„ThatImmortal Emperor Realmjunior, is actually whatorigin, canmake the Chaotic Star Heavenly Emperordaughtersocareunexpectedlyto care, evendoes not hesitateto bravewithonecrowd of Immortal Venerablefor the consequence of enemy, musthelphimcapture the Sword Daoseed......” the heretical waysfromNine Heavenly Gods Valleynot to haveanxiouslydeparture, the visionalsostares at the direction that Jian Chenvanishes, in the heartis the bigfeelingis curious.
“那名不过仙帝境的小辈,究竟是什么来历,竟然能让乱星天帝的女儿如此关心在意,甚至不惜冒着与一群仙尊为敌的后果,也要助其夺得剑道种子......”来自九天神谷的左道也没有急着离去,目光同样凝望剑尘消失的方向,心中是大感好奇。„The female's of Heavenly Emperorvisionnatureis unusual, shetreatsthatloose cultivatorTeddy is so special, thisexplained that loose cultivatorsurelydoes not havein the surface is so simple, it seems like, Ishouldwithtake a look, ifOk, might as wellseize the chanceto makegoodfriends.”a thoughthence, the heretical waysbringseveralJuniorfromNine Heavenly Gods Valleyimmediately, pursuedin the direction that Jian Chendeparts.
“天帝之女的眼光自然非同一般,她对待那名散修的泰迪如此特别,这说明那名散修肯定没有表面上那么简单,看来,我应该跟上去瞧瞧,若是可以的话,不如就趁机结上一桩善缘。”一念至此,左道立即带着来自九天神谷的几名晚辈,朝着剑尘离去的方向追了过去。„Fellow Daoist Scarlet Fire, yousaid that Yang Yutianthisperson, seriouslyisloose cultivator? Why can hegainattaching great importance to of female of Xing CaijianHeavenly Emperor?”Another side, Profound Spirit Monarchicecertainlyheavenly palacefivebigOld Ancestor, inmaintaining composurepasses messagetoScarlet Fire Immortal Venerable.
“赤火道友,你说羊羽天此人,当真是一名散修吗?为何他能得到天帝之女星彩间的重视?”另一边,凌绝天宫五大老祖之一玄灵上人,在不动声色的向身边的赤火仙尊传音。Scarlet Immortal CityScarlet Fire Immortal Venerable, oneselfhad not entered the Skyscraping Worldquota, the twoquotas in hishandonlysaving, is the consumptionenormouspricebuys, granted the eldest sonrespectivelyChi Yutian, as well asseventhchildChi Yun (Scarlet Cloud).亦仙城的赤火仙尊,自身本来是没有进入摩天界的名额,他手中仅存的两个名额,都是耗费极大代价买来的,分别赐予了大儿子赤玉田,以及第七子赤云。Howeveras a result ofseventhchildChi Yun (Scarlet Cloud), relatescertainlyexcellentlywith the iceheavenly palacefivebigOld AncestorProfound Spirit Monarchgrandsons, causesScarlet Fire Immortal Venerable is also followsto profit at someone's expense, insituation that in the iceheavenly palacepersonallyactscertainly, successfullyexchanged a quotain the Skyscraping Worldexterior domain, andgiftScarlet Fire Immortal Venerable.
不过由于第七子赤云,与凌绝天宫五大老祖玄灵上人的孙子关系极好,使得赤火仙尊也是跟着沾了些光,在凌绝天宫亲自出面的情况下,成功在摩天界的外部区域交换来了一个名额,并将之赠予赤火仙尊。Therefore, had not plannedto enterScarlet Fire Immortal Venerable in Skyscraping Worldfrom the start, iscanstep ontofortunatelyonetimeinSkyscraping World.
所以,原本压根就没打算进入摩天界内的赤火仙尊,也是有幸能够在摩天界内走上一遭。„Profoundspiritfellow daoist, conversation between female of Xing Caijian and Yang YutianHeavenly Emperoryoualsoheard, what we definitely know is that Xing Caijiandoes not recognizeYang Yutian, finallyis actually willingto goto helpYang Yutianon own initiative, thereforenowin the oldpunky heartismore and moreassured, the body of thisYang Yutianfeared that is hiding the bigsecret.”Scarlet Fire Immortal Venerablesaid,regardinguntil nowisstatusYang Yutianof unknown origin, inhisheartisnot onlydreads, andhates.
“玄灵道友,天帝之女星彩间与羊羽天之间的交谈您也听见了,可以肯定的是,星彩间并不认得羊羽天,结果却愿意去主动帮助羊羽天,所以现在老朽心中是越来越笃定,这羊羽天的身上怕是隐藏着大秘密。”赤火仙尊说道,对于至今都是身份来历不明的羊羽天,他心中是既忌惮,又怨恨。Whatdreadedis the opposite partythatmakesoneascertain that airtightmethod, firstiscutsto killMonarch WukunandGrotto Void Old AncestorthesetwoImmortal Venerable Realm2-layerpowerhouse.
