Song Shuhang originally thought that after Senior Good Fortune came up, there would be a concert because he saw that small loudspeaker in Senior Good Fortune’s hand.宋书航原本以为造化前辈上来后,就要开一场演唱会的因为他看到了造化前辈手中的那个小喇叭。Even Senior White thought so too.连白前辈都是这么认为的。Therefore, when two New Heavenly Ways were preparing the stage for Dharma King Good Fortune, but alsopreparesalsoto moveby that timeto comeneutralizeDharma King Good Fortunemusic of deathFairy Good Fortunethistruemusic of sounds of natureto attacktoAll Heavens and Myriad Realmspractitioner'seasily-to-use.所以两位新天道甚至已经为造化法王搭建了舞台,还准备将造化仙子这尊真正的天籁之音也搬出来到时候好用来中和造化法王死亡之音对诸天万界修炼者的冲击。However, member who inNine Provinces (1) Groupcomes out, where will also handle affairsaccording to the common sense?
The Dharma King Good Fortune'ssmallloudspeaker, is not usedto sing, butis usedto play the music.造化法王的小喇叭,并不是用来演唱的,而是用来放音乐的。Moreoverisoneis interesting to listen, is sung the song that byfemalevoice.
The truebringingBGMsound effectarrives.
真正的自带bgm音效登场。Withthisintermittentdelightfulsinging sound, likegracefulcultivator that Dharma King Good Fortunewill dress up, leisurelyhowever.
伴随着这一阵阵悦耳的歌声,造化法王将自己打扮的如同一个优雅修士,款款而来。Song Shuhangsomewhatcould not masterDharma King Good Fortune to do.宋书航都有些搞不懂造化法王到底要干啥了。Heis still thinking, ifSenior Good Fortunemustopenon the spotonetime‚concert’, hehappen tomakes an appraisalto‚Senior Good Fortuneconcert’to the lethality of all living things.
原本他还在想,如果造化前辈要现场开一次‘演唱会’的话,那他正好给‘造化前辈演唱会’对众生的杀伤力做一个评估。Thenconsidered that ‚Dharma King Good Fortunewill pass throughbraindemonic sound’to join the Heavenly Tribulationmeal!
然后考虑将‘造化法王贯脑魔音’加入天劫套餐!Thisis not the Song Shuhangmourningconscience, after becomingHeavenly Way, musttoss aboutAll Heavens and Myriad Realmsall living things...... he to do that actuallywantsforAll Heavens and Myriad Realmspractitioner, to seeksomebenefits.
这并不是宋书航丧天良,成了天道后,就要折腾诸天万界众生……他之所以想这么做,其实是想为诸天万界修炼者,谋些福利。HisSong ShuhangcrossedthatmanytimeHeavenly Tribulation, inHeavenly Tribulation‚Sound Tribulation’effectis really poor and weak, was inferiorstimulation that completely the Dharma King Good Fortune'smusiccomes. Moreover after crossing‚Sound Tribulation’, topractitioner, is no good.
他宋书航渡了那么多次的天劫,天劫中的‘音劫’效果实在贫弱,完全不如造化法王的音乐来的刺激。而且渡过‘音劫’后,对修炼者自身而言,也没有什么好处。Butso long as the Dharma King Good Fortune'smusicadds on‚Fairy Good Fortunemusic of sounds of nature’combination, can strengthen the practitionerwill, reduces the Heart Demon'seffect!
而造化法王的音乐只要加上‘造化仙子天籁之音’组合,就能拥有强化修炼者心志,削减心魔的效果!Compared withpure‚Sound Tribulation’comes, is biggerto the practitioner'sdiscipliningeffect.
比起单纯的‘音劫’来,对修炼者的磨练效果更大。Stimulation that seeminglychanges, but the overallrisk factoractuallygreatlyreduces.
After thisalso can be considered as his frequentlyby'Heavenly Way'took office that Heavenly Tribulationtosses about, hiddengift packagetoAll Heavens and Myriad Realms'practitioner'sonein secret.
