CSG :: Volume #36

#3588: 11 people

The Jian Chen body such as is seriously battered, is shivering fiercely, his Chaos Body has blood splashes to blast open. 剑尘的身躯如受重创,在剧烈颤抖起来,他的混沌之体更是有一朵朵血花在炸裂。 Opposite, on some azure honorable person complexion blanches, body aura obviously was weak several points, his vision dignified is staring at Jian Chen, the sinking sound said: Chaos Body is really powerful, since under three big magic arts of this poor Daoist can also insist unexpectedly, if trades to make other Immortal Emperor 6-layer, feared that has perished under Mystery Summoning Divine Thunder of this poor Daoist.” 对面,上青真人脸色有些发白,身上气息明显虚弱了几分,他目光凝重的盯着剑尘,沉声道:“混沌之体果然强大,在贫道的三大道法之下竟然还能坚持至今,若是换做其余的仙帝六重天,怕是早已殒命在贫道的玄叱神雷下了。” But, Changyang fellow daoist, if only has this skill, this poor Daoist really suspected how you defeat strength mountain Immortal Emperor.” “不过,长阳道友倘若仅有这点本事的话,那贫道实在是怀疑你是如何战败力山仙帝的。” Jian Chen is withstanding the squally shower attack, the body injury is getting more and more serious. 剑尘在承受着狂风骤雨般的攻击,身上伤势越来越重。 However at this moment, is faint on Jian Chen has green rays of light to send out. 然而就在这时,在剑尘身上隐隐间有绿色的光芒在散发。 Since this rays of light appears, his injury no longer increases immediately, all scars by inconceivable speed rapid to heal, is almost then restoring completely healed in an instant, like miracle. 自这光芒出现之后,他身上的伤势顿时不再增加,所有伤痕都在以不可思议速度飞速愈合,几乎是转眼间便恢复痊愈,如同神迹。 The magic arts that on the azure honorable person uses had not ended, the strong winds howl as before, heavy rain still pouring, when these attacks hit when the Jian Chen body, is actually not able to Jian Chen to increase again, even if a scar. 上青真人施展的道法并未结束,狂风依旧呼啸,大雨仍然倾盆,然而当这些攻击打在剑尘身上时,却再也无法给剑尘增添哪怕是一丝伤痕。 Because his recovery ability was too strong, when the wound has not appeared, has forestalled one step to restore such as beginning. 因为他的恢复能力太强了,在伤口都还未出现时,就已经抢先一步恢复如初了。 This... this is impossible.” Looks on Jian Chen that then to restore such as the beginning wound in an instant, on the azure honorable person pupil contraction, reveals incredible expression. “这...这不可能。”望着剑尘身上那转眼间便恢复如初的伤口,上青真人瞳孔收缩,露出不可置信的神色 On did the azure honorable person, you see? No matter what your method exhausts, you cannot injure me. Therefore, among us the fight stops, you admit defeat on own initiative.” “上青真人,你看到了吗?任你手段用尽,你也伤不到我。所以,我们之间的战斗就到此为止吧,你主动认输。” Because continues to hit, you inevitable experiencing personally will cause heavy losses.” “因为继续打下去,你将不可避免的身受重创。” Saying of Jian Chen serene, he is good to azure honorable person impression, does not want to make the azure honorable person pay such price. 剑尘风轻云淡的说道,他对上青真人印象不错,不想让上青真人付出那样的代价。 On azure honorable person expression becomes incomparably dignified, his vision deep is looking at Jian Chen, the sinking sound said: Currently speaking, three big magic arts of this poor Daoist indeed could not injure you, but this three big magic arts , was almost in all magic arts that this poor Daoist grasped, might strongest magic arts.” 