CCG :: Volume #1

#20: spirit ghost

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Little miss how do you know?” Tubo's grandpa said curiously: Indeed, made the big grave after that Flayer Huang, just hung up the tombstone, seven days later died. Then one after another...... less than one year, Flayer Huang family/home of more than ten died a cleanness. In the area everyone said, this matter is weird. Flayer Huang that bird man made the big grave, buried oneself one.” “小姑娘你怎么知道的?”土波外公好奇道:“的确,从那黄扒皮造了大坟后,刚挂上墓碑,七天后就死了。然后接二连三的……一年不到,黄扒皮一家十几口死了个干干净净。区里所有人都说,这事邪门。黄扒皮那鸟人真是造了大坟,葬了自己一家。” Because in that Ghost Lantern Temple has spirit ghost that is going mature, therefore there is a person of high skill to buy that Ghost Lantern Temple, supposes the seal, is prevents spirit ghost to offend somebody. However some people pushed Ghost Lantern Temple , above cover Fen. This simply is Jupiter head breaking ground...... spirit ghost can on the aura according to tombstone pursue the new moon to arrive at the tomb owner and his family member, swallows their essence. Dying entire family is also good, without dead nine generations on very nice.” Soft Feather replied, these knowledge do not need to the content that the average person kept secret, therefore she then spoke frankly. “因为那鬼灯寺里有将要成熟的灵鬼,所以有高人买下那鬼灯寺,设下封印,就是防止灵鬼伤人。然而有人推了鬼灯寺,又在上面盖坟。这简直是太岁头上动土……灵鬼可以按墓碑上的气息追朔到墓主和他家人,吞他们的精气。死全家还算是好的,没有死九族就很不错了。”羽柔子答道,这些知识是不需要对普通人保密的内容,所以她便直说了。 Tubo's grandpa silent long time, stared at Soft Feather to call two characters: Superstition!” 土波外公沉默了良久,盯着羽柔子唤了两字:“迷信!” Young people, believe in science, the knowledge is the strength. Do not study these fairy superstitions!” Tubo's grandpa worthily is the fashionable old person. “年轻人,要相信科学,知识才是力量。别学那些神鬼迷信!”土波外公不愧是时髦老人。 Scoffing Shuhang cannot bear smile to make noise. “嗤”书航忍不住笑出声来。 However after having smiled, in his heart actually some round of cold. 然而笑过之后,他心中却又有些发寒。 Is only the superstition is so simple? Really, has that skillful matter? 真的只是迷信那么简单吗?真的,有那么巧的事吗? Soft Feather blushed immediately the face, is quite awkward ; She sometimes thin-skinned. 羽柔子顿时又羞红了脸,好生尴尬;她有时候脸皮薄的很。 How long is good not to intertwine in this topic because of Tubo's grandpa, he is the old man who can chat, various disorderly knowledge understand far apart. 好在土波外公没在这话题上纠结多久,他是个很能聊的老头,天南地北各种杂乱的知识懂得很多。 Shuhang and Soft Feather have rested 9 : 00 pm in Tubo Grandpa's home, guests and hosts having a good time. 书航羽柔子土波外公家一直休息到晚 9 点,宾主尽欢。 Borrowed Tubo bike, Shuhang and Soft Feather Huigui Hotel. 借了土波一辆机车,书航羽柔子回归酒店。 Sooner rests.” Shuhang feels for day later, is exhausted, after Soft Feather said goodbye, then drills into own room rest. “早些休息吧。”书航感觉一天下来,身心疲惫,和羽柔子道别后,便钻入自己的房间休息。 Soft Feather smiles to wave sweetly. 羽柔子甜笑挥手。 ************ ************ Senior, wake up. wake up.” In the sleep, Song Shuhang felt own chest is somewhat stuffy, then the cool small hands are patting on oneself face. “前辈,醒醒醒醒。”睡梦中,宋书航感觉自己胸口有些闷,然后有一只凉凉的小手在自己脸上拍着。 ? let me sleep for a while, is quite again sleepy.” Song Jiang Shuhang makes an effort to wave, the thing on oneself face will pat. “唔?再让我睡一会儿,好困。”宋江书航用力挥手,将自己脸上的东西拍开。 Senior, quick wake up, the time drew near.” That two small hands make an effort to rub his face. “前辈,快醒醒,时间快到了。”那两只小手用力揉着他的脸。 The small hands ice the ice, according to is very comfortable when the face. 小手冰冰的,按在脸上时很舒服。 sleeping sweetly Shuhang can only the blurry opening eye, then discover that super great beauty sits by a sexy posture in his chest. 睡的香甜书航只能迷糊的睁开眼睛,然后便发现一个超级大美人以一种性感的姿势坐在他胸口。 The chest big waist thin leg is long, black waist-length hair, the small buttocks sit when own chest that soft touch...... are Soft Feather. 