Next day, on February 16.
After experiencing the bigaction of yesterday'sHeavenly Way Tyrant Song, All Heavens and Myriad Realms'practitioners, everyone knows about the existence of a special group called the ‘Nine Provinces (1) Group’, knewallmembers.
经历了昨天的霸宋天道的大行动后,诸天万界的修炼者们,都知道了有一个叫‘九洲一号群’的特殊团体存在,更是认识了其中的所有成员。NowinAll Heavens and Myriad Realms, even ifwill have a faceblindpractitionerto'humanity'thiscreature, remembersall'Nine Provinces (1) Group'membersforcefullyfirmly.
现在诸天万界中,哪怕对‘人类’这种生物会有脸盲的修炼者,也都强行将所有‘九洲一号群’的成员牢牢记住。--these, areHeavenly Wayis covering the objects.——这些,都是天道罩着的对象。
Do not stir up!
惹不起!Ifthere is an opportunityto meet, must not become enemies by all means, try to make friends, lookcanrub the pointto relateanything.
如果有机会遇的话,千万不要交恶,反要试着结交一番,看看能不能蹭上点关系什么的。If think about it more beautifully, but can also tryto be ablethroughthatimmortalrelationsnamed'Mama Yellow Mountain', having a look at the opportunityto jointo'Nine Provinces (1) Group', enjoysbyHeavenly Way Tyrant Songis covering the benefits?再想的美一些,还可以试试能不能通过那位叫‘黄山妈妈’的仙长关系,看看有没有机会加入到‘九洲一号群’里,享受被霸宋天道罩着的福利?
The entire'Nine Provinces (1) Group'member, became the All Heavens and Myriad Realms'fragrantsteamed bunin one night.
整个‘九洲一号群’的成员,在一夜之间成了诸天万界的香馍馍。After the Tyrant Song'sbigactionended...... All Heavens and Myriad Realmsalsoentered the smooth developmentperiod.
而在霸宋的大行动结束之后......诸天万界也进入到了平稳发展时期。[Vying for the Heavenly Way]endsofficially.【天道争夺战】正式落幕。Heavenly Way Rulestartsto revolveorderly.天道规则开始有序运转。Whendoes not have‚Heavenly Way Fat Ball’to be closeto collapse the confusion, in additiononcoming of the world spirit powertide, this timeAll Heavens and Myriad Realms, ushered into a golden period of cultivation.
由于没有‘胖球天道’接近崩溃时的混乱,再加上天地灵力潮汐的来临,此时的诸天万界,算是迎来了一个修炼的黄金时期。Eternal Life BeingandTribulation Immortal, no longer shunning the world, will beam with joyoccasionally, leaves behindlegacy, ortakes away the geniusdisciple who oneselfsettle on.长生者和劫仙,也不再避世不出,偶尔会露个脸,留下传承,或是带走自己看中的天才弟子。Song ShuhangandSenior White, as well as‘Foreign Aid Research Group’member, began to tackle the final task--Perfecting the ‘Imperishable substitute’ plan.宋书航和白前辈,以及‘外援研究小组’的成员,开始攻克最后的课题——完善‘不朽代替者’方案。Hopescan the Fourth Heavenly Waypurebodyeffect, the perfectdisplay, replace‚tenthHeavenly Way’withit, becomesstrongesttoolHeavenly Way.
The entireprocess of researchlike a raging fireis conducting.
The member of foreign aidgroup, invested the unprecedentedenthusiasmanddiligently.
各位外援小组的成员,投入了前所未有的热情和努力。But as for one of the Current Heavenly Way Tyrant Song, actually is a little distractedslightly--healsodigestsHeavenly Waydiligently‚variousfruitsbecause, myriad thingsroot’ the principle and knowledge, inthisfinaltopicresearch, the opportunity that hecaninterposeare not many.而身为当今天道之一的霸宋,却稍稍有点走神——他还在努力消化天道‘诸果之因、万物根源’的法则和知识,在这个最后课题研究上,他能插上话的机会不多。He already very diligent!他已经很努力了!It’s just that the study time is too short.只是学习的时间实在太短。Moreover, althoughis somewhat distractedslightly......, buthisbeing distractedis not the puremindblank, butbranches out'Heavenly Way Will'continuously, walks randomlyinsocietyeachcorner.
