CSG :: Volume #36

#3515: hundred thousand Immortal Pill

Found!” “找到了!” Suddenly, Elder Nong eyes one bright, then changes to sword light to cut immediately together void, goes toward central that life force / vitality abundant life stars directly. 突然,农长老眼睛一亮,而后立即化作一道剑光划破虚空,直接朝着中央那颗生机盎然的生命星辰而去。 Chen Shuzhi has not hesitated, similarly changes to sword light closely to follow together in Elder Nong behind. 陈树之也是没有丝毫迟疑,同样化作一道剑光紧紧跟随在农长老身后 In behind, was Jian Chen, his speed and Elder Nong and Chen Shuzhi compared, then wanted on slowly many. 在后面,则是剑尘了,不过他的速度农长老陈树之比起来,则是要慢上不少。 This life stars said that is big, may say that small is not small, 1 million li (0.5 km) diameters, this volume, Immortal Monarch Realm powerhouse Spiritual Consciousness can conduct complete coverage fully in an instant. 这颗生命星辰说大不大,可说小也不算小,足有百万里直径,这个体积,仙君境强者神识刹那间便可进行完全覆盖。 On the stars is surviving all kinds of life objects, not only there is an innumerable lofty tree, strange flowers and plants, various insect fish birds. 星辰上存活着各种各样的生命物体,不仅有数不胜数的参天大树,奇异花草,还有各种虫鱼鸟兽。 However mostly the life has become a ghost, starts to step the road of Cultivation, and formed every large or small influences on this stars. 不过大多生灵都已然成精,开始踏上了修行之路,并在这个星辰上形成了一个个大大小小的势力。 However here life, most powerhouse also Human God Realm, is equivalent to Lower Realm space Saint Emperor! 不过这里的生灵,最强者都还不到人神境,相当于下界空间圣帝 Looks suddenly, here seems living Lower Realm space! 戛然一看,这里仿佛就是一个活生生的下界空间 Has a below potential surface in high-grade Divine Item. 一个,存在于一件上品神器之中的下位面。 In this stars highest summit of the mountain peak, here mountain top had been bevelled, formed an area big platform. 在这颗星辰最高的一处山峰之巅,这里的山头已经被削平,形成了一个占地面积不小的平台。 In the platform, ancient stone palace static standing erect here, sends out a vast pressure. 平台上,有一座古老的石殿静静的屹立在这里,散发出一股浩瀚的威压。 This pressure, floods in this piece of mountain range merely, has not proliferated beside the place to mountain range. 这股威压,仅仅充斥在这一片山脉中,并没有扩散到山脉之外的地方。 Also because of having existence of this pressure, causes in this World the locally born life, is unable to be close to this piece of mountain range. 也是因有这股威压的存在,使得这一界中土生土长的生灵,始终都无法接近这片山脉 Because their strength is insufficient, is unable to lead the way in the face of this pressure. 因为它们实力不够,在这股威压面前根本无法前行。 Gradually, the piece of mountain range that stone hall is, in survival in this World's life mind, gradually becomes inviolable sacred place. 久而久之,石殿所在的这片山脉,在生存在这一界的生灵心目中,渐渐的成为了一处不可亵渎的神圣之地。 Today, on Cang Qiong (vault of heaven) of this stars, three radiant sword light cuts the universe, straight falls toward the sacred place of this stars. 今日,在这颗星辰的苍穹上,有三道璀璨的剑光划破天宇,笔直的朝着这颗星辰的神圣之地落去。 sword light speed is quick, shortly will then span the incomparably remote distance, fell on the sacred place highest place. 剑光速度非常快,顷刻间便跨越了无比遥远的距离,落在了神圣之地的最高处。 These three sword light, naturally are Nong Fugui, Chen Shuzhi and Jian Chen three people. 这三道剑光,自然是农富贵,陈树之以及剑尘三人。 At this moment, their three people stand nearby the stone palace, stares at stone hall one to size up, at once Elder Nong expression gradually became excited. 此刻,他们三人站在石殿跟前,盯着石殿一阵打量,旋即农长老神色逐渐变得激动了起来。 This is the Star Domain Old Ancestor temple, when 4 million years ago, Star Domain Old Ancestor personally is Purple Night Sword Sect all disciple explain religious doctrine, this bedstone palace appears on Purple Night Sword Sect Cang Qiong (vault of heaven), suppressed trim Cang Qiong (vault of heaven), entire Purple Heaven Sword Territory disciple can see this bedstone palace, in the past, Star Domain Old Ancestor sat cross-legged to withstand/top in this bedstone palace.” The Elder Nong vision is staring at this bedstone palace, being in trance, expression is excited. “这是星寰老祖的神殿,在四百万年前,星寰老祖亲自为紫宵剑宗的所有弟子讲道时,这座石殿就出现在紫宵剑宗苍穹上,镇压了整片苍穹,整个紫霄剑域弟子都能看见这座石殿,当年,星寰老祖就盘坐在这座石殿顶上。”