After eating lunch, Song Shuhangthengoes tonearbybookstorefreeloading books.吃过午饭后,宋书航便前往附近的租书店蹭书。Helikesfreeloading books, wantsto save these money of actually notrenting the book, thisishelikes the--Shuhangfeelingsquattingwhen the bookstorebookshelfcornerreads, is crisp!
他喜欢蹭书,倒不是想省这几个租书的钱,这是他个人爱好——书航感觉蹲在租书店的书架角落看书时,倍爽!Naturally, toavoid the Bossdislike, after rubbinghalfheavenly book, hewill rent12to go back--to cultivate the behavior, everythingcannotdocertainly, wantsthin streams flow forever! ThiscanavoidBossloathinghim, catches up withhimto go out.
当然,为了避免老板厌恶,蹭个半天书后,他会租上一两本回去——做人嘛,凡事不可做绝,要细水长流!这样可以避免老板厌恶他,赶他出门。After alllikeat presentthislarge-scale, the booksvarietyis not restricted in the novel, butwasvarioustypes of bookshasbookstore that to be rarely seen.
毕竟象眼前这个大型的、书籍品种不限于小说,而是各种书籍都有的租书店已经不多见了。Perhapswas blacklisted the words, nearbyJiangnan University Campuscould not find a betterbookstore.
被列入黑名单的话,江南大学城附近恐怕都找不到更棒的书店了。Said that a name of personis very important, as the name implies, Song Shuhanglikesreadingvery much, moreovernewcomerdoes not resist.
都说一个人的名字很重要,人如其名,宋书航很喜欢看书,而且来者不拒。Novel, literaryworkandclassicalanthology, evenisletspersonlooks atonvariousaridtheoretical knowledge that bigsuch asfights, helikes.
无论是小说、文学著作、古典文集,甚至是让人看着就头大如斗的各种枯燥理论知识,他都喜欢。Recentlyhemainlyrubbedsomemotor vehicledrivingskills and attentionknowledgein the bookstore, hepreparedwhilefirst-year courserelaxedtimetested a driver's license. Registers for the driver's licenseratioto go outto want the cheap7,000-8,000bigflannelsin the school.
……Express that the freeloading bookstimealwayscrosses.蹭书的时间总是过的特别快。In an instantalreadyabout 3 : 00 pm.
转眼间已经下午 3 点左右。„Goodquick...... to prepareto go back. Alsomustgo tonearbysupermarketbelt/bringdry rationsto work as the midnight snack, Saturday nightcanfightall night.”Song Shuhanghēi hēismiles.
“好快……要准备回去了。还得去附近超市带点干粮当夜宵,周六晚上可以通宵大战啊。”宋书航嘿嘿一笑。Then, hepulled outthisbookcasually, toward the counterin the past, handledto rent the bookprocedure.
The counterin the bookstoreexit position, outsidevisorlidpretendsto shattertoday, therefore the bookstoreBossmotherhides at the same time the shade, avoids the vertical incident solar raysinsolation.
柜台在租书店出口位置,今天外面的遮阳盖假装坏掉了,所以书店老板娘躲在一边阴凉处,避免太阳直射暴晒。„Sunis big, has the midsummerfeeling.”Song Shuhangobstructsin the view, raise headis looking at the sky of blue sky. At the same timegives the Bossmother the book that in the handmustrent.
The BossmotheristypicalJiangnanbeauty, like the watermakes.老板娘是个典型的江南美人,像水做的一样。Herhobbyalsoreads, similarlylikesholdingthisbookto lookisoneall day. Canseefromherclothes,herquality of lifeis not low, openingthisbookstoreis onlyherinterest.
她的爱好也是看书,同样喜欢捧着本书一看就是一整天。从她的衣着打扮就可以看出,她生活质量不低,开这家租书店只是她个人兴趣爱好。Usually the articlesits in meditation the Bossmother who reads there, the simplybeautifullike the picture, warms the heart and delights the eye. Manyordinaryyouthtolook atthisbeautifuloftensuch as the picturescene, reverseoneselfhobbyforcefully, fromtwoByouthtransformis the literaryyouth.
