The statureshort and smallactuallyphysiqueenchantingabundantrhymewoman, pulls outoneskewerto work the finebrand-newkey, openscourtyard door, pushes the doorto entersaid with a smile: „Finallyhad the opportunity.”
The womenshot a look at the pattenrootchicken coop, that sidetransmitsoneintermittentlyfalling the poultryflutteringsound, shegawkedstaring, „hasn't starved to death?”
妇人瞥了眼墙脚根的鸡笼,那边传来一阵阵扑簌扑簌的家禽振翅声,她愣了愣,“还没饿死?”„Mustthankme, helpingyoulook forsuchgoodneighbor, the neighborhoodwas harmonious, worldwithspring.”Shewantsto understandquicklyreason, turns the headto lookto the next door, discovered the ownstature not highreason, cannot seethat sidescene, hasto arrive at thatyellowclay wall, stands on tiptoesto startwith, discovered that next doordesertedcourtyard, feelsdullto be tasteless, takes back the line of sightquickly, moves toward the main roomfront door, pulls out the keyto open the door, after bridging overdoorstep, stretches out the fingerto wipeon the table, untainted by even a speck of dust, womansomewere not quite happy, has probably the bystanderto advocatesmudges the rougearbitrarilyonowndaughterface, turns over toattractivelyattractively, maybecome the fatherto be mother naturallyis not glad.
“还是得谢我啊,帮你找了这么个好邻居,邻里和睦,天下同春嘛。”她很快想明白了其中缘由,转头望向隔壁,发现自己个子不高的缘故,看不到那边的光景,只好走到那堵黄泥墙边,踮起脚跟,发现隔壁只有空落落的院子,觉得无趣乏味,很快收回视线,走向正屋大门,又掏出钥匙开门,跨过门槛后,伸出手指在桌子上一抹,纤尘不染,妇人有些不太高兴,像是有外人擅自主张在自家闺女脸上涂抹胭脂,好看归好看,可当爹做妈的当然不乐意。Follows the womanto arrive atMud Vase Lanethreeretinuefrom, the tall and strongmanstays outside the institutein the middle ofMud Vase Lane, sits in repose with eyes closed.
The surfacedoes not needwhite/in vainnarrowsold manto arrive in the institute.
面白无须的眯眼老人走到院中。Thatholds the swordfemaleto follow the womanto walk into the main roomonly.
The womenwalk into the Song Jixindwellingalone, look around, the beddeskallhave, on the deskalsoleft behindsomeexpensiveclearfor the things in which the literati take delight, shouldbe the masteris not willingto carryalong, thendiscardedsimply. The womenarrive by the desk, discovered that the midpointalsofoldsis puttingthreebooks, turnsconveniently, is not extraordinary, is only the basicbooks of commonschooluntaught child, is the Great Lidynastygreat familiestowngeneralprivate schoolclassics, the womandiscoveredin any casethreebooksturn over to old, does not have the least bitdirt and muddirt, in the mindto reappearall of a suddensomebody'simage, the womanshakes the head, speaks thoughtlesslyto ask: „Yang Hua, thisbookinGreat LiCapital Citymarket pricehow many?”
妇人独自走入宋集薪的住处,环顾四周,床榻书桌皆有,书桌上还留下一些价格不菲的清供雅玩,应该是主人不愿随身携带,便干脆弃之不用了。妇人走到书桌旁,发现正中央还叠放着三本书籍,随手一翻,并无出奇,只是寻常学塾蒙童的入门书籍,,,,是大骊王朝豪阀市井贵贱通用的蒙学经典,妇人发现三本书旧归旧,却没有半点泥垢污渍,脑海中一下子浮现出某个人的形象,妇人摇摇头,随口问道:“杨花,这本书在大骊京城市价多少?”Turns away from the doorholds the swordfemalevoiceto be inborn, repliedrespectful and prudent: „Servantsreturn to the words of empress, to60articles, range from40articles.”
