CF :: Volume #25

#2430: Treats as the hone the domain boundary

Chapter 2307 第2307章 Treats as the hone the domain boundary 把领域境当做磨刀石 „Did Chu Yunfan get the winning side unexpectedly?” Many people are still inconceivable, in the Cultivation principle quantity occupies in the winning side situation, on this day remote antiquity Elder of life sect fell on first time Confrontation leeward. 楚云凡居然占据了上风?”许多人兀自不可思议,在修炼的法则数量占据上风的情况下,这天命宗的太上长老第一次交锋就落了下风。 He is youngster is during no wonder supreme number one person, was too strong!” “难怪他是少年至尊之中的第一人,太强了!” Many people are still shocked, Chu Yunfan only makes a move, showed the astonishing strength. 许多人兀自震惊,楚云凡只一出手,就展现出了惊人的实力。 That destiny sect the abdomen of remote antiquity Elder was torn together the astonishing wound by the sword air/Qi together, deep obvious bone. 那个天命宗的太上长老的腹部被一道剑气撕裂出一道惊人的伤口,深可见骨。 In the hand of Chu Yunfan, the Thunder sword air/Qi is glittering together the dazzling ray, the blood is falling one after another from the sword glow. 楚云凡的手中,一道雷霆剑气正闪烁着耀眼的光芒,鲜血一滴一滴从剑芒之上滑落下来。 His body is having the peerless aura! 他的身上带着绝世的气息! You have anything to be quite strange, this regarding youngster supreme, is only the elementary operation eo, by youngster supreme, realm is similar, Cultivation Base is similar, if cannot hit to explode the opposite, that is the huge joke!” At this time, Top Level Heaven's Proud sneered said that in his opinion, remote antiquity Elder of that destiny sect, most is also Ordinary Heaven's Proud aptitude, cultivation to this share, basically was perfect. “你们有什么好奇怪的,这对于少年至尊来说,只是基本操作而已,以少年至尊来说,境界差不多,修为差不多,如果不能打爆对面,那才是天大的笑话!”此时,一个顶级天骄冷笑一声说道,在他看来,那个天命宗的太上长老,最多也就是一个寻常天骄资质,修行到这个份上,基本上已经是极致了。 Even if he, if in the Cultivation Base similar situation, can play to explode this remote antiquity Elder with ease. 即便是他,如果在修为差不多的情况下,都可以轻松打爆这个太上长老 The natural talent differs first-level, the strength is to differ difference between Heaven and Earth! 天资相差一级,战力就是相差天差地别 Surrounding many Top Level Heaven's Proud is a face normal facial expression, had not seen that is the god hides the boundary, but Top Level were Heaven's Proud of these destiny sects actually killed a none remaining by the Sea Dragon beast? 周围许多顶级天骄都是一脸正常的神情,没看到都是神藏境,但是那些天命宗的顶级天骄却被海龙兽杀个精光么? This is the disparity on aptitude changes into the inborn disparity in strength. 这就是资质上的差距化为战力上的天生差距。 Remote antiquity Elder of that destiny sect is similarly unbelievable, he has been injured unexpectedly, only strikes causes heavy losses by Chu Yunfan, if continue fight like this, the consequence is dreadful. 那个天命宗的太上长老同样难以置信,他居然受伤了,只一击而已就被楚云凡重创,如果在这样子继续战斗下去,后果不堪设想。 His complexion is very ugly, has never thought that youngster meets terrifying to this situation supremely unexpectedly, if not for his principle compared with Chu Yunfan also on many many, strikes by Chu Yunfan is passed through kills greatly has the possibility matter. 他的脸色无比难看,从未想过,少年至尊居然会恐怖到这个地步,若不是他的法则比楚云凡还多上不少,一击被楚云凡贯穿杀死都是大有可能的事情。 In his Era, Top Level Heaven's Proud is the unattainable matter, he is almost the outstanding person in peer, in the contemporaries compared with he also strong few, many also fell on the road of cultivation. 在他的时代之中,顶级天骄都是可望而不可及的事情,他几乎已经是同辈人之中的佼佼者,同代人之中比他还强的寥寥无几,许多还倒在了修行之路上。 Therefore he regarding so-called Top Level Heaven's Proud, so-called youngster is supreme, simply does not have many feelings. 