这也算是他这个经常被天劫折腾的‘天道’上任后,暗中给诸天万界的修炼者的一个隐藏礼包。Finally, Senior Good Fortunedoes not prepareto begin conversation.
结果,造化前辈并不准备开腔。As a BGMmusicended, Dharma King Good Fortunearrivessmoothly, arrives in front ofSong ShuhangandSenior White'sexactly.
随着一曲bgm音乐结束,造化法王顺利登场,恰好来到宋书航和白前辈的面前。Comes outwithhim, Fairy Good Fortune.
After Fairy Good Fortunecomesstretches oneself, skilledfluttersbehind Song Shuhang's body, entering pendant mode.造化仙子现身后伸了个懒腰,熟练的飘到宋书航身后,进入挂件模式。„Senior Good Fortune, would you like to introduce yourself ma?”Song Shuhangsaid out loud.
“造化前辈,你要自我介绍一下吗?”宋书航出声道。He is the Dharma King Good Fortunemanufactureopportunity.
他在为造化法王制造机会。„Alsogood.” The good fortuneshows a faint smile, is ordinarylikeRuism'scultivator, refinedgraceful.
“也好。”造化微微一笑,就像个儒家的修士一般,斯文优雅。Then, hetoAll Heavens and Myriad Realmspractitioner.
说罢,他面向诸天万界修炼者。„All Heavens and Myriad Realms'fellow daoist, everyone's good, below Dao namegood fortune, has seenfellow daoisthere.”Dharma Kingholds the fist in the other handcharming , to continue saying: „Alwayshas a hobby below.”
“诸天万界的道友,大家好,在下道号造化,在这里见过各位道友。”道化法王帅气抱拳,继续道:“在下平生有一个爱好。”【Came.】In the Song Shuhangheartmoves.
【来了。】宋书航心中一动。„Thatis the calligraphy!”Dharma King Good Fortunecontinuesto say.
“那就是书法!”造化法王继续道。Song Shuhang: „???”宋书航:“???”InTyrant Songpuzzled, Dharma King Good Fortunetook out the arrangedpaper and pen, startedto performthatto calculate the not bad'scalligraphy.
在霸宋一脸疑惑中,造化法王取出早就备好的纸和笔,开始表演起自己那一手算不错的书法来。'Nine Provinces (1) Group'memberscalp tingles of show.
秀的‘九洲一号群’成员头皮发麻。„Is Dharma King Good Fortunethismustdo?”Young Master Exterminating Phoenixtakes outear plugs in fourear.
“造化法王这是要干啥?”灭凤公子将四只耳朵中的耳塞取出。Loose Practitioner North Riveris indefinite: „Changedto like?”北河散人也不确定:“改爱好了?”„impossible, Senior Dharma King Good Fortunenot longis still looking forme, hopes that Icancoordinatehimto go toopening concert.”Fairy East Sixsaid out loud.
“不可能,造化法王前辈不久还在找我,希望我能配合他去开场演唱会。”东方六仙子出声道。„Is hein the manifesting a presenceplatform, what the showcalligraphyoperates?”Medicine Masterdoubtfully said.
“那他在显圣平台,秀书法是什么操作?”药师疑惑道。Fairy Lycheethinks,spoke: „At this time, ourwhynot@nextseveralfellow patients, for example@Mad Sabre Three Waves, @Immortal Master Copper Trigram, @Spirit Butterfly Island's Soft Feather, @Doudou, @Young Master Exterminating Phoenix.”荔枝仙子想了想,发言道:“这个时候,我们为什么不@下几个病友,比如@狂刀三浪,@铜卦仙师,@灵蝶岛羽柔子,@豆豆,@灭凤公子。”„Pleasedo not want@ me, Fairy Lychee. Yoursuch@ me, doneIseem like the Three Waves Sicknesspatientto be the same.”Immortal Master Copper Trigramserioussendinglanguagesound said: „Ithink,Dharma King Good Fortuneshouldbethinks‚sets up the personto suppose’.”
