If Chen Ping'an, even if carries a heavy loadinto the mountain, a daytakes100li (0.5 km)mountain road is not difficult, mustknow during this, needsYuexiinevitably the gorge, climbs the cliffto help the wall, thereforeChen Ping'anthistimeleads the redcotton-wadded jacketlittle miss, walksverywith ease, comes the safe/without matteridly, startsto practiceto walk the pile, becausethere isLi Baopingin the side, has not usedthatphysical strengthandspiritualfist artswhole-heartedly, butisrelativelynaturally, eventolook afterLi Baoping, but must deliberatelyslow downto walk the pilespeedandreduces the stepspacing, thisonwas found the knackfeelingwith great difficultyChen Ping'an, seemed likestruck backall of a sudden the original form, Alsobecomesirritable.
如果是陈平安独自一人,哪怕是负重入山,一天走上一百里山路都不难,要知道这期间必然需要越溪过涧,攀崖援壁,所以陈平安这次带着红棉袄小姑娘,走得很轻松,以至于闲来无事,就开始练习走桩,因为有李宝瓶在身边,就没有用上那种气力和精神全力以赴的拳架,而是相对自然而然,甚至为了照顾李宝瓶,还要刻意放慢走桩速度和减小步伐间距,这就让好不容易找到诀窍感觉的陈平安,像是一下子被打回了原形,又变得别扭起来。two peoplealreadytakesalmosttwoten miles of roadat this time, Li Baopingstill has the ample force, does not appear the uncomfortablesuffering, the little missput out a handto wipe the foreheadsweat, asked: „Little Master-Uncle, are youpracticing boxing?”两人此时已经走出差不多二十里路,李宝瓶犹有余力,并不显得难受煎熬,小姑娘只是伸手擦了擦额头汗水,问道:“小师叔,你是在练拳吗?”Chen Ping'anstops the pile, the nodsaid: „Right.”陈平安停下走桩,点头道:“对啊。”Li Baopingalsoasked: „Youknowtheset of Fist Technique that youpractice, Fist Techniqueattitude of life, Qi Palace of sourcewhere?”李宝瓶又问道:“那你知道你练的这套拳法,拳法的立身之本,源头的气府在哪里吗?”Chen Ping'anis confused, „howto say? Ionlyknowondaoistto havemanyacupoint, Icanseveral hundredcharacters, mainlytoremembertheseacupointnames. Howevertheywithpracticing boxinghavewhatrelations, Ihad not askedwith enough time. Miss Ninghas looked atmyfist chart, has not toldme, onlysaid the practicing boxingincident, the shortcutdoes not walk, mustboilbypainstaking effortbit by bit, Sister Ruan who youknow said that she practices the sword, the handed down in the familyluckway of herfamily/home, is not goodto leak, thereforeIdeeplyhad not chattedwithherat that time.”陈平安一头雾水,“怎么说?我只知道人身上有很多窍穴,我之所以能够几百个字,主要就是为了记住那些窍穴的名称。但是它们跟练拳到底有什么关系,我还没来得及问。有一位宁姑娘看过我的拳谱,没有告诉我,只说练拳一事,捷径走不得,要靠一点一点的苦功夫熬出来,你认识的阮姐姐则说她是练剑的,她家的家传运气路径,不好外传,所以当时我跟她没有深聊。”In fact, that timestraw sandalyoungster, feltownthis whole lifeis doomedto walkin the small town, thereforesomeare the time and opportunityinquiresRuan Xiu.
事实上,那时候的草鞋少年,觉得自己这辈子注定会在小镇走完,所以有的是时间和机会来询问阮秀。Li Baopingstares the bigeye, a faceis unthinkable, saidwith emphasis: „Little Master-Uncle! Yourthisdoes not know, daresto practice boxing? Do youknow,practices boxingcarelessly, particularlywaijiaquan, veryeasywoundandbasicPrimal Qi. Practices martial arts, is actually similar to seekingdragonZhaoxue of geomancymaster, butmasterMenlooks formountainsacupoint, martial artistisseeks forandunearths the buried treasure of body, after finding, youalsowant the wayto be appropriate, wasreaches highest knowledgein a Martial Daowaytruly. It is not good, Little Master-Uncle, Imuststrokewithyouthis, stroketo be clear about you being diligentfist!”李宝瓶瞪大眼睛,一脸匪夷所思,加重语气道:“小师叔!你连这个都不知道,也敢练拳?你知不知道,胡乱练拳,尤其是外家拳,很容易伤及根本元气的。练武,其实就跟堪舆地师的寻龙找穴差不多,只不过地师们是找山川窍穴,武人是寻找、挖掘自己身体的宝藏,找到之后,你还要方式得当,才算在武道一途真正登堂入室了。不行不行,小师叔,我必须把这个跟你捋一捋,捋清楚了你才好学拳!”Looked that herlookis firm, Chen Ping'anthinks,originallyis not the misdemeanor, justfrontwry neckold willow tree, inclinesmost probablyto the creek waterwater surface, the arched bridge that has probably not completed, Li Baopingis depending on the tree trunkrestondrawing, the little misstemperbracelet, mustsit, Chen Ping'anhasto hugon the tree trunkher, oneselfstandin the one side, so as to avoidshedrops.
