CSG :: Volume #32

#3127: Settling down

Cold Wind Sect three big Highest Beginning Realm Old Ancestor, complete body and soul completely eliminated! 寒风门三大太始境老祖,全部形神俱灭 Icy cold that three absorbed their complete memory, is the static float in front of Snow God. 那三枚吸收了他们全部记忆的冰凌,则是静静的漂浮在雪神面前。 Snow God behind, the cold ice throne void condenses, she sits well on the cold ice throne, stretches out snow white luxuriant jade finger to select gently on icy cold. 雪神身后,寒冰王座虚空中凝聚,她端坐在寒冰王座上,伸出一根雪白的芊芊玉指轻轻点在其中一根冰凌上。 Immediately, contains all memories in icy cold like surging tides to emerge to go toward Snow God, she filters all disorderly memories, Cold Wind Sect three big Old Ancestor these years the experiences to the secret that and have knowledge is not interested, is considering only the searches and Flame Venerable related all information. 顿时,蕴含在冰凌之中的所有记忆如潮水般的朝着雪神涌现而去,她过滤掉所有杂乱记忆,对寒风门三大老祖这些年的经历和掌握的秘密丝毫不感兴趣,只顾着搜寻与炎尊有关的一切信息。 As if, she must exhaust all means that seeks the Flame Venerable trail. 似乎,她要穷尽一切手段,去寻找炎尊的踪迹。 Quick, the Cold Wind Sect three big Old Ancestor memories were read by Snow God completely, although she has completely grasped all sorts of agreements that between Cold Wind Sect three big Old Ancestor and Flame Venerable reach, but pitifully, she has not obtained any related Flame Venerable whereabouts information. 很快,寒风门三大老祖的记忆全部被雪神翻看了一遍,虽然她已经完全掌握寒风门三大老祖炎尊之间所达成的种种协议,但可惜,她并没有得到任何一点有关炎尊下落的信息。 Cold Wind Sect three big Old Ancestor have not spoken incorrectly, they indeed do not know the Flame Venerable trail! 寒风门三大老祖没有说错,他们的确不知道炎尊的踪迹! Bang!” “砰!” Icy cold sudden blasting open that three contain the huge memory, Cold Wind Sect three big Old Ancestor all memories, change to the innumerable fragment dissipations in the world. 三枚蕴含着庞大记忆的冰凌突然炸裂,寒风门三大老祖的所有记忆,都化作无数的碎片消散在天地间。 The Snow God look incomparable ice is cold, seems a dreadful anger to hide in the heart, has not sought the Flame Venerable trail, this makes her be furious greatly. 雪神的眼神无比冰寒,似有一股滔天之怒隐藏在心底,没有寻到炎尊踪迹,这让她大为震怒。 The next quarter, her form disappears instantaneously, when appears again, has returned in Snow Sect main conference hall, with does not contain the slight emotion color ice-cold vision to gaze under, that half body has changed into the ice sculpture, is kneeling in ground motionless Ice Cloud Ancestral Master. 下一刻,她的身影瞬间消失,再次出现时,已经重新回到了雪宗议事大殿中,用不含丝毫情感色彩的冰冷目光注视着下方,那半截身躯已经化为冰雕,正跪在地上一动不动的冰云祖师 Ice Cloud, you meddle the matter of this palace arbitrarily, originally is the capital crime. But read in your good intention share, therefore this palace can forgive your one. But the capital crime may exempt, the suffering is difficult to escape, this palace punishes you to bend down to kneel for ten thousand years, to arrive your crime.” Snow God coldly opens the mouth. 冰云,你擅自插手本殿之事,本是死罪。但念在你一片好意的份上,因此本殿可以饶你一名。但死罪可免,活罪难逃,本殿罚你伏跪万年,以抵你之罪过。”雪神冷冷开口。 „The graciousness of Ice Cloud many thanks many thanks many thanks your highness not killing Ice Cloud Ancestral Master trembling sound to say. 冰云多谢多谢多谢殿下不杀之恩”冰云祖师颤声说道。 Snow God counts on the fingers, one group of Cold Ice Principle covers Ice Cloud Ancestral Master immediately, under this Cold Ice Principle package, Ice Cloud Ancestral Master changed to a lifelike ice sculpture instantaneously. 