上青真人神色变得无比凝重,他目光深深的望着剑尘,沉声道:“就目前来看,贫道的三大道法的确伤不了你,而这三大道法,也几乎是贫道所掌握的所有道法之中,威力最强的道法了。” Cannot injure you including the strongest magic arts, the other natures are also useless.” “连最强的道法都伤不到你,余下的道法自然也无用。” But, to make this poor Daoist withdraw, this poor Daoist is really unwilling. Changyang, has what method to cause although, this poor Daoist wants to ask for advice you to defeat strength mountain Immortal Emperor ability personally.” “但是,要想让贫道就这么退出,贫道实在心有不甘。长阳,有什么手段尽管使出来吧,贫道想要亲自领教一下你击败力山仙帝的能力。” Such being the case, that offended!” Divine Sword in Jian Chen hand punctures suddenly, displays Shadowless Life-Seizing Sword! “既然如此,那就得罪了!”剑尘手中的神剑骤然刺出,施展无影夺命剑 On the azure honorable person does not dare to despise Jian Chen, is critical situation, the strength of within the body cultivation level like the ebullition, the entire god alerts momentously. 上青真人再也不敢轻视剑尘了,如临大敌,体内修为之力如排山倒海般沸腾,全神戒备。 However the next quarter, his complexion instantaneous big change, then the opens the mouth blowout everywhere blood rain, the bright red blood fog is mixing with the internal organs powder dust incarnadine the expansive sky. 然而下一刻,他脸色瞬间大变,而后张口喷出漫天血雨,鲜红的血雾夹杂着内脏碎末染红了长空。 At once, on the aura rapid dispirited of azure honorable person, in his within the body, even can indistinct seeing have one group of dazzling rays of light to pass the body, silk threads sharp sword glow has torn his physical body, filled the air from his within the body. 旋即,上青真人的气息飞速萎靡了下去,在他体内,甚至能隐约的看见有一团耀眼的光芒要透体而出,丝丝缕缕锋利的剑芒已经撕裂了他的肉体,从他体内弥漫了出去。 In front of this Shadowless Life-Seizing Sword, all defense methods that on the azure honorable person prepared ahead of time lost the effectiveness. 在这无影夺命剑面前,上青真人提前准备的一切防御手段都失去了效用。 Next quarter, form quiet appearance of Jian Chen before on azure honorable person, in hand in Divine Sword direction azure honorable person, said: Honorable person, can you be willing to admit defeat?” 下一刻,剑尘的身影悄无声息的出现在上青真人面前,手中神剑指向上青真人,道:“真人,你可愿认输?” On the azure honorable person coughs palely several blood, complexion like the paper, his difficult raising the head, whole face unbelievable is staring at Jian Chen, the tone is hoarse: strength mountain is Immortal Emperor, is defeated by you like this?” 上青真人咳出几口鲜血,脸色苍白如纸,他艰难的抬起头,满脸难以置信的盯着剑尘,语气沙哑:“力山仙帝,就是这样被你击败的?” Jian Chen nods, said: Good, but strength mountain Immortal Emperor may be more miserable than you, he was destroyed flesh body by me.” 剑尘点了点头,道:“不错,不过力山仙帝可比你惨,他被我毁去了肉身。” What? Was flesh body of strength mountain destroyed?” On in azure real person heart one startled, but grins to laugh at once: flesh body was destroyed, if this strength mountain wants to restore the peak, is not the short time can achieve, Ha Ha Ha Ha......” “什么?力山的肉身被毁了?”上青真人心中一惊,但旋即就咧嘴大笑了起来:“肉身被毁,这力山要想恢复到巅峰,可不是短时间就能做到的啊,哈哈哈哈哈......” Good! Changyang fellow daoist, this poor Daoist admits defeat!” “好!长阳道友,贫道认输!” rays of light flashes, the ever green honorable person has disappeared in the ancient battlefield, by the Celebration Heaven City strength delivering. 光芒一闪,长青真人已经消失在古战场中,被庆天城的力量给送了出去。 