CCG :: Volume #1

#29: Running under setting sun, that is the youth that I elapse

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However I when several of final failure, refine with my intuition afterward completely, has not done according to pill recipe step by step! 但是我在最后失败的几步时,后来完全凭自己的直觉去炼,没有按丹方一步步去做啊! I was succeed now, was the failure? 那我现在到底算是成功了,还是失败了? Song Shuhang pinched the chin to stare at medicine liquid to look at for quite a while. 宋书航捏着下巴盯着药液看了半天。 Or, tries? How saying that is also three -and-a-half many hours of laborious crystallization. 要不,试试?怎么说也是三个半多小时的辛苦结晶啊。 He hesitant the moment, in the heart had the decision. 他犹豫了片刻,心中有了决定。 Crushed to the hope that confirming 『Cultivation』 has the fear to unknown medicine liquid. 对证实‘修真’存在的期盼压倒了对未知药液的恐惧。 At the worst sends in the hospital gastric lavage. 大不了送入医院洗胃吧。 Naturally, Song Shuhang is not the crude generation. 当然,宋书航不是鲁莽之辈。 He first took out the cell phone, adjusts roommate Tubo dial interface of number. So long as there is an accident/surprise, his finger moves can telephone to Tubo. 他先掏出手机,调到室友‘土波’号码的拨打界面。只要有意外,他手指一动就能打电话给土波 Originally wants to adjust the ambulance call page, but he feared that at the appointed time does not have the strength to speak, calls unable to speak, at the appointed time the miss of ambulance call thinks oneself are practical joke, his real tragedy. Therefore hits to the familiar roommate, when is not right, even if called out pitifully several, they can respond immediately. 本来想调到急救电话页面的,但他怕到时自己没力气说话,打了电话讲不出话来,到时急救电话的姑娘以为自己是恶作剧,那他就真悲剧了。所以还是打给熟悉的室友,一旦不对劲时,哪怕惨叫几声,他们马上就能反应过来。 Tries, one should only words...... being able dead person?” Shuhang secretly said in heart. “试试吧,只一口的话……应该死不了人吧?”书航心中暗道 Finally pulled out one spoon with the soup spoon, blows coolly it. Quite miserable, 45 types of medicinal herbs, finally other only then about five spoons medicines stick. 最后用汤匙掏了一勺,将其吹凉。好惨呢,四十五种药材啊,最后余下的就只有五勺左右的药糊。 The values of these five spoons of medicinal herbs perhaps on large sum of money above? 这五勺药材的价值恐怕在上万金以上吧? This is the sesame seed sticks, this is the sesame seed sticks.” His self- hypnosis, closes one's eyes and hold the breath to swallow into the abdomen. “这是芝麻糊,这是芝麻糊。”他自我催眠,闭眼、屏息一口吞入腹中。 Unexpected, the medicine sticks, although the odor, the entrance instead has not being able to say medicine fragrance. 出乎意料,药糊虽恶臭,入口却反而有股说不出的药香味。 However, the immediately afterwards throat transmitted two feelings...... the pain and spicy!!! 然而,紧接着喉咙传来了两种感觉……痛、辣!!! This is unable with the burning feeling that the spoken language described, the entrance was blows the cool medicine to stick obviously, after entering the throat such as exploded to be the same immediately, sends out infinite heat, simply must blast out general the Shuhang's throat! 这是无法用言语形容的火辣辣的感觉,明明入口是吹凉的药糊,在进入喉咙后顿时如爆炸开来一样,散发出无穷的热量,简直要将书航的喉咙炸开一般! Was finished, wants the gastric lavage. 完蛋,要洗胃啦。 Shuhang on the one hand grasps own throat, another hand according to arriving on telephone dial key, prepares the Tubo call! 书航一手抓住自己的喉咙,另一只手按到电话拨打键上,准备拨打土波电话! Has not waited for him to move finger, in the throat that explosion feeling vanishes suddenly! 还没等他挪动手指,喉咙中那种爆炸感觉突然消失! to be more precise, is explosion medicine liquid changes into one group of warm heat, has slid into the lower abdomen from his throat. He only felt that the belly place is warm, comfortable wish moan. 准确来说,是爆炸的药液化为一团温暖的热量,从他喉咙一直滑入小腹。他只感觉肚子处暖洋洋的,舒服的想要呻吟。 But did a grown man, moan disgustingly? He bore forcefully. 但一个大男人,呻吟出来多恶心?他强行忍住了。 This still not ended, this heat is centered on the Shuhang lower abdomen, blooms a loose leaf through the whole body meridians to the whole body four limbs. Is belly warm comfortable, now the whole body each location place transmits this type comfortably to the feeling of extreme. 还没有结束,这股热量书航小腹为中心,通过浑身经脉向全身四肢开枝散叶。原本中是肚子暖洋洋的舒服,现在全身每一处地方都传来这种舒服到极点的感觉。 