CN :: Volume #2 嘶吼的狼王

#284 Part 1: Grand Finale (Last Part)

Not why! Your perverse actions, for the right, for the position, do not hesitate to start to person clan Sage Teacher, can pay attention to the generations? ” 没有为什么!你倒行逆施,为了权利,为了地位,不惜对人族圣师下手,可将列祖列宗放在眼里?” Roared, flood dragon Old Ancestor dragon Qi spewed out, below innumerable wild beast, trembled, does not dare to raise the head. 一声咆哮,蛟龙老祖龙气喷涌而出,下方的无数蛮兽,瑟瑟发抖,不敢抬头。 Head of dragon Naiwan the beast, the dragon is in ten thousand beasts the natural royalty. 龙乃万兽之首,龙就是万兽之中天然的皇族。 I......” Zhao Yuxian want to explain, felt body one stiff, cannot move, the words could not say. “我……”赵禹仙想要解释,感到身体一僵,动弹不得,话也说不出来。 „”! “”! At this time makes him unable to speak, seems like him to be interrogated by Old Ancestor, does not dare to reply general. 此时让其说不出话,看起来就像他被老祖质问,不敢回答一般。 What's wrong, dares to do does not dare to acknowledge?” “怎么,敢做不敢承认?” Flood dragon Old Ancestor sneers: Good, I now on the by imperial family Old Ancestor status, interrogates you, if you thought that has not done this matter, refuted as far as possible......” 蛟龙老祖冷笑一声:“好,我现在就以皇室老祖的身份,来质问你,如果你觉得没做过这种事,尽量反驳……” Has not waited for Zhao Yuxian to continue to speak, the loud and clear sound resounds again. 没等赵禹仙继续说话,洪亮的声音再次响起。 First, before besieging Shen Zhe, you have long known he is creates Body Cultivation 8th Layer and Eight-Stars Realm Sage Teacher?” “第一,围攻沈哲之前,你是不是早就知道他是创出练体八重八星境圣师?” Meaning that a silence, Zhao Yuxian has not argued. 一阵沉默,赵禹仙没有丝毫辩解的意思。 Originally was he creates Body Cultivation 8th Layer?” “原来是他创出了练体八重?” I received the kindness, said, he is my teacher!” “我受到了恩惠,这么说,他是我的老师!” Zhao Yuxian could not speak, obviously was afraid, does not dare to confront!” 赵禹仙说不出话来,显然心虚,不敢对质!” Yes, according to eloquence, if not know, had definitely argued......” “是啊,按照刚才的口才,如果不知道,肯定早就辩解了……” ...... …… In an uproar. 一阵哗然。 Knows perfectly well is Sage Teacher, but also make a move, absolutely is deceive teachers and destroy ancestors, was guilty of the most heinous crime. 明知是圣师,还动手,绝对是欺师灭祖,罪大恶极了。 Second, is afraid Supreme Yin Profound Body, will grow to threaten your position, will send people to kill in her blatantly, making her fall into the stupor dead momentarily!” “第二,害怕太阴玄体,成长起来会威胁你的地位,公然派人杀害于她,让她陷入昏迷随时都会死亡!” Flood dragon Old Ancestor continues to say. 蛟龙老祖继续道。 Third, forcing Mantra Palace Palace Master Li to abdicate, wants to control Mantra Palace, deceives the common people......” “第三,逼迫真言殿李殿主退位,想要掌控真言殿,愚弄百姓……” Fourth, because Shen Family does not listen to your instruction, sends people to encircle intentionally......” “第四,因为沈家不听你的吩咐,就故意派人围剿……” Fifth......” “第五……” The sound is resonant, flood dragon Old Ancestor said ten big crimes continuously, each shocking, shocking. 声音嘹亮,蛟龙老祖连续说出十条大罪,每一条都触目惊心,让人震惊。 However, opposite Zhao Yuxian, a few words did not explain, is only the body is unbending, the head non-stop breaks into sweat. 不过,对面的赵禹仙,一句话都不解释,只是身体僵直,头上不停的冒着冷汗。 Probably was revealed the camouflage face to face, is unable to conceal again general. 好像被人当面揭穿伪装,再无法掩饰一般。 Zhao Yuxian, did you have what words to say?” 