Now, the capeold man who Thousand Souls Demon Venerableandchanges tohalf -and-a-half people of flood dragonshapesfell into the deadlock, in a short time, both sidescannot do toanyone.
If onlyThousand Souls Demon Venerableandcapeold mantwo people, thatgetseven for dozensyears, evenseveral hundredyearsnot necessarily canend the fight.
倘若只是千魂魔尊和斗篷老者两人,那即便是打上数十年,甚至数百年都不一定能结束战斗。Butherehad/leftJian Chen!
可偏偏这里多出了位剑尘!At this moment, Jian Chensituated innot far awayheld upUpright Heaven Sword in handslowly, bloomsinthatburning the eyessword light that fromUpright Heaven Sword, is hiding a fluctuation of Space Principle.
此刻,位于不远处的剑尘缓缓的举起了手中的立天剑,从立天剑上绽放出的那炽目剑光之中,隐藏着一股空间法则的波动。As his swordwields, Sword DaoPrinciple and Space Principlestrengthalsoerupts, as ifpuncturedSpace-Time, thenvanishesinvoidin a flash.
随着他一剑挥出,剑道法则与空间法则的力量同时爆发,就仿佛是刺破了时空般,而后一瞬间消失在虚空之中。At this moment, hedisplayedShadowless Life-Seizing Sword, Upright Heaven Sworddisappearedtogether withhissmallhalfarminvoid, invisiblesword qispanned the distance between both, disregarded the capeold manprotection, cutintohiswithin the bodydirectly.
这一刻,他施展了无影夺命剑,立天剑连同他的小半截手臂都消失在虚空中,一股无形的剑气跨越了两者间的距离,无视斗篷老者身上的防护,直接斩入了他体内。Is launchingcapeold mancomplexionsuddenly big change of war of state of mindwithThousand Souls Demon Venerable, hefeltsuddenlypowerfulsword qiexplodessuddenlyinownwithin the body, batters, is destroyinghisflesh body.
正与千魂魔尊展开神魂之战的斗篷老者脸色骤然大变,他猛然感觉一股强大的剑气突然在自己体内爆裂开来,横冲直撞,在破坏他的肉身。Ifin the ordinary day, this degree ofsword qiis not enoughto cause heavy losses tohim, can only beat most the smalltrouble, butat this moment, heis conducting the war of state of mindwithThousand Souls Demon Venerable, almostwhole-heartedly, has been incapable ofcaring aboutother, in this case, naturallymadeJian Chen'sShadowless Life-Seizing Swordexpandto the injury that other partybecame.
若是在平日,这种程度的剑气远不足以将他重创,顶多只能算是一点小小的麻烦,但此刻,他正与千魂魔尊进行神魂之战,已几乎是全力以赴,无力顾及其他,在这种情况下,自然就使得剑尘的无影夺命剑对他造成的伤势扩大了许多。„Pū!” The capeold manopens the mouthblowoutbloodfog, someinnumerableinternal organspowder dustdopingare one of them, auraall of a suddenbecameweak.
The nextquarter, heexudeswithdrawing that remaining silent that is full of the pain, the footstepsstagger, complexioninstantaneouslybecamepale.
In heis wounded, Thousand Souls Demon Venerableseizes the opportunity that disappears, caused heavy losses tohisstate of mindall of a sudden.
因为在他受创之际,千魂魔尊抓住那转瞬即逝的机会,一下子重创了他的神魂。It can be said that Jian Chen'sexistedto breakThousand Souls Demon Venerable and balance between capeold men, becausehisall sorts ofmethods were too uncommon, althoughis unable to cause heavy losses toImmortal Venerable Realm3-layerpowerhousewith the ownitsstrength, but if conducted auxiliaryin the one side, the role of thatdisplaywas huge, canplayturns around the situation the advantage.
可以说,剑尘的存在打破了千魂魔尊与斗篷老者之间的平衡,因为他的种种手段实在太不凡了,尽管无法凭着自己的本身实力重创一位仙尊境三重天强者,但若是在一旁进行辅助,那发挥的作用非常巨大,能够起到扭转战局的优势。„Sect Master, youdestroyhisflesh body, ifthispersondid not haveflesh bodyto be the root, Imustextinguishhimto be easy as pie.”In the capeold manmouthmakes the hoarsesound, at this moment, inhistwoeyes, the left eyemapshisform, butright eyebyThousand Souls Demon Venerableoccupying.
