CSG :: Volume #36

#3591: Trades the ball

Changyang, first, two hundred thousand five colors Immortal Crystal!” 长阳,第一,二十万五彩仙晶!” Walks on the Celebration Heaven City avenue, Jian Chen sizes up in the hand to inscribe the token of character, in careful sensation inside strength. 走在庆天城的大街上,剑尘打量着手中铭刻着字符的令牌,在仔细的感知着里面的力量。 He discovered the official stamp strength in the token containing does not stop is of space expansive sky, besides space expansive sky, he on the token of this palm of the hand size, but also seperately felt the strengths of dozens official stamps. 他发现令牌内蕴藏的官印力量绝不止属于宇长空的那一股,除了宇长空之外,他在这不过巴掌大小的令牌上,还另外感受到了数十股官印的力量。 And these strengths, altogether have two levels. 并且这些力量,总共有两个层次。 „The first level, because of this/should is space expansive sky kind of hundred immortal school Wei, as for the second level, because of this/should came from Thousand Immortals General Position.” “第一个层次,因该就是宇长空这类百仙校尉,至于第二个层次,因该是来自于千仙将位。” In a token actually contains so many Celebration Heaven City officer position strengths, it seems like these people bet the backstage of work place.” “一个令牌内竟然蕴藏着这么多股庆天城的官位力量,看来这些人都是赌坊的后台了。” In Jian Chen heart secretly thought. 剑尘心中暗道 Unknowingly, fights a decisive battle six strong time to approach finally, sees only in the Celebration Heaven City upper air, suddenly presented five huge projections. 不知不觉,决战六强的时间终于来临,只见在庆天城的高空中,忽然出现了五个巨大的投影。 The following fight the difference from front, the front several rounds of fights, the outside world is unable to watch the fight picture obviously. 接下来的战斗显然与前面的不一样,前面的几轮战斗,外界是无法观看战斗画面。 However from these round starts, the following each fight will approach the outside world to be public. 但是从这一轮开始,后面的每一场战斗都将向外界公开。 Jian Chen and another ten participants were transmitted by the Celebration Heaven City strength to independent space in again forcefully. 剑尘和另外十名参赛者再次被庆天城的力量强行传送到一个独立空间中。 The same place, the initial 173 people, only have their 11 people now. 同样的地方,最初一百七十三人,如今就只剩下他们十一人。 Jian Chen vision subconscious sizes up the other ten people, discovered that many of them are the vigor are full, does not dare saying that everyone restored the peak, but at least also restored to the most likely (80%) strengths of peak. 剑尘目光下意识的打量余下十人,发现他们许多人都是精气神饱满,不敢说每个人都恢复到了巅峰时期,但至少也恢复到巅峰时期的八成实力。 Quick, in the top of the head of people, 11 light groups emerges out of thin air. 很快,在众人的头顶,十一个光团凭空出现。 Vision subconscious falling of people on 11 light groups, in the vision is reveals the burning hot and anticipation. 众人的目光下意识的落在十一个光团上,目光中皆是露出炙热与期待。 Because of this round, the blank quota, will still select the blank, will not need to participate in the fight, directly advances to six. 因为这一轮,依然会有一个空号名额,抽中空号,将不用参与战斗,直接进入六强。 This was also the last blank. 这同时也是最后一个空号了。 After six are strong, fights a decisive battle three! 六强之后决战三强! But this final three people, is a tangled warfare, comes out the final winner in three people of tangled warfare. 而这最后的三人,则是一场混战,在三人混战中决出最后的胜者。 This drawing a bye opportunity, does not know that the luck of the draw.” The Immortal Feather Sect Xia Mingtian vision stares at the 11 light balls of upper air, exudes twittering the sound. “这一次轮空的机会,不知会花落谁家。”