赵禹仙,你还有何话说?” Awakened three Great Perfection Old Ancestor, the whole bodies of air/Qi tremble, could not bear again, looked. 被唤醒的三位大圆满老祖,一个个气的浑身发抖,再也忍不住,看了过来。 Their lethargic sleep, has been summoned by Imperial Emperor Sword, wakes, does not know that the outside world had anything, sees Shen Zhe and Xiao Yurou to attack the emperor, makes a move to help on the instinct, never dreamed or expected, this later generation, so the perverse actions, makes so many matter that unexpectedly brings disgrace on the ancestor. 他们一直昏睡,受到帝王剑召唤,才醒过来,并不知道外界发生了什么,见沈哲萧雨柔进攻皇帝,就本能地出手帮忙,做梦都没想到,这个后辈,居然如此倒行逆施,做出这么多辱没祖宗的事情。 I......” “我……” within the body strength to/clashes crazily, Zhao Yuxian worked loose the unbending situation, hurried opens the mouth: Old Ancestor, this flood dragon Old Ancestor, some are not right, perhaps was controlled......” 体内力量狂冲,赵禹仙挣脱了僵直的情况,急忙开口:“诸位老祖,这位蛟龙老祖,有些不对劲,恐怕被人控制了……” He at this moment, stupidly also understood again. 此刻的他,再傻也明白了。 Present flood dragon Old Ancestor, definitely has surrendered opposite youngster, otherwise, why will say so many fabricated charges? 眼前的蛟龙老祖,肯定早已投降了对面的少年,否则,为何会说出这么多无中生有的罪名? Sage Teacher...... 圣师…… Initially chased down Shen Zhe , because he had the School of Arts imperial family bloodlines, what Sage Teacher who would have guessed that was? 当初追杀沈哲,是因为他拥有文宗皇室血脉,哪知道是什么圣师 Really must know, will definitely have scruples. 真要知道,肯定也会顾忌。 „Amn't I right? Was controlled? What's wrong, exposes your crime, isn't right? Also wants to kill me to eliminate a potential informant?” “我不对劲?被人控制?怎么,揭露你的罪行,就不对劲了?是不是还想要杀我灭口?” Roared, flood dragon Old Ancestor interrupted his words: I along with Zhao Yin, Heaven and Earth, this won the power in the past vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, you actually said that I am not right, you said but actually, in several charges that I said a moment ago, which having is wrong, so long as you can explain, seeks out the issue, I am willing to acknowledge the mistake to you! Naturally, the premise is, pledged to the generations, there is a lie, the condemned by heaven and earth!” 一声咆哮,蛟龙老祖打断了他的话:“我当年随赵印,纵横天地,这才打下江山,你竟然说我不对劲,那你倒说说,我刚才说的几个罪名之中,有哪些是错的,你只要能解释出来,找出问题,我愿意向你承认错误!当然,前提是,对列祖列宗发誓,有一句假话,天诛地灭!” I......” “我……” Just wants to explain, Zhao Yuxian sudden body again one stiff, could not speak. 刚想解释,赵禹仙突然身体再次一僵,又说不出话来。 One side Shen Zhe, „” symbol threw one quietly. 一侧的沈哲,又悄悄将一个“”符号扔了过去。 What's wrong, doesn't dare to pledge? Doesn't have the face countenance to the generations?” “怎么,不敢发誓?无颜面对列祖列宗?” Flood dragon Old Ancestor sneers, the tone is aggressive. 蛟龙老祖冷笑,语气咄咄逼人。 My bud grass plant mu......” “我屮艸芔茻……” Sees the opposite party to say this saying, but oneself are indecipherable, in the Zhao Yuxian heart non-stop railing, thought that the tears soon the class/flow comes out. 见对方说出这话,而自己却无法解释,赵禹仙心中不停谩骂,觉得眼泪快要流出来。 Just wants to explain, could not speak, did not need to want also to know, is hand that Shen Zhe moved...... 刚想解释,就说不出话来,不用想也知道,是那位沈哲动的手…… Since like this, oneself were made the charge, does not have the turning over leeway again. 这样以来,自己就被做死了罪名,再无翻身余地。 Can be so sinister? 要不要这么阴险? „, Unexpectedly real!” “没想到,竟然是真的!” School of Sciences has such emperor, simply is the shame!” 