“宗主,你毁他肉身,此人若是没了肉身为根,我要灭他易如反掌。”斗篷老者嘴中发出沙哑的声音,此刻,他的两只眼睛中,左眼映射出他自身的身影,而右眼则是被千魂魔尊给占据。Thousand Souls Demon Venerable seems to have controlled the halfbody of capeold man!千魂魔尊似乎已经控制了斗篷老者的半边身躯!Jian Chenwields the long sword, displaysShadowless Life-Seizing Swordagain, suddenly, powerfulsword qiblasts outincapeold manwithin the bodytogetheragain.剑尘挥动长剑,再次施展无影夺命剑,瞬息间,一道强大的剑气再次在斗篷老者体内炸开。Howeverthistime, the capeold manis prepared, the strength of powerfulvitalityfloods the whole body, protectedownInner Mansion.
不过这一次,斗篷老者已经有了准备,强大的气血之力充斥全身,护住了自己的内府。Heis the body of halfmonster, flesh bodycompared withsame rankpowerhouseeven more powerful, under the protection, causesJian ChenseconddisplayingShadowless Life-Seizing Swordfull power, to the injury that other partybecomeswas far less than that is so for the first time strong.
他是半妖之体,肉身比同阶强者还要强大,在全力防护之下,使得剑尘第二次施展的无影夺命剑,给他造成的伤害远不如第一次那么强。Jian Chenalsodetectsthis point, fortunatelygave upShadowless Life-Seizing Sword, hismoves sidewaysto arrive atcapeold manthatto turn into front of the bodies of half -and-a-half people of flood dragons, inwithin the bodyChaos ForcecontinuousinjectionUpright Heaven Sword, madeUpright Heaven Swordrays of lightrisesimmediately, thenbrought a piece of radiantsword lightswordto standin the body of capeold manfull power.剑尘也察觉到这一点,所幸放弃了无影夺命剑,他一个闪身来到斗篷老者那变成半人半蛟的身躯面前,体内的混沌之力源源不断的注入立天剑中,顿时令立天剑光芒大盛,而后带起一片璀璨的剑光全力一剑站在斗篷老者的身躯上。„Bang!”
A loud sound, the body of capeold manhitflewby far, untilhittingto stopongiant stone a severalli (0.5 km) away.
一声巨响,斗篷老者的身躯被打的远远飞了出去,直到撞在数里外的一颗巨石上才停了下来。Heby the injury, had not been obviously coveredin his wrap/setshigh-gradeDivine ItemBattle Armor that is constitutedby the scalesresistsJian Chen'sthisto strike.
他并没有受到明显的伤势,覆盖在他身上那套由鳞甲构成的上品神器战甲抵挡了剑尘的这一击。At this moment, Divine ItemBattle Armorrays of lightis dim, itsprotection capabilitylargeweakened.
The capeold manintentionmoves, the vastcultivation levelbillowingrevolution of Immortal Venerable Realm3-layer, will supplementenergy that Divine ItemBattle Armorloses.
斗篷老者心念一动,仙尊境三重天的浩瀚修为滚滚运转,正要补充神器战甲损耗的能量。Stimulates to movementhigh-gradeDivine ItemBattle Armorby the strength of hiscultivation level, of defensestrengththatforms, is notJian Chencanbreak through, even ifin the Jian Chenhandalsohashigh-gradeDivine ItemUpright Heaven Swordstill is also insufficient.
以他的修为之力去催动一件上品神器战甲,那所形成的防御力之强,根本就不是剑尘所能攻破的,哪怕剑尘手中同样有上品神器立天剑也依然不够。AlsoonlyhasShadowless Life-Seizing SwordandProfound Sword Qithesetwotypes of cards in a hand, cancreatetroublesomesometoImmortal Venerable.
也唯有无影夺命剑和玄剑气这两种底牌,能够对仙尊造成一些麻烦。But in the capeold manjust about toawakens the protection of Divine ItemBattle Armor, hisbodyshiverssuddenlyfiercely, at oncesees the within the bodybillowingrevolution the strength of vastcultivation levelto be all of a sudden nothing left.
