„This not exhaustedSeniorworry.”Jian Chen not salty not palesaying.
The capeold mandoes not care about the Jian Chen'sattitude, hehesaid with a smile: „Yang Yutian, inold manheartsomedoubts, but alsolooks atyou to be liberal with the explanation.”At this point, histoneslightlymakes the stop, does not give the opportunity that Jian Chenopens the mouth, thendirect examination: „Actually are youwhatstatus? Whatbackground?”
The Jian Chenbrowslightlywrinkle, said: „My had statusandbackgroundand otherissues, informedin the outside worldbefore? Why can Senioralsoinquireagain?”剑尘眉头微皱,道:“我的身份及背景等问题,之前在外界就已经告知了诸位?前辈为何还要再次询问?”„loose cultivator, can actually by the Immortal Emperor Realm6-layerstrength, cutto killtwoboundariesto be higher thanownpowerhouseone after another, andhas not feared the threat of Wind Family, the old manlivedso manyyears, suchloose cultivatorHuan Zhen (really)has not seen.” The capeold manhehesaid with a smile.
“一介散修,却能以仙帝境六重天的实力,接连斩杀两名境界高于自身的强者,并且还不惧风氏家族的威胁,老夫活了这么多年,这样的散修还真没见过。”斗篷老者呵呵笑道。„Have wordshence, believedas forSenior, thatwas notJunior this matter of worrying.”Jian Chenattitudeindifferentsaying.
“话已至此,至于前辈信不信,那就不是晚辈该操心的事了。”剑尘态度漠然的说道。„Hehehehe, it seems likeby the old manImmortal Venerable Realm3-layerstrength, but could also not deter your Immortal Emperor Realmjunior. Moreoverregarding the old man, youas if no tiny bitdreading. Yang Yutian, the old manreallydoes not know that actuallyyouhavewhatchip, when canletyoufacing the old man is so calm, butafter allhereSkyscraping World, completelyclose, with the independentworld that the outside worldisolates......”
“呵呵呵呵,看来以老夫仙尊境三重天的实力,还震慑不了你这位仙帝境小辈。而且对于老夫,你似乎没有一丝一毫的忌惮。羊羽天,老夫真不知你究竟有什么筹码,能够让你面对老夫时还这般气定神闲,毕竟这里可是摩天界,一个完全封闭,与外界隔绝的独立世界......”„, Youare not willingto disclose that the ownstatus and origin, the old mandid not letyourto make things difficult forinthisissue. Butanotherdoubts in old manheart, hope that youcaninformtruthfully, Chaotic Star Heavenly Emperorbeloved daughter does Xing Caijian, whytreatyourattitude is not so ordinary?”
“罢了,你不愿透露自己的身份与来历,那老夫就不在这个问题上让你为难了。但老夫心中的另一个疑惑,希望你能如实告知,乱星天帝的掌上明珠星彩间,为什么对待你的态度这么不一般?”„Senior, do youlikeinquiringothers'secretso much? Ifchanges a personto inquireyou, wantsyouto sayonownallcards in a hand and secretsdirectly, does not know how Seniorshouldchoose?”Jian Chenquitesomenotanti-opens the mouth.
“前辈,你就这么喜欢去打探别人的秘密吗?若是换一个人来询问你,直接要你说出自己身上的所有底牌和隐秘,不知前辈又该如何抉择?”剑尘颇有些不耐的开口。„Thatmustlook at the opposite partyiswhatstatus, if Chaotic Star Heavenly Emperorthisgrade of characterinquires the old manpersonally, the old mannaturallydoes not dareto havetiny bitconcealment, will decidewill informtruthfully.” The tone of capeold manis very earnest, oneis not the stance of cracking a joke, at once his hiddenboth eyesundercapejumpssuddenlyprojectsbrightrays of light, as iftwosubstantivevisionpenetrated the cape, straightilluminationonJian Chen: „Although the old manwas far less thancharacter who Chaotic Star Heavenly Emperorthatkept aloof, butYang Yutian, to you, the old man is also andChaotic Star Heavenly Emperornotdifferent.”
“那得看对方是什么身份了,如果是乱星天帝这等人物来亲自询问老夫,那老夫自然不敢有一丝一毫的隐瞒,定会如实告知。”斗篷老者的语气十分认真,一副并不是开玩笑的姿态,旋即他那隐藏在斗篷下的双目忽然迸射出明亮的光芒,仿佛有两道实质般的目光穿透了斗篷,直直的照射在剑尘身上:“虽然老夫远不如乱星天帝那等高高在上的人物,但是羊羽天,对于你来说,老夫也是与乱星天帝无异。”„Therefore, Imustknowtoyouanswerall, expressed oneself fully? So long asisyouwantsto know that even if onme the deepestlevelsecretmusttellyou?”Jian Chensmiled, is looking atoppositecapeold manby a ponderinglook.
