CF :: Volume #25

#2428: Kills Gongsun Hong

Chapter 2305 第2305章 Kills Gongsun Hong 杀公孙弘 In front of absolute powerhouse of domain boundary, anything plans does not have any significance. 在领域境的绝对强者面前,什么谋算都是没有任何意义的。 This is a strength falls ten meetings! 这就是一力降十会! No wonder Chu Yunfan does not care about them, does not care about his planning, because his was too strong. 难怪楚云凡根本不在乎他们,也不在乎他的谋算,因为他的太强了。 How to have planned to his whatever the case strongly does not have the situation of any use. 强到了他无论如何怎么谋算都是没有任何用处的地步。 In his look flashes through for several points to lament, but did not lament oneself have planned Chu Yunfan, the information that but obtains was not very accurate, has underestimated Chu Yunfan. 他的眼神之中闪过几分悔恨,只是并不是悔恨自己算计了楚云凡,而是得到的情报不够准确,低估了楚云凡 Early knows that his such terrifying, he should return to the Sino-Turkey divine land, looks for more formidable expert to kill Chu Yunfan. 早知道他这么恐怖,他就应该返回中土神州,找来更加强大的高手杀死楚云凡 Chu Yunfan more shows the strength that is hard to kill, makes him more dread, wants to kill Chu Yunfan is not wrong, what is wrong is he does not have this ability. 楚云凡越是表现出难以杀死的实力,就让他越是忌惮,想杀死楚云凡并不是错,错的是他没有这个能力。 Dies in my hand, you die is not injust!” Chu Yunfan indifferently said. “死在我的手上,你死的不冤!”楚云凡淡淡的说道 Gongsun Hong in great surprise, roared: You cannot kill me, otherwise the destiny sect will not let off your!” 公孙弘大惊,咆哮道:“你不能杀我,否则天命宗不会放过你们的!” Chu Yunfan looks at Gongsun Hong indifferently, but is generation of one bullying the weak and fearing the strong, he plans oneself time, has not thought the anger of flying immortal sect, wants to come depends the destiny sect formidable strength. 楚云凡冷眼看着公孙弘,不过又是一个欺软怕硬之辈罢了,他谋算自己的时候,也没想过飞仙宗的怒火,想来不过是仗着天命宗强大的实力罢了。 If before, Chu Yunfan also will possibly be apprehensive, but to the present, strided in the domain boundary, his strength had the tremendous changes simply. 如果是以前,楚云凡可能还会忌惮三分,但是到了现在,跨入领域境,他的实力简直有了翻天覆地的变化。 Present age is also extremely, even if the destiny sect how him! 当世也是绝顶,即便是天命宗也奈何不得他! Now wants to admit defeat? Late!” “现在才想要服软?晚了!” A Chu Yunfan hand grasps, melts one to gasify the big hand, this is one is similar to extinguishes the world big hand general terrifying big hand, Talisman that on the big hand the generalization makes is glittering the astonishing ray. 楚云凡一只手抓出,化出一只气化大手,这是一只如同灭世大手一般的恐怖大手,大手上法则化作的符箓闪烁着惊人的光芒。 Suddenly Gongsun Hong grasping in hand. 一刹那间就将公孙弘给抓在了手中。 Gongsun Hong basic does not have including leeway of revolt, has the domain disparity is such big. 公孙弘根本连反抗的余地都没有,有没有领域的差距就是这么大。 It is not everyone is Chu Yunfan, can hide the boundary hard anti- domain boundary in the god, if ordinary initially enters the domain boundary, perhaps only then expert of 1000 principles, Gongsun Hong can also contend with the self-preservation. 并不是每一个人都是楚云凡,可以在神藏境硬抗领域境,如果是普通初入领域境,只有1000道法则的高手,公孙弘或许还可以抗衡自保。 However realm, Magic Power that Cultivation comes out, Chu Yunfan by far Gongsun Hong, Gongsun Hong does not have the strength to hit back. 但是无论是境界,还是修炼出来的法力,楚云凡都远胜公孙弘,公孙弘根本毫无还手之力。 You cannot kill me, cannot kill me!” “你不能杀我,不能杀我!” Gongsun Hong genuinely had realized at this time the death will soon arrive, the biggest backer and trump card who he thinks, Chu Yunfan do not care. 公孙弘此时才真正意识到了死亡即将降临,他以为的最大的靠山和底牌,楚云凡根本就不在乎。 