CF :: Volume #20

#1909: Big summer Taiwei

After flower of great distance nuclear bomb for a long time, once again eruption! 核弹之花相隔许久之后,再度爆发! That terrifying mushroom cloud has camouflaged all, has swallowed all! 恐怖的蘑菇云遮蔽了一切,也吞噬了一切! Looked to stay all people! 看呆了所有人! Even has included You Chuyun and the others, how they know, Chu Yunfan also has such method unexpectedly, the one breath several tens of thousands army destruction terrifying Magic Artifact! 甚至是包括了尤楚云等人,他们怎么知道,楚云凡居然还藏有这样的手段,一口气将数万大军覆灭的恐怖法器 They have not seen Weapon of high tech, naturally can only think toward Magic Artifact! 他们没见过高科技的武器,自然就只能往法器上去想了! However they have been quickly shocked, Martial Dao development level far ultra Human Race Federation of big summer dynasty, although has not seen nuclear bomb method, but has also heard many Magic Artifact powerful ability. 不过他们很快就震惊了下来,大夏皇朝的武道发展水平远超人类联邦,虽然没见过核弹这种手段,但是也听闻过许多法器威能 Strikes destruction several tens of thousands Army not to be strange, but they have not thought, Chu Yunfan also has such method unexpectedly. 一击覆灭数万军队也不算奇怪,只是他们没有想到,楚云凡居然也有这样的手段。 Chu Yunfan feels the heat wave that the distant place is sweeping across, in an instant the high temperature of nuclear explosion annihilates all sufficiently. 楚云凡感受着远处席卷过来的热浪,刹那间核爆的高温足以湮灭一切。 These tactical nuclear bombs put in Chu Yunfan Mountains and Rivers Diagram had for a long time, but had still not found the appropriate opportunity to use. 这些战术核弹在楚云凡山河图里放了有很长时间了,只是一直没找到合适的机会用。 If specifically is used to chase down a person, is very difficult to be effective. 如果专门用来追杀一个人,也很难奏效。 Especially true top expert, so long as has surpassed Core Boundary, is above Ordinary regarding the sensation of danger. 尤其是真正顶尖的高手,只要超过了丹境,对于危险的感知就是超乎寻常的。 Even if hits to be caught off guard, is kills the chicken with butchering the oxen knife, if Void Territory, even is universe boundary Level expert, split second can escape from enough safe distance. 即便打个措手不及,也是杀鸡用宰牛刀,如果是虚境,甚至是乾坤境级别高手,一瞬间就能逃出足够的安全距离。 Only if with the strategic nuclear bomb bombardment, creates to extinguish killing of city Level to pose the threat to this expert. 除非是用战略核弹轰击,造成灭城级别的杀伤才有可能对这种高手造成威胁。 However, that is also difficult! 不过,那也非常困难! Therefore Chu Yunfan has been receiving uselessly, but now above this battlefield, instead has become the use tactic nuclear bomb best place, because these are the armies that in Monster Race experiences for a long time the training, even if felt fierce danger, however instinct each other closes up, but is not scatters in all directions to run away. 所以楚云凡一直收着没用,但是现在在这战场之上,反而成了使用战术核弹最好的地方,因为那些都是妖族之中久经训练的部队,即便是感觉到了剧烈的危险,但是本能的还是彼此靠拢,而不是四散开逃。 This is the army and individual Martial Dao expert difference. 这就是部队和个人武道高手的差别。 Right now, almost caught the whole lot in a dragnet by Chu Yunfan! 这下子,几乎被楚云凡一网打尽! Was melted in core region expert of that ten universe boundary Level directly, a flesh has not remained, even if also leaves far these by the fearful explosion Frenzy heavy losses. 在核心地带的那十个乾坤境级别高手被直接融化,连个血肉都没留下来,就算是离得远的那些也被可怕的爆炸狂潮重创。 Only this time, Chu Yunfan at least eliminated more than 30,000 Monster Race elite. 只这一次,楚云凡就起码消灭了30000多妖族精锐。 It seems like not many, but if places in Human Race Federation, that was the success of shocking everybody, these Monster Race elite armies weakest also compared with initially the Chu Yunfan life and death archenemy, the god, wanted formidable many. 