Not is only he, manyImmortal Venerable the daylacksreal personsuddenunusualactionmakingis startled, inheartpuzzled.
The Nine Heavenly Gods Valleyheretical ways, hehas not participatedfrom beginning to endanyin view of the action of Yang Yutian.九天神谷的左道倒还罢了,他从始至终都没有参与过任何针对羊羽天的行动。But the daylacks the real personto be different, beforetorecapturenurturing sword spirit fruit, hesummonedhunt of manySkyscraping WorldImmortal Venerable RealmOld AncestorparticipationtoYang Yutian, made that the entiresummitregion can not be peaceful.
可天缺真人不一样,之前为了夺回育剑灵果,他可是号召了不少摩天界仙尊境老祖参与对羊羽天的追捕,弄得整个山顶区域不得安宁。Althoughhunts of theseImmortal VenerableparticipationtoYang Yutian, havinga large part, becauseisdroolsYang Yutianheavenly material treasure, but the daylacks the factor of real personalsoplays a hugepropelling force.
虽说那些仙尊参与对羊羽天的追捕,有很大一部分因为是垂涎羊羽天身上的天材地宝,可天缺真人的因素也是起到了一个巨大的推动力。Finallynow, the daylackedreal personnurturing sword spirit fruitnot to take carry back, poursalsostandsthat sideYang Yutianin turn, evenalsointendedto breakfinalformationto helpitsdifficulty-reliefpersonally, thishugereversemadethemsomewhatblurry.
结果现在,天缺真人育剑灵果没有拿回来,倒还反过来站在羊羽天那边了,甚至还亲自出手打破最后的阵法助其脱困,这巨大的反转把他们所有人都弄得有些迷糊。After allregardingYang Yutian, they do not have the enmity, someare only the conflicts of interests. The daydoes not lack the real personlikelylike that becauseonce the nurturing sword spirit fruitmatterhas also launchedchasing downtoYang Yutian.
毕竟对于羊羽天,他们没有仇怨,有的只是利益之争。不像天缺真人那般,曾因为育剑灵果的事还对羊羽天展开过追杀。„Daylacks the real person, is it possible thatyouthink that rescuedYang Yutian, heobedientgivesyouthatsupreme treasure, ifyouthinklike this, thatalso was too rather naive......”
“天缺真人,莫非你以为救了羊羽天,他就会乖乖的将那件至宝交给你吗,你如果是这样想的,那未免也太天真了吧......”„Daylacks the real person, Iknow that actuallyyoualsowantto obtainthatsupreme treasure, butyouthousandshould notten thousand not makeYang Yutianget out of trouble, youknowustosurroundhim, actuallyto consume the bigstrength......”
“天缺真人,我知道其实你也想得到那件至宝,可你千不该万不该让羊羽天脱困,你知道我们为了困住他,究竟耗费了多大的力气吗......”„Stupid, even ifmustcompete forthatsupreme treasure, must firstsolveYang Yutian, rather thanhelpshimget out of trouble......”
“愚蠢,就算要争夺那件至宝,也要先解决掉羊羽天,而不是助他脱困......”„Daylacks the real person, youchase downYang Yutianmost ruthlessone, obsoletereallydoes not doclearly, whyyoumusthelpthispersonnow......”
The daylackscomplexion of real personismore and moreugly/difficult to look at, afterknowing the Jian Chenhandhad the token that Great Bright Heavenly PalaceCrown Princessgrantspersonally, hedoes not dareto aim atJian Chen, similarlyis also afraidhearsadvancesownwith the opinion of Jian Chenopposite.
天缺真人的脸色是越来越难看,在知道了剑尘手中有大明天宫长公主亲自赐予的令牌后,他就再也不敢针对剑尘了,同样也害怕听到一些将自己推到与剑尘对立面的言论。Especiallyhearsthatownto chase down the Yang Yutianwordsfinally, as iftoucheshisreverse scaleto result, makinginhisheartbe burning with anger, drinkssuddenlygreatly: „Shut up! How the old menwork, but also is not one's turnyouto gesticulate, in briefnow, the old mandoes not lookhelplessly the Yang Yutianlittle friendtobe bulliedfewbyyou.”
