CF :: Volume #23

#2267: The envying envy of everyone to Chu Yunfan follower hates

everyone complexion first transformation in city is dignified , to continue to get down like this, if comes youngster to be supreme again, perhaps the defense line of Chu Yunfan followers can collapse immediately, is unable to prevent. 城中的众人脸色一变凝重,继续这样子下去,如果再来一个少年至尊的话,恐怕楚云凡追随者们的防线就能立刻崩溃,根本无法阻挡。 However even if so, if continues, Chu Yunfan being defeated of followers also merely is only the issue of time. 不过即便如此,如果继续下去,楚云凡的追随者们的落败也仅仅只是时间的问题。 After all they are only false youngster are also supreme, but is not true youngster is supreme, even if having the absolute superiority in the quantity, facing these youngster supreme encircling also at all is not the match. 毕竟他们也只是伪少年至尊,而不是真正的少年至尊,哪怕在数量上占据着绝对的优势,面对这些少年至尊的围剿也根本不是对手。 Being defeated is only the issue of time, even if they fight now demented, bathes own blood to fight, however the disparity, is not like this can make up. 落败只是时间的问题而已,即便他们现在战到了癫狂,沐浴着自己的鲜血而战,但是彼此之间的差距,并不是这样子就能够弥补的了的。 On the side of many person complexions pale, because that terrifying complementary waves unceasing falling of collision goes to the city, although there is Barrier and Array in city prevents, has counter-balanced the major part, but merely is only the little remaining complementary waves, makes them feel that sufficiently that is what kind of destroying the Heavens and extinguishing the Earth strength. 许多人脸色一边惨白,因为那恐怖的碰撞的余波不断的落到城中,虽然有城池之中的结界阵法阻挡,抵消了绝大部分,但是仅仅只是一点点残余的余波,也足以让他们感觉到那是一种怎样的毁天灭地的力量。 But in flying immortal sect the looks of three Top Level Heaven's Proud, has flashed through the facial expression of several points of envying unexpectedly, must know, they know, other dragon first Vicious Crocodile Chu Yunfan follower originally should the strength and they are almost the same, even if stronger than them, is very limited. 而在飞仙宗的三个顶级天骄的眼神之中,居然闪过了几分羡慕的神情,要知道,就他们所知,无论是龙首凶鳄还是其他楚云凡的追随者本来应该实力和他们相差无几,即便比他们强一些,也是非常有限的。 In brief, is considered as is existence on same Level. 总而言之,算得上是同一个级别上的存在。 However now, they can actually shake the fist toward youngster supremely, this is the matter that they want unable to think, is not the frame of mind has the high issue, but is they and youngster supreme between disparity, even if same realm, differs is also the difference of heaven and earth. 然而现在,他们却可以朝着少年至尊挥拳,这是他们想都不敢想的事情,不是心气有多高的问题,而是他们和少年至尊之间的差距,哪怕同样的境界,相差也是天壤之别。 Casual youngster is supreme, can hang to hit them with ease, before azure big wave was easy such hanging has then hit them. 随便一个少年至尊,都可以轻松吊打他们,之前青涛便是这样轻而易举的吊打了他们。 But dragon first Vicious Crocodile they can actually with these youngster supreme wars, even if were the quantity mountain had the absolute superiority, however the growth of their transformation and strength was actually the naked eye can see. 而龙首凶鳄他们却可以与这些少年至尊大战,哪怕是数量山占据了绝对的优势,但是他们的蜕变和实力的增长却是肉眼看得到的。 Very obviously, this transformation and Breakthrough definitely are not the Ordinary situations, but after follows Chu Yunfan, obtained the direction of Chu Yunfan and informed and experienced can promote to this situation. 很显然,这种蜕变和突破肯定不是寻常的情况,而是跟随楚云凡之后,得到了楚云凡的指点和历练才能够提升到这个地步的。 