Thepasses message of Xue Ji, madein the Jian Chenheartimmediately the slightly shakes, heunderstandsinstantaneouslywhyXue Jimustmakeownkill the presentperson.雪姬的这番传音,顿时令剑尘心中微震,他瞬间明白了雪姬为何要让自己杀眼前之人。Hedoes not have the connectionwithanybody of class/flowmoon/monthbladesect, does not have anyenmity, in this case, Xue Jicanin an assuredtonesay that ownmustkillthisperson, thatonly had a situation.
The moon/monthdoes not fall, in the handis contaminating the blood of Purple Night Sword Sectdisciple!
月不落,手上沾染着紫霄剑宗弟子的鲜血!Moreoverbyhiscultivation levelboundary, the tacklednaturepossiblyis notordinarydisciple, at least is also the elderrankabovecharacter.
而且以他的修为境界,对付的自然不可能是普通弟子,至少也是长老级别以上的人物。In an instant, Jian Chenheartkilling intentsurges, thatgentlevision, becameinthis momentice-cold.
霎那间,剑尘心底杀意涌动,就连那平和的目光,也是在这一刻变得冰冷了起来。„Snowseventh lunar month, looksin the blackdaymaster/monarchface, someimpolitematterold mendo not haggle overwithyou, but should not be ignorant of the proper action to take.” The moon/monthdoes not fallthatto narrowsmallslitold eyesto stare atXue Ji, the toneis very low and deep.
“雪霜月,看在黑天上人的面子上,一些无礼之事老夫不与你计较,可你也不要不知进退。”月不落那眯成一条小缝隙的老眼盯着雪姬,语气十分低沉。Tradingto doisotherImmortal Emperor, whodaresto speaktohim
换做是别的仙帝,谁敢跟他这么说话Butdoes, blackdaymaster/monarchasImmortal Venerable Realm5-layerpowerhouse, is nothecanprovoke.
但奈何,黑天上人作为一名仙尊境五重天强者,还不是他能招惹的。All around, Immortal Emperorfrommajorinfluencesalsolooks at one another speechless, has a mind to console, butalso the hearthas the worry, for fear thatconsolesinadequatelygivesownto make a troubleon the contrary.
四周,来自各大势力的仙帝也是面面相视,有心想要去劝解,但又心有顾虑,生怕劝解不成反倒给自己惹一身麻烦。„Moon/Monthdoes not fall, youwere the person who diedquickly, cared about the ownface countenanceunexpectedly, ifIwereyou, Ionlythink how shouldescape fromtodaythisdeadtribulation.”Xue Jicold voiceshouted, was really a facedoes not remain.
The moon/monthdid not fallcomplexionto sink, the hoarsesoundis flooding the biting coldchill in the air: „Snowseventh lunar month, you were really dissolute, if not forthere isblackdaymaster/monarchto supportforyou, flushed your words, the old mansuppressedBlack Demon Palacenot to sayanythingyoueven.”
月不落脸色沉了下来,沙哑的声音充斥着彻骨的寒意:“雪霜月,你实在是太放肆了,若不是有黑天上人替你撑腰,就冲你这番话,老夫就算将你镇压黑魔宫也不好说什么。”„Yourthisis notbullies the weak and fears the strong”snowseventh lunar monthto taunt.
“你这不就是欺软怕硬吗”雪霜月嘲讽道。„You......”moon/monthdo not fallsomewhatbreathless, solemnImmortal Venerable, a school of ancestor, is so insultedbyImmortal Emperornowunexpectedly, whenhereceivessoshames.
“你......”月不落有些气急败坏,堂堂仙尊,一派之祖,如今竟被一名仙帝给这般辱骂,他何时受过如此羞辱。At this moment, the moon/monthdid not fallevenmust unable to bearto the snowseventh lunar monthacted, but when hewill soon lose the reason, the blackdaymaster/monarchformflashedto passinhisbrain, thatbigandgreatformhas an invisibledeterrent force, letmoon/monthnot fallrapidlybecomescalm.
这一刻,月不落甚至就要忍不住对雪霜月出手了,只是就在他即将失去理智时,黑天上人的身影在他脑中一闪而逝,那尊高大而伟岸的身影似带着一股无形的威慑力,让月不落迅速变得冷静起来。Histakes a deep breath, visiongloomy and coldis staring atXue Ji, said: „Snowseventh lunar month, youkept on proclaiming the old man the difficultescapingdeadtribulation, how the old man to have a look atyouto make the old mantodaybut actuallybe buriedinthis.”