The voicefalls, the daylacksreal personimposing mannerto riseagain, the willbecomes the unprecedentedfirmness, heturns the headJian Chen that looked at a distant placenot to depart, loudlyexclaimed: „The Yang Yutianlittle friend, walksquickly, the old mandelaystimeforyouwith every effort.”
话音一落,天缺真人身上的气势再次攀升,意志变得前所未有的坚定,他转头看了眼远方还未离去的剑尘一眼,大吼道:“羊羽天小友,快走,老夫尽力为你拖延一点时间。”„Was insane, the daylacks the real person, the old manlooked that you were really insane, not clearownis makinganything.” A Immortal Venerable Realm3-layerpowerhousecoldopens the mouth, hegraspsDivine Sword, bodysword intentsoars to the heavens, the directswordcutsbrokenvoid, bringing the unprecedentedpotentialthornto lack the real personto the day.
“疯了,天缺真人,老夫看你是真的疯了,都不清楚自己在做什么了。”一名仙尊境三重天的强者冷然开口,他手持神剑,身上剑意冲天,直接一剑斩碎虚空,带着一往无前之势刺向天缺真人。„Daylacks the real person, even ifyourYangDivine Swordsectbacks onGreat Bright Heavenly Palace, butwewill not haveanyflinchingin the face of such good fortune, sinceyouinsist onso, thathasto offend......”
“天缺真人,就算你们阳神剑宗背靠大明天宫,但在此等造化面前我们也不会有任何退缩,既然你执意如此,那就只好得罪了......”Facingcomingdreadful sword glow, the daylacks the real personto be critical situation, hissameswordpunctures, immediatelyhasterrifying the prestige of the world to fill the air, causes his sword, as ifchanges to a hot sun of roundflamingcombustion, havingprestige of the God levelbattle skillto collidewiththat3-layerDivine Swordtogether.
面对迎面而来的滔天剑芒,天缺真人如临大敌,他同样一剑刺出,顿时有恐怖的天地之威弥漫,使得他这一剑,就仿佛是化作一轮熊熊燃烧的烈日,带着一股神级战技之威与那名三重天的神剑碰撞在一起。„Bang!” a loud sound, in the wildenergystormwreaks havoc, the daylacks the footsteps of real person is not possible the self-madestaggeringretreat.
“轰!”一声巨响,在狂暴的能量风暴肆虐中,天缺真人的脚步不可自制的踉跄后退。Opposite, thatImmortal Venerable Realm3-layercould not bearwithdrawseveralsteps.
对面,那名仙尊境三重天也是忍不住退后了几步。TheyallgraspSword DaoPrinciplepowerhouse, battle strength is very strong, the daylacks the real personto displayGod levelbattle skillby the 2-layerboundary, is onlywell-matched that and opposite partyputs together.
他们皆是掌握剑道法则的强者,战斗力都很强,天缺真人以二重天的境界施展神级战技,也只是和对方拼的旗鼓相当。Howeverlacksto the daymaynot onlybe a person that the real personacts, follows, twoImmortal Venerable Realm2-layeralsoacted, Divine Sword in handswaystwopowerfulsword lightshoots towardsdaysto lack the real person.
The daylacksreal persononeto shout angrily, inDivine Swordbyhandresists, buthejustdisplayedGod levelbattle skill, at this momentis at an oldstrengthalreadycompletely the new strengthnotfreshcondition, is not naturally ableto resisttwosame rankopponentsstrikes.
天缺真人一声怒喝,以手中的神剑进行抵挡,只是他刚施展神级战技,此刻正处于一种旧力已尽新力未生的状态,自然无法抵挡两名同阶对手的一击。Onlylistened to a depresseddull thumping sound, the dayto lack the body of real personto fly upside down, poundedwith an extremelydistressedstanceonrearstone wall.
“星河落幕!”Another side, the Nine Heavenly Gods Valleyheretical waysare also fighting, hedisplayssecret skillfromNine Heavenly Gods Valley, when a boxingleaves, voidhas the strength of mammothgalaxyto transformimmediately.
That of might his fistcontains, makingsome3-layerpowerhousereveal the prudentcolor.
The resultnextquarter, severalImmortal Venerablealsomake a move, the secret skillflash that the heretical waysdisplaymade into the smashing, ifthen the daylacks the real personlike that whole personhitflying upside down.