平时文静坐在那里看书的老板娘,简直美如画,赏心悦目。许多普通青年就是为了经常看这美如画的场景,硬生生的扭转自己的爱好,从二b青年变身为文学青年。Howeverit is said that thisbeautifulsuch aspictureside is only the Bossmother'speacepattern......
不过据说,这美如画的一面是只是老板娘的和平模式……Has the peacepattern, thatdefinitelyhas the PKpatternorisberserk mode. However, Shuhang arrived here six monthsnot to seeactually.
有和平模式,那肯定有pk模式或者是狂暴模式。不过,书航来到这里半年来倒是没见过。„Ok, intwodaysremember that alsocome back. Manydayon a additionalmoneyrent.” The Bossmothercompletesto rent the bookprocedure, thenwavingmakesSong Shuhangrushto get the hell out.
“好了,两天内记得还回来。多一天就加一块钱租金。”老板娘做好租书手续,便挥手让宋书航赶忙滚蛋。Althoughwas togetherhalfsemester, butthislovefreeloading books, andrubbedis the half-dayyoung fellowmade the profoundimpressionon the Bossmother. if not forthisyoung fellowknows the limitation, finallywill rent12booksto considerherbusiness the words, shehas wielded the broomto catch up with the person.
虽然只是相处了半个学期,但这个爱蹭书,并且一蹭就是半天的小伙子给老板娘留下了深刻的印象。要不是这小伙识相,最后都会租上一两本书照顾她生意的话,她早就挥扫把赶人了。„hēi hēi.” After Song Shuhangreceived the bookwith a smile, walks out of the bookstoredoor.
轰!!!Inthis time, a ear-splitting'ssoundexplosionis resounding.
正在这时,一声震耳欲聋的响声爆炸般响起。Inbookstoreeveryonehad a scare, Song Shuhang that takeshas almost not stepped onsteadily, nearlyfallsto go fall flat on one's face!租书店里所有人都被吓了一大跳,一脚迈出的宋书航更是差点没踩稳,险些跌个狗吃屎!„fuck!”
“艹!”„ai yō, mother!”
“哎哟,妈呀!”„Bolt from the blue?”
“晴天霹雳啊?”„Scares to death.”Inbookstore, variousscreamsup here, down there.
“吓死。”租书店中,各种惊呼声此起彼伏。Song Shuhang raised his headlooksto the sky, then the sky of discoveryblue skyactuallyhad the change, hasdark cloudsto condensein the skyhorizonmargin hellplacequietly, in an instantthencoveredhorizonendthatflakesky, appearance that wind and rainwants.宋书航抬头望向天空,便发现原本万里无云的天空却起了变化,在天空地平线尽端处有一片乌云悄然凝聚,转眼间便掩盖了地平线尽头那小片天空,一副风雨欲来的模样。„Possiblycanshowerevidently? zé zé, said for severalyears ago the weather forecastis far-fetched, mustinsteadlook, the forecastis the cloudless daymustbring the umbrella. Ihave thoughtso manyyears, the weather forecasthad changed, has not thought that is far-fetched.”Song Shuhangsighedsecretly.
“看样子可能要下阵雨了?啧啧,都说几年前天气预报不靠谱,要反着看,预报是晴天就一定要带伞。我以为过了这么多年,天气预报已经改变了,没想到还是不靠谱。”宋书航暗叹。Thismight as well, lookedin the pastin the past the weather forecastwithcounter-is only lookingon the line;Nowlooked that the weather forecastinsteaddoes needto betitsdoes not permit?
When indulges in flights of fancy, heholds the book that rents, under preparesnot to startwhile the shower, firsthurries back to the dormitory.
胡思乱想之际,他捧起租来的书,准备趁着阵雨还没开始下,先赶回宿舍。Has not waited for the Song Shuhangsecondfootto take.
