CSG :: Volume #38

#3703: Traces full power

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When present Purple Night Sword Sect such as like that maintained Jian Chen to depart as before initially the appearance, entire sect was covered by powerful formation, spiritual energy between world is collecting to come continuously, after formation absorbs, with maintain the revolution of formation. .n thinks of the rabbit update chapter to be most complete comprehensive, correct content restores most promptly, because buffer reason recommendation browser visits the .n official site 如今的紫霄剑宗依旧如当初那般,保持着剑尘离去时的模样,整个宗门都被一层强大的阵法笼罩,天地间的灵气正源源不断的汇集而来,被阵法吸收后,用以维持阵法的运转。【.n思兔更新的章节最完整全面,无错内容修复最及时,由于缓存原因推荐浏览器访问.n官网】 Initially when Purple Night Sword Sect withdrawal, Jian Chen left behind some Immortal Crystal intentionally, the support this great formation maintains a long time sufficiently at present. 当初紫霄剑宗撤走时,剑尘故意留下了一些仙晶,足以支撑眼前这座大阵维持很长一段时间。 All, great formation broken, the immortal who some cultivation level are insufficient is unable to know inside situation. 所有,大阵不破,一些修为不足的仙人是无法得知里面的情况。 However great formation of this level, is unable to prevent crack spatial revering of boundary of Immortal Venerable boundary 7-layer obviously, crack spatial revering takes a quick look around at will, then penetrated formation easily, purity that the Purple Night Sword Sect internal situation looks. 不过这种层次的大阵,显然无法阻挡仙尊七重天之境的裂空尊者,裂空尊者只是随意一眼看去,便轻而易举的穿透了阵法,将紫霄剑宗的内部情况看的一清二楚。 Has been reminded of dear ones who have left, why that covers up!” The crack spatial revering eyes were full of the color of haze, the whole body were filling dreadful killing intent, his cold snort, in both eyes one bunch of divine light jumped to shoot, covered Purple Night Sword Sect protection formation. “既已人去楼空,那又何必遮遮掩掩!”裂空尊者双眼充满了阴霾之色,浑身弥漫着滔天杀意,他一声冷哼,双目中一束神光迸射而出,将紫霄剑宗守护阵法笼罩。 The next quarter, sees Purple Night Sword Sect protection formation to collapse all of a sudden, totally was destroyed including the base, even restores possibly did not have. 下一刻,就见紫霄剑宗守护阵法一下子崩溃开来,连同阵基在内全部被摧毁,连修复的可能都没有了。 An eye of prestige, then destroyed one to resist Immortal Emperor boundary initial-stage formation sufficiently. 一目之威,便摧毁了一座足以抵挡仙帝初期阵法 Lost the shield of formation, the entrance thorough exposition of Purple Night Sword Sect in the air. 失去了阵法的掩护,紫霄剑宗的山门彻彻底底的暴露在空气中。 Side crack spatial revering, a person's shadow glitters, Giant Elephant Immortal Sect another six big Old Ancestor appear one after another. 裂空尊者身边,道道人影闪烁,巨象仙宗的另外六大老祖纷纷出现。 Besides them, Respectful Celebration Heaven many Immortal Venerable boundary powerhouse. 除了他们之外,还有恭庆天界的不少仙尊强者 At this moment, besides Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, these came from Respectful Celebration Heaven other Immortal Venerable, many people looked that has the complex color to the Purple Night Sword Sect vision. 此刻,除了巨象仙宗外,这些来自恭庆天界的其余仙尊,不少人看向紫霄剑宗的目光中都带着复杂之色。 , They as if remembered vaguely for 3 million years ago, Purple Night Sword Sect overawes the World of Immortals magnificent period. 依稀间,他们仿佛又想起了三百万年前,紫霄剑宗威震仙界的辉煌时期。 However now, in the past brilliance dazzling invincible sect, already desolate. 然而如今,当年光辉耀眼的无敌宗门,已然一片落寞。 Crack spatial revering as well as Giant Elephant Immortal Sect another six big Old Ancestor have not stepped into the Purple Night Sword Sect sect range, does not know that is because disdaining in heart, is without this necessity. 裂空尊者以及巨象仙宗的另外六大老祖并未踏入紫霄剑宗宗门范围内,也不知是因为心中的不屑,还是没这个必要。 Also or, is some dreading and worry that because in the heart has. 亦或者,是因为心中存在的某种忌惮与顾虑。 , Strange aura fills the air suddenly from the field, first Old Ancestor crack spatial revering of Giant Elephant Immortal Sect has closed the eye, has Grand Dao Principle to fluctuate in his whole body, one type was similar his whole person to integrate in this stretch of the world, with the world linked. 