看她神色坚决,陈平安想了想,本就不是什么坏事,刚好前边有一处歪脖子老柳树,大半倾斜向溪水水面,好像一座未完成的拱桥,就拉着李宝瓶靠着树干休息,小姑娘性子跳脱,非要坐着,陈平安只好把她抱到树干上,自己站在一旁免得她跌落。Shesitsafter the treecarelessly, probablyfirstinlittlemaster of schoolteaching, bursting with life, coughs, planned that saidwiththisLittle Master-Unclewell, in order to avoidfalling into error, ifreallyexercisedbadly, shedoes't can the regretazureintestineslove dearlydies? A Li Baopingsinceresay/way: „Iam of clearer the general ideapracticing martial arts, becausemy familyhas a maidservantelder sisternamedZhu Lu, shewas seen the practicing martial arttalentby the ancestorsince childhood, I am also very intimatewithher, Elder SisterZhu Luis the closed gourdperson, onlylikedspeakingsomeinnermost thoughtswithme, thereforeImayknow that practiced martial artswhat's the matter. OnlypitifullyIsix -year-old time, followscovertlyinElder SisterZhu Lubehind, walksthatthingnamedlarge handcartpile, is fun, highestwooden stake, had the roof is so highquickly, but the oncemysoleslipped, did not fallcarefully, actuallyIwas really all right, Elder SisterZhu Luwas implicatedbyme, onepunishedto the ancestorruthlessly, after that Elder SisterZhu Luwill practice martial artto exercise martial artseach timesooner or later, hid , in the roomsoakedin the liquid medicinespail, not belt/bringIplayed.”
她大大咧咧坐在树上后,像是一位初次在学塾授课的小夫子,神采奕奕,咳嗽一声,打算跟这位小师叔好好说道说道,以免误入歧途,万一真练坏了身体,那她不得悔青肠子心疼死啊?李宝瓶一本正色道:“我之所以清楚一些练武的大概,因为我家有个叫朱鹿的丫鬟姐姐,她从小就被老祖宗看出有习武天赋,我又跟她很亲近,朱鹿姐姐又是闷葫芦的人,只喜欢跟我说些心里话,所以我可知道练武是怎么回事。只可惜我六岁的时候,偷偷摸摸跟在朱鹿姐姐身后,走那个叫地牛桩的东西,好玩得很,最高的木桩子,都快有屋顶那么高了,但是有一次我脚底打滑,不小心摔了下去,其实我真没啥事,朱鹿姐姐还是被我连累,给老祖宗狠狠一顿罚,在那之后,朱鹿姐姐每次早晚习武练功,还有躲在屋子里泡药水桶子里的时候,就再也不带我玩儿啦。”Chen Ping'anis somewhat afraid, little missmouthso-calledElder SisterZhu Lu, perhapssufferedoneselftwotilesvigorousgirlonthat daychest and head, at that timehewent into the Li Familymansionsecretly, destroyedtwofood for birdspottery jarswith the crossbow, thatprotectsinRighteous Yang Mountainlittle girlservant girl, took the leadto discoverhistrail, quickcircumvented the roof, finally the flyingleapstoward the roof that hewas, makingChen Ping'anremembereach timeafterward, stillthought that shewas very fierce.陈平安有些心虚,小姑娘嘴里所谓的朱鹿姐姐,说不定就那天胸口和脑袋挨了自己两块瓦的矫健少女,当时他偷偷闯入李家大宅,用弹弓打碎了两只鸟食瓷罐,那个护在正阳山小女孩身边的婢女,率先发现了他的踪迹,很快就翻墙上了屋顶,最后朝他所在的屋顶这边飞身一跃,让陈平安每次事后想起,仍然觉得她很厉害。Li Baopingregardingthisis never willingto acknowledgeoneselfare the Little Master-Unclefellow, wishes one couldto speak out franklyto express oneself fully, „drew an analogy, cowardShi Chunjiatheirfamily/home, has a shop, does businesscan complete, canmoneyShengqian, the source of wealthenterbroadly, therefore the shop of Shi Chunjia, canbe one of the wesmall townoldestseveral familiesold shops, but ifonlycannot leave, does not understandto solicit the guest, thenquickwill be beset with problems, the shop must close, yes?”李宝瓶对于这位始终不愿意承认自己是小师叔的家伙,恨不得知无不言言无不尽,“打了个比方,胆小鬼石春嘉他们家,有间铺子,做生意做得好,就能够钱生钱,财源广进,所以石春嘉家的铺子,才能是我们小镇最老的几家老字号之一,但如果只出不进,不懂得招徕客人,那么很快就会捉襟见肘,店铺肯定就得关门,是吧?”Hearsto do businessmakes money, miserChen Ping'anon„straightening out”, saidimmediatelysuddenly: „Everyone somefamily properties, practice boxingto practicewell, canmoneyShengqian, does not practicewell, does business at a loss the business, if not practice martial arts, is defending the ancestral legacy of propertyactuallyseriously?”
