CSG :: Volume #40

#4000: Three old servants ( 1 )

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Solely is not Space Splitting Venerable, followed a Daowei Chengqing many years of that three old servant to shock, they looked to Respectful Celebration Heaven of not far away, felt as before unbelievable. 不单单是裂空尊者,就连跟随道威承庆多年的那三名老仆都震惊了,他们望向不远处的恭庆天界,依旧感到难以置信。 The flash spans most World of Immortals, the accurate arrival destination, this ability they do not have. 一瞬间跨越大半个仙界,精准的抵达目的地,这种能力连他们都不具备。 Is gawking doing? I asked you, others?” Daowei Chengqing complexion sinks, he saw here has the trace of war, the wild energy storm wreaks havoc in sea of stars as before, in the heart has not the good premonition. “愣着干什么?我问你,他人呢?”道威承庆脸色微沉,他看出了这里有大战的痕迹,狂暴的能量风暴依旧在星海中肆虐,心中已经有不好的预感。 Originally was Daowei Chengqing Crown Prince, the old man Chiba Dao Sect Huangbei real person, Crown Prince your highness courteous......” “原来是道威承庆太子,老夫千叶道宗黄陂真人,太子殿下有礼了......” Has not thought that even the Crown Prince your highness this grade of grace and talent Peerless Generation characters were attracted this place to come, from thunder python Sword Sect, said the number azure thunder real person obsolete, Crown Prince your highness courteous......” “没想到连太子殿下这等风华绝代的人物都被吸引到此地来,老朽来自雷蟒剑宗,道号青雷真人,太子殿下有礼了......” At this time, that several Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor in starry sky collect, complexion are affable, bringing the smile to hold the fist in the other hand to Daowei Chengqing, when their vision sweep obsolete from the Daowei Chengqing behind three old servants, all brings strong dreading. 此时,星空中的那几名仙尊境老祖纷纷汇集过来,一个个面色和悦,带着笑脸对着道威承庆抱拳,而当他们的目光从道威承庆身后的三名老仆身上扫过时,皆是带着一股浓烈的忌惮。 They can feel to obtain indistinctly, aura of these three old servants vast like deep pool, limitless, is more terrifying than any Immortal Venerable Realm 7-layer powerhouse that they once contacted. 他们能隐约感觉得出,这三名老仆的气息浩瀚如渊,无边无际,比他们曾经所接触的任何一位仙尊境七重天强者都还要恐怖。 This is true immeasurably deep! 这是真正的深不可测! Daowei Chengqing does not pay attention to surrounding several Immortal Venerable, the vision straight is staring at Space Splitting Venerable, causes surrounding several Immortal Venerable to reveal the awkward color, but no one dares to be therefore discontented. 道威承庆丝毫不理会周围的几名仙尊,目光直直的盯着裂空尊者,引得周围几名仙尊纷纷露出尴尬之色,但没有一个人敢因此而不满。 Others casual retinue comes out to make them roll to extinguish, under so huge disparate, how dare they suspend complexion to Daowei Chengqing. 人家随便一个仆从出来都能让他们所有人团灭,如此巨大的悬殊之下,他们又岂敢对道威承庆脸色 Under the vision gaze of Daowei Chengqing, the Space Splitting Venerable forehead has emitted close beads of sweat, the person who although he faces merely is Immortal Emperor Realm 9-layer Junior, however his has reached to Immortal Venerable Realm 7-layer top powerhouse, felt that the innermost feelings are very disturbed, bring an anxiety. 道威承庆的目光注视下,裂空尊者的额头已经冒出了一层细密的汗珠,虽然他面对的人仅仅是一名仙帝境九重天晚辈,然而他这位已经臻至仙尊境七重天至强者,却是感到内心无比忐忑,带着一丝不安。 Because of the present person, is in World of Immortals living a legend, created the magnificent myth single-handedly. 因为眼前之人,是仙界中活着的一位传奇,一手缔造了光辉灿烂的神话。 The Space Splitting Venerable difficult swallowing saliva, braces oneself saying: Crown Prince your highness, Yang Yutian emits suddenly, took Purple Night Sword Sect that Spirit Gathering Divine Mountain quickly, goes forward to stop obsolete, actually in All Heavens Divine Formation by his hand to heavy losses, therefore simply has not informed Crown Prince your highness with enough time.” 裂空尊者艰难的咽了咽口水,硬着头皮说道:“太子殿下,羊羽天突然冒出,以迅雷不及掩耳之势取走了紫霄剑宗的那座聚灵神山,老朽上前阻拦,却被他手中的诸天神阵给重创,因此根本没来得及通知太子殿下。” Daowei Chengqing complexion sinks, said: „Under his does Immortal Emperor Realm, hide from your eye runs away? Here is not Skyscraping World, here your ability has not received any limit, finally can't watch including Immortal Emperor?” 道威承庆脸色微沉,道:“他不过仙帝境而已,就这么从你眼皮子底下逃走?