CF :: Volume #23

#2263: Sudden enlightenment, same place Breakthrough

In the everyone front, azure big wave died in the hand of Chu Yunfan, basically was far has any three waves to a single stroke, even azure big wave did not have the means to pose the effective threat to Chu Yunfan. 众人的面前,青涛死在了楚云凡的手上,基本上谈不上有什么一波三折,甚至青涛都没有办法对楚云凡构成有效的威胁。 Chu Yunfan Mu blood fights, however bathes is actually azure Tao's blood! 楚云凡沐血而战,但是沐浴的却是青涛的鲜血! The entire city dies the general silence! 全城死一般的寂静! What if was cut to kill by Chu Yunfan is Ordinary Heaven's Proud, and even is Top Level Heaven's Proud, being insufficient makes many person feelings so strange. 如果被楚云凡斩杀的是寻常天骄,乃至是顶级天骄,也不至于让许多人感觉那么奇怪。 After all Chu Yunfan has also made own power and influence during this year, is widely considered as true youngster to be supreme. 毕竟楚云凡在这一年之中也打出了自己的威势,被普遍认为是真正的少年至尊。 However is yet another youngster that he kills is now supreme, should be able existence with his mention on equal terms. 但是现在被他打死的却是另外一个少年至尊,一尊应该能够与他相提并论的存在。 Originally, youngster supreme between does not reach a stalemate, unexpectedly also has such big disparity!” “原来,少年至尊之间也不都是相持不下,居然也有这么大的差距!” Finally, some people have opened the mouth, but they are also the first time know, originally in many youngster supreme, also has the huge disparity. 终于,有人开口了,而他们也是头一次知道,原来在诸多的少年至尊之间,也有着巨大的差距。 Even a disparity Great Dao side by the situation that another side kills easily. 甚至差距大道一方会被另外一方轻易打死的地步。 Actually this Sword Dustless is what physique, how can such terrifying?” “这剑无尘究竟是什么体质,怎么会这么恐怖?” Invincible, during this is youngster is supreme number one person!” “所向无敌啊,这是少年至尊之中的第一人啊!” Perhaps beforehand Monarch bestowed by heaven in comparison , is far from!” “恐怕之前的君天赐与之相比,也是相差甚远吧!” Quick, everyone was similar to blasts out pot general, discussed crazily. 很快,众人如同炸开了锅一般,疯狂的讨论了起来。 You look, that Sword Dustless appearance, as if in sudden enlightenment?” Some people point at Chu Yunfan in upper air to open the mouth to say suddenly. “你们看,那剑无尘的样子,似乎是在顿悟?”有人突然指着高空之中的楚云凡开口说道。 Really, actually saw Chu Yunfan to sit cross-legged unexpectedly in the presence of everyone, the whole body was glittering the astonishing golden ray, in this golden ray, was glittering Thunder Energy, turned into a stretch of domain to be ordinary in his whole body. 果然,却见楚云凡竟然当众盘坐了下来,周身闪烁着惊人的金色光芒,在这金色的光芒之中,闪烁着雷霆能量,在他的周身化成了一片领域一般。 This power and influence...” Below crowd, on the Chu Hongcai face glitters suddenly all of a sudden the excessively excited facial expression, because he thought finally, why this Sword Dustless made his feeling so be familiar. “这种威势。。。”在下方人群之中,楚鸿才突然一下子脸上闪烁过激动的神情,因为他终于想起来了,为什么这个剑无尘让他的感觉如此的熟悉了。 Before , has not thought toward that aspect, but now he thinks finally, isn't the fluctuation of this Magic Power, who actually Chu Yunfan is? 只是之前一直没有往那个方面去想,而现在他终于想起来了,这种法力的波动,却不是楚云凡又是谁呢? If others also not clear Chu Yunfan cultivation cultivation method essence, but Chu Hongcai is actually feeling many times, therefore thought all of a sudden suddenly. 如果说,别人还不清楚楚云凡修行功法的本质,但是楚鸿才却是感受过很多次的,所以一下子猛然想起来了。 This Sword Dustless is very likely is his big brother Chu Yunfan. 