可就在斗篷老者刚要唤醒神器战甲的防护时,他的身躯突然剧烈颤抖起来,旋即就见体内滚滚运转的浩瀚修为之力一下子荡然无存。At this important moment, Thousand Souls Demon Venerableserves with the influence, disturbed the control of capeold man'sstrengthtocultivation level.
在这关键时刻,千魂魔尊施以影响,干扰了斗篷老者对修为之力的掌控。„——damn, hateful, tumbles out the body of old man!”Capeold manshouted angrily, has a dreadfulangercrazytoThousand Souls Demon Venerableacts, the strength of twoterrifyingstate of mindare conducting violentcollisiontime and time again.
“啊——该死,可恶,滚出老夫的身体!”斗篷老者一声怒喝,带着一股滔天之怒疯狂的对千魂魔尊出手,两股恐怖的神魂之力在进行一次又一次的猛烈碰撞。„Bang!”whilethistime, Upright Heaven Sword in Jian Chenhandbloomsradiantsword light, is a swordpunctureson the capeold man, thatstrongimpulse the staggeringretreat that the body of capeold manhits, scaleBattle Armorlostallrays of lightinstantaneously, the defensive power that high-gradeDivine Itemformedis nothing left.
“轰!”趁此时机,剑尘手中的立天剑绽放出璀璨剑光,又是一剑刺在斗篷老者身上,那强大的冲击力将斗篷老者的身躯打的踉跄后退,身上的鳞片战甲瞬间失去了所有的光芒,上品神器所形成的防护力已经荡然无存。Jian Chenis a swordcuts, powerfulChaos Forcespout, under the Chaos Forcestimulation of movement, causes of power and influenceUpright Heaven Sword in handshows, even ifsomeImmortal Emperor Realm9-layerpowerhouseare hard to attain.
紧接着,剑尘又是一剑斩出,强大的混沌之力在喷涌,在混沌之力催动之下,使得手中的立天剑所展现出的威势之强,纵使一些仙帝境九重天强者都难以企及。Because ofhigh-gradeDivine Item, onlyhas to show the completeprestigeenergyin the Immortal VenerableChina, althoughsomeImmortal Emperorcanwieldhigh-gradeDivine Item, but can only playsmallsomemighteventually, andis unendurable, because the consumption of cultivation levelwill be huge.
因为上品神器,唯有在仙尊手中方才能展现出全部威能,一些仙帝虽然能执掌上品神器,但终究只能发挥出一小部分威力,且不能持久,因为修为的消耗会非常巨大。Butat this moment, underbyChaos Forcestimulation of movement, the might that Upright Heaven Swordshowshas achievedseven8-layer.
A dull thumping sound, the body of capeold manwas struckto flybyJian Chenagain, Upright Heaven Swordcannotdestroyputs on hishigh-gradeDivine ItemBattle Armor, evenisa wee bittraceshas not stayed behindcontinually.
一声闷响,斗篷老者的身躯再一次被剑尘击飞,立天剑未能破坏穿在他身上的上品神器战甲,甚至是连一丁点痕迹都没有留下。Obviouslyby the Jian Chenpresentstrength, destroysmiddle-gradeDivine Itemnaturallynot to have the issue, butmustdestroyhigh-gradeDivine Item, attack intensityalsoby farinsufficient.
显然以剑尘如今的实力,摧毁中品神器自然没有问题,可要破坏上品神器,攻击强度还远远不够。Mayput on capeold manhigh-gradeDivine ItemBattle Armor, becausedoes not have the energyto stimulate to movement, therefore is only left overDivine ItemBattle Armorfirm, Jian Cheneachattack the strength of thatpowerfulcounter-shakingbrings, thenhas not reducedattachescompletelyon the capeold man.
可穿在斗篷老者身上的上品神器战甲因为没有能量去催动,所以只剩下神器战甲本身的坚固,剑尘每一次攻击时所带来的那股强大反震之力,则是没有丝毫削减的全部附加在斗篷老者身上。Sees onlycapeold manonestuffily, flesh bodysuffered the hugeimpact, within the bodyfive main internal organsas ifmustbe broken.
只见斗篷老者一声闷哼,肉身遭受了剧烈的冲击,体内的五脏六腑都仿佛要被震碎掉了。Hehaspowerfulcultivation levelspatially, butunder the diversion of Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, does not have the energyto transfer the strength of cultivation level.