轰……Alsoroaredtogetherthunderously, personearwēng wēng that shookmade noise.
The leg that Song Shuhangliftsshrank.宋书航抬起的腿又缩了回来。
The horizoncompletelylocates, the distortion of dark cloudregiondifference. Somethunder snakedrillfrom the dark cloud, hōng lóng lóngmakes noise, formspiece of thunder net.
地平线尽处,乌云区域异样的扭曲起来。有雷蛇从乌云中钻出,轰隆隆作响,形成一片雷网。Song Shuhanghas seenthundering, but his has not seen the thunder and lightningto become--simply of thisappearanceto seem likeend of the worldfor a lifetimeto be the same crowdedat present, the in the sky'sthunder and lightningis notflashes, butisonechopspiece by piece.宋书航见过打雷,但他这一辈子还没见过雷电密集成眼前这模样的——简直像是世界末日一样,天空中的雷电都不是一道道闪的,而是一片片一齐劈下的。Soundalsostand out from the masses of rolling thunder.
Before the Jiangnan districtthunderoussoundis a loud sound, thenoneskewer of billowingechoes. Butnow, the thunderoussoundlikeadding the firecrackers of a lot ofgunpowder was the same. bang bang, pā pāandbang bang, quarrelledandmake, evenrepliedis covered.江南区以前的雷鸣声都是一声巨响,然后一串滚滚的回音。而现在,雷鸣声如同加了大量火药的鞭炮一样。轰轰、啪啪、轰轰,又吵又闹,连回音都被掩盖。Assuming that this peoplebehave badlybybeing struck by lightning, thisis the bigevilcanbring inthismyriad thunder wild explosionaspect?
假设这是有人做孽被雷劈的话,这得是多大的孽才能引来这万雷狂轰的局面?Moreoverthe one whomakesSong Shuhangcare, thatjet blackthunder cloudshave not extended, has shrunkin the horizonmargin hellplace, bombs recklessly, has not actually wanted the spread outrhythm.
The thunderoussoundcontinuedapproximatelytenbreathrolling, for a very long time.
雷鸣声滚滚持续了约十个呼吸,久久不息。Thisto a more violentfeeling that the person a stormmustcome.
这给人一种暴风雨要来的更猛烈的感觉。„Really isunfortunate! „ Song Shuhangsighed, secretly said in heart: „ Canno longerrub the little whilebook?”
“真是不幸啊!“宋书航叹了口气,心中暗道:“要不再蹭会儿书?”Generally speakingevenunder the thunder showerwords, are still the rapidness that comes, gonerapidness. Perhaps if the long time under shower, he can also readagain?
一般来说就算下雷阵雨的话,也是来的快,去的快。但如果阵雨下的久点,说不定他还能再看本书?Thinks ofhere, heturns aroundto return to the bookstore, preparesagainsquattinga while.
想到这里,他又转身回书店,准备再蹲一会儿。As if the heavenandShuhangis cracking a joke.
仿佛是老天和书航在开玩笑。Whenheturns aroundtreadsto return to the bookstore, near the earbellowactuallystops suddenly!
The horizonthatfill the whole skydark cloudandirasciblethunder snakealsodisappearScatter!to be similarbig handto paintby the skysimultaneously, feltpicture when does not satisfy, thenconvenientlywipesthisdark cloudsandthunder snake.
The skyrestoresforstatus of blue sky, the sunlightto shine! As ifa moment agothatdemolitionthunderous, thatthunder snakeis onlyhallucinations and illusionis all over the sky ordinary.
天空重新恢复为万里无云的状态,阳光普照!仿佛刚才那爆破般的雷鸣、那满天雷蛇只是幻听和幻觉一般。Inbookstoresomepeoplemuttered: „Whatsituation is this?”租书店中有人喃喃道:“这是啥情况?”„Some won't reallypeoplebehave badlyare struck by lightning?”
“不会真有人作孽被雷劈吧?”„Superstition! The so-calledthunder and lightningis only a natural phenomenon......”