理宗有这样的皇帝,简直就是耻辱!” Is Ah......, if not real, will definitely explain, now does not dare to explain, obviously has the issue!” “是啊……如果不是真的,肯定会解释,现在不敢解释,明显有问题!” Disgraced! I have been in vain loyal and devoted......” “丢人!枉我一直忠心耿耿……” ...... …… Imperial City everyone anger combustion. 皇城所有人一个个怒火燃烧。 Besieges Sage Teacher, encircles kills Supreme Yin Profound Body, attacks Shen Family...... only for the right, regardless of which point, this guilty of the most heinous crime, making one despise. 围攻圣师,围杀太阴玄体,进攻沈家……只为了权利,无论从哪一点,这位都罪大恶极,让人不齿。 Was afraid? My several three, you did not deny, expressed has acknowledged......” “心虚了?我数三声,你再不否认,就表示已经承认……” Flood dragon Old Ancestor continues to say. 蛟龙老祖继续道。 „......” Opposite Zhao Yuxian, the body is still unbending, a few words could not say. “……”对面的赵禹仙,身体依旧僵直,一句话说不出来。 Very good, since acknowledged,...... you should know how to do! Zhao Family presented such a degenerate, the Zhao Yin face makes you lose completely......” “很好,既然承认,诸位……你们应该知道怎么做了吧!赵家出现这样一个败类,赵印的脸面都让你们丢尽了……” The flood dragon thick tail flings, is ashamed to associate with. 蛟龙粗大的尾巴一甩,羞与为伍。 Zhao Yuxian , you make this matter unexpectedly......” 赵禹仙,没想到,你竟然做出这种事……” Zhao Meng Old Ancestor and the others, trembling of air/Qi. 赵蒙老祖等人,气的瑟瑟发抖。 I must kill you......” “我要杀了你……” In the meantime, on the Zhao Yuxian unbending effect, vanishes again, looks up to Shen Zhe of not far away, the eye is red. 就在此时,赵禹仙身上的僵直效果,再次消失,抬头看向不远处的沈哲,眼睛赤红。 This time he, knows that the explanation many was also again useless, only then killed the chief criminal in not far away, can wipe out the wrongful treatment. 此时的他,知道解释再多也无用了,只有杀了不远处的罪魁祸首,才能洗雪冤屈。 Bang! 轰! The whole body strength dashes about wildly, the lightning is ordinary, rushes over to Shen Zhe. 全身力量狂奔,闪电一般,向沈哲冲了过去。 Dissolute......” “放肆……” Has not thought of this, so under perverse actions, but also dares to act to Sage Teacher, Zhao Meng and the others loudly shouted, kept off in simultaneously front. 没想到这位,如此倒行逆施之下,还敢对圣师出手,赵蒙等人同时大喝,挡在了面前。 Makes way......” “让开……” Zhao Yuxian clenches teeth, the vigorous strength tears to pieces the space, must charge into Shen Zhe. 赵禹仙咬牙,雄浑的力量撕破空间,就要冲向沈哲 Makes the so heartless matter, does not know to repent, but must cut to kill Sage Teacher, remains your what uses!” Roared, the flood dragon Old Ancestor giant hoof claw from in the air falls immediately. “做出如此丧尽天良的事情,不知悔改,还要斩杀圣师,留你何用!”一声咆哮,蛟龙老祖巨大的蹄爪从空中立刻落了下来。 You have certainly the issue...... such being the case, you predecease!” “你一定有问题……既然如此,你就先死吧!” How Zhao Yuxian can be resigned to unite, immediately makes a move to revolt. 赵禹仙怎能甘心就戮,当即出手反抗。 Bang! 轰! The hoof claw with his palm to bumping, flood dragon Old Ancestor is unable to contend with Great Perfection, poured to fly, but also in in the air spurted on the blood crazily. 蹄爪与他的手掌对碰,蛟龙老祖无法抗衡大圆满,倒着飞了出去,还在空中就鲜血狂喷。 Zhao Meng, Zhao Feng and Zhao Jiang, were you blind? He not only bullies the master, but must extinguish the ancestor, killed this evil livestock to me!” 赵蒙赵封赵江,你们瞎了吗?他不但欺师,还要灭祖,给我杀了这个孽畜!” The flood dragon roared. 蛟龙咆哮。 