“所以,我就要对你知无不答,言无不尽?只要是你想知道的,哪怕是我身上最深层次秘密都得告诉你?”剑尘笑了起来,以一种玩味的眼神望着对面的斗篷老者。„Yang Yutian, regardless ofyouarerealloose cultivatorare also good, falseloose cultivator, youmustunderstand a truthin brief, inthisSkyscraping World, even ifyoureallyhavewhatbackground, outsidepersonis impossibleto helpyou, byyourImmortal Emperor Realm6-layerstrength, even if capable ofcuttingto killImmortal Emperor Realm8-layer, mayin the old maneyesstill be the antsnotdifferent. One who knows the times great, offended the old man, ishundredevilsdoes not have a profittoyou.”
The capeold manspreads the sneeringsoundgradually: „Therefore, youbestare the obedientcoordinateold man, repliedall that the old manwantsto know, can not haveconcealslightly.”
斗篷老者渐渐的传出冷笑声:“所以,你最好还是乖乖的配合老夫,回答老夫想要知道的一切,不得有丝毫隐瞒。”„IfIdo reject?”Jian Chenpondersto say with a smile.
“若我拒绝呢?”剑尘玩味笑道。„The old manhasto offend, makes a moveto seizepersonallyyou.” The capeold mantoneiceis cold, sending out that coldkilling intentnot minces.
“那老夫就只好得罪了,亲自出手将你擒下。”斗篷老者语气冰寒,一股冷冽的杀意毫不掩饰的散发而出。Heis not the ignorantperson, has inferredonJian Chento have the secretthroughall sorts ofsigns, but is suchsecretregardingothers a good fortune?
他并不是愚昧之人,通过种种迹象早已推断出剑尘身上有秘密,而这样的秘密对于别人来说又何尝不是一种造化?Thereforein the capeold manheart, has given birth to probablyJian Chencatch, thenturns a thoroughnessinside and outside, inquires aboutallsecretthoughts.
所以在斗篷老者心中,早就生出了一股要将剑尘擒住,然后里里外外翻个透彻,探寻所有秘密的念头。„To seizeme? Visitedyouto havethisskill.” The Jian Chencorners of the mouthrevealcolor of the lightridicule, finishes speaking, hethenstimulates to movement the Heaven Escape Divine Armorconcealmentfunctionquietly, whole personvanishesdoes not see.
“想擒我?就看你有没有这个本事了。”剑尘嘴角露出一丝淡淡的讥讽之色,话音刚落,他便催动遁天神甲的隐匿功能,整个人悄无声息的消失不见。Is gathering the strengthin secret, the preparationis startled the capeold man who Jian Chencatchesquicklyimmediately, the nextquarter, tyrannicalDivine Sensefills the air, in an instantcoverssurrounding areahundredli (0.5 km)void, startscarefulsearcheachvoid.
正在暗中蓄力,准备以迅雷不及掩耳之势将剑尘擒住的斗篷老者顿时一怔,下一刻,一股强横的神念弥漫而出,刹那间笼罩方圆百里虚空,开始仔细的搜寻每一处虚空。Meanwhile, hispalmlifts, beforeJian Chen a positionpressure that is , the tyrannicalstrengthsproduceamong the nihilitiesgentlyimmediately, having the mysteriousGrand Daodeep meaningto floodinthatpiece of nihilityspace, the surrounding areacounts the ten milesvoidstrenuous vibration, as ifmustmake all thing of hiddenappear the shape.
与此同时,他手掌抬起,对着剑尘之前所在的位置轻轻一压,立即有一股强横的力量自虚无间产生,带着玄而又玄的大道奥义充斥于那片虚无空间中,方圆数十里虚空剧烈震动,似乎要让一切隐藏之物现出形来。However after the moment, the surroundingsare still empty, does not see the Jian Chen'sform.
然而片刻后,周围依旧空空荡荡,并不见剑尘的身影。Even ifheearlyarrives at the black robeold manto havethisat one fell swoop, thereforeinstimulating to movement the Heaven Escape Divine Armorearliest possible time, thendraws backbySpace Principletohundredli (0.5 km)beyond.