另外,虽然稍稍有些走神......但他的走神并不是单纯的头脑空白,而是分出一缕缕的‘天道意志’,游走在人世间各个角落。First, toremove‚pitch-black big shot’thoroughlyarrangementinAll Heavens and Myriad Realms''Star Destruction Virus', does not give the virusto have any possibility of recrudescence.
一来,是为了彻底排除‘漆黑大佬’布置在诸天万界的‘恒星毁灭病毒’,不给病毒有任何复发的可能。Secondly, toseesomepeople, has a look atsomefellow daoist.
......All Heavens and Myriad Realms? Shadow Realm.诸天万界?阴影界。Hereis surviving a Eternal Life Beingbig shot of peerlesslevel, Realm LordShadow Thane.
这里生存着一位绝世级的长生者大佬,界主阴影领主。According toSong Shuhangonceestimate, Shadow Thaneunder the 'Realm Lord Jurisdiction'addition, likely alsoachievedRuism Holy ManandHeavenly Emperorthatlevel , like Mohism'sMr.Heavenly Aspiration.
A Song Shuhang'swisp of will, arrivesinthisquietly.宋书航的一缕意志,悄然降临于此。Senior Shadow Thane, firstdetected that hisarrival, fromsinkingin the dormancyregained consciousness.阴影领主前辈,第一时间察觉到了他的到来,从沉眠中苏醒。„long time no see, Senior Shadow.”Song Shuhang'sHeavenly Way Willsaid out loud.
“好久不见,阴影前辈。”宋书航的天道意志出声道。„For a long time? It is not severalmonths ago?”Shadow Thanesaid with a smile: „To us, it's just a blink of an eye.”
“好久?不是才几个月前吗?”阴影领主微笑道:“对我们来说,也就是一眨眼的时间。”During the speeches, in the Shadow Thanehugeform, condenses the a human shapeappearance, facingSong Shuhang.
说话间,阴影领主庞大的身影中,凝聚出一道人形模样,面对宋书航。„Butas far as I'm concerned, is actually the surging forward with great momentum'smostpracticelife.”Song Shuhangsaid, the extend the handpalm, revealsslightlysomefissures the magical itembracelet.
“但对我来说,却是波澜壮阔的大半修炼人生。”宋书航说罢,伸出手掌,露出一枚稍稍有些裂痕的法器手镯。Specialcoffin‘Shadow Holy Land’.
特殊秘器‘阴影圣地’。„Mythistime, repaysmagical item of senior.”Song Shuhangsaid, the right handpalmslightlyis bright the--Heavenly Waylevel«Raising Sabre Art»spread out.
“我这次来,是偿还前辈的法器。”宋书航说罢,右手手掌微微明亮起来——天道级的《养刀术》扩散开来。Inthistyrannicalincomparable«Raising Sabre Art»effect, the fissure on Shadow Holy Landhealscompletely. Even the magical item'squalitya level higher, the braceletinternaldeep place, appearscontainsonewisp‚imperishable aura’Way Trace.
在这强横无比的《养刀术》效果中,阴影圣地上的裂痕全部愈合。甚至法器的品质更上一层楼,手镯内部深处,浮现蕴含着一缕‘不朽气息’的道痕。„Sorry, owesspirit stone of senior, mypromotes toHeavenly Way, cannotcollecteven. Now, only thenwithsomemethods and jurisdictions, restoresthismagical item, tocompensatesenior.”Song Shuhanghands overthismagical item.
“抱歉,欠前辈的灵石,我即使晋升到了天道,都没能凑齐。现在,也只有凭着一些手段和权限,将这件法器修复,以补偿前辈。”宋书航将这件法器递上。„Compared tospirit stone, the ‘Shadow Holy Land’bracelet after thispromotion, mademelike.”Shadow Thaneput out a handto receive‘Shadow Holy Land’
“相对于灵石而言,这件升级后的‘阴影圣地’手镯,更令我喜欢。”阴影领主伸手接过‘阴影圣地’--, do not look athispresentsurfacesteadyonebatch, actuallyhisinnermost feelingscomplexdoes not know that describedwithwhatword.——不过,别看他现在表面稳的一批,其实他的内心复杂的根本不知道用什么词来形容。overturning seas and rivers and volcanic eruption, the tsunamimonstrous waves and endmeteorite...... describedin any case the words of variousdisasters, canbe usedto describeat this time the superficialcalmShadow Thaneinnermost feelings.翻江倒海、火山喷发、海啸巨浪、末日陨石......反正形容各种灾难的词,都可以用来形容此时表面淡定的阴影领主内心。After all, toShadow Thane, at presentthisman, isreal? BlinkedbecameHeavenly Way!
