底蕴,每一步走出来都是创造历史! But Core Boundary expert does not seem like for 200-300 years ago is so rare, in Federation Core Boundary expert emerges one after another incessantly similarly. 丹境高手也不像是200-300年前那么罕见,联邦之中丹境高手同样层出不穷。 Even that cannot be true expert. 甚至那都已经不能算是真正的高手 Benefits from the cultivation method that Chu God keeps, the cultivation system of Human Race Federation obtained the enormous improvement, if now if also side expert, must be inferiorly Void Territory just now has the possibility. 得益于楚神留下来的修行的法门,人类联邦修行体系得到了极大的完善,现在如果还要是一方高手,最次也都得是虚境方才有可能。 This is unprecedented big Era. 这是一个前所未有的大时代 Everyone believes is giving the Human Race Federation several hundred years, even Human Race Federation can touch only to mention in the cultivation system that Chu God leaves behind a universe boundary and makes the stage of perfection to have the possibility. 所有人都相信在给人类联邦数百年的时间,甚至人类联邦可以触碰到只在楚神留下的修行体系中提到过一笔的乾坤境和造化境都有可能。 However everyone didn't expect, raises in this Human Race Federation slowly, when like the scorching sun of initial rise, the accident/surprise happened. 然而谁也没想到,就是在这人类联邦冉冉升起,如同初升的骄阳之时,意外发生了。 A terrifying influence sweeps across from the Kunlun World deep place. 一股恐怖的势力从昆仑界深处席卷而来。 In domain that Human Race has not gotten into, the place that always does not know, emerged the vast and limitless unusual animals army suddenly. 人类所没有涉足到的领域,从来都不知道的地方,突然涌现出了无穷无尽的异兽大军。 The base cities were broken through, this War continued for ten years, is only ten years, Human Race Civilization on all fronts rout. 一个个基地市被攻破,这一场战争持续了十年,只是十年的时间,人类文明全线溃败。 Then makes Human Race Federation realize, in that vast and limitless the back of Monster Beast army, is powerful Civilization, is not similar originally Monster Race and Ocean Race that type of pure tribe alliance. 这才让人类联邦意识到,在那无穷无尽妖兽大军的背后,是一个强大的文明,并不是类似原本妖族海族那种纯粹的部落联盟。 But is one can be a worthy opponent truly Human Race Federation, even strength also Civilization above Human Race Federation. 而是一个真正可以匹敌人类联邦,甚至实力还在人类联邦之上的文明 A colossus! 一个庞然大物! But Monster Race in fact is this Civilization foot soldier attendant. 妖族实际上就是这个文明一个马前卒而已。 After Monster Race was eliminated, brought to the attention of this colossus finally. 妖族被消灭之后,也终于引起了这个庞然大物的注意。 Such discovery, almost slapped Human Race Civilization, lets think is Human Race Federation of Kunlun World leader is very embarrassed. 这样的发现,几乎打了人类文明一个巴掌,让自以为已经是昆仑界主导者的人类联邦无比难堪。 Simultaneously entire Human Race Federation also hit retreat in defeat successively, nearly even Civilization must be destroyed. 同时整个人类联邦也被打的节节败退,近乎连文明都要被毁灭。 The innumerable refugees sit in the roadside, dull looks crazy slaughtering that above the city conducts, no one knows when these slaughters stops. 无数难民只是坐在路边,呆呆的看着城市上方进行的疯狂杀戮,没有人知道这一场杀戮什么时候停止。 But what everyone understands, once stops, perhaps was capital city broken through that day. 而所有人都明白的是,一旦停止的话,恐怕就是首都市被攻破的那一天。 Human Race Federation has not suffered the so big crisis. 人类联邦从来没有遭遇过如此大的危机。 How did not know that side two channels, if two channels were broken through, then we were really homeless!” “也不知道两界通道那边如何了,如果两界通道被攻破,那么我们就真的无家可归了!” If two channels were broken through, Earth only feared that must be bribed by this Monster Beast Civilization, our Human Race ended!” “如果两界通道被攻破,地球只怕也要被这个妖兽文明染指,我们人类完了!” I heard that the government has a plan, plans to close two channels thoroughly, at least preserves Human Race on Earth, otherwise, our entire Human Race Civilization ended!” “我听说政府有一个计划,打算彻底关闭两界通道,起码保全地球上的人类,否则的话,我们整个人类文明都完了!” All kinds of rumors are unceasing, flows desperately above the heart of everyone. 各种各样的流言不断,一股绝望流淌在每一个人的心头之上。 But at this time, in the place that few noticed, two forms appeared in the corner of capital city. 而在这个时候,在几乎没有人注意到的地方,两个身影出现在了首都市的一个角落。 „Is this? Capital city?” Chu Yunfan raised the head to see, almost vast and limitless flight Monster Beast blots out the sky. “这是?首都市?”楚云凡抬头看到,几乎无穷无尽的飞行妖兽铺天盖地而来。 vast and limitless killing intent and malignant influences fill the air in the entire capital city. 无穷无尽杀意和煞气弥漫在整个首都市。 Probably, should encounter the big problem!” “好像是的,应该是遇到了大麻烦了!” Tang Siyu said. 唐思雨道。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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