剑无尘极有可能就是他的大哥楚云凡 At this time he understood finally, why Sword Dustless makes a move to rescue twice, where was just as luck would have it, clearly intentionally rescued his. 此时他终于明白了,为什么剑无尘两次出手相救,哪里是刚好赶巧了,分明就是故意来救他的。 Among the world where has that just matter, all, have its intrinsic reason in behind. 天下间哪有那么刚好的事情,一切的一切,在背后都有其内在的原因。 If so, all can say passed, why Sword Dustless saves him repeatedly, this Sword Dustless origin also makes many people think the doubts, because before , from the start has not heard such No. 1 character, actually suddenly braves, but also has the bitter hatred with Monarch bestowed by heaven. 如果是这样的话,一切就能够说的通了,为什么剑无尘几次三番的救他,还有这个剑无尘的来历也让许多人觉得疑惑,因为之前压根都没有听闻过这么一号人物,却突然冒出来,还和君天赐有着深仇大恨。 When even even/including Monarch bestowed by heaven could not master itself to offend such a character. 甚至连君天赐自己都搞不懂自己什么时候得罪过这么一个人物。 However now, all say understood, that at all is not others, is Chu Yunfan. 然而现在,一切就都说的明白了,那根本不是别人,正是楚云凡 However his complexion returned to immediately normal, because he knows, at this time was not recognizing each other time. 不过他的脸色立刻就恢复了正常,因为他知道,这个时候不是相认的时候。 If he went forward to recognize each other at this time, will bring the huge trouble to Chu Yunfan, if Monarch bestowed by heaven regarded Sword Dustless is a threat, once his real status exposition, then inevitable will welcome Thunder of Monarch bestowed by heaven to strike. 如果他这个时候上前相认,会给楚云凡带来巨大的麻烦,如果说君天赐只是将剑无尘当成是一种威胁的话,一旦他的真实身份暴露,那么必然就会迎来君天赐的雷霆一击。 Existence of your bestowed by heaven absolutely not ignores such disaster. 君天赐绝对不会放任这么一个祸害的存在。 He then maintains composure immediately, but in look is difficult to cover the excited color/look. 他立刻便不动声色,只是眼神之中难掩激动之色。 However was good because of this time, all people in looking at Chu Yunfan above Sky, nobody noted his difference. 不过好在这个时候,所有人都在看着天穹之上的楚云凡,没有人注意到他的异样。 „Can he at this time in same place Breakthrough?” “他这个时候要在原地突破么?” A flying immortal sect Top Level Heaven's Proud inconceivable opens the mouth said. 飞仙宗一个顶级天骄不可思议的开口说道。 In his opinion, Chu Yunfan has harvested, should not choose here Breakthrough, because Breakthrough is not a short time matter, but the time is long, News will be spread quickly. 在他看来,楚云凡就算是有所收获,也不应该选择在这里突破,因为突破不是一时半会儿的事情,而时间一长,消息很快就会被传扬开来。 when the time comes Chu Yunfan many powerful enemies will hear the news to catch up, during more than one year time, Chu Yunfan not only received ten followers, has a ticket powerful enemy, several big alliances threatened that must tear to shreds Chu Yunfan. 到时候楚云凡的诸多强敌就会闻讯赶来,在这一年多的时间之中,楚云凡不仅仅是收了十个追随者,更是有着一票的强敌,更有几大联盟扬言要将楚云凡碎尸万段。 He at this time here Breakthrough, was really too the non- wisdom!” “他这个时候在这里突破,实在是太不智了!” Blue Hao also opens the mouth saying that he has thought instantaneously has danger how. 蓝昊也开口说道,他瞬间就想到了有多么的危险。 Perhaps at this time, in the city had many people all kinds of information to pass on. 恐怕这个时候,城内已经有很多人将各种各样的信息传出去了。 Is High Lord Protector!” “为主上护法!” At this time, dragon first Vicious Crocodile roaring, ten followers have composed Array, protects Chu Yunfan all round. 此时,龙首凶鳄大吼一声,十个追随者组成了阵法,将楚云凡团团保护在其中。 In their looks somewhat is also helpless, wants certainly to obtain by their wisdom has danger how. 