CF :: Volume #23

#2266: Ahead of time cleans up the match on become a God road

The enemies were getting more and more, formidable youngster streams in supremely. 敌人越来越多了,强大的少年至尊纷至沓来。 Each has arrived at certainly summit expert on this road, even if dragon first Vicious Crocodile and the others, passed through Chu Yunfan to direct were very long, a strength has exceeded the limit of own bloodlines, was far from a commonplace, but faced these to arrive at pinnacle youngster to be supreme with realm cultivation on, still had enough to do, takes 2-3 talented people able to resist youngster was supreme. 每一个都是在这条路上走到了绝巅的高手,即便龙首凶鳄等人,都是经过了楚云凡指点了很久,一身战力已经超出了自身血脉的极限,绝非等闲,但是面对这些在同境界修行上走到了极致的少年至尊,依然很吃力,要两三个人才能够抵挡得住其中一个少年至尊。 Therefore they still can only be false youngster are supreme, cannot with true youngster supreme true selects one. 所以他们依然只能算是伪少年至尊,不能和真正的少年至尊真正的一挑一。 However even if so, these followers' performance, makes everyone in city hold in high esteem, Chu Yunfan is not only own formidable, even if his these followers similarly is one by one is also more formidable. 不过即便如此,这些追随者的表现,也让城中的众人纷纷刮目相看,楚云凡不仅仅是自身强大,即便是他的那些追随者也同样是一个比一个更加强大。 Even if not one-to-one single Tiao, being loath to part from each other that but can hit with youngster merely supremely, this is the matter that the 90% nine people do not want unable to think. 哪怕不是一对一的单挑,但是仅仅能够和少年至尊打的难舍难分,这就已经是九成九的人不想都不敢想的事情。 Sword Dustless goes against heaven's will the line, when today dies!” 剑无尘逆天而行,今日当死!” An ice-cold sound conveys, the voice just fell, the boundless darkness spread in the entire city. 一声冰冷的声音传来,话音刚落,无边的黑暗就蔓延到了整个城池之中。 everyone mind one cold, because they know, there is youngster supremely. 众人心神一凛,因为他们知道,又有一个少年至尊到了。 At this time, Ordinary Top Level Heaven's Proud has not dared to come to enter the war, cracked a joke, although said that during Chu Yunfan fell into has closed up, but the concrete any situation, nobody knew, if he woke up, even if a palm of the hand can clap Top Level Heaven's Proud conveniently. 这个时候,寻常顶级天骄都已经不敢前来参战了,开什么玩笑,虽然说楚云凡陷入了闭关之中,但是具体什么情况,无人知晓,万一他醒来,哪怕随手一巴掌都能拍死一个顶级天骄 That is not the fight that they can participate, participates rashly, how death does not know, even is not the Chu Yunfan follower, dragon first Vicious Crocodile their matches. 那已经不是他们能够参与的战斗了,贸然参与进去,怎么死的都不知道,甚至都不是楚云凡的追随者,龙首凶鳄他们的对手。 At this time catches up with the person of entering the war, is youngster is inevitably supreme. 此时赶来参战之人,必然是少年至尊。 This boundless Endless darkness, has as if filled the trim horizon, just like poisonous snakes, takes away as many things as possible in the Chu Yunfan direction. 这无边无尽的黑暗,仿佛弥漫了整片天际,犹如一条条的毒蛇,朝着楚云凡的方向席卷而去。 In an instant, including form together to sweep away the expansive sky, hides in this darkness, launched the most fearful attack. 刹那间,其中有一道身影横扫过长空,隐藏在这黑暗之中,发动了最可怕的攻击。 Protects High Lord!” “保护主上!” In the Chu Yunfan remaining five followers, three roaring, go forward to intercept. 楚云凡剩下的五个追随者中,有三个大吼一声,上前拦截。 By a three people of such interception, that person in darkness finally has appeared the figure. 被三人这么一拦截,黑暗之中的那人终于现出了身形。 That was a whole body complete package in the darkness in form, as if he then general that was born from the darkness, has to let the terrifying deterrent force that the person was hard to imagine. 