CF :: Volume #23

#2262: Cuts to kill youngster to be supreme

Many person hearts are shocking, these two youngster just fully erupted to fight supremely, some people have been injured, is azure big wave? Chu Yunfan? 许多人心头都在震惊,这两个少年至尊刚刚全力爆发交手,就已经有人受伤,到底是青涛?还是楚云凡 Also or is, do both sides have? 亦或者是,双方都有? They are unable to judge, the speed that because both sides fought a moment ago was too fast, under anything appeals to heaven martial arts only quickly broken, is so. 他们根本无从判断,因为刚才双方交手的速度太快了,什么叫天下武功唯快不破,便是如此。 The speed when both sides fight will draw near pinnacle, the possibility that other people continually will even follow will not have. 当双方交手的速度快到了极致的时候,其他人甚至连跟上的可能性都没有。 Many person hearts in scared, if any people in these two want to cope with them, only depends on this certainly summit the speed, sufficiently made them kneel entirely. 许多人心头都在胆寒,如果这两个之中的任何一个人想要对付他们的话,只凭这绝巅的速度,就足以让他们统统跪了。 Simply does not have the means to resist such speed extremely, only if can be similar to Chu Yunfan like that has is similar to Magic Weapon general hard mortal body, may contend with such speed. 根本没有办法抵抗这样的绝顶速度,除非能够如同楚云凡那般拥有如同法宝一般坚硬的肉身,才有可能抗衡这样的速度。 Falls gently along with that long string blood splash, two people forms interlock, movement also finally slow, from surmounting the attack speed of speed of sound is separated. 伴随着那一长串的血花飘落下来,两人的身影交错开来,动作也终于慢了下来,从超越音速的攻击速度之中脱离出来。 everyone then sees, injured unexpectedly is azure big wave! 众人这才看到,受伤的居然是青涛! azure Tao's waist was pierced by a Chu Yunfan spear/gun, disintegration a bulk meat. 青涛的腰间被楚云凡一枪刺穿,崩碎了一大块的肉。 „It is not able to imagine this war, unexpectedly is azure big wave falls on leeward?” Many people see this, only thinks damn is the same, complete inconceivable, the attack of Chu Yunfan was extremely scary. “真的无法想象这一战,居然是青涛落在下风?”许多人看到这一幕,只觉得见了鬼一样,完完全全不可思议,楚云凡的攻击太过骇人了。 Although two people are youngster are supreme, however in the minds of many people, is azure Tao's strength compared with Chu Yunfan should certainly. 虽然两人都是少年至尊,但是在许多人的心目之中,当然是青涛的实力比起楚云凡应该更强一些。 After all azure Tao's reputation is more resounding, had entered the Heaven's Chosen War field repeatedly, but in comparison, Chu Yunfan is only first time enters the Heaven's Chosen War field, before then they have not even heard such No. 1 character. 毕竟青涛的名声更加响亮,曾经多次进入过天骄战场,而与之相比,楚云凡只是第一次进入天骄战场,在此之前他们甚至都没有听说过这么一号人物。 However is in such situation, Chu Yunfan actually causes heavy losses to azure big wave. 然而就是这样的情况下,楚云凡却将青涛重创。 It can be said that has stemmed from unexpected of everyone completely, fighting of both sides, falls by azure big wave leeward comes to an end. 可以说,完全出乎了众人的意料之外,双方的交手,以青涛落入下风而告终。 That Sword Dustless? Hasn't he been injured?” Many people are caring about this point, but looks at the body of Chu Yunfan, unexpectedly does not have the tiny bit scar, obviously during collision, perfect. “那剑无尘呢?他没有受伤么?”许多人都在关心这一点,但是看楚云凡的身上,居然没有一丝一毫的伤痕,显然在刚才的碰撞之中,完好无损。 everyone suck in a breath of cold air, does not know in abundance is azure big wave cannot rumble he, in the bang finished unable broken to guard. 众人纷纷倒吸一口冷气,不知道是青涛没能轰中他,还是轰中了却无法破防。 Any type, is representing Chu Yunfan at least in destroying the hardest defenses with only quickly broken on a path has arrived at Peak. 