COT :: Volume #4 次级青春泉水

#246: 音浪(求最后双倍月票)

First rests the meeting, earlier gets out of bed, more than many symbol renewals! Asked the monthly ticket! 先去睡会,早点起床,好多多码字更新!求月票! Consumed Evolution Points in Wei Xiaobei shortly, was slowing down the speed in the doe that the uniform speed ran forward suddenly, even wanted to make a turn. , 就在卫小北进化点消耗一空没多久,原本正在匀速向前奔跑的母鹿突然之间就减缓了速度,甚至于想要转弯。∑, This made the Wei Xiaobei vigilance promote the several fold immediately, but lay in Wei Xiaobei shoulder rest Little Fairy also chirp chirp quack said. 这让卫小北的警惕性顿时提升了数倍,而原本趴在卫小北肩头休息的小妖精也叽叽呱呱的叫了起来。 After Wei Xiaobei turns the head, has understood the language of opposite party: Front has Great Wolf! Has Great Wolf!” 卫小北转头之后,听懂了对方的语言:“前面有巨狼!有巨狼!” Great Wolf? 巨狼 Is the beforehand that head?” “是之前那头?” Wei Xiaobei knows that this Little Fairy in induction, wants to be keener, thus then inquired. 卫小北知道这小妖精在感应上,比自己还要敏锐一些,因而便询问道。 „It is not, is another head! There there!” “不是,是另外一头!那里那里!” When Little Fairy gesticulates, after the doe changes the side presented a light rank stink. 就在小妖精指手画脚的时候,在母鹿转向之后的侧面出现了一股淡淡的腥臭味。 The flavor of wolf! 狼的味道! Wei Xiaobei instantaneous back is absolutely terrified, the right hand carries on the back to make an effort a brace in the deer, the doe clashes forward, Wei Xiaobei carried on the back from the deer falls directly on the ground. 卫小北瞬间后背毛骨悚然,右手在鹿背上用力一撑,母鹿向前一冲,卫小北就从鹿背上直接落在了地上。 But at this time, Great Wolf appeared suddenly from the lawn, the doe that four leg step on grounds, figure Energetic, that flushed away extremely forward did not have including the Reflex time, by that Great Wolf was knocked down, bit the throat afterward, the wolf mouth made an effort, only heard ka several, the neck of that doe directly was nipped two by Great Wolf! 而这个时候,一头巨狼突然之间从草地上显现出来,四条腿一蹬地面,身形极为矫健,那头向前冲去的母鹿连反应的时间都没有,就被那巨狼扑倒在地,随后一口咬中喉管,狼嘴一用力,只听得啪嗒啪咔几声,那母鹿的脖子就被巨狼直接咬成了两段! After bites to death doe one, that Great Wolf has not been eating the meat anxiously, fell the vision on Wei Xiaobei on the contrary. 在将母鹿一口咬死之后,那头巨狼并没有急着吃肉,反倒是将目光落在了卫小北身上。 Demonstration? Provocation? 示威?挑衅? Wei Xiaobei sees that Great Wolf movement, appears instantaneously in the mind a thought that this Great Wolf is approaching itself to demonstrate to provoke! 卫小北看到那巨狼的动作,瞬间就在脑海里浮现出一个念头,这头巨狼是在向自己示威挑衅! I said! It hides there! Look, I said right!” “我说了!它就藏在那里!看,我说对了吧!” Little Fairy flew at this time, float in front of Wei Xiaobei, the saliva splashes. 小妖精这时飞了起来,悬浮在卫小北面前,口水飞溅。 Wei Xiaobei is somewhat speechless, it seems like, this has not communicated, perhaps this Little Fairy said that but turned the head slowly. Finally 卫小北有些无语,看来,这还是没沟通好,或许这小妖精说了,但自己转头慢了。结果 However this Great Wolf intelligent degree surpassed these reindeer to be many actually. 不过这头巨狼的聪明程度倒是超过了那些驯鹿很多。 Perhaps Great Wolf realized that arrived aura, will have regarded a match? 