雪神屈指一点,立即有一团寒冰法则冰云祖师笼罩,在这寒冰法则的包裹之下,冰云祖师瞬间化作了一个栩栩如生的冰雕。 She is maintaining crouches/submits Gui the stance, thorough frozen there, like imprisoned. 她保持着伏跪的姿态,被彻底冰封在那里,如同被禁锢。 Witnessed the Ice Cloud Ancestral Master fate, Snow Sect high and low, all Beginning Realm powerhouse fell into silent, in the eye reveals one thickly sad and sighed with sadness. 目睹了冰云祖师的下场,雪宗上下,所有始境强者都陷入了沉默,眼中都流露出一股浓浓的哀伤和悲叹。 But regarding such result, they are not surprised, because this is they that Snow God of cognition, is strange, ice-cold brutal. 但对于这样的结果,他们又并不感到意外,因为这才是他们所认知的那个雪神,性格怪异,冰冷无情。 Behind the snow and ice throne, Shui Yunlan is also the facial expression complex looks at Ice Cloud Ancestral Master, in the vision is revealing color of not enduring. 在冰雪王座后面,水韵蓝也是神情复杂的望着冰云祖师,目光中流露出一丝不忍之色。 However, she actually does not dare to ask favor, because she understands that the own status, uttered fine words a point, they are the Snow God guards. 但是,她却不敢求情,因为她明白自己的身份,说得好听一点,她们是雪神的侍卫。 Coarse that if said that in fact is the maid. 若说的难听,实际上就是婢女罢了。 Maids, how dare also to talk too much before the lord. 婢女,又岂敢在主子面前多言。 main conference hall void split a crack suddenly, two whole bodies by the restraint female, were departed from the void crack in given strength. 议事大殿的虚空忽然裂开了一道裂缝,两道浑身被束缚的女子,在一股力量的牵引下自虚空裂缝内飞出。 These two females, are Snow Sect Bing Yan Ancestral Master, and Wu Han Ice Temple four big guards. 这两名女子,正是雪宗冰衍祖师,以及冰神殿四大侍卫之一的雾寒 Palace palace palace your highness, however, sees to sit well when Snow God on snow and ice throne, Wu Han complexion frightens instantaneously palely like the paper, the tender body direct weak in the place, lip trembles. “殿殿殿殿下”然而,一看到端坐在冰雪王座上的雪神时,雾寒脸色瞬间吓得苍白如纸,娇躯直接瘫软在地,嘴唇一阵哆嗦。 Bing Yan Ancestral Master but actually appears calm incomparable, because since Ice Cloud Ancestral Master imprisons, she has prepared for facing today's this condition psychology. 冰衍祖师倒显得镇定无比,因为自从被冰云祖师囚禁之后,她就已经做好了面对今日这种境况的心理准备。 On this day, compared with her estimated must be ahead of time. 只是这一天,比她预想中的要提前了很多。 Snort!” “哼!” Void, transmitted Snow God cold snort, entire main conference hall as if crashed into the cold ice purgatory. 虚空中,传来了雪神冷哼,整个议事大殿都似乎坠入了寒冰炼狱。 The next quarter, Snow God, Shui Yunlan, Bing Yan Ancestral Master as well as Wu Han several people of form simultaneously vanish does not see, had carried off by Snow God completely. 下一刻,雪神,水韵蓝,冰衍祖师以及雾寒几人的身影齐齐消失不见,已经全部被雪神带走。 Covers without a trace that the entire Snow Sect huge pressure is vanishing, everywhere Flying Snow in Snow Sect, in gradually weakened, slowly is restoring toward the normal condition. 笼罩着整个雪宗的庞大威压消失的无影无踪,就连雪宗内的漫天飞雪,也是在逐渐减弱,在朝着正常状况缓慢恢复着。 In main conference hall, collection all Snow Sect Beginning Realm powerhouse here relax, this delicate change, making them understand, Snow God these really walked. 议事大殿内,汇集在这里的所有雪宗始境强者纷纷是松了口气,这种微妙变化,让他们所有人都明白,雪神这一回是真的走了。 Ice Cloud Ancestral Master disappears!” 冰云祖师不见了!” Suddenly, calls out in alarm transmits, the people then discovered that by frozen Ice Cloud Ancestral Master here, was also lost the trail similarly. 