一听到做生意啊赚钱啊,财迷陈平安立即就“开窍”了,恍然道:“每个人都有些家底,练拳练得好,就能够钱生钱,练不好,就是赔本买卖,如果根本就不去练武的话,倒是本本分分守着祖业?”Li Baopingthinks, the nodsaid: „Almostisthismeaning. Little Master-Uncle, have youheard a view? Calledto practice boxing a move of evil, the especially thosewere known as that threeyearsfinished an apprenticeshipandgo outkill the waijiaquan of person, the fistpotentialwas fierce, dividedgreatlyhangsgreatly, looksawe-inspiringly, hit the persontimeis shoutingehm, actuallymostinjured the body, becausetheyhad not found the pulse, belongednot to know the proper wayto enter, manytalentsto the middle age, will have a sickness, had the old agenot saying that even ifthere are, still will be very miserable. Becausetheypractice boxingsincefirstday, is not cultivating vital energyto take care of health, butis working as the black sheep of the family, spends freely the ancestral legacy of property.”李宝瓶想了想,点头道:“差不多是这个意思。小师叔,你听说过一个说法吗?叫练拳招邪,尤其是那些号称三年一出师、出门打死人的外家拳,拳势凶猛,大劈大挂,看着威风八面,打人的时候嚷着哼哼哈哈的,其实最伤身子骨了,因为他们根本就没有找到脉门,属于不得其法而入,很多人才到中年,就会落下一身的病,有没有晚年都不好说,就算有,也会很凄凉。因为他们练拳的第一天起,就不是在养气养身,而是在当败家子,挥霍祖业。”In the Li Familyancestor'swords, Li Baopingthisgirl does not have the buttocksinborn, the redcotton-wadded jacketlittle missspoke ofemerges, justwantedto doto standfromold willow tree, was pressedto go back the thoughtby her Little Master-Unclelook, howevercontinuedto sayresentfully: „ThereforeLittle Master-Uncleyourmusttakes warning, mustfound the truemethod of practicing boxing, worldFist Techniqueplantsten million/countless, reason that the achievement has lowhigh, the futurevaries, lookedeachFist Techniqueat leasttwothisassign/lifeacupoint, did youfind, after finding, thenlooks atcan or cannotto discover a bestroute, moistensmanyacupointalong the way, such as the good influence of education, moistens the myriad things. Even iffist chartrankis not high, so long asis the proper way, samecanstrong and healthy body, prolongs the life, but if took the branch road, fist chartis better, easiermisdemeanor.”
用李家老祖宗的话说,李宝瓶这丫头就是天生没屁股的,红棉袄小姑娘说到兴起,刚想要从老柳树干上站起来,就被她的小师叔一个眼神将念头按回去,悻悻然继续说道:“所以小师叔你一定要引以为戒啊,一定要找到练拳的真正法门,世间拳法千万种,之所以成就有高有低,前程有大有小,就看每一门拳法的最少两座本命窍穴,你找不找得到,找到之后,接下来就看能不能找出一条最佳路线,滋润最多的沿途窍穴,如春风化雨,滋润万物。哪怕拳谱品秩不高,但只要是正途,一样能够强身健体,延年益寿,可如果走了岔路,拳谱越好,越容易坏事。”Chen Ping'anis lost in thought that oneselfcanfeelexistence of thatair/Qi, in the bodylike the homelesssmallfire dragons, walks randomlyin a bigstovecarelessly, beforethisfire dragonwas a bit like the headless fly, proceeds along no particular courseeverywhere, after running into a wall, turns the head, now its activitiesare getting bigger and bigger, butwill return tonearbyabdomentheseQi Palacefinally, wavers, goes out the youngchild who playsprobably, after being exhausted, wantsto go home, buthad not foundtruemain house gatetemporarily.陈平安陷入沉思,自己能够感受到那股气的存在,身体内就像有一条无家可归的小火龙,胡乱游走于一座大火炉,之前这条火龙有点类似无头苍蝇,随处乱撞,碰壁之后就转头,如今它的活动范围越来越大,但是最终都会返回腹部的那些气府附近,徘徊不定,像是出门玩耍的稚童,疲惫之后就想要回家,只是暂时尚未找到真正的家门口。Thisextremely mysterious and abstruseair current, withoutgivingChen Ping'anbringsanythingillor the ache, insteadmakes the youngsterhave the warmfeeling of a bigwintersunning, Chen Ping'anregarding the sensation of bodyfive main internal organs (entrails), slightly is extremely very keen, wherethereforehas problemsregardingoneself, quickcandetect,Rosy Clouds MountainCai JinjianinMud Vase Lanesaidinitiallyhisliveis not long-time, shepossiblyfeels the mean alleyyoungsterwhenonlyshecracks a joke, actuallyChen Ping'andeterminedat the sceneherviewis unmistakable.