或许巨狼察觉到了自己身上的气息,将自己当成了一个对手? Naturally, before changing into, Wei Xiaobei naturally is too not willing to fight with this Great Wolf. 当然,换成之前,卫小北自然不太愿意与这巨狼战斗。 In Dust World. The challenge and danger will not lack. 灰界里。挑战与危险是不会缺少的。 If meets Monster on, then the strength is strong, may kick finally also the light plate, the poor life delivering. 如果遇见怪物就上的话,那么就算自己实力再强,可能最终也会踢中钢板,将自己小命给送掉。 With this Great Wolf, can actually hide oneself Sturdiness in the lawn. By its body type is not thick patch of grass can absolutely its conceal under! 就拿这巨狼来说,竟然能够将自己身体隐藏在草地里。以其体型绝对不是草丛就能够将其藏下的! It has the deceit vision illusion ability inevitably! 其必然拥有欺骗视觉的幻觉能力! Although had been seen through by Little Fairy, the issue that but because Wei Xiaobei communicates with it, has not played any good role finally. 虽然被小妖精识破了,但由于卫小北与之沟通的问题,结果也没有起到什么好的作用。 But since Great Wolf will have intercepted, Wei Xiaobei turn tail, Great Wolf does not dare to throw, Wei Xiaobei like this ran, must despise itself one. 但既然巨狼将自己截住了,卫小北也不会转身逃跑,巨狼都没敢扑上来,卫小北就这样跑了的话,岂不是自己都要鄙视自己一番了。 Attribute investigation! 属性探查! Wei Xiaobei any hesitant, direct attribute investigation has not lost on arrived that Great Wolf. 卫小北没有任何犹豫,直接一个属性探查就丢到了巨狼身上。 When that Great Wolf whole body hair sudden peak gets up, Wei Xiaobei obtained this Great Wolf some attributes. 就在那巨狼全身毛发突然耸起的时候,卫小北获得了这头巨狼的部分属性。 Name: Male Great Wolf 姓名:雄性巨狼 Race: Sea cautious descendant 种族:海惕后裔 Sex: Male gender 性别:雄性 Age: 34 years old 年龄:34岁 Creature Rank: 3 the stars are ordinary 生物等级:3星普通 Attribute:( Other Life Form attributes usually only introduced prime attribute) 属性:(其它生物属性通常只介绍主属性) ( Attribute shield) (属性屏蔽) Skill: The way( inborn will not lose direction), tracing( under the direction of smell. Will not lose goal), acceleration( when pursuing goal, speed promotion)??? 技能:寻路(天生不会迷失方向),追踪(在气味的指引下。不会丢失目标),加速(在追击目标时,速度提升),??? Special Ability: Crazy( Muscle, Sturdiness, the Vitality large promotion, consciousness confusion), the stealth( is staying same place for five seconds, figure vanishes), sea cautious bloodlines(, because has the little bloodlines of god. Weakens any negative effect naturally, shields naturally any peeps, dangerous Early Warning)??? 特殊能力:狂化(肌肉,身体强壮度,体质大幅提升,意识混乱),隐身(在原地停留五秒,身形消失),海惕血脉(由于拥有神的少许血脉。天然削弱任何负面效果,天然屏蔽任何窥视,危险预警),??? Evolution Points: x( is unable accumulation Evolution Points) 进化点:x(无法积累进化点 Items on hand: Does not have 持有物:无 Although cannot see this male Great Wolf branch attribute. But Wei Xiaobei actually looks at the part of skills as well as Special Ability of arrived opposite party. 虽说看不到这雄性巨狼的分支属性。但卫小北却看到了对方的一部分技能以及特殊能力 Very formidable skill and Special Ability! 很强大的技能和特殊能力 Regarding Great Wolf this Monster, is very at least formidable. 至少对于巨狼这种怪物而言,很强大。 The Wei Xiaobei complexion became dignified. 卫小北的脸色变得凝重了一些。 After the Wei Xiaobei provocation demonstration, male Great Wolf starts to gather round Wei Xiaobei to go around. 