Sees these person of such Breakthrough, even if including in their hearts some starting vacillations. 看到这些人这样的突破,即便连他们心中都开始有些动摇。 originally by their pride, even if Huangfu dragon of the same clan wants to subdue them not possible vast, they can cooperate with Huangfu Longhao, even follows the lead by him, the low noble head will not actually submit to Huangfu dragon vast becomes his follower. 原本以他们的骄傲,就算是同宗的皇甫龙浩想要收服他们都不可能,他们可以和皇甫龙浩合作,甚至以他马首是瞻,却不会低下自己高贵的头颅臣服于皇甫龙浩成为他的追随者。 Because they are Top Level Heaven's Proud, in the future can existence of titled as King, the inheritance or the resources, are most Top Level, even if submits to Huangfu dragon is vast, Huangfu Longhao is impossible to give them more, is impossible to let their Breakthrough own limit. 因为他们是顶级天骄,未来是能够封王的存在,无论是传承还是资源,都是最顶级的,即便臣服于皇甫龙浩,皇甫龙浩也不可能给他们更多,不可能让他们突破自身的极限。 However now they saw another hope, can complete Breakthrough by the Chu Yunfan strength. 但是现在他们看到了另外一种希望,能够借由楚云凡的力量完成突破 Now dragon first Vicious Crocodile and the others also merely follow Chu Yunfan one year is less than has the so astonishing transformation, if makes them follow the Chu Yunfan ten years again, in the future these people can fight with youngster supremely, they will not think that has anything to be quite strange. 现在龙首凶鳄等人还仅仅只是跟随了楚云凡一年不到就有如此惊人的蜕变,如果让他们再跟随楚云凡十年,未来就算这些人能够和少年至尊交手,他们也不会觉得有什么好奇怪的。 Even in their mind has cannot help but emitted a thought that if trades to do is they, the future future also similarly will be definitely limitless, perhaps is the Chu Yunfan follower, is a good idea. 甚至他们的脑海之中不由得冒出了一个念头,如果换做是他们的话,未来的前途肯定也同样会不可限量吧,或许做楚云凡的追随者,也是一个不错的主意。 In other one side, Chu Hongcai sees present, in the heart cannot help but incomparable worry, but in his surface must maintain composure. 在另外一边,楚鸿才看到眼前的这一幕,心中不由得无比的着急,只是他的面上还要不动声色。 Such fight at all is not going in that he can participate , the complementary waves of casual fight sufficiently make him fatal. 这样的战斗根本不是他能够参与的进去的,随便一个战斗的余波都足以让他致命。 In originally his heart also has because of the pride of becoming Heaven's Proud list First bringing, now these was eliminated proud completely cleanly. 原本他心中还有因为成为天骄第一而带来的骄傲,现在这些骄傲已经完完全全被消灭干净了。 In Heaven's Chosen War field place, not most valuable is Heaven's Proud, some just Era Heaven's Proud list First, does not know that has many, resembles his such person, outside inevitably is Heaven-Blessed Genius that all person Special regard as important. 天骄战场这个地方,最不值钱的就是天骄,光是某一个时代天骄第一,都不知道有多少个,似他这样的人,在外面必然是所有人特别看重的天纵奇才 However here, does not have what difference with the cabbage of roadside. 但是在这里,和路边的大白菜也没有什么区别。 Dominates above these Heaven's Proud lists also has youngster to be supreme, regardless of any, can suppress several Era, was fearful. 凌驾于那些天骄榜之上的还有少年至尊,无论任何一个,都可以镇压几个时代,可怕极了。 But his big brother, Chu Yunfan, is fighting with these Monstrous Talent and monsters, that is he is unable to imagine. 而他的大哥,楚云凡,就是在和这些妖孽和怪物在战斗,那是他根本无法想象的到的。 In his heart already has with the excitement of Chu Yunfan reunion, there is a Chu Yunfan besieged worry. 他心中既有与楚云凡重逢的兴奋,也有楚云凡被围攻的担心。 When everyone discuss spiritedly, the fight in Sky entered intensified Stage, these youngster supreme with the Chu Yunfan followers, divided the different sub-areas the entire battlefield, the different fights were all decided in these sub-areas, did not disturb. 