这股玄之又玄的气流,一直没有给陈平安带来什么不适或是疼痛,反而让少年有一种大冬天晒太阳的暖洋洋感觉,陈平安对于身体五脏六腑的感知,很小就极其敏锐,所以对于自己哪里出了问题,很快就能察觉到,云霞山蔡金简当初在泥瓶巷说他活的不长久了,她可能觉得陋巷少年只当她是开玩笑,其实陈平安当场就确定了她的说法无误。Sincecannot detectanyimproper, Chen Ping'anlets matters drifttothatair current, the heartalsocuriosity, wantsto look that whichacupointitwill chooseto takeitshotel.
既然察觉不到任何不妥,陈平安就对那股气流听之任之,内心深处还有一丝好奇,想要看一看它到底会选择哪座窍穴作为它的宅邸。Li Baopingis swayingthatpair of calf, the doublebraceletchest, „it is saidpractices martial artdisperses the air/Qitwocharactersradically, rules by forcevery much, unlikeQi Refinercultivating vital energyQi Refinementcompletely, the latteristhe more the better, haggles over every penny, practices martial artdifferently, afteryoufound the initialthatair/Qi, looks liketakesmountain passesto kill, will dwell the aurainacupointQi Palace, eliminatescompletelycompletely, the transformationchanges into the earliestthatone breath, finallywhole body, the intentionmoves, do something at one go, in a flash, the air currentrevolveshundredli (0.5 km)several hundredli (0.5 km), the ninthboundaryevencanfaris thousand miles, transfer the whole bodypotentialall of a sudden, A great generalsuch as the armincites the mighty force, big of power and influence, it can be imagined, does not control one's feelingscompared withQi Refinerflies high, butlinebadly.”李宝瓶晃荡着那双小腿,双臂环胸,“据说习武的根本是散气二字,霸道得很,跟练气士的养气炼气完全不同,后者是多多益善,锱铢必较,习武不一样,当你找到最初的那股气后,就像是要一座座关隘打杀过去,将原本栖居在窍穴气府内的气息,全部消除殆尽,转化换成最早的那一口气,最后全身上下,心意一动,一气呵成,转瞬之间,气流运转百里数百里,第九境甚至可以长达千里之远,一下子就调动起全身潜力,一员大将如臂指使千军万马,威势之大,可想而知,丝毫不比练气士御气凌空而行来得差。”Li Baoping„Elder SisterZhu Lusaid that MasterMartial Dao, anythingflies up to the eaves and wallsat all is notanything, but can also be the same toQi Refiner, the governingwindtravels far, againin the future, onceadvances into the limitbiggrandmaster, slaughtersthathelp/gangQi Refiner that has keen eyesightinwithstand/top, twistschickenneckwith the hand, snaps fingersto kill people, has words at fingertips and writes with facility.”李宝瓶“朱鹿姐姐就说那武道宗师,什么飞檐走壁根本不算什么,还能够跟练气士一样,御风远游,再往后,一旦跻身止境大宗师,宰杀那帮眼高于顶的练气士,就跟手拧鸡脖子似的,弹指杀人,信手拈来。”Chen Ping'anasked with a smile: „Ifpractices martial arts is so fierce, naturallyis the good deed, but why is fierce, canbe easyto weighwith the murder?”陈平安笑问道:“如果练武真的这么厉害,当然是好事,可为什么厉害不厉害,要用杀人容易不容易来衡量?”Li Baopinggawkedstaring, shakes the headto sayhonestly: „Ihave not thought that wasElder SisterZhu Lusaid that saidthesewordstime, Elder SisterZhu Luyearnedvery much, has a dreamlikemeevery daythinks that cancatch a fishto be similar.”李宝瓶愣了愣,老老实实摇头道:“那我可没想过,是朱鹿姐姐这么说的,说这些话的时候,朱鹿姐姐向往得很,就像我每天做梦都想能够抓到一条鱼差不多吧。”
After the little missesslightlymake the consideration, said: „Thinkscarefully,according toElder SisterZhu Luview, probably the person of person and the cultivatedpracticing martial art, inborndoes not cope, the latterlikeslooking at the formerlowly, thought that practices martial artis an inexpensiveindustry, is the aptitude not good, is unable the cultivatedpitiful creature, thereforeregards as the third-rater, scoldedmartial artistis the watch-dog of seculardynasty. The formerthought the people of thesecultivated, have keen eyesightinwithstand/top, the nostrilface upwards, is notgood thing, whymartial artistuses all mightin the rivers and lakes, is the herobymartialLuanjin, theseQi Refinerclearlyare onlya handfulpeople, occupies the innumerablefamed sceneriesandgrotto heaven and blessed land, but alsovastproud, said that mountain topImmortalcultivateslong lifebymagecraftDivine Ability, receives the mountaindescending to earthpersonandmartial artistrespectandproviding , the itself/Benis the heaven's law and earth's principlematter.”