仙羽门夏鸣天目光凝望高空的十一个光球,发出呢喃之声。 Has a fellow, front every draws a bye one time is he, does not know that is what luck, this time drawing a bye, is impossible is he.” Middle-aged man light opens the mouth that wears the black long gown. “有个家伙,前面的每一次轮空都是他,也不知是什么运气,这一次的轮空,不可能又是他吧。”一名身穿黑色长袍的中年男子淡淡开口。 He is Supreme Elder of god hidden palace, named escaping empty. 他是神隐殿的一位太上长老,名叫遁虚。 God hidden palace, although is inferior to 12 Heavenly Courts, but also inferior several points, the name shakes the starry sky. 神隐殿,虽然不如十二天庭,但也逊色不了几分,名震星空。 Giggle, these draws a bye time, if that fellow, I thought several of us did not need to struggle, he directly first. Because can draw a bye for successive two times, this is the unprecedented matter, if also draws a bye for the third time, he obviously is the decided but not yet announced person, we hit, is sets off.” Luo Family Zi Huaiyu said with a smile. “咯咯咯,这一次轮空如果还是那家伙,那我觉得我们几个也不用争了,他直接就第一了。因为能连续两次轮空,这就已经是史无前例的事了,如果第三次还轮空,那他显然就是内定之人,我们打来打去,也不过是陪衬而已。”罗氏家族紫怀雨笑道。 „The Celebration Heaven City officer position, always competes relied on the strength, how can there be decided but not yet announced to say. Moreover, from ancient to present, has never had any precedent......” 庆天城的官位,从来都是凭实力争夺,岂有内定之说。而且,从古至今,也从未有过任何先例......” Impartiality and justness that indeed, Celebration Heaven City Item Spirit becomes famous, continuously strict scrupulously followed the Celebration Heaven City master to set the custom that in the past, how to favor others......” “的确,庆天城器灵可是出了名的铁面无私,一直都是严格的恪守庆天城主人当年定下的规矩,岂会偏袒他人......” Zi Huaiyu, was you considered thoroughly, Celebration Heaven City Item Spirit was different from other Supreme Divine Item Item Spirit, here, only if were Supreme direct disciple, and was brought to come by Supreme personally, otherwise anybody could not obtain the privilege. However, how Supreme direct disciple will participate in these fights, by their position, has the qualifications to go to sacred place to cultivate directly......” 紫怀雨,是你多虑了,庆天城器灵不同于其他至尊神器器灵,在这里,除非是太尊亲传弟子,并由太尊带着亲自前来,否则任何人都得不到特权。不过,太尊亲传弟子又岂会参与这些战斗,以他们的身份地位,有资格直接前往圣地修炼......” Some Immortal Emperor are refuting the Zi Huaiyu words, does not approve the view of Zi Huaiyu. 仙帝在反驳紫怀雨的话,并不认同紫怀雨的说法。 Zi Huaiyu hehe smiles, has not been serious, after all she also lived for several million years, naturally knows that Celebration Heaven City custom, before also spoke thoughtlessly a saying. 紫怀雨呵呵一笑,也并未当回事,毕竟她也活了数百万年,自然知道庆天城的规矩,之前也只是随口一说而已。 Suddenly, the people vision is staring at the above light ball, mutually hesitating, has not been acting in advance. 一时间,众人目光盯着上方的光球,相互踌躇着,都没有先行出手。 Since Senior does not begin, that begins by me.” A Jian Chen face indifferent stance, Chaos Body makes him not need to worry the consumption of cultivation level actually, existence of life source makes him completely disregard any injury. “既然诸位前辈不动手,那就由我来开个头吧。”剑尘倒是一脸无所谓的姿态,混沌之体让他无需顾虑修为的消耗,生命本源的存在让他完全无视任何伤势。 Therefore draws a bye, to Jian Chen really indifferent. 因此轮不轮空,对剑尘来说真的无所谓。 Jian Chen puts out a hand to grasp, chose a light ball at will. 剑尘伸手一抓,随意挑选了个光球。 