毕竟,对阴影领主来说,眼前这个男人,是真?眨眨眼就成了天道!„If the senior like it, can't be better. After all, even ifnowmakesmegiveyouto put in orderonepile of spirit stoneto compensate, Icannot takefor a short time.” The Song Shuhangwillteased.
“前辈你能喜欢的话,就再好不过了。毕竟,现在就算让我给你整出一堆灵石来赔偿,我一时半刻也拿不出来。”宋书航意志打趣道。ActuallyasHeavenly Way, hecan certainlyscanAll Heavens and Myriad Realmsat any time, thenfound‚the spirit stonesource’, minesagain.
其实身为天道,他当然可以随时扫描诸天万界,然后找到‘灵石源’,再去开采。Evencanusespirit power between Heavenly Wayjurisdictioncommandworld, condensesunderHeavenly Way Willis the spirit stonesource.
甚至能用天道权限号令天地间的灵力,在天道意志下凝聚为灵石源。However, thisdoes not have the significance.
......Meanwhile, Earth? Jiangnan University Campusposition.
与此同时,地球?江南大学城位置。Song Shuhang'sanotherwisp of will, strollsnearJiangnan University Campus.宋书航的另一缕意志,在江南大学城附近漫步。
After this timehe every walks, surroundingspirit powerchangesis rich, new life glowing on the lawn, the branchemits the sprout, there is a fresh flowerto be in full bloomin the cold winter.
此时的他每一步行出后,周围的灵力都变的浓郁起来,草坪上焕发新生,树枝冒出新芽,又有鲜花在寒冬中盛开。„Before I know it, it’s been almost a year.” The Song Shuhang'svisionis looking atall around.
“不知不觉,已经快一年了呀。”宋书航的目光望着四周。Healsolivedlast yearobviouslyhere, butturns headnow, feelingthisregion, namelyfamiliarand is also strange.
After walkmoment, hesawfrom afartook root inTree MonsterQing Wuinuniversity city.
行走片刻后,远远的,他看到了扎根于大学城里的树妖轻舞。Qing Wuis the pet that Senior Whitereceives.轻舞是白前辈收的宠物。Properly speaking, her‘when a man achieves the Way, his poultry and dogs rise to Heaven’share, mustgiveherto be rightbySenior White.
按理说,她那份‘一人得道,鸡犬升天’的份额,得由白前辈给她才对。Butraisesto favor the youngexpertto comparewithSenior White Twothis, Senior White’s talent in raising pets is too unqualified. Tree MonsterQing Wu, in the Senior White'sheart, sense of presencepossiblyis in‚corner’position.
If notQing Wucanrely on one's own effort to revive, perhapsraisesis raising, raised to death by Senior White.
如果不是轻舞能自力更生的话,说不定养着养着,就被白前辈养死了。Thinks ofhere, Song Shuhangshows a faint smile, thiswisp of willflutterednearQing Wu's.
想到这里,宋书航微微一笑,这缕意志飘到了轻舞的边上。At this time, Qing Wu seemed to be happily browsing the online shopping mall, putting items into the shopping cart, strivesafternext yearcourier companywill restore the earliest possible time, shopping cartclear.此时的轻舞,似乎正在开心的逛着网购商城,将一件件物品放入购物车,争取在来年快递公司恢复后的第一时间,将购物车清一遍。Shebuyswas too wholly-absorbed, even the Song Shuhang'swillapproaches, had not detected.
她买的太专心了,连宋书航的意志靠近,都没有察觉。Song Shuhangafterdiscovered,Qing Wuwhenonline shopping, will also pull openoneoccasionally‚dormitorygood friendgroup’.宋书航靠近后发现,轻舞在网购时,偶尔还会拉开一个‘宿舍好友群’。InsidehasGao Moumou, YangdeandTubo......, butdoes not haveSong Shuhang.