结果下一刻,数名仙尊同时出手,左道施展的秘法一瞬间就被打成粉碎,而后如天缺真人那般,整个人被打的倒飞了出去。Insame rankaloneto the war, by the inheritance of heretical waysNine Heavenly Gods Valley, commonImmortal Venerableat all is nothisopponent, butcannot support the personto be many.同阶中单独对战,以左道九天神谷的传承,寻常仙尊根本不是其对手,但也架不住人多。Faced withSupremeDivine Itemthishugeseduction, no onehas had scruples the heretical ways and daylacks the background of real person, but under does not have the extreme methods, butunifies the strength of many to repeltheir two people.
在至尊神器这巨大的诱惑面前,已经没有人去顾忌左道和天缺真人的背景了,但同样也没有下死手,只是结合多人之力将他们二人击退。Facingseveral timesinImmortal Venerable of one's own side, the heretical waysor the daylack the honorable peopleto just like the flywaspto shake the tree, cannot get upto stop the effectslightly.
面对数倍于己方的仙尊,无论是左道还是天缺真人都犹如蚍蜉撼树,起不到丝毫阻拦效果。Another side, used the strength of ghostimmortalremains, has become the bluecolorful butterfly that cannot withstandweakly to the one hand grasp the Jian Chen'sshoulder, changes to the blood-colorremnantshadowto grazetoward the distant placebyquickestspeedtogether.
另一边,动用了鬼仙遗骸之力,已经变得虚弱不堪的蓝彩蝶已经一手抓着剑尘的肩膀,化作一道血色残影以最快的速度朝着远方飞掠。Shenowis weak, everydisplays the strength of ghostimmortalremainsto pay the heavypriceonetime, presentshehas only had the strength of escaping, without the strength of least bitagainwar.
她现在非常虚弱,每一次施展鬼仙遗骸之力都会付出不轻的代价,如今的她已经只剩下逃跑的力气,没有半点再战之力了。If the timedragsexcessivelyfor a long time, sheevenescapingdifficultly.
若是时间拖得过久,她甚至连逃跑都艰难。„BlueVice Cult Lord, yourgoalhas achieved, why must usethatstrengthto saveme”at this time, was raisedby the bluecolorful butterflyin the hand, seems likecould not have withstoodweakly, was almost hanging in the balanceJian Chenopened the eyesuddenly, cautioussent greetingsto the bluecolorful butterfly.
“蓝副教主,你的目的已经达成,为何还要动用那种力量来救我”这时,被蓝彩蝶提在手中,看上去已经虚弱不堪,几乎是命悬一线的剑尘突然睁开了眼睛,小心翼翼的对蓝彩蝶传音。speed of bluecolorful butterflyis extremely quick, is speeding awayon the broadmountain road, the momentdoes not dareto delay, her oldvisionworrieslooked atJian Chenone, said: „Youare not the person who ourghostimmortalteaches, thereforeis unable to realizeprofoundlySirHeavenly Emperoris actually giantto the help that ourghostimmortalteaches, similarlydoes not understand that actuallyourghostimmortaltaught the sense of gratitudetoHeavenly EmperorSeniorto go to the what kindsituation, sinceyouwereSirHeavenly Emperor the person of regarding as important, even ifthatoldbodywere at cost ofthislife, will saveyouwith all might and main.”
蓝彩蝶的速度极快,正在宽阔的山路上一路疾驰,片刻不敢耽误,她那苍老的目光略带担忧的看了剑尘一眼,道:“你不是我们鬼仙教的人,所以无法深刻的体会天帝大人对我们鬼仙教的帮助究竟有多么巨大,同样也不明白我们鬼仙教对天帝前辈的感激之情究竟达到了何种地步,你既然是天帝大人所看重之人,那老身纵然是拼了这条老命,也会竭尽全力的救你。”In secret, clearmuddyOld Ancestorgoes into hidingin the nihilities, the purity that unflusteredfollowinginbluecolorful butterflybehind, said the words that listens to the bluecolorful butterfly.
暗中,清浊老祖隐匿在虚无间,从容不迫的跟在蓝彩蝶身后,将蓝彩蝶所说的话听的一清二楚。„Heavenly EmperorthischildbehindstandsHeavenly Emperor the clearmuddyOld Ancestorpupilto shrinkunexpectedly”slightly, Heavenly Emperor, thisinWorld of Immortalsis the supremesynonym, inthisendlesslongyears, is next toexistence of SupremeHeavenly Emperorrepresents, let aloneto his Immortal Venerable Realm7-layer, great person who even ifregardingsomeImmortal Venerable Realm9-layerpowerhouse, Heavenly Emperormay notprovoke.