Yes!” “是!” Hears Old Ancestor to send an order personally, where Zhao Meng and the others dares rubbish, besieges neatly. 听到老祖亲自发号命令,赵蒙等人哪敢废话,齐刷刷围攻过来。 Bang bang bang! 嘭嘭嘭! Suddenly the time, Zhao Yuxian on several palms, the blood spurted continuously crazily. 眨眼功夫,赵禹仙就连续中了几掌,鲜血狂喷。 He freely is Great Perfection, but was made the injury by Shen Zhe a moment ago, at this moment was besieged by three Great Perfection, where can block. 他尽管是大圆满,可刚才被沈哲打出伤势,此刻又被三位大圆满围攻,哪里挡得住。 Fierce...... occupied the status of principle of righteousness directly, even if frank and upright cuts to kill it, still no one will have any denounces......” “厉害……直接占据了大义的身份,即便光明正大将其斩杀,也没人会有任何诟病……” One side Li Yanque, sees one of the distant place, nod. 一侧的李言阙,看到远处的一幕,不由点头。 Own this Junior Brother is really ruthless enough. 自己这位师弟真够狠的。 Method that he designs, almost useless, came to attack directly one time hardly, although does not know that with what method, making Zhao Yuxian admit the crime, did not speak the rebuttal, but can foresee...... this time jumps in the Yellow River unable to wash clean. 他设计的方法,几乎都没用,直接来了一次硬攻,虽不知道用了什么手段,让赵禹仙承认了罪行,不出言反驳,但可以预见……这次跳进黄河也洗不清了。 Direct stone hammer! 直接石锤! Even if at this time, cuts to kill Zhao Yuxian in the presence of everyone, still no one will say anything, instead will also clap and cheer. 即便此时,当众斩杀赵禹仙,也没人会说些什么,反而还会拍手称快。 Thought that he deserves to be damned. 觉得他死有余辜。 At this time, even if my child is not willing to be Emperor School of Sciences, everyone will still compel him to do......” “此时,就算我儿不愿意做理宗皇帝,所有人也会逼着他去做……” Su Qian also nods. 苏芊也点了点头。 To overthrow a dynasty, makes the throne of emperor, must first can be in the upper hand in the principle of righteousness, without the principle of righteousness, even if by the strength, obtains the world, will still welcome inevitably backlashes. 想要推翻一个朝代,做上帝王的宝座,首先要在大义上占得上风,没有大义,就算靠实力,获得天下,必然也会迎来反噬。 It seems like Chen Sheng Wu Guang nobilities rather have to plant, Red Turban Rebellion stone image eyes, provoke the Yellow River world counter-, occupies the principle of righteousness. 就好像陈胜吴广的“王侯将相宁有种乎”,红巾军的“石人一只眼,挑动黄河天下反”,都是占据大义。 Now was good...... 现在好了…… Emperor School of Sciences is guilty of the most heinous crime, School of Sciences person, ashamed difficult to bear, makes Shen Zhe be the emperor again, must no one speak the rebuttal. 理宗皇帝罪大恶极,理宗的人,羞愧难当,再让沈哲做皇帝,必没人出言反驳。 ...... …… I unwilling......” “我不甘心……” Sees Old Ancestor that oneself summoned, kept attacking to oneself, did not have Imperial Emperor Sword, is not definitely able to exceed, Zhao Yuxian roared, in the eye flowed out the tears of blood. 见自己召唤出来的老祖,对自己不停攻击,没了帝王剑,肯定无法胜过,赵禹仙一声咆哮,眼中流出血泪。 How not to have thought, will have this situation. 怎么都没想到,会出现这种情况。 From intending to cope with the opposite party, to the imperial family destruction, only used unexpectedly for short ten days...... 从出手对付对方,到皇室覆灭,竟然只用了短短十天…… Does not use willing, I on seal your cultivation base, let you now in the ancestor confession......” “不用不甘心,我现在就封印你的修为,让你在祖地忏悔……” Sees him still to put up a last-ditch struggle, Zhao Meng Old Ancestor clenches teeth, palm was patting to a Zhao Yuxian head. 见他还在垂死挣扎,赵蒙老祖一咬牙,一掌对着赵禹仙的脑袋拍了过去。 