里面有高某某、阳德和土波......但是没有宋书航。In the group, Qing Wuwill explainsomedoubtsfor the Gao Moumouthreepeopleoccasionally, practices martial artondoubts.
群里,轻舞偶尔会替高某某三人解答一些疑惑,习武上的疑惑。Initiallyafter‘Evil Pestilence Event’finished, Song Shuhanginvestedintopracticeinwholeheartedly, the present world'smatterthenmadeQing Wusettle.
当初在‘邪妄事件’结束后,宋书航全心全意投入到修炼中,现世的事情便让轻舞代为了结。Qing Wushouldannounce the statusto the roommates, butshehas not given upfostering‚dwellingcultivates’ the goal the Song Shuhangthreeroommatesas before.轻舞应该是向室友们公布了身份,但她依旧没有放弃将宋书航三个室友养成‘宅修’的目标。„good work, Qing Wu.”Song Shuhangsaidin a soft voice.
“辛苦了,轻舞。”宋书航轻声道。Wholly-absorbedshopping+raising roommateTree MonsterQing Wuwas having a scare, the flowering branchshivers all over: „Indyingsicknessstartledsits up, the darkwindblows the rainto enter the studying in poverty and hardship!”
正专心购物+养室友的树妖轻舞被吓了一跳,花枝乱颤:“垂死病中惊坐起,暗风吹雨入寒窗!”Song Shuhang: „???”宋书航:“???”„OriginallyisMr.Tyrant Song.” After Qing WuseesSong Shuhang, relaxes, modestly said: „All theseare the smallmonstershoulddo.”
“原来是霸宋老爷。”轻舞看到宋书航后,松了口气,谦虚道:“这一切都是小妖应该做的。”„Mythreeroommates, will also askQing Wuyouto continueto look in the future.”Song Shuhangsaid,takes outfour‘dragon mark sticker’, to a Tree MonsterQing Wupost, is pilinghertobeing equal toNine Dragon Marks Gold Core Level’smonster corerealm.
“我的三个室友,未来还请轻舞你继续照顾。”宋书航说罢,取出四张‘龙纹贴图’,对着树妖轻舞一贴,将她堆到等同九龙纹金丹级的妖丹境界。AlsoreplacesSenior WhiteisQing Wuleaves behind the blessingmark.
又代替白前辈为轻舞留下祝福印记。Finally, hewill deduce the perfectrank the method of «Thirty Three Beasts Inborn Qi Art»practiceto giveQing Wu, in the futureis guided the roommateto steppath of cultivationbyher.
最后,他将推演到完美级别的《三十三兽先天一气功》修炼之法交给轻舞,未来由她引导室友踏上修炼之路。Threeroommateshave crossed the practice'sbestage, evenis notyoung lad'sbody, is difficult the achievementon a practiceway.
三个室友已经早就过了修炼的最佳年龄,甚至已经不是童子之身,在修炼一途上已经难有成就。--butthisoncewas.——但这是曾经。Now, Song Shuhang already proved the Way as Imperishable.
如今,宋书航已经证道不朽。Threewithcomesvery much, roommate who the character that hechattedwas congenial, already have«My Roommate Is The Heavenly Way»thistype of main charactertemplate.
The ageandyoung lad'sbodyno longerisrestraint.
年龄、童子之身都不再是束缚。IfHeavenly Wayeventhissmallissuecannot change, thatalsodid callHeavenly Way?天道如果连这点小问题都改变不了,那还叫天道?Song Shuhanggavethreeroommatepractice'stalentsin secret, theirbodiesintrinsicadjusted‚most suitablepractice’ the age, andleft behind the smallblessing.宋书航暗中给了三位室友修炼的天赋,将他们身体的内在调整到了‘最适合修炼’的年龄,并留下了小小的祝福。In additionhasTree MonsterQing Wuto directin secret, the earliermedicine pillaspectwill not lack......
The practice'sfront door, hehas shoved openfor the good friend.修炼的大门,他已经为好友推开。Even the practice'sroad ahead, hehas also spreadmost probably.
甚至修炼的前路,他也已经铺好了大半。As for the future, theirachievementscanhigh, looked attheirefforts.