这里可不是摩天界,在这里你的能力没有受到任何限制,结果连一名仙帝都看不住?” Is obsolete incompetent, disappointed the expectation of Crown Prince your highness.” The Space Splitting Venerable no powerhouse style, appears in front of Daowei Chengqing somewhat acts servilely. “是老朽无能,辜负了太子殿下的期望。”裂空尊者毫无强者风范,在道威承庆面前显得有些卑躬屈膝。 Daowei Chengqing is somewhat angry, that had not calmed down in the energy storm that from the starry sky, he has known Space Splitting Venerable to evade the important questions for the easy, somewhat comes and goes out with the real situation. 道威承庆有些恼怒,从星空中那仍未平息的能量风暴中,他就已经知晓裂空尊者是在避重就轻,与真实情况有些出入。 Crown Prince your highness, is it possible that are you on that Supreme Divine Item to Yang Yutian also interested?” Nearby Immortal Venerable Realm 6-layer holds the fist in the other hand to ask. 太子殿下,莫非你也对羊羽天身上的那件至尊神器感兴趣?”附近的一名仙尊境六重天抱拳问道。 The words of this person make Daowei Chengqing knit the brows, he is interested in Jian Chen Supreme Divine Item, thing that but he is interested, may be different from the people. 此人的话语让道威承庆皱眉,他是对剑尘身上的至尊神器感兴趣,但他感兴趣的东西,可和众人不一样。 At this moment, Daowei Chengqing as if detected that anything, that light vision all of a sudden becomes sharp, fierce looking to the sea of stars deep place. 就在这时,道威承庆似乎察觉到了什么,那平淡的目光一下子变得锋锐起来,猛的望向星海深处。 In his vision the place of looking, from the Respectful Celebration Heaven very remote ordinary stars on, the tall and powerfully built middle-aged robust man crosses the hands behind the back to stand, the vision is also looking out Respectful Celebration Heaven. 在他目光所望之处,一处距离恭庆天界非常遥远的平凡星辰上,正有一名身材魁梧的中年壮汉负手而立,目光同样在遥望恭庆天界。 But under the distance, Respectful Celebration Heaven of distant place has so been similar to the dust size. 而在如此距离之下,远方的恭庆天界已经如同尘埃般大小。 Such remote distance can also find that my existence, this Daowei Chengqing is not really simple.” In that middle-aged robust man eyes reveals wipes the color of surprise, looked that had the delicate change to the Daowei Chengqing vision. “这么遥远的距离都还能发现我的存在,这个道威承庆果然不简单。”那名中年壮汉眼中露出一抹诧异之色,看向道威承庆的目光发生了微妙变化。 „The Jian Chen's performance surprises me somewhat actually, thinks needs me to intend to wish him to get out of trouble, finally he was out of the difficult position depending on the own ability, in following time , he so long as does not expose own on own initiative, can find him because of this no one.” “不过剑尘的表现倒是让我有些意外,原本以为需要我出手才能祝他脱困,结果他凭自己的能力就脱离了困境,接下来的时间里,他只要不主动暴露自己,因该没人能找到他。” He is really also crude enough, for Purple Night Sword Sect that Spirit Gathering Divine Mountain, takes such big risk unexpectedly......” “不过他也真够鲁莽的,为了紫霄剑宗的那座聚灵神山,竟然冒着这么大的风险......” The middle-aged robust man exudes the sound of talking, at once he turns around slowly, the whole body seems has trillion stars twinkles, next quarter, his whole person towering vanishes does not see, departs instantaneously. 中年壮汉发出自语声,旋即他缓缓转身,周身好似有亿万星辰闪烁,下一刻,他整个人突兀的消失不见,瞬间离去。 After he walks, in the starry sky outside Respectful Celebration Heaven, Daowei Chengqing also took back the vision, sighed lightly: Has not thought that actually still the Heavenly Emperor level has the hidden, seems like protecting Jian Chen evidently in secret , even if Jian Chen has not run away from your person of hands, is unable to block Heavenly Emperor depending on your abilities.” 当他走后,恭庆天界外的星空中,道威承庆也收回了目光,轻叹道:“没想到竟然还有一位天帝级存在隐藏,看样子似乎是在暗中保护剑尘,罢了,即便是剑尘没有从你们这些人手中逃走,凭你们的能力也无法拦住一位天帝。” A Daowei Chengqing vision revolution, looks out the Purple Night Sword Sect direction, sighs with emotion: Purple Night Sword Sect, although deteriorates, but its past remaining prestige still saves until now for several points......” 道威承庆目光一转,遥望紫霄剑宗的方向,感慨道:“紫霄剑宗虽然衰败,可它昔日的余威至今都犹存几分......” After saying, Daowei Chengqing leads three retinues to turn around to depart, not dull. 说完之后,道威承庆就带着三名仆从转身离去,一刻也没有多呆。 In the starry sky, three retinues bring Daowei Chengqing to return toward Daowei Family by extremely quick speed, but looks at the previous quarter just now to arrive in Respectful Celebration Heaven, stopped over several breath to return to family's Daowei Chengqing merely, this made three retinues somewhat puzzled. 