无论是任何一种,都代表着楚云凡起码在无坚不摧和唯快不破其中一条道路上走到了巅峰 „Is youngster supreme? Mediocre!” 少年至尊?不过如此!” The Chu Yunfan corners of the mouth shouldered have wiped the indifferent smiling face, but coldly looks at azure big wave. 楚云凡嘴角挑起了一抹冷漠的笑容,只是冷冷的看着青涛。 But azure Tao's facial expression is more indifferent, he revolves cultivation method that therapy, is restored by the wound that Chu Yunfan will rumble forcefully. 而青涛的神情更加冷漠,他运转疗伤的功法,强行将被楚云凡轰出来的伤口恢复。 His surface like cold frost, since he has made a debut, has not been injured, he always sweeps away facing peer, even if wants the long many people facing cultivation age, he is also same sweeps away. 他面如寒霜,从他出道以来,还从来没有受过伤,面对同辈他从来都是横扫,即便面对修行年岁比自己要长的多的人,他也是一样横扫。 Even is injured continually has not had, naturally, this has not fought with other true formidable youngster with him supremely has very big relations. 甚至连受伤都不曾有,当然,这也和他还未和其他真正强大的少年至尊大战过有很大的关系。 His First goal has selected Chu Yunfan, finally caused heavy losses by Chu Yunfan. 第一个目标就选中了楚云凡,结果就被楚云凡重创。 If the light caused heavy losses, that is also not anything, the key is, arriving Chu Yunfan that he cannot injure, actually by Chu Yunfan injuring. 如果光只是被重创,那还不算什么,关键是,他没能伤的到楚云凡,却被楚云凡给伤到了。 It looks like in other people, high under stands sentences. 在其他人看起来,高下立判。 „Are you angering me?” azure big wave coldly said. I am different from other people, no matter you provoke anger my many times, so long as I you die one time, died one time to suffice!” “你在惹怒我?”青涛冷声说道。“不过我和其他人不一样,不管你惹怒我多少次,我都只要你死一次,就死一次就够了!” azure big wave raises in the hand the scarlet golden trident, aimed at the Chu Yunfan direction, the terrifying aura has released from the trident, the killing intent was infinite, entire Sky in fierce shivering. 青涛扬起手中赤金色的三叉戟,指向了楚云凡的方向,恐怖的气息从三叉戟上释放了出来,杀机无限,整个天穹都在剧烈的颤抖。 Many people in Jing Lake, where this are the culmination position should have the strength that. 许多人都在镜湖,这哪里是中天位应该有的战力。 The followers of both sides even fought unintentionally are also shunting the battlefield that both sides fight, this is not battlefield that they can participate. 甚至就连正在交手的双方的追随者也都在有意无意的躲开双方战斗的战场,这不是他们能够参与的了的战场。 split second, both sides disappeared in same place, collided once again, at this time, both sides studied at this time, complete collision. 一瞬间,双方消失在了原地,再度碰撞到了一起,此时,双方的所学在这个时候,完完全全的碰撞到了一起。 split second, both sides do not know that collided many times, everyone did not see clearly the situation that both sides fought, both sides fought the brilliant ray that collided, was almost split second, let above the entire city dazzling incomparable, was similar to one round big date is ordinary. 只是一瞬间而已,双方都不知道碰撞了多少次,众人都根本看不清楚双方交手的情况,双方交手碰撞出来的绚烂光芒,几乎是一瞬间,让整个城池上方耀眼无比,如同一轮大日一般。 The terrifying aura is filling the air, forms fearful Tornado, has camouflaged all. 恐怖的气息在弥漫,形成可怕的龙卷,遮蔽了一切。 Unexpectedly, split second, the form dropped together, everyone saw, is binding Azure Color ray form suddenly/violently to retreat together, fixes the eyes on looks, who that person is not azure big wave is. 蓦地,一瞬间,一道身影跌落了出来,众人看到,一道裹着湛蓝色光芒的身影暴退而出,定睛一看,那人不是青涛又是谁呢。 This time, azure big wave compared with wanted to be too many a moment ago distressedly, his organism is cracking, the blood sprays, when with the Chu Yunfan war, suffered a loss. 