他空有一身强大的修为,但在千魂魔尊的牵制下,已经没有精力去调动修为之力了。Hishalfbody, had been controlledbyThousand Souls Demon Venerable!
他的半边身躯,已经被千魂魔尊所掌控!„JieJieJieJie, Sect Master, continue, continue , to continue to try harder, onceruinshisflesh body, ifhedoes not have a duckweed, lost the home advantage, howlooks athimalsowith the true body/this seniorfight.” The capeold manexudes the strangelaughter.
“桀桀桀桀,宗主,继续,继续,继续加把劲,一旦毁掉他的肉身,他就如无根之萍,失去了主场优势,看他还如何与本尊斗。”斗篷老者发出怪笑声。Butquick, hislaughterrestraining, complexionbecomesgloomyto be incomparable, the angershouted: „To kill the old man, the wishful thinking, tumbles out the body of old man......”powerfulaurato head on, capeold manwithin the body the strength of cultivation leveljust likeoneto constrainfor a long timefiremountain-like, will erupt.
但很快,他的笑声收敛,脸色变得阴沉无比,怒喝道:“想要杀老夫,痴心妄想,滚出老夫的身体......”一股强大的气息扑面而来,斗篷老者体内的修为之力就犹如一座压抑许久的火山似得,正要爆发出来。But the nextquarter, anotherwillstrengtharrivessuddenly, strove for the controlwithhim, caused the strength of reprecipitationactivecultivation level, just likeresults by frozenas.
可下一刻,另一股意志力量骤然降临,与他争夺了控制权,使得活跃的修为之力再次沉淀了下去,犹如被冰封似得。In the Jian Cheneyeis glittering the coldcoldglow, heactsagain and again, Chaos Forceeruptedone after another, graspsUpright Heaven Swordto puncture a swordanothersword, sword qilike the waterfall, mammoth, such asninedays of Milky Waydipped, formed a wonderfulpicture scrollin the world, shonein the mountains and plains.剑尘眼中闪烁着冷冽的寒芒,他连连出手,混沌之力接连爆发,手持立天剑刺出了一剑又一剑,剑气如瀑,波澜壮阔,如九天银河倾落,在天地间形成了一幅美妙的画卷,映照在山野之间。
The capeold manwas hit hard, hides the function of strength of flesh bodyinhigh-gradeDivine ItemBattle Armorundercounter-shaking, is collapsing, five main internal organswas shaken the powderall.
斗篷老者遭受重击,掩藏在上品神器战甲内的肉身在反震之力的作用下,正一片又一片的崩溃,五脏六腑都被尽数震成粉末。Moreover, underhobbling of Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, hedoes not even have the healingstrength.
“轰!”At this time, is a bellowspreads, asJian Chenthisswordcut, flesh body of capeold mancollapsedthoroughly, setinhishigh-gradeDivine ItemBattle Armorsoftfallingon the ground.
这时,又是一声轰鸣声传出,随着剑尘这一剑斩出,斗篷老者的肉身彻底崩溃开来,套在他身上的上品神器战甲软绵绵的掉在地上。„The ——old manwill not let offshouting that your......”capeold mansends outto clench jaws, hisPrimordial Spiritbloomsblinding rays of light, thenchanges toonegroup of flameto run awaytoward the distant place.
“啊——老夫不会放过你们的......”斗篷老者发出咬牙切齿的嘶吼,他的元神绽放出炽目的光芒,而后化作一团火焰朝着远处逃窜。„JieJieJieJie, you, ifhasflesh body, in front oftrue body/this senior, in additionalsohas the possibility of running away, mayonlyremainPrimordial Spirityou, is unable to escape even with wingsin front oftrue body/this senior.”Thousand Souls Demon Venerableexudes the biglaughter, heisthis field of endeavorpowerhouse, in addition the suppression of boundary, the capeold man of Primordial Spiritconditionjust like the babyto be small and weakbeforehim.
“桀桀桀桀,你若有肉身,在本尊面前尚且还有逃走的可能,可仅剩元神的你,在本尊面前可是插翅难飞啊。”千魂魔尊发出大笑声,他是此道强者,再加上境界的压制,元神状态的斗篷老者在他面前就犹如婴儿般弱小。Sees onlyhisopens the mouthto attract, Primordial Spirit of capeold manimmediately cannot help butapproachestowardThousand Souls Demon Venerable.
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