胸大腰细腿长,黑色长发及腰,小屁股坐在自己胸口时那种软软的触感……是羽柔子 So-called thoughts in the day, dreams in the night. 所谓日有所思,夜有所梦 Own morning one all day to Soft Feather this great beauty, in the evening the dream to and her some ambiguous plots is also being normal. Therefore Song Shuhang laughs foolishly , to continue to sleep. 自己早上一整天对着羽柔子大美人,晚上梦到和她的一些暧昧情节也是正常。所以宋书航傻笑,继续睡觉。 Senior, wake up.” Soft Feather both hands grip the Shuhang's cheeks, makes an effort to rub. “前辈,醒醒啊。”羽柔子双手夹住书航的脸颊,用力揉搓。 Does not have a dream. In the middle of the night, Soft Feather crawled to his room bed on. 靠,不是做梦。深更半夜的,羽柔子爬到他房间床上了。 what is more important...... room/house card, only then he has, how does Soft Feather come in? Here is two ten third floor! 更重要的是……房卡只有他有啊,羽柔子是怎么进来的?这里可是二十三楼啊! He looked at the time, 11 : 00 pm. 他看了看时间,深夜11点。 The girls, your such night touch to my bed on, is very easy to think crookedly. 姑娘,你这样深夜摸到我床上,很容易让人想歪的啊。 What matter?” Song Shuhang diligently is maintaining calm, asked. “啥事?”宋书航努力保持着镇定,问道。 We go to Ghost Lantern Temple.” Soft Feather replied: 12 : 00 pm, was easiest to find spirit ghost.” “我们去鬼灯寺中吧。”羽柔子答道:“深夜12点,最容易找到灵鬼了。” What? spirit ghost? 啥?灵鬼 The girls, you come J-City to look for Ghost Lantern Temple from afar, to grasp that what spirit ghost? 姑娘,你千里迢迢来j市鬼灯寺,就是为了抓那啥灵鬼 Pit father, this is! 坑爹呢,这是! He also thinks that Soft Feather looks for Ghost Lantern Temple to have any important matter...... he simply not to think of some people for will grasp spirit ghost this matter to rush to J-City from afar. 他还以为羽柔子来找鬼灯寺是有什么重要的事……他根本没想到有人会为了‘抓灵鬼’这种事千里迢迢赶到j市 Good good, I get up immediately. Can you first get down from my body?” Song Shuhang said with a bitter smile, how said that he is also the body function normal man. “好吧好吧,我马上起来。妳可以先从我身上下去吧?”宋书航苦笑道,怎么说他也是个身体功能正常的男人。 A Soft Feather such super beautiful woman sits in his body, he had had the response. Really, this miss did not fear that his wolf is big? 羽柔子这么一个超级美女坐在他身上,他早已经起了反应。真是的,这姑娘就不怕他狼性大起? Perhaps Eh...... Soft Feather really did not fear. On her whip leg instant kill five Drunk Ghost battle efficiencies, Song Shuhang really wants wolf to be big, absolutely is a tragedy. ……或许羽柔子真不怕。就她那鞭腿秒杀五个醉鬼的战斗力,宋书航真要狼性大起,绝对是个悲剧。 The Soft Feather single-handed brace, attractive spatial turns over leaps from Shuhang body, the lightly falling bedside, has not sent out including voice. 羽柔子单手一撑,漂亮的空翻身书航身上跃下,轻巧的落在床边,连一丝声音都没有发出。 Shuhang helpless getting up, received exchange the clothes in the bathroom, scratched had accompanied her face sober-- in any case to J-City, now abandons the life to accompany the gentleman simply, accompanied her insanely. 书航无奈的起来,在浴室换回衣服,擦了把脸清醒一下——反正都已经陪她到j市了,现在干脆舍命陪君子,陪她疯到底吧。 Opens bike to go?” Shuhang asked. “开机车去?”书航问道。 Un.” Soft Feather draws the giant suitcase to nod. “嗯。”羽柔子拉着巨大行李箱点头。 Song Shuhang: „Do you bring such big suitcase no problem?” 宋书航:“那妳带着这么大行李箱没问题?” The Soft Feather delicate hands select, the suitcase was held the top of the head like the feather single-handed: no problem, does not take up the space.” 羽柔子纤手一挑,行李箱像羽毛一样被单手托到头顶:“没问题的,不占空间。” Song Shuhang felt that the knee a little becomes tender. 宋书航感觉膝盖又有点发软。 Rejoiced oneself do not have wolf to send greatly, otherwise probably the named 'Song Shuhang' man must die in battle tomorrow. 庆幸自己没狼性大发,否则明天说不定名为‘宋书航’的男人就要马革裹尸还了。 ...... …… ...... …… Thundering bike voice harasses a person of clear dream in the night, Song Jiang Shuhang steps on the accelerator decisively, flees to the hotel region rapidly. 轰鸣的机车声音在深夜扰人清梦,宋江书航果断加大油门,迅速窜离酒店区域。 Is pressing in the Tubo's grandpa instruction direction, Shuhang two people soon found that stretch of grove. It is not difficult to look, because here is a grave, no one knows that here is the Ghost Lantern Temple reason. 