所以他对于所谓的顶级天骄,所谓的少年至尊,根本没有多少感触。 However these time fights, made him understand truly, why these many years, youngster can suppresses supremely several Era, sparkled existence above entire time river. 但是这一次交手,真正让他明白了,为什么这么多年,少年至尊会是镇压数个时代,闪耀整个时间长河之上的存在了。 By wound that Chu Yunfan tears, even does not have the means to heal. 楚云凡撕裂开来的伤口,甚至都没有办法愈合。 In his opposite, Chu Yunfan stands erect in the midair, seems ancient God of golden casting, as if also not anxiously attack. 在他的对面,楚云凡只是矗立在半空之中,仿佛是黄金浇铸的古神,似乎也并不急着进攻。 Underestimates me?” Remote antiquity Elder of this destiny sect almost understood immediately meaning of Chu Yunfan, this has not paid attention to him from the start. “小看我?”这个天命宗的太上长老几乎是马上就明白了楚云凡的意思,这压根就是没有将他放在眼里。 Immediately in the heart is bashful and angry, is in an uncontrollable rage! 顿时心中又羞又恼,怒不可遏! Chu Yunfan, you dare to despise me, today makes you pay the price of blood surely!” 楚云凡,你敢小看我,今天必定让你付出血的代价!” Remote antiquity Elder loudly said of this destiny sect, in his mouth was reading ancient scrip­tures, made Qi and Blood split second of his within the body seethe with excitement unexpectedly, the Chu Yunfan sword air/Qi pursuing within the body. 这个天命宗的太上长老高声说道,他口中念着一种古老的经文,竟然让他体内的气血一瞬间沸腾了,将楚云凡的剑气给驱逐出了体内。 The courage vigor changes to the mist to ascend, the wound of his abdomen is healing at an astonishing speed, the whole body really has the ray of scrip­tures. 血气化作雾气在升腾,他腹部的伤口正在以一个惊人的速度愈合,周身竟然有经文的光芒。 Is ancient ancient Jing, does not know that is who leaves behind, was obtained by him, looks like some people is anytime and anywhere same for his cure. 是一种古老的古经,不知道是什么人遗留下来的,被他所得到,就像是有人在随时随地为他治疗一样。 However remote antiquity Elder of this destiny sect has not stopped, his aura in the unceasing strengthen, as if split second, the strength of whole person has promoted double unexpectedly. 不过这个天命宗的太上长老并没有停下来,他身上的气息竟然在不断的变强,仿佛一瞬间,整个人的实力足足提升了一倍 Chu Yunfan has narrowed the eye, the distinction that he looks, remote antiquity Elder of this destiny sect has clearly used a some secret technique, has promoted the Creating strength all of a sudden. 楚云凡眯了眯眼睛,他看的分明,这个天命宗的太上长老分明是施展了某一种秘术,一下子提升了滋生的实力。 His hair also changes dry in by split second, although originally his hair is the white, but can see the gloss obviously, the hair is vitality First manifests, the vitality is exuberant, sends the silk smoothly glossy. 他的头发也在以一瞬间变枯,原本他的头发虽然是白色的,但是明显能够看到光泽,头发是生命力的第一体现,生命力旺盛,发丝就光滑油亮。 Sees sufficiently, perhaps remote antiquity Elder of this destiny sect was split second has consumed too many courage vigor. 足以见得,这个天命宗的太上长老恐怕是一瞬间消耗了太多的血气。 Even if Chu Yunfan, at this time can also feel great pressure that remote antiquity Elder of this destiny sect creates. 即便是楚云凡,此时也能够感觉到这个天命宗的太上长老带来的强大压力了。 Compelled me to use the secret technique, you must pay the price!” “逼我动用了秘术,你要付出代价!” At this time, remote antiquity Elder of this destiny sect moved instantaneously, his palm in a flash, blue-green, crawled the bronze treasured sword of moss to appear in his hand slightly all over the body completely. 此时,这个天命宗的太上长老瞬间就已经动了,他的手掌微微一晃,一口通体青绿色,爬满了青苔的青铜宝刀就已经出现在了他的手中。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Blade glow split second has collapsed by pressure Void, in an instant, the terrifying aura wreaks havoc, Sky surges. 刀芒一瞬间就已经压塌了虚空,刹那间,恐怖的气息肆虐,天穹激荡。 