The women, said: „It seems like the truth of Confucianismsaints and sagesis bigger, is less valuable.”
The womenfoldthreeprivate schoolclassicsagainputin the home position, patted the racketto be placedin the uppermostgently, sherevealedto ridicule, sneered saying: „if it were not forhasMinor-Talks Schoolto helpadding fuel to the flames, for a lot ofyearsspare no effortwalkinDacheng the Xiong Townandtownalley, foritsfine talk, oneselfare willingto makethat not populartrivial officialunofficial history, the Confucianismcannot sitthisworld, definitelycannot hold on to your hat.”
妇人重新将三本蒙学经典叠放于原位,轻轻拍了拍摆在最上边的,她流露出一丝讥讽,冷笑道:“要不是有小说家帮着推波助澜,千百年来不遗余力地行走于大城雄镇、市井巷弄,为其美言,自己则心甘情愿做那不入流的稗官野史,儒教也坐不了这座天下,肯定坐不稳。”In the instituteold mancoughsgently, saidin a low voice: „Empress must saycautiously, thisplaceis not suitablespeaks freely.”
The womensaid with a smile: „Feels relieved is, on the Qi Jingchundeadheelreaches the agreement, therefore here peoplewill not be staringagain, youthink that did not haveQi Jingchun, Black Dragon PearlGrotto-Heaven of stagnant waterdeep pool, can oneseveral thousandyearsdoes not have the place of oversizedcareless mistake, handleattaching great importance to of thesegreat people?”
妇人笑道:“放心便是,齐静春死后跟上边达成协议,所以这里不会有人再盯着了,你以为没了齐静春,死水一潭的骊珠洞天,一个几千年都没有出过大纰漏的地方,当得起那些大人物的重视?”old manstillstickled, „empressbe wonderfully careful.”老人仍是坚持己见,“娘娘还是小心为妙。”Womansmile sweetly, supplesound said: „Goodwas good, mynotdiscontentthese are. Xu Hunran, thisyoureallymuststudystudyLiang Song, othersunderstandto watch a person's every moodcompared withyou. Thereforewantsmeto look that the Great Ligovernment and peoplesaidLiang Song, althoughisyourdisciple, pupil surpasses the teacher, has not actually been unfair toyou. Puncturesyouas forUnclemy familywith the wordsintentionally, said that whatdiscipledoes not needto be inferior to the master, Xu Hunran you do not needto careactually, heis such a person, hears several words of scholarsslightly, likesfalling the book shelfrandomly.”
妇人嫣然一笑,柔声道:“行了行了,我不牢骚这些便是。徐浑然,这点你真得学学梁崧,人家就比你懂得察言观色。所以要我看啊,大骊朝野说梁崧虽然是你的弟子,却青出于蓝而胜于蓝,一点也没冤枉你。至于我家叔叔故意用话刺你,说什么弟子不必不如师,徐浑然你倒是不用在意,他就是那么一个人,稍稍听说几句读书人的话,就喜欢乱掉书柜。”old mannamedXu Hunrandoes not know whether to laugh or cry, a onlysigh, thought that does not have the empressyouto comfort the person.
名叫徐浑然的老人哭笑不得,唯有一声叹息,心想没有娘娘你这么安慰人的。Thinkswent southon the waybrushing pastwiththatseignior, the old manmoodwas suddenly dignified. At that timealthoughSong Changjinglooks at the wearycondition, probably after a life and deathwar , the severe woundhas not recovered, buthe, sincedaresto be in front ofown, raised the glasscurtain screenon own initiative, thenmeans that Song Changjingwas very likelyin a Martial Daoway, make further progressto go a step further, althoughadvanced into the tenth boundarypossibilityto be minimum, but after the ninthboundarypeak, Song Changjingeverywent outonetimeforward, even ifonly thenhalfstep, thenregarding78boundaryMasterMartial Dao, the difference of smallless than halfstep, possiblyis equivalent to the difference of theirboundary.
