CSG :: Volume #34

#3383: Re-enters the peak

Source of Life Item Spirit was threatened by Wind Supreme, has to endure humiliation, followed Jian Chen that the heart unwilling sentiment does not hope. 生命之源器灵本来就是受到风至尊的威胁,才不得不忍辱负重,心不甘情不愿的跟随剑尘 Regarding the Jian Chen status, Source of Life is the unusual repel. 对于剑尘的身份,生命之源是非常的排斥。 Therefore, when Source of Life hears Yongxi Lantian these words, immediately flies into a rage, the mood all of a sudden becomes incomparably agitated. 因此,当生命之源听到永熙蓝天的这番话时,顿时就暴跳如雷,心情一下子变得无比烦躁。 You shut up to me quickly, what status are you? Dares to question my decision? What matter do I handle to need to undergo your agreement?” Source of Life turns the head one to give scolding to Yongxi Lantian. “你赶快给我闭嘴,你是什么身份?竟敢质疑我的决定?我做什么事情需要经过你的同意吗?”生命之源转头就对永熙蓝天一顿痛骂。 Later it seemed to think that this is not very venting, then the hand wields, is the Supreme Divine Item strength to arrive, instantaneously Yongxi Lantian imprisoning, enabling his body to move, the mouth cannot say. 之后它似乎觉得这样还不够解气,然后手一挥,属于至尊神器的力量降临,瞬间将永熙蓝天给禁锢起来,让他身不能动,口不能言。 Boisterous, if not look in you are in the share of Wood Spirit Clan clansman, I already turn into ashes that you hit, did the trivial ants, dare to question me? Also does not know that is who to your courage.” Saying of Source of Life face taunt. “聒噪,如果不是看在你是木灵族族人的份上,我早就把你打的灰飞烟灭了,区区蝼蚁,竟敢质疑我?也不知是谁给你的胆子。”生命之源一脸嘲讽的说道。 The performance of Source of Life, makes dumbfounded , he who Jian Chen looks had a strange misconception unexpectedly, as if at present this is not Supreme Divine Item Item Spirit, but is one is pampered since childhood, and also leads several points of cunning and unreasonable willful thousand gold (daughter) young lady. 生命之源的这番表现,让剑尘都看的一愣一愣的,恍惚间,他竟然生出了一种奇异的错觉,仿佛眼前这不是一个至尊神器器灵,而是一个娇生惯养,并且还带着几分刁蛮任性的千金大小姐。 Because he discovered that this Item Spirit, has very big difference from other Item Spirit in the character. 因为他发现这个器灵,与其他的器灵在性格上有很大的不同。 Blue Sky Ruler and other Wood Spirit Clan powerhouse, are in trance at this moment, simple-hearted looks at relational transformation between Jian Chen and Item Spirit, no one has started talking. 碧落主宰等几名木灵族强者,此刻一个个神情恍惚,木讷的看着剑尘器灵之间的关系转变,谁都没有开口说话。 Following matter all smooth, Jian Chen integrated wisp of Source of Life life source soul, official becomes its master. 接下来的事一切顺利,剑尘融入了一缕生命之源本命之魂,正式的成为了它的主人。 Naturally, because both sides have had the agreement, Jian Chen is not the Source of Life permanent master, but can only control its hundred thousand year. 当然,由于双方有过约定,剑尘并不是生命之源的永久主人,而是只能掌控它十万年时间。 And in this hundred thousand year, Source of Life is only responsible for giving him healing, in addition, Jian Chen has no right to make it do anything. 并且在这十万年时间里,生命之源只负责给他疗伤,除此之外,剑尘无权让它做任何事。 Completed to recognize Lord that moment in Source of Life, Jian Chen had a strange misconception immediately, as if in own within the body, contains one group of extremely terrifying life strengths. 生命之源完成认主的那一刻,剑尘顿时生出了一股奇异的错觉,仿佛在自己体内,已经蕴藏着一团极其恐怖的生命力量。 