„Iin the personbygroupwas definitely infected. Althoughchat loglooks at in thatcrowdis very happy, Ipasssometimeto draw back the group. Otherwise the timelongIassimilated--wait/etc.made the cousinlook atthatformula, confirmed that after thesetonicseatcankill by poison the person, draws back the group.”Song Shuhangsecretly said in heart.
“我肯定被群里的人传染了。虽然那群里的聊天记录看着很欢乐,果然,我还是过些时间就退群吧。否则时间久了我都会被同化的——等让表姐看一下那药方,确认那些补品吃下去会不会毒死人后,就退群吧。”宋书航心中暗道。Actually, obviouslyis onlysomeunfathomable mysterygroupfriends...... heisunfathomable mysterybyin addition, Song Shuhang can definitely not pay attention to the opposite partylife.
其实,明明只是一些莫名其妙的群友……他又是莫名其妙被加进去的,宋书航完全可以不理会对方死活。Buthealwaysfeltoneselfknow the opposite party, ifeats‚medicine pill’is the toxicthing, howregardless ofhe must persuade. No matter the opposite partywill listen tohisadvice, butat leasthemustachieveto have a clear conscience.
但他总感觉自己知道对方如果吃的‘丹药’是有毒的东西,那他无论如何也要劝说一下。不管对方是不是会听他的劝告,但至少他要做到问心无愧。Yes, has a clear conscience.
是的,问心无愧。Listeningisin the crowd the matter of member, buturges is actually hismatter.
After returning to the dormitory, Song Shuhangmounts the chatsoftware, sends the medicinal herblist that transcribedtoowncousinZhao Yaya.
回到宿舍后,宋书航登上聊天软件,给自己的表姐赵雅雅发了一份抄录下来的药材清单。„Elder Sister Yaya, if: If the abovemedicinal herbputs in the medicinepotto stewcompletely, makes the prepared medicineto stick, the thing that boilscaneat the person? if have some timepleasehelpmeexamine.”
“雅雅姐,假设:如果以上药材全部放入药锅中炖煮,做成药糊,煮出来的东西会不会吃死人?有空的话请帮我检验一下。”Knocksenter key, sends the message. Song Shuhang by the chair, blows off the head.
敲下回车键,将消息发送出去。宋书航靠在椅子上,放空脑袋。CousinZhao Yayaandheis different, shehas been in the universitypractice session, accesses the net not many. Sometimesseveralgeniuswill get online, reported a newsin the past, came the weekto reply is also very normal.
表姐赵雅雅和他不同,她已经处于大学实习期,上网不多。有时候好几天才会上线一下,发个消息过去,个来星期才回复也很正常。if possible, Song Shuhangdoes not wantonlineto inquire aboutthisissue.如果可以的话,宋书航不希望在网上询问这问题。
The words that after all something spokeface to facewill not have the misunderstanding, otherwise the cousinthinksby some chanceishewantsto takethismedicine the words, did not say that what to doface to facemisunderstood? Hefeared that mother Sirs of hisfamily/hometake planeto look athim.
毕竟有些事情当面说的话就不会产生误会,否则表姐万一以为是他想吃这药的话,不当面说误会了咋办?他怕他家的母亲大人坐飞机过来看他呢。Howevertoday, hefelt that oneselfhasfeeling-- that more and moremustinperson‚assimilation’by the group, althoughlooked when chat logis very happy, butdraws back the group is quite goodearlier.
不过今天,他感觉自己越来越有要被群里人‘同化’的感觉——果然啊,虽然看聊天记录时很欢乐,但还是早点退群比较好。Has not chattedto crop upingroupwhileoneself, in the personwith the groupdoes not have the friendship, since will draw back the groupto comenot to havemanyto yearn.
趁着自己从没在群里聊天冒头,和群里人也没交情,退起群来也不会有多少留恋。Having said that, buthisfingercannot help butpointto the screen, opensNine Provinces (1) Group.话虽如此,但他的手指还是不由自主点向屏幕右下角,将九洲一号群打开。
The custom of personfosters is actually very easy, hefosterslookedevery day the custom of groupalsoonlyused for tendays.
人的习惯养成其实很容易,他养成每天看群的习惯也只用了十天。Ingrouphappen tosomepeopleonline.
群中正好有人在线。Loose Practitioner North River: „The Seventh, did transcends tribulationfinish? Was Little Sixteenpromoted?”北河散人:“阿七,渡劫结束了吧?小十六晋级了吧?”
Before these wordsare more than tenminutes, sends, butSu Clan's The Seventhhad not replied.
这句话是十多分钟前发上去的,但苏氏阿七一直没回复。„Won't Thunder Tribulationhave an accident?”Spirit Butterfly Island's Soft Feathersaid out loud, whatthisonnumberisherpersonallyrather thanher father. Although the little missesjust nowenter the group, the groupfriend but who the sweet-talking, alreadyandseveraloftenfroth overknows.