那是一个全身都完完全全包裹在了黑暗中之中的身影,仿佛他便是从黑暗之中诞生的一般,有着让人难以想象的恐怖威慑力。 Is the child of darkness!” “是黑暗之子!” Some people shouted, recognize came the status of person. 有人喊道,认出了来人的身份。 didn't expect he also entered in the Heaven's Chosen War field unexpectedly, it is said before he is over a hundred Heaven's Chosen War field opening , the character who enters, recently this about hundred Heaven's Chosen War field opening had not seen him to appear, now appeared, obviously also comes for the road of become a God!” 没想到他居然也进入了天骄战场之中,据说他是上百次天骄战场开启前进入的人物,最近这近百次的天骄战场开启都没见他出现,现在出现了,显然也是为了成神之路而来啊!” Many person surface sink like the water, obviously these many years youngster supreme simultaneously appear, naturally possibly is not and Chu Yunfan has a grudge, then only had a possibility, they were cleaning the competitor ahead of time. 许多人面沉如水,显然这么多年的少年至尊齐齐出现,当然不可能是都和楚云凡有仇,那么就只有一种可能性了,他们已经在提前扫除竞争对手了。 In the past Heaven's Chosen War field opening time, only had 1-2 youngster to enter at most supremely. 以往天骄战场开启的时候,顶多只有一两个少年至尊进入其中。 These youngster as if have tacit understanding to be ordinary supremely, staggers the time mutually, will not choose the mutual life and death war, must branch out a life and death. 这些少年至尊仿佛是有默契一般,相互错开时间,并不会选择彼此之间相互生死大战,非要分出一个生死。 However to this, according to the hearsay, the become a God road in that hearsay will soon appear, all people have qualifications achievement unsurpassed god, but can finally become a God only has one. 但是到了这一世,根据传闻,那传闻中的成神路即将出现,所有人都有资格成就无上的神祇,但是能够最后成神的只有一个。 But has qualifications there are also many of actually, therefore is very obvious, these people starting has cleaned up some competitors ahead of time. 而拥有资格的却有不少,所以很显然,这些人已经开始提前清理掉一些竞争对手了。 By strength that Chu Yunfan shows, without a doubt became the eye-sore thorn in the side in their eyes. 楚云凡展现出来的实力,毫无疑问的成为了他们眼中的眼中钉肉中刺。 youngster supreme ratio youngster terrifying, each reputation once vibrated the entire Heaven's Chosen War field supremely. 一个少年至尊比一个少年至尊都更加恐怖,每一个的名头都曾经震动整个天骄战场。 But blue Hao and other tendency Chu Yunfan the people, the facial expression is more dignified at this time, Chu Yunfan true crisis also not here. 而蓝昊等心向楚云凡的人,此时神情更加凝重,楚云凡的真正危机还不在这里。 Because now outside the Heaven's Chosen War field, because of the relations of time, therefore obtains News salty is in Heaven's Chosen War field these youngster supreme. 因为现在就在天骄战场外部,因为时间的关系,所以最咸得到消息的就是天骄战场中部的那些少年至尊们。 But with the lapse of time, this News will sooner or later reach the core region of Heaven's Chosen War field. 而随着时间的推移,这个消息迟早会传进天骄战场的核心地带。 At that time, perhaps these big day position realm expert could not sit still, some Monarch bestowed by heaven this strided in youngster of big day position to be supreme. 到那个时候,恐怕那些大天位境界高手都坐不住了,其中更有君天赐这样已经跨入了大天位的少年至尊。 Such is the true deathtrap! 那样才是真正的死地! Is the true danger! 才是真正的危险! The child of darkness was blocked, however his offensive terrifying, raises hand to step , is the boundless darkness sweeps across all, even if the Chu Yunfan follower has three to make a move, at this time also somewhat complained constantly. 黑暗之子被挡住,但是他的攻势更加恐怖,一举手一投足,便是无边的黑暗席卷一切,即便是楚云凡的追随者有三个出手,此时也都有些叫苦不迭。 