Chen Ping'anshot a look at the waistgreenbamboo bladesheath of eyeunexpected visitor, doing intentionally the doubtsis puzzled, asks: „Swordsman?”陈平安瞥了眼这名不速之客的腰间绿竹刀鞘,故作疑惑不解,问道:“剑客?”
The mengrasp the bamboo hat, patsblade hiltsingle-handedly, the smilesaid: „Temporarilycould not findnot to be joined tomysword, thereforehasto replacebythis, is used for the shameworldto use the person of blade.”
汉子一手持斗笠,一手轻拍刀柄,微笑道:“暂时找不到配不上我的剑,所以只好以此代替,用来羞辱天下用刀之人。”Hearsthissomewhatfamiliartone, Chen Ping'aninsteadrelaxes, feelingLiu Baqiaoshouldbe ableto complete the friendwiththisman.
听到这种有些熟悉的语气,陈平安反而松了口气,觉得刘灞桥应该能够跟这个男人做好朋友。InChen Ping'anandLi Baopingbehind, thento the father and daughter the line, girlZhu Lusomewhatthinks otherwiseshoulder to shoulderslowly, says with a sneer: „Dragon Kinghas the yawn, candraw a river, is really the bigtone, the father, does thisfellowis or isn'tbrainhave the issue?”
在陈平安和李宝瓶身后,那对父女并肩缓缓而行,少女朱鹿有些不以为然,讥笑道:“龙王打哈欠,能吸进一条江,真是好大的口气,爹,这家伙是不是脑子有问题?”Zhu Hesaw that another side ofthatmanwaistis also hanging the silver-whiteliquorbottle gourd, the palm of the handsize, strokes gentlyslicklyluminously, looksis the oldthings of someyears, toowndaughtersmallsound said: „Althoughcould not detect that hisinternal qihaswhatdifference, is onlycompared with the commonpersonprolongedsome, but is careful. Although the fatherthis whole lifehas not gone far, maylisten to the ancestorto saymanyrivers and lakesanecdotes, said that isline of travel through the rivers and lakes, mustbe careful that the Daoist Nunoldmonkchild and drunkard, in addition, morearelooknot to seem like the role of grandmasterexpert, morecannottreat it lightly.”朱河看到那汉子腰另一侧还挂着个银白色酒葫芦,巴掌大小,摩挲得油滑光亮,一看就是有些年头的老物件,对自己闺女小声道:“虽然察觉不到他的气机有什么异样,只是比寻常人绵长些许,但还是要小心。爹虽然这辈子没出过远门,可听老祖宗说过不少江湖轶事,说是行走江湖,要小心道姑老僧小孩和酒鬼,除此之外,越是看着不像是宗师高手的角色,越不能掉以轻心。”girl, bothanxiousandexcited, wishes one couldthatordinarymanis the assassinkiller, happen totakesSharpening Blade Stone that shemakes a debut.少女哦了一声,既紧张又兴奋,恨不得那貌不惊人的汉子就是刺客杀手,正好作为她初出茅庐的磨刀石。Chen Ping'anasked: „Do youlook forme?”陈平安问道:“你找我?”
The mengrinto say with a smile: „IdeliveryoutoGreat SuiBian Jing/frontier, before that wego hand in hand, is goodto take care.”
The Chen Ping'anexploratory natureasked: „Do youknow the hammeringMaster Ruan?”陈平安试探性问道:“你认识打铁的阮师傅?”
The mennod saying: „Naturallyknew.”
汉子点头道:“当然认识。”Chen Ping'anrelaxes.陈平安又松了口气。
Before leaving the small town, as one of the transactions, Master Ruanhas promised itself, beforearriving at the Great LiBian Jing/frontierSchool of Militaryheavycountrymancloses, will guaranteeownsafety.
离开小镇之前,作为交易之一,阮师傅答应过自己,在到达大骊边境兵家重地野夫关之前,会保证自己的安危。Chen Ping'anbelieves that Master Ruanwill not go back on word, particularlythispersonappearsearly, almost under the eye of Master Ruanhidescrops up, thereforeshouldnot be one of the Righteous Yang Mountain, Rosy Clouds MountainandOld Dragon Citytripartiteinfluences. MoreoverZhu HeZhu Luthisto the promptappearance of father and daughter, takes to the Chen Ping'anverybigenergy.陈平安相信阮师傅不会食言,尤其是此人出现得这么早,几乎是在阮师傅的眼皮子底下冒头,所以应该不是正阳山、云霞山和老龙城三方势力之一。而且身后朱河朱鹿这对父女的及时出现,也带给陈平安很大底气。However, Chen Ping'anfears the eventuality.
但是,陈平安怕万一。Thereforeheasked: „Youaccompanymeto go tothat side the small townto seeMaster Ruan, do weleaveto go southagain? JustIknow that actually the small towneast gategoes out, althoughdetours, butthere is a post roadto be feasible, the ox cartcarriagecanwalk, insteadturnsmountainGuoshuito be quicker than us.”