小姑娘略作思量后,说道:“不过仔细想想,依照朱鹿姐姐的说法,好像习武之人和修行之人,天生就不对付,后者喜欢低看前者,觉得习武就是一门贱业,是资质不行、无法修行的可怜虫,所以视为下等人,把武人骂成是世俗王朝的看门狗。前者则就觉得那些修行之人,一个个眼高于顶,鼻孔朝天,不是什么好东西,凭什么武人在江湖摸爬滚打,就是侠以武乱禁,那些练气士分明只是一小撮人,却占据着无数的名山大川和洞天福地,还洋洋得意,自称山上仙人以术法神通修长生,受到山下凡人和武人的敬仰和供养,本就是天经地义的事情。”Li Baopingsmiledsuddenly, „thesedisputes, Little Master-Uncleyoudo not needto manage, boring.”李宝瓶突然笑了起来,“不过这些争执,小师叔你不用管,没意思得很。”Li Baopingstarts to speak but hesitatessuddenly, as ifremembered a matter, but some are also difficult, a littlehas a guilty conscience, finally the decisionsincerity, is really not willingto deceiveherLittle Master-Uncle, the little missto put on a long faceto apologize: „Elder SisterZhu Luandher fatherUncleZhu He, mustgo tosouthGreat SuiwithustogetherBian Jing/frontier, butIfeared that Little Master-Uncleyoudo not likethem, deceivesthemto go to the small towneast gatethat sidewe. IfUncleZhu Healso, himcanteachLittle Master-Uncleto practice boxing, becauseElder SisterZhu Lufollowingher fatherpractices martial artsince childhoodtogether, the ancestorhas saidtomein private, although the Zhu Hepracticing martial artstalentis limited, butteaches the personto practice martial artis a expert, can be called‚brightmaster’thisview, even ifthrowsinGreat LiCapital Citythese‚mansionprefix’rich and powerful familyinside the mansion, canbecome the guest. NowUncleZhu Hedisappears, Elder SisterZhu Lualsodisappears......”李宝瓶突然欲言又止,似乎想起了一件事,可又有些难以启齿,有点做贼心虚,最后决定还是坦诚相见,实在是不愿意欺骗她的小师叔,小姑娘哭丧着脸道歉道:“朱鹿姐姐和她爹朱河叔叔,本来是要跟我们一起去往大隋南方边境的,可是我怕小师叔你不喜欢他们,就骗他们去小镇东门那边等我们。如果朱河叔叔也在的话,他就能教小师叔练拳了,因为朱鹿姐姐从小就跟着她爹一起习武,老祖宗私下对我说过,虽然朱河练武天赋有限,但是教人习武是一把好手,称得上‘明师’这个说法,哪怕丢在大骊京城那些个‘府字头’的豪门大宅里,也可以成为座上宾。现在朱河叔叔不见了,朱鹿姐姐也不见了……”
The Chen Ping'anwithout delaycomfortsaid: „Is all right, Ipractice boxing, althoughnomaster, only hasfist chart. Nowon the characterfist charthas not recognizedentire, does not dareto practiceblindly. Onlypracticesoneto walk a pilestandpile, butalreadydetermined that cannourish the body and spirit, will not burst oneself. Howmustbring forth the positive resultto come, it is estimated thatmustwait forme to understandthatfist chartto sayagain. Thisis not anxious, Ipracticed boxing, notforwhatrealm, butis usedto maintain a livelihood, has not thoughtso many.”陈平安赶紧安慰道:“没事没事,我练拳虽然没有什么师父,只有一部拳谱。如今连拳谱上的字也没有认全,更不敢瞎练了。只练习一个走桩一个站桩,不过已经确定能够滋养体魄,不会伤身。要怎么练出名堂来,估计得等我自己读得懂那部拳谱再说。这个不急,我本来练拳,就不是为了什么境界,只是用来活命的,没想那么多。”ButLi Baopingalreadybores tip of cows horninownideaobviously . Moreover the train of thoughtgoesten million/countless, therefore the little missmoresaidis guiltier, the corners of the mouthdownward, had the sign of crying, „martial artistpracticed martial art, the masterledpassing through the gatecultivatedinindividual, butmastervery important, ledpassing through the gatethegate, doorstephadhaslowhigh, moreover after the masterushered in the firstleaf of front door, wasbecause the skillwas limited, has togive up, after canbringtocourtyard door, the situationwascompletelydifferent. Thereforemastermustis the brightmaster, cannotlight/onlylook for the famebigfamous teacher.”
The little missespull out the nose, the tearsmustflow out the eye socketimmediately, „Little Master-Uncle, youare the millenniumsonce in hundred years the practicing martial arttalent that is difficultto meet, becauseifIdelayedyouto become the expert, what to doIshould?”