Is supreme with other youngster, the strength fairy of child of darkness not measured, technique of attack unpredictable. 和其他的少年至尊不同,黑暗之子的实力更加神鬼莫测,攻击的手法更加的捉摸不定。 The war is held intensely, distant place, together the terrifying form seems one group of fierce flame, flushed all of a sudden horizontally, the speed was too fast, seems a missile is ordinary, split second horizontally has charged into Chu Yunfan. 大战正在激烈的进行,远处,一道恐怖的身影好似一团剧烈的火焰,一下子横冲了进来,速度太快了,好似一枚导弹一般,一瞬间就横冲向了楚云凡 Any person!” “什么人!” At this time, Chu Yunfan final two followers kept off in the front of this group of flame, compelled to stop this group of flame, both sides erupted the fearful collision. 这个时候,楚云凡身边最后的两个追随者挡在了这一团火焰的面前,将这一团的火焰逼停,双方爆发了可怕的碰撞。 The Chu Yunfan two followers this were struck the repetitive retreat of bang, coughing up blood that even continuously, this strikes really terrifying. 楚云凡的两个追随者被这一击轰的连连后退,甚至不住的咳血,这一击着实恐怖 At this time, actually everyone just now finally saw clearly came the person is anything, that at all was not a person, but was a bird of fist size. 此时,众人方才终于看清楚了来人究竟是什么,那根本不是一个人,而是一只拳头大小的小鸟。 This bird looks like, only then fist size, but has the power and influence that is hard to imagine, the flame of whole body seems the startled big wave monstrous waves generally crazy toward sweeps across in all directions. 这一只小鸟看起来只有拳头大小,但是却有难以想象的威势,全身的火焰好似惊涛巨浪一般疯狂的朝着四面八方席卷开来。 That is, is it possible that the legendary flame swallows the day bird?” Some person of exclaimed, have recognized this fist size, all over the body scarlet-red, body each feather seems the flame in combustion terrifying Vicious Bird. “那一只,莫非是传说中的火焰吞天雀?”有人惊呼一声,认出了这一只拳头大小的,通体赤红色,身上每一根羽毛都好似火焰在燃烧的恐怖凶禽 Good, should be flame swallows the day bird, besides him, who can also such terrifying?” “不错,应该就是火焰吞天雀了,除了他,谁还能这么恐怖?” Some other person has recognized immediately, this truly was that vibrates youngster above entire Heaven's Chosen War field to be supreme. 另外有人马上就认定了,这确实就是那一只震动了整个天骄战场之上的少年至尊。 The flame swallows the day bird! 火焰吞天雀! This Clan is quite rare, it is said is not the Ordinary life, flame Spirit that but is born in Endless the place of flame. 一族极为罕见,据说并不是寻常的生灵,而是在无尽的火焰之地之中诞生的火焰精灵 Just was born has the extreme terrifying control flame strength, this element Spirit, is always a formidable incomparable race, let alone the flame swallowed the day bird is most terrifying Sovereign. 刚刚出生就拥有极为恐怖的操控火焰的实力,这种元素精灵,历来都是一个强大无比的种族,更别说火焰吞天雀还是其中最为恐怖皇者 Even in the future will have the opportunity becomes the sovereign of element! 甚至未来有机会成为元素之皇! This flame swallows day bird just entered the Heaven's Chosen War field the time, once swallowed over a hundred Top Level Heaven's Proud, was known as that swallows the day to be supreme. 这一只火焰吞天雀刚刚进入天骄战场的时候,就曾经一口吞掉上百个顶级天骄,号称吞天至尊。 Has such given name, it can be imagined, this flame swallows the day bird to have vicious how. 有这样的名号,可想而知,这一只火焰吞天雀有多么的凶厉 As this flame swallows joining of day bird, the battlefield is more intense, the boundless flame as if must give to boil Sky, flaming Raging Inferno split second submerged all. 随着这一只火焰吞天雀的加入,战场更加激烈,无边的火焰仿佛要将天穹给烧开,熊熊烈火一瞬间就淹没了一切。 Remaining the Chu Yunfan two followers with hardship have only resisted. 只剩下了楚云凡的两个追随者苦苦抵挡。
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