突然,一声惊呼传来,众人这才发现被冰封在这里的冰云祖师,同样也失去了踪迹。 In numerous Beginning Realm look at one another speechless, outside heard a noisy clamoring sound suddenly. 就在众多始境面面相视时,外面突然传来了一阵嘈杂的喧哗声。 Sees only on Vast Star these similarly by frozen Beginning Realm powerhouse, similarly also vanishes does not see, only left behind numerous God Realm Martial Artist to be frozen in this. 只见苍茫星上那些同样被冰封的始境强者,同样也是消失不见,只留下了众多神境界武者被冰冻在此。 All Beginning Realm powerhouse on Vast Star, carried off by Snow God! 苍茫星上的所有始境强者,都被雪神带走了! Heavenly Crane Family, of in Flying Snow peaks three big ancestor peaks situated in restricted area, Ancestor Lan, Ancestor Shi, the Ancestor Tian three people of positive phases gather together, among the manners has the anxiety that cannot conceal. 天鹤家族,位于禁地中三大祖峰之一的飞雪峰上,蓝祖,石祖,天祖三人正相聚在一起,神态间都有着一丝掩饰不住的焦虑。 That side Snow Sect does not have the sound to the present, really does not know that they are doing something, harm us in vain to waste three Ancestral Blood Pill.” A Ancestor Tian face is breathless, the method that although he does not handle affairs according to the plan to Snow Sect this feels extremely discontented, satisfying actually one worried unavoidably, once Snow Sect were extinguished, that depends on Heavenly Crane Family one's effort, is impossible to block Heaven Sect. 雪宗那边到现在都没有动静,真不知道他们在搞什么名堂,害得我们白白浪费了三颗祖血丹。”天祖一脸气急败坏,虽然他对雪宗这不按计划行事的方法感到极为不满,可心中却免不了一阵担忧,一旦雪宗被灭,那凭天鹤家族一己之力,也绝不可能挡得住天宗 Does not know that you notice beyond the heavens void, terrifying aura that erupts suddenly does not have, that is boundary of 8-layer Highest Beginning top powerhouse, so powerhouse appears beside our Ice Pole Province suddenly, this matter I always feel not to have in the surface is so simple, perhaps is related with Snow Sect.” Ancestor Shi hesitates to say. “不知你们注意到天外虚空中,那突然爆发出的恐怖气息没有,那可是太始之境八重天至强者啊,如此强者忽然出现在我们冰极州之外,此事我总感觉没表面上那么简单,或许是与雪宗有关。”石祖沉吟道。 This also has anything is quite strange, back then Magnificent Heavenly Palace First Your Highness when chasing down Flame Venerable and Kaitian Old Ancestor, is not passes through from Ice Pole Province in the same old way. Moreover some time ago, we also induced to Myriad Bones Building Leader dreadful aura, these Peerless Generation powerhouse occasionally way Ice Pole Province, was really normally, you also left anything to associate toward Snow Sect on.” Saying that Ancestor Tian thinks little. “这又有什么好奇怪的,想当年彼盛天宫大殿下在追杀炎尊开天老祖时,还不是照样从冰极州附近经过。而且不久前,我们还感应到万骨楼楼主的滔天气息呢,这些绝代强者偶尔途径冰极州,实在是太正常不过了,你也别什么事都往雪宗上联想。”天祖不以为意的说道。 Ancestor Lan has not spoken, a bright eye is glittering rays of light, does not know that is thinking anything. 蓝祖没有说话,一双明亮的眼睛闪烁着光芒,不知在想着什么。 However at this moment, in Flying Snow peak sudden wind and snow erupts, along with a suffocating huge pressure, sees only a cold ice throne to emerge out of thin air sky over the Flying Snow peak. 然而就在这时,飞雪峰上突然风雪大作,伴随着一股令人窒息的庞大威压,只见一个寒冰王座凭空出现在飞雪峰上空。 In front of this cold ice throne, Heavenly Crane Family all protects great formation is similar to nominal, cannot have slightly the effect of stop. 在这寒冰王座面前,天鹤家族的所有防护大阵如同虚设,起不到丝毫阻拦的效果。 On the cold ice throne, Snow God sits well above, overlooks the world all living things like keeping aloof gods, regards the myriad things like the ants. 