他深吸一口气,目光阴冷的盯着雪姬,道:“雪霜月,你口口声声说老夫今日难逃死劫,那老夫倒要看看你是如何让老夫葬身于此。”Saying, moon/monthis not fallingis holding the fist in the other handtoJian Chen, the attitudeis genial: „fellow daoist, but alsopleasedo not believe the snowseventh lunar monthnonsense, the snowseventh lunar monththisperson of viperfeelings, seeBlack Demon Palaceto flow the moon/monthbladesectto have no alternativewithus, thereforewantsto murder with a borrowed knife, fellow daoistmayten thousand unable seventh lunar monthto be given the useby the snow.”
The snowseventh lunar monthno longercontinuesto argue, shewithdrew a half steptoJian Chenbehind, expressionsaidindifferently: „I who shouldsayhad said that as forkillsthisperson, as you like.”
雪霜月不再继续争辩,她退后一小步到剑尘身后,神色漠然的说:“该说的我都已经说了,至于杀不杀此人,随你。”Jian Chenis unemotional, but the eyegrounddeep placehas the coldglowto appear, said: „Sinceyousaid that thisperson of Imustkill, Iextinguishedthisperson, Ibelieveyou.”剑尘面无表情,但眼底深处却有寒芒出现,道:“既然你说此人我必须杀,那我就灭了此人吧,我相信你。”Simple„Ibelieve when you”fall into the snowseventh lunar monthin the ear, immediatelymade the snowseventh lunar monthcorners of the mouthrevealwipes the lightsmile, inthisflash, inherheartas ifpromotedmuchregarding the Jian Chen'sidentity.
The nextquarter, making a move of Jian Chennoindication, sees onlyhistwofingers the sword, the fingertipplacehasdeepwhitesword glowto jumpto shoot, ten thousandzhang (3.33 m)sword lightcoveredentireprimal chaosmountain range, thenchanges to a lightningto cuttowardforehead that the moon/monthdoes not fall.
下一刻,剑尘毫无征兆的出手,只见他两指成剑,指尖处有湛白的剑芒迸射而出,万丈剑光笼罩了整个太极山脉,而后化作一道闪电朝着月不落的眉心斩去。Thistimeacts, hehas not usedDivine Item, butchanges into the long swordbySword DaoPrinciple, when his swordpunctures, voidpresents the heavyheavy swordshadowimmediately, eachheavy swordshadowfills the dreadfulprestige, canmake the worldshatter, Space-Timeavalanche.
此次出手,他没有动用神器,而是以剑道法则化为长剑,当他一剑刺出时,虚空中顿时出现重重剑影,每一重剑影都弥漫出滔天之威,能令天地破碎,时空崩塌。Enoughfiveheavy swordshades, combine into oneinstantly!
The moon/monthdoes not fallcomplexionsuddenly big change, hehas not thoughtJian Chenactuallysaidbeginsto begin, the owngood and evilis one of the class/flowmoon/monthbladesectThird Ancestor, solemnImmortal Venerable RealmOld Ancestor, saidcan it be thatkillscankill
月不落脸色骤然大变,他怎么也没想到剑尘竟然说动手就动手,自己好歹是流月刀宗的三祖之一,堂堂仙尊境老祖,岂是说杀就能杀Howevermakeshimfeelwhatis shockingis the might of thissword, fromthissword, hefelt a deaththreatunexpectedly, thatcontained the powerfulstrengthinsword qi, even ifwere his Immortal Venerable Realm1-layerpeakpowerhousefelt that the hearttrembled.
不过更让他感到震惊的是这一剑的威力,从这一剑中,他竟然感受到了一股死亡般的威胁,那蕴藏在剑气中的绝强力量,哪怕是他这位仙尊境一重天巅峰的强者都感到心颤不已。Although the innermost feelingsare panic-stricken, but the moon/monthdoes not fallis also calm in time of danger, immediatelystrength of the abundantcultivation levelwells upfromhiswithin the bodycrazily, condensesat the same time the thickshieldcross pieceinstantaneouslybefore the body, simultaneouslyinhishandpresents a long blade, fills the prestige of high-gradeDivine Item, is a bladecutsdirectlytoward the front.
尽管内心惊骇,但月不落也是临危不乱,立即有一股雄厚的修为之力从他体内狂涌而出,瞬间凝聚成一面厚厚的盾牌横档在身前,同时他手中出现一柄长刀,弥漫出上品神器之威,直接就是一刀朝着前方斩出。Suddenly, in the world the prestige of Immortal Venerablefills, the collection that madechangesinnearbynumerousImmortal Emperorin abundancecomplexion, being far away in abundancebeing able not help.
一时间,天地间仙尊之威弥漫,令的汇集在附近的众多仙帝纷纷脸色一变,情不自禁的纷纷远离。Theyhave not expectedtwo peopleactually saying that similarlybeginsto begin, after allflows the moon/monthbladesectis not a smallinfluence, soImmortal Venerable RealmOld Ancestor of needleconvectionmoon/monthbladesect, does not consider the consequence
The divine blade that in a twinkling, Jian Chen'ssword qi and moon/monthdo not fallis collidingin an instantintogether, the confrontation of twopowerfulstrengths, change totogether the deafeningbellowin the worldcrack, making the hillsshiver, the landcrack, filled the destructiveenergystormto wreak havoceightsidesby an easily accomplishedpotential, curledseatall.