The mansmileplays the flavor: „Is so discrete? A pointdoes not have the rivers and lakeschildrenstraightforward.”
汉子笑容玩味道:“这么谨慎?一点都没有江湖儿女的豪爽嘛。”Chen Ping'anhas not turned the head, the eyealwaysobserves closelythatmanstubbornly, butsinkingsound said: „Zhu He, yourcan or cannotmakesZhu LubringBaopingfirstto return to the small town. Weare not anxious.”陈平安没有转头,眼睛始终死死盯住那名汉子,不过沉声道:“朱河,你能不能让朱鹿带着宝瓶先回小镇。我们不急。”Zhu Hethinks throughall of a sudden the joint, the nodsaid: „Thisbest.”朱河一下子就想通其中关节,点头道:“这样最好。”ThenZhu Hesaidto the daughter: „Deer, youlead the young ladyfirstto go back. IandChen Ping'anaccompanythisBrotherA'Liang, drinksalsowell, compares notes, meeting by chanceis the reason, is not excessive.”
然后朱河对女儿说道:“鹿儿,你带着小姐先回去。我和陈平安陪一陪这位阿良兄弟,喝酒也好,切磋也罢,相逢是缘,都不过分。”Was pulled the redcotton-wadded jacketlittle missinhandbyZhu Lu, nothinghesitant, withoutweeping and wailingmustwithherLittle Master-Unclein the same place, is only the twitchedChen Ping'ansleeve, saidgentlycarefultwocharacters, thenfollows the Zhu Luhalf stepto departdecisively, Li Baopingnotslovenly, insteadisservant girl of dashing spirit of fearless young peoplefills withdisappointedly, hopesvery muchoneselfchange a positionwithher father.
The mansaw after thisparts forever, shows the whites of the eyes, takes off the liquorbottle gourd, bythatwhitedonkey, drankliquorslantingly, scoffsto say with a smile: „MakesthatLittle Sisterleadthatsmall girlfirstto walk is, after burning a joss stick, ourthreebigmastersgo to the small townagain.”
那汉子看到这一幕生离死别后,翻了个白眼,摘下酒葫芦,斜靠那头白色毛驴,喝了一口酒,嗤笑道:“让那小妹儿带着那小丫头先走便是,一炷香后,咱们三个大老爷们再去小镇。”Then the manraisesin the hand the silver-whiteliquorbottle gourd, put out a handto pat the back of donkey, lookedtoZhu He, asked with a smile: „Youalsocalculated a sideexpert, didn't could it be thatrecognizethisgadget?”
然后汉子扬起手中银白色的酒葫芦,伸手拍了拍毛驴的背脊,望向朱河,笑问道:“你也算一方好手了,难道不认得这玩意儿?”Hepatted the head, „forgotyourBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heavenjustto open, youknow that wasstrange matter. Does not have the relationsnot to relate, wecanchatslowly, timelarge bundle.”
他拍了拍自己脑袋,“忘了你们骊珠洞天才刚刚打开,你知道才是怪事。没关系没关系,我们可以慢慢聊,大把大把的时间。”Thismanreferred tothatcrosswisestreamsurfaceold willow tree, „do wego to that sideto sitchat?”
这汉子指了指那棵横向溪面的老柳树,“我们去那边坐着聊?”Chen Ping'anandZhu Helook at each other, thought that is so best, canwatch changes quietlygreatly.陈平安和朱河相视一眼,觉得如此最好,大可以静观其变。
The menare pullingthatwhitedonkey, followsinChen Ping'anandZhu Hebehind, toold willow treeby, loosened the reins, whatever the donkeygnaws the foodgreen grassat will, hesteps onto the willow tree, has gone out of the streamshorealong the branch, finallysits below, after wearingthatbamboo hat, raised the silverwhite liquorbottle gourd, will raise headto pour liquor down the throat, suddenlyhas turned the head, dispatches the wine pot, asked with a smile: „Whowantsone? The topwas inferiorhappilynumerousLeLe, 22money12KuiastralImmortalferment, is the hearts of Great Suiallwealthy menis good, Igo north, drink, has tasted more than more than hundredtypes of liquor, thisImmortalfermentstypically.”
汉子牵着那头白色毛驴,跟在陈平安和朱河身后,到了老柳树旁边,松开缰绳,任由驴子随意啃食青草,他走上柳树,沿着主干一直走出溪岸,最后坐在下,重新戴起那顶斗笠后,提起银白酒葫芦,正要仰头灌酒,突然转过头,递出酒壶,笑问道:“谁想要来一口?独乐乐不如众乐乐,二两银子一两的魁罡仙人酿,是大隋所有富家翁的心头好,我一路北上,喝来喝去,尝过不下百余种酒,还是这仙人酿最地道。”Chen Ping'anshakes the head, „Ido not drink.”陈平安摇摇头,“我不喝酒。”Zhu Healsoshakes the head, „does not practice martial artgreat accomplishment, does not dareto drink wine.”朱河也摇头,“习武尚未大成,不敢饮酒。”
The menfollowto shake the head, visitsthem, the whole faceregretsaid: „Originallyis notin the personality the person, Iknewyoung heroa short time ago, that is really distinguished and accomplishedclean......”