在朝着卫小北挑衅示威之后,雄性巨狼开始围着卫小北绕圈。 Un, this was the wolf class Life Form habitually used move. 嗯,这是狼类生物的惯用招数了。 In reality, if on prairie with the arrived wild wolf, then they, when felt that is unable to start. Will gather round you to turn circle, after attempting you transfer expose weaknesses, just now throws on, cuts by biting your throat, swallows your flesh and blood! 在现实里,如果在草原上遇到了野狼,那么它们在感觉无法下手的时候。就会围着你转圈,企图将你转得露出破绽之后,方才一扑而上,咬断你的喉管,吞噬你的血肉! Un, the wolf likes from behind launching the attack very much. 嗯,狼是很喜欢从身后发动进攻的。 Saw that Great Wolf starts to turn circle, Wei Xiaobei has closed the eye on the contrary, does not change with Great Wolf, two ears wriggle slightly, integrates in all around all sounds the ear all. 见到那巨狼开始转圈,卫小北反倒是闭上了眼睛,也不跟着巨狼转向,两只耳朵微微蠕动,将四周所有动静尽数纳入耳中。 Suddenly, a mixture sound of out of the blue in rumor transmits! 突然之间,一丝夹杂在风声里的破空之声传来! To be honest, if not the Wei Xiaobei induction force formidable arrived certain extent, is from the start impossible to hear this cold wind sound from out of the blue. 说实话,如果不是卫小北的感应力强大到了一定程度,压根就不可能听到这寒风之中的破空之声。 Behind! Wei Xiaobei not slightly hesitant, Diamond Mace in hand, the backhand pulls up, the long jab plunges oneself back Great Wolf! 后面!卫小北没有丝毫犹豫,手中的金刚锏,反手一撩,直击扑向自己后背巨狼 The Diamond Mace whole body is red, just likes a flame pulls out toward the head of Great Wolf! 金刚锏全身通红,犹如一道火光就朝着巨狼的头颅抽来! Great Wolf Reflex is actually not slow, has not waited for Diamond Mace to select itself, dashed to the past body forcefully to sway from side to side in the midair, changes in the midair unexpectedly stiffly, throws toward the side, and takes advantage of opportunity that fluffy big tail toward the Diamond Mace draw off. 巨狼反应倒是不慢,没等金刚锏抽中自己,原本在半空直扑过去的躯体就强行扭动,竟然硬生生在半空转向,朝着侧面扑去,并顺势将那蓬松的大尾巴朝着金刚锏抽去。 ! 噗! Diamond Mace and wolf tail hits instantaneously in together, sends out a light sound, the breaking wool that immediately disrupts innumerably, flew upwards in the air. 金刚锏与狼尾瞬间撞击在一起,发出一声轻响,顿时无数碎裂的断毛,就在空气中飞扬了起来。 That Great Wolf sends out a wail, falls on the ground, the tail lets fall, above leaches some blood. 巨狼发出一声哀鸣,落在地上,尾巴垂落,其上浸出一些血液来。 This Great Wolf once were fought has misjudged, its fluffy tail, when used to cope with the ordinary weapon, can counter-balance the opposite party impulse actually, even cannot do well also to be able its weapon to twist unable to move! 巨狼一经交手就失算了,它那蓬松的尾巴,若是用来对付普通的兵器,倒是能够抵消对方的冲击力,甚至于搞不好还能够将其兵器绞住动弹不得! Must know that this move, Great Wolf ties down the antler that many reindeer flushed, last bites to death it, enjoys the delicacy. 要知道,这一招,巨狼可是缠住了不少驯鹿冲来的鹿角,最后一口将其咬死,享受美味的。 But this time, wolf tail was hit by Diamond Mace, immediately breaks off the disruption, if not that hides to wrap, perhaps already exploded hashed meat. 但这一次,狼尾被金刚锏击中,顿时折断碎裂,如果不是那一层皮子包裹着,恐怕早就炸成一片碎肉了。 However after passing through this next, the tail of Great Wolf temporarily lost the function, wants to restore to come, perhaps is not the matter that in a short time can achieve. 