Secret Technique that the expert panic-stricken desire of distant place certainly, remote antiquity Elder of this destiny sect grasps was too fearful, the strength has at least promoted double. 远处的高手们惊骇欲绝,这个天命宗的太上长老掌握的秘法太可怕了,战力起码提升了一倍 Destiny blade, a blade cuts the destiny!” “天命刀,一刀斩天命!” Remote antiquity Elder roaring of that destiny sect, grasps bronze ancient blade, has killed all of a sudden, together the blade glow is similar to Milky Way shining world, fell ruthlessly, is covering Chu Yunfan, must kill his instantaneous bang. 那个天命宗的太上长老大吼一声,手持青铜古刀,一下子扑杀了上来,一道刀芒如同银河耀世,狠狠落了下来,笼罩着楚云凡,要将他瞬间轰杀。 In Sky, the blade glow glitters is enduring compared with the terrifying ray of Sun, as if a god only suppressed by far has gotten down to be the same. 天穹之中,刀芒闪烁着堪比太阳的恐怖光芒,远远的,仿佛一尊神祇镇压了下来一样。 Chu Yunfan felt existence of destiny truly, but this was the true deep meaning of destiny blade is, but Chu Yunfan or first time bumped into can destiny blade expert of cultivation in destiny sect to this share. 楚云凡真正感受到了天命的存在,而这才是天命刀的真正奥义所在,只是楚云凡还是第一次碰到能够将天命刀修行到这个份上的天命宗的高手 Even if were the beforehand Monarch bestowed by heaven cannot have this Cultivation Base, but Gongsun Hong let alone, has come up by his Insta-kill, the possibility that displayed radically continually cultivated not to have. 即便是之前的君天赐也没能有这份修为,而公孙弘就更别说了,上来就被他秒杀,根本连施展的可能性修没有。 Presses the bottom as the destiny sect profound knowledge, the might of destiny blade, the nature is without a doubt. 作为天命宗压箱底的绝学,天命刀的威力,自然毋庸置疑。 But Chu Yunfan fearless, the five fingers pinch fist, changes to the fist potential of terrifying to sweep away together. 楚云凡无惧,五指捏拳,化作一道恐怖的拳势横扫而出。 Bang!” “轰!” This fist, almost gives the disintegration that hits to leave giant black hole Sky. 这一拳,几乎将天穹都给打的崩碎出一个巨大的黑洞。 Bang!” “嘭!” The both sides astonishing attack of collided ruthlessly, in an instant, World shivered, bloomed the dazzling ray, changed to scatter in all directions densely. 双方惊人的攻击狠狠碰撞到了一起,刹那间,天地都跟着颤抖了,绽放出了耀眼的光芒,化作氤氲四散开来。 The everyone amazed discovery, struck by Chu Yunfan heavy losses remote antiquity Elder of that destiny sect unexpectedly can with sharing half and half that Chu Yunfan hits. 众人惊诧的发现,原来一击就被楚云凡重创的那个天命宗的太上长老居然能与楚云凡打的平分秋色。 But those who make everyone panic-stricken is, principle Chu Yunfan that Cultivation comes out obviously are less, in this case, the Chu Yunfan strength is original that destiny sect remote antiquity Elder double has unexpectedly. 而更让众人惊骇的是,明明修炼出来的法则楚云凡更少,在这种情况下,楚云凡的战力居然是原来的那个天命宗太上长老一倍有余。 The jump of this strength, endures compared with the jump of life level simply. 这种战力的跃迁,简直堪比生命层次的跃迁。 Even if the remote antiquity Elder strength of that destiny sect had the tremendous changes, unexpectedly how Chu Yunfan. 即便那个天命宗的太上长老实力有了翻天覆地的变化,居然还是奈何不得楚云凡 This is the scary matter! 这是何等骇人的事情! Even can say, this is the unprecedented matter. 甚至可以说,这是前所未有的事情。 A little meaning!” “有点意思!” Chu Yunfan laughed heartily, as if not frighten for that destiny sect remote antiquity Elder imposing manner, conversely, fights intent crazy dramatic rise, is regarded as the hone remote antiquity Elder of that destiny sect, is regarded as object who disciplines. 楚云凡哈哈大笑,似乎根本不为那个天命宗太上长老的气势所吓倒,相反的,战意疯狂的飙升,将那个天命宗的太上长老当做是磨刀石,当做是磨练的对象。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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