This energystorm, causes heavy losses toImmortal Monarchsufficiently, drives backImmortal Emperor, as for the immortal of thatNine Heavens Profound Immortalboundariesisnot to mention.
这能量风暴之强,足以重创仙君,逼退仙帝,至于那一名名九天玄仙境的仙人自是更不用说。„Two, stop!”Immortal Emperorshouted angrily, theyput together the strength of stimulation of movementcultivation levelwent all-out, protectedownbehinddiscipledisciple.
“两位,住手!”一名名仙帝纷纷怒喝,他们拼尽全力的催动修为之力,将自己身后的门人弟子保护起来。As for the distant placeImmortal Monarch Realmfromsmallinfluence, complexionallcrazilychanges.
The energystorm of Immortal Venerablelevelto them, simplyis the destructivedisaster.仙尊层次的能量风暴对于他们来说,简直就是毁灭性灾难。HoweverfortunatelyImmortal Emperor Realmpowerhouse of somemajorinfluencesstandin the first line, theypreventedmostenergystorms, when the energystormpassed over gently and swiftlyonecrowd of Immortal Emperor, itsmightcounter-balanced90%.
不过所幸有各大势力的仙帝境强者站在第一线,他们将绝大多数能量风暴阻挡了下来,当能量风暴掠过一群仙帝时,其威力已经被抵消的90%之多。Otherwise, Jian Chen and moon/monthdo not falltimemerelyarethisfight, thencancause heavy losses tomostImmortal Monarch in primal chaosmountain range.
否则,剑尘与月不落仅仅是这一次的交手,便能重创太极山脉内的大多数仙君。Jian Chen and moon/monthdid not falltwopeopleonlyto actonetime, after a shortconfrontation, the worldthenbelonged toslowlytranquilly, the energystorm of wreaking havocis also dissipatingrapidly.剑尘和月不落二人都只出手了一次,短暂的一次交锋后,天地便缓缓归于平静,肆虐的能量风暴也在迅速消散。Sees onlyJian Chenstillto be built onvoid, energy falloutchanged to the intermittentstrong windsto pass over gently and swiftlyfromhim, blowshisclothingclamorto make noise.
只见剑尘依旧立于虚空,能量余波化作阵阵狂风从他身上掠过,刮得他身上的衣衫咧咧作响。Butopposite ofhim, one of the moon/monthclass/flowmoon/monthbladesectThird Ancestordoes not fall, hisheadhas vanisheddoes not see, onlyremains the nape of the neckfollowingbody.
The moon/monthdoes not fall in high-gradeDivine Iteminhand, ischanges toflowing lightpoundingruthlesslyinnearbymountain massif.
月不落拿在手中的上品神器,也是化作一道流光狠狠的砸在附近的山体中。„Twopleaseslightly should not be peaceful... not......”neighbor, there isImmortal Emperor of top influence on open the mouthto mediate a quarrel, hiswordsjusttold only half when stops suddenly, expressionblanklylooksmoon/monthnot to fall.
“两位还请稍安勿...勿......”附近,有顶尖势力的仙帝开口劝架,他话刚说到一半时就戛然而止,神色呆呆的望着月不落。With the retrogression of energy fallout, otherImmortal Emperoralsodiscoveredcondition that the moon/monthdoes not fall, everyone'spupil is the violentcontraction, revealsmay not the color of believing.
随着能量余波的消退,其余仙帝也纷纷发现了月不落的状况,所有人的瞳孔皆是猛烈收缩,露出不可置信之色。At this time, the moon/monthdid not fallthatagedbodyas ifto loseallstrengths, droppedfrom the upper airin a way of freely falling body.
此时,月不落那老迈的身躯似乎才失去了所有力量,以一种自由落体的方式从高空中跌落了下去。In the world, allImmortal Emperorvisionfollowed close on the bodywhereabouts that the moon/monthis not fallingin abundance, in the hearthave raised the startledbig wavemonstrous waves.
天地之间,所有仙帝的目光纷纷紧跟着月不落的身躯下落,心中早已掀起了惊涛巨浪。AsImmortal Emperor, theyare the eyesightextraordinarygenerations, naturallysaw that the next monthdoes not fallalreadybody and soulcompletely eliminated.
身为仙帝,他们都是眼力非凡之辈,自然一眼看出月不落已经形神俱灭。ThatisImmortal Venerable Realm1-layerpeakpowerhouse, in the time of suchflashthenfalls/dies
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