按着土波外公指导的方向中,书航两人很快找到那片林子。并不难找,只是因为这里是坟,没人知道这里原来是鬼灯寺的原因。 Proceeds bike unable to pass again, can only stop to walk. 再往前机车过不去,只能停车步行。 Needs my help ma?” Shuhang asked. 需要我帮忙吗?”书航问道。 Relax the senior, only spirit ghost cannot injure me. I can solve quickly, the senior you were OK for my sweep array by all means at the same time.” Soft Feather happily said with a smile. “放心吧前辈,区区一只灵鬼伤不到我。我很快就能解决,前辈你只管在一边替我掠阵就可以了。”羽柔子嘻嘻笑道 During the speeches, two people have arrived at that Huang Dagen burial ground. 说话间,两人已经来到那黄大根一家葬身之地。 The giant chair shape tomb, is 50-60 years ago very popular tomb design. Not clear Huang Dagen knows in the past own is dying, the made grave is very giant, happen to enough four generations of 14 bury completely into. 巨大的椅子状坟墓,是50-60年前很流行的坟墓款式。不清楚黄大根当年是不是知道自己一家都快死了,造的坟很巨大,正好够一家四代十四口全部葬入。 Because is late at night, cemetery obviously somewhat gloomy. 由于是深夜,坟场显的有些阴森森的。 Song Shuhang enclasps the coat, secretly said in heart: Won't really hit the ghost?” 宋书航不由抱紧自己外衣,心中暗道:“不会真的撞鬼吧?” Another side, Soft Feather has started to go into action. 另一边,羽柔子已经开始行动起来。 Her big box opens, then the sparkling stone light is sparkling. Song Shuhang can see the packs of jade pieces, has over a hundred fully! 她那口大箱子打开,便有一层莹光在闪耀。宋书航可以看到一叠叠的玉片,足有上百枚之多! Very big purple gold color bell, resembles the copper non- copper, resembles gold/metal Feijin, but a-- this thing very expensive/noble feeling! 还有一个很大的紫金色的铃铛,似铜非铜,似金非金,但给人一种——这东西很贵的感觉! !” Soft Feather lightly puts out bad smell, her black hair is calm, valiant! “呼!”羽柔子轻轻吐出一口浑气,她一头黑发无风自动,英姿飒爽! Afterward, Soft Feather puts out a hand to pull out silver metal sticks in the box, gathered round that big grave to insert. These silver stick as if also very expensive/noble appearances. She extracts talisman paper of one skewer from the box by string, entangled the silver metal stick to circle. 随后,羽柔子伸手在箱子抽出一根根银色金属棍,围着那大坟插了一圈。这些银棍似乎也很贵的样子。她又从箱子中抽出一串由细绳串起的符纸,缠着银色金属棍绕了一圈。 This has not ended, she pulls out various types of powder, sprinkles near the cemetery. These powder do not know that is anything, after sprinkling, exudes the light ray, is really attractive. 这还没完,她又掏出各种粉末,洒在坟场边上。这些粉末也不知道是什么东西,洒出后泛起淡淡的光芒,甚是好看。 Song Shuhang looked for the block clean stone to sit down, looks at Soft Feather near grave busy. 宋书航找了块干净的石头坐下,看着羽柔子在坟边忙碌。 Unknowingly the sleepiness upwells, he felt that both eyes somewhat is dim. 不知不觉睡意上涌,他感觉双眼都有些朦胧。 How long also has not known. 也不知过了多久。 When Song Shuhang is blurry opens the eye again, then saw that Soft Feather dances lightly on the cemetery...... dances on the cemetery late at night, the interest of this miss is really special! 宋书航迷迷糊糊间再睁开眼睛时,便看到羽柔子在坟场上翩翩起舞……三更半夜在坟场上跳舞,这姑娘的兴趣爱好真是特殊啊! ? In side of miss, two groups azure are only flashing probably, like is the Soft Feather approaching dance, is really attractive. Only regret is this location is not quite beautiful, the cemetery the strangeness that this only beautiful picture changes. ?在姑娘的身边,好像还有两团青光在闪动,就像在为羽柔子傍舞一样,甚是好看。唯一遗憾的就是这场地不太美,坟场将这唯美的画面变的诡异。 So beautiful scene, when pats the preservation is! 如此美景,当拍下来保存才是! Shuhang puts out a hand the pocket to pull out the cell phone. Has saying that the Song Shuhang's heart is very big, the average person sees this scene, the first feeling frightens the urine. This fellow is also thinking takes down this scene. 书航伸手到口袋掏手机。不得不说宋书航的心脏很大,普通人看到这场面,第一感觉是吓尿吧。这家伙还想着录下这场面。 As a result of also in blurry status, incautiously, hand one stiff, the cell phone slides from the pocket, falls on the ground. 由于还在迷糊的状态,一不小心,手一僵,手机从口袋中滑出,落在地上。 The fluorescence of phone screen, illuminated his a unique item indistinctly! 手机屏幕的荧光,隐约照亮了他脚下的一件奇物
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