“天帝此子身后竟然站着一位天帝”清浊老祖瞳孔微微一缩,天帝,这在仙界是至高无上的代名词,在这无尽漫长的岁月中,天帝所代表的都是仅次于太尊的存在,别说是对他这位仙尊境七重天,纵然是对于一些仙尊境九重天强者来说,天帝都是不可招惹的大人物。Howevereven ifknows that the Jian ChenbehindstandHeavenly Emperor, clearmuddyOld Ancestordoes not have the thought that mustgive upslightly, was only the prudentcolor of eyegrounddeep placewas thickerseveralpoints.
不过就算知道剑尘身后站着一位天帝,清浊老祖也没有丝毫要放弃的念头,只是眼底深处的慎重之色更浓了几分。„Youwalkquickly, do not manageme, inSkyscraping WorldhasImmortal Venerable Realmlate-stagepowerhouse.”Jian Chentoneheavysaying.
“你快走,不要管我,摩天界内有一位仙尊境后期的强者。”剑尘语气沉重的说道。hearing that, the bluecolorful butterflybodyshakes, thatoldfaceinstantaneousdisastrous incident, the visionalsopresented the delay of flash.闻言,蓝彩蝶身躯一震,那苍老的面庞瞬间惨变,目光也出现了一刹那的呆滞。Butat onceshethenshakes the headsubconsciously, said: „Is impossible, thisis absolutely impossible, Skyscraping Worldhad openedseveral times, nowinthisvaluebiggestisninebigsecretsword who the Sword DaoseedandSkyscraping Sword Venerableleft behindin the past, could not have attractedcultivation levelto reachdepending onthesethingstoexistence of Immortal Venerable Realmlate-stage, such astheirsogreat person, howthatboredrushes tohereto comepersonally, even ifherehasthem the thing , should still only send the followingpersonto take.”
但旋即她便下意识摇头,道:“不可能,这绝对不可能,摩天界已经开启了数次,如今这里面价值最大的就是剑道种子和摩天剑尊当年留下的九大秘剑,凭这些东西还吸引不了修为臻至仙尊境后期的存在,如他们这般大人物,又岂会那么无聊的亲自跑到这里来即便是这里有他们所需之物,也只会派遣下面的人来取。”„Youknow that onmehas the thing of thatlevel, obtained the confirmation of Item Spirit, youthink that will havefalse”Jian Chento say.
The body of bluecolorful butterflysomewhatbecomes stiff, at once a chill in the airfills the airquietly, shecannot believeJian Chen'sto guess,after all the Jian Chenboundaryon the swayed there, eventuallyis onlyImmortal Emperor.
蓝彩蝶的身躯有些发僵,旋即一股寒意悄然弥漫,她可以不相信剑尘的猜测,毕竟剑尘境界就摆在那里,终究只是仙帝。Butifpassed throughSupremeDivine ItemItem Spiritto confirm that will not have the false.
但若是经过了至尊神器的器灵确认,那就不会有假了。Whilethistime, Jian Chenworked loose the palm of bluecolorful butterflyall of a sudden, looked in a handthatstrengthlargeweakened, the auraenoughfarSword Daoseed that butsends out, cannot help butsighedas beforegently.
趁此时机,剑尘一下子挣脱了蓝彩蝶的手掌,看了眼手中那颗力量已经大幅减弱,但散发出的气息依旧足够远的剑道种子,不由得轻轻一叹。„Does not needto manageme, otherwiseyouwill fall into the perdition.”Throws downthese words, Jian ChendisplaysSpace Principleto go far awayinstantly, vanishesin the thickspiritfoginstantaneously.
“不必管我,否则你会陷入万劫不复之地。”丢下这句话,剑尘施展空间法则刹那远去,瞬间消失在浓浓灵雾中。Butwas grasped the Sword Daoseedinhandbyhim, thenfillsintenseaurato radiatefrequentlyby far, just likeat night a beacon light, provided the accuratedirectionforrearpursuit.
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