“迷信!所谓雷电只是一种自然现象……”At this time, the Shuhangnearbyhadkidraise head, hisleft handholdsthisyoung childmanga, rightpalmhightosky, called outwithveryheroictoneloudly: „On the day , Iwant, cannot block frommyeyeagain, wantsthisplace, could not burymyheartagain! Iwantthisall over the skydark cloud, dissipationdisappear without trace!”
这时,书航边上有个小屁孩抬头,他左手捧着本小儿漫画,右掌高对着天空,大声用很豪迈语气叫道:“啊,我要这天,再遮不住我眼,要这地,再埋不了我心!我要这满天乌云,消散无影无踪!”Song Shuhangcorner of the mouthtwitches, hecanaffirmafterthiskidgrows up, recalledtoday'spicturetowill sway back and forthshylyeverywhere. Moreover the memory of thisblackhistorywill twine the kidlife. When who thenthinkwith great difficultyhave forgottenthis memory, perhapsitswhichdaywill bravefrom which corner of mind, making one wish one couldto yell: Dies, is quite ashamed! And so on. Also makes one wish one could itselfto be ablecross overto go back, pastdoingfoolish matterwill beat violently.宋书航嘴角抽搐,他敢肯定当这小屁孩长大后,一回想起今天的画面就会羞涩到满地打滚。而且这种黑历史的记忆将会缠绕小屁孩一生。然后好不容易觉的自己已经忘记这段记忆时,说不定它哪天又会从脑海的哪个旮旯里冒出来,让人恨不得大叫:去死啊,好羞耻啊!之类的。又让人恨不得自己能穿越回去,将当年的做傻事的自己狠揍一顿。Becausehehas profound understanding.
When don't know why, seesthisfunnykid, Song ShuhangremembersinNine Provinces (1) Groupsuddenlythatgroup of XianxiaChuunibyougroupfriends.
只是不知为何,看到这搞笑的小屁孩时,宋书航突然想起九洲一号群里那群仙侠中二群友。‚H-City, crossesThird Stage RebirthThunder Tribulation.’
‘h市,渡三品后天雷劫。’chat log in groupleaps forwardhismind.
群里的聊天记录跃入他脑海。Heestimatedunder the skyhorizonpositionagain, a moment ago was thatthunderstormregionprobablyandas if...... the H-Cityposition?
他再估算了下天空地平线位置,刚才那雷暴区域好像、似乎……就是h市位置?Evenby the Song Shuhang'sbigheart, heartbeatslowhalfracket.
即使以宋书航的大心脏,心跳都缓了半拍。Not...... real?
The weather forecastdemonstrationisclear, butsuddenlypresents the strangeten thousandthunderto thunderat present.
天气预报显示是晴,但眼前却突然出现诡异的万雷轰鸣。„Ha Ha Ha Ha, how can it be! The in this worldhow could it bedaymovesthistype of thing. Shouldbe the coincidence?!”Song Shuhangsecretly said in heart.
“哈哈哈哈,怎么可能!这世界上怎么可能有天动这种东西。应该是巧合吧?!”宋书航心中暗道。However, when thought that inhismindthenimpossible to get rid of: In the worldwill really have the matter of suchcoincidence? Thatthunder snakeissostrange, seeminglydoes not seem like the naturalevent.
但是,念头一起时,在他脑海便挥之不去:世界上真会有这么巧合的事?那雷蛇是如此诡异,看上去真不像是自然事件。H-Cityandtranscends tribulationseveralphrasesreverberateinhismindunceasingly.h市、渡劫几个字眼在他脑海不断回荡。Song Shuhangmakes an effortto shake the head, flingsfrom the mindthispossibility.宋书航用力摇头,将这个可能性从脑海中甩出。
The world outlook that 18yearsestablishtoldhim, believe in science, refusedto blindly believe in that thunder cloudswere only the strangenatural phenomenonrather thanThunder Tribulationanything!
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