CSG :: Volume #31

#3028: Ninth Your Highness celebrates

Sees only the Luotian Family front door place, under a (Bai Yi) white clothes female received the Luotian Family aide warmly, not anxiously not slow walked from outside. 只见罗天家族的大门处,一名白衣女子在罗天家族的侍从热情接待之下,不急不缓的从外面走了进来。 The age of this female seems like more than 30 to have, the makings are elegant, send out mature flavor, its cultivation level impressively is Great Primal Beginning Realm. 这名女子的年纪看上去莫约三十有余,气质典雅,散发出一股成熟的韵味,其修为赫然是混元始境 Great Primal Beginning Realm powerhouse, even if places in Antiquity Family, is the Supreme Elder first-level character, powerful. 混元始境强者,哪怕是放在远古家族之中,都是属于太上长老一级人物,位高权重。 The person who however Purple Myrtle Family comes continues obviously she, sees only in her behind also follows weakly several young man Junior from Purple Myrtle Family, the strength, enters Human God Realm merely initially, strongest also God King Realm, among the manners all brings faintly arrogantly, is arrogant and conceited. 不过紫薇家族来的人显然不止她一人,只见在她身后还跟着几名来自紫薇家族的后生晚辈,实力不等,最弱的仅仅初入人神境,最强的也不过神王境,神态间皆是隐隐带着倨傲,目空一切。 Even if their arrogant when entering Luotian Family at that moment, then had been hidden by them vigorously restrains, but this and body entirely to come the stance of a cut above the rest, reveals as before unknowingly. 哪怕是他们的这种倨傲在进入罗天家族那一刻时,便已经被他们极力隐藏收敛,可这股与身俱来的高人一等的姿态,依旧是在不经意间流露出来。 Suddenly, the arrival of Purple Myrtle Family becomes the audience most noticeable focus instantaneously, after all this is Antiquity Family, is in a command field numerous influences only may look, fearful existence that cannot seek friendships with. 一时间,紫薇家族的到来瞬间成为了全场最令人瞩目的焦点,毕竟这可是远古家族啊,是一个令场中众多势力都只可仰望,不可高攀的可怕存在。 Meanwhile, this is also in the field many representatives of influence, sees to stem from the Antiquity Family person for the first time. 同时,这也是场中许多势力的代表们,第一次见到出自远古家族的人。 „The Dao Family honored guest visits......” 道氏家族贵客光临......” Shortly after the Purple Myrtle Family person just arrived, master of ceremonies that loud and clear voice conveys again, among the expressions has the excitement that is hard to conceal. 紫薇家族的人刚到不久,司仪那洪亮的声音再次传来,语气间有着难以掩饰的激动。 Immediately, in Luotian Family in an uproar, many people are the mind big quakes. Dao Family, this is Antiquity Family. 顿时,罗天家族内一阵哗然,许多人都是心神大震。道氏家族,这又是一个远古家族 Saint Realm eight big Antiquity Family, this presented two all of a sudden. 圣界八大远古家族,这一下子就出现了两家。 Oh, Luotian Family has Luo Tian Supreme to assume personal command now, the position from was once entirely different, Antiquity Family simultaneously celebrates is also the natural matter......” in many guests, Highest Beginning Realm Old Ancestor was discussing in a low voice. “唉,罗天家族如今有罗天太尊坐镇,地位与曾经大不相同了,远古家族齐齐来贺也是理所当然的事......”众多来宾中,有一位太始境老祖在低声议论。 Luo Tian Saint Lord in Saint Realm absolutely is a man of the hour, is qualifications very old powerhouse, he has exceeded of ten million year in the years that boundary of 9-layer Highest Beginning stayed, but even so, Luotian Family compared with Antiquity Family, still was still short on a head. 罗天圣主圣界绝对是一个风云人物,同时也是一位资格很老的强者,他在太始之境九重天停留的岁月已经超过千万年之久了,可即便如此,罗天家族比起远古家族来说,也依然矮上了一头。 Because Luo Tian Saint Lord does not have Supreme level Cultivation Technique, similarly does not have Supreme level Divine Item, although with is boundary of 9-layer Highest Beginning, but he compared with having complete inheritance Antiquity Family, but weak were too many. 因为罗天圣主没有太尊功法,同样也没有太尊神器,虽然同为太始之境九重天,可他比起拥有完整传承的远古家族来说,可就弱了太多了。 However now, as Luo Tian Saint Lord cultivation level breaks through, took that extremely essential one step, making him instantaneously world Supreme that dominates above Antiquity Family. 然而现在,随着罗天圣主修为突破,迈出了那极为关键的一步,使得他瞬间成为了凌驾于远古家族之上的天地至尊 Then, top influence appearance that shakes Saint Realm, this time is the Luo Tian Supreme congratulation, Saint Realm 49 Great Provinces, 81 Great Stars all has the influence on arrive, does not have an absence. 接下来,一个又一个名震圣界的顶尖势力到场,此番为罗天太尊祝贺,圣界四十九大洲,八十一大星皆有势力到场,无一缺席。 In addition, eight big Antiquity Family people also arrived in full. 除此之外,就连八大远古家族的人也到齐了。 Ha Ha Ha Ha, Nine Flash Star Lord your honorable self visit, our Luotian Family had to lose welcomes, has to lose welcomes......” at this time, had the old sound to transmit in Luotian Family together, the sound was enormous and powerful, while the penetrating making a sound entire family, in the entire Luo Tian continent reverberation. 