“请不要@我,荔枝仙子。你这么@我,搞的我像是三浪病患者一样。”铜卦仙师严肃的发语音道:“不过我想,造化法王应该是想‘立人设’吧。”Doudouthensaid: „Sets up‚excels atcalligraphy’ the personto suppose, hiddenowntruehobby. Infellow daoistheart that inAll Heavens and Myriad Realmsdoes not know the circumstances of the matter, leaves behindoneprofoundly‚the firstimpression’...... then, topreparenext time.”豆豆接着道:“立一个‘擅长书法’的人设,隐藏自己的真正爱好。在诸天万界不知情的道友心中,留下一个深刻的‘第一印象’……然后,为下次做准备。”„Possiblytoprepareincessantlynext time, but alsopossiblyfor the belownextupholstery.”Mad Sabre Three Wavessaid out loud: „With the Dharma King'scharacter, might finishinEighth StageProfound Sage Sermon, after collectingStrength of Karmic Virtue, will revealowntrue feature.”
“可能不止是为下次准备,还可能是为下下次铺垫。”狂刀三浪出声道:“以法王的性格,很可能会在八品玄圣讲法结束,收集完功德之力后,才会露出自己的真实面目。”Yellow Mountain's Heart is Tired and Wanted to Retire: „......”黄山心好累好想退休:“……”
To singto singis notvery?
想唱就唱不是很好吗?Whymustdois so complex?
The trustamong people, was underminedbyyou?
……Inmanifesting a presencespace.
显圣空间中。At the Dharma King Good Fortuneperformance‚calligraphy’ the stage, Song Shuhangraise head, lookstoFairy Good Fortune.
在造化法王表演‘书法’的阶段,宋书航又抬头,望向造化仙子。Fairy Good Fortunecrooked the head, the doubtswere lookingSong Shuhang.造化仙子歪了歪脑袋,疑惑回望着宋书航。„Fairy Good Fortune, youmayhave the wish, whilemenowisHeavenly Way, couldassistyou.”Song Shuhangsaid in a soft voice.
“造化仙子,你可有心愿,趁着我现在是天道,或许可以协助你。”宋书航柔声道。Fairy Good Fortuneas ifpondered the moment, thenherboth handsdraw a circle: „Big Fool Fool~dull~”造化仙子似乎沉思了片刻,然后她双手画了个圈:“大呆呆~呆~”„Alsoright, the wish that beforeSenior Daoziproved the wayonetime, Heavenly Wayhas also been ableto complete, Senior Daozialsohandled.”Song Shuhangreplied.
“也对,之前道子前辈也证道过一次,天道能完成的心愿,道子前辈也都搞定了。”宋书航回道。Fairy Good Fortunesuch aschickenpeckingmeter/rice, fastnod.造化仙子如小鸡啄米,快速点头。„Thatfairy maidenyour ownstatus?”Song Shuhangalsoasked.
“那仙子你自己的状态?”宋书航又问道。Fairy Good Fortuneboth handsoverlapping: „Song Fool Fool~”造化仙子双手交叉:“宋呆呆~”„Alsogood, the fairy maidenyouhaveyourarrangementevidently.”Song Shuhangsaidin a soft voice: „Then, Icanhelpyourplace, was only left overlast.”
“也好,看样子仙子你有自己的安排。”宋书航轻声道:“如此一来,我能帮你的地方,就只剩下最后一个了。”„Un, colored glazefool fool~”Fairy Good Fortunesang.
“嗯,琉璃呆呆~”造化仙子唱道。„But, hiswords...... have gone beyond the Heavenly Wayjurisdiction. However, matter that Heavenly Waycannot achieve, IandSenior White, will achieve. leave it to us ba.”Song Shuhangaffirmsto say.