寒冰王座上,雪神端坐在上面,如同高高在上的神邸俯视天下众生,视万物如蝼蚁。 When Ancestor Lan, Ancestor Shi and Ancestor Tian see that cold ice throne, immediately expression in great surprise, in the heart raises the startled big wave monstrous waves. 蓝祖,石祖天祖看见那寒冰王座时,顿时神色大惊,心中掀起惊涛巨浪。 See Snow God your highness, welcomed your highness to return!” “参见雪神殿下,恭迎殿下回归!” Not slightly hesitant, Heavenly Crane Family three big Old Ancestor bend the waist to salute immediately, respectful, but in the heart is incomparably excited. 没有丝毫犹豫,天鹤家族的三大老祖立即弯腰行礼,毕恭毕敬,而心中则是无比兴奋。 The return of Snow God, making their three people realize, chaotic many years of Ice Pole Province, finally welcomed the day of stability. 雪神的回归,让他们三人都意识到,混乱了多年的冰极州,终于迎来了安定之日。 Ice Pole Province had Snow God to assume personal command, external forces, who dares to offend? 冰极州有了雪神坐镇,外部势力,又有谁敢来冒犯? Snow God is unemotional, looked that does not look at Ancestor Tian and Ancestor Shi, Heavenly Crane Family these two big Highest Beginning Realm Old Ancestor regards completely , if no thing, her look is very cold, straight falling on Ancestor Lan, cold say/way: Dares to intervene the matter of this palace, your courage is big.” 雪神面无表情,看也不看天祖石祖一眼,完全将天鹤家族这两大太始境老祖视若无物,她的眼神很冷,直直的落在蓝祖身上,冷然道:“敢干预本殿的事,你胆子不小。” Junior knows the crime, Junior accepts all penalties of your highness.” Ancestor Lan has not quibbled, has not gone to argue strongly based on reason, because she understands, if using these on the snow and ice two gods, not only cannot have slightly the effect, will play the reaction. 晚辈知罪,晚辈接受殿下的一切惩罚。”蓝祖没有狡辩,也没有去据理力争,因为她明白,若是将这些用在冰雪二神身上,不仅起不到丝毫效果,甚至是会起到反作用。 Such being the case, that accepts this palace seal ten thousand years of disciplinary punishment.” Snow God coldly said, immediately cold air packages Ancestor Lan, sees only the Ancestor Lan under foot, has the ice crystal to appear instantaneously, rapid spreads toward the entire body. “既然如此,那就接受本殿封印万年的惩戒吧。”雪神冷冷说道,立即有一股寒气包裹蓝祖,只见蓝祖脚下,瞬间就有冰晶出现,正飞速的朝着整个身躯蔓延。 Her body starts to take the both feet as the beginning, gradual frozen. 她的身躯开始以双脚为起点,逐渐的被冰封。 Sees this, stands in the heart greatly is immediately anxious in nearby Ancestor Tian and Ancestor Shi, they want to open the mouth to explain anything, may open mouth, finally what words do not dare to say. 看见这一幕,站在一旁的天祖石祖顿时心中大急,他们二人想要开口解释什么,可张了张嘴,最终什么话都不敢说。 As Ice Pole Province established powerhouse, the temper of their too clear snow and ice two gods, they understand, if in this time opens the mouth, they will also end up with the Ancestor Lan similar fate mostly. 作为冰极州的老牌强者,他们太清楚冰雪二神的性子了,他们明白,若是在这个时候开口,那他们自身多半也会落得和蓝祖同样的下场。 Detected that own body unceasingly frozen, the heart of Ancestor Lan also sinks suddenly, suddenly, she as if thought of anything, immediately says: your highness, Jian Chen is significant with our Heavenly Crane Family friendship, he in the past when leaving Ice Pole Province, once had spoken a few words.” 察觉到自己的身躯正不断被冰封,蓝祖的心也是猛然一沉,忽然,她似乎想到了什么,立即开口说道:“殿下,剑尘与我们天鹤家族交情匪浅,他当年在离开冰极州时,曾说过一句话。” He said that regardless of Second Sister turned into what appearance, throughout is his Second Sister, is one of his most intimate people “他说,无论二姐变成了什么样子,都始终是他二姐,是他最亲的人之一” When Jian Chen this name appears in the Snow God ear, seems startling thunderclap in her brain loudly crack, making her will vacillate, the train of thought also fell into a confusion. 