汉子跟着摇摇头,看着他们,满脸遗憾道:“原来都不是性情中人啊,我前不久认识一位少侠,那真是风流倜傥……”Thismansuddenlydiscovered that Chen Ping'an and Zhu Hecomplexionis strange, hesomewhathas doubts, butwas not goodto lose the expertstyle, onlytastyliquor, concealedownvacant.
这位汉子突然发现陈平安和朱河脸色古怪,他有些疑惑,可又不好失了高手风范,只好喝了口酒,掩饰自己的茫然。Chen Ping'ancoughsgently, the manasked: „What matter?”陈平安轻轻咳嗽一声,汉子问道:“何事?”Chen Ping'anstretches out the finger, referred tooutermostthiswry neckold willow treeplace.陈平安伸出手指,指了指这棵歪脖子老柳树最外边的地方。
The manknitting the browshead, turns the headto look, finallysaw that twolegstunnelled the vision, the maninstantaneouscomplexionis stiff, raised the headsuddenly, sees an unemotionalmiddle-aged man, 150-160jin (0.5 kg)fellow, onstandson the thick or thinwillow treetipat leastunexpectedlylight, mysteriously appearing and disappearing of thisperson, frightensbamboo hatmanone unable to hold on to your hat, fallsintocreek water, distressed.
汉子皱了皱眉头,转头望去,结果看到两条腿挡住了视线,汉子瞬间脸色僵硬,猛然抬头,看到一个面无表情的中年男人,最少有150-160斤重的家伙,竟然就轻飘飘站在粗细不过的柳树梢头上,此人的神出鬼没,吓得斗笠汉子一个坐不稳,摔入溪水,狼狈至极。FutureSchool of MilitarySaintRuan Qiong, such asOld Man Yangsaid,hein the soundtothousand li (500 km)mountains and rivers, is uninteresting, only ifwereCui Chanthisgoing bad the provocation of custom, will castRuan Qiong of swordto actwholeheartedly. Ruan Qiongdid not think that somepeopledarein the surrounding areainhundredli (0.5 km), actstoChen Ping'an, thatis hitting the face of hisRuan Qiongsimply, butfaces of School of Militarysword cultivator11buildings, compared with an face of dynasty, onlyheavyheavy. ThereforeRuan Qiongis disinclinedto pay attentionherescene, is an accompanyinglong journey of a straw sandalyoungsterandinnocentlittle miss, howpossiblyworthhimstaringpersonally?
来者正是兵家圣人阮邛,如杨老头所说,他对千里山河之内的动静,并无兴趣,除非是崔瀺这种坏了规矩的挑衅,一心铸剑的阮邛才会出手。阮邛并不觉得有人胆敢在方圆百里之内,就对陈平安出手,那简直就是在打他阮邛的脸,但是一位兵家剑修十一楼的脸面,比起一座王朝的脸面,只重不轻。所以阮邛根本就懒得留神这边的光景,一个草鞋少年和一个天真烂漫小姑娘的结伴远行而已,怎么可能值得他亲自盯着?HoweverRuan Qiongwas involved the mindby a thing.
但是阮邛被一件东西牵扯到了心神。Somepeoplethatthing, Ruan Qiongfeltin the thingin a flashimmediately, containsboundlessSword Qi, was pureandvast, particularlyfeltextremelyfamiliar, passingoneis affectionateandsad, aboutthis matter, cultivatedmanyyears of Ruan QionginSect Gate, althoughneversaw with one's own eyes, buthadhearingearly, thereforeimmediatelycaught upfrom the blacksmithshop.
有人一晃那物件,阮邛立即就感受到了物件之内,蕴藏着的磅礴剑气,精纯且浩瀚,尤其是感觉极其熟悉,透着一股亲昵和哀伤,关于此事,阮邛在宗门内修行多年,虽然从未亲眼看到,但早有耳闻,所以立即从铁匠铺子赶来。At this timeseesthatpersoncompared withmediocremaster'saffectionmight as well, Ruan Qiongregarding thisnot onlydoes not have the meaning of ridicule, insteadare many a dignity, asked: „Butdaoist immortalstageWei Jin?”
此时看到那人比凡俗夫子还不如的作态,阮邛对此非但没有讥讽之意,反而多出一丝凝重,问道:“可是神仙台魏晋?”Dropsman one of the small streamto swat, with great difficulty the standingbody, picks upthatwine potaftercreek water, takes off the top of the headbamboo hatto flingflinging, looks upthatchief criminal, saidill-humoredly: „IcalledA'Liang.”