他早就算到黑袍老者会有此一举,因此在催动遁天神甲的第一时间,便以空间法则远退至百里之外。HereisSkyscraping World, variousinsidepowerfulformationspread across, even ifImmortal Venerable Realmis unable to get rid, will receive the suppressions in variousaspects, thereforebeyondhundredli (0.5 km) is still a quitesafedistance.
这里是摩天界,里面各种强大的阵法纵横交错,即便是仙尊境都无法摆脱,会受到各方面的压制,所以百里之外也算是一个较为安全的距离。Immortal Venerable RealmpowerhouseSpiritual Consciousnessis hardto break throughthisdistance.仙尊境强者的神识难以突破这个距离。Another side, somecapeold mancomplexiongloomy, whendiscoveringJian Chenvanishes, he earliest possible timehas disruptedthisvoid, howeverhas not compelledas beforeJian Chen, thissurpriseshimsomewhat.
另一边,斗篷老者脸色有些阴沉,在发现剑尘消失时,他已第一时间扰乱这片虚空,然而依旧没有将剑尘逼出来,这让他有些意外。AsImmortal Venerable Realm3-layerpowerhouse, the capeold man is also experienced, he seemed to have guessed correctly that Jian Chenhas not been far away, standssaid in same placesinkingsound: „Yang Yutian, do not forget, buttwoWind FamilySupreme Elderdiein your hands, ifyoudo not appear, how longthatcould not want, thismatterwill then be knownbySkyscraping Worldineveryone.”
只是身为仙尊境三重天强者,斗篷老者也是见多识广,他似乎已经猜到剑尘并未远离,站在原地沉声说道:“羊羽天,别忘了可是有两名风氏家族的太上长老死在你手中,你若不出现,那要不了多久,这件事情便会被摩天界内的所有人所知。”„EvenafterSkyscraping Worldfinished, thismatterwill also pass toextremely the winddaybyquickestspeed, was knownby the Wind Familyhigh level.”
“甚至在摩天界结束后,这件事情也会以最快的速度传到极风天,被风氏家族的高层所知晓。”„Howeveryou, will then become the Wind Familymortal enemy, does not knowtaking advantage in yourheart, can blockWind FamilyReverse Wind Monarch.”
The voice of capeold manreverberatesinthiswooded mountains, after saying, hethencrosses the hands behind the backto stand, stands in same placepatientwaiting.
斗篷老者的声音在这片山林间回荡,说完之后,他便负手而立,站在原地耐心等待。Superficially, heis a calmstance, butwill have mentionedhighestin secretvigilantly.
After more than tenbreath, surroundingsdoes not have anysound, voidhas not given birthchangesslightly.
十几个呼吸后,周围没有任何动静,就连虚空中都没有生出丝毫变化。„Is it possible that has Yang Yutianbeen far away fromhere?”In the capeold manheartsuspectedsecretly,may be called the perfectconcealmentabilityregardingJian Chenthis, healsoexclaims.
“莫非羊羽天已经远离了这里?”斗篷老者心中暗暗猜想,对于剑尘这堪称完美的隐匿能力,他也是惊叹不已。Waited for the momentagain, seesas beforenothingunusually, the capeold manthenturned aroundto leavehere.
再次等候了片刻,见依旧没有任何异常,斗篷老者便转身离开了这里。„Not can only result in the attention of female of Xing CaijianHeavenly Emperor, but alsoby the trivialImmortal Emperor Realm6-layerstrength, can actually under the old maneyeshidesneak off, it seems like that this Yang Yutiansecretare many. Ifhe is really loose cultivator, thatobtained the hugeopportunitysurely.”
“不仅能得天帝之女星彩间的关注,而且以区区仙帝境六重天的实力,却能在老夫眼皮子底下溜走,看来这羊羽天身上的秘密不少啊。他若真是散修,那必定是获得了天大的机遇。”Capeold manin the Skyscraping Worldfootplaceaimlessinquires about the chanceeverywhere, but the Jian Chen'sformas ifbecomestogether the brand mark, the deepportrayinhisbrain, has been able hardly be removed.
斗篷老者在摩天界的山脚处漫无目的的四处探寻机缘,而剑尘的身影就仿佛是成为了一道烙印,已经深深的刻画在他脑中,怎么也挥之不去。„Skyscraping Worldsaid that greatlyalsobig, said that smallis also small, the behindassociation/willmeetshimagain. However when waitsto meetYang Yutianagain, wants the thunderto attack, seizeshimbyquickestspeed, cannotmakehimgiveto slip awaylikebefore.”In the capeold maneyesreveals the color of burning hot, as ifinhisheart, has regarded asJian Chenis a ownchance.
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