剑尘这个名字出现在雪神耳中时,就仿佛是一颗惊雷在她脑中轰然炸响,让她意志动摇,思绪也陷入了一阵混乱。 She sits well the tender body on snow and ice throne is also somewhat stiff, that pair of emotionless color both eyes, gave birth to some mighty waves in this moment. 就连她端坐在冰雪王座上的娇躯也是有些僵硬,那双毫无情感色彩的双目,在这一刻也是生出了些许波澜。 But this condition continued time of breath merely, Snow God depressed all negativities, restored her indifference, but also speeds up in the ice crystal that on Ancestor Lan spread suddenly. 但这种状态仅仅持续了一个呼吸的时间,雪神就压下了所有的负面情绪,重新恢复了她的冷漠,而在蓝祖身上蔓延的冰晶也是骤然加快。 In a flash, the manner of Ancestor Lan face was framed, she is maintaining the fixed stance completely frozen. 一瞬间,蓝祖面部的神态被定格,她保持着固定的姿态被完全冰封。 Oh!” Before that moment by frozen, was sighed thoroughly lightly in her heart reverberates leisurely. “唉!”在彻底被冰封前的那一刻,一声轻叹在她心底悠悠回荡。 Heavenly Crane Family, was not finished, later, the Snow God form appeared in Ice Pole Province each place, arrived in numerous top big influences on Ice Pole Province, Old Ancestor of some top influences ended up with the Ancestor Lan fate, thorough frozen there. 天鹤家族,并不是结束,随后,雪神的身影出现在冰极州的各个地方,降临在冰极州上的众多顶尖大势力间,有一些顶尖势力的老祖落得和蓝祖的下场,被彻底冰封在那里。 Also some apex big influences moved toward demise, entire sect high and low, regardless of good and evil, regardless of everybody, changed to the ice sculpture completely. 也有一些顶尖大势力走向了灭亡,全宗上下,无论善恶,无论男女老幼,全部化作了冰雕。 But the ice sculpture, is actually different from Ancestor Lan and Ice Cloud Ancestral Master, Ancestor Lan and Ice Cloud Ancestral Master merely by frozen flesh body, Primordial Spirit as before is perfect, can ponder normally. 而他们所化的冰雕,却又与蓝祖冰云祖师不同,蓝祖冰云祖师仅仅是被冰封了肉身,元神依旧是完好无损,能够正常思考。 Changes to the ice sculpture as for the people of these entire sects the influence, was not only sealed up flesh body, and Primordial Spirit also similarly frozen. 至于那些全宗之人都化作冰雕的势力,不仅是被封住了肉身,并且就连元神也同样被冰封。 Cold Wind Sect, the entire sect changes to one of the ice sculpture influences. 寒风门,正是全宗化作冰雕的势力之一。 Moon Temple cannot escape by luck similarly! 月神殿同样没能幸免! Before, to seize Flame Venerable, Snow God has been hiding own, in order to avoid alerting the enemy, making Flame Venerable run away ahead of time. 之前,为了逮住炎尊,雪神一直都在隐藏自己,以免打草惊蛇,让炎尊提前逃走。 Now, since cannot seek the Flame Venerable trail, that Snow God naturally does not need to continue to hide. 如今,既然寻不到炎尊的踪迹,那雪神自然没有必要继续隐藏下去。 Therefore, she achievement on Ice Pole Province, is announcing her return without doubt in the presence of everyone. 因此,她在冰极州上的作为,无疑是在当众宣布她的回归。 Suddenly, Ice Pole Province boiled, no one pays attention to by the Snow God destruction influence, no one pays attention to stand erect in the human form ice sculpture of Ice Pole Province each place, because on Ice Pole Province, does not have any matter returns Snow God is more important. 一时间,冰极州沸腾了,没有人去关注被雪神覆灭的势力,也没有人去关注屹立在冰极州各个地方的人形冰雕,因为在冰极州上,没有任何事比雪神回归都还要重要。 Everyone is being the official return of Snow God cheers loudly 所有人都在为雪神的正式回归而大声欢呼
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