CCG :: Volume #20

#1932: Kill~ ah~ them~ ah~

Similarly opens the space channel in the Ruism center, this black skirt young girl when turning on channel, obviously relaxed satisfied. 同样是在儒家腹地强开空间通道,这位黑裙少女在开启通道时,就显的轻松惬意。 The black skirt young girl stretches oneself, on the waist is that pigeon egg big pearl, sparkles to shine, absolutely is the priceless treasure. 黑裙少女伸了个懒腰,腰肢上系着的那枚鸽蛋大的明珠,闪闪发亮,绝对是价值连城的宝物。 You came finally, Fellow Daoist Chu.” demon bear Ha Ha smiles: Invited fellow daoist lend me a helping hand, with my joint effort, blew away these fellows together. Although is only several Eighth Stage's small insects, but pinches a little to press the hand unexpectedly accidentally/surprisingly.” “你总算来了,楚道友。”邪魔熊哈哈一笑:“请道友助我一臂之力,和我一起合力,将这几个家伙干掉。虽然只是几只八品的小虫子,但捏起来竟意外有点硌手。” Just was launched by steel giant, has not come in right fist that and took back, is hiding Song Shuhang: „......” 刚被‘钢铁巨人’发射出去,还没来的及收回的右拳中,隐藏着的宋书航:“......” The previous big shot who dares to talk to me like that, had been exploded by my resentment! 上个敢这么和我说话的大佬,已经被我怼爆了! hē hē hē.” Black skirt young girl lightly smiles, stretched out his hand and swung that long and leg curved long hair, the long hair flutters: I have said that next time will meet to twist your head, I always do what I said.” 呵呵呵。”黑裙少女轻轻一笑,伸手一甩自己那长及腿弯的长发,长发飘扬:“我说过,下次见面就要拧下你的脑袋,我一直说话算话。” Song Shuhang that in the fist hidden turns the head to look out in all directions, then referred to itself: Twists my head?” 拳头中隐藏的宋书航转头四望,然后指了指自己:“拧我的头?” , I have not delivered you one Senior Skylark head? Aren't you are also very satisfied with the new head? Why can also twist my head? 不是吧,我不是已经送你一个‘云雀子前辈’的脑袋了吗?你不是对新脑袋也很满意吗?为什么还要拧我的头? call me baba!】 At this time, in the Song Shuhang mind suddenly resounded a voice. 叫我爸爸!】这时,宋书航脑海中突然响起一个声音 This voice was full of the dignity. 声音充满了威严。 Song Shuhang: „???” 宋书航:“???” Is Fairy @#%x, she skin. @#%×仙子,她又皮了。 Senior Chu, was not I was speaking a moment ago, I didn’t mean to be your baba!】 Also a voice resounds...... this time is Song Shuhang own voice. 楚前辈,刚才不是我在说话,我没有要当你爸爸的意思!】又一个声音响起......这次是宋书航自己的声音 These two voice, are returns in the Song Shuhang mind directly broadcasts, bystander unable hears. 这两段声音,都是直接在宋书航脑海中回播,外人无法听到。 This is Karmic Virtue Snake Beauty is reminding Song Shuhang, between he and Pavilion Lord Chu Two has had past events. 这是功德蛇美人在提醒宋书航,曾经他和楚阁主two之间发生过的往事。 Song Shuhang raised his head and looking towards the Heaven, did not speak for a very long time. 宋书航抬头望天,久久不语。 Fellow Daoist Skylark? It is not right.” Senior White is looking at this black skirt young girl curiously. 云雀子道友?不对。”白前辈好奇望着这黑裙少女。 In the foreheads of young girl, indistinct somewhat Mysterious Maiden Gate's Skylark's appearance, but under examining carefully, her look is more like another person...... in Song Shuhang Core World, is only left over Pavilion Lord Chu of head. 少女的眉宇间,隐约有几分玄女门云雀子的模样,但细看之下,她的相貌更像是另一人......宋书航核心世界里,只剩下一个脑袋的楚阁主 Fellow Daoist Chu, on together.” Demon big bear ferocious sound said. 楚道友,一起上吧。”邪魔大熊狞声道。 no problem, as before, let us continue to fight side by side.” Pavilion Lord Chu Two earnestly said, in her eye, is full of the aggressivity. 没问题,和以前一样,让我们继续并肩作战吧。”楚阁主two认真道,她的眼中,充满着攻击性。 In Nine Serenities World's these days...... Pavilion Lord Chu Two body what on earth happened? 