只是一想到南下途中与那位藩王的擦肩而过,老人心情陡然凝重起来。当时宋长镜虽然看着疲态,像是一场生死大战之后重伤未愈,可他既然敢当着自己的面,主动掀起车窗帘子,那么就意味着宋长镜极有可能在武道一途,百尺竿头更进一步,虽然跻身第十境的可能性极小,但是到了第九境巅峰后,宋长镜每一次向前走出,哪怕只有半步,那么对于七八境武道宗师而言,小小半步的差别,可能就是相当于他们的一境之差。Thispotential surfacedoes not needwhite/in vainold man, enjoys a good reputation in the Great Ligovernment and people, is honored as the Great Lifirstswordmaster, mastercharactersuffix, such asinthe Hundred Schools of Thought, after somebodysurname„everyone”twocharacters, the weight/quantityis very weighty. Talentsword cultivatorLiang Song that diesof the hand of Song Changjing, is the Xu Hunranmostprouddisciple, old manregards as to leaveit, thisenmityis nothing less thanbig.
这位面白无须的老人,享誉大骊朝野,被誉为大骊第一剑师,师字这个后缀,如诸子百家中,某人姓氏之后的“大家”二字,分量很重。那名死于宋长镜之手的天才剑修梁崧,正是徐浑然最得意的弟子,老人将其视为己出,此仇不可谓不大。Xu Hunranlikesto raise the swordin the sleeve, swordnamedwhiteQue. The inchlengths, actuallykill the strengthto be enormous, the rumorcangraze more than hundredli (0.5 km)instantaneouslyback and forth, the swordhas returned to the sleeve, the personhas not diedcertainly, the methodis swift and fierce, the ghosts and godsmeasurenot.徐浑然喜好在袖中养剑,剑名为白雀。寸余长短,却杀力极大,传言瞬间可以来回飞掠百余里,剑已回袖,人尚未死绝,手段凌厉,鬼神莫测。
The womensat downonthatbed, lift the handto pat the bedboard, „was not the riches and honorothersday, but was very comfortable.”
妇人在那张床上坐下,抬手拍了拍床板,“算不上富贵人家的日子,不过还挺自在。”Embraces the youngfemale of long swordto sayin a soft voice: „Empressthinks through a mattertoyour highness, itswill, toils with one's sinews and bonespainstakingly.”
The womenstand up, say with a smile: „Thissayingwas false, child who suffers hardshipstruly, isnext doorthatorphan, my familyMu'ermaynot callbear hardships.”
Before shearrives at the wall, thinks,muttered: „How manypage of ancient booksGood Luck and Fortune StreetLu Clangivesour, magic artsDivine Ability that aboverecords, the ancient history, the alreadytextual criticism, how manybigtalismanwithDaoismdoes not send the differenceto be very bignow, Irememberonepage, recordedinterestingsmallmagic arts, the incantationiswhatis coming?, Gave a try.”
The womenare turning away from the entranceyoungfemale, said with a smile: „Yougo tonext doorcourtyardwait/etc.Ito open the doordirectly.”
妇人背对着门口的年轻女子,笑道:“你直接去隔壁院子等我开门。”„Worldis interlinked, the mountain wallis connected, like the apricot blossom, thinRuzhi the page, Irefers to a swordsoftly, opens the doorrapidly, presents the three mountainsninemarquisMisterlaws!”
“天地相通,山壁相连,软如杏花,薄如纸页,吾指一剑,急速开门,奉三山九侯先生律令!”Inwomanhandnotmost importantthattalisman paper, butrecited the incantation, stretched out the finger, then strollsforward, puts on the wall, broughtslightripples.
