CCG :: Volume #1

#18: Meeting an old friend far from home

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Another head of telephone, a men's holding down telephone, his complexion is indifferent, but grabs the hand of telephone actually somewhat to shiver faintly. 电话的另一头,一名男子按住电话,他的脸色冷漠,但抓着电话的手却隐隐有些颤抖。 60 years, he also knows that Ghost Lantern Temple original master strength is tyrannical, will not be definitely easy dead. However, 60 years doesn't the Ghost Lantern Temple perhaps original master, he thinks care about this place? 六十年了,他也知道那鬼灯寺的原主人实力强横,肯定不会那么容易死去。但是,六十年的时间,他觉的或许鬼灯寺的原主人已经不在乎这处地方? Therefore he starts to arrange, finding the way to break open Ghost Lantern Temple quietly nearby seal, must take inside thing. 所以他开始布置,想办法悄悄破开‘鬼灯寺’边上的封印,要取走里面的东西。 But, some people came eventually. 但没想到,终究还是有人过来了。 Hateful!” The men clench teeth. “可恶!”男子咬牙。 ********* ********* Comes out after the hotel, Shuhang and Soft Feather stroll in Luo Xin Block. 从酒店出来后,书航羽柔子罗信街区闲逛起来。 Huddles together the elderly man who chatted not to meet, but met more interesting thing-- five got drunk the sexual harasser. 扎堆聊天的老人家倒没遇上,不过遇上了更有趣的东西——五个喝醉了的色狼。 He on electric train has not met femme fatale the plot, has not thought that after arriving in Luo Xin Block, meets the bridge section that one crowd of Drunk Ghost sparked lustful thoughts on the contrary. 他在动车上没有遇上‘红颜祸水’的情节,没想到在抵达罗信街区后,反倒是遇上了一群醉鬼见色起意的桥段。 That is a sparsely inhabited alley, five Drunk Ghost sway stopped up Song Shuhang and Soft Feather's road, five pair of eyes are red, greedy is staring at Soft Feather. 那是一条人烟稀少的小路,五个醉鬼摇摇晃晃的堵住了宋书航羽柔子的路,五双眼睛通红,贪婪的盯着羽柔子 The liquor strong hero guts, can similarly the strong villain guts. Under the stimulation of alcohol, the person will make the what happened sentiment is not worth unusually. Kisses the sow, to nip dog one, and dog does possibly to do. 酒壮英雄胆,同样也能壮小人胆。在酒精的刺激下,人会做出什么事情都不值得稀奇。无论是亲吻母猪、咬狗一口、和狗干架都可能做的出。 Five Drunk Ghost have not seen such attractive little girl for a lifetime, after seeing Soft Feather, the eye cannot move again. 五个醉鬼一辈子都没见过这么漂亮的妞,一看到羽柔子后,眼睛就再也挪不开了。 Mother, this woman attractive like female celestial. If makes me make, the short life ten years want!” This is their ideas, therefore they enclosed taking advantage of the feeling of being drunk. “妈的,这女人漂亮的像仙女一样。要是让我弄上一回,短寿十年都愿意!”这是他们的想法,所以他们借着醉意就围上了。 What fears? At the worst goes to sit for several years. 怕什么?大不了进去坐几年。 This does not understand law the place of feeling sorry , when they are only listen the person blows to be flamboyant to raise indistinctly, after strong miss, goes to sit for several years. But they think now is several years ago? Also or thinks that here is India? 这就是不懂法的可怜之处,他们只是隐约听人吹牛逼时提起过,强干姑娘后进去坐几年。但他们以为现在还是好几年前?又或者以为这里是印度? nowadays, the strong miss goes is indefinite, the plot slightly bad point is a grain of shelled peanut. 这年头,强干姑娘一进去就是无期,情节稍恶劣点就是一粒花生米。 Song Shuhang saw that this scene does not know whether to laugh or cry, he moved under the physique, prepares to enter the stage. 宋书航看到这场面哭笑不得,他活动了下筋骨,就准备出场。 