看似不多,但是如果放在人类联邦之中,那就是惊世骇俗的战绩了,这些妖族精锐大军最弱的也都比当初楚云凡的生死大敌,神,要强大的多。 Initially Human Race Federation used that many nuclear bombs how the god, now this tactical nuclear bomb can destroy completely expert of more than 30,000 far ultra gods, can say, gained sends greatly. 当初人类联邦动用了那么多的核弹都奈何不了神,现在这点战术核弹就能灭掉30000多远超神的高手,可以说,赚大发了。 General military might!” “将军威武!” Does not know that who shouted one, immediately in entire battlefield only remaining cheering of valuable peaceful Cities Garrison troops. 不知道谁喊了一声,顿时整个战场上都只剩下了宝泰城镇守军的欢呼。 Actually they will not manage Chu Yunfan how to eliminate these powerful enemies, they only know that the Chu Yunfan one breath eliminated more than 30,000 Monster Race Army, can make so the great merit by a place garrison force unexpectedly, perhaps was also a record that has never been approached and will never be approached again. 他们可不会管楚云凡究竟是怎么消灭这些强敌的,他们只知道楚云凡一口气消灭了30000多妖族军队,以一个地方卫戍部队居然能够立下如此大功,恐怕也是前无古人后无来者了。 In the heart Chu Yunfan regarding full of admiration that admires. 心中更是对于楚云凡佩服的五体投地。 At this time, in big summer dynasty Army Great Array, wore a mail-armor and helmet, the vision of facial features resolute middle-aged man also finally looks in the direction of army left wing. 此时,在大夏皇朝军队大阵之中,一个身穿一身甲胄,面容刚毅的中年男子的目光也终于朝着大军左翼的方向看去。 Move that Chu Yunfan makes, gave to alarm him finally. 楚云凡弄出的动静,也终于将他给惊动了。 This facial features resolute man, is actually not others, lets the big summer sovereign Korean army god who various Foreign clans are panic at the news, big summer Taiwei. 这个面容刚毅的男子,却不是别人,正是让域外各族闻风丧胆的大夏皇朝军神,大夏太尉。 That is military number one person that the big summer dynasty kept aloof, usually in lived in seclusion, only had this Level war, might make too Wei assume Commander personally. 那是大夏皇朝高高在上的军方第一人,平日里深居简出,也唯有这种级别的大战,才有可能让太尉亲自坐镇指挥 His originally has not noted left-wing unexpectedly also several hundred people of Army, in several million people of battlefields, the accident of left wing is really not anything. 原本也没有注意到左翼居然还有一只数百人的军队,在数百万人的战场之中,左翼的一点变故实在是不算什么。 However now, he noted existence of that small unit finally. 但是现在,他终于注意到了那一支小部队的存在。 Place garrison force?” Too Wei brows slightly wrinkle, he sees the mail-armor and helmet of this army is only Light Armor, this equips the place garrison force generally, if Main Force Army, even if two Main Force Army is also the equipment covers heavy armor of whole body generally. “地方卫戍部队?”太尉眉头微蹙,他看到这一支部队的甲胄只是轻甲,这一般都是装备地方卫戍部队的,如果是主力军,哪怕是二线的主力军一般都也都是配备覆盖全身的重甲。 After all these soldiers are Martial Dao expert, sturdy, may shoulder thousand jin (0.5 kg), trivial feeling of heaviness in the limbs armor, light , if no thing. 毕竟这些士兵都是武道高手,身强力壮,可扛千斤,区区一身重甲,轻如无物。 What army through the mail-armor and helmet can very discernment easily the outcome of fight be. 通过甲胄就能很轻易的辨别出战斗的究竟是什么样的部队。 He does not remember from the start oneself have the transfer order of signing and issuing reassignment place garrison force, after all this is only a spring mopping-up operation, to the autumn of critical life or death, how not to have been one's turn the reassignment place garrison force. 他也压根不记得自己有签发调动地方卫戍部队的调令,毕竟这不过只是一次春季扫荡行动,又不是到了危急存亡之秋,怎么着也轮不到调动地方卫戍部队。 This type of local troop in this battlefield, can support for ten minutes to calculate the miracle. 这种地方部队在这种战场上,能撑过十分钟都算奇迹。 Assembled, that was also only a cannon fodder. 