Let him strike to kill a Great Perfection later generation, definitely cannot achieve, let alone, he also thought that today's matter, is somewhat strange, plans to bring back to the ancestor place it, slowly inquired. 让他击杀一位大圆满的后辈,肯定是做不到,更何况,他也觉得今天的事,有些古怪,打算将其带回祖地,慢慢询问。 Old Ancestor......” 老祖……” Zhao Yuxian just wants to move aside, the body is unbending. 赵禹仙刚想躲闪,身体再次僵直。 Bang! 嘭! The palm of Zhao Meng Old Ancestor falls on his head, the iron hammer hammer watermelon is the same, latter's head, at the scene disruption, red white, sprinkles in the air. 赵蒙老祖的手掌落在他的脑袋上,铁锤锤击西瓜一样,后者的脑袋,当场碎裂,红的白的,洒落空中。 This......” “这……” Zhao Meng Old Ancestor gawked. 赵蒙老祖愣了。 He is thinking the opposite party will definitely revolt, therefore, with the foot the strength, how not to have expected, unexpectedly is motionless, is resigned to ask...... 他想着对方肯定会反抗,所以,用足了力量,怎么都没料到,居然一动不动,甘心求死…… Since like this, was equal to oneself cut to kill this later generation personally. 这样以来,等于自己亲手斩杀了这位后辈。 „The Zhao Meng senior, punishes guilty family members, admires below......” 赵蒙前辈,大义灭亲,在下佩服……” Nearby the in the air youngster arrives, bows to hold the fist in the other hand. 空中的少年来到跟前,躬身抱拳。 I......” “我……” Knows at this time said again many, was useless, Zhao Meng shakes the head: Is my Zhao Family does not teach strictly, appeared so damaged, at this time, did not have the face to occupy the imperial throne again...... starting today, I and other people, the remaining all time, protected the ancestral grave, did not tread one......” 知道此时说的再多,也无用了,赵蒙摇了摇头:“是我赵家管教不严,出现了如此祸害,此时,再无颜占据大位……从今天开始,我等三人,剩下所有时光,守护祖坟,再不踏出一步……” Then, no longer said that brings Zhao Feng and Zhao Feng liangs position Great Perfection, turns around to walk, suddenly the time vanishes before everyone. 说完,不再多说,带着赵封大圆满,转身就走,眨眼功夫消失在所有人面前。 Yeah!” “哎!” Shen Zhe puts out the one breath. 沈哲吐出一口气。 He wants to cut to kill Zhao Yuxian personally, but...... is very obvious, making opposite party Old Ancestor kill, is better. 他很想亲手斩杀赵禹仙,但……很明显,让对方老祖杀死,更好一些。 This is not a plot, but can reduce the turmoil, for more people. 这并非阴谋,而是可以减少动乱,为了更多的人。 Zhao controls world over ten thousand years, has lots of fans inevitably, cuts to kill Zhao Yuxian blatantly, the words of does not have any reason, even if depends upon the strong strength, can be the School of Sciences emperor, should still definitely cause the disaffection of countless person. 赵氏掌控天下上万年,必然有大量的拥趸,公然斩杀赵禹仙,没有任何理由的话,就算依靠强大的实力,可以做理宗的帝王,也肯定会引起无数人的不满。 Finally makes the world ebullition, the School of Sciences turmoil, School of Arts is unable to fuse...... 最终闹得天下沸腾,理宗动乱,文宗也无法融合…… Really must so, really be the criminal of history. 真要如此,就真的是历史的罪人了。 Therefore, the action somewhat was freely sinister, but was used to deal with the villain, was most appropriate. 所以,刚才的举动尽管有些阴险,但用来对付小人,最为合适不过。 Shen Zhe, is the Shen Family later generation, School of Sciences Sage Teacher, now is refine Imperial Emperor Sword, becomes Human Sovereign, but also please inherit the great treasure, commands the person clan......” 沈哲,乃沈家后人,理宗圣师,现在更是炼化帝王剑,成为人皇,还请继承大宝,统领人族……” A long and loud cry, the flood dragon Old Ancestor sound resounds through the four directions. 