CSG :: Volume #36

#3517: Golem puppet

Elder Nong opened stone gate to lead to 6-layer, several people quick appear in 6-layer space of stone palace. 农长老开启了通向第六层石门,几人很快就出现在石殿的第六层空间中。 Sees only in this 6-layer space, is proliferating numerous Devouring Immortal Monster Flower root hair, these root hair are huge, each root hair have several a zhang (3.33 m) thickness, proliferating of spreading across in the stone palace, 只见在这第六层空间中,遍布着众多噬仙妖花的根须,这些根须非常庞大,每一根根须都有数丈粗细,纵横交错的遍布在石殿中, Continuously spread to the most deep place of stone palace. 一直蔓延到石殿的最深处。 Before these root hair and Jian Chen them, that small section of exactly the same that sees, from same Devouring Immortal Monster Flower, already falls/dies many years, and under devastation of great power, all organization complete necroses, is adding on the corrosion of long years, making this entire Devouring Immortal Monster Flower move toward the decency thoroughly. 这些根须与剑尘他们之前看到的那一小截一模一样,都是来自于同一株噬仙妖花,早已陨落多年,并且在强大力量的摧残之下,所有组织全部坏死,在加上漫长岁月的侵蚀,使得这一整株噬仙妖花都彻底走向风化。 Therefore, when Jian Chen their three people arrive at 6-layer space, seems like destroyed the stability of this environment, sees only spreads across to proliferate all rhizomes here, shortly will then change to big ashes to fly to sprinkle under. 因此,当剑尘他们三人来到第六层空间时,似乎是破坏了这片环境的稳定,只见纵横交错遍布在这里的所有根茎,顷刻间便化作一大片的灰飞洒落而下。 Their three people search for in 6-layer space, finally here sought entire 50 Divine Sword. 他们三人在第六层空间搜寻起来,最终在这里寻到了整整五十柄神剑 These Divine Sword are completely low-grade Divine Item, the preservation unusual is complete, brand-new such as, each Divine Sword blooms dazzling and gorgeous rays of light, really confuses the eye. 这些神剑全部都是下品神器,保存的非常完好,崭新如出,每一把神剑都绽放出耀眼而绚丽的光芒,煞是迷眼。 This is Great Evolution Sword Formation, legend by fifty 50 rule creation, by change of Samsara of 49 Divine Sword evolution world. As for last Divine Sword, one of the then on behalf of the shield going, can collect entire great formation all might, has to make the terrifying might of the world look changes.” Is looking at this set of sword formation, Elder Nong expression is excited. “这是大衍剑阵,传说此阵是以大衍五十的规律创造而成,以其中四十九柄神剑演化天地之轮回的变化。至于最后一柄神剑,则是代表盾去的一,能够汇集整座大阵的所有威力,拥有令天地色变的恐怖威力。”望着这一套剑阵,农长老神色激动。 In the past I listened to many Senior to discuss Great Evolution Sword Formation, once it is said this launched, then had terrifying might that can easily extinguish kills Immortal Emperor.” Elder Nong agitated twittering. “当年我听许多前辈谈论过大衍剑阵,据说此阵一旦展开,便拥有能够轻易灭杀仙帝的恐怖威力。”农长老语气激动的呢喃。 Can easily extinguish kills Immortal Emperor? This is Great Evolution Sword Formation more precious than Immortal Extinguishing Divine Thunder? After all Immortal Extinguishing Divine Thunder is the disposable consumables, used not to have, but this set of Great Evolution Sword Formation can use repeatedly.” Listened to the introduction of Elder Nong, both eyes of Chen Shuzhi all of a sudden became fiery, immediately sinking sound said: I am Purple Night Sword Sect Sect Master, this set can bless entire sect great formation, best wield by the head-family.” “能轻易灭杀仙帝?如此说来,这道大衍剑阵岂不是比灭仙神雷还要宝贵?毕竟灭仙神雷是一次性消耗品,用了就没了,可这套大衍剑阵能够反复使用。”听了农长老的介绍,陈树之的双目一下子变得火热了起来,当即沉声道:“我乃紫宵剑宗宗主,这套能够庇佑整个宗门大阵,最好还是由本宗来执掌。” Saying, Chen Shuzhi then went forward to receive 50 Divine Sword directly completely. 说着,陈树之便直接上前将五十柄神剑全部收了起来。 Sees this, Elder Nong opens mouth, a starting to speak but hesitating facial expression, but to the Chen Shuzhi action, pours has not prevented. 见此,农长老张了张嘴,一副欲言又止的神情,而对陈树之的举动,倒也并未阻止。 