调集来了,那也只是炮灰罢了。 However what lets his accident/surprise is, this place garrison force has the uncommon strength unexpectedly, each soldier at least is Void Territory Level expert, this is not the general place garrison force, even if in the imperial guard, that is also elite elite. 不过让他意外的是,这一支地方卫戍部队居然拥有不凡的实力,每一个士兵起码都是虚境级别高手,这可不是一般的地方卫戍部队,就算是在禁军之中,那也是精锐中的精锐。 This made him come several points of interest immediately, said accurately, was his military officer to this place garrison force has had the interest, that might huge Magic Artifact. 这让他顿时来了几分兴趣,准确的说,是他对这一支地方卫戍部队的校尉产生了兴趣,还有那种威力巨大的法器 Ether Wei's experience old say/way, only looked that knows this Weapon might and flaw, however in the battlefield, this are actually is a War sharp weapon. 以太尉的经验之老道,只看一眼就知道这种武器的威力和缺陷,但是在战场上,这却不失为是一种战争利器。 Immediately sends to me the material of that army!” “马上把那一支部队的资料给我送来!” Too Wei Dangji opens the mouth to say directly. 太尉当即直接开口说道。 Quick, had own health/guard to collect neat the material, has given to too Wei. 很快,就有亲卫搜集齐了资料,送给了太尉。 Too Wei Jieguo jade Jane/simple, but has swept a content of, immediately understood. 太尉接过玉简,只是扫了一眼其中的内容,顿时就都明白了。 Flying immortal sect, Chu Yunfan!” “飞仙宗,楚云凡!” In jade Jane/simple, Chu Yunfan various materials were prepared, the Chu Yunfan family background flying immortal sect such prestigious family big faction, moreover assumes a new post is about the time that one year is not, unexpectedly can train this kind of Army, truly surprises him a little. 在玉简之中,楚云凡的各种资料都已经齐备,楚云凡出身飞仙宗这样的名门大派,而且履新不过一年都不到的时间,居然能够调教出这样一支军队,确实让他有点意外。 Even including reason also on record why will be adjusted about Chu Yunfan. 甚至连其中关于楚云凡为什么会被调来的原因也记录在案。 Li Qianyuan!” “李乾元!” Too Wei Mi has narrowed the eye, he sees, muddy day marquis Li Qianyuan who in the material has recorded using the authority affects the transfer order of Ministry of War, adjusts the battlefield Chu Yunfan. 太尉眯了眯眼睛,他看到了资料上所记载的,浑天侯李乾元利用职权影响兵部的调令,将楚云凡调到战场。 And is concealed and unreported to, only then will makes the Chu Yunfan accident/surprise expose under the Monster Race soldier peak. 并且对上隐瞒不报,才会楚云凡意外暴露在妖族的兵峰之下。 Transmitted orders, muddy day marquis Li Qianyuan abandons privately Duke, punishes by reduction in pay for one year, the Ministry of War vice-ministers were removed from office investigate and deal with accordingly!” “传令下去,浑天侯李乾元因私废公,罚俸一年,兵部左侍郎革职查办!” Regarding Li Qianyuan who other people keeps aloof, in Taiwei, at all is not anything, this is slightly punishes loudly warns. 对于旁人来说高高在上的李乾元,于太尉来说,根本不算什么,这不过是小惩大诫罢了。 Meanwhile! 与此同时! How possible? What Magic Artifact is that?” “怎么可能?那是什么法器?” Right now, even if in the Monster Race big camp Commander that middle-aged men, if decides all of a sudden changed color, more than 30,000 Monster Race Army are annihilated, his eye will wink will not wink, in this Level battlefield, the casualty several hundred thousand, over a million will be Ordinary. 这下子,即便是在妖族大营中指挥若定的那中年男子都一下子变色了,30000多妖族军队全军覆没,他眼睛眨都不会眨一下,在这种级别的战场之中,死伤几十万,上百万都是寻常 However what he cares is that Special Magic Artifact, in launch, does not have the fluctuation of tiny bit Magic Power unexpectedly, basic reason that this can attack suddenly, because including an indication not to have radically. 但是他在乎的是那种特别法器,在发动的时候,居然没有一星半点法力的波动,这才是能够突然袭击的根本原因,因为根本连一点征兆都没有。
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