The womenarrive at an utterly destituteruinedroom, deeply movedsaid: „Somehuman livesare good, howare casualtoss aboutenjoy happiness. Somehuman livesare not good, since birthisbear hardships. Threwmistakenly the embryo, can youreason things outwithwhom? Evenfoundwas advocating, but do youdareto open the mouth? The little fellows, laterknow the truth, beforelooking formerevenges, youmustdeal at leastRosy Clouds Mountain, Righteous Yang MountainandLetter Lakethisthree parties, whenyoufoundme, the Year of the Oxhorsemoon/month, thiswasyou must first liveis going out of the Great Lidomainto be good.”
妇人走到一座家徒四壁的破败屋子,感慨道:“有些人命好,随便怎么折腾都是享福。有些人命不好,生来就是吃苦的。投错了胎,你能跟谁说理去?就算找到了正主,可你敢开口吗?小家伙,以后知道真相,在找我报仇之前,你最少要跟云霞山、正阳山和书简湖这三方打交道,等你找到我,牛年马月了,这还是你先要活着走出大骊版图才行。”Sheturned the headto look at a wall, „three mountainsninemarquisMister, whatstatus was also? OureasternTreasure Bottle Continentmaynot havesuch No. 1character, was could it be thatloses the antiquityDeity of burning incenseandgolden body? If that is right, are thissmallmagic artsstillwhy effective?”
她转头看了眼墙壁,“三山九侯先生,又是什么身份?我们东宝瓶洲可没有这么一号人物,难道是失去香火和金身的上古神人?若是如此,为何这个小法术依旧管用?”Shecannot ponder over the answertemporarily, is thinkingreturns toGreat LiCapital Cityto checkagain, orlooks forCui Chanto ask that is not, the advantage of being close to somebody, did not askin any casedid not askwhite/in vain. Shewalksto open the door, after drawing out the door bolt, cannotpull open, recalledout of the doordefinitelyto cage, mustmake an effortslightly, pulled apartthatforcefully the copper lock, after opening the gate, saw that courtyard dooropenedgreatly, shelooks at the handful ofswordmaidservantandswordmasterXu Hunran, asked: „Do youburst in? Alsospeaks the truth? Thenoneselffind the personto fix, do not forget.”
她暂时琢磨不出答案,想着回到大骊京城再去查一查,或者找崔瀺问一问也不是不可以,反正近水楼台,不问白不问。她走去开门,拔出门闩后没能拉开,才记起门外肯定上锁了,只得稍稍用力,强行扯断了那把铜锁,拉开门后,看到院门大开,她看着捧剑侍女和剑师徐浑然,问道:“你们就这么破门而入?还讲不讲道理了?回头自己找人修好,别忘记。”Shemoves towardcourtyard door, makes upone, „the lock of front dooralsoexchangesexactly the same.”
The oldswordmasterandholds the swordfemaleto become accustomed toobviously.
老剑师和捧剑女子显然对此习以为常。Stands the tall and strongmaleknitting the browshead in Mud Vase Lane.
After the womengo out ofcourtyard, suddenlystops the footsteps, „when Yang Hua, youseven -year-old stepsizesaccording tomy familyMu'er, step onto63toward righton hand.”
妇人走出院子后,突然停下脚步,“杨花,你按照我家睦儿七岁时的步子大小,往右手边走上六十三步。”Holds the swordfemaleto receive an order the vanguard, after 63, stops the figure.
捧剑女子领命前行,六十三步后停下身形。Herbehindwomanis sideways, facing the tall wall, „shouldbehere.”
The womenlook atnot the least bitstrangesoilwall, saidbitterly: „SongYuzhangdamn.”
妇人看着并无半点奇怪的泥土墙壁,恨恨道:“宋煜章该死。”Shequicklyrestores the gracefulindifferent to fame or gainordinarylook, asked with a smile: „Thissecret, youwerelistened tometo sayin the past, youthought that crux where, what can ImakeforMu'er?”