“雷劫不会出事了吧?”灵蝶岛羽柔子出声道,这次上号的是她本人而不是她爹。小姑娘虽然才刚入群,但嘴甜,已经和几个经常冒泡的群友结识。Sheknowsperson of eachThunder TribulationDao Cultivatorline is not taken lightlytime, evenweakThunder Tribulation, is not carefulto be possible the majorproblem.
她知道修行之人每一次的雷劫都不可小看,就算是再弱的雷劫,一个不小心都可能出大问题。„probably not, hasThe Seventh. TrivialThird Stage RebirthThunder Tribulation, ifthere is an issue, hecanscatterforcefully.”Loose Practitioner North Riversaid.
“应该不会吧,有阿七在呢。区区三品后天雷劫,若是有问题,他都可以强行打散的。”北河散人说道。Su Clan's The Seventhdid not answer,heis hardto stabilize.
只是苏氏阿七一直不回话,他心里难以安定。At this time, hasa Song Shuhanghas not seenIDto crop up. Thisisnamed‚Immortal Master Copper Trigram’ID: „Youare not first anxious, wait forthisImmortal Masterto be counted an trigram, apparentresult.”
这时,有一个宋书航没见过的id冒出头来。这是个名为‘铜卦仙师’的id:“你们先不急,等本仙师算上一卦,便知结果。”Loose Practitioner North Riversilentmoment, replied: „Alsogood.”北河散人沉默了片刻,回道:“也好。”Thisevidentlythose whoasked the Immortal Master Copper Trigram'sfellowto actwasdivinationclass/flowImmortal Master?
看样子这叫铜卦仙师的家伙扮演的是算卦之流的仙师?Approximatelyonly has2-3minutes of appearance, Immortal Master Copper Trigramthencrops up saying: „Ha Ha, all right. The result that thisImmortal Masterfigures outisinsigns, great luck and great profit, Su Clan's The Seventhandhislater generationare all rightabsolutely. Wewait forLittle Sixteento challengeeveryone!”
On signs, should thatbe ableto selectsafely? Althoughdivinationthistype of thingcannot do , but sometimes can indeed makein the personheartprobablycomfortslightly. Shuhangsecretly said in heart.
After Loose Practitioner North Riverhearsthisdivinatory trigramresult, notjoyful, insteadis silent.
After the moment, hesent the forced smileexpression: „Little Sixteenreallyhad problemsevidently, thereforeThe Seventhhas not gotten online. Has the personnearH-City, in the pasthad a look atThe Seventh, whetherneedsto help?”
片刻后他发了个苦笑的表情:“看样子小十六真的出问题了,所以阿七才没有上线。有没有人在h市附近的,过去看看阿七,是否需要帮助?”Mad Sabre Three Wavescrops up, sighed: „Trigram Immortal, sincefigured outgreat luck and great profit, thatreallyhad an accident. ButIam very farfromH-City, even to overtakestill for severaldays.”狂刀三浪冒头,叹道:“卦仙既然算出了大吉大利,那就真的是出事了。但我离h市很远,就算想赶过去也得好几天。”„?”Soft Featherdoubts.
“?”羽柔子疑惑。„Soft Featheryouhavenot to know, the trigram that Immortal Masterthisfellowcalculates, never has. Ifhefigures outisgreat luck and great profit, youbestto preparequickly, becauseyourabsolutelywanteddisaster is imminent. Otherwise, ifhefigures out you are cataclysmsnear the bodyand so on, insteadcanrelax, becauseyouestimated that wants the good luckoverhead. Ifwhichdayhefigures outyou to extinguishworldgreat tribulation, when is beyond redemption, youcanfirstmanageglee feastanything, becausethisismustgo outpicks the immortal toolrhythm!”Mad Sabre Three Wavesanswered.
“羽柔子妳有所不知,仙师这家伙算的卦,从来就没有中过。他若算出是大吉大利的话,那妳最好快做准备,因为妳绝逼要大祸临头了。反之,若他算出你是灾劫临身之类的话,反而可以松口气,因为你估计要鸿运当头。如果哪天他算出你有灭世大劫,万劫不复时,那你可以先办个庆功宴啥的了,因为这是要出门捡个仙器的节奏!”狂刀三浪解释道。Loose Practitioner North Riverstab: „From, on the other hand, the Trigram Immortaldivinationskill is very indeed strong. So long asbecausecounter-is looking the trigram that hecalculates, thatbasicallywas the right key.”北河散人补刀:“从另一方面来说,卦仙的算卦的本事的确很强的。因为只要将他算的卦反着看,那基本就是正确答案了。”Immortal Master Copper Trigram: „......”铜卦仙师:“……”Hequitethinks the soundsīstrengthuses upcalledone, revolted. Buthefor a lifetimefullblackhistory, thereforepuzzledmustdie.
他好想声嘶力竭的叫一声,反抗一下。但他又偏偏一辈子满满的黑历史,所以纠结的要死。„Right, Miss Soft Feather, canask when your fatherdoes go home? Hehas been a guestinthis thronewas very long, could it behedoes not miss homeland, doesn't think the cuteprettydaughter?”Mad Sabre Three Wavesthistimestudywas clever, has not opened the mouthseeking death.