Quick, 11 light balls select the lord, but everyone hand grasps the light ball, no one has first opened. 很快,十一个光球纷纷择主,只是大家手握光球,谁都没有抢先开启。 Obviously, regarding this last time drawing a bye opportunity, all of them longs for. 显然,对于这最后一次的轮空机会,他们所有人都十分渴望。 Can reach this situation, although their strength has the division of height, but the disparity is not big, each fight almost must whole-heartedly, if can little hit, will play the important meaning to the following fight. 能走到这种地步,他们相互间的实力虽然有高低之分,但差距都不大,每一场战斗都几乎要全力以赴,若是能少打一场,对后面的战斗将起到重要意义。 crack!” The sound of disruption transmits, some people of crumbs the light ball in hand, fluttered immediately a golden digit. 咔嚓!”碎裂之声传来,有人捏碎了手中的光球,顿时飘出一个金色数字。 Oh!” That person of sighs the sound that exudes one to fill to lose lightly. “唉!”那人发出一声充满失落的轻叹声。 At once, the sound of crack resounds one after another, light balls by the crumb, golden digits were fluttered. 旋即,咔嚓之声接连响起,一个个光球被捏碎,一个个金色的数字飘飞而起。 11 light balls, nine by the crumbs, had only had Jian Chen and Zi Huaiyu two people finally. 十一个光球,已经有九个被捏碎,最后就只剩下剑尘紫怀雨二人。 Suddenly, numerous vision fall on Jian Chen and Zi Huaiyu two people in abundance. 一时间,众多目光纷纷落在剑尘紫怀雨二人身上。 Snort, I do not believe that this time you can also draw a bye.” Zi Huaiyu light snort/hum, the vision drifts away on the light ball in own hand, the state of mind all of a sudden became complex, that was both excited and disturbed. “哼,我就不信,这次你还能轮空。”紫怀雨轻哼一声,目光在自己手中的这枚光球身上游离,心绪一下子变得复杂了起来,那是既激动又忐忑。 Just about to the light ball in deciding crumb hand when Zi Huaiyu, she raised the head suddenly to Jian Chen said: Changyang, can we trade one!” 就在紫怀雨刚要下决心捏碎手中的光球时,她忽然抬起头对剑尘说道:“长阳,我们可不可以换一个!” Naturally does not have the issue.” Jian Chen hehe smiles, caring at all the light ball in hand still past. “自然没问题。”剑尘呵呵一笑,满不在乎的将手中的光球仍了过去。 Draws a bye, he does not care, because this is to him unimportant. 轮不轮空,他不在乎,因为这对他来说不重要。 Zi Huaiyu also threw the light ball in own hand to Jian Chen, she held the light ball that Jian Chen still came, the five fingers makes an effort, the light ball cracked accordingly. 紫怀雨也将自己手中的光球扔给了剑尘,她一把抓住剑尘仍来的光球,五指一用力,光球应声而裂。 Immediately, dazzling golden rays of light punctures from the light ball, flutters a golden digit. 顿时,一道耀眼的金色光芒自光球内刺出,飘出一个金色的数字。 The Zi Huaiyu mind shakes, whole person dumbfounded all of a sudden. 紫怀雨心神一震,整个人一下子呆住了。 Not is only she, other nine Immortal Emperor are also in abundance the pupil contractions, reveals unbelievable expression, this third drawing a bye, unexpectedly same person! 不仅是她,余下的九名仙帝也是纷纷瞳孔收缩,露出难以置信的神色,这第三次轮空,竟然还是同一人! This absolutely is the unprecedented matter. 这绝对是破天荒的事。 My luck is never so expected that good, drew a bye unexpectedly.” Jian Chen shows the serene smile, the light ball crumb in hand, inside is really all of a sudden spatial. “没想到我运气这么好,竟然又轮空了。”剑尘露出风轻云淡般的笑容,一下子将手中的光球捏碎,里面果然是空的。 This drawing a bye person, should has belonged to rain fellow daoist, rain fellow daoist, I really do not do clearly, actually your is to make which play......” “这一次轮空的人,本该是属于雨道友的,雨道友啊,我实在是搞不明白,你这究竟是闹得哪一出戏啊......” Rain remote antiquity, is really... does not know how should say you......” “雨太上,实在是...