The youngfemaleshakes the head saying: „Servantsdo not know, does not dareto guessabsurdly.”年轻女子摇头道:“奴婢不知,也不敢妄自揣测。”
The womensighed, somesad, „the heart of my familyMu'ertiedtwo, first, naturallywasinthatheavy rain, was chased downherebylowlypeasantfrom the lane, seized the neck, according tocould not moveon the wall, withhistemper, definitelyindignantdifficultdraw. Thatlittle whileMu'eris young, except forlosingcompletely the face countenance, Mu'erdefinitely was also frightenedheavilyby the combativecontemporaries.”
The womanlookis suddenly swift and fierce, stretches out the palm, the palmpastesbygentlyin the roughunevenclay wall, „the secondheartknot, was very interesting. After interestinglytosettling, letsmy familyMu'er, possibly the first time is the lifeknew the guiltytaste. ThereforeheafterOld Dragon CityFu Nanhuameets, the addinghead of thattransaction, cannot decide, is goingto kill the person, changes intothatyoungsterfromLiu Xianyang.”
The youngfemalesomewhatis finally curious, butservesthismadame, is no differentis a king's right-hand man as dangerous as being in the company of atiger, naturallycannotstupidlytoasking.年轻女子终于有些好奇,不过侍奉这位夫人,无异于伴君如伴虎,自然不会傻到开口询问。
The womenreceive the palm, onholding the sleeve of swordfemalearmscratchedscratching, startsto turn aroundto move toward the lane entrance, revealssomelovely and innocentmannersall of a sudden, althoughhas been the womanis a mother, has a graceful bearingunexpectedly, herpanting with rage said: „Mu'erwassaid that yourChen Ping'anwas borninFifth of May, after the gramdied the parents, becauselivesin the home, implicated the parents unable the reincarnationto be reincarnated, thereforebestnot to liveat home, wantedwithout delayto move.”
妇人收起手掌,在捧剑女子手臂的袖子上擦了擦,开始转身走向巷口,一下子流露出些许娇憨神态,虽说已为人妇已为人母,竟是别有一番风韵,她气呼呼道:“睦儿不过是说你陈平安生于五月初五,克死了爹娘后,因为居住在祖宅,就连累爹娘无法投胎转世,所以最好别住在家里,要赶紧搬出去。”Womanthe more said the more is angryis angry, „said how manyjokes, were considered aswhat? YourChen Ping'anaccepts as true, becauseoneselfstupidandwent badcannotgo todragon kilnto burntatteredvowing of porcelain, howcanblametomy familyMu'eron? Let alone was a youlowlypledge, how much money worth? my familyMu'erprecious as gold, Bai Bislightlyflaw, thisis the view of earthlinesscommon people. The person of cultivated, ifbelievesthis, brings about own destructionsimply. Even ifcanwithFive Upper BoundariesQi Refiner of countrysamelongevity, whonot pursue the genuineimmortalgolden body and stainlessbodydesperately? Does your townyoungster, howcompensate? Can yourepay?!”
The womenclench jaws saying: „Lowlytype, reallysins!”
妇人咬牙切齿道:“小贱种,真是造孽!”Wisp of goldensword tassellies downon the chestgentlyholds the swordfemale, the complexionis tranquil.
一缕金色剑穗轻轻躺在胸脯上的捧剑女子,脸色平静。SwordmasterXu Hunranignores, is not careful.
剑师徐浑然对此更是置若罔闻,毫不上心。onlythatwalksin the reartall and strongman, knits the browsagain.唯有那名走在最后边的魁梧男子,再一次皱眉。
The womenwhenwill soon go out ofMud Vase Lane, turns aroundsuddenly.
妇人在即将走出泥瓶巷的时候,猛然转身。Almostmeanwhile, the youngfemale and oldswordmastermove the steptoZuo You/aboutrespectively, give away the field of visionfor the woman.
The womenalreadysmileat this time, not onlycharming, andpure, has a contradictoryattraction, hergentle voiceasked: „What's wrong, Wang Yijust, don't youfeelright?”