跌落小溪的汉子一阵扑打,好不容易才站直身体,从溪水里捡起那只酒壶后,摘下头顶斗笠甩了甩,抬头看着那个罪魁祸首,没好气道:“我叫阿良。”Ruan Qiongoccupies a commanding positionto stare athim, fillsto carefully examinemeaning, asked: „Does can or cannotdrinktwoliquortaking advantage ofme?”阮邛居高临下盯着他,充满审视意味,问道:“能不能借我喝两口酒?”
The menonethrows the liquorbottle gourd, throwshightoRuan Qiong, „why not? Howeverremembersalsome.”
汉子一把丢出酒葫芦,高高抛向阮邛,“有何不可?不过记得还我。”Ruan Qiongreceived the wine pot, drank a liquor, asked with a smile: „Unexpectedlyisn'tfiveyellow wines?”阮邛接过酒壶,喝了口酒,笑问道:“竟然不是五黄酒?”
The menhearthisto be bigon the fire, the supercilious looksaid: „Rose in prices.”
汉子一听到这个就火大,白眼道:“涨价了。”Ruan Qionglaughs heartily, throws the liquorbottle gourd, asked: „Do youcomesuchquickly? Ialsothinkmostquicklyalsoten-dayZuo You/about.”阮邛哈哈大笑,丢回酒葫芦,问道:“你怎么来得这么快?我还以为最快也得一旬左右。”
The A'Liangmansteps onto the shorewet, at the same timewas foul-mouthed: „Can youmanage? Saintis great.”
自称阿良的汉子湿漉漉走上岸,一边骂骂咧咧道:“你管得着?圣人了不起啊。”Ruan Qiongasked: „Cango tomyshopto sit? My daughteradmiresvery muchtoyou.”阮邛问道:“要不要去我铺子坐坐?我女儿对你仰慕得很。”A'Liangreferred to itself, saidwith a laugh: „Tome? Your daughtervisionis really good.”阿良指了指自己,笑呵呵道:“对我?那你女儿眼光真好。”Ruan Qiong seemed to have known that fantastic of thisperson, asked: „Is it possible thatthistimeis you are responsible for the Dragon Spine Mountainincident?”阮邛似乎早就晓得此人的荒诞不经,问道:“莫非这次是你负责龙脊山一事?”A'Liangbeckons with the hand, „is notI, has the person.”阿良摆摆手,“不是我,另外有人。”Ruan Qionglooks at the interest not highbamboo hatman, suddenlysmiled, „on the way of difficultto go northinadequately, did youmeetthatsmallDaoist Nun?”阮邛看着兴致不高的斗笠汉子,突然笑了起来,“难不成北上途中,你遇上了那位小道姑?”
The A'Liangcomplexionis usual, „yousaidanything, Icannot understand.”阿良脸色如常,“你说什么,我听不懂。”In the Ruan Qiongheartsighed, no longerprobe, no longersaid.阮邛心中叹息,不再试探,也不再多说。Wind and Snow Temple of Ruan Qiongfamily background, famoussword cultivator, young , and talent, waits a momentextremelyinSect Gate, even if inWind and Snow Temple, somepeopledo not knowthisperson of name. When heis youngdescended the mountainto travel the Wind and Snow Templeoldancestor who to pickbyone, receivingis the seclusiondisciple, therefore the rankis extremely high, causes his firstclimbing mountainstime, but the age of coming of age, manyhundred -year-old cultivatormust the little darlingshout that hemaster a ancestor, that Wind and Snow Templeresurgenceoldancestor, broke through the failureafterward, in additionthislineage/veintalentis on the wane, youngsword cultivatorrelatedwithWind and Snow Templebecomes estranged.阮邛出身的风雪庙,有一位大名鼎鼎的剑修,年轻且天才,极少待在宗门,哪怕是风雪庙内,也有人不知道此人姓名。他年少时被一位下山游历的风雪庙老祖相中,收为闭关弟子,所以辈分极高,使得他第一次上山的时候,不过及冠之龄,好些百岁高龄的修士都得乖乖喊他一声师祖,后来那位风雪庙的中兴老祖,破关失败,加上这一脉人才凋零,年轻剑修就与风雪庙关系更加疏远了。Thispersonfrequentlyline of travel through the rivers and lakes78years, except formasterdeath anniversarytimewill appearinSect Gateoccasionally, stillcame and went freely, even ifreturns toWind and Snow Temple, nevergreeted. Heard that heobtainspricelessSword Nurturing Bottle-gourdvery muchlong time ago, buthedoes not usewarmYangfei the swordunexpectedly, insteadcareless and wasteful use of nature's products, is usedto installpure strong winea lot ofjin (0.5 kg), oneyear of a halfyeardrinks being stewed to the gillsdead drunkat least, thereforeis honored as the alcoholic intoxicationSword Immortalperson, gets drunkis conducting the backby a snow whitedonkey, where the donkeywalksiswhere.
