CCG :: Volume #1

#28: keep trying everything in a desperate situation, on!

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3. After 5 hours,...... 三。五小时后…… Song Shuhang's both eyes is still bright, but somewhat is tired. 宋书航的双眼依旧明亮,但身体却有些疲惫。 „The forty-first ingredient medicinal herb, eventually soon finished.” Song Shuhang muttered. 第四十一味药材了,终于快要结束了。”宋书航喃喃道。 Never expected that he can first pill refining be able to insist this step. However he also about the same must reach the limit now. After this taste medicine, only remains Fresh Overlord Branch and Nine-Yang Scarlet Flame Bamboo slice ; Deep sea cold crystal and Fourth Nuclear Power Plant of taste medicinal herbs snow monster, he can support to finish! 没想到他能第一次炼丹能坚持到这一步。不过他现在也差不多要到极限。这味药之后,就只剩鲜霸王枝九阳赤炎竹切片;深海寒晶、雪妖之核四味药材,他能撑到结束! Boils, rapid forty-first ingredient medicinal herb investment. 开锅,迅速的将第四十一味药材投入其中。 When has not waited for Song Shuhang on the pot cover, in hot pot the mutation breaks out. 还没等宋书航将锅盖上时,火锅盆中异变突起。 After fusing 40 taste medicinal herbs , when assumes light gray medicine liquid contacts to 40 constantly medicinal herbs, fierce eruption odor and burnt smell! 原本融合了四十味药材后呈淡灰色的药液接触到四十一味药材时,猛的爆发出一阵恶臭和焦味! In the pot has medicine liquid of half pot rapidly was evaporated, in an instant was short of 1/5! 锅中原本已经有半锅的药液迅速的被蒸发,转眼间就少了五分之一! „Was , failed?” Song Shuhang worriedly said, although said reason that because adds water from the beginning, he was suspecting were oneself is defeated from the beginning. ,失败了吗?”宋书航苦恼道,虽然说因为一开始加了水的原因,他在怀疑自己是不是从一开始就失败了。 But has insisted the forty-first ingredient medicinal herb had not had problems, in his heart will reappear unavoidably a small anticipation and hope, is this unique gambler psychology of human? 但一直坚持到了第四十一味药材都没出问题,他心中难免会浮现一丝小小的期待和希望,这就是人类的特有赌徒心理吧? But now, wanted the complete failure finally? 但现在,终于还是要彻底失败了吗? „It is not right, had not been finished thoroughly.” Song Shuhang saw, although that grey medicine liquid was being evaporated, but in the tenacious fusion forty-first ingredient medicinal herb. “不对,还没有彻底完蛋。”宋书航看到,那灰色的药液虽然在被蒸发,但还是在顽强的融合第四十一味药材。 He knows that own present must make anything, if anything does not do, really must be finished. 他知道自己现在必须做点什么,若什么都不做的话,就真的要完蛋了。 In fact, the forty-first ingredient medicinal herb indeed is Simplified Body Tempering Liquid most difficult one step. 事实上,第四十一味药材的确是‘简化淬体液’最难的一个步骤。 From this, is actually simplifies body tempering medicine liquid the stage of conclusion. The four taste medicinal herbs after this taste medicinal herb do not increase the property. 从这一步起,其实已经是‘简化淬体药液’收尾的阶段。这味药材之后的四味药材已经不是增加药性。 Fresh Overlord Branch and Nine-Yang Scarlet Flame Bamboo slice ; Nuclear of deep sea cold crystal and snow monster, first both supreme Yang and supreme hardness, latter both to Yin to supple. Four taste medicinal herbs are purification Simplified Body Tempering Liquid use. 鲜霸王枝九阳赤炎竹切片;深海寒晶、雪妖之核,前两者至阳至刚,后两者至阴至柔。四味药材乃是提纯简化淬体液’所用。 purification, is Body Tempering Liquid most an important step. If not purification, Body Tempering Liquid of that pot is only a pot makes up the soup at best perfectly greatly. After drinking, will make people feel that the stick , the body tempering effect actually falls short greatly. But after joining the purification step, then can make this perfect make up soup avatar Body Tempering Liquid greatly, by every medicine avatar is the immortal fluid. 