星空中,三名仆从带着道威承庆以极快的速度朝着道威家族返回,只是望着前一刻才刚抵达恭庆天界,仅仅逗留了几个呼吸就重新返回家族的道威承庆,这让三名仆从都有些不解。 „Did master, that call the Jian Chen's junior really so to be in your eyes important? Can let rush to Respectful Celebration Heaven that the master you spares no efforts unexpectedly specially.” A retinue is really the opens the mouth inquiry that cannot bear, in their hearts was clear, secret skill that Daowei Chengqing displays can the twinkling span most World of Immortals, his pays the price that some they did not know surely. “主人,那叫剑尘的小辈在您眼中真有这么重要吗?竟能让主人您不辞辛苦的专程赶往恭庆天界。”一名仆从实在是忍不住的开口询问,他们心中都清楚,道威承庆施展的秘法能瞬息跨越大半个仙界,其自身必定付出了一些他们所不知的代价。 Because regarding Immortal Emperor Realm 9-layer, this ability is really extremely in heaven defying. 因为对于一名仙帝境九重天来说,这种能力实在是太过于逆天 „The junior present situation of is not quite good, in World of Immortals has too many people to look around for him, if the master really favors this person, was inferior that we spread the news, making him come to go to the master on own initiative. With master your present prestige, in World of Immortals wants Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor that turns to be countless, let alone Jian Chen trivial Immortal Emperor Realm......” “那小辈如今的处境可不太好,仙界中有太多人在四处搜寻他,主人若是真的青睐此人,不如我们放出消息,让他主动前来投奔主人。以主人您如今的威望,仙界中想要投靠的仙尊境老祖都不计其数,更别说剑尘区区仙帝境了......” Right that „said that he, so long as obtained the master your asylum, in World of Immortals also who does dare to move him? Even if flying immortal Heavenly Emperor must think over......” “说的对,他只要得到了主人您的庇护,仙界中还有谁敢动他?纵使飞仙天帝都得掂量掂量......” Another two old servants also open the mouth in abundance, when talking about the Heavenly Emperor level character, during the spoken languages does not have other powerhouse that to dread, performs to reveal serene. 另外两名老仆也纷纷开口,在谈到天帝级人物时,言语间没有其余强者的那股忌惮,尽显云淡风轻 Any supreme talent, has its lofty and unyielding character, wish makes him turn, may not have you to imagine is so simple.” The Daowei Chengqing smile said. “任何天骄,都有其傲骨,想要让他投靠,可没有你们想象中的那么简单。”道威承庆微笑道。 At this moment, old servant aura of becomes the disorder to get up all of a sudden, the tyrannical aura uncontrolled broken body, led to fierce energy raging tide in the starry sky. 就在这时,其中一名老仆身上的气息一下子变得紊乱起来,强横的气息似不受控制的破体而出,在星空中引发了一场凶猛的能量狂潮。 Immediately, in the vast starry sky, radiant galaxy are dim, trillion stars seem are trembling. 顿时,浩瀚星空中,一条条璀璨的星河为之黯淡,亿万星辰都好似在战栗。 Although is the boundary of 7-layer, but aura is not weak in 8-layer, even comes compared with many 8-layer, goes beyond. 虽然是七重天之境,可气息丝毫不弱于八重天,甚至是比起许多八重天来,都是有过之而无不及。 One of them aura loses control, another two old servants quickly first protect Daowei Chengqing by the strength of their cultivation level, then flashes with Daowei Chengqing is being far away. 其中一人气息失控,另外两名老仆急忙第一时间以自身的修为之力护住道威承庆,而后一个闪身带着道威承庆远离。 Looks at the old servant who that aura is losing control, in another two old servant eyes all reveals color of the envying, not only does not have to worry slightly, instead is also passing a happy mood. 只是望着那气息失控的老仆,另外两名老仆眼中皆是露出一丝羡慕之色,非但没有丝毫担忧,反而还透着一股高兴的情绪。 Gradually, on old servant who in that aura loses control, appears one after another mysterious texture, in implication world to the profound secret, is obscurely difficult to be bright. 渐渐的,在那气息失控的老仆身上,浮现出一圈又一圈玄奥的纹理,蕴含天地间的至深奥秘,晦涩难明。 The Grand Dao texture in old servant rapid spread, quick proliferated his whole body, but old servant aura of also starts to increase in this moment rapidly, has to break open 7-layer faintly, strides in the boundary of 8-layer. 大道纹理在老仆身上飞速蔓延,很快就遍布了他全身,而老仆身上的气息也在这一刻开始飞速攀升,隐隐有破开七重天,跨入八重天之境。 Master, please bestow the law!” Suddenly, that old servant is kneeling down to Daowei Chengqing on one knee in void, respectful has a crazy color. “主人,请赐法!”突然,那名老仆在虚空中对着道威承庆单膝下跪,恭敬中带着一丝狂色。 The Daowei Chengqing vision concentrates, brow tight wrinkle. 道威承庆目光一凝,眉头紧皱。
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