此人动辄行走江湖七八年,除了师父忌日的时候才会偶尔出现在宗门,仍是独来独往,哪怕回到风雪庙,也从不与人打招呼。听说他很早就得到一只价值连城的养剑葫,可他竟然不用来温养飞剑,反而暴殄天物,用来装醇酒千百斤,一年最少有半年喝得大醉酩酊,因此被誉为醉酒剑仙人,一喝醉就由着一头雪白毛驴驮着,毛驴走哪里是哪里。Ruan Qiongbeforebeing separated fromWind and Snow Temple, heard why thispersondoes not know, tois honored as„luckyreasonto excel by far a continent”youngDaoist Nun, falling in love, gets suckedhenceforthcannot extricate oneself, the having no alternativecourt attendantfeeling emotionconcubinehas no intention, prettyDaoist Nunhas no interest inseeking forDao Companionradically, this matterbecame a mountain topinteresting rumor that causes a stir inTreasure Bottle Continent.阮邛在脱离风雪庙之前,听说此人不知为何,对一位被誉为“福缘冠绝一洲”的年轻道姑,一见钟情,从此深陷其中不可自拔,没奈何郎有情妾无意,貌美道姑根本无心寻找道侣,此事就成了一桩轰动宝瓶洲的山上趣闻。Ruan Qiongthinks,„such being the case, thathad the workyouto sendthemto the Great Licountrymanto close.”阮邛想了想,“既然如此,那就有劳你送他们去大骊野夫关了。”
The mannods.
那汉子点了点头。Ruan Qiongholds the fist in the other handto say goodbye, the figureflashesto pass.阮邛抱拳告辞,身形一闪而逝。
The onlywillow treebranchswaysgently.唯有柳树枝头轻轻摇晃。Zhu Heaskedcautiously: „A'Liang...... is the seniorWind and Snow TempleImmortal?”朱河小心翼翼问道:“阿良……前辈是风雪庙的仙人?”
The menare pulling the donkey, is languid: „Iam not ripewithWind and Snow Temple.”
汉子牵着毛驴,懒洋洋道:“我跟风雪庙不熟。”Zhu Heis smiling, notembarrassed.朱河笑着,一点也不尴尬。Worldmartial artist, is not goodregarding the Qi Refinerpossibleimpression, butregardingWind and Snow TempleandTrue Martial Mountaincultivator, thatismustextend the thumb.
世间武人,对于练气士可能观感都不好,但是对于风雪庙和真武山的修士,那还是要伸一下大拇指的。BeforeZhu He may think that thisperson of tonecompared withhuge, the stancestraightenedartificially, mayafterSaintRuan Qiongthisround trip, Zhu Hethenlooksnowagain, at presentthisplain-lookingbamboo hatman, is really True Beingdoes not reveal the true nature, daoist immortalgreatlyfaintlyincity. Was supposingthatgreenbamboosheathlong blade, definitelyisone, so long asdraws a sword the sheath, will be the divine weaponsharp weapon of shocking everybody.
之前朱河可能会觉得此人口气比天大,姿态矫揉做作,可在圣人阮邛这趟来去之后,朱河现在回头再看,眼前这位相貌平平的斗笠汉子,就真是真人不露相,神仙大隐隐于市。估摸着那柄绿色竹鞘长刀,肯定是一把只要拔刀出鞘,就会是惊世骇俗的神兵利器。A'Liangdrankbigliquorto warm-up, saidtoChen Ping'an: „Thatlittle misscame back.”阿良喝了一大口酒暖身,对陈平安说道:“那个小姑娘回来了。”Chen Ping'anturns the headto look, not onlyLi Baoping and Zhu Luold routereturns, twofamiliarfaces, are hanging the mule of heavytravel bagwithboth sides.陈平安转头望去,不但李宝瓶和朱鹿原路返回,还有两张熟悉面孔,和一头两侧悬挂沉重行囊的骡子。Li HuaiandLin Shouyi.李槐和林守一。Chen Ping'anslightlyruns, a Li Baopingfaceis depressed, the Zhu Luvoiceclearopens the mouthsaid: „Thesetwochildrenarewemeethalfway, said that mustgoMountain Cliff Academyto studywith the young ladytogether. Ourancestorscameto greeta moment ago, makingmethenlook foryou.”陈平安小跑过去,李宝瓶一脸闷闷不乐,朱鹿嗓音清脆开口道:“这两个孩子是我们半路遇上的,说是要跟小姐一起去山崖书院求学。咱们老祖宗刚才现身打过招呼了,让我回头找你们。”Chen Ping'andid not ask that who the Zhu Luso-calledancestoris, looksandgoes down in the worldexpensive/nobleYoung MastertocunningLi HuaiLin Shouyi.陈平安不去问朱鹿所谓的老祖宗是谁,望向鬼头鬼脑的李槐和落魄贵公子似的林守一。Li Huaiis hard the neck, saidrighteously: „Ido not followyouto live hand to mouthto eat, could it be thatinsmall town, when the beggarbegged for food.”