忌惮的是对方那令人捉摸不透的手段,先是斩杀无昆上人和洞虚老祖这两位仙尊境二重天的强者。Afterwardcultivation levelreachedtoImmortal Venerable Realm4-layerOld Ancestor Jing Kongfalls/diesin his hands.
Didn't suchability, somewhatdreadinHall Luminary Heaven? How manypeoplealsothere are not scared?
这样的能力,在堂曜天界又有几分不忌惮?又有几人不胆寒?Whathateis, becauseJian Chen'sappearedthusdisruptedhisplan, caused should the extremely easy to obtaintwoquotasto vanish into thin air, finallyhas to the massive hemorrhage, obtain the Skyscraping Sword Scripturequotafromotherchannels.
怨恨的是,因为剑尘的出现从而打乱了他的计划,使得本该唾手可得的两个名额不翼而飞,最终不得不大出血,从其他渠道获得摩天剑经名额。„Bigsecret? Actuallyiswhatsecret, cancause the female of Heavenly Emperorsoto care aboutthisperson?”Listened to the Scarlet Fire Immortal Venerablewords, Profound Spirit Monarchto revealimmediatelywipes the color of interest.
When hisvisionlooked atJian Chento departsilent the direction the moment, thensaidslowly: „Fellow Daoist Scarlet Fire, black wind is fellow daoist, interested inmeetingthisloose cultivatornamedYang Yutian?”
The Scarlet Fire Immortal Venerablecorners of the mouthrevealwipe the smile, said: „IenterSkyscraping Worldthequota, butprofoundspiritfellow daoistpresents as a gift, allobey the arrangement of profoundspiritfellow daoist.”赤火仙尊嘴角露出一抹笑容,道:“我进入摩天界的这一个名额可是玄灵道友所赠,一切听从玄灵道友的安排。”Profound Spirit Monarchshows a faint smile, withsound said: „Fellow Daoist Scarlet Fire, waited for the tour of Skyscraping Worldto finish, welcomeyouto comeouriceheavenly palaceto be a guestmomentarilycertainly, obsoletesettledwas invited alongpersonally.”玄灵上人微微一笑,和声道:“赤火道友,等摩天界之行结束,欢迎你随时来我们凌绝天宫做客,老朽定当亲自作陪。”hearing that, Scarlet Fire Immortal Venerableimmediatelyinheartgreat happiness, the holding the fist in the other handexpression of gratitude of busynon-place, ifonrealsocial climbingicecertainlyheavenly palacebig tree, althoughboth sidesdo not belong tosameHeaven, so long asthere issuchsingle layerrelations , can also makeScarlet Immortal Cityenhancemuchin the Hall Luminary Heavenposition.闻言,赤火仙尊顿时心中大喜,忙不地的抱拳道谢,若是真的攀附上了凌绝天宫这颗大树,尽管双方不属于同一个天界,但只要有这样一重关系在,也能使得亦仙城在堂曜天界的地位提高不少。At least, Hall Luminary Heavencertaintopinfluences , to aim attheirScarlet Immortal City, mustthink over.
最起码,堂曜天界的某些顶尖势力要想针对他们亦仙城,也需重新掂量掂量了。Was called the black windfellow daoistpersonbyProfound Spirit Monarch, is an old man who wears the blacklong gown, Immortal Venerable Realm3-layercultivation level.
被玄灵上人称之为黑风道友的人,是一名身穿黑色长袍的老者,仙尊境三重天修为。Hears the invitation of Profound Spirit Monarch, black windImmortal Venerablehad not opposed, nod of slowly.
听闻玄灵上人的邀请,黑风仙尊没有反对,缓缓的点了点头。Then, black windImmortal Venerable, Scarlet Fire Immortal VenerableandProfound Spirit Monarchmakehanger-ondiscipleeach oneseek for the ownchance, buttheirthreebigImmortal Venerable Realmpowerhousearegoes hand in hand, tags along after the position that Jian Chenis departingto pursue.
接下来,黑风仙尊,赤火仙尊和玄灵上人让门下弟子各自去寻找自己的机缘,而他们三大仙尊境强者则是结伴而行,尾随着剑尘离去的方位追了过去。Howeverhow longwithoutpursuing, theydiscovered a familiarform.
不过没追多久,他们就发现了一道熟悉的身影。Nine Heavenly Gods Valleyheretical ways!
正是九天神谷的左道!„Are youalsoseekYang Yutian?” The heretical waysvisionlookstoProfound Spirit Monarchseveralpeople, tonelightsaying.
The Profound Spirit Monarchslight nod, said: „Heretical waysfellow daoist, is it possible that did you have the interest in thisperson?”玄灵上人微微点头,道:“左道道友,莫非你也对此人产生了兴趣?”Heretical wayssawanything, said with a smilepale: „Iandyourgoals are not quite perhaps same, IthoughtpurelyYang Yutianthispersonis not the commonperson, thereforepursuesspecially, hopes that canhave a goodreasonwithYang Yutian.”