陡然间,一股诡异的气息自场中弥漫开来,巨象仙宗的第一老祖裂空尊者已经闭上了眼睛,在他周身有大道法则波动,给人一种仿佛他整个人都已经融入了这片天地间,与天地结合在一起。 At this moment, the crack spatial revering god melts the world, with the world Grand Dao cross coupling, understands clearly by its Immortal Venerable boundary 7-layer profound boundary. 这一刻,裂空尊者神融天地,与天地大道交感,以其仙尊七重天的高深境界洞悉过去。 He by being similar peeps at Purple Night Sword Sect in the law of time recollection, seeks for the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect destruction the clue. 他以类似于时光回溯之法窥视紫霄剑宗,寻找巨象仙宗覆灭的线索。 After all all traces in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect had been obliterated thoroughly, even if reaches by crack spatial revering that to the Immortal Venerable boundary late-stage boundary, does not have to attain. 毕竟巨象仙宗内的所有痕迹已经被彻底磨灭,纵然是以裂空尊者那臻至仙尊后期的境界,都毫无所获。 Therefore, his decisive placed on the clue Purple Night Sword Sect. 所以,他果断的将线索放在了紫霄剑宗上。 Suddenly, crack spatial revering stuffy, its complexion in this instant, unexpectedly rapidly became pale, the corners of the mouth place had one to wipe the blood to flow out. 突然,裂空尊者一声闷哼,其脸色在这一霎,竟迅速变得苍白了起来,嘴角处更是有一抹鲜血流出。 Purple Night Sword Sect was born after all Supreme, this place was also assumed by Supreme year to year, during is dark has a say/way to read the protection, to peep completely its passing, must withstand enormous karma backlash.” The crack spatial revering sound is low and deep, his palm one, sees only bronze little bell to float to empty, sprinkles next bronze rays of light to cover him. 紫霄剑宗毕竟诞生过太尊,此地也被太尊常年坐镇,冥冥之中有一股道念守护,要想窥尽其过往,需承受极大的因果反噬。”裂空尊者声音低沉无比,他手掌一摊,只见一口青铜小钟浮空而起,洒下一层古铜色光芒将他笼罩。 This bronze little bell, collects all Immortal Venerable boundary powerhouse in field, complexion instantaneously becomes dignified. 这青铜小钟一出,汇集于场中的所有仙尊强者,脸色瞬间变得凝重起来。 This little bell origin is extremely good, is Old Ancestor in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect history hands down from generation to generation, went through the Monster World being shattered period, although its grade is high-grade Divine Item, but has actually reached to high-grade Divine Item peak. 这口小钟的来历极其不俗,乃是巨象仙宗历史上的老祖宗传下来的,经历了妖界的破灭时期,其品级虽然是上品神器,但是却已臻至上品神器巅峰之列。 Your six people, help my helping hand, even if pays the huge price, we must discover to extinguish my Giant Elephant Immortal Sect chief criminal.” Crack spatial revering turns the head to say to the behind six people, both eyes are scarlet, the blood threads proliferates. “你们六人,助我一臂之力,纵然是付出天大的代价,我们也一定要找出灭我巨象仙宗的罪魁祸首。”裂空尊者转头对着身后的六人说道,双目猩红,血丝遍布。 hearing that, Giant Elephant Immortal Sect six big Old Ancestor not slightly hesitant, under entered bronze little bell to let fall in abundance the light screen, body aura became moved fast all of a sudden. 闻言,巨象仙宗的六大老祖没有丝毫犹豫,纷纷进入了青铜小钟垂落下的光幕中,身上气息一下子变得飘忽了起来。 The next quarter, Giant Elephant Immortal Sect seven big Old Ancestor as if are in one friendly, aura coincides, strength penetration. 下一刻,巨象仙宗七大老祖就仿佛是融合为一体,气息相合,力量贯通。 Their strengths completely centralized on crack spatial revering, making crack spatial revering instantaneous aura rise suddenly, becomes phenomenally powerful. 他们所有人的力量全部都集中在裂空尊者身上,使得裂空尊者瞬间气息暴涨,变得空前强大。 They condense the strength of seven big Old Ancestor, used the unsurpassed secret technique to start to spy on the past again. 他们凝聚七大老祖之力,再次施展无上秘术开始窥探过去。 During this period, their seven people were covered by one group of dazzling rays of light, Grand Dao Principle that the whole body fills is getting stronger and stronger. 在此期间,他们七人被一团耀眼的光芒所笼罩,周身弥漫的大道法则越来越浓烈。 