九幽世界的这段时间里......楚阁主two身上到底发生了什么 Whiz ~ steel giant wields, right fist that only shoots, one flew, assembled. ~钢铁巨人手一挥,那只射出去的右拳,一下飞了回来,重新组装了回去。 The fist that the bang flies, can receive, is the general knowledge! 轰飞出去的拳头,能收回来,可是常识! steel giant enters fight status. 钢铁巨人进入战斗状态 I cope with that Sage White, you cope with Profound Sage Tyrant Song.” demon bear exclaimed: Kill~ ah~ them~ ah~ “我对付那个白圣,你对付霸宋玄圣。”邪魔熊吼道:“将他们干~啊~掉~啊~ the next moment, the demon big bear was patted flies. 下一刻,邪魔大熊又被拍飞了。 distance that this time, it flies is higher and is farther. 这次,它飞的距离更高、更远。 Its huge body in in the air is tumbling unceasingly, bear fur falls unceasingly, has the black blood from its corner of the mouth blowout, indistinct as if also has bear teeth to fling. 它庞大的身躯在空中不断翻滚着,熊毛不断掉落,有黑色鲜血从它嘴角喷出,隐约似乎还有熊牙甩出。 The entire picture, looks at is painful. 整个画面,看着都痛。 Is Pavilion Lord Chu Two suddenly take action. 楚阁主two突然出手 The black Demon of the Nine Serenities blood drops in the place, implication evil energy corrosion land fast. The blood of Ninth Stage Tribulation Immortal level demon, each drop is acute poison, if not process, this ground likely will become certainly. 黑色的九幽邪魔血液滴落在地,其中蕴含的邪能飞快的腐蚀大地。九品劫仙级邪魔的血液,每一滴都是剧毒,如果不加以处理的化,这片地面很可能会成为绝地。 At this time, Golden Lotus World independent opening, had similar Song Shuhang Core World's root hair to depart from Golden Lotus World, takes root in the corroded ground, absorbed instantaneously the black blood, was packed to whirl away including the corroded ground. 这时,金莲世界自主开启,有类似宋书航核心世界的‘根须’从金莲世界中飞出,扎根在被腐蚀的地面上,瞬间就将黑色血液吸收一空,连被腐蚀的地面都被打包卷走。 Song Shuhang body's Core World does not show weakness, similarly extends the root hair, sticks to whirl away these bear fur. 宋书航身上的核心世界也不示弱,同样延伸出根须,将那些熊毛都粘住卷走。 To demon pollution that’ cultivator has a headache very much, here actually including a spray unable to turn. 修士来说很头疼的‘邪魔污染’,在这里却连朵浪花都翻不起来。 The demon big bear stands firm the figure with great difficulty. 邪魔大熊好不容易稳住身形。 Its vision is staring at the black skirt young girl stubbornly. 它的目光死死盯着黑裙少女。 Test the sincerity and strength duty of new helper, completed half. ‘测试’新帮手的诚意和实力任务,完成了一半。 The sincerity looked like does not have...... the strength to go beyond its expectation completely. 诚意看来是没有了......实力是完全超出它的预料。 This is not the strength of Tribulation Immortal level, within this strike has Eternal Life Being's Way and principle completely, is terrifying existence of Eternal Life Being rank. 这完全不是劫仙级的力量,这一击中带着长生者的道和法则,是长生者级别的恐怖存在 But it cannot think through, as Demon of the Nine Serenities, why will she help human cultivator cope with itself? 但它想不通,身为九幽邪魔,她为什么会帮助人类修士来对付自己? Unreasonable. 没道理啊。 ...... ...... ...... ...... The Song Shuhang's figure, in right fist jumps out from steel giant, falls on Su Clan's The Sixteenth and Senior White side. 宋书航的身形,从‘钢铁巨人’右拳中跳出,落在苏氏阿十六白前辈身边 Meanwhile, Pavilion Lord Chu Two is having the yawn, arrives at beside Song Shuhang, extends the small hand, lightly touched his head-- seems like touching the watermelon, having a look at the watermelon to be ripe. 同时,楚阁主two打着哈欠,来到宋书航身边,伸出小手,轻轻摸了摸他的脑袋——就像是在摸西瓜,看看西瓜是不是熟了。 The Song Shuhang brain hair is cold: Senior Chu, under discussion, don't twist the head?” 宋书航脑头发寒:“楚前辈,商量下,别拧脑袋?” Just a moment ago you were discussing on how to eat me?” Pavilion Lord Chu Two asked. 