妇人此时已经满脸笑容,既妩媚,又纯真,有种矛盾的诱人,她柔声问道:“怎么,王毅甫,你觉得不对?”Mansinkingsound said: „Althoughdoes not knowmoreinside stories, butItrulythought that thisis not right.”
男人沉声道:“虽然不知更多的内幕,但是我确实觉得这样不对。”Womennotslightlyaccidental/surprised, insteadlaughs saying: „WorthilyisLu Clandynastytopbrave generalWang Yijust!”
妇人没有丝毫意外,反而大笑道:“不愧是卢氏王朝头号猛将王毅甫!”Routinenarrows the eyesto see the personlooks at the oldswordmaster, almostalreadycannot see the eye, Sword Qifloodsin the narrowalley.
习惯性眯眼看人看物的老剑师,几乎已经看不到眼睛,一身剑气充斥于狭窄小巷。Has the clay walldetritusto fallunceasinglyfalls the ground.
不断有泥墙碎屑摔落地面。Holds the swordfemaleto retrocedequietlyonestep, might Xu Hunrangive awaymorebattleground spacestoMasterSword Dao.
捧剑女子悄然后退一步,像是要给剑道宗师徐浑然让出更多的战场空间。Shelooks at the tall and strongman in not far away, the corners of the mouthis bringing backwipesto ridiculesmilling expression.
她望着不远处的魁梧男人,嘴角勾起一抹讥讽笑意。Stray cur that broke the back, daresto barkrandomly?
一条断了脊梁的丧家之犬,也敢乱吠?ThisnamedWang Yijustman, oncewas one of the Lu Clandynastysenior generals, the family backgroundwill plantfront courtyard gateprime, the ancestryallwas the battlefieldgreat general, before Wang Yijustsurrendered, the statusis equivalent to the Great Lidynastyoncountry pillar. Before Great LiarmygodSong Changjingis very long, the roll-callmustjusthitwithWang Yihappily, thispersonleads the going to warskill, cannot be regardedoutstandingly, butindividualmilitary forceis extremely high. AlthoughisQi Refiner, has the eighthboundarymartial artistabundantbody and spirit, is skilled inblade method, the powerfulYingod who cancontrolthatfamousjadeaccompaniesto battle, it may be said thatLu Clandynastyfewtrueexperts.
The womenstretch out the suetbeautifuljadecommonexquisitepalm, shookshaking, „Xu Hunran, does not useanxiously, Generalkingis the reasonableperson, is the manneris honest, places a campnow, a wordat earliest conveniencedo not kill. Ido not likevery much.”
妇人伸出羊脂美玉一般的小巧手掌,晃了晃,“徐浑然,不用紧张,王将军是讲道理的人,就是为人过于正直了一些,如今身处一个阵营,别一言不合就要打打杀杀的。我很不喜欢。”Xu Hunranreceivedin a sleevesilentlyenormous and powerfulSword Qi.徐浑然默默收起了一只袖管内浩浩荡荡的剑气。
The womanandsaidin the nextquarter: „Ijustwill only abandon the person who Wang Yilife and dignity must protect, before does not escort, place that reaches an agreement, butsends in the imperial palace, orinstruction officedivision?”
只是妇人在下一刻又说道:“我只会将王毅甫舍了性命和尊严也要护住的人,不送往之前说好的地方,而是送入皇宫,或是教坊司?”Just the doublefistgrips tightlywithWang Yi that shelooks at each other, the blue veinsticks out suddenly, the eyeballspills over the blood threads.
与她对视的王毅甫双拳紧握,青筋暴起,眼珠子泛出血丝。Womanserenesaid: „Beforeonlysaid that preserveslifethen, thereforeyourWang Yijustmykindheartedness, do not treat as the heaven's law and earth's principlematter.”