这一次,青涛比起刚才要狼狈太多了,他的肌体都在崩裂,鲜血喷洒而出,在和楚云凡的大战的时候,吃了大亏。 But below split second, form directly to/clashes the air vent flowing volume of together, Mu blood. 而在下一瞬间,一道身影直接冲出了气浪浪卷,沐血而来。 His body full is the blood, but all people can look, his blood is not own, but is azure big wave. 他的身上满是鲜血,但是所有人都看得出来,他身上的鲜血不是自己的,而是青涛的。 Unexpectedly such quickly decided the victory and defeat?” The facial expressions of many people all of a sudden changed. “居然这么快就分出了胜负?”许多人的神情一下子变了。 In their opinion, youngster supreme, even if there is a disparity, but should also be only -and-a-half moves of move of disparities, even if disparity First Year some, may also need to get again very much for day a night possibly to decide the victory and defeat. 在他们看来,少年至尊之间,即便有差距,但是也应该只是一招半招的差距,即便差距再大一些,很有可能也需要打上一天一夜才可能分出胜负。 This in these Top Level expert, this too normally. 这在那些顶级高手之中,这太正常不过了。 However Chu Yunfan and azure Tao's war, even can describe with the crush. 但是楚云凡和青涛的大战,甚至可以用碾压来形容。 azure Tao's fearfulness, when made a move a moment ago has made expert of entire city experience, even if flying immortal sect several Top Level Heaven's Proud, realm is interlinked with him, makes a move together, is not his match. 青涛的可怕,在刚才出手的时候就已经让全城的高手都见识到了,即便是飞仙宗几个顶级天骄,境界与他相通,一起出手,都不是他的对手。 The youngster supreme name, it may be said that is turns over to the name to the reality, in the future perhaps may be Sovereign. 少年至尊之名,可谓是名至实归,未来说不定可能就是一个皇者 Even if in this case, facing Chu Yunfan unexpectedly complete is not the match, from beginning to end was hung to hit by crush. 但是即便是在这种情况下,面对楚云凡居然完完全全不是对手,被从头到尾的碾压吊打。 This cannot explain that azure Tao's incompetent, can only explain, is Chu Yunfan is more fearful, is more formidable. 这不能说明青涛的无能,只能说明,是楚云凡更加可怕,更加强大。 Roar!” “吼!” azure big wave was compelled pinnacle, eyes to disclose that this hatred, his body ascends the intermittent density, tries therapy. 青涛被逼到了极致,双眸透露这一种怨毒,他的身上升腾起阵阵的氤氲,试图疗伤。 At the same time tries to move aside! 一边试图躲闪! However he discovered that how regardless of oneself transfer, does not have the means to avoid a foot of Chu Yunfan. 但是他发现,自己无论怎么挪移,都没有办法躲开楚云凡的一脚。 Chu Yunfan foot drops from the sky, in an instant, steps on azure big wave. 楚云凡一脚从天而降,刹那间,就将青涛踩中。 Bang!” “轰隆!” azure big wave was trampled to fly to go out of town by a foot outside, fell above the ground outside city ruthlessly, gave to rumble the giant crack the entire ground. 青涛被一脚踹飞出城外,狠狠落到了城外的地面之上,将整个地面都给轰出了巨大的裂缝。 !” “噗!” A azure big wave blood spouts, the defeat has revealed. 青涛一口鲜血喷出,败相已显。 But azure Tao's these followers are very loyal wants to rescue, but how can Breakthrough dragon first Vicious Crocodile and the others the stops, seize the chance instead to kill several by dragon first Vicious Crocodile and the others on the contrary. 而青涛的那些追随者则是十分忠心的想要上来解救,但是如何能够突破龙首凶鳄等人的阻拦,反倒是被龙首凶鳄等人趁机反杀了好几个。 When everyone extremely, the terrifying spear/gun glow sweeps across amazed together, in an instant, has rumbled into azure Tao's facial expression, kills its town. 就在众人惊诧万分的时候,一道恐怖的枪芒席卷而出,刹那间,就已经轰入了青涛的神情之中,将其镇杀。 azure big wave, death! 青涛,死!
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