“对了,羽柔子姑娘,能问问你父亲什么时候回家吗?他在本座家已经做客很久了,难道他就不想家,不想可爱漂亮的女儿吗?”狂刀三浪这次学乖了,没有开口作死。„Goodsenior, I have free timeto ask the dadfor the senior.” The Soft Featherverypolitereply, actuallygave the bounced check. Whenwithoutsaying asked that does not have the determination to ask the fatherto go home.
“好的前辈,我有空替前辈问下阿爹。”羽柔子很有礼貌的回答,却只是给了张空头支票。没说什么时候去问,也没确定要叫父亲回家。Mad Sabre Three Wavesislives the worldly person, how couldto understand the meaning of Soft Feather'sbeing perfunctory? Therefore, Elder BrotherThree Waveseye socketwas also moist.狂刀三浪都是活成人精的,岂能不明白羽柔子的敷衍之意?所以,三浪哥的眼眶又湿润了。„Haslurker, inH-City?”Loose Practitioner North Riveringroupeveryone.
The member in lurkercrops upin abundance, thensimultaneous/uniformShuashaking the headexpression. Chinais so big, ingroupperson, only thenso many, impossibleeveryonehuddles togetherin the same place.潜水中的成员纷纷冒头,然后齐刷了摇头的表情。华夏那么大,群里人只有这么多,不可能所有人都扎堆在一起。Jiangnan district that Song Shuhang is sticking toH-Cityactually, buthedoes not knowSu Clan's The Seventh-- the brain that moreoverhethinksis also sobering, impossibleaccompanies the man in groupto look forone, because‚crossesThunder Tribulation’to be missing, thendivinationfigures out‚accident of’groupfriend.宋书航所在的江南区倒是紧贴着h市,但他又不认识苏氏阿七——而且他觉的自己脑子还清醒着,不可能陪群里的爷们去找一个因为‘渡雷劫’失踪,然后算卦算出‘出了事’的群友。Hehad not been assimilatedafter all.
他毕竟还没被同化。At this time, Spirit Butterfly Island's Soft Featheragainsaid out loud: „Iprepareto go to a J-Cityprocessingmatter, at the appointed timewill first arrive at the Jiangnanairportby plane, thentransfersJ-City. Jiangnan districtneighboringH-City, ifthere areneedsto helpcancontact withmeat any time......, althoughIam not ripetoH-City, butthere areneedsto helpIwill certainly make contribution.”
这时,灵蝶岛羽柔子再次出声道:“我准备前往j市处理点事,到时会先乘飞机到江南机场,再转j市。江南区邻近h市,如果有需要帮忙的可以随时联系我……虽然我对h市不熟,但有需要帮助的话我一定会尽力的。”„That was really good.”Loose Practitioner North Riverreplied.
“那真是太好了。”北河散人回复道。AfterJiangnan district? In the group can thismisscometohere? Song Shuhangblinks.
经过江南区?群里这姑娘要到这里来?宋书航眨了眨眼睛。Loose Practitioner North Riverjoyfully said: „Ifind the wayto relateThe Seventh, having the words that needsto helpIrelateSoft Featheryou.”北河散人欣喜道:“我想办法联系阿七,有需要帮助的话我联系羽柔子妳。”HeandSu Clan's The Seventhpersonal friendshipvery nice, before two peoplejoinNine Provinces (1) Group, is the life and deathbest friend. NowImmortal Master Copper TrigramthattrigrammakesLoose Practitioner North Riversomewhatmentally confused.
The matterdoes not closealready, pass/testalreadychaotic.
事不关已,关已则乱。At this time, group adminTrue Monarch Yellow Mountainappeared, speaks the comfort saying: „North River, youleaveextremelyin the worry. HasThe Seventhon the scene, let aloneisThird Stage RebirthThunder Tribulation, evenFourth StagefirstHeavenly Thunder Tribulationhe can do nothing.”
这时,群主黄山真君出现,出言安慰道:“北河,你别太过于担心。有阿七在场,别说是三品后天雷劫,就算是四品先天雷劫也奈何不了他。”„Said is also.”Loose Practitioner North Riversighed: „ActuallyIdid not worry, after all is onlytrivialThird Stage Rebirthis thunderous. The Immortal Master Copper Trigramthatgreat luck and great profitintrigram, makingmeall of a suddennervous.”
“说的也是。”北河散人叹了口气:“其实本来我不担心的,毕竟只是区区三品后天雷动。只是铜卦仙师那大吉大利的上上卦,让我一下子就提心吊胆了。”„......”True Monarch Yellow Mountain.
“……”黄山真君。„......”Mad Sabre Three Waves.
“……”狂刀三浪。really make sense that Loose Practitioner North River said that theyhad nothing to say in reply.北河散人说的好有道理,他们俩无言以对。
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