小姑娘抽着鼻子,泪水马上就要流出眼眶,“小师叔,你是百年一遇千年难逢的习武天才,如果因为我耽误了你成为高手,我该怎么办啊?”HowChen Ping'analreadycould not attend toherobtaining is in itself the absurdconclusion of talent, the urgent matterdo not lethercry, the little misswas sad, feltnaturallyreallyto hurtthoroughly the heart, completely the commonchilddid not act like a spoiled brat that created a disturbance, Chen Ping'angets a sudden inspiration, suddenlylifted the hand, before the palmplaced the little missbody, after gentlymakes a fist, saidloudly a character, „received!”陈平安已经顾不上她怎么得出自己是天才的荒谬结论了,当务之急是别让她哭出来,小姑娘伤心起来,给人的感觉那是真伤透了心,全然不是一般孩子撒娇打闹的那种,陈平安灵机一动,突然抬起手,手掌放在小姑娘身前,轻轻握拳后,大声说了一个字,“收!”Li Baopingis the brainrotationextremelyquickintelligentchild, was shockedall of a sudden, stopstrend that the tearsburst a dike, „Little Master-Uncle, what are youmaking?”李宝瓶是脑子转动极快的聪明孩子,一下子就愣住了,止住了泪水决堤的趋势,“小师叔,你在做什么啊?”Chen Ping'anshook the fist, hahasaid with a smile: „What kind of, Little Master-Uncleis fierce, makingyounot cryall of a sudden.”陈平安晃了晃拳头,哈哈笑道:“怎么样,小师叔厉害吧,让你一下子就不哭了。”In order tocomfort the little miss, Chen Ping'analsocalculatedto be ready for any sacrifice, the firsttimeofficialacknowledgedoneselfwereherLittle Master-Uncle.
The little missessmile through tearsimmediately.
小姑娘立即破涕为笑。Shethought that is not not sad, butwashappymanysad.
她觉得不是自己不伤心了,而是开心多过了伤心。Chen Ping'anfeels relieved, both handssupportto doinold willow tree, then the bodyoneslantingsatside the little miss.陈平安如释重负,双手撑在老柳树干上,然后身子一斜就坐在了小姑娘身边。Under the two peoplefoot, is putting the one big and one smalltwoback-baskets.两人脚底下,放着一大一小两只背篓。Li Baopingsaidin a soft voice: „UncleZhu HeoftentoldElder SisterZhu Lu, practiced boxingdoes not practice, threeyears of ghostupper body. Practices boxingto look , a fighting with the fistsgod of death. The person of practicing martial art, oncefalls ill, wantsto be thorniercompared with the treatmentcommonperson. Elder SisterZhu Luoncehadalmost unable to boiltwice, firstaftertime, herwhole personmusthave the less than halfyearnot to recover consciousness, during that timeseemed like a sickly person, usually the bucketcould not even raise, was for the second time more miserable, after Iheard the sound, moved a smallbackless stoolin the past, pierced the window papersecretly, finallysaw that Elder SisterZhu Lupainon the bedmustsway back and forth, others according tocould not hold down, finallyherfingernailopened, the dripping with blood, was very pitiful, finallywasin the family/homeasks the Yang Family shopstorekeeperto deliver the medicine, probably not pain, graduallywas calm and steady. However the ancestorstoodin the courtyardentranceat that time, withoutenteringcourtyard, shook the headto turn around, as ifsomewhatregrettedwithdisappointedly. Iaskedafterward, the ancestoronlysaid that the poor lifepreservedby the medicinal herb, the hope of eighthboundaryactuallylost, laterdid not needextremelyto cultivateElder SisterZhu Lu, otherwiseinsteadharmsher, ifluck as goodas the great fortunesimultaneous/uniformheavensituation, canenter the seventhboundary, the luckwas not good, the sixthboundaryhung.”李宝瓶轻声道:“朱河叔叔经常告诉朱鹿姐姐,练拳不练真,三年鬼上身。练拳找着真,一拳打死神。习武之人,一旦生病,比起医治寻常人要棘手很多。朱鹿姐姐曾经有两次差点熬不过去,第一次过后,她整个人得有小半年没缓过来,那段时间像是个病秧子,平时连水桶也提不起来,第二次更惨,我听到动静后,就搬了一根小板凳过去,偷偷捅破窗户纸,结果看到朱鹿姐姐在床上痛得打滚,旁人按都按不住,最后她指甲盖都翻开了,鲜血淋漓,很可怜的,最后是家里请了杨家铺子的掌柜送药来,好像才不痛了,逐渐安稳下来。但是老祖宗当时站在院子门口,没有走进院子,摇摇头就转身走了,似乎有些惋惜和失望。我事后问起,老祖宗只说小命是靠药材保住了,第八境的希望却丢了,以后就不用太过栽培朱鹿姐姐了,否则反而是害她,如果运气好到洪福齐天的地步,就可以进入第七境,运气不好,第六境都悬。”Li Baopinghas turned the head, is heavyhearted: „Little Master-Uncle, youmaynot fall ill, myanythingdoes not understand, will be definitely scared!”李宝瓶转过头,忧心忡忡道:“小师叔,你可千万别这么生病啊,我什么都不懂,肯定会傻眼的!”Chen Ping'ansaid with a smile: „Not, even ifhas, Isay certainly the eventuality, do not fear,Ican being able to supportpain, thisnot boastwithyou.”陈平安笑道:“不会的,而且就算有,我当然是说万一啊,那你也别怕,我很能吃得住痛的,这可不是跟你吹牛。”Li Baopingwas half believing and half doubting, puts out a handto twistgentlyonhisarm, „Little Master-Uncle, wasn't the painpainful?”李宝瓶将信将疑,伸出手在他胳膊上轻轻拧了一下,“小师叔,痛不痛?”Chen Ping'anpattedhersmallhead, then when lookstotwo peoplecomes the alley, „knows that Little Master-Unclethoughtmost uncomfortableonetime, iswhen?”陈平安拍了拍她的小脑袋,然后望向两人来时的小路,“知道小师叔觉得最难受的一次,是什么时候吗?”Little missrattle-drummakes an effortto shake the head.