His battle efficiency not bad...... usually he can relaxed hit three, let alone at present these five thins Drunk Ghost? Because of this, near school delinquent no one will have his idea. 他的战斗力不错……平常他都能轻松一个打三个,更何况眼前这五个瘦巴巴的醉鬼?正因为如此,学校边上的不良也没人会打他的主意。 This opponent, he alone can hit ten! 这种对手,他一个人能打十个! In Song Shuhang prepares an show/unfolds fists and feet, the ear has gust to howl. 就在宋书航准备一展拳脚时,耳边有一阵风呼啸而过。 Then he noticed that a pair of slender leg as fast as lightning kicks unceasingly, when that leg from the sky kicks, such as the shuttle of butterfly in the flowering shrubs is the same, is really attractive. Moreover is not only attractive, the might is terrifying. The both legs pull out when the air, will send out pā pā pā's whip twitch voice. 接着他看到一双修长的腿快如闪电不断踢出,那腿在空中踢动时,就如蝴蝶在花丛中穿梭一样,甚是好看。而且不仅仅是好看,威力更是恐怖。双腿抽在空气中时,甚至会发出啪啪啪的鞭子抽动声音 Five Drunk Ghost called out pitifully, flies upside down, is twitching on the ground crazily, spat place, long time was then unconscious. 五个醉鬼惨叫,倒飞出去,在地上疯狂抽搐着,又吐了一地,半晌便不省人事。 Threw the street? How long? One second? Is shorter! 扑街了?多久?一秒?或者是更短! Song Shuhang turns the head, then saw Soft Feather to take back movement-- of long leg cool good! 宋书航转过头来,便看到羽柔子收回长腿的动作——酷毙了好不好! Compared with Soft Feather, his fists and feet is really three-legged cat. 羽柔子比起来,他那点拳脚真是三脚猫。 looks at unconscious Drunk Ghost, in the Shuhang mind remembered study off campus that community to throw delinquents of street. 看着不醒人事的醉鬼们,书航脑海中想起了学校外那群体扑街的不良们 If, he said the supposition can the battle efficiency that if displayed a moment ago by Soft Feather, indeed in a short time make 70-80 delinquents collectives of that day throw the street probably? 如果,他是说假设若是以羽柔子刚才表现出来的战斗力,好像的确可以在很短的时间内让那天70-80个不良们集体扑街? However, at that time Soft Feather also on airplane. 不过,那时候羽柔子还在飞机上呢。 Really is could it be in the group that Su Family The Sixteenth does? Can the person in could it be group, each one really have the off the charts battle efficiency? 难道真是群里那位苏家阿十六做的?难道群里的人,会不会个个真的都拥有爆表的战斗力? Hasn't killed the person?” Some Song Shuhang worries. “没弄死人吧?”宋书航有些担心。 Relax the senior, I have the discretion. Most lets their stupor two days, can wake up. this time is just right, three days of words, do not drink do not eat to be easy to have problems.” Soft Feather replied. “放心吧前辈,我有分寸的。最多让他们昏迷两天,就能醒来。这个时间正正好,三天的话,不喝不吃容易出问题。”羽柔子答道。 This answer, making Song Shuhang have suddenly seeing the light feeling-- these stupors delinquents not to wake up for a very long time, can because also this two days hasn't the deadline arrived? 这答案,让宋书航有种豁然开朗的感觉——那些昏迷的不良们久久没有醒来,会不会也因为这个‘两天’的期限还没到? Let's go, senior.” Soft Feather happily said with a smile. 我们走吧,前辈。”羽柔子嘻嘻笑道 The Song Shuhang stiff nod, in the mind a confusion, leaves the scene with Soft Feather...... 宋书航僵硬的点头,头脑中一种混乱,跟着羽柔子离开现场…… ********** ********** When Shuhang and Soft Feather, in the corner after alley, the man treads the steady footsteps to arrive at five Drunk Ghost side. 书航羽柔子远离后,小路后的角落中,有一男子踏着稳重的脚步来到五个醉鬼身边 Drunk Ghost was really weak, made the opposite party real thing radically continually cannot achieve.” The men sighed. 醉鬼果然还是太弱了,根本连让对方动真格都做不到。”