至于未来,他们的成就能有多高,就看他们自己的努力了。Song Shuhang is not an old mother after all, he can’t take care of everyone every minute every second.宋书航毕竟不是老妈子,无法一分一秒地照顾所有人。
......Ruism? Golden Lotus World.儒家?金莲世界。
After celebrating the new yearSong BabaandSong Mama, sitsimmortal boatto return tothishuman worldimmortal realm.
过完年后的宋爸爸和宋妈妈,又坐着仙舟回到了这处人间仙境。InRuism, the coupleare enjoying the treatment of highestspecification.
在儒家,夫妻俩享受着最高规格的待遇。At present, the Ruismdisciplethinks that Tyrant Songis‚Holy Man's reincarnation’, thatHoly Man'sparents, are the entireRuism'sparents.
目前,儒家弟子认为霸宋是‘圣人转世’,那圣人的父母,就是全儒家的父母。MoreoverTyrant Songalready proved the Way'Heavenly Way', as Tyrant Song’s parents, whereregardless ofarrives, will enjoy the highesttreatment.
而且霸宋已经证道‘天道’,身为霸宋的父母,无论到哪里,都会享受到最高待遇。At this timein a Golden Lotus World'slakeside.
此时在金莲世界的一处湖畔。Song Mama was sitting under the tree by the bank, closing her eyes and resting.宋妈妈靠坐在岸边树下,闭目养神。She touched her belly with one hand--obviously just becoming pregnant not long ago, but her lower abdomen was already bulging high.她一手按着着自己的肚子——明明才刚怀孕不久,但她的小腹处已经高高隆起。Thisobviouschange, happened inSong Shuhangproved the way'imperishable'that moment.
这明显的变化,是在宋书航证道‘不朽’的那一刻发生的。WhenSong Shuhangofficialproved the waythatquarter, relates the closestparentswithhim, and 'younger sister' in motherabdomenis then affected.
当宋书航正式证道那刻起,和他关系最密切的父母、以及母亲腹中的这个‘妹妹’便受到影响。Thissmalllife, whenwithoutbirth, was blessedbyAll Heavens and Myriad Realms'.
这个小生命,还没有出生之时,便受到诸天万界的祝福。Thisis the younger sister of Tyrant Song.
这是霸宋之妹。Had not been born, is the life that All Heavens and Myriad Realmsmost honored, mostis in favor...... one!
还未出生,就是诸天万界最尊贵、最受宠爱的生命......之一!Song Baba of distant place, is raising the immortalfruit that Ruismis delivering, close, him every steptreadswith a smile, steps onelegantstep--is being«Virtuous Noble Travels For Ten Thousand Miles».
远处的宋爸爸,正提着儒家送的仙果,笑着靠近,他每一步踏出,都踩着飘逸的步法——是《君子万里行》。As the biological parents of the ‘Current Heavenly Way’, theirphysicalsinSong Shuhangproved the way, no longerare restricted in the ageandBlood Qiat that momentand so on influence of factor.身为‘当今天道’的亲身父母,他们的体质在宋书航证道那一刻起,就不再受限于年龄、血气之类因素的影响。husband and wifetwohave startedto contactRuismpuremethod of Foundation Building practice.夫妇俩已经开始接触儒家纯正的筑基修炼之法。Ruismmethod of Foundation Building practice, is one of the All Heavens and Myriad Realmsmost suitablepracticemethods, especially«Virtuous Noble Travels For Ten Thousand Miles»movement technique, eachstepinpractice.儒家筑基修炼之法,是诸天万界最适合的修炼法门之一,特别是《君子万里行》身法,每一步都是在修炼。
In Song Babasoonclose, Song Mamaopens the eyesuddenlyslightly.
在宋爸爸快要靠近时,宋妈妈突然微微睁开眼睛。„Awoke?”Song Babasaid with a smile.
“醒了?”宋爸爸笑道。„Un.”Song Mamalightlytouched the belly: „A moment ago, sawShuhangto appearinmysideprobably, lightlyis listening tohis sister'sheartbeat.”