The corners of the mouth of Jian Chen are actually reveal wipe the meaningful smile, by his eyesight and boundary, his eyes saw , to cut to kill Immortal Emperor powerhouse by this Great Evolution Sword Formation, has not imagined absolutely is so relaxed, at least, cannot achieve by the Purple Night Sword Sect current strength absolutely. 剑尘的嘴角却是露出一抹意味深长的笑容,以他的眼力与境界,他一眼就看出了要想以这道大衍剑阵斩杀仙帝强者,绝对没有想象中的那么轻松,最起码,以紫宵剑宗目前的实力是绝对做不到。 If because wants to play the Great Evolution Sword Formation might, cannot light/only have Divine Sword, moreover must have the person. 因为要想将大衍剑阵的威力发挥出来,不能光有神剑,而且还要有人。 Only has by 50 Immortal Monarch Realm powerhouse, everyone grasps Divine Sword, just now can play completely the Great Evolution Sword Formation might. 唯有以五十名仙君境强者,人人手持一柄神剑,方才能将大衍剑阵的威力完全发挥出来。 By that time, by this set of sword formation complete might, can indeed easily extinguish kills Immortal Emperor boundary initial-stage, even if Immortal Emperor boundary middle-stage is threatened. 到那时候,以这套剑阵的全部威力,的确能轻易灭杀仙帝初期,纵然是仙帝中期都会受到威胁。 But 50 Immortal Monarch Realm powerhouse, by the Purple Night Sword Sect current condition, are not the short time can collect. 而五十名仙君境强者,以紫宵剑宗目前的状况,绝不是短时间就能凑齐的。 In 6-layer space, besides this set of Great Evolution Sword Formation, several people sought some scattered Divine Item, not only there is a sword, Divine Item of other defense functions. 在第六层空间中,除了这套大衍剑阵外,几人又寻到了一些零零散散的神器,不仅有剑,也有其他一些防御功能的神器 Afterward, several people upward, continued to mount 7-layer, 8-layer space. 随后,几人一路往上,继续登上了第七层,第八层空间 In these two space, they also saw the rhizome of Devouring Immortal Monster Flower that decency, the giant rhizome almost wrapped entire stone hall first half level space, each has its shadow. 这两层空间中,他们同样见到了噬仙妖花那风化的根茎,巨大的根茎几乎包裹了整个石殿的上半层空间,每一层都有它的影子。 But in these two space, they sought many God level Quality valuable resources, low-grade Divine Pill that the different quantities of Item Refining materials, in numerous God level low-grade heavenly material treasure, in addition several thousand functions varied, about hundred middle-grade Divine Pill. 而在这两层空间中,他们寻到了许多神级品质的珍贵资源,数量不等的炼器材料,众多神级下品天材地宝,此外还有数千颗功能各异的下品神丹,近百颗中品神丹 In brief, the richness of resources the tour of this stone palace, obtains, made Nong Fugui and Chen Shuzhi two people are wild with joy. 总之,此次石殿之行,所取得的资源之丰厚,直令农富贵陈树之二人欣喜若狂。 Although these resources regarding Purple Night Sword Sect of peak, are not really worth mentioning, even a drop in the bucket is not. 虽然这些资源对于巅峰时期的紫霄剑宗来说,实在是不值一提,连九牛一毛都算不上。 May regarding Purple Night Sword Sect of present stage, that be the day falls the unexpected wealth absolutely, gives opportune help. 可对于现阶段的紫宵剑宗来说,那绝对是天降横财,雪中送炭。 Finally, one line of three people mounted 9-layer space directly. 最后,一行三人直接登上了第九层空间 However, just when strided in 9-layer, big Golem then blocked the way of people, on Golem, fills command Chen Shuzhi and Nong Fugui two people for it look changes terrifying aura. 然而,刚跨入第九层时,一尊高大的石人便挡住了众人的去路,在石人身上,弥漫出一股令陈树之农富贵二人都为之色变的恐怖气息 The eyes of Jian Chen also narrow the eyes slightly, reveal wipe the strange color. 剑尘的双眼也是微微一眯,露出一抹奇异之色。 His eyes then saw that this Golem actually has to endure to compare Immortal Monarch Realm 9-layer battle strength. 他一眼便看出这尊石人竟然拥有堪比仙君境九重天战力 Immortal Monarch Realm 9-layer puppet?” Jian Chen stares at Golem to size up up and down, belongs to powerful Spiritual Consciousness of Immortal Emperor boundary is cautious finding out, conducts the careful observation to the Golem puppet. 仙君境九重天的傀儡?”剑尘盯着石人上下打量,属于仙帝境的强大神识更是小心翼翼的探出,对石人傀儡进行细致的观察。 After the moment, in Jian Chen heart one cold, the state of mind experienced a fluctuation, the strength of this Golem puppet, merely is not the Immortal Monarch Realm 9-layer level, but is Immortal Emperor. 