CSG :: Volume #35

#3462: Revenge

Floating Silk Immortal Sect, as one of the Azure Peaceful Immortal Territory three big strength, its strength naturally does not need to question, after Immortal Emperor and Immortal Monarch powerhouse, following disciple disciple amounts to hundreds of thousands of. 罗浮仙宗,作为青平仙域三大之力之一,其实力自然是无需质疑,在除开仙帝仙君强者之后,下面的门人弟子总计数十万之多。 In this hundreds of thousands of disciple, overwhelming majorities are the boundary of Heavenly Immortal, Golden Immortal above Heavenly Immortal, Great Luo Golden Immortal, Profound Immortal as well as Nine Heavens Profound Immortal wait/etc., the quantity are one by one few. 只是这数十万弟子中,绝大多数都是天仙之境,天仙之上的金仙,大罗金仙,玄仙以及九天玄仙等,数量是一层比一层少。 In Floating Silk Immortal Sect the hills surround, immortal energy is remote, there are various numerous boundary immortals to shuttle back and forth in the sky, travels between in each mountain peaks, among the fog some numerous spirit bird are hovering, sends out clear sounding. 罗浮仙宗内群山环绕,仙气渺渺,有众多各境仙人在天空中穿梭,往返各个山峰之间,云雾间更有众多灵鸟在翱翔,发出清脆的鸣叫。 These just like the picture scroll beautiful scene, seem like really worthy of the legend of boundary of dwelling place of celestial beings. 这一幅幅宛如画卷般的美景,看上去真无愧于仙家之境的传说。 Bang! 轰! But at this moment, the startled day thunders together suddenly crack, broke the peace of Floating Silk Immortal Sect instantaneously. 可就在这时,一道惊天轰鸣骤然炸响,瞬间打破了罗浮仙宗的宁静。 Sees only on Floating Silk Immortal Sect Cang Qiong (vault of heaven), suddenly split a giant hole, whether there is darkness crazy wreaks havoc in inside, void turbulent flow dash from inside, world strong winds erupts that made instantaneously. 只见罗浮仙宗苍穹上,突然裂开了一个巨大的窟窿,有无边的黑暗疯狂在里面肆虐,一股股虚空乱流从里面冲撞出来,瞬间令的此间的天地狂风大作。 Floating Silk Immortal Sect protecting the mountain great formation was torn, that powerful energy was the disintegration Floating Silk Immortal Sect Cang Qiong (vault of heaven), caused to have the jet black crack void. 罗浮仙宗护山大阵被撕裂,那强大的能量更是崩碎了罗浮仙宗苍穹,使得虚空出现了漆黑的裂缝。 In this jet black crack, there is form void steps together, flies high the line, step by step walks into the Floating Silk Immortal Sect entrance. 在这漆黑的裂缝之中,有一道身影正虚空踏步,凌空而行,一步一步的走入罗浮仙宗的山门内。 He brings the ice coldly color is staring at Floating Silk Immortal Sect this beautiful, if the scenery of fairyland, appears Sen Ran (dense) killing intent. 他目中带着冰寒之色的盯着罗浮仙宗这美若仙境的景色,浮现出森然杀意 This person Jian Chen! 此人正是剑尘 Who comes my Floating Silk Immortal Sect to be dissolute!” “何人来我罗浮仙宗放肆!” At this moment, the old sound conveys from the Floating Silk Immortal Sect deep place together, sees only flowing light from far to near, is flying. 就在这时,一道苍老的声音自罗浮仙宗深处传来,只见一道流光由远而近,正飞逝而来。 This is Immortal Monarch powerhouse, but also was only Immortal Monarch that in Floating Silk Immortal Sect only saved. 这是一名仙君强者,不过也是罗浮仙宗内仅存的唯一一名仙君了。 Jian Chen is situated in void, his vision sweeps to this Immortal Monarch, then counts on the fingers, sword qi jumps to shoot immediately, bringing radiant rays of light to cut the horizon, cut the head of this Immortal Monarch. 剑尘立于虚空中,他目光扫向这名仙君,而后屈指一点,立即有一道剑气迸射而出,带着璀璨的光芒划破天际,“噗”的一声就将这名仙君的头颅斩了下来。 Puts on low-grade Divine Item Battle Armor on him, like tofu was slivered two by sword qi. 穿在他身上的一件下品神器战甲,也是如豆腐般的被剑气切成两段。 Instantaneously, Immortal Monarch powerhouse then ends up the body and soul completely eliminated fate, the corpse under accompany of everywhere blood rain, drops from below land. 瞬间,一位仙君强者便落得形神俱灭的下场,尸首在漫天血雨的伴随下,从下方的大地跌落下去。 The next quarter, the Devouring Immortal Monster Flower quiet appearance, swallows down this Immortal Monarch. 下一刻,噬仙妖花悄无声息的出现,一口就将这名仙君吞了下去。 Supreme Elder!” 太上长老!” In nearby hills, many Floating Silk Immortal Sect disciple witnessed this, immediately eye of zi wants to crack, sends out shouting of grief and indignation. 