Bang!” “嘭!” Next split second, Gongsun Hong mortal body cracks at the scene, one was grasped everywhere bloody water by Chu Yunfan, gets down split second, in the disaster star pupil by Chu Yunfan eyes had been absorbed. 一瞬间,公孙弘的肉身当场崩裂,被楚云凡一把抓成了漫天的血水,下一瞬间,就被楚云凡双眸之中的灾难星眸吸收了进去。 A moment later, in the disaster star pupil has round bright moonlight to ascend unexpectedly faintly slowly, this fuses the special ability that Gongsun Hong moon sacred body evolved. 片刻之后,灾难星眸之中居然隐隐有一轮明月缓缓升腾而起,这是融合了公孙弘的太阴圣体而演化出来的特殊的能力。 The characteristics of disaster star pupil then can continuously fuse various special physique to evolve all sorts of physique the merit. 灾难星眸的特点便是能够不断融合各种各样特殊的体质演化出种种体质的优点。 just fused the moon sacred body, Chu Yunfan felt, oneself within the body left 100 principles, this was the moon sacred body evolves regarding the comprehension of Yin-Yang Great Dao. 光是融合了太阴圣体,楚云凡就感觉到,自己体内又多出了100道法则,这正是太阴圣体演化出来对于阴阳大道的领悟。 Yin-Yang Great Dao is among World the basic principle, the chaos evolution Yin-Yang, the Yin-Yang evolves five elements, five elements evolution myriad things, this involves the principle comprehension of Great Dao source. 阴阳大道天地间根本的法则,混沌演化阴阳,阴阳演化五行,五行演化万物,这是涉及到了大道本源的法则领悟。 At is not presently the Stage member can comprehend to obtain, is moon sacred body such god body relies on own special physique to comprehend ahead of time. 根本不是现阶段的修士能够领悟得到的,也就是太阴圣体这样神体凭借着自身特殊的体质能够提前领悟。 Why this is also the average person facing these god bodies time almost does not have the reason of strength to hit back, because, when they have not been able to contact the principle, these god bodies can freely utilize Divine Ability that grows by the principle. 这也是为什么普通人面对那些神体的时候几乎毫无还手之力的原因,因为在他们还不能接触到法则的时候,这些神体已经能够自如的运用由法则衍生出来的神通 In the strength of both sides is difference between Heaven and Earth! 双方的战力上就是天差地别 These god bodies are almost World cherishing the children of destiny, is the average person simply does not have the means to compare. 这些神体几乎是天地钟爱的气运之子,是普通人根本没有办法比拟的。 What? Was killed including Gongsun Hong?” “什么?连公孙弘都被杀了?” When Chu Yunfan just cut has killed Gongsun Hong, these follow closely all expert that Chu Yunfan comes finally to rush. 楚云凡刚刚斩杀了公孙弘之时,那些紧随楚云凡而来的各方高手才终于赶到。 Just rushed, saw this astonishing one. 刚刚赶到,就看到了这惊人的一幕。 everyone is shocking, within anticipation. 众人是又是震惊,又在意料之内。 Within the anticipation is because they know that Chu Yunfan quick everyone one step, marched into the domain boundary. 在意料之内是因为他们都知道楚云凡已经快众人一步,步入了领域境。 But in unexpected is because, all people have not thought, Chu Yunfan dares to begin unexpectedly. 而在意料之外则是因为,所有人都没有想到,楚云凡居然真的敢动手。 Was different is been supreme by youngster that Chu Yunfan cut to kill from before, destiny sect can/but also at the height of power, such did without a doubt, must have no consideration for face with the destiny sect thoroughly. 不同于之前被楚云凡斩杀的少年至尊,天命宗可还如日中天,这么做毫无疑问,就是要和天命宗彻底撕破脸了。 „Doesn't he fear destiny sect?” “难道他一点都不怕天命宗么?” Some people are almost inconceivable saying. 有人几乎是不可思议的说道。 Destiny sect will definitely not give up, how even if Chu Yunfan can dominate in the antiquity battlefield can, he didn't plan to return to the Sino-Turkey divine land?” “天命宗肯定不会善罢甘休,即便楚云凡能在上古战场称雄又能如何,难道他不打算返回中土神州了么?” So long as long as he returns to the Sino-Turkey divine land, waits for his, inevitably is the dead end!” “但凡只要他回中土神州,等待他的,必然是死路一条!” everyone discuss spiritedly, but all people have realized, perhaps the destiny sect will not give up absolutely. 