李槐硬着脖子,理直气壮道:“我不跟着你们混饭吃,难道在小镇当乞丐要饭啊。”Lin Shouyias beforeis the appearance that coldly, said: „search for riches and honor within danger.”林守一依旧是冷冷的样子,道:“富贵险中求。”Li Baopingcold-ly snorted and said: „Youcanembarkfrom the east gate, oneselfgo toacademy. WhyLittle Master-Uncleand can Itakeyou twochild in such an arrangement?”李宝瓶冷哼道:“你们可以从东门出发,自己去书院啊。凭什么小师叔和我要带上你们两个拖油瓶?”Li Huaigets angry: „Li Baoping! Wearehas lived and died together the friends in adversity!”李槐怒道:“李宝瓶!我们好歹是同生共死过的患难之交!”Lin Shouyidoes not haveLi Huaisuchrascal, saidhonestly: „IandLi Huailet aloneMountain Cliff Academy, isGreat LiBian Jing/frontiercannot arrive.”林守一没有李槐这么无赖,坦诚道:“我和李槐别说山崖书院,就是大骊边境都走不到。”Chen Ping'annods, presseswith the handgentlyonLi Baoping, preventingherto speak, thenasked: „ThatShi Chunjia and Shi Chunjia liangs, is or isn'tdetermined that doesn't come?”陈平安点了点头,用手轻轻按在李宝瓶头上,阻止她说话,然后问道:“那石春嘉个,是不是确定不来了?”Lin Shouyiexplained: „That sidegiving on new yearsshop, somepeoplecanbringShi Chunjiato go toCapital City, Dong Shuijingheard that the latersmall townrural private schoolwill openagain, replacesyourcasual laborerin the blacksmithshop.”林守一解释道:“压岁铺子那边,有人会带石春嘉去京城,董水井听说以后小镇乡塾会再开起来,就在铁匠铺子顶替你的短工。”Chen Ping'anlooks atLi Baoping, Li Huai and Lin Shouyithreeschooluntaught children, said with a smile: „Thatleavesto hurry alongtogether.”陈平安看着李宝瓶、李槐和林守一三个学塾蒙童,笑道:“那就一起动身赶路。”A'Liangpullsfrom the streambankthatwhitedonkey, after seeingLi HuaiLin Shouyi, a facewould rather notsay: „Led a lovablelittle misseven, wasyou twobratswhat's the matter?”阿良把那头白色毛驴从溪畔牵回来,看到李槐林守一后,一脸不情愿道:“多带一个可爱的小姑娘就算了,可是你们两个兔崽子算怎么回事?”Li Huaishouted abuse: „Yourwhichscallion?!”李槐破口大骂道:“你哪根葱?!”A'Liangis without turning a hairto reply: „Iamyouseparatemanyyears of father, the biological father.”阿良面不改色回答道:“我是你失散多年的爹,亲爹。”Li Huaisuch aswas struck by lightning, observes closelythisstrangemanstubbornly.李槐如遭雷击,死死盯住这个陌生男人。
The maninsteadlookedat heartis scared, do could it be thatthislittlebastardhisparentsreallyhave a secretivestory?
The Li Huairapidchangeoriginaldelaylook, the twitchedcorners of the mouth, the squintlooks atthatbamboo hatman, a faceshuts out, whispers: „Fightswithme?”李槐迅速改变原先的呆滞神色,扯了扯嘴角,斜眼看那斗笠汉子,一脸嫌弃,嘀咕道:“跟我斗?”
The menadmit defeat, said: „Yo, the watershallowsmalltortoiseare many.”
汉子吃瘪,啧啧道:“呦呵,水浅小王八多啊。”Li Huaiboth handsgrasp the back of the head, talked over: „Not hear or not heartortoisechanted scripture.”李槐双手抱住后脑勺,念叨道:“不听不听王八念经。”Chen Ping'andid not have the reasonto ask, „A'Liang, whyyouwill speakoursmall towndialects?”陈平安没来由问了一句,“阿良,你为什么会说我们的小镇方言?”Manbeaming said: „YouaskedRuan Qiong.”
汉子笑眯眯道:“你去问阮邛。”Chen Ping'anvisitshim, suddenlysmiled, „considers as finished.”陈平安看着他,突然笑了,“算了。”
The menput out a handto refer toChen Ping'an, the lessonsaid: „Smallage, the thoughtsare so heavyare not good.”
汉子伸手指了指陈平安,教训道:“小小年纪,心思这么重可不好。”SaidA'Liang that the swordsmanactuallywears a sword, with his whitedonkey.
自称剑客却佩刀的阿良,和他的那头白色毛驴。Respectivelyat the back ofChen Ping'anandLi Baoping of back-basket, impecuniousLi HuaiandLin Shouyi, in the rearZhu HeZhu Lufather and daughter.
The statusdisparatesevenpeople, go southtogether.