妇人云淡风轻道:“之前只说保住性命即可,所以你王毅甫可别把我的菩萨心肠,当做天经地义的事情。”Wang Yijustsaid with a smilesuddenly: „Empresssaidright, wassubordinateis wrong.”王毅甫突然笑道:“娘娘说得对,是属下错了。”
The womensaid with a smile: „Knowswronggood, youunderand othersthisMud Vase Lane, did not needto followwe, goesto take officeto oversee the manufacture of the head of officerSiron, picks, thenlooks for a wooden boxchildto installcasually, laterIpossiblyserve a need.”
妇人笑道:“知错就好,那你等下出了这条泥瓶巷,就不用跟着我们了,去把上上任督造官大人的脑袋,摘下来,然后随便找个木盒子装好,以后我可能用得着。”Wang Yijustsaidstunned: „AlsoSongYuzhangwas the emperorroll-callrequirementscamehereofficial, before the empressyou, has said that thispersonhad the backerinMinistry of Rites and imperial observatory, whycankillhim?”王毅甫错愕道:“宋煜章是皇帝点名要求来这里的官员,娘娘你之前也说过,此人在礼部和钦天监都有靠山,为何要杀他?”
The womenasked backwith a smile: „Does murderalsoneed the reason? WhatwhenIthisempressdo make?”
妇人笑着反问道:“杀人还需要理由?那我当这个娘娘做什么?”Wang Yijustsighed, held the fist in the other handto lower the head saying: „Subordinatereceives an order.”王毅甫叹了口气,抱拳低头道:“属下领命。”
After fourpeoplewent out ofMud Vase Lane, Wang Yijustgoes separate wayswithotherthreepeople.
四人先后走出泥瓶巷后,王毅甫与其余三人分道扬镳。wait untilthattall and strongman who surrendersGreat Lito give loyalty to the empress, the formdoes not seethoroughly, Xu Hunrancannot bearmake noiseto ridicule: „GoodunyieldingWang Yijust, haha, nowcontinuallyboneandstrength of spiritonenot.”等到那个归降大骊效忠娘娘的魁梧男人,身影彻底不见,徐浑然忍不住出声讥讽道:“好一个铁骨铮铮王毅甫,哈哈,如今连骨头和骨气一并没了。”
The womenhave not walkedtoward the personmanyavenues, butselectedsecludedalley, self-ridicules saying: „Reallythinks that Ihandled something, can't distinguish clearly the quality?”
妇人并未往人多处的大街走去,而是拣选了一条僻静巷弄,自嘲道:“真以为我做了某件事情,分不清好坏?”Suddenlyhow the oldswordmasterdoes not knowanswered,shuts upsimplydoes not say.
The womenlook up the deep bluesky, withoutreasondeeply movedsaid: „Only thenexperiences personally, discovered that Qi Jingchunthisscholar, is very fierce.”
妇人抬头望着蔚蓝天空,没来由感慨道:“只有身临其境,才发现齐静春这个读书人,真的很厉害啊。”„IsourGreat Lidoes not do right byhim.”
“是我们大骊对不住他。”„So the eternityremarkable man, onlywishes one couldto useformyGreat Li, no wonderyour majestythese daysmoodwas elegant, oftensighed.”
“如此千古奇男子,只恨不能为我大骊所用,难怪陛下这些日子心情郁郁,经常叹息。”„PitifullyQi Jingchunis only fierce, diedeventually.”
The womensobbed, unexpectedlyallwasheart-to-heart talk.
妇人一路唏嘘,竟然全是肺腑之言。When the womanfor a long time, no longerspokesilent. Xu Hunranrecalls the incident, firstiswields the sleeve, Sword Qiis found inall around, thenaskedin a low voice: „Did the mean alleyyoungster who empress, killssuddenlyriches and honor, some of ouris or isn'tbigtopicsslightlydo?”
The womenare disinclinedto answerthisissueprobably, along withtastes: „Yang Hua, you.”
妇人好像根本懒得回答这种问题,随口道:“杨花,你来说。”Holds the swordwomen'scoldsound said: „lionwrestles the rabbit, strikesfatally.”