他们的眼神之中也有几分无奈,以他们的智慧当然想得到这其中有多么的危险。 However that does not have the means that Chu Yunfan such to do, they do not have other choice, only promising Chu Yunfan Protector. 但是那也没有办法,楚云凡这么做,他们没有别的选择,唯有为楚云凡护法 everyone can see, in the place above of city, Chu Yunfan ray is getting more and more bright, incomparable gigantic god sets up phantom faintly, that is not other, is Nirvana God Tree. 众人看得到,在城池的上方,楚云凡身上的光芒越来越亮,身后隐隐有一棵巨大无比的神树虚影,那不是别的,正是梵天神树 Meanwhile, his Qi and Blood starting crazy surges, is similar to the dreadful sea sweeps across generally, even everyone can hear just like that sound of sea water eroding shore. 同时,他身上的气血开始疯狂的涌动起来,如同滔天大海一般席卷开来,甚至众人可以听到犹如海水冲刷海岸的那种声响。 Each time, everyone can feel that the sky is erupting an intermittent resonance. 每一次,众人可以感觉到天空都在爆发出一阵阵的共鸣。 Even they can feel, the air cannot help but has stagnated, even if culmination position Peak Top Level Heaven's Proud felt that breathes starting to be difficult. 甚至他们都可以感觉到,空气都不由得凝滞了,即便是中天位巅峰顶级天骄都感觉呼吸开始困难。 Does not dare to imagine, if he if Breakthrough, that should be the astonishing scene! 不敢想象,如果他要是突破,那该是何等惊人的场景! What his Cultivation is what law? Inheritance is it possible that is some ancient Huang inheritance?” “他修炼的是什么法?传承的莫非是某一位古皇的传承么?” Some person of shocking saying, look at the Chu Yunfan method, the phenomenon that forms has camouflaged the entire city, has such powerful ability, is very difficult to make them believe, this is not the inheritance of ancient sovereign Level. 有人震惊的说道,看楚云凡的法门,形成的异象遮蔽了整座城池,有这样的威能,很难让他们相信,这不是古皇级别的传承。 He, once Breakthrough, in big day position realm expert cannot be a weak one!” “他一旦突破的话,在大天位境界高手之中都不能算是弱者了!” Has one of the flying immortal sect Top Level Heaven's Proud, opens the mouth to say. 有飞仙宗的顶级天骄之一,开口说道。 „It is not right, he looks like, not likely in Breakthrough big day position, but in Breakthrough, culmination position!” “不对,他看起来,不像是在突破大天位,而是在突破,中天位!” Unexpectedly, Top Level Heaven's Proud of another flying immortal sect cannot help but opens the mouth to say. 蓦地,另外一位飞仙宗的顶级天骄不由得开口说道。 Immediately shocks four, all people probably all of a sudden responded, because of their shocking discoveries a point, that is the Chu Yunfan Breakthrough phenomenon, is not Breakthrough to the big day position, but is Breakthrough to the culmination position. 顿时震惊四座,所有人都好像一下子反应了过来,因为他们震惊的发现了一点,那就是楚云凡突破的异象,不是突破到大天位,而是突破到中天位。 Among this has essential difference, although the phenomenon of Chu Yunfan Breakthrough time is astonishing to the phenomenon of big day position compared with Ordinary person Breakthrough. 这中间是有着本质上的区别的,虽然楚云凡突破时候的异象比起寻常突破到大天位的异象还要惊人。 However the culmination position eventually is only the culmination position, is not the big day position. 但是中天位终究都只是中天位,不是大天位。 All people were startled, a deathly stillness! 所有人都怔住了,一片死寂! How even if again crazy person, cannot think, can Chu Yunfan that culmination Peak youngster supreme azure big wave kills livingly, unexpectedly also isn't culmination position Peak? 就算是再如何疯狂的人,也根本想不到,能够将中天位巅峰少年至尊青涛活生生打死的楚云凡,居然还不是中天位巅峰 Unexpectedly is small day position Peak? 竟然是小天位巅峰
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