众人议论纷纷的时候,天穹之中的战斗已经进入了白热化阶段,这些少年至尊和楚云凡的追随者们,将整个战场划分成了不同的区块,不同的战斗被全定在了这些区块之中,相互之间并不干扰。 However with the lapse of time, this battlefield in the gradual reduction, this also means gradually the Chu Yunfan followers in unceasing retreat in defeat successively, under the youngster supreme attacks, they cough up blood while retreat in defeat. 但是随着时间的推移,这个战场在逐步逐步的缩小,这也是意味着楚云凡的追随者们在不断的节节败退,在少年至尊们的进攻之下,他们一边咳血一边败退 Even if they constantly time and time again stimulate war intent in oneself heart, but does not have the means and these fearful monster resistances. 哪怕他们不断一次又一次的激发自己心中的战意,但是还是没有办法与这些可怕的怪物对抗。 Unexpectedly, at this time, was only in split second, the blood-colored form appeared in the Chu Yunfan side together. 蓦地,就在这个时候,只是在一瞬间,一道血色的身影出现在了楚云凡的身边。 „It is not good, has the assassin!” “不好,有刺客!” At this time, does not know that who shouted, all people looked up, actually saw in the place that Chu Yunfan closed up, had the blood-colored form together towering intruded, had a blood-colored ray, fell toward the head of Chu Yunfan ruthlessly. 这个时候,不知道谁喊出了一声,所有人抬头看去,却见在楚云凡闭关的地方,有一道血色的身影突兀的闯入了进去,带起了一道血色的光芒,朝着楚云凡的头颅狠狠落了下来。 everyone indistinct between can see, that is a blood-colored dagger. 众人隐约之间能够看到,那是一根血色的匕首。 That blood-colored ray is together quick, quick, quick! 那一道血色的光芒快,快,快! Too was really quick, split second seems Sky paper equally easy tearing, immediately pricked in the phenomenon of Chu Yunfan whole body directly. 着实太快了,一瞬间天穹好似纸张一样轻而易举的撕裂开来,随即直接刺入了楚云凡周身的异象之中。 Phenomenon that split second, the phenomenon disintegration of Chu Yunfan whole body, any god sets up accordingly, any everywhere Thunder phenomenon in this blood-colored the front that strikes, anything does not calculate. 一瞬间,楚云凡周身的异象应声崩碎,什么神树的异象,什么漫天雷霆的异象在这血色的一击的面前,根本什么也不算。 Calls out in alarm in everyone, even many person root originally are inferior to call out in alarm, actually saw Chu Yunfan to move unexpectedly all of a sudden, his palm split second has patted, arranged above this together blood-colored ray directly. 就在众人惊呼,甚至许多人根本来不及惊呼的时候,却见楚云凡蓦地一下子动了,他的手掌一瞬间拍了出去,直接排到了这一道血色的光芒之上。 Bang!” “嘭!” A fearful collision sound, erupted a gold/metal iron junction to call the common sound unexpectedly, everyone only saw that this blood-colored ray cracked together inch by inch. 一声可怕的碰撞声,居然爆发了一阵金铁交鸣一般的声音,众人就只看到这一道血色的光芒一寸一寸的崩裂了。 Then everyone saw, actually this together blood-colored person's shadow is, that is a youth of blood-colored long gown, this blood-colored youth facial features are handsome, is only the skin fair was somewhat excessive, seems for a long time very long has not seen the sunlight to be ordinary very much. 然后众人才看到了,这一道血色的人影究竟是谁,那是一个一身血色长袍的青年,这个血色青年面容英俊,只是皮肤白皙的有些过分了,似乎是很久很久没有看到阳光一般。 His body is bringing extremely murderous aura of terrifying, seems legendary Slaughter God is reincarnated general. 他的身上带着极为恐怖的杀气,仿佛是传说中的杀神转世一般。 This is....” Many person narrowing the eyes, crazy recollection, some people have thought finally. “这个是。。。。”许多人眯着眼睛,疯狂的回想,终于有人想了起来。 This is Slaughter God youngster is supreme, Slaughter God!” “这个是杀神道的少年至尊,杀神子啊!”
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