一声长啸,蛟龙老祖声音响彻四方。 Also asked Shen Zhe your majesty to ascend the throne!” “还请沈哲陛下登基!” Commands my School of Sciences!” “统领我理宗!” School of Sciences cannot one day not have Monarch, but also looks at Shen Zhe your majesty to succeed to the throne!” 理宗不能一日无君,还望沈哲陛下继位!” ...... …… The flood dragon Old Ancestor sound, immediately arouses the innumerable person resonance, the people kneel down neatly. 蛟龙老祖的声音,立刻引起了无数的人共鸣,众人齐刷刷跪倒在地。 At this moment, except for this, School of Sciences does not have the Great Perfection powerhouse, if not make it succeed to the throne, once School of Arts attacks, who can resist? 此刻,除了这位,理宗已经没有大圆满强者,如果不让其继位,文宗一旦进攻,谁能抵挡? Therefore, silly person, knows how to choose. 所以,再傻的人,也知道如何抉择。 This......” Shen Zhe knits the brows, after the moment, the nod complies: Since supports me to be the emperor, I am not parsimonious, now teaches Dragon Ancestor Holding Up Heaven Technique, everyone can cultivate, without the bloodlines limit, hope that everyone like dragon, can become the powerhouse......” “这……”沈哲皱了皱眉,片刻后,点头答应:“既然诸位拥护我做皇帝,我也不吝啬,现在就将祖龙擎天功传授下去,所有人都可以修炼,没有血脉限制,希望人人如龙,都能成为强者……” „Can everyone cultivate?” “人人都可以修炼?” Worthily is Sage Teacher, this mind bearing......” “不愧是圣师,这份胸襟气度……” My School of Sciences had the luck, the person the clan had the luck......” “我理宗有福了,人族有福了……” Everyone first stares, immediately full is excited. 所有人先是一愣,随即一个个满是激动。 Before Zhao was powerful, because of unique cultivation technique, is teaching now this set of cultivation technique, was not monopoly, regardless of the heart or the bearing, far exceeded beforehand Zhao Yuxian, making one admire. 之前赵氏之所以强大,正因为独特的功法,现在将这套功法传授出去,不独占,无论心胸还是气度,都远超之前的赵禹仙,令人敬佩。 Dragon Ancestor Holding Up Heaven Technique, observes Ancestor Dragon to feel......” 祖龙擎天功,观察祖龙所感……” Float in the air, the Shen Zhe sound resounds. 悬浮空中,沈哲声音响起。 cultivation technique that Zhao Yin leaves behind, suits the Zhao Family bloodlines, suits Supreme Yang Profound Body, the bystander has not had means cultivate even, but after the revision of Shen Zhe, what physique has been able at this time cultivate. 赵印留下的功法,适合赵家血脉,适合太阳玄体,外人就算得到也没办法修炼,但此时经过沈哲的修改,已经什么体质都可以修炼了。 Freely, after cultivate, is impossible to have Supreme Yang Profound Body is so powerful, actually can also be born more powerhouses. 尽管,修炼之后,不可能有太阳玄体那么强大,却也可以诞生更多的强者。 Follows the explanation of Shen Zhe, many suddenly realized great enlightenment, the sounds of various breakthroughs are lingering on faintly. 伴随沈哲的讲解,不少人恍然大悟,各种突破的声音不绝于耳。 Before, everyone thought the imperial family to change, how can the turmoil, to be flustered, a class got down, the turmoil eliminated, not only did not have not the happy mood, but also full was grateful. 之前,所有人都以为皇室更替,怎么都会动乱,让人心慌,一堂课下来,动乱消除,非但没有不高兴的情绪,还满是感激。 This is cultivate cultivation technique, I teach the Pill Refining deep meaning now......” “这是修炼功法,我现在传授炼丹奥义……” Teaches Dragon Ancestor Holding Up Heaven Technique, Shen Zhe has not stood still , to continue to open the mouth: What Medicine Refining is most important is the temperature, the pressure cooker is most appropriate......” 