“但是,他的话……已经超出天道权限。不过,天道做不到的事情,我和白前辈,会做到。交给我们吧。”宋书航肯定道。Needsto make up‚passesobsession’, many.
需要弥补的‘过去执念’,又多了一个。Pavilion Lord Chu'sClear Water Pavilion, Fairy Good FortuneRuism Thirteen Tribulation Immortals'lastGlazed Scholar, Black Dragon WorldElder BrotherScarlet Pupil'sblackpupil.楚阁主的碧水阁,造化仙子儒家十三劫仙的最后一位琉璃书生,黑龙世界赤瞳的哥哥黑瞳。
……Dharma King Good Fortuneto the last minute, has not begun conversation.造化法王到最后一刻,也没有开腔。Hehas maintainedsuperiorJasseliteratito suppose, is improved9dragon markgold corebySenior White.
他一直维持着优雅斯文人设,由白前辈完善九龙纹金丹。Gracefulness that thencomes, gonecharm.
然后来的优雅,去的帅气。Fairy Good Fortunehas not departed, shechoseenteredin‘Holy Eye Gold Core’.造化仙子没有离去,她选择了进入‘圣眼金丹’之内。Imperishable Transformation‚Eye of the Ruism Holy Man’, actuallywithoutisolatingFairy Good Fortunemain bodieswithKarmic Virtue Snake Beauty and relations between Song Shuhang is the same.不朽化的‘儒家圣人之眼’,却没有隔绝造化仙子就跟功德蛇美人和宋书航本体间的关系一样。InitialFairy Good Fortune, part of her duty, protects‘Eye of the Holy Man’.
……AfterDharma King Good Fortune, the Nine Provinces (1) Group'smember, maintains the rhythm, comesone after another, beams with joyin front ofAll Heavens and Myriad Realmsfellow daoist.
在造化法王之后,九洲一号群的成员,保持节奏,相继现身,在诸天万界道友面前露脸。HasEight-Armed Dharma IdolTrue Monarch Ancient Lake Monastery.
拥有八臂法相的古湖观真君。Fairy East Six that even morecharming, car drivinghas not actually strengthenedas before.
越发妩媚、车技却依旧没有增强的东方六仙子。'Nine Provinces (1) Group'Cold Ice-type'sauthorityCave Lord Snow Wolf.‘九洲一号群’寒冰系的权威人物雪狼洞主。Somewhatdark, bringsSplitting Yang Halberd Guo Da of dog headbuildingeffect.
有些黑乎乎,自带狗头楼效果的破阳戟郭大。Recently the mentalitywas gentle, the pressurechangedlightmanyRuismVenerable Eternal FireSenior Eternal Fireisin the grouponlytwo was like Senior Yellow Mountain, using‚heartwelltiredgood to retire’ the member of title. Now, put downSenior Eternal Fire after pressure, the whole personseemed likeyoungmany.
最近心态平和,压力变轻不少的儒家恒火尊者原本恒火前辈是群里唯二和黄山前辈一样,用着‘心好累好想退休’称号的成员。现在,放下了压力后的恒火前辈,整个人看上去都年轻了不少。Island Lord Tián Tiān (Heaven) and injury in Island Vice-Lord Tián Tián (Sweet) that Island Vice-Lord Tián Tián (Sweet)soulcomes totogether, under the Song Shuhang'sHeavenly Wayjurisdictioneffect, lightlywipesrestoressuch asbeginning.
还有一起现身的田天岛主和田甜副岛主田甜副岛主魂魄上的伤势,在宋书航的天道权限效果下,轻轻一抹就恢复如初。Withone of Nine Provinces (1) Groupmost reliablecharactersFairy Sixth Pathjointlyadvances together...... Sage Monarch Seventh Path!
和六修仙子携手共进的九洲一号群最可靠人物之一……七修圣君!Member after one after anotherarrivesone after another,......
一位又一位的成员相继登场完毕后……Song Shuhangeven also drewseveral'Nine Provinces (1) Group'preparationmembers.宋书航甚至还将几位‘九洲一号群’的预备成员也拉了上来。YoungLittle Guoguo, poemandcandle.