This life strength, as if granted him the body of not dying, only if this life strength consumption completely, or completely destroys. 这股生命力量,就仿佛是赐予了他不死之身,除非是将这股生命力量消耗殆尽,或者是完全摧毁。 Otherwise, he is Undying and Inextinguishable. 否则,他就是不死不灭 This is true does not die, even if received the heavy injury, can quickly restore. 这是真正的不死,纵然是受了再重的伤势,都能迅速恢复。 Things have gotten to this point, the Source of Life selecting lord, is settles down. 事已至此,生命之源的择主,算是尘埃落定。 Wood Spirit Clan several powerhouse, the mood is incomparable complex, but was imprisoned there Yongxi Lantian, is both eyes fills the blood threads, in the vision is passing deep desperate and intense being unwilling. 木灵族几名强者,心情是无比的复杂,而被禁锢在那里的永熙蓝天,则是双目充满血丝,目光中透着深深的绝望和强烈的不甘。 Even in his heart, but also is fermenting an incomparably intense resentment. 甚至在他心中,还酝酿着一股无比强烈的怨气。 This resentment has in view of Source of Life, similarly also has in view of Jian Chen. 这股怨气有针对生命之源,同样也有针对剑尘 Because he can become the Source of Life master, henceforth reaches the sky in a single bound, leading Eternal Prosperous Family becomes the royalty that Wood Spirit Clan deserves, true supreme. 因为他本来可以成为生命之源的主人,从此一步登天,带领永熙家族成为木灵族当之无愧的皇族,真正的至高无上。 Finally, a choice of Item Spirit, making him drop Hell from the heaven instantaneously. 结果,器灵的一个抉择,让他瞬间从天堂跌落地狱 So major rises, even if unbearable by his state of mind, presented the distortion. 如此般的大起大落,纵然是以他的心境都难以承受,出现了扭曲。 Here your matters, you have not all gone out.” Item Spirit looked that does not look at Yongxi Lantian one, then and other Wood Spirit Clan powerhouse delivered Blue Sky Ruler completely. “这里没你们的事了,你们全部都出去吧。”器灵看也不看永熙蓝天一眼,然后将碧落主宰等九名木灵族强者全部都送了出去。 With their disappearances, in Source of Life, only has Item Spirit and Jian Chen two people here. 随着他们的消失,生命之源内,就只有器灵剑尘两人在这里。 The Item Spirit vision is staring at Jian Chen, exclusion of face: Your within the body the strength of that curse, came from Supreme. Naturally, in my age, but also does not have Supreme this name, we called this powerhouse the sage.” 器灵目光盯着剑尘,一脸的嫌弃:“你体内的那一丝诅咒之力,是来自于一位太尊。当然,在我的那个年代里,还没有太尊这个称呼,我们都称这种强者为圣人。” Your within the body sage curse, although is very very small and weak, if I am the heyday, purifying her is naturally easy. As for the present, is somewhat troublesome, needs to consume my many strengths.” “你体内的圣人诅咒,尽管已经很很弱小了,我如果是全盛时期,净化她自然轻而易举。至于现在,则是有些麻烦,需要消耗我很多力量。” You determined that wants me to help you purify the strength of this curse now?” “你确定要我现在就帮你净化这一丝诅咒之力吗?” Naturally, I appear in the Wood Spirit World biggest reason , because you can purify my within the body the strength of curse.” Jian Chen opens the mouth. “当然,我出现在木灵界的最大原因,就是因为你才能净化掉我体内诅咒之力。”剑尘开口。 Boy, your natural talent, can senses Life Principle unexpectedly through me and World Extinguishing Divine Spear resistance, if you keep within the body the strength of this curse, could sense Curse Principle taking this opportunity.” In the Item Spirit eye of Source of Life flashes through cunning expression, serious saying: Or, this sage curse abeyance, has me in any case, it cannot injure you, later to you, perhaps is a good fortune.” “小子,你天赋还可以,竟然能通过我与灭世神枪的对抗去感悟生命法则,你如果把这一丝诅咒之力留在体内,或许能借此机会感悟诅咒法则。”