农长老目光盯着这座石殿,神情恍惚,神色激动。 As if had to recall past Purple Night Sword Sect to prevail for a time, deters various heaven the radiant prosperous times. 似乎有回忆起当年紫宵剑宗盛极一时,威慑诸天的璀璨盛世。 This bedstone palace is high-grade Divine Item, but it had suffered the heavy losses obviously, seeming like everywhere is bumpy, remained too many fight traces, many places have obvious patching. 这座石殿是一件上品神器,不过它曾经显然遭受过重创,看上去到处都是坑坑洼洼,残留了太多的战斗痕迹,很多地方都有明显的修补。 Moreover this patching, simplest patching, conducts the material of patching not to merge into one organic whole with the temple completely, was only the simple fitting, hole stopping up. 而且这修补,也只是最简单的修补,进行修补的材料都没有与神殿完全融为一体,只是简单的贴合了上去,将窟窿给堵住。 Through this bedstone palace, Jian Chen as if has seen Star Domain Old Ancestor after the war, perhaps does not have the unnecessary strength and time goes to conduct a more perfect restore to this temple, therefore can only conduct one to make up using the technique of so cheap leaks. 通过这座石殿,剑尘仿佛已经看出星寰老祖在大战过后,恐怕也是没有多余的力气和时间去对这座神殿进行更完善的修复,因此只能以如此粗劣的手法来进行一番补漏。 Moreover he sees at present this temple, except for retaining beside firm that belongs to high-grade Divine Item, had almost lost all prestige energies, Item Spirit has also withered away. 而且他更是看出眼前这座神殿,除了保留着属于上品神器的坚固之外,几乎已经丧失了所有的威能,就连器灵也早已消亡。 But this temple, Gai Zheng Immortal Emperor preventing outside, firm of high-grade Divine Item, is not Immortal Emperor 5-layer can skid, even if were it were once seriously battered, but the list by material quality's defense nature, made one crowd of Immortal Emperor shrink back at the sight sufficiently. 而这座神殿,同样将概正仙帝给阻挡在外,上品神器的坚固,绝不是一个仙帝五重天就能撬动的,纵然是它曾经遭受重创,可单以材质本身的防御性,就足以让一群仙帝望而却步。 Elder Nong after stone hall is doing obeisance respectfully, then slowly arrives around the front door that stone palace that shuts tightly, a palm fitting of gently being dried up on the front door of stone palace. 农长老对着石殿恭敬一拜之后,便缓缓走到石殿那紧闭的大门跟前,将一只干枯的手掌轻轻的贴合在石殿的大门上。 The Chen Shuzhi vision does flicker stares at Elder Nong, the burning hot in eye has been being hard to conceal. 陈树之目光一瞬不瞬的盯着农长老,眼中的炙热已经难以掩饰。 Then the Jian Chen attention, almost all falls on hiding on Gai Zheng Immortal Emperor of not far away. Regarding wealth that Star Domain Old Ancestor left in the past, instead does not care at all. 剑尘的注意力,几乎全都落在隐藏在不远处的概正仙帝上。对于星寰老祖当年留下的财富,反而是毫不在意。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” At this moment, the front stone palace spreads the depressed sound, at once in a slight tremor, the front door that stone palace that shuts tightly starts to open slowly, immediately dust-laden many years of pollution aura head from inside. 就在这时,前方的石殿传出沉闷的响声,旋即在一阵轻微的颤动中,石殿那紧闭的大门开始缓缓开启,顿时有一股尘封多年的浑浊气息从里面扑面而来。 Quick, three people then entered stone hall 1st-layer, finally discovered the white jade bottle of numerous palm of the hand size in the stone palace 1st-layer end place. 很快,三人便进入了石殿的第一层,最终在石殿第一层的尽头处发现了众多巴掌大小的白色玉瓶。 Their reorganized placing on shelf, in each Bai Yu (white jade) bottle has the label to indicate. 它们被整理的摆放在货架上,每一个白玉瓶上都有标签注明。 Ginseng Dew Pill!” 参露丹!” Immortal Yuan Pill!” 仙元丹!” Spirit Bone Pill!” 灵骨丹!” Pure Yuan Immortal Pill!” 清元仙丹!” Barrier Transformation Immortal Pill!” 化障仙丹!” accumulated intent pill!” “蕴意丹!” ...... ...... In this reaches over a thousand Bai Yu (white jade) bottles, the grand total presented dozens Medicine Pill names, but these Medicine Pill , without the exception are completely Immortal Pill. 