Shuhang could not bear finally, opens mouth wants to moan, was too comfortable, cannot endure! 书航终于没忍住,张嘴就想要呻吟一下,实在太舒服了,不能忍啊! But when he opens mouth, the feeling mouth seems like actually stopped up to be the same, not calling voice to come, voice cannot send! 但他张嘴时,却感觉嘴巴像是被堵住一样,叫不出声音来,一点声音都发不出去! At this time, he had a having to speak out feeling. 偏偏这时,他有种不吐不快的感觉。 Therefore he waits eagerly, the opening mouth, wants to send from the abdomen to the throat in voice! 于是他憋足劲,张大嘴巴,想要将声音从腹到喉咙中发出去! Suppressed suppresses, suppressed for quite a while. 憋呀憋,憋了半天。 wave Good loud voice, but it is a pity that comes out from the mouth. But comes out from anus. He suppressed for quite a while to suppress is came out. 好响的声音,但遗憾的是不是从嘴巴里出来的。而是从菊花里出来的。他憋了半天就憋是了个屁出来。 Is good air/Qi one because of below, on the air/Qi also passes. Shuhang open mouth hit big full Ge. 好在下气一通,上气也通。书航张口打了个大大的饱隔。 This full Ge, looked like within the body all heat releases came out to be the same. 这一个饱隔,就像是将体内所有的热量都释放了出来一样。 Must know after a person is grown, with the accumulations of various within the body types of day after tomorrow toxin, the person often the association/will felt that within the body will have an anger to suppress probably at heart, the breath during will feel sometimes the throat will be dry and hot. 要知道一个人成年之后,随着体内各种后天毒素的积累,人时常总会感觉体内像是有一股火气憋在心里,有时呼吸间会感觉喉咙燥热。 But at this moment, after Shuhang this full Ge hits, felt that the five main internal organs (entrails) was cleaned likely, cool insightful, is very happy! Each breath places early morning in the jungle of forest probably, the faint trace cool air/Qi enters from mouth and nose, has moistened the bottom of one's heart. 但这一刻,书航这个饱隔打出去后,感觉五脏六腑像被清洗了一遍,清凉通透,无比舒畅!每一次的呼吸都像是身处晨林的丛林中,丝丝清凉之气从口鼻进入,一直滋润到肺腑。 With this burp, within his body efficacy heat radical eruption. Is attacking his body each location, the continuous strength welled up! 随着这个饱嗝,他体内药力热量彻底爆发。冲击着他身体每一处,源源不断的力量涌了上来! The efficacy in within the body is still erupting, eruption! 体内的药力还在爆发,爆发! The Shuhang whole body starts to itch, refine exhausted that three -and-a-half hour of medicines of produced to have long evaporated a moment ago. 书航浑身都开始发痒,刚才炼了三个半小时的药产生的疲惫早已烟消云散。 This Body Tempering Liquid !” Song Shuhang has been certain dark medicine liquid that oneself swallowed a moment ago, is real Body Tempering Liquid without doubt. “这淬体液,是真的!”宋书航已经可以肯定自己刚才吞下的黑乎乎药液,就是货真价实的淬体液无疑。 The strength in body is filling as before, that heat is still exploding, fills the body, until the flood has not ceased, several want to explode the Shuhang brace. 身体内的力量依旧在充满,那股热量还在爆炸,充满身体,直至满溢还不停息,几欲将书航撑爆。 At this time, the Song Shuhang sudden brain hole opened greatly. He remembers in Xianxia novel, after main character took the wonder drug, will have one set of cultivation technique fist technique anything's practicing, reduces and solves the digestion efficacy. 这个时候,宋书航突然脑洞大开。他想起仙侠小说中,主角服了神药后都会有一套功法拳法啥的练练,化解消化药力。 But he does not understand what fist technique completely. 但他完全不懂什么拳法 When the elementary school teacher came the safe/without matter before idly has taught the student the Grand Ultimate fist, but Shuhang also only remembers that indistinctly ‚a big watermelon, cut into two halves, half give you, half give him. 虽然以前小学老师闲来无事时教过学生太极拳,但书航也只隐约记得‘一个大西瓜,切成两半,一半给你,一半给他’。 Moreover the Grand Ultimate fist edition that he teaches to the elementary school sports and math teacher suspected very much, perhaps that is the line justification Grand Ultimate fists of xx publishing house. 而且他对小学体育兼数学老师教的太极拳版本很是怀疑,说不定那是xx出版社的线装版太极拳呢。 Must volatilize this efficacy, perhaps otherwise like Xianxia novel, will be exploded the body by the efficacy directly?” Song Shuhang felt oneself must move. “必须将这股药力挥发出去,否则说不定会像仙侠小说中那样,直接被药力爆体?”宋书航感觉自己必须要活动一下。 