生命之源器灵眼中闪过一丝狡黠的神色,一本正经的说道:“要不,这一丝圣人诅咒就暂时保留,反正有我在,它也伤不到你,以后对于你来说,或许还是一桩造化呢。” Jian Chen cannot help laughing, shaking the head of gently, said: I have sensed Curse Principle, and besides Curse Principle, I also sensed Life Principle, Divine Fire Principle, Destruction Principle, Corrosion Principle, Creation Principle, Space Principle, Strength Principle, Sword Dao Principle.” 剑尘哑然失笑,轻轻的摇了摇头,道:“我早已感悟了诅咒法则,并且除了诅咒法则之外,我还感悟了生命法则,神火法则,毁灭法则,腐蚀法则,创造法则,空间法则,力量法则,剑道法则。” But until now, besides Sword Dao Principle and Space Principle, other Principle is not big to my strength rise, therefore, I am primarily Sword Dao Principle and Space Principle at present, other Principle, do not think the waste thoughts temporarily, after all bites off more than one can chew.” “可迄今为止,除了剑道法则空间法则之外,其他法则对我的实力提升并不大,所以,我目前是以剑道法则空间法则为主,余下法则,暂时不想花费心思,毕竟贪多嚼不烂。” „Did you sense so many Principle unexpectedly? Simply inconceivable.” Item Spirit immediately by a look that looks at the monster is staring at Jian Chen, reveals the color of being startled. “你竟然感悟了这么多法则?简直不可思议。”器灵顿时以一种看怪物的眼神盯着剑尘,露出吃惊之色。 However at once it reveals, helpless color, saying of extremely unwilling: Good, such being the case, I purify the strength of curse for you now.” 不过旋即它就露出无奈之色,极不情愿的说道:“好吧,既然如此,那我现在就为你净化诅咒之力吧。” Item Spirit finishes speaking, in Small World in Source of Life, incomparably boundless life essence crazy expression, changes to dreadful monstrous waves to submerge Jian Chen immediately instantaneously. 器灵话音刚落,生命之源内的小世界中,顿时有一股无比磅礴的生命精华疯狂的宣泄而出,化作一股滔天巨浪瞬间将剑尘淹没。 This life essence, compared with Jian Chen when resisting World Extinguishing Divine Spear, that life essence that was cured uses by Item Spirit to be pure, even more powerful. 这股生命精华,比剑尘在对抗灭世神枪时,受到器灵治愈时所动用的那股生命精华还要精纯,还要强大 Because of the life essence of Item Spirit this moment use, has been counted is the highest rank energy. 因为器灵此刻动用的生命精华,已经算作是最高等阶的能量。 After all is sage the strength of curse, to purify this strength, must use the same level the strength to be good. 毕竟是圣人的诅咒之力,要想净化掉这一丝力量,就必须要使用同等层次的力量才行。 So many years precipitate, are adding on a strength that offering sacrifices of innumerable later generation save with great difficulty, this consumed the larger part all of a sudden. Runs into you, my Huan Zhen (really) is unlucky.” Is looking by Jian Chen that the life essence covers, Source of Life a complaint of Item Spirit face. “这么多年沉淀,在加上无数后辈的献祭才好不容易积攒下来的一点力量,这一下子就消耗了一大半。遇到你,我还真是倒霉。”望着被生命精华笼罩的剑尘,生命之源器灵一脸的埋怨。 ...... ...... —— —— Wood Spirit World, in a wild outskirts range, spreads suddenly is doping the endless angry and unwilling angry roaring sound together, the voice is billowing, the sound wave of that terrifying spread over less than half Peaceful Territory. 