你们刚才在商量着怎么吃掉我?”楚阁主two反问道。 not at all! This cruel matter, how can I do it?” Song Shuhang replied-- he to feel fast, before the Pavilion Lord Chu main body instigated him, the pit he. 没有的事!这种残忍的事情,我怎么可能做的出来?”宋书航飞快答道——他感觉,之前楚阁主本体怂恿他,是要坑他。 Un, I had the new head. I'm not interested with your head now.” Pavilion Lord Chu Two calmly said, said that she turns the head to look to nearby Su Clan's The Sixteenth, said: Therefore, your no need to be anxious.” “嗯,我有新的脑袋了。你的脑袋我现在也没兴趣。”楚阁主two平静道,说罢她又转头望向边上的苏氏阿十六,道:“所以,你不用紧张。” Su Clan's The Sixteenth: „......” 苏氏阿十六:“......” Elder Sister White Dragon shows a faint smile: In fact, we not anxious.” 白龙姐姐微微一笑:“事实上,我们并没有紧张。” Un, is right.” Pavilion Lord Chu Two nods, said to Song Shuhang: I a while ago when Nine Serenities World loitered, met Bear King. Then, happen to hears them to go to Ruism to do the matter, in this period also heard them to raise 'Heavenly Court fragment' and 'Profound Sage Tyrant Song' noun, therefore I with have a look.” “嗯,也对。”楚阁主two点了点头,又对宋书航道:“我前段时间在九幽世界逛荡的时候,遇上了熊王。然后,正好听到它们要前往儒家搞事,期间还听到它们提起过‘天庭碎片’‘霸宋玄圣’的名词,于是我就跟着过来看看。” 'Profound Sage Tyrant Song' that because involves to the Bear King's plan in a little cares, therefore she finds the way to become Bear King's partner, having a look at it actually to do. 因为对熊王的计划中涉及到的‘霸宋玄圣’有点在意,于是她就想办法成为了熊王的‘伙伴’,看看它到底想干什么。 Again then, presented at present this scene. 再接着,就出现了眼前这一幕 As Demon of the Nine Serenities, you will be interested in a human cultivator unexpectedly, this is really beyond my expectations.” The demon big bear of distant place said. “身为九幽邪魔,你竟然会对一个人类修士感兴趣,这点真的超乎我意料。”远处的邪魔大熊道。 It has not seized the chance to leave through Gate of Space, as before stay put, don't know what its planning? 它没有趁机通过空间之门离开,依旧留在原地,不知道它在打算什么 Pavilion Lord Chu Two: I am begin a new career late in life.” 楚阁主two:“我是半路出家的。” Demon big bear: „??” 邪魔大熊:“??” I used to be human...... or is Heart Demon, then the practice succeeded, finally because of a coincidence, transformed Demon of the Nine Serenities status.” Pavilion Lord Chu Two very patient answered. 我以前是人类......或者说是心魔,然后修炼有成,最后因为一点巧合,才转化成了九幽邪魔状态。”楚阁主two很耐心的解释道。 Demon big bear: Therefore, you with this human are an old friend?” 邪魔大熊:“所以,你和这人类是老相识?” Song Shuhang cannot bear say: Even locally born Demon of the Nine Serenities, actually can still become the good friend with human.” 宋书航忍不住道:“就算是土生土长的九幽邪魔,其实也能和人类成为好朋友的。” Hamster demon and his sentiment on not bad's. 仓鼠邪魔和他的感情就蛮不错的 Nine Serenities Ruler White senior Two is his powerful foreign aid. 九幽主宰白前辈two还是他的强力外援。 Shut up, impossible has such wallowing in degeneration Demon of the Nine Serenities.” The demon big bear said. “住口,不可能存在那样自甘堕落的九幽邪魔。”邪魔大熊道。 Then, it lifts up high oneself pair of claws, exhibits terrifying bear flutter to do: Comes out, demon gal, fight time arrived.” 说罢,它高举自己的双爪,摆出一个恐怖的熊扑动作:“出来吧,魔伽,战斗的时候到了。” 【It is not good!】 Hides Uncle replacement driver in crowd does not shout secretly wonderfully. 【不好!】隐藏在人群中的代驾大叔暗叫不妙。 This demon bear must parasitic within the body demon god the strength summoned, if let it and Strength of Demon God union, very troublesome that the situation can change. 邪魔熊是要将寄生体内的‘魔神’之力召唤出来,如果让它和魔神之力结合,事态就会变的非常麻烦
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