The oldswordmasterspeechless.
老剑师哑然。Womantwitchedcorners of the mouth, „Unclemy family, althoughismartial artist, but some few words saying extremelywonderfully, deals withanyenemy, do not deliver the head/number of peopleten million/countlesstohim.”
--Was differentfromstaying at the Peach Leaf LaneMinistry of Ritescolleague, SongYuzhanglivesinRiding Dragon Lanealone, isdwelling that a masterjustmoved out.
不同于下榻桃叶巷的礼部同僚,宋煜章独自住在骑龙巷,是一栋主人刚刚搬走的宅院。SongYuzhangis opening the front door, satat the table, the wine pot, sidewasoneplate of salt watershelled peanuts, withlarge bowlwhite liquor, thisoversaw the manufacture of the officerSirin years past, took root the entire15years the small town, ateanythingto drinkanything, entering the mouthwas the familiartaste.
宋煜章开着屋门,坐在桌旁,有一只酒壶,旁边是一碟盐水花生米,和一大碗白酒,这位昔年的督造官大人,在小镇这边扎根整整十五年,吃什么喝什么,入嘴都是再熟悉不过的滋味。Whenhenoticed that in the instituteemerges out of thin air a tall and strongman, justcarriedSir Song of liquorbowlto smile, „camefinally.”
当他看到院中凭空出现一位魁梧男子,刚刚端起酒碗的宋大人笑了笑,“总算来了。”Heliftswhite bowlhigh, asked: „can or cannotwait/etc.Idrank upthisbowl of liquor.”
他高高抬起白碗,问道:“能不能等我喝完这碗酒。”Thatunexpected visitordoesslightlyhesitant, nods.
那位不速之客稍作犹豫,点点头。SongYuzhangseemed likefeared that the guestbecame impatient, drankup the less than halfbowlLiquor, was pink and shiny, asked: „can or cannothelpsmetakea few wordstothatyoungsternamedSong Jixin, un, laterheshouldbe calledSongMu.”
宋煜章似乎是怕客人等急了,一口就喝光了小半碗烧酒,脸色红润,问道:“能不能帮我捎一句话给那个叫宋集薪的少年,嗯,以后他应该会被称为宋睦了。”Inthismiddle-aged manlookleadsto implore, „can or cannottoldhim, thatfellownamedSongYuzhang, so manyyearslater, has wantedto take a spring festival coupletwithhim?”
The tall and strongmantheseshakes the headto saytimedecisively: „Cannot!”
魁梧男人这一次果断摇头道:“不能!”SongYuzhang the deep breathone breath, closed the eye after slowly, the whole facefelt relaxed, saidin a soft voice: „When is youngread the travel noteshappily, saweasternTreasure Bottle ContinentsouthernmostOld Dragon City, year to yearhad the tideto strike the shore, the worldwas magnificent. Thatworks asthisbowl of Great Liliquor, is the water of thatSouth Seatide.”
宋煜章深呼吸一口气,缓缓闭上眼睛后,满脸释然,轻声道:“年少时喜读游记,看到东宝瓶洲最南端的老龙城,常年有大潮拍岸,天下壮观。那就当这一碗大骊酒,是那南海大潮之水。”Wang Yijustgoes forwardwith stride, twists and breaks the neck of thisGreat LiMinistry of Ritesofficialsingle-handedly.王毅甫大步上前,一手拧断这名大骊礼部官员的脖子。
After the murder, Wang Yiin the heart is not just pleased, makeshimlieon the tablegentlysuch as being dead drunkshape.
杀人之后,王毅甫心中毫无快意,轻轻让其趴在桌上如酩酊大醉状。Personas the perishingcountry, the defeated general, Wang Yijusttooneselfonebowl of liquor, silentlydrinking, that sidethatdeceased personwithtablewas finally speakingwords: „Originallyscholar, there is an excellenthead.”
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