附近的群山中,有不少罗浮仙宗弟子亲眼目睹了这一幕,顿时目眦欲裂,发出悲愤的嘶吼。 The Jian Chen footsteps keep, in void unique, step by step walks toward the Floating Silk Immortal Sect deep place, Spiritual Consciousness spreads, has covered Floating Silk Immortal Sect each corner. 剑尘脚步不停,在虚空独步,一步一步的朝着罗浮仙宗深处走去,神识扩散,已经笼罩罗浮仙宗每一个角落。 Floating Silk Immortal Sect, does not remain!” 罗浮仙宗,一个不留!” Jian Chen tone ice cold ordering, then the Devouring Immortal Monster Flower build rises suddenly instantaneously, turns into one to have ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high huge Monster Plant fully, is indomitable spirit, the rhizome that spreads across covered the Floating Silk Immortal Sect entire entrance. 剑尘语气冰寒的下令,而后噬仙妖花的体型瞬间暴涨,变成一株足有万丈之高的巨大妖植,顶天立地,那纵横交错的根茎更是覆盖了罗浮仙宗整个山门。 The next quarter, a huge suction spreads from its mouth, swallows the day to bite, starts undifferentiated swallows Floating Silk Immortal Sect all disciple. 下一刻,一股庞大的吸力从它口中传出,吞天噬地,开始无差别的吞噬罗浮仙宗的所有弟子 Floating Silk Immortal Sect, Jade Purity Immortal Sect and White Cloud Immortal Sect these three big sect, massacred many Purple Night Sword Sect disciple in the past, and several thousand cultivation level in Golden Immortal boundary following disciple by living being stranded to life span end point. 罗浮仙宗,玉清仙宗白云仙宗这三大宗门,当年残杀了不少紫宵剑宗弟子,并且更是有数千修为金仙境以下的弟子被活生生的困到寿命终点。 These three big sect so treat Purple Night Sword Sect disciple, therefore copes with these three big sect disciple now, Jian Chen also exposes one side the cold blood, a tooth for a tooth, returns the blood by the blood. 这三大宗门如此对待紫宵剑宗弟子,因此如今对付这三大宗门弟子,剑尘同样展露出冷血一面,以牙还牙,以血还血。 3 million years ago, Purple Night Sword Sect Supreme to save World of Immortals powerhouse, does not hesitate from falling the status writes off Saint Realm numerous Highest Beginning, therefore was hated by Saint Realm numerous big influences, leaves behind the first infamy in Saint Realm. Finally after his falls/dies, because of World of Immortals various that his blessing survives, not only does not feel grateful, instead also hit a person when he is down, cruelly harmed Purple Night Sword Sect so many disciple......” “三百万年前,紫宵剑宗太尊为了挽救仙界强者,不惜自降身份抹杀圣界众多太始,因此被圣界众多大势力所痛恨,在圣界留下一世骂名。结果他老人家陨落后,因他的庇佑而存活下来的仙界诸强,非但不感恩,反而还落井下石,残害了紫宵剑宗这么多弟子......” Floating Silk Immortal Sect, White Cloud Immortal Sect, Jade Purity Immortal Sect, you are really the crime do not have to be possible......” 罗浮仙宗,白云仙宗,玉清仙宗,你们实在是罪无可恕......” killing intent in Jian Chen heart in the ebullition, he closed off Floating Silk Immortal Sect all escape routes by Space Principle, changed to a true prison this place, only if Immortal Emperor powerhouse, otherwise does not have the possibility of escaping certainly. 剑尘心中的杀意在沸腾,他以空间法则封锁了罗浮仙宗的所有退路,将此地化作了一个真正的囚牢,除非是仙帝强者,否则绝无逃脱的可能。 After Jian Chen leaves Floating Silk Immortal Sect, entire Floating Silk Immortal Sect has become empty, does not have a person's shadow again, everyone as if disappeared baseless generally, without the bloodstain, the sign that also has not fought. 剑尘离开罗浮仙宗以后,整个罗浮仙宗已经变得空空荡荡,再无一个人影,所有人都仿佛凭空消失了一般,没有血迹,同样也没有丝毫打斗的迹象。 But heavenly material treasure that all resources in Floating Silk Immortal Sect, as well as plant wait/etc., vanishes into thin air completely. 罗浮仙宗内的所有资源,以及栽种的天材地宝等,全部都不翼而飞。 Floating Silk Immortal Sect merely is the first war, then, Jian Chen went to Jade Purity Immortal Sect, White Cloud Immortal Sect. 罗浮仙宗仅仅是第一战,接下来,剑尘又去了玉清仙宗,白云仙宗 Finally, Jade Purity Immortal Sect and White Cloud Immortal Sect end up with the Floating Silk Immortal Sect similar fate, the cleanness that in sect disciple vanishes completely, except for an empty entrance, anything has not stayed behind, all resources and heavenly material treasure vanish into thin air. 