男子叹了口气。 The men black clothed man partly kneel in the place behind, said solemnly: „Does Altar Master, need us to send several people to try?” 男子身后有一黑衣人半跪在地,沉声道:“坛主,需要我们派几个人上去试试吗?” no need, five Drunk Ghost are only the average people, therefore opposite party take action will have the discretion. If our people come up...... not able only then hold back.” Altar Master said solemnly, his person each trains is not easy, even if most common newbie trains, needs to spend million US Dollars above, is not the casual consumables. 不用了,五个醉鬼只是普通人,所以对方出手会有分寸。若是我们的人上去……对方可不会手下留情。”坛主沉声道,他的人每一个培养起来都不容易,哪怕是一个最普通的新人培训出来,都需要花费一百万美刀以上,可不是随便的消耗品。 Female only take action taught these five Drunk Ghost a moment ago, was indistinct has been able to see her strength. That whip leg and receiving and dispatching free strength air-splitting, is not First Stage leaps every level the military to cultivate/repair to be able absolutely to achieve. 刚才那女子只是只出手教训这五个醉鬼,隐约间已经可以看到她的实力。那种破空的鞭腿和收发自如的力道,绝对不是一品跃凡层次的武修能做到的。 The opposite party had unified the true qi's powerhouse! 对方已经是凝聚了真气的强者! This is not existence that his these subordinates can contend with. 这已经不是他的那些属下可以抗衡的存在。 Moreover female side he could not even have seen the deep submergence completely, strength profound and unfathomable's 'senior'. 而且那女子身边还有一个连他都完全看不出深潜,实力高深莫测的‘前辈’ The opposite party can easily destroy completely the elites who he trains with high pay with various postures. Even his subordinate are many, does not waste. 对方可以轻易的用各种姿势灭掉他重金培养出来的精英们。就算他属下再多,也不是这么浪费的。 To be honest, he was a little frightened. 说实话,他有点被吓到了。 Only then waited for an opportunity to act.” Altar Master muttered. “只有伺机行动了。”坛主喃喃道。 In his heart in treasure to Ghost Lantern Temple desperate larger part, but has a little not lost heart. 他心中对鬼灯寺内宝物已经绝望了一大半,只是还有点不死心罢了。 Soft Feather and Song Shuhang transferred for quite a while in Luo Xin Block, met the 50-year-old elder, but no one knows Ghost Lantern Temple. 羽柔子宋书航又在罗信街区转了半天,也遇上了50多岁的位长者,但并没人知道鬼灯寺 Song Shuhang has, has not thought that looks for a temple so to be troublesome: Soft Feather, can you determine Ghost Lantern Temple in J-City's Luo Xin Block?” 宋书航感到头痛,没想到找个寺庙都这么麻烦:“羽柔子,妳能确定鬼灯寺是在j市的罗信街区吗?” Absolute right here . Moreover the name my also absolutely no remembers incorrectly, ghost ghost, the lamp of lantern!” Soft Feather firmly said: My mother bosom my time leads me to come to here, but I can only draw support from father's magecraft at that time with the thought observation outside world, only remembers that wooden Ghost Lantern Temple signboard.” “绝对就在这里,而且名字我也绝对没有记错,鬼怪的鬼,灯笼的灯!”羽柔子坚定道:“我母亲怀我的时候带我来过这里,不过那时候我只能借助父亲的法术用意念观察外界,只记得那个木制的鬼灯寺牌匾。” Her words, front half Song Shuhang hear of understanding, behind half a word does not know where pulled. Oneself and her thought really not in a dimension. 她的话,前面半名宋书航听的懂,后面半句就不知道扯哪去了。自己和她的思维果然不在一个次元的。 What special place nearby that has not? For example in summit? Mountainside? Has the creek?” Shuhang asked. “那附近有什么特殊的地方不?比如是在山顶?山腰?或者有没有小河?”书航问道。 „It is not on the mountain, should be the flat land. Other I recorded am not quite clear.” Soft Feather embarrassedly said. “不是山上,应该是平地。