At once, in front of Jian Chen, a female who wears the white long skirt appears quietly. The females seem like over 20 years old an age, beautiful does not result in the local products, in ice-cold makings that aloofs, is passing an unusual refined accumulated intent. 旋即,在剑尘面前,一名身穿白色长裙的女子悄无声息的出现。女子看起来不过二十余岁年纪,美得不可方物,那拒人于千里之外的冰冷气质中,透着一股超凡脱俗的蕴意。 This female, is Celebration Heaven City Item Spirit! 这名女子,正是庆天城器灵 Celebration Heaven City Item Spirit vision no mighty waves is staring at Jian Chen, seems not actually looking at Jian Chen, but is looking to hide in Jian Chen within the body Source of Life. 庆天城器灵目光毫无波澜的盯着剑尘,却又仿佛并不是在看剑尘,而是在看隐藏在剑尘体内生命之源 Has that thing, Immortal Venerable cannot kill you.” Finally, after abandoning these words, without a trace that Celebration Heaven City Item Spirit vanishes. “有那个东西在,仙尊都打不死你。”最终,在扔下了这句话之后,庆天城器灵消失的无影无踪。 Jian Chen was also sent out the ancient battlefield, at this moment, in the participant waits for in the region, only then he exists, the other 20 participants are in the fight completely. 剑尘也被送出了古战场,此刻,在参赛者等待区域中只有他一人存在,余下的二十名参赛者全部都处于战斗中。 This round fight beforehand any is longer, in an arena entered the war both sides to fall into the deadlock, hit for three months, finally in a side admitted defeat in the situation that to end the fight on own initiative. 这一轮的战斗比之前的任何一场都还要漫长,其中一个擂台上的参战双方陷入了胶着状态,足足打了三个月时间,最终才在其中一方主动认输的情况下结束了战斗。 Three months later, all Immortal Emperor drew back from the ancient battlefield, in addition Jian Chen, altogether has 11 people. 三个月后,所有仙帝都从古战场中退了出来,加上剑尘在内,总共有十一人。 However when they see as all participants in boundary lowest Jian Chen, when can also insist the present unexpectedly, everyone is shocked. 不过当他们看见作为所有参赛者中境界最低的剑尘,竟然还能坚持到现在时,所有人都是大跌眼镜。 On azure honorable person, because I defeated strength mountain Immortal Emperor, therefore in knowing perfectly well own cannot arrive in the final situation, admitted defeat on own initiative.” “上青真人因为我打败了力山仙帝,故而在明知自己走不到最后的情况下,主动认输了。” Regarding some participants' inquiries, Jian Chen is this replied with a smile. 对于一些参赛者的询问,剑尘是这样笑着回答。 This excuse, no one really believes obviously, but looks at Jian Chen that perfectly, the vigor full stance, the people also somewhat are surprised uncertain. 这番说辞,显然没有人会真的去相信,只是看着剑尘那完好无损,精气神饱满的姿态,众人又有些惊疑不定。 In the field 11 participants, only have on Jian Chen not to have the least bit injury. 场中十一名参赛者,唯有剑尘身上没有半点伤势。 Following one round, among us will have one person not to participate in the fight, directly enters six strong wars. After six are strong, will determine the final outcome from the final three people the final winner, therefore, then who can draw a bye, will take the important effect.” Immortal Feather Sect Xia Mingtian sinking sound said, his injury is heavy, the strength of loss cultivation level is huge, the innermost feelings long for very can draw a bye one time, with the aim of obtaining enough time to restore. “下面的一轮,我们当中会有一人可以不参与战斗,直接进入六强之战。六强之后,将从最后的三人中决胜出最终赢家,所以,接下来谁可以轮空,将取到至关重要的作用。”仙羽门夏鸣天沉声道,他身上伤势不轻,修为之力损耗巨大,内心十分渴望能轮空一次,以便获得充足的时间去恢复。 