最终,玉清仙宗白云仙宗落得和罗浮仙宗同样的下场,宗门弟子全部消失的干干净净,除了一座空荡荡的山门,什么都没有留下,一切资源和天材地宝都不翼而飞。 In time that in short one day is not, dominates a Azure Peaceful Immortal Territory many years of three big influence, then perishes in this from morning until evening thoroughly. 在短短一天不到的时间内,称霸青平仙域多年的三大势力,便是在这朝夕之间彻底灭亡。 Oh, Floating Silk Immortal Sect, White Cloud Immortal Sect, Jade Purity Immortal Sect, this can be thorough ended, this Azure Peaceful Immortal Territory, but must cloud over......” “唉,罗浮仙宗,白云仙宗,玉清仙宗,这会是彻底的完了,这青平仙域,可是要变天了啊......” After Jian Chen walks, Dividing Water Sect Mountain Water Immortal Monarch 11 go to three big sect, looks has been becoming the empty sect station, a expression disconsolateness. 剑尘走后,分水宗山水仙君一一前往三大宗门,望着已经变得空空荡荡的宗门驻地,神色一片惆怅。 The destruction of these three big influences, quick spread over entire Azure Peaceful Immortal Territory, immediately makes Azure Peaceful Immortal Territory the undercurrent to surge, once these submitted to all palace doors of Floating Silk Immortal Sect these three big influences, becomes ready to make trouble. 这三大势力的覆灭,很快就传遍了整个青平仙域,顿时让青平仙域变得暗流涌动起来,曾经那些屈服于罗浮仙宗这三大势力的各方仙门,纷纷变得蠢蠢欲动。 But all these instigator Jian Chen, had left Azure Peaceful Immortal Territory, his form appears in several immortal territories near Azure Peaceful Immortal Territory, 11 went to Flowing Light Sword Sect, Grand Peace Immortal Sect, the Heavenly One Immortal Sect three big influences. 而这一切的始作俑者剑尘,早已经离开了青平仙域,他的身影出现在青平仙域附近的几个仙域中,一一去了流光剑宗,太平仙宗,天一仙门三大势力。 These three big influences, in the immortal territory that in each one is at is illustrious existence, almost each one is controlling an immortal territory. 这三大势力,在各自所在的仙域中皆是赫赫有名的存在,几乎都各自都掌控着一个仙域。 Flowing Light Sword Sect, Grand Peace Immortal Sect as well as Heavenly One Immortal Sect strength compared with Azure Peaceful Immortal Territory stronger on many, although does not have Immortal Venerable to assume personal command, but Immortal Emperor powerhouse actually more than one. 流光剑宗,太平仙宗以及天一仙门的实力比起青平仙域要强上不少,虽然没有仙尊坐镇,但仙帝强者不止一位 Therefore, in beside falls/dies that four Immortal Emperor regardless Azure Peaceful Immortal Territory, in these three big influences, each side at least also Immortal Emperor assumes personal command now. 因此,抛开青平仙域陨落的那四位仙帝之外,如今在这三大势力中,每一方至少都还有一位仙帝坐镇。 However regarding present Jian Chen, now besides Immortal Venerable, in Immortal Emperor already to him who no one can threaten. 然而对于现在的剑尘来说,如今除了仙尊之外,仙帝之中已经没有任何人能威胁的到他。 When he leaves Flowing Light Sword Sect, after Grand Peace Immortal Sect as well as Heavenly One Immortal Sect, all Immortal Monarch as well as Immortal Emperor in powerhouse these three big influences has ruined completely in the Devouring Immortal Monster Flower mouth, only has the immortal under Immortal Monarch to escape by luck. 当他离开流光剑宗,太平仙宗以及天一仙门之后,这三大势力中的所有仙君以及仙帝强者已经全部葬送在噬仙妖花的口中,唯有仙君之下的仙人得以幸免。 Treats these three big influences, Jian Chen has not extinguished his whole families to Floating Silk Immortal Sect like that but aimed at their high-end battle strength. 对待这三大势力,剑尘没有向罗浮仙宗那般灭其满门,只是针对了他们的高端战力 Short a three days time, four immortal territories added then falls/dies over ten Immortal Emperor powerhouse, this started big storm in Grand Sovereign Heaven immediately, first aroused the interests of numerous big influence. 短短不过三日时间,四大仙域加起来便陨落了超过十名仙帝强者,这顿时在太皇天掀起了一股不小的风暴,第一时间引起了众多大势力的关注。 These aloof, has the top influence that Immortal Venerable assumes to be alarmed, projected the vision in abundance. 就连那些超然物外,拥有仙尊坐镇的顶尖势力都被惊动了,纷纷将目光投射了过来。
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