提纯,才是淬体液最重要的一步。如果不提纯的话,那锅的淬体液充其量只是一锅十全大补汤。喝下去后会让人感觉棒棒哒,淬体效果却是大打折扣。而加入提纯步骤后,便能让这十全大补汤化身淬体液,由凡药化身为仙液。 But the forty-first ingredient medicinal herb, is purification catalyst. 第四十一味药材,是提纯引子 This step indeed is one point of easiest failure, Soft Feather on dozens failure in this step. 这一步的确是最容易失败的一环,羽柔子就数十次失败于这一步。 How however can do to support by the arm the failure? 但是要怎么做才能够搀回失败? If Medicine Master on the scene, depending on his excellent pill refining experience and skill, when can strive to turn the tide, supports by the arm this furnace...... not, is this pot Body Tempering Liquid. 若是药师在场的话,凭他高超的炼丹经验和技术,当能力挽狂澜,搀回这一炉……不,是这一锅‘淬体液’。 But Shuhang does not have the experience, does not have Medicine Master such skill. 书航即没经验,更没药师那样的技术 Rapidness of too evaporation, must first slow slow this process. Watering!” Song Shuhang keep trying everything in a desperate situation, added one scoop of water for the pot, although does not know to have an effect, but at least speed of evaporation slow many. “蒸发的太快,必须先缓一缓这过程。加水!”宋书航死马当活马医,为锅中加了一瓢的水,虽然不知能不能起作用,但至少蒸发的速度缓了不少。 Remaining also has four taste medicinal herbs.” “剩下还有四味药材。” The Song Shuhang thought revolves crazily. 宋书航思维疯狂运转。 In the time, insufficiently he has built up medicine pill again time. In 12 hours, the roommates estimated that will come back. 时间上,已经不够他再炼一次丹药了。再过一两小时,室友们估计就会回来了。 To be honest, if makes them see that oneself is tossing about pill refining in the kitchenette, Song Shuhang cannot guarantee that the warm-hearted roommates can tie hands him, then sends in the hospital psychiatric ward. 说实话,如果让他们看到自己在小厨房中折腾着‘炼丹’的话,宋书航不能保证热心的室友们会不会将他五花大绑,然后送入医院精神病科。 According to their loving must send ten good person card above degrees to everyone, this possibility is very big! 依他们的热心到每人都要发十张好人卡以上的程度,这种可能性很大! in one breath puts to try the other medicinal herbs completely. Has been close to be defeated in any case, works as the absorption experience purely.” Song Shuhang decides to say. 一口气将余下的药材全部放进去试试吧。反正已经接近失败了,纯当吸收经验吧。”宋书航决定道。 Loose Practitioner North River and Soft Feather in group were defeated many times. His pure layman, if did succeed that to have the issue for the first time? 群里的北河散人羽柔子都失败了很多次。他一个纯外行人,如果第一次就成功了那才有问题吧? Boiling. 开锅。 Fresh Overlord Branch and Nine-Yang Scarlet Flame Bamboo slice ; The nuclear of deep sea cold crystal and snow monster, four types of medicinal herbs were thrown into the pot by Shuhang in one breath. 鲜霸王枝九阳赤炎竹切片;深海寒晶、雪妖之核,四种药材被书航一口气扔入锅中。 Covers the pot cover! 盖上锅盖! Afterward, Song Shuhang experienced truly ice hot twofold Heavenly Fire pot. 随后,宋书航见识到了真正的‘冰火两重天火锅’。 Fresh Overlord Branch and Nine-Yang Scarlet Flame Bamboo slice fuses some medicine liquid, these two taste medicinal herbs after the heat red that changes, as if must burn to be the same. Boiling that medicine liquid of this part changes, evaporation is also quicker. The gas of evaporation spout from the breather hole of pot cover, such as the fountain is ordinary. 鲜霸王枝九阳赤炎竹切片融合部分药液,这两味药材遇热后变的通红,就仿佛要燃烧起来一样。这部分的药液变的更加沸腾,蒸发的也越快起来。蒸发的气体从锅盖的透气孔中喷涌出来,如喷泉一般。 