身份悬殊的七个人,共同南下。WhenthiswithA'Liang of Master Ruanfromsameplace, mentioned the roadto walk not difficultly, moreoverfollowing the ironsymbolrivertowardsouth, quickhas been ableto seein the Great Lipost road of day and nightconstruction.
因为这个跟阮师傅来自同一个地方的阿良,说来时的路走得并不难,而且顺着铁符河一直往南,很快就可以看到正在日夜建造的大骊驿路。Howeverfollowingstops from time to timeto rest, A'Liangis still willingto listen to the opinion of Chen Ping'an.
不过接下来的停停歇歇,阿良仍然愿意听从陈平安的意见。Li Huaiin the restgap, runs up toasked that bamboo hatman, is not shy, forks the waistto ask: „Hey! A'Liang, your donkeyis the Dukemother?”李槐在休息间隙,跑到问那斗笠汉子,一点也不怕生,叉腰问道:“喂!阿良,你这毛驴是公的母的?”
The mendo not dislikethischildactually, isa littlebothersome, „closesyourtrifling thing.”
“给我骑骑呗?”„Ido not hateto ride, youwhy? When are really mybiologicalson.”
“我自己都不舍得骑,你凭什么?真当自己是我亲儿子啊。”„You, ifdeliversme the donkey, Ithenmakemy motherremarry, what's wrong? Naturally, ifmy motherdoes not comply, butI, thisdonkeymustturn over tomeno wonder.”
“滚你和你娘的!”„A'Liang, was notIsaysyou, from now on your temperamentmustchange.”
“阿良啊,不是我说你,今后你这脾气得改改。”Li Huaitwo hands carry at the back, sighedto departself-effacingly.李槐双手负后,摇头晃脑地叹息离去。Leaves behind a broadening the outlookbamboo hatman.
The streambank, two peoplemoves toward the blacksmithshop, oneisRuan Qiong, oneisold man of silver-hairedactuallywhole facered light, the latter is the ancestor of servant girlZhu Lumouth , a Li Clansmall townfourgreat surnametruepillar.
溪畔,两人走向铁匠铺子,一位是阮邛,一位是白发苍苍却满脸红光的老人,后者便是婢女朱鹿嘴里的老祖宗,小镇四大姓之一李氏的真正主心骨。Li Baopingsuchdarlingtreasure, on the Li Clanfamily that itsplaces the great expectations, naturallywill not only letthattofather and daughterpersonalretinue, since, if notMaster Ruanmakes an appearancetoday, practices breathing exercises the Li Familyoldancestorwill escortthatcountrymanpass/test.李宝瓶这么个心肝宝贝,对其寄予厚望的李氏家族,当然不会只让那对父女贴身扈从,如果不是阮师今天露面,练气有成的李家老祖会一路护送到那座野夫关。
The old manforced smilesaid: „Master Ruan, is thispersonthen you helper who invitedfromWind and Snow Temple? Looks is really......”老人苦笑道:“阮师,此人便是你从风雪庙请来的帮手?看着实在是……”Ruan Qiongdirect and plainspokensaid: „Does not seem like the expert, seems like the towncharlatan, right?”阮邛直截了当道:“根本不像是高手,反倒像是个市井混子,对吧?”Ruan Qiongsaidslowly: „Ireceived the liquorbottle gourddrinks, carefullyhas nosed, inthatonlySword Nurturing Bottle-gourdtheassigns/lifeSword Qi, the vitalitystill , is really the Wind and Snow Templetrue linewithout doubt, moreoverWind and Snow Templedaoist immortalstagelineage/vein, the personwere few, Wei Jinisunhappywith the desolatetemper that the personbecomes friends with, insteadlikes the dissoluterivers and lakes, the temperis stranger, is very goodto explain. Although in worldalsohas the murder, sinister and ruthlessmethod that successfullycapturesthislife, isWei Jincultivation baseis not absolutely low, wantsto winSword Nurturing Bottle-gourdandthatwisp of Sword Qionhimsmoothly......”阮邛缓缓道:“我接过酒葫芦喝酒的时候,仔细查探过,那只养剑葫内的本命剑气,生机犹在,确是风雪庙真传无疑,而且风雪庙神仙台这一脉,本就人少,魏晋更是不喜与人结交的冷淡性子,反而喜欢浪荡江湖,性子奇怪一些,很好解释。虽然世间也有杀人之后,成功夺取本命物的阴毒手段,可是魏晋修为绝对不低,想要在他身上顺利夺走养剑葫和那缕剑气……”Ruan Qiongsmiled, „thateven iftodaymyRuan Qiongacts, could not blockthatperson of matter that wantedto handle.”阮邛笑了起来,“那么今天就算我阮邛出手,也拦不住那人想要做的事情了。”old mansighed, „wordscannotsay, ifThree Doctrineshas not takenpresses the thing of victory, formation, manymatterMaster Ruanhas not needed is so timid and hesitant.”老人叹了口气,“话不能这么说,如果三教一家没有取走压胜之物,阵法还在,许多事情阮师就不用如此束手束脚了。”