不过经过这一下之后,巨狼的尾巴就暂时失去了作用,想要恢复过来,恐怕也不是短时间内就能够做到的事情。 After fights for the first time, the Wei Xiaobei heart has decided immediately. 经过首次交手,卫小北心头顿时定了下来。 This Great Wolf strength prime attribute not over 24 points! The Agility prime attribute will not surpass! 这头巨狼力量主属性不会超过24点!敏捷主属性不会超过点! It over 40 points attributes should be induce under a prime attribute branch attribute, Willpower, the common sense determine strength, Perception, Intuition have the possibility. 其超过40点的属性应该是感应主属性下面的一个分支属性,意志力,常识判断力,感知力,直觉都有可能。 Thinks that looked knew, this Great Wolf can ambush on the line that oneself passed through, always possibly was not Little Fairy runs to disclose secret information? 想想看就知道了,这头巨狼能够埋伏在自己经过的线路上,总不可能是小妖精跑去通风报信的吧? And was only a stealth suppresses merely own induction, thus it can be seen, it was quite formidable in the induction attribute, otherwise, is impossible to suppress. 并且仅仅只是一个隐身就将自己的感应压制住了,由此可见,其在感应属性上相当强大,否则的话,不可能将自己压制住。 This Great Wolf from the beforehand performance, in battle efficiency, compared with the mace monster, the Flower-Spreading Battle-Axe monster was as for Sacred Beetle, the Red Bi wait / etc. 3-Star ordinary creature difference is merely far. 这头巨狼仅仅从之前的表现来看,在战斗力方面,较之锏妖,宣花板斧妖乃至于圣甲虫,赤鷩等等三星普通生物差远了。 But even if first fights injured, this Great Wolf has not wanted to give up unexpectedly, has licked the injured tail, then starts to continue to turn circle. 但即便是初次交手受伤,这巨狼居然还没想放弃,舔了舔自己受伤的尾巴,便开始继续转圈。 When that Great Wolf one has not made a turn, a Wei Xiaobei arrow step rushed, Diamond Mace has swept away toward that Great Wolf, on Diamond Mace also glitters the blue lightning spark! 就在那巨狼一圈尚未转弯的时候,卫小北一个箭步就冲了上去,金刚锏朝着那巨狼就横扫了过去,金刚锏上还闪烁起蓝色的电光火花! The Great Wolf violent force draws back, but as a result of side relationship, the speed is insufficient, still cannot evade completely, pulled out one foot to have wounds to come side Sturdiness by Diamond Mace mace together, immediately the blood gushes out following the wound. 巨狼猛力一退,但由于侧面的关系,速度不够,依然没能完全躲过,被金刚锏的锏头在身体侧面拉出一道一尺有余的伤口来,顿时鲜血顺着伤口涌出。 One was struck by this, Great Wolf Sturdiness slightly! 受此一击,巨狼身体微微一顿! Was actually rushed by Wei Xiaobei, charged Diamond Mace fell once again, pounds on Great Wolf back! 却又被卫小北冲上,带电的金刚锏再度落下,砸在了巨狼后背上! When drawing back to dodge the Great Wolf attack, the Wei Xiaobei heart is slightly some hearts is also startled. 在退开躲闪巨狼攻击时,卫小北心头也是略微有些心惊。 This Great Wolf does not know that is the Vitality very high reason, the Sturdiness structure indeed very much can resist. 巨狼不知道是体质很高的缘故,还是身体构造的确很能抗。 Was hit back by Diamond Mace, unexpectedly seems also on a bulge azure stem . Moreover, in passing electric current on Diamond Mace, slightly has lulled a meeting it, after transferring, its wave opens mouth to nip toward oneself. 金刚锏击中后背,居然看上去也就凸起一条青梗,另外,附带在金刚锏上的电流,也就将其轻微麻痹了一会,转即之后,其浪头就张嘴朝着自己咬来。 