“嗯。”宋妈妈轻轻摸了摸自己肚子:“刚才,好像看到书航出现在我身边,轻轻在听着他妹妹的心跳。”„PerhapsShuhanghas really come.”Song Babasaid with a smile: „According toRuismthatseveralview, Shuhangcurrently alreadyproved the way'imperishable', All Heavens and Myriad Realmsunderhisvision, he can be everywhere.”
“说不定书航真的来过。”宋爸爸笑道:“按儒家那几位的说法,书航现在已经证道‘不朽’,诸天万界都在他的目光之下,他可以无处不在。”Althoughto'Heavenly Way, imperishable'and so on realmdivision, he is also notveryclear, butSong Babahas acceptedoneselffamily/homeeldest son‚becamegod’ the factat this timeunexpectedly.
虽然对‘天道、不朽’之类的境界划分,他还不是很清楚,但宋爸爸此时竟然已经接受了自己家大儿子‘成为神’的事实。Obviouslyseveralmonths ago, the looks atsonbrings homeattractivefairy maidens, hears the sonto be pregnant, hearshim‚cultivation’ the matter, the couple are very shocked.
明明几个月前,看着儿子带着一位位漂亮仙子回家,听到儿子怀孕,听到他‘修仙’的事,夫妻俩还很震惊。Now, hehas actually been ableto acceptson‚becomesgod’ the mattercalm.
The inheritedbighearthas lasting achievements!
祖传大心脏功不可没!„Ruism'sseveral‚guardian’has said that yourbellychild, expensive/noblenot.”Song Babasitstowifeside, hands over the immortal fruit.
“儒家的几位‘家长’都说过,你肚子里的孩子,贵不可言。”宋爸爸坐到媳妇身边,递上仙果。„Pitifully, Shuhanghe himselfhas not left behind the childforus. After hearingEighth Stage Profound Sage, almoststerilization. Shuhangbecomeshigher level'Heavenly Way'...... the grandsonto be hopelessnow.”Song Mamaregretfully said.
“可惜,书航他自己没为我们留下孩子。听说八品玄圣后,就几乎绝育了。书航现在都成更高级的‘天道’......孙子就更没戏了。”宋妈妈遗憾道。„All right, we’re still young. After having the daughter, wegiveShuhangto live a younger brotheragain.”Song Babaproudly said: „Regardless of paternal grandfather or maternal grandfather, Iwant!”
“没事,我们还年轻。生完女儿后,我们再给书航生个弟弟。”宋爸爸骄傲道:“无论是爷爷还是外公,我都要!”„Moreover, perhaps does matterhave the favorable turn? Shuhangwhenwithoutpracticebefore‚Eighth Stage’, didn’t he brought home several fairy maidens ma? Perhapsso manyfairy maidens, we have work asgrandparent'sopportunityahead of time.”Song Babaalsoadded.
“而且,事情说不定有转机呢?书航在没修炼到‘八品’前,不是往家里带过好几位仙子吗?那么多位仙子,说不定我们还有提前当爷爷奶奶的机会。”宋爸爸又补充道。Not far away, Song Shuhang'swisp of consciousnessshowed the awkwardsmile.
不远处,宋书航的一缕意识露出了尴尬的笑容。Felt that the unableinsertionscattersamongdog foodbabamama, hasto plant the repelledfeelingfaintly.
感觉无法插入撒狗粮的爸爸妈妈中间,隐隐有种被排斥的感觉。After looking at his parents from a distance for a little while, Song Shuhang’s wisp of will left quietly, goes to the Ruism Golden Lotus World'sdeep place.远远望了会儿父母后,宋书航的这缕意志悄悄离开,前往儒家金莲世界的深处。Inthere, is conducting a extremely importantceremony.
The resurrectingceremony of 8.5th-generation Heavenly Way'Daozi'senior.8.5任天道‘道子’前辈的复活仪式。 Senior Daozi'sthistime‚resurrecting’, takesgivingoneselfand‚Heavenly Wayrelatedall’as the price, by‚Eternal Life Being? Daozi’ the statusresurrects, rather thanleaves jobto withdrawlikeall previousHeavenly Way.道子前辈的这次‘复活’,是以割舍自身和‘天道相关一切’为代价,以‘长生者?道子’的身份复活,而不是像历代天道那样离职脱身。
The Song Shuhangwillarrives, toguarantee the Senior Daoziresurrection processsafe and secureandsmooth.宋书航意志降临,是为了保证道子前辈复活过程的平安和顺利。Hashimto supportin the , does not usetoofor a long time, a healthy and activeDaozicancome back.