祖龙擎天功传授完,沈哲并未停歇,继续开口:“炼药最重要的是温度,高压锅最为合适……” Said the principle of pressure cooker as well as popcorn maker. 紧接着,将高压锅以及爆米花机的原理说了一遍。 Innumerable Chemist praised to the heavens, as if opened a leaf of new gateway, excited. 无数药剂师叹为观止,仿佛打开了一扇新的门户,激动不已。 Now speaks Beasts Taming......” “现在讲讲驯兽……” Spoke Pill Refining, then spoke Beasts Taming. 讲完炼丹,接着讲驯兽 School of Sciences five occupations, Shen Zhe cultivate to Grade 9 Perfect, even without Creation Chart, is existences of various occupation most Peak. 理宗的五种职业,沈哲修炼九品圆满,即便不用造化图,也都是各种职业最巅峰的存在。 Especially Body Cultivation, explained less than a double-hour, several tens of thousands people break through, success cultivate becomes Body Cultivation 8th Layer, became his disciple. 尤其是练体,讲解了不到一个时辰,就有数万人突破,成功修炼练体八重,成了他的弟子。 I have not really elected wrong......” “我果然没选错……” One side Li Yanque full is excited, the eye shines. 一侧的李言阙满是激动,眼睛放光。 Before, but also the worry, this can be the same with Zhao Yuxian, the corrupt adore/admire power, saw that this relaxes immediately. 之前,还担心,这位会不会和赵禹仙一样,贪慕权力,看到这顿时松了口气。 Can these knowledge, unretentive said that let everyone common progress, how also possibly to make to the person clan harmful matter? 能将这些知识,毫无保留的讲出来,让所有人共同进步,又怎么可能做出对人族有害的事情? Has not known how long, Imperial City everyone sobered from cultivate, looks again to the in the air youngster, full is excited and respect. 不知过了多久,皇城所有人从修炼中清醒过来,再次看向空中的少年,满是激动和敬仰。 Today arrived here!” “今天就到这里吧!” Was not saying, the Shen Zhe body in a flash, flew to the Shen Family direction. 不在多说,沈哲身体一晃,向沈家的方向飞了过去。 Just entered the Shen Family courtyard, Shen Feng, Li Yanque and the others on arriving nearby. 刚进入沈家院落,沈风李言阙等人就来到跟前。 Su Qian also follows behind. 苏芊也跟在身后。 Mother......” “母亲……” Shen Zhe bows. 沈哲躬身。 You very good......” “你很不错……” Su Qian shows a faint smile. 苏芊微微一笑。 Qian qian......” looks again to the wife, Shen Feng full is excited. 芊芊……”再次看向妻子,沈风满是激动。 Snort!” “哼!” The delicate eyebrows raise, Su Qian turns around. 秀眉一扬,苏芊转身。 Qian qian, I made a mistake, in the past I should not to you, no matter did not ask, for 18 years, I do not have one day not to regret nearby......” Shen Feng arrives, is pinching the palm of Su Qian gently. 芊芊,我错了,当年我不应该对你不管不问,十八年来,我没有一天不后悔……”沈风来到跟前,轻轻捏着苏芊的手掌。 Su Qian this Great Perfection powerhouse, struggled, has not worked loose, is only cold the face, did not speak. 苏芊这位大圆满强者,挣扎了一下,没有挣脱,只是冷着脸,也不说话。 Knows that the heart knot between parents, needs them to adjust, Shen Zhe shows a faint smile. 知道父母之间的心结,需要他们自己调节,沈哲微微一笑。 Junior Brother, comes with me......” “师弟,跟我来……” Knows that treats is not meaningful here, Li Yanque greeted one. 知道待在这里没任何意义,李言阙招呼一声。 Un!” Shen Zhe complied with one, followed close on. “嗯!”沈哲应了一声,紧跟了上去。 Two people in tandem, flew to the Mantra Palace direction. 二人一前一后,向真言殿的方向飞了过去。 Mantra Palace, peaceful indifferent, quietly above snowy mountain, just like ten thousand years of timeless. 真言殿,安静淡然,沉寂在雪山之上,宛如万年亘古不变。 Follows in Li Yanque behind, stopped in front of a big stele. 跟在李言阙身后,在一座高大的石碑面前停了下来。 Creation Stele. 