年轻的小果果,诗、烛。Severallittle fellows, have not achieved‚Fifth Stage’realm, pastes the dragon mark'smatteralso to wait for the future.
几个小家伙,还没有达到‘五品’境界,贴龙纹的事情也得等未来。Senior Whiteused the specialtechnique, ‘dragon mark’through the way of reservation, hastheirwithin the body.白前辈使用了特殊手法,将‘龙纹’通过预留的方式,存在她们体内。„Senior Apprentice Brother Song.”Beforedeparture, Little Guoguo suddenly grabbed Song Shuhang’s hand: „Finally, cangiveme a blessing?”
“宋师兄。”在离开前,小果果突然拉住宋书航的手:“最后,能给我一个祝福吗?”He looked at Song Shuhang expectantly.他期盼地望着宋书航。【Thislittle fellow, promising! Knows that depends on the youngadvantage, obtains the extrablessingfromHeavenly Way Tyrant Songthere?】In the All Heavens and Myriad Realms'practitionerheartmoves.
【这小家伙,有前途啊!知道靠着自己年幼的优势,从霸宋天道那里获得额外的祝福?】诸天万界的修炼者心中一动。【Looks atHeavenly Way Tyrant Songtotheirfavoringdrowningdegree, it is very likely that he would agree to give him a blessing. After all, for us this is a precious ‘Heaven Way blessing’, buttoHeavenly Way, it is just a matter of one sentence.】
【看霸宋天道对他们的宠溺程度,很大可能会同意给个祝福。毕竟,对我们来说这是珍贵的‘天道祝福’,但对天道而言,也不过是一句话的事。】【Will thislittle fellow, whatwantto bless?】
【不过这小家伙,会想要什么祝福?】„Iunderstood.”Song Shuhang laughed, puts out a handto touch the head of little monk, blessedaccording toforhim: „I bless you in my Heavenly Way Tyrant Song’s name, Little Guoguo, from today henceforth, your cultivation journey, no longer need to worry about haemorrhoids.”
“我明白了。”宋书航哈哈一笑,伸手摸了摸小和尚的脑袋,为他按头祝福道:“以我天道霸宋的名义祝福你,小果果,从今往后,你的修炼途上,再不用因为痔疮而烦恼。”„ThanksSenior Apprentice Brother Song, Senior Apprentice Brother Song you are the best.”Little Guoguobeams with joy.
“谢谢宋师兄,宋师兄你最好了。”小果果眉开眼笑。All Heavens and Myriad Realms'practitioner, many subconsciously touched their buttocks.诸天万界的修炼者,不少人下意识地摸了摸自己的腚部位置。In fact, inAll Heavens and Myriad Realmspractitioner, before their strength reaches a certain realm, there are quite a few who are troubled by haemorrhoids.
After packing off the Little Guoguothreepeople, Song ShuhangandSenior Whiteleaveto retrocede, withdraw'Manifest Presence In Front Of Human'effect.
送走小果果三人后,宋书航和白前辈抽身后退,收起了‘人前显圣’的效果。ThisSenior WhiteandSong ShuhangannouncedtoAll Heavens and Myriad Realms【Nine Provinces (1) Groupwas contractedbyus】 The activity, came to an end.
The Su Clan's Sixteenth'sfigurewas shifted'Core World', appearsthrough'Core World'in the Song Shuhang'sbodysideagain.苏氏阿十六的身形被转移到‘核心世界’,再通过‘核心世界’出现在宋书航的身侧。Elder Sister White Dragonencircleson the Sixteenth'sneck: „Ialsothink that ShuhangyoumustforgetLittle Sixteen.”白龙姐姐围在阿十六的脖子上:“我还以为书航你要忘记小十六了。”„The Sixteenthisninedragon mark.”Song Shuhangsaid with a smile.