众人议论纷纷,不过所有人都意识到了,恐怕天命宗绝对不会善罢甘休。 On many faces has also shown the facial expression of several points of chuckling to oneself, before many people are also thinking how must be able to kill Chu Yunfan, now he does, thorough and destiny sect has no consideration for face. 许多人脸上还露出了几分窃喜的神情,之前许多人还想着要如何才能杀死楚云凡,现在他自己作死,彻底和天命宗撕破脸。 The Houtian life sect perhaps to his attack, is not suspicious plotting, but was chasing down of open and aboveboard. 恐怕之后天命宗对他的打击,不会是偷偷摸摸的暗算,而是光明正大的追杀了。 By the strength that Chu Yunfan nowadays shows, only feared that the destiny sect is also not necessarily able how he!” “不过以楚云凡现如今表现出来的实力,只怕天命宗也未必能够奈何的了他!” Chu Yunfan strength, although is strong, but deep of destiny sect inside story, is unable to imagine simply, even if strided in the domain boundary, still does not have odds of suc­cess facing the destiny sect!” 楚云凡的实力虽强,但是天命宗底蕴之深厚,简直无法想象,即便跨入了领域境,面对天命宗依然没有胜算!” everyone has the view respectively, in battlefield, Disciple of destiny sect saw that Gongsun Hong was cut to kill, immediately has a big shock, startled and anger. 众人各有看法,在战场之中,天命宗的弟子看到公孙弘被斩杀,顿时纷纷大惊失色,又惊又怒。 Chu Yunfan dares to start unexpectedly, does not pay attention to their destiny sect simply completely. 楚云凡居然真的敢下手,简直完全不将他们天命宗放在眼里。 However at this time they are also unable to defend oneself, the anger in Sea Dragon heart has divulged thoroughly, kills unceasingly to these Heaven's Proud and Top Level Heaven's Proud. 不过此时他们也是自身难保,海龙兽心中的怒火彻底宣泄了出来,不断扑杀向这些天骄顶级天骄 Although they similarly are the domain boundaries, however the strength and compared with the Sea Dragon beast, at all is not existence on Level. 虽然他们同样是领域境,然而实力和海龙兽相比,根本不是一个级别上的存在。 Even if collaborates to compose the battlefield, will be scattered by the Sea Dragon beast quickly, but is among the moments, scatters in all directions to run away, but Chu Yunfan looks in side, made a move to block these people easily, the arrangement Barrier has blocked conveniently these people the roads of escaping. 即便联手组成战阵,也会很快被海龙兽打散,不过是片刻之间,就四散逃窜,不过楚云凡一只就在旁边看着,轻易就出手拦住了这些人,随手布置下了结界就挡住了这些人的逃跑之路。 But these people after seeing the escape route were broken, glares angrily, angry roaring, was roaring was launching the suicide attack toward the Sea Dragon beast. 而这些人在看到后路被断之后,纷纷怒目圆睁,怒吼着,咆哮着朝着海龙兽发起了自杀性的攻击。 These Heaven's Proud and Top Level Heaven's Proud collaborate to be talented, in the situation of particularly laughing in the face of death, when the time comes the beast creates distressedly some to the Sea Dragon. 这些天骄顶级天骄们联手实力不俗,尤其是舍生忘死的情况下,到时候给海龙兽造成一些狼狈。 However once again was killed the powder by the Sea Dragon beast quickly, in a while, one by one was cut to kill by the Sea Dragon beast. 不过很快就被海龙兽再度杀散,又没过多久,就被海龙兽逐一斩杀。 mortal body was pinched to explode into flesh half to integrate by Chu Yunfan the disaster star pupil, moreover half were given the absorption by Nirvana God Tree, changes into the Nirvana Divine Fruit nourishment. 肉身楚云凡捏爆成为血肉一半融入进了灾难星眸之内,另外一半则是被梵天神树给吸收,化为梵天神果的养料。 Hence, the expert collective group in destiny sect station extinguishes, even including the stall for time goal that they establish at first unable to achieve. 至此,天命宗驻地之中的高手集体团灭,甚至连他们最初所设定的拖延时间的目的都没能做到。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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