木灵界,一处荒郊野岭中,突然传出一道掺杂着无尽愤怒和不甘的怒吼声,声浪滚滚,那恐怖的声波传遍了小半个和平域 Blue Sky Ruler, Heavens Fighting Ruler and other Wood Spirit Clan powerhouse suspended in the upper air, all are expression complex is looking at Yongxi Lantian, suddenly, actually does not know how because of should comfort. 碧落主宰,斗天主宰等几名木灵族强者悬浮在高空中,皆是神色复杂的望着永熙蓝天,一时间,竟然不知道因该如何去安慰。 The Yongxi Lantian mood they naturally can understand, if Ancestral Item's Spirit has not chosen them to select Lord but actually, but it first gave others to hope finally infinitely, gave others infinite happiness, making one have the opportunity of reaching the sky in a single bound. 永熙蓝天的心情他们自然能理解,祖器之灵若是没有选择他们择主倒还罢了,可结果它先是给了人家无限的希望,给了人家无限的美好,让人拥有一步登天的机会。 Finally dials suddenly on basin cold water, the pouring extinguished all fantasies in heart, such dropping variance, trading to do is who will unable to withstand. 结果突然间就一盆冷水拨下来,浇灭了心中的所有幻想,这样的落差,换做是谁也会承受不住。 Yongxi Lantian, you are calm, Peaceful Ruler behind Supreme supports after all, ancestor spirit Sir temporary change idea, obviously because of this Supreme reason. Others backstages are so strong, we cannot struggle.” Heavens Fighting Ruler sighed, finally spoke the comfort. 永熙蓝天,你冷静冷静,和平主宰身后毕竟有一位至尊撑腰,祖灵大人之所以临时改变主意,显然是因为这位至尊的缘故。人家的后台这么强,我们根本争不过。”斗天主宰叹了口气,最终还是出言安慰。 First Ancestor Divine Item we do not have the qualifications to control, behind me sees clearly, even First Ancestor Divine Item chose me, perhaps I could not become its master, because of Jian Chen back Supreme, will meddle to prevent at crucial moments.” In the Blue Sky Ruler heart sighed gently, her vision looked to Yongxi Lantian, said: You have nothing to lose, because by the qualifications, I because of should obtain the First Ancestor Divine Item person.” 始祖神器我们是没有资格掌控,我后面才看清楚,就算是始祖神器选择了我,我恐怕也成不了它的主人,因为剑尘背后的至尊,会在关键时刻插手阻止。”碧落主宰心中轻轻一叹,她目光看向永熙蓝天,道:“你没什么可失落的,因为论资格,我才是因该获得始祖神器的人。” „The Blue Sky brother, sees through, said, Peaceful Ruler also has the graciousness with us, if not for he, we are impossible to step into Great Primal Realm.” Heavy Mountain Old Man also spoke the comfort. 蓝天兄,看开些,说起来,和平主宰还有恩与我们呢,若不是他,我们也不可能踏入混元境。”沉山老人也出言安慰。 Yongxi Lantian does not pay attention to Blue Sky Ruler and Heavens Fighting Ruler two people of words, then both eyes red is staring at Heavy Mountain Old Man, sends out low and deep roaring: His benevolence, how could also to place on a par with First Ancestor Divine Item? If willing, my Yongxi Lantian rather does not want his benevolence, rather does not step into Great Primal Beginning Realm, so long as I First Ancestor Divine Item, I only want First Ancestor Divine Item......” 永熙蓝天毫不理会碧落主宰斗天主宰二人的话,转而双目通红的盯着沉山老人,发出低沉的咆哮:“他的恩情,又岂能与始祖神器相提并论?若是愿意,我永熙蓝天宁可不要他的恩情,宁可不踏入混元始境,我只要始祖神器,我只想拥有始祖神器......” Really is laughable, does not step into Great Primal Realm, how could do you enter to stone gate in? Yongxi Lantian, it seems like you have not sobered now, do not go to think First Ancestor Divine Item again, because everyone in our field, without this lucky reason. Even if there is, is not one's turn you, clear?” A Blue Sky Ruler face despises is staring at Yongxi Lantian. “真是可笑,不踏入混元境,你又岂能进入到石门内?