左道似看出了什么,淡笑道:“我和你们的目的恐怕不太一样,我是单纯的觉得羊羽天此人不是寻常人,所以特意追来,希望能与羊羽天结下一桩善缘。”„Heretical waysfellow daoist, is it possible that haven't youcaught up?” The Profound Spirit Monarchvisiontakes a fast look aroundeverywhere, is surprised the different way.
The heretical waysnod, sighedlightly: „Yang Yutian, althoughis onlyImmortal Emperor Realm, but the method is extremely good, Ipursuedtoherelosthistrailthoroughly, does not know that shouldgo towhereto seek.”
左道点了点头,轻叹道:“羊羽天虽然只是仙帝境,但手段却极其不俗,我追到这里就彻底失去了他的踪迹,不知该去何处寻找了。”hearing that, the Profound Spirit Monarchvisionconcentrates, revealswipes the disappointedcolor.闻言,玄灵上人目光微凝,露出一抹失望之色。At this moment, to theirnot far away, Jian ChenwearsHeaven Escape Divine Armor, the whole personquietconcealmentin the nihility, staticis looking atthis.
此刻,就在离他们双方不远处,剑尘身穿遁天神甲,整个人悄无声息的隐匿在虚无中,静静的望着这一幕。WhenhisvisionsweepstoProfound Spirit Monarch, immediatelyonewipesextremelyvaguekilling intentto flashto pass.
当他目光扫向玄灵上人时,顿时有一抹极其隐晦的杀意一闪而逝。„Perhapsheretical waysfellow daoist, onYang Yutianhas the bigsecret, aren't youinterested?”At this time, Scarlet Fire Immortal Venerableopened the mouthsuddenly.
“左道道友,羊羽天身上恐怕藏有大秘密,你难道就一点都不感兴趣?”这时,赤火仙尊突然开口。„Inaturallyknow that onhimhas the secret, otherwisehow to go so far as tomakesfemale of Xing CaijianHeavenly Emperorsotreathim, butIjustalso said that my interest in the Yang Yutian, is perhaps differenttohisinterestwithyou.”Heretical wayslightsaying, after throwing downthese words, hethendoes not stop, havingbehindseveraljuniorsfromNine Heavenly Gods Valleyto leavehere.
After the heretical wayswalk, Profound Spirit Monarchclosed the visionslowly, is displaying the secret skillcarefulinductionin secret, wantsto catchsometraces.
左道走后,玄灵上人缓缓的闭上了眼界,在暗中施展秘法仔细的感应,想要捕获一些蛛丝马迹。Butwas quickheto open the eye, the visiontook a fast look aroundall aroundboundlessthick fog, said: „Could not have soughthistrail, arrived here, Yang Yutianauravanishesthoroughly. However, sincehecomesfor the Sword Daoseed, thatwill arrive in the peaksooner or later.”
但很快他就睁开了眼睛,目光扫视四周的茫茫大雾,道:“已经寻不到他的踪迹了,一到这里,羊羽天的气息就彻底消失。不过,他既然是为了剑道种子而来,那迟早会抵达峰顶的。”„Walks, welead to the road which must be taken in peakto wait, byhisImmortal Emperor Realmstrength , to crawltothatposition, butmustconsume very bigstrength, is impossibleto run up to front ofus.”
“走吧,我们去通往峰顶的必经之路上等候,以他仙帝境的实力要想爬到那个位置,可是要耗费很大一番力气,不可能跑到我们前面去。”Saying, Profound Spirit MonarchthenbringsScarlet Fire Immortal Venerableandblack windImmortal Venerablelefthere.
说着,玄灵上人便带着赤火仙尊和黑风仙尊离开了这里。Later , some Immortal Venerableappearedinthisplace, similarlylooksfollowingJian Chen'saura, afterhaving achieved nothing, thendivergesin abundance.
之后,又有一些仙尊先后出现在此地,同样是循着剑尘的气息找来,在一无所获之后,便纷纷散去。Whenno one appear here place, Jian Chen'sformquietemergence by richspiritual energyin the thick fog, hisaurawas coveredby the Illusion Monster Clanmaskcompletely, whole personas ifhas fused togetherwith the thick fogcompletely, even if onesweeps off, is hardto discoverhisexistence.
当再也没有人出现在此地时,剑尘的身影悄无声息的出现在由浓郁灵气所化的浓雾中,他的气息被幻妖族面具完全掩盖,整个人仿佛已经完全与浓雾融为一体,纵然是一眼扫去,都难以发现他的存在。Hisvisionlooks at the direction that Profound Spirit Monarchis departing, the visionis gradually cold, in a low voicetwittering: „Has not thought that because of the Xing Caijianaction, canso manyto stare atmeunexpectedly, on the road which must be taken that somepeopleprepare to the peakwaits forme.”
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