小姑娘拨浪鼓似的使劲摇头。Chen Ping'anboth handssupporton the tree trunk, the calfinterlocks, and little missis equally leisurelyis swayinggently, the youngsternarrows the eye, said with a smilein a soft voice: „The second time is my personwalked into the mountainto pick the medicine, at that timeIwas onlyfour years old, am less thanfive years old, went out, is thinkingmustpick most medicinal herbsto go home, thereforeselected a greatestbigwicker basketintentionally, thenwithoutwait untilwent out of the small town, so tired, going out of the small towncansee the mountaintime, at that timewas a day of Sun, on the shoulderwas pulledburninglyby the wicker basketstringsorely, body's backwas. Actuallythatlittle whilehurtsaidfortunately,did not fearspecially, makingmefeel the desperatematterwas, thatmountainlooks that was quite far, could not arrive there likethis whole life. In additionat that timeleft for the first time is walking into the mountainto leave the mountainshortly, therefore the blister of solerevoltedquickly, thenLittle Master-UncleI, am clenching teethto walkcries, but alsowhileconstantlyasked itselfsecretly, thishas not arrived at the foot, otherwisewent home, was in any case young, the wicker basketwas so big, the mountain roadwas so far, does not go homedisgraced, mother definitelydid not complainyour.”陈平安双手撑在树干上,小腿交错,跟小姑娘一样优哉游哉轻轻摇晃着,少年眯眼,轻声笑道:“是我第二次一个人进山去采药,那时候我才四岁多,不到五岁,出门的时候,想着要采最多最多的药材回家,所以故意挑了一个最大的大箩筐,然后没等到走出小镇,就累死了,走出小镇能够看到山的时候,当时还是一个大太阳的日子,肩膀上被箩筐绳子扯得火辣辣疼,后背更是。其实那会儿疼还好说,不是特别怕,让我觉得绝望的事情是,那座山看着好远好远,就像这辈子都走不到那里。加上当时离着第一次进山出山没多久,所以脚底的水泡很快就造反了,然后小师叔我啊,就咬着牙一边走一边哭,还一边不断偷偷问自己,这还没有走到山脚,要不然就回家吧,反正年纪小,箩筐这么大,山路那么远,回家不丢人,娘亲肯定不怨你的。”Li Baopinghearsto be enthralled, askedlow voice: „Little Master-Uncle, did yougive upfinally?”李宝瓶听得入神,小声问道:“小师叔,那你最后放弃了没有?”
The straw sandalyoungstershakes the headto saywith a smile: „No, Ithinkat that timesuddenly, no matter what, arriving at the footis good, arrives there to turn headagain. ThenIreallyarrived at the foot, sits, when the groundcries , thought that otherwiseclimbs mountains, picks an herbal medicineto go homeagain? Thenstartsto climb a mountain, crawlsis crawling, after seeingtheseherbal medicines, the whole personhad the strengthprobablyall of a sudden, verystrangematter.”
草鞋少年笑着摇头道:“没呢,当时我就突然想到,不管怎么样,走到山脚就好,到那里再回头。然后我就真的走到了山脚,坐在地上哭的时候,又想了,要不然上了山,采到一棵草药再回家?然后就又开始爬山,爬着爬着,看到那些草药后,整个人好像一下子就有了力气,很奇怪的事情。”Li Baoping, to praisesighed: „Little Master-Uncle, youpicked certainlyfullwicker basketherbal medicineto descend the mountainto go home, is right?!”李宝瓶哇了一声,赞叹道:“小师叔,你一定摘了满满一箩筐草药才下山回家,对不对?!”Little missesat this point, whole facewithhavingglory.