But deep sea cold crystal and nuclear of these two things snow monster are meeting the heat, the outer covering burst, gushes out the ice blue liquid from inside. This ice blue liquid seems like the temperature to be extremely low, after fusing other half medicine liquid, making medicine liquid that boils start to cool tranquilly. 而深海寒晶、雪妖之核这两件东西在遇热,外壳破裂,从里面涌出冰蓝色的液体。这冰蓝液体似乎温度极低,融合了另一半药液后,让沸腾的药液开始平静冷却下来。 Some tranquil that temperature getting lower and lower, that half of boiling evaporate is quicker. Two parts of medicine liquid have the sign of separation unexpectedly. 平静的那部分温度越来越低,沸腾的那一半蒸发的更快起来。两部分药液竟有分离的迹象。 Cannot make them separate. In the Song Shuhang heart moves, immediately increases the induction cooker firepower, attempt makes that part of cooling boil. 不能让它们分离。宋书航心中一动,马上将电磁炉的火力加大,试图让冷却的那部分重新沸腾起来。 Increasing of temperature, the evaporation of medicine liquid changes the speed changes is quicker. Only less than one minute, the original half pot medicine soup has only had 1/3. 温度的升高,药液的蒸发变速度变的更快。仅一分钟不到,原本的半锅药汤已经仅剩下三分之一不到。 Most ten breaths must evaporate to be clean. 最多十息就要蒸发个干净了。 Complete failure.” Song Shuhang laughed, has the preparation after all early, therefore he does not care about the failure. “彻底失败了呢。”宋书航哈哈一笑,毕竟早有心理准备,所以他并不在意失败。 He puts out a hand, must switch off induction cooker. Burns like this again, the pot is burnt. 他伸手,就要关掉电磁炉。再这样烧下去,锅都要焦喽。 His finger extends half, then stopped got down-- he to see, although medicine liquid in pot evaporated was quicker, actually no longer the polarization, fused. 只是他的手指伸到一半,便停顿了下来——他看到,锅中的药液虽然蒸发的更快了,却不再两极分化,重新融合起来。 The unexpected happening, Song Shuhang has not chosen the closure firepower, instead is one cruel-hearted adds to a big way the firepower! 鬼使神差,宋书航没有选择关闭火力,反而是一狠心将火力加到最大! Throws a note this solitary one, in the fire adds the fire, in one breath fuses this medicine liquid completely, compels to send completely 45 medicinal herb property purification! Thus, perhaps before the medicine liquid evaporation is clean, can he also obtain some trash? 孤投一注,火上加火,一口气将这药液全部融合,将四十五种药材物药性全部提纯逼发出来!这样,说不定在药液蒸发干净前,他还能得到些渣渣? The electricity touches the furnace to arrive in a big way, sends out the abnormal noise. 电碰炉开到最大,发出异响。 In hot pot, the ice and fire are interweaving in small hot pot, transform into attractive shape. Two medicine liquid tumble, is vibrating hot pot. 火锅盆中,冰和火在小小的火锅盆中交织着,化出漂亮的形状。两股药液翻滚,震动着火锅盆子。 Finally, Shuhang could not have seen clearly the change in pot. 最后,书航已经看不清锅中的变化了。 After medicine liquid evaporation, pasted up thick impurity on the tempered glass cover. 药液蒸发后在强化玻璃盖子上糊上了厚厚一层杂质。 Tick-tock and tick-tock...... is the medicinal herb in tumbling voice. voice that every tumbles one time is one second. 滴答、滴答……是药材在翻滚的声音。每一次翻滚的声音正好是一秒。 Song Shuhang is pinching the cell phone, is staring at the time. 宋书航重新捏着手机,盯着时间。 Cannot see clearly the situation in pot, he can only buckle the time, after planning for five minutes, switches off induction cooker. 看不清锅里的情形,他只能重新扣时间,打算五分钟后就关掉电磁炉 Three minutes/shares 23 seconds. 三分二十三秒。 Bang...... 轰…… At this time, in the hot pot welled up a high pressure suddenly, raised to fly the pot cover. 这时,火锅中突然涌上一股高压力,将锅盖掀飞出来。 immediately afterwards, black mist sprayed out, covers the entire kitchenette, greets the nostrils to the smell of nose. 