都不知道该如何说你了......” „The drawing a bye qualifications that Ha Ha Ha, succeeds in obtaining gave in vain like this white/in vain, Zi Huaiyu, this is the choice that your own makes......” 哈哈哈,到手的轮空资格就这样被白白送了出去,紫怀雨啊,这可是你自己做出的选择......” Nine big Immortal Emperor in field, by this dramatic one amusing, as for Zi Huaiyu oneself, complexion is becomes incomparably ugly/difficult to look at, in the heart was full of the regret. 场中的九大仙帝,纷纷被这戏剧性的一幕给逗乐了,至于紫怀雨本人,脸色则是变得无比难看,心中充满了后悔。 But finally, she also can only the deep sigh one breath, take as bad luck, entry ancient battlefield of keeping silent. 但最终,她也只能长叹一口气,自认倒霉,闷声不响的进入古战场。 When looks at Zi Huaiyu to depart the form, Jian Chen shaking the head of gently, perhaps only then he knows, the light ball in his hand trades and does not trade, its result is the same. 望着紫怀雨离去时的身影,剑尘轻轻的摇了摇头,或许只有他一人知晓,他手中的光球无论是换与不换,其结果都一样。 Regardless of which light ball because takes, the person of drawing a bye can only be he. 因为无论拿哪个光球,轮空的人只会是他。 Draw a bye one after another three times, this has made in the Jian Chen heart very assured, this is Celebration Heaven City Item Spirit is helping own inevitably in secret. 接连三次轮空,这已经让剑尘心中无比笃定,这必然是庆天城器灵在暗中帮助自己 Quick, ten participants went to the ancient battlefield in abundance, in the waiting area only had Jian Chen one person. 很快,十名参赛者纷纷去了古战场,等待区中又只剩下剑尘一人了。 But in Celebration Heaven City, the fight projections of five battlefields also appeared in abundance, attracted everyone in Celebration Heaven City to pay attention. 而在庆天城内,五个战场的战斗投影也纷纷显现了出来,吸引了庆天城内的所有人关注。 People when watching Immortal Emperor boundary powerhouse that earth-shaking war, also discusses spiritedly to this drawing a bye person, the sound of exclamation rises from all directions. 众人在观看仙帝强者那惊天动地的大战时,同时对这一次轮空的人也是议论纷纷,惊叹之声四起。 Unreasonable, this groundless, in 173 Immortal Emperor, besides Changyang, other Immortal Emperor is the boundaries of 9-layer, finally so many 9-layer eliminated, 6-layer Changyang can enter six merely unexpectedly strongly......” “没道理啊,这完全没道理啊,一百七十三名仙帝中,除了长阳之外,其余所有仙帝都是九重天之境,结果那么多九重天都淘汰了,仅仅六重天长阳竟然能入六强......” „The 6-layer boundary can kill merely unexpectedly this step, thinks fearfully......” “仅仅六重天境界竟然能杀到这一步,想想都令人可怕......” You know anything, Changyang Immortal Emperor can enter six, the whole body luck is good, with three drawing a bye opportunities, this regarding other combat Immortal Emperor, obviously unfair......” “你们知道什么,长阳仙帝能入六强,全身运气好,独自一人拿完了三次轮空的机会,这对于其余的参战仙帝来说,明显不公平......” Jian Chen does not know that own has become discusses in Celebration Heaven City the character, at this moment he is sitting cross-legged in void, the vision walks randomly in five battlefields, watches others' fight with total concentration. 剑尘并不知道自己庆天城内已经成为了热议人物,此刻他正盘坐在虚空,目光游走在五处战场上,聚精会神的观看别人的战斗。 This round of fight, continued for about a month just now finished, completely five big winners are wounded left the ancient battlefield. 这一轮战斗,足足持续了将近一个月的时间方才全部结束,五大获胜者全部带伤的离开了古战场。 Now, six strong candidates already, Jian Chen effortlessly becomes one of them. 如今,六强人选已出,剑尘毫不费力的成为了其中之一。
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