Should be Vitality is very high! In addition its body type is similar to the elephant, one kilovolt, 265 milliamperes electricity wanders about destitute in its, but also very difficult to turn its electricity in the place. 应该是体质很高!再加上其体型原本就如同大象,一千伏特,265毫安的电流落在其身上,还很难将其电翻在地。 Naturally, in this does not remove the reason of his sea ti Great Wolf bloodlines. 当然,这里面也不排除其海惿巨狼血脉的缘故。 Was hit by Wei Xiaobei again and again two, some Great Wolf of being careful were angry immediately, roar crazily, the Giant sound wave clashes toward Wei Xiaobei. 卫小北连连击中两下,原本有些小心谨慎的巨狼顿时愤怒,狂啸一声,巨大的音浪朝着卫小北冲来。 Wei Xiaobei in its opening mouth withdraws from more than 20 meters toward the side instantaneously, after all this Great Wolf some skills, Special Ability has not appeared, thus Wei Xiaobei has to be careful. 卫小北就在其张嘴的瞬间就朝着侧面退出20多米,毕竟这巨狼有些技能,特殊能力并没有显现出来,因而卫小北不得不小心谨慎一些。 But even if so, Wei Xiaobei was still hit by the complementary waves of sound wave, heart one stuffy, a small blood has spurted. 但即便是如此,卫小北依然被音浪的余波击中,心头一闷,一小口鲜血就喷了出来。 Wei Xiaobei looked that has taken some dignifiedly to that Great Wolf vision, it seems like, in Dust World, even if this type seems not much Monster, does not allow to despise! 卫小北看向那巨狼的目光里带上了一些凝重,看来,在灰界里,即便是这种看上去不怎么样的怪物,也是不容轻视的! If were not the sound wave of air/Qi in Wei Xiaobei meridians to invading Sturdiness has resisted, such, Wei Xiaobei perhaps on internal organs severe wound. 如果不是卫小北经脉之中的气对侵入身体的音浪抵挡了一下的话,就这么一下,卫小北恐怕就得内脏重伤了。 This sound wave is extremely easy to initiate Sturdiness interior resonating, conceivable, if the internal organs were initiated resonating, the injury to the human body was big. 这音浪极易引发身体内部共振,可以想象一下,如果内脏被引发共振,对人体的伤害有多大了。 Even if were the air/Qi in within the body meridians has resisted, the internal organs of Wei Xiaobei also received some arrived vibrations, but the internal organs received any vibration, Wei Xiaobei will be uncomfortable. 即便是体内经脉里的气抵抗了一下,卫小北的内脏也受到了一些震动,而内脏受到任何震动,卫小北都不会太舒服。 This puts out a blood, is very slight injury. 这吐出一口鲜血,已经算是很轻微的伤害了。 After Wei Xiaobei eats this has owed, with that Great Wolf dogfight gets up, paid attention to his mouth. 卫小北吃了这一亏之后,与那巨狼缠斗起来,就更注意其嘴巴了。 So long as the mouth of that Great Wolf has any action that attempts to open, Wei Xiaobei will extend the leg, kicks toward the Great Wolf mouth the stone of ground. 只要那巨狼的嘴巴有任何企图张开的举动,卫小北就会一伸腿,将地上的石头朝着巨狼嘴巴踢去。 Initial time, that Great Wolf wants one's old tricks heavy actually, comes one to Wei Xiaobei ruthlessly. 最初的时候,那巨狼倒是想要故技重施,给卫小北来一记狠的。 But it has not thought that Wei Xiaobei also has this, the result opens mouth, that gravel happen to flies into its throat, caused Great Wolf, not only cannot put out the sound wave, almost coughed dead on the contrary.( To be continued.) 可它万万没有想到,卫小北还有这一手,结果一张嘴,那石子正好飞入其喉管之中,引得巨狼非但没能吐出音浪,反倒是差点咳断气。(未完待续。)
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