“阿十六是九龙纹。”宋书航笑道。Heputs out a hand, pulls the Su Clan's Sixteenth'sdelicate hands. Meanwhile, hisanotherhandraise, in the handhasone‚Lotus Flower Projection’phantomappears the appearance.
他伸手,牵件苏氏阿十六的纤手。同时,他另一只手平举,手中有一朵‘莲花投影’的虚影显现出现。„Shuhang, youand do Senior Whitewantto preparetranscendence?”Su Clan's The Sixteenthturns the headto ask.
“书航,你和白前辈要准备超脱吗?”苏氏阿十六转头问道。„Currently speaking, will also a little arrange the time......, ifin this period of time, IandSenior Whitehave not completed the graduationtopic, thatfirstletsSenior Whitefirsttranscendence.”Song Shuhangsincerereplied.
“从目前来看,还会有一点的筹备时间……如果在这段时间里,我和白前辈没完成毕业课题的话,那就先让白前辈先超脱。”宋书航诚恳回道。NearbySenior Whitesipped the immortaltea, showed the tranquilsmile, nodded slightly.
边上白前辈抿了口仙茶,露出了恬静的笑容,微微点头。„Can status after transcendence, howbe?”Su Clan's The SixteenthaskedElder Sister White Dragon, and curiosity and doubts in Song Shuhangbodypendantsheart.
“超脱后的状态,会是怎么样的?”苏氏阿十六问出了白龙姐姐、以及宋书航身上挂件们心中的好奇和疑惑。„No onetruetranscendence, butfrom the description of bigSenior Heavenly Way White. The Heavenly Waygraduateshouldhavegreatlyfreely, notbyall the limit of timeandspace. Canappearin the randomtimenodeat will, randomplace. Dominatesabove the timeriver.”Song Shuhangreplied.
“没有人真正超脱过,但从大白天道前辈的描述来看。天道毕业生应该拥有着大自由,不受一切时间、空间的限制。可以随意出现在任意的时间节点,任意地方。凌驾于时间长河之上。”宋书航回复道。During the speeches, heputs out a hand‚Lotus Flower Projection’to hand overthatto the Sixteenth'schest there, the Tyrant Song'scolored glazeheart, is beatingpowerfully.
说话间,他伸手将那枚‘莲花投影’递向阿十六的胸口处在那里,有一颗霸宋的琉璃心脏,在强有力的跳动着。Because of the Song Shuhangproving the Way as Imperishable'sreason, this‚the Tyrant Songheart’under the function of rule, is faintis also strengthenedbyHeavenly Way Rule.
因为宋书航证道不朽的原因,这颗‘霸宋心脏’在规则的作用下,隐隐间也受到天道规则的强化。Because ofitsalready left the Tyrant Songbody, beforeproved the waybyHeavenly Way Rulehas not been thoughtis‚the Tyrant Songindividual’a portion.
但因为它已经离开了霸宋身躯,在证道之前没有被天道规则认为是‘霸宋个体’一部分。Therefore, thiscolored glazeheart, has not changed intoimperishable.
但它已经具备了‘无限进化’的可能。Is'Bone of Imperishable'or the 'Imperishable Fat Whale Gold Core'embryonic form.
是‘不朽之骨’或‘不朽肥鲸金丹’的雏形。So long ascultivates, letsevolutionandimprovement that itdoes not end...... in the future, perhapsSu Clan's The Sixteenth can also haveone‚the imperishableheart’.
只要加以培育,让它不完的进化、完善……未来,苏氏阿十六说不定也能拥有一颗‘不朽心脏’。Song Shuhang stretched out his hand‚Lotus Flower Projection’will send in the colored glazeheart.宋书航伸手将‘莲花投影’送入到琉璃心脏内。„Thisis the 'Core World'key, after havingit, youandYe SicanopenCore Worldmomentarily, freedifference. Alsocanuse the 'branded wooden sabre'way, leaves behind the coordinates, appearsinAll Heavens and Myriad Realms'eachcornerat will.”Song Shuhanganswered.