永熙蓝天,看来到现在你还没有清醒过来,不要再去想始祖神器了,因为我们场中的所有人,都没有这个福缘。就算有,也轮不到你,明白吗?”碧落主宰一脸鄙夷的盯着永熙蓝天 Good that said that without Jian Chen on the scene, that First Ancestor Divine Item also belongs to the blue sky.” Nod of Heavens Fighting Ruler deep is so. “说的不错,如果没有剑尘在场,那始祖神器也是属于碧落。”斗天主宰深以为然的点了点头。 Yongxi Lantian deep inspiration, until the past the tea time gradually was calm, then gloomy a face, departure of saying a word. 永熙蓝天深深的吸了口气,直至过去了盏茶时间才逐渐冷静了下来,然后阴沉着一张脸,一言不发的离开。 We also diverge respectively, future Wood Spirit World, may not be one's turn us to take responsibility.” Blue Sky Ruler is actually calm, on the face even has the light smile, as if the mood is very joyful. “我们也各自散去吧,今后的木灵界,可轮不到我们做主咯。”碧落主宰倒是心平气和,脸上甚至带着淡淡的笑容,似乎心情十分愉悦。 Several, that Scarlet Blood World domain, may also be at the without owner condition now.” Blue Sky Ruler walks, Heavens Fighting Ruler looks the temperate smile is staring in the field six people. “几位,那赤血界的地盘,现在可还处于无主状态呢。”碧落主宰一走,斗天主宰就面露温和笑容的盯着场中六人。 Oh, First Ancestor Divine Item regains consciousness, and also had the master, from now on Wood Spirit World has not known that what will turn into, now where has what thoughts to go to manages that Scarlet Blood World.” Heavy Mountain Old Man long sighed, flung the sleeve to leave. “唉,始祖神器苏醒,并且又有了主人,今后木灵界还不知会变成什么样呢,现在哪有什么心思去管那赤血界。”沉山老人长长一叹,甩袖离开。 First waited for Peaceful Ruler to come out to say again, his strength was so strong, now obtains First Ancestor Divine Item, his present status, oh......” “还是先等和平主宰出来再说吧,他的实力本来就那么强,如今又获得了始祖神器,他现在的身份,唉......” Wood Spirit Clan several Great Primal Realm diverge in abundance, becomes joy that Ruler brings, is nothing left. 木灵族几名混元境纷纷散去,成为主宰所带来的喜悦,也是荡然无存。 Source of Life, covered the Jian Chen life essence to continue three days of time, finally started to dissipate. 生命之源内部,笼罩剑尘的生命精华足足持续了三天时间,才终于开始消散。 After the efforts of Source of Life three days of time, that such as attaches deep-rooted ulcer of bone the strength of curse, finally was purified completely. 经过生命之源三天时间的努力,那如附骨之疽的诅咒之力,终于被完全净化。 That moment when the strength of curse vanishes, Jian Chen finally fully restores to the peak. 诅咒之力消失的那一刻,剑尘终于完全恢复到巅峰时期。 The Item Spirit tired appearance of Source of Life in front of Jian Chen, was saying to Jian Chen: I know that your not possible long time to keep Wood Spirit Clan, but I hope that you before, must settle here clansman properly, because they are the descendants who the master leaves behind, is in my heart biggest worrying.” 生命之源器灵一脸疲惫的出现在剑尘面前,对着剑尘说道:“我知道你不可能长时间留在木灵族,不过我希望你在走之前,一定要妥善安顿好这里的族人,因为他们是主人留下的后裔,同时也是我心中最大的牵挂。” This point, you may feel relieved greatly, I will certainly settle them.” Jian Chen nods immediately, Wood Spirit World is by the Source of Life strength, without Source of Life, that Wood Spirit World will collapse quickly. “这一点,你大可放心,我一定会安顿好他们。”剑尘当即点头,木灵界是由生命之源的力量所化,一旦没了生命之源,那木灵界很快就会崩溃。
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