造化碑 This time Creation Stele, did not have the beforehand brilliance, presented fissures, although is not very deep, the Primordial Chaos Fusion Body strength, was actually defeated and dispersed, evidently, will crash momentarily. 此时的造化碑,没了之前的光彩,出现了一道道裂痕,虽然不是很深,其中混元一体的力量,却溃散了,看样子,随时都会崩塌。 How can like this?” Shen Zhe knits the brows. “怎么会这样?”沈哲皱眉。 Although heard some hearsay, encircles with Zhao Yuxian kills itself related, but also being insufficient lets a Great Perfection weapon, turns into this! 虽然听到了一些传闻,和赵禹仙围杀自己有关,但也不至于让一件大圆满兵器,变成这样吧! The great strength of Great Perfection weapon, not spoiled does not extinguish, this world has no strength to destroy. 大圆满兵器的强大,不腐不灭,这世界已经没有任何力量可以摧毁了。 You may know Mantra Palace, why establishes here, ten thousand years of invariable, Palace Master, although concurs Magical Arts Palace Palace Master, hardly is actually based in Magical Arts Palace, but has defended here? Creation Stele is known as the Great Perfection weapon, has actually never begun, has stood erect in this place, motionless?” “你可知真言殿,为何建立在此处,万年不变,殿主,尽管身兼术法殿殿主,却几乎不在术法殿常驻,而一直守在这里?造化碑号称大圆满兵器,却从未动过手,一直矗立在此地,一动不动?” Had not replied that his words, Li Yanque asked. 没有回答他的话,李言阙问道。 This......” Shen Zhe shakes the head. “这……”沈哲摇头。 According to history that he knows, after the Zhao imperial family was established, Mantra Palace moved to here, had not left, almost exceeded ten thousand years, this thinks, by doing so , because beyond unique thing, does not stagnate in thing, now looks like, is not such, perhaps has a deeper truth. 根据他知道的历史,赵氏皇室成立之后,真言殿就搬到了这里,一直没有离开过,差不多超过了万年之久,本以为,这样做,是因为超脱物外,不滞于物,现在看来,并非如此,或许有着更深的道理。 Actually, Mantra Palace was stranded by a person here!” Li Yanque forced smile. “其实,真言殿是被一个人困在了此处!”李言阙苦笑。 Was stranded? Who?” Shen Zhe cannot believe. “被困?谁?”沈哲不敢相信。 Mantra Palace manages world Mantra, sets the rule, absolutely was the world strongest influence, School of Arts and School of Sciences independent took, was not necessarily able to contend, how to be stranded? 真言殿统管天下真言,定下规则,绝对是天下最强大的势力了,文宗理宗单独一个拿出来,都未必能够抗衡,怎么可能被人所困? Really can so, this...... this/should strong? 真要如此,这位……又该多强? This person, you have definitely heard,......” the Li Yanque vision flashes, said: Zhao Yin!” “这人,你肯定听说过,正是……”李言阙目光一闪,道:“赵印!” Zhao Yin?” Shen Zhe is shocked. 赵印?”沈哲愣住。 With the first Supreme Yin Profound Body Han Qianshui love, the Zhao Family first emperor who is full of the right desire...... he is not Qi Deviation, was the wound heavy? 正是和第一位太阴玄体寒千水恋爱,充满权利欲望的赵家第一任皇帝……他不是走火入魔,伤重死了吗? You heard, he has injured heavily, fallen/died?” “你是不是听说,他已经伤重,陨落了?” As if sees his idea, Li Yanque asks. 似乎看出他的想法,李言阙问道。 Shen Zhe nods. 沈哲点头。 Has saying that Zhao Yin indeed is the having god-given wisdom rare talent, although studied wrong Phoenix Ancestor Holding Up Heaven Technique, causing the Yin-Yang to blend the failure, but, not only has not died, actually also lived marvelously, the strength in within the body Yin-Yang successfully blends, cultivation base...... broke through Great Perfection!” “不得不说,赵印的确是天纵奇才,尽管学习了错误的祖凤擎天功,导致阴阳交融失败,不过,非但没死,却还奇迹般的活了下来,体内阴阳之力成功交融,修为……更是突破了大圆满!” On the Li Yanque face reveals the complex color. 李言阙脸上露出复杂之色道。
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