Or, goes out to run?” Is looking at outside the room burning Sun, Shuhang felt that this absolutely is not a great idea. The strength and energy that however within the body wells up continuously, making him have to plant do not vent the incorrect feeling. “要不,出去跑一圈?”望着屋外火辣辣的太阳,书航感觉这绝对不会是个好主意。但是体内源源不断涌上的力量和精力,让他有种不发泄不行的感觉。 Clenches teeth, holds Yang run to go to the school. 咬了咬牙,向学校操杨跑去。 Runs and runs, all the way Shuhang's speed getting faster and faster. More runs, is comfortable, even the both legs have the floating misconception. 奔跑、奔跑,一路上书航的速度越来越快。越是跑,就越是舒服,甚至双腿都有种浮空的错觉。 He almost arrives in the sports field runway at the speed of sprint. 他几乎以冲刺的速度抵达操场的跑道。 This time weather hot to become dog, even if there is an energy sufficient student still to choose to hit blue ball anything, some people will not come sports field to run absolutely several under the hot sun. 这个时间点的天气让人热成狗,就算有精力充足的学生也都选择去打蓝球啥的,绝对不会有人在烈日之下来操场跑几圈的。 On the broad runway only then Shuhang, he lets loose all, the insane horse that such as runs away, dashes about wildly on the runway. The acceleration, accelerates again! 宽阔的跑道上只有书航一个,他放开一切,如脱缰的疯马,在跑道上狂奔。加速,再加速! Arrived finally, him feels own foot quickly to not being able to control. 到最后,他感觉自己的脚已经快到控制不住。 When the runway makes a turn each time, has the feeling that plants to play to drift! 每次跑道转弯时,都有种玩飘移的感觉! Simply has not taken many efforts, he had run entire three at the speed of sprint, 1200 meters. But a body not exhausted feeling, as instead endo-abdominal that rolls sending out of heat, felt that the body is getting more and more light, more runs is relaxed. 根本没费多少力气,他已经以冲刺的速度跑了整整三圈,一千两百米。但身体没有一丝疲惫的感觉,反而随着腹内那团热量的散发,感觉身体越来越轻,越跑越是轻松。 Under the strenuous exercise, Ice Pearl still unable of chest maintains the Shuhang's body temperature even. The sweat gushes out from his body each pore, moistened the Shuhang's clothes quickly. 剧烈运动下,就算是胸口的冰珠无法维持书航的体温。汗水从他身体每个毛孔涌出,很快打湿了书航的衣服。 However, is quite comfortable! 但是,好舒服! Outflow of first sweat, can feel the body lightly a point. When jogs in the mouth bad smell of each putting out, felt that within the body is cooler. 第一滴汗水的流出,都可以感觉身体轻了一分。跑步时口中每吐出的一道浑气,都感觉体内更加清凉。 Body Tempering Liquid, this is not drinks to lie down to sleep can the body tempering thing. Body Tempering Liquid of each cultivator when drinking, will have digests medicine liquid cultivation technique and fist technique auxiliary, this can make the Body Tempering Liquid's effect achieve best. 淬体液,这可不是喝下去躺下睡一觉就能淬体的东西。每个修真者在喝下淬体液时,都会有辅助消化药液功法拳法,这可以让淬体液的效果达到最佳。 Song Shuhang not such fist technique and cultivation technique, at this time most suitable his also only then jogs, dashes about wildly! 宋书航没有那样的拳法功法,此时最适合他的也只有跑步,狂奔! One after another, Song Shuhang does not know exhaustedly. 一圈又一圈,宋书航不知疲惫。 From the beginning he also several ran several, when arrives at behind, has not needed to go to count. 一开始他还数着自己跑了几圈,但到后面时,已经没必要去数了。 Because of depending on his present status, the efficacy that so long as within the body erupts still, him felt that oneself can definitely go to revolve Earth to turn circle to run. 因为凭他现在的状态,只要体内爆发的药力还在,他感觉自己完全可以去围绕地球转圈跑。 Till sprints dash about wildly in any case, run up to the efficacy no longer to flood. 反正一圈圈的冲刺狂奔,跑到药力不再满溢为止吧。 So thinking, him is not knowing how many circles ran, 30? 40? And even more. 这般想着,他都不知跑了多少圈,三十圈?四十圈?甚至更多。 Song Shuhang stopped finally. 宋书航总算停了下来。 Even if ran at the speed of sprint were so long, his aura was still gentle, does not have slightly the fatigue. 即使以冲刺的速度跑了这么久,他气息依旧平缓,没有丝毫疲惫感。 Is good because , the efficacy that within the body erupts unceasingly is gentle, the remaining efficacy stays in the Shuhang's lower abdomen position, starts to strengthen his body in a soft way. 好在,体内不断爆发的药力平缓下来,残余的药力留在书航的小腹位置,以一种温和的方式开始强化他的身体。 The clothes soaked, Shuhang the sticky clothes will take off simply, grasp in the hand. 衣服湿透了,书航干脆将粘乎乎的衣服脱去,抓在手中。
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