“这是‘核心世界’的钥匙,拥有它之后,你和叶思都能随时开启核心世界,自由出入。也可以利用‘烙印木刀’的方式,留下坐标,随意出现于诸天万界的各个角落。”宋书航解释道。Su Clan's Sixteen paused slightly, reach out and press lightly on her chest.苏氏阿十六微微一顿,伸手轻轻按在自己的胸口。
The colored glazeheart beatspeedsped upslightly.
琉璃心脏跳动速度稍稍加快了些。In the colored glazeheart, as ifhad/left a worldandSong ShuhangcloseconnectedCore World.
在琉璃心脏内部,仿佛多出了一个世界和宋书航紧密相连的核心世界。If,thisAll Heavens and Myriad Realmsone day, destruction.
如果说,这诸天万界有一天,毁灭。ThatCore World, likely is one of the finalpure lands.
那核心世界,很可能会是最后的净土之一。„Core Worldismyentirety, all my, treasureandassetininside.”Song Shuhangwas sayingtoSu Clan's The Sixteenthin a soft voice: „Now, itskeyhanded overin your hands.”
“核心世界就是我的全部,我的一切,宝物、资产都在里面。”宋书航对着苏氏阿十六轻声道:“现在,它的钥匙交在你们手里了。”Elder Sister White Dragon: „!!!”白龙姐姐:“!!!”Tyrant Song after proving the Way as Imperishable, fierce of to get it straight.证道不朽后的霸宋,开窍的厉害。
The technique that thisarouses, makingherfeelrapid heartbeat.
这撩人的手法,令她都感觉到心跳加快。„HasCore World, yoursecurity, canobtain the biggestsafeguard.”Song Shuhangsaidin a soft voice.
“有核心世界在,你的安全,也能得到最大的保障。”宋书航轻声道。BeforehandCore Worldwhenfacingarchenemy, may instigate that a wavedid not instigateactually, butby the influence of Song Shuhangrank, the spacewas shielded the blockadeby a more powerfulbig shot, causesCore Worldunableopening.
以前的核心世界在面临大敌时,可能会怂一波其实不是怂,而是受宋书航等级的影响,空间被更强大的大佬屏蔽封锁,导致核心世界无法开启。ActuallyCore Worlddid not instigate,mustknowwhenTyrant SongEighth Stage, itcanunder the Ninth Stage Tribulation Immortal'sblockade, openforcefully!
其实核心世界并不怂,要知道在霸宋八品时,它就能在九品劫仙的封锁下,强行撑开!WhenTyrant SongNinth Stage, itevencan, in the Eternal Life Being Realm'senemyblocksunder the space, forcefullyopening!
在霸宋九品时,它甚至能在长生者境界的敌人封锁空间下,强行开启!It can be said that ithas been jumping the ranksopens the spacedoor.
可以说,它一直在越级强开空间门。Instigated that is only an misconception!
它其实刚的很!Butnow, Core World'smasterTyrant Song, proving the Way as Imperishable, has becomeAll Heavens and Myriad Realmsmostto have one of the jurisdictionmen.
而如今,核心世界的主人霸宋,已经证道不朽,成了诸天万界最具权限的男人之一。in this world, no one, has also been ableto make the Core Worldroundinstigateagain!这世界上,已经再也没有任何人,可以令核心世界发怂!Even if the oppositeisimperishable of 'Heavenly Way'levelexists.
哪怕对面是‘天道’级的不朽存在。Core World can also open the asylumability, protectsSu Clan's The Sixteenthand the others, andshiftsthemtoCore Worldinsafely, protects.核心世界也可以开启庇护能力,将苏氏阿十六等人守护住,并将她们安全转移到核心世界里,保护起来。EvenisAll Heavens and Myriad Realmscollapses, the myriad thingsfall from the sky, Core World can also receive the Song Shuhang's'imperishable'attributeasylum, the safeguardis complete!
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