In the sky outside Purple Night Sword Sect sect, two vigorous aura fill the air, is two Immortal Venerable boundary powerhouse arrives at this place. 紫霄剑宗宗门外的天空中,两股浑厚的气息弥漫开来,又是两名仙尊强者来到此地。 This two people, is Celebration Heaven City City Lord Jiang Pingtian, as well as vice- City Lord Fire Virtue Daoist. 两人,正是庆天城城主江平天,以及副城主火德真人 They all are Immortal Venerable boundary 7-layer peak powerhouse, with crack spatial revering of Giant Elephant Immortal Sect in similar altitude, therefore, they just an appearance, collected major Immortal Venerable in field then comes to pay a visit. 他们皆是仙尊七重天的巅峰强者,与巨象仙宗的裂空尊者处于同样的高度,因此,他们二人刚一到场,汇集于场中的各大仙尊便纷纷前来拜见。 In Respectful Celebration Heaven, Immortal Venerable boundary Old Ancestor overwhelming majorities are the initial-stage boundary, middle-stage are few, therefore regarding Jiang Pingtian and Fire Virtue Daoist these two big Immortal Venerable boundary powerhouse, they are looks forward to become friends with on. 恭庆天界,仙尊老祖绝大多数都是初期境界,中期都寥寥可数,因此对于江平天火德真人这两大仙尊强者,他们是巴不得能结交上。 In World of Immortals, any Immortal Venerable boundary late-stage powerhouse, is an enormous shock and awe. 仙界,任何一位仙尊后期强者,都是一种极大的震慑。 Fire Virtue Daoist expression is indifferent, smiling signals by nodding to the people, as if all things that has regarding here, is a being indifferent stance. 火德真人神色淡然,一脸微笑的对众人点头示意,仿佛对于这里发生的一切事情,都是一副漠不关心的姿态。 However Jiang Pingtian does not have Fire Virtue Daoist is so calm, sees only his flashing eyes is staring at Purple Night Sword Sect, the brow tight wrinkle in the same place, does not know that is thinking anything. 不过江平天却没有火德真人那么淡定,只见他目光炯炯的盯着紫霄剑宗,眉头紧紧的皱在一起,不知在想些什么。 „Won't the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect destruction, really have the relations with him?” Partly after making a sound, Jiang Pingtian suspected in the heart secretly, but in the brain actually remembered a form unrestrainedly. 巨象仙宗的覆灭,不会真的与他有关系吧?”半响后,江平天在心中暗暗猜疑,而脑中却情不自禁的想起了一道身影来。 In addition, high-grade Divine Item of on him from Giant Elephant Immortal Sect. 除此之外,在他身上还有一柄来自巨象仙宗上品神器 That high-grade Divine Item, is a Giant Elephant Immortal Sect mixed blood lineage/vein head, Dao Wuxue. 上品神器,属于巨象仙宗杂血一脉的首脑,刀无雪所有。 At this time, Grand Dao Principle that the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect seven big Old Ancestor whole bodies filled started to dissipate, they had stopped divination, everyone was the complexion blanch, the corners of the mouth has the blood to flow. 这时,巨象仙宗七大老祖周身弥漫的大道法则开始消散,他们已经停止了推衍,所有人都是面色发白,嘴角有鲜血流淌而出。 Even if by seven people of strength, helping of incomparably powerful high-grade Divine Item, they also received powerful backlash again in addition as before, everyone is wounded. 纵然是以七人之力,再加上一件无比强大的上品神器之助,他们也依旧受到了强大的反噬,人人负伤。 But they seemed to have discovered, Old Ancestor cannot bear exude one to angrily roar, roared: Purple Night Sword Sect, dares to kill the person of my Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, is who gives your guts.” 但他们似乎有所发现,其中一名老祖忍不住发出一声怒吼,咆哮道:“紫霄剑宗,竟敢杀我巨象仙宗之人,是谁给你们的这个胆。” His palm pats, in the world the energy is turbulent immediately, in a bellow, a Purple Night Sword Sect mountain peak was destroyed. 他一掌拍下,天地间顿时能量汹涌,在一声轰鸣声中,紫霄剑宗的一座山峰被打碎。 Goes to the next place!” Crack spatial Old Ancestor is also complexion gloomy, he greeted people, one step trod, vanished instantaneously does not see. “去下一个地方!”裂空老祖也是脸色阴沉,他招呼一声众人,一步踏出,瞬间消失不见。 Next flickers, Giant Elephant Immortal Sect seven big Old Ancestor simultaneously vanish. 下一瞬,巨象仙宗的七大老祖齐齐消失。 When they appear again, had arrived at Giant Elephant Immortal Sect ten big Immortal Emperor, as well as 81 Immortal Monarch the place of burying bone. 当他们再次出现时,已经来到了巨象仙宗十大仙帝,以及八十一名仙君的埋骨之地。
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