紧接着,一阵黑色的烟雾喷射出来,将整个小厨房笼罩,冲鼻的气味扑鼻而来。 That flavor flushed, simply seems like the world in various ill-smelling flavors fuses together. Only is the impulsion that does not smell previous to plant carefully to spit. 那种味道太冲了,简直像是将世界上各种难闻的味道融合到一起。光是不小心嗅上一下都有种想吐的冲动。 Vomits......” Song Shuhang to hold one's nose, quickly the induction cooker closure. “呕……”宋书航捏着鼻子,急忙将电磁炉关闭。 Quite smelly.” Even the holding one's nose screen the breath, this unusual stink is actually drilling into the Shuhang's nose as before, impossible to get rid of. “好臭。”即使捏着鼻子屏着呼吸,这股异样的臭味却依旧钻入书航的鼻子,挥之不去 He runs up to the window to open the window, words that does not ventilate, he only then waited for the roommate to come to him to gather up dead bodies the-- cause of death definitely to be suffocated by the odor. 他跑到窗边打开窗户,再不透透气的话,他就只有等着室友过来给他收尸了——死因肯定是被恶臭熏死。 The window opens, the black mist flutters from the window, the odor in kitchen then diverges gradually. 窗户一打开,黑色雾气从窗户中飘出,厨房中的恶臭这才渐渐散去。 This flavor, basic can't be described with words. Moreover leaving a rich aftertaste.” Shuhang sighed, it is estimated that his these 2-3 days of unable forgot this taste. Also does not know that then can eat up the food? “这味道,根本无法用语言形容啊。而且还回味无穷啊。”书航感叹,估计他这2-3天都无法忘记这味了。也不知道接下来能不能吃下饭? „After this thing refine flavor lethality such terrifying, simply can work as the chemical weapons use mistakenly. Wanting its this smell can collect, whom later I look at is not feeling well, releases a room toward his room, guarantees leaving a rich aftertaste.” Shuhang self-ridiculed. “这东西炼错了后的味道杀伤力这么恐怖,简直可以当生化武器使用。要是这味道能收集起来,以后我看谁不爽,就往他房间中释放一屋子,保证回味无穷。”书航自嘲。 Ground, the cover of hot pot also spinning of keeping, is good because of this thing is the armored glass, without sacrifice. Otherwise must spend money compensation school. 地上,火锅的盖子还在不停的打转,好在这玩意是钢化玻璃,没有牺牲。否则得花银子赔偿学校了。 After picking up the cover, Shuhang felt an own head dizziness. The fatigue leans the mountain but actually sea to him to raid, this is the weariness that is close to for four hours accumulating! 捡起盖子后,书航感觉自己头部一阵晕眩。疲惫感倾山倒海般的向他袭来,这是接近四个小时积累起来的疲劳! He quickly supports the table, sits down slowly. 他急忙扶住桌子,缓缓坐下。 Takes a break, he holds one's nose, looks to the bottom of the pot, what wants to have a look at medicine liquid that is defeated finally to become, can send out this type of wicked stink? 休息片刻,他捏着鼻子,望向锅底,想看看到底最后自己失败的药液成啥样子,才能散发这种恶臭味? In the hot pot, sees only medicine liquid of half pot only to be left over light one. 火锅中,只见原本半锅的药液已经只剩下薄薄的一层。 The luster is black, transparent, is accompanied by flushing taste that irritates the nose. 色泽为黑,透明,伴有刺鼻的冲味。 black thick congee, is a bit like the transparent sesame seed sticking. Was too smelly.” Song Shuhang tsukkomi. 黑糊糊的,有点像透明的芝麻糊。就是太臭了。”宋书航吐槽 ? How this can......?” He remembered anything suddenly, pulls out to record Medicine Master's pill recipe notebook rapidly. ?这个……怎么会?”他突然想起了什么,迅速掏出记载着药师的丹方记事本 medicine liquid become a paste, the luster is black, transparency, strong smell. This is Medicine Master describes simplified version Body Tempering Liquid end product status. 药液成糊,色泽为黑,透明状,味冲。这是药师形容简化版淬体液成品的状态 The does thing that probably...... and refine look like very much? 好像……和自己炼出来的这玩意很像啊?
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