1/11 probabilities, drawing a bye of next round, compares twice with front that our probabilities every people increased much.” Luo Family Zi Huaiyu said, she is a middle-aged female, is in the field in 11 Immortal Emperor, an only empress. “十一分之一的概率,下一轮的轮空,和前面那两次比起来,我们每一人的概率都增加了不少。”罗氏家族紫怀雨道,她是一名中年女子,同时也是场中十一名仙帝中,唯一的一名女帝。 ...... ...... At the same time, in Celebration Heaven City, is hanging in the huge golden list of horizon, at first appears in the above dense and numerous name, now also is only left over 11. 同一时间,庆天城内,悬挂于天际的巨大金色榜单,最初出现在上面的密密麻麻的名字,如今也仅剩下十一个。 11 arrive at present Immortal Emperor, their name completely high hanging above. 十一名走到现在的仙帝,他们的名字全部都高高的挂在上面。 Changyang, loose cultivator, Immortal Emperor boundary 6-layer!” 长阳,散修,仙帝六重天!” Regarding that because the boundary is lowest, therefore by the name of being the last, was naturally also caused in Celebration Heaven City forever attention of many immortal. 对于那名因为境界最低,故而永远被排在最后的名字,自然也引起了庆天城内众多仙人的注目。 In one crowd in battlefields that belongs to Immortal Emperor boundary 9-layer, only has 6-layer Immortal Emperor to arrive at the present, this thinks that is unremarkable difficultly. 在一群属于仙帝九重天的战场中,一名仅有六重天仙帝能走到现在,这想不引人注意都难。 Suddenly, in Celebration Heaven City the discussion about Changyang this person is also more and more. 一时间,庆天城内关于长阳此人的议论声也是越来越多。 The following six strong wars, Celebration Heaven City gave a long time recuperation, has six months. 接下来的六强之战,庆天城给出了一段较长的时间休整,足足有半年时间。 11 participants completely temporary returned to Celebration Heaven City. 十一名参赛者全部都暂时性的回到了庆天城 At the same time, Immortal Venerable boundary top powerhouse, after paying different quantities of five colors Immortal Crystal, entered Celebration Heaven City swaggering. 同一时间,一名名仙尊至强者,在缴纳了数目不等的五彩仙晶之后,也是大摇大摆的进入了庆天城 These Immortal Venerable, come from that ten Immortal Emperor back influences, they brought God level heavenly material treasure or healing of Medicine Pill high-grade step, in doing utmost helps that ten Immortal Emperor restore in peak condition. 这些仙尊,全部都来自于那十名仙帝背后的势力,他们带来了高等阶的神级天材地宝或是疗伤丹药,在竭尽全力的助那十名仙帝恢复到巅峰状态。 Even has individual Immortal Venerable to use the unsurpassed secret technique, does not hesitate to damage the law of vitality, must help Immortal Emperor in own clan restore as soon as possible. 甚至有个别的仙尊施展无上秘术,不惜以自损元气之法,也要助自己族内的仙帝尽快恢复。 The Celebration Heaven City officer position, strides in the big chance of boundary of Immortal Venerable, although this chance is extremely difficult to obtain, but even if only then 1/100010000 probabilities, made the World of Immortals top influence use sufficiently strives full power. 庆天城的官位,是跨入仙尊之境的一大机缘,尽管这个机缘极难获得,但哪怕是只有亿万分之一的概率,也足以令仙界的顶尖势力倾尽全力去争取。 The Immortal Venerable boundary was too difficult. 仙尊境太难了。 But enters Immortal Venerable, that then joins the ranks of pyramid peak truly. 但一入仙尊,那便真正迈入金字塔顶端的行列。 Any influence, even if these background deep forehead level influences, once had/left Immortal Venerable boundary top powerhouse, has very great significance. 任何一个势力,哪怕是那些底蕴深厚的天庭级势力,一旦多出了一位仙尊至强者,都有十分重大的意义。
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