小姑娘说到这里,满脸的与有荣焉。Chen Ping'anshakes the head saying: „No, mustdescend the mountaintoSun, the herbal medicinehas not covered the wicker basketbottom, descended the mountain. First the herbal medicineis not easyto look, is very difficult, the statureis so small, takes the mountain roadat the back of the bigwicker basket, actuallypicking the medicineis more difficult, second was very tired, is thinkingagaindoes not walk, after the darkness, takes a personto keepmountain top, my little whilefeared certainlyvery much. ButImostfear......”陈平安摇头道:“没呢,一直到太阳要下山了,草药还没盖住箩筐底,就下山了。一来是草药没那么好找,很难的,个子那么小,背着个大箩筐走山路,其实比采药更难,二来是真的很累了,再就是想着再不走,天黑后就要一个人留在山上,我那会儿当然很怕。只不过我最怕的……”Li Baopingwaited for quite a while, does not havewait untilas follows, askedcuriously: „What does Little Master-Unclemostfear?”李宝瓶等了半天,也没有等到下文,好奇问道:“小师叔最怕什么?”„It‘s nothing.”
The straw sandalyoungstershakes the head, supplesound said: „Afterwarddid not fear.”
The little missesare with good intentionnot to closely examine.
小姑娘善解人意地没有追问下去。Chen Ping'anhas gotten back one's composure, turns the headto say with a smiletoher: „Saidthesetoyou, tonot tellyourLittle Master-Uncleis fierce, actually the bitterchildren in small towncome, is not unusual. Isaidthese, thoughtyoumetelltoday when these ways of matter of practicing martial art, saidwell, look likevery much after very muchLittle Master-Uncleran awayto go to the schoolin childhoodsecretly, sees the Mister Qiteachingappearance. Youdid not say that does not have the female teacherfemalemaster, Ifelt, arrived atMountain Cliff Academy, after youreadenoughmanybooks, can perhaps becomefirstinMasterMister of academyteaching.”陈平安回过神,转头对她笑道:“跟你说这些,可不是为了告诉你小师叔多厉害,其实小镇的苦孩子都是这么过来的,一点也不稀奇。我说这些,是觉得你今天跟我说那些习武之事的门道,说得很好,很像小师叔小时候偷偷跑去学塾后,看到齐先生授课时的样子。你不是说没有女先生女夫子吗,我觉得以后到了山崖书院,等你读够多的书后,说不定就能成为第一个在书院教书的先生夫子呢。”
After the redcotton-wadded jacketlittle misshearsLittle Master-Uncle said that suddenlyglows the spiritedfighting spirit, the doublefistraises, „Li Baoping, youcan! Certainly!”
红棉袄小姑娘听到小师叔这么说之后,骤然焕发出昂扬的斗志,双拳扬起,“李宝瓶,你可以的!一定可以!”Chen Ping'anwatchessilently, felt, ifMister Qiis also alive , will be very certainly happy.陈平安默默看在眼里,觉得如果齐先生还在世的话,一定也会很开心。Then the little misssaid the sentencelets a youngsterbigspoken language, „, becauseLi Baopinghasin the worldextraordinariestLittle Master-Uncle!”
The youngsterhaveto pretend that anythinghas not heard.
少年只好假装什么都没有听到。Happyseason that the grasslonghawkflies, the youngster and little misssitshoulder to shoulder, has the goodwishesrespectively.
A creek wateropposite shorecovertplace, a manandgirlsit cross-leggedto sit, are eating the dry rations.溪水对岸一处隐蔽地方,一个男人和一位少女盘腿而坐,吃着干粮。
The lookis full of the sharp qigirlto sayill-humoredly: „Father, the young ladyfollowssuchgruffsillyfellow, reallycanarrive atourGreat LiBian Jing/frontiersmoothly? Heard that that sidegoes to warfrequently, many soldierbandits of taking to the heather, are not very peaceful.”
The menteased: „Who did could it be thatforgetistaughtyou? Practices martial art the laterbiography'sfirstwar, lostdid not say, but alsolostsuchaggrievedly.”
男人调侃道:“难道忘了是谁把你教训了一顿?习武之后生平第一战,输了不说,还输得这么憋屈。”girlpanting with rage said: „naturally, because the father you do not permitmyarbitrarilyrevolutioninternal qi, feared that Icannot bearthatpressure, nowmyonly one handcanthrowturnsthatMud Vase Lanefellow.”少女气呼呼道:“那是因为爹你不允许我擅自运转气机,怕我承受不住那股压力,现在我一只手就能撂翻那个泥瓶巷的家伙。”Manasked with a smile: „Did your Martial Daotwoboundaryexperts, reallydetermine?”
男人笑问道:“你这位武道二境高手,真的确定?”girlremindedloudly: „Father, istwoboundarypeaks!”少女大声提醒道:“爹,是二境巅峰!”
The menraised the canteento drinkone, shook the head saying: „Youcannot be victorioushis, only ifselectsto the comparing notesskill in Wushu that stops, youhave the odds of success.”
男人提起水壶喝了一口,摇头道:“你打不过他的,除非是点到即止的切磋武艺,你才有胜算。”girldoes not believeobviously, the youngstersupportedjustto march into the Martial Daofront door, beforetwo peopleon the Li Familymansionroofconfronted, hejustoccupied the touchdownadvantageto go wellby luck.少女显然不信,那少年撑死了才刚刚步入武道大门,之前在李家大宅屋顶上两人对峙,他只不过占着地利才侥幸得手。
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