......In addition.
除此之外。InAll Heavens and Myriad Realms'severalplaces, has a Song Shuhang'swillto fluttercontinuously.
在诸天万界的好几处地方,都有宋书航的一缕缕意志飘过。present worldEarthChina, inWenzhou City'ssomewherehospital, Zhao Yaya has become a qualified doctor. Song Shuhang looked at this cousin who cared about him very much from a distance, puts out a handto give remote blessing to the blessing, changesheraptitude, andwas guidedherto steppath of cultivationbyownThree Corpse – Tyrant Benevolentin secretin the future.现世地球华夏,闻洲市的某处医院中,赵雅雅已经成了一位合格的医生。宋书航远远望着这位曾经很关心他的表姐,伸手遥祝遥祝祝福,改变她的资质,并让自己的三尸?霸善暗中引导她未来踏上修炼之路。BesidesZhao Yaya, but alsohave several and Song Shuhangrelationsgoodfamily memberandgood friend, the Song Shuhang'swillpassed over gently and swiftly, givesthemfutureone‚opportunity’. As forcanseize the opportunity, looks attheirchoices. Evencannot, under the Heavenly Way'sblessing, theystillbe ableto cross the lifecalmly and steadily.
除赵雅雅外,还有数位和宋书航关系较好的亲人、好友,宋书航的意志一个个掠过,给他们未来一个‘机会’。至于能不能把握住机会,就看他们自己的选择。就算不能,在天道的祝福下,他们也能安稳渡过一生。Then, was a Beast Realm'ssmalltribe, Song Shuhang'sintentZhiyuanlookedeyethatgoodBeast Realmlittle miss, after the intentionmoved, forherleft behindsome‚possibly’, can lookdirectherto become the finaldisciple.
然后,是兽修界的一处小部落,宋书航的意志远远望了眼那位善良的兽修界小姑娘,心念一动后,还是为她留下了一些‘可能’,看看能不能指引着她成为自己最后的弟子。present world, the place of resentmentgrowing thickly, baldForeign Monkboth handsjoin the palms in greeting, the mouthnurturesscripture, the Salvationcomplaint. Whenhim, because the benevolentheartSalvationresentment, in the skyhaspalmlightlyin his bodyracket, blessedforhim, andleft behindpreciousmedicine pill--It was a precious medicine that could heal his master’s injuries and solve the ‘root of the disease’tohim.现世,一处怨气丛生之处,光头的洋和尚双手合掌,口育经文,超度怨念。在他因为仁慈之心超度怨气之时,虚空中有一只手掌轻轻在他身上一拍,为他祝福,并给他留下了一枚珍贵的丹药——那是一枚可以治愈他师父伤势,解决‘病根’的宝药。In the building in Jiangnancity, twoJiangnan Universityteachersgatherin the same place, reached agreementto eat meal. IsProfessor Renshuiandseeminglyold-fashionedProfessor Smith, whentwoprofessorsdo not know, became the good friend. The Song Shuhang'swillfromtwo peoplesideprocess, puts out a hand a finger/refersto bestow the smallblessing, makingtwoprofessorremaining years of lifenot have the disasternotto get sick, life spanlengthenedslightly.江南城的一处大厦中,两位江南大学的老师相聚于一起,相约吃饭。是仁水教授和一位看似古板的史密斯教授,两位教授不知何时,成了好友。宋书航的意志从两人身边经过,伸手一指赐下小小祝福,令两位教授余生无灾无病,寿元稍稍延长。
The Song Shuhang'swill, walksvariousheaven, passing by one character after another.宋书航的意志,行走诸天,经过一个又一个人物。Blessing, eitherbestows the opportunity, eithermeetsface to face.
或祝福,或赐下机遇,或当面相见。There are also those whom he watched from distance and then leave--for example, Demon Emperor Hezhi.也有遥遥望上一眼便离开的——比如,何止魔帝。Long time .
良久后。InAll Heavens and Myriad Realms, the Tyrant Song'swillsuccessivelyreturns.诸天万界中,霸宋的意志相继回归。Human Worldfatality of this world.