Ruan Qiongthinks,„laterImustgowith a Wind and Snow Templegiant salamanderditchlineage/veinperson, meets, knows the situation, theyare away fromhere is not far. Justcarves up the Dragon Beheading PlatformincidentaboutDragon Spine Mountain, is working as the True Martial Mountainperson, is not goodto speak frankly. During this period, if the small townhasanyaccident/surprise, troubledLito findXiuxiu, makingherflyingswordpass on the book is.”阮邛想了想,“稍后我还是要去跟风雪庙大鲵沟一脉的人,碰个头,了解一下情况,他们距离这里也不远了。刚好关于龙脊山瓜分斩龙台一事,当着真武山的人,不好直说。在此期间,如果小镇有任何意外,麻烦李老找到秀秀,让她飞剑传书便是。”Wind and Snow Temple, True Martial Mountain, is the easternTreasure Bottle ContinenttwobigSchool of Militaryfounder's temples, south-north, the bilateral relationshave been mediocre, iswell water not interfering with river wateron the whole, naturallyis involving the critical moment of major issue of principle, will definitely give upsectarianism, the choiceopposes the enemyjointly.风雪庙,真武山,是东宝瓶洲两大兵家祖庭,一南一北,双方关系一直不好不坏,大体上属于井水不犯河水,当然在涉及大是大非的关键时刻,肯定会放弃门户之见,选择联手对敌。AndTrue Martial Mountainpays great attention tounder the mountain the development of seculardynasty, the Great LidynastyhasmanyTrue Martial Mountaincultivator, the Lu Clandynasty of alreadydestruction, underGreat SuiGao Clan, has the True Martial Mountaincultivatorshadow, manyarepersonalretinue of battlefieldgreat generalmiddle-levelmilitary commander, since, orhas the real power.
其中真武山更注重山下世俗王朝的发展,大骊王朝就有许多真武山的修士,已经覆灭的卢氏王朝,大隋高氏麾下,都有真武山修士的影子,多是沙场大将的贴身扈从,或是掌握实权的中层武将。Wind and Snow Templefavorscultivating one's own moral worth, communicatedin the majorancientbattlefieldruins, the knight-errant on a littlesimilarrivers and lakes, carriedextremely the skill in Wushu, ten thousandmatterhearts, were happy, cut the monsterMonster Eliminatinggroupheroto uphold justice, was not happy that looked for missing people to compare notes the Dao Methodsword technique, manyrushed tomountain gatepleasefromnot goinghardly, did the mastercomply, mustaccompanythemto fightoneto sayotheragain. HoweverWind and Snow Templethesetemperamentstrangefellows, fighttonot praise, will not kill people, thereforewas punchedeven ifdirtilybyWind and Snow Templecultivator, butdoes not needto be worried that the skeleton in closetspreads.风雪庙则倾向于独善其身,来往于各大古战场遗址,有点类似江湖上的游侠,身负绝顶武艺,万事由心,高兴了,就斩妖除魔行侠仗义,不高兴了,就寻人切磋道法剑术,多是硬闯山门不请自去,主人答应不答应,都得陪着他们打过一架再说其他。不过风雪庙这些脾气古怪的家伙,打架不为扬名,更不会杀人,所以哪怕被风雪庙的修士揍得灰头土脸,但不用担心家丑外扬。
The pass/testflies together the swordincident, the old mandoubtssaid: „Master Ruan, that side the my familyhousealsohave several the qualitygoodsignallingflyingsword......”
关于飞剑一事,老人疑惑道:“阮师,我家宅子那边也有数柄品质不错的传信飞剑……”Master Ruanbeckons with the handwith a smile, „different, differsbig.”阮师笑着摆摆手,“不一样的,相差不小。”old manunderstands clearlyimmediately, blushessaid: „Discussed the flyingswordnearbyMaster Ruan, was laughed by knowledgeable people, is laughed by knowledgeable people.”老人立即了然,赧颜道:“在阮师跟前谈飞剑,贻笑大方,贻笑大方了。”Ruan Qiongdeeply movedsaidsuddenlyin a soft voice: „Tree desiring calm but wind restless.”阮邛突然轻声感慨道:“树欲静而风不止啊。”
A statureactuallyplentifulpalace clothingwoman, walkssmall and exquisiteinMud Vase Lane.
一位身材小巧玲珑却丰腴的宫装妇人,行走在泥瓶巷。Followsby farthreepeople, a middle-aged manis tall and powerfully built, the lookis resolute.
身后远远跟着三人,一位中年男子身材魁梧,神色刚毅。old mansurfacedoes not needwhite/in vain, as if the visionemaciated, alwaysnarrows the eyesto focus.
A youngfemalehas a long sword, thatskewer of goldensword tassel, justroll uponherplentifulchest.
The womanstopsin the courtyard doormouth of Song Jixinfinally, says with a smile: „Stealsspring festival coupletmatter, only thenCui Chancan do.”
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