在这多达上千的白玉瓶上,总计出现了数十种丹药名字,而这些丹药,毫无例外全部都是仙丹 From best-quality Immortal Pill, to low-level Immortal Pill, restores cultivation level, governs the healing potential , to promote natural talent wait/etc, the Immortal Pill dazzling exhibitions of various effects here, built an extremely strong visual impact strength. 上至极品仙丹,下至低阶仙丹,恢复修为的,治疗伤势的,提升资质的等等,各种功效的仙丹琳琅满目的陈列在这里,营造出了一种极强的视觉冲击力。 Is looking at these Immortal Pill, Jian Chen expression is tranquil, his eyes see here not to have Divine Pill, is completely Divine Pill following Immortal Level Medicine Pill, this Rank Medicine Pill naturally could not attract any Immortal Emperor. 望着这些仙丹,剑尘神色平静,他一眼就看出这里没有神丹,全部都是神丹以下的仙级丹药,这种等阶丹药自然吸引不了任何一位仙帝 However Chen Shuzhi and Nong Fugui two people are expression are excited, especially Nong Fugui, when his vision sweeps obsolete from the Medicine Pill names, is moved to tears all of a sudden. 不过陈树之农富贵二人则是神色激动,特别是农富贵,当他的目光从一个个丹药名字上扫过时,一下子热泪盈眶。 These... these are Star Domain Old Ancestor leave the sect precious wealth, if, if our Purple Night Sword Sect had these Immortal Pill, how the sect situation will fall to so the situation.” Elder Nong trembling sound saying that his taking up jade bottle slowly twists off. “这些...这些都是星寰老祖留给宗门的宝贵财富,如果,如果我们紫宵剑宗有了这些仙丹,宗门处境又岂会落到这般地步。”农长老颤声说道,他缓缓的拿起其中一个玉瓶拧开。 In sees only static is lying down entire 100 grains of Immortal Pill. 只见里面静静的躺着整整一百粒仙丹 This is only low-grade Immortal Pill, Bai Yu (white jade) bottle that however splendid attire these Immortal Pill use, 这只是下品仙丹,然而盛装这些仙丹所用的白玉瓶, The value actually be more precious than inside Immortal Pill. 其价值却要比里面的仙丹还要珍贵。 Also because the material quality of this jade bottle is specially-made, therefore causes the preservation in inside Medicine Pill, after having been through repeatedly 2,000,000-3,000,000 years of years, but also is maintaining the initial effect as before, the least bit has not passed. 也正是因为这玉瓶的材质特制,因此才使得保存在里面的丹药,在历经2,000,000-3,000,000年的岁月之后,还依旧保持着最初的功效,半点不曾流逝。 Chen Shuzhi also takes up a jade bottle to open, immediately one group of dense light fill the air from the bottle mouth place, inside similarly entire simultaneously is lying down 100 best-quality Immortal Pill. 陈树之也拿起一个玉瓶打开,顿时有一团氤氲之光从瓶口处弥漫出来,里面同样整整齐齐的躺着一百颗极品仙丹 Then, Nong Fugui and Chen Shuzhi two people turned on more than ten jade bottles with the excitement continually, does not have the exception, Medicine Pill in each jade bottle is 100 grains, is nothing more or less! 接下来,农富贵陈树之二人怀着激动的心情一连开启了十几个玉瓶,毫无例外,每一个玉瓶内的丹药都是一百粒,不多不少! Got rich, got rich, then really got rich, Ha Ha Ha Ha.” “发财了,发财了,这下是真的发财了,哈哈哈哈哈。” Is looking at the entire simultaneously stack on the rack, the quantity reaches over a thousand Bai Yu (white jade) bottles much, Chen Shuzhi cannot bear laughed, is excited. 望着整整齐齐堆放在架子上,数量多达上千的白玉瓶,陈树之忍不住的大笑了起来,心情无比激动。 Medicine Pill in each jade bottle is 100 grains, over a thousand Bai Yu (white jade) bottles, that inside Immortal Pill adds, will achieve the terrifying the number of hundred thousand. 每个玉瓶内的丹药都是一百粒,上千的白玉瓶,那里面的仙丹加起来,将达到恐怖的十万之数。 hundred thousand grain of Immortal Pill, regarding going down in the world Purple Night Sword Sect, simply is not a unimaginable great wealth. 十万仙丹,对于落魄的紫宵剑宗来说,简直是一笔无法想象的巨大财富。 Chen Shuzhi and Nong Fugui immerse in the huge joy. 陈树之农富贵沉浸在巨大的喜悦中。 But the Jian Chen vision gradually sweeps to the deep place, there, he discovered leaf of stone gate again. 剑尘的目光则是逐渐扫向深处,在那里,他再次发现了一扇石门 Leaf to second stone gate! 一扇通往第二层的石门
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