人间尘缘了。Song Shuhangopens the eye, the visionis gentle.宋书航睁开眼睛,目光柔和。„Finished?”Senior Whiteaskedin a soft voice.
“结束了?”白前辈轻声问道。„Un, Senior Whiteyouknow.”SongSong Shuhang was a little embarrassed, when everyone was working hard, he was caught by someone for being distracted.
“嗯,白前辈你都知道啦。”宋书航有些不好意思,就像是大伙都在认真工作时,自己走神被人抓到一样。„I’m also Heavenly Way ma.”Senior Whitesaid that--Heavenly Way'svision, proliferatesAll Heavens and Myriad Realms.
“我也是天道嘛。”白前辈道——天道的目光,遍布诸天万界呢。„How’s the final project going?”Song Shuhang scratched his head, asked.
“最后的课题进展如何了?”宋书航抓了抓头,问道。„The deduction is almost done, and then a small experiment is needed several times, and then the final correction is made according to the experimental data.”Senior Whitereplied.
“推演的差不多了,接下来需要小小的实验几遍,再按实验的数据,进行最终的修正。”白前辈回道。HashimandDaozidissipationlastgrain of consciousnessandLady Dragon Netthreebig‚the imperishablelevel’to coordinatequickly.
有他、道子快消散的最后一粒意识、龙络女士三大‘不朽级’牵头。Alsothere areBig White Two, Little White Two, Spooky Song, Dog Egg Dad, three eyed youth senior, Song Fat Balland otherNine Serenities Rulerisauxiliary.
又有大白two、小白two、宋幽幽、狗蛋爹、三眼少年前辈、宋胖球等九幽主宰为辅。Fairy Maiden Reincarnation BladethistypecanoccasionallyandFifth Heavenly Wayfairy maidencommunicationWay Itemhelps one another.
还有轮回刃仙子这种能偶尔和第五天道仙子沟通的道器相助。HasHeavenly Emperor, Pavilion Lord Chu, Elder Sister White Dragon, Fairy Lady White Bone, Northern Great Emperoragainwait/etcseveraltopEternal Life Beinghelp.
再有天帝子、楚阁主、白龙姐姐、白骨仙姬、北方大帝等等数位顶尖的长生者帮忙。Finally, there is still a Heavenly Way Tyrant Song who is buying soy sauce!最后还有一个天道宋书航打酱油!This ‘Foreign Aid Research Group’ line-up, can be said that as unprecedentedly vast, unprecedented in history.这个‘外援研究小组’的阵容,可以说是空前浩大,史上绝无前例。Under the joint efforts of this luxurious and extreme research line-up, there is no such thing as ‘difficulties’ in All Heavens and Myriad Realms.在这豪华到极限的研究阵容合力攻克下,诸天万界几乎就没有‘难题’这种东西。Senior WhitegaveSong Shuhangonemonth‚research subject’, now a day, there has been a huge breakthrough!
原本白前辈给宋书航一个月的‘研究课题’,现在一天,就有了巨大的进展突破!„Rapidness of suchprogress?”Heavenly Way Tyrant Song who is buying soy sauce is a little embarrassed.
“进展的这么快?”打酱油的霸宋天道有些不好意思。Therefore, hedecides saying: „Thatfinalexperimental process, is madethisexperimentbodybyme, Icoordinate the Fourth Heavenly Waybody, conducts ‚the imperishablereplacer’to plan.”
于是,他决定道:“那最后的实验过程,就由我来做这个实验体吧,我来配合第四天道躯壳,进行‘不朽替代者’谋划。”Song Shuhangvolunteers--Although he couldn’t be a ‘researcher’, at least let him become a ‘researchee’ or an ‘experimental subject’, to contribute to the final research project!宋书航自告奋勇——虽然他无法成为‘研究者’,至少让他成为‘被研究者’或是‘实验体’,为最后的课题研究做贡献!Thus, in the future, he can also proudly call himself as one of the members who perfected this ‘gigantic plan’.
这样,未来他也能骄傲称自己是完善这个‘巨大方案’的成员之一。After this plan’s experiments is completed.等这个方案实验完成后。next step...... is the time, fromPosition of Heavenly Way, graduated!下一步......就是时候,从天道之位上,毕业了!
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