片刻后,剑尘心中一凛,心绪出现了一阵波动,这尊石人傀儡的实力,绝不仅仅是仙君境九重天层次,而是一尊仙帝 In the five colors Immortal Crystal energy because of Golem is insufficient, eventually caused the strength of Golem puppet to fall, dropped to the Immortal Monarch 9-layer level. 只是因石人内的五彩仙晶能量已经不足,最终导致石人傀儡的实力出现了下滑,跌落到仙君九重天层次。 If there is enough five colors Immortal Crystal, that the strength of this Golem puppet, can restore to the Immortal Emperor level at present momentarily. 若是有足够的五彩仙晶,那眼前这尊石人傀儡的实力,随时都可以恢复到仙帝层次。 Meanwhile, Jian Chen also feels another Spiritual Consciousness that belongs to Immortal Emperor, is careful and discrete spreads toward the Golem puppet. 与此同时,剑尘也感受到另外一股属于仙帝神识,正小心而谨慎的朝着石人傀儡蔓延而来。 This is Gai Zheng Immortal Emperor Spiritual Consciousness, he through Space Principle, the hidden has been tagging along in secret, along the way all harvests, by the purity that Gai Zheng Immortal Emperor looks. 这是概正仙帝神识,他通过空间法则,一直隐藏在暗中尾随,沿途中的一切收获,都被概正仙帝看的一清二楚。 Jian Chen took back own Spiritual Consciousness quietly, has not alarmed Gai Zheng Immortal Emperor. 剑尘悄然的收回了自己神识,没有惊动概正仙帝 At this moment, Chen Shuzhi also saw this Golem is a puppet, his both eyes burning hot, being able not help was close toward the Golem puppet. 此刻,陈树之也看出了这石人是一个傀儡,他双目一片炙热,情不自禁的朝着石人傀儡接近。 But at this moment, on the Golem puppet erupts a huge imposing manner suddenly, dreadful killing intent fills the air, pair of ice-cold brutal eyes have swept to Chen Shuzhi, then the both legs step, the flash then appears in front of Chen Shuzhi, the direct fist pounded toward the Chen Shuzhi head on. 可就在这时,石人傀儡身上骤然爆发出一股庞大的气势,滔天杀意弥漫间,一双冰冷无情的双眼已经扫向陈树之,而后双腿迈动,一瞬间便出现在陈树之面前,直接一拳朝着陈树之脑袋上砸了过去。 This fist has the Immortal Monarch Realm 9-layer power and influence, the fist air-splitting, impact void gave birth to layer upon layer the ripples. 这一拳带着仙君境九重天的威势,拳头破空,冲击的虚空都生出了层层涟漪。 Immediately, death aura covered Chen Shuzhi. 顿时,死亡的气息笼罩陈树之 Chen Shuzhi complexion suddenly big change, he just wants to retrocede, however the discovery entire body is actually not able to move, on the Golem puppet as if brings a domain, when the strength of domain exerts the Chen Shuzhi body, the flash then gives the imprisonment Chen Shuzhi. 陈树之脸色骤然大变,他刚想后退,然而却发现整个身躯都无法动弹,石人傀儡身上似乎自带一种领域,当领域之力施加到陈树之身上时,一瞬间便将陈树之给禁锢。 Chen Shuzhi evades not to be possible to evade, draws back does not have to draw back, withstands the Immortal Monarch Realm 9-layer full power to strike by his Immortal Monarch Realm 1-layer boundary, absolutely is a narrow escape. 陈树之避无可避,退无可退,以他仙君境一重天的境界去承受仙君境九重天的全力一击,绝对是九死一生。 Flickers in this life and death, Elder Nong both hands tie seal immediately, the miraculous glow infiltrates in forehead of Golem puppet together like lightning. 就在这生死一瞬之极,农长老立即双手结印,一道灵光闪电般打入石人傀儡的眉心中。 Immediately, the Golem puppet just like decided body incantation to result, entire body stiff motionless, that giant stone fist brought to make the Chen Shuzhi fearful and apprehensive strength, only had less than three cuns (2.5 cm) distance to its forehead. 顿时,石人傀儡犹如中了定身咒似得,整个身躯都僵硬不动,那巨大的石头拳带着令陈树之心惊胆战的力量,离它眉心只有三寸不到的距离。 The fearful fresh breeze, has made the Chen Shuzhi forehead stabbing pain. 可怕的劲风,已经令陈树之眉心刺痛不已。 Elder Nong hand seal art non-stop, when is the several seal makes definitely, sees only Golem puppet that huge body instantaneously to reduce, finally turns into the palm of the hand size to fall into the hand of Elder Nong all of a sudden. 农长老手中印决不停,又是几道印决打出时,只见石人傀儡那庞大的身躯瞬间缩小,最终变成巴掌大小一下子落入农长老的手中。 But Chen Shuzhi that is survivor of disaster, complexion a paleness, the spine has been sending coldly. 而劫后余生的陈树之,脸色已经一片苍白,背脊骨都在发寒。
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