其他的我就记不太清了。”羽柔子不好意思道 „Did Senior North River have the news?” 北河前辈有消息了没?” Soft Feather took out the cell phone looked, joyfully said: Senior North River came up.” 羽柔子掏出手机看了看,欣喜道:“北河前辈上来了。” In Nine Provinces (1) Group. 九洲一号群中。 Loose Practitioner North River: Soft Feather, had you found Ghost Lantern Temple?” 北河散人:“羽柔子,妳们已经找到鬼灯寺了吗?” Also no, does the senior have the news?” Soft Feather joyful input news. “还没,前辈已经有消息了吗?”羽柔子欣喜的输入消息。 Sorry, on my side asked people who some people of same belief, what a pity I know in the China eastern part position, no one knows the J-City's news.” Loose Practitioner North River sent the forced smile expression: Moreover, just came a very thorny fellow, is hard to solve with me by the present. Then perhaps I could not help.” “抱歉,我这边问了些同道,可惜我认识的人都在华夏东部位置,没人知道j市的消息。”北河散人又发了个苦笑表情:“而且,刚来了个很棘手的家伙,到现在还在和我纠缠不清。接下来我恐怕帮不上什么忙了。” All right, the senior you are by all means busy.” Soft Feather is smiling replied. “没事,前辈您只管忙吧。”羽柔子笑着回道 When Shuhang sees this news, immediately felt Loose Practitioner North River...... is really an unreliable man. When does not need him, he every day every second online. When needs him truly, he had an accident immediately! 书航看到这消息时,顿时感觉北河散人……真是个靠不住的男人。不需要他时,他每天每秒都在线。真正需要他时,他就马上出事了! Senior Song, we depend on ourselves!” Soft Feather is grasping the small fist, made the keep it up posture. 宋前辈,我们靠自己!”羽柔子握着小拳头,做了个加油的姿势。 Good to sprout/moe! Why Song Shuhang does not know, felt that this seems like age to want the big woman obviously, actually the unexpected feeling moe. 好萌!宋书航不知为啥,感觉这个明明看上去年纪比自己要大的女人,却意外的感觉好萌。 while speaking, the front has dazzling headlight to become Pailiang. Row of colorful bike sends out wū wū the bellow, speeds along toward Shuhang. Listens to this giant bellow to know, these bike are modified. 正说话间,前方有刺眼的车灯成排亮起。一排五颜六色的机车发出‘呜呜’的轰鸣声,向着书航这边飞驰而来。听这巨大的轰鸣声就知道,这些机车都是改造过的。 Dare-devil rider? This what age?” Song Shuhang muttered, drew Soft Feather by approaching the street. “飙车族?这都什么年代了?”宋书航喃喃道,拉着羽柔子靠向街边。 Hears dare-devil rider these word-time, Soft Feather's both eyes was bright: Can get rid of them?” 听到飙车族这几字时,羽柔子的双眼都明亮了:“要干掉他们吗?” What?” Song Shuhang did not understand. “啥?”宋书航不理解。 Dare-devil rider should not send in the prison? Knocks down them, sends them to the prison!” Soft Feather is ready to fight, an eager appearance. “飙车族不是应该送入监狱的吗?打晕他们,送他们去监狱!”羽柔子摩拳擦掌,一副跃跃欲试的样子。 really make sense that „......” miss, you said that I had nothing to say in reply unexpectedly. “……”姑娘,妳说的好有道理,我竟无言以对。 However, Soft Feather does not have take action eventually. 不过,羽柔子终究没有出手 That 78 bike when passing through Shuhang and the others side, including sudden slam on the brakes, attractive revolving, return stop to Shuhang's side. 那七八辆机车在经过书航等人身边时,其中有一辆突然急刹车,一个漂亮的旋转,回停到书航的身边 The motorized safety helmet opens, reveals a straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards star charming cheek: Shuhang! How your boy runs here!” 摩托安全盔打开,露出一张剑眉星目帅气的脸蛋:“书航!你小子怎么跑这里来啦!”
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