哈哈哈哈,九曜星君大驾光临,我们罗天家族有失远迎,有失远迎......”这时,在罗天家族内有一道苍老的声音传来,声音浩荡,在彻响整个家族的同时,也是在整个罗天洲回荡。 Shortly, Luotian Family that clamored lively again became peaceful, falling the needle may hear, was implicated on first, that came from eight big Antiquity Family disciple is also expression with deep veneration. 顷刻间,原本热闹喧哗的罗天家族再次变得安静了下来,落针可闻,就连坐在上首处,那来自八大远古家族弟子也是神色肃然。 Let them vibrate, is not because sound of this Highest Beginning Realm Old Ancestor warm welcome from Luotian Family, but is this time visit character —— Nine Flash Star Lord! 让他们震动的,并不是因为这一道来自罗天家族内一位太始境老祖的热情欢迎之声,而是此次的到访人物——九曜星君 Nine Flash Star Lord, this is a keeping aloof great person, is not only boundary of 9-layer Highest Beginning super powerhouse, and is the disciple of Weeping Blood Supreme. Noble of his status, the great strength of strength, is exceeds to break through beforehand Luo Tian Saint Lord. 九曜星君,这可是一位高高在上的大人物,不仅是一位太始之境九重天的超级强者,并且更是泣血太尊之徒。他的身份之高贵,实力之强大,更是胜过突破之前的罗天圣主 This is one waves absolutely, entire Saint Realm blustery great person. 这绝对是一个挥挥手,整个圣界都会风起云涌的大人物。 The Luotian Family deep place, the white robe old man goes out, this is Highest Beginning Realm Old Ancestor, among his then had/left Luotian Family, goes to greet Nine Flash Star Lord personally. 罗天家族深处,有一名白袍老者走出,这是一名太始境老祖,他一步间便出了罗天家族,亲自前去迎接九曜星君 When including visits of eight big Antiquity Family, has not received Luotian Family Highest Beginning Realm Old Ancestor to be personally corresponding, thus it can be seen the Nine Flash Star Lord weight/quantity is high how. 连八大远古家族的到访时,都不曾受到罗天家族太始境老祖亲自相应,由此可见九曜星君的分量是何其之高。 The Luotian Family sky, Nine Flash Star Lord bathes in a dazzling and radiant stars brilliance, the whole body had stars Grand Dao to surround, enabling him to seem changed to vast endless starry skies, no one can see clearly his true colors. 罗天家族的上空,九曜星君沐浴在一层耀眼而璀璨的星辰光辉之中,周身更是有星辰大道环绕,使得他好似化作了一片浩瀚无尽的星空,无人能看清他的真面目。 But Luotian Family Highest Beginning Realm Old Ancestor, then greets with a smile accompanying in its about, among the manners has the respect of not being able to conceal, the attitude appeared several points lowly, polite Nine Flash Star Lord welcome to the Luotian Family deep place. 罗天家族的一位太始境老祖,则是一路陪笑相伴在其左右,神态间有着掩饰不住的敬意,态度都显得低下了几分,正客客气气的将九曜星君请到罗天家族深处。 Has seen Nine Flash Star Lord!” “见过九曜星君!” But in Nine Flash Star Lord after the Luotian Family sky, the collection all guests here all stands up, among the manners has the respectful meaning to Nine Flash Star Lord line of big rituals. 而在九曜星君经过罗天家族上空时,汇集在这里的所有宾客皆是站起身来,神态间带着恭敬之意对着九曜星君行大礼。 Even if disciple from Antiquity Family is no exception. 哪怕是来自远古家族弟子也毫不例外。 Quick, as if changes to piece of sea of stars Nine Flash Star Lord then to vanish with Luotian Family Highest Beginning Realm Old Ancestor does not see, after they walk, in the field the guest erupts one to clamor immediately, many representatives of influence look at the place that Nine Flash Star Lord is vanishing, the facial expression is very excited. 很快,仿佛化作一片星海九曜星君便随着罗天家族的一位太始境老祖消失不见,他们走后,场中宾客顿时爆发出一股喧哗,许多势力的代表们都望着九曜星君消失的地方,神情无比激动。 To them, Nine Flash Star Lord is the great person in legend, let alone is they, even if Old Ancestor of their respective influence not necessarily has the qualifications to see Nine Flash Star Lord. Now in Luotian Family, they sees one side Nine Flash Star Lord unexpectedly fortunately, although has not seen the appearance/portrait, but to them, is the matter that incomparably fills people with enthusiasm, is the capital that is worth boasting for a lifetime. 对于他们来说,九曜星君乃是传说中的大人物,别说是他们,哪怕是他们各自势力的老祖都不一定有资格见到九曜星君。如今在罗天家族内,他们竟然有幸见到了九曜星君一面,尽管没有见到真容,可对于他们来说,也是一件无比振奋人心的事,更是值得一辈子去吹嘘的资本。 Has not thought that even Nine Flash Star Lord this grade of great person came, can see only saves the Supreme disciple in legend, the trip not empty, trip not empty......” “没想到连九曜星君这等大人物都来了,能见到只存于传说中的太尊之徒,此行不虚,此行不虚啊......” „The Supreme apprentice, the light is thinks enviablly......” 太尊的徒弟,光是想一想都令人羡慕啊......” ...... ...... In Luotian Family, many guests reveal to yearn for the color. 罗天家族内,众多宾客都流露出向往之色。 At this time, master of ceremonies that resonant voice spread again: Magnificent Heavenly Palace nine... nine... nine... nine... nine... nine......” 这时,司仪那嘹亮的声音再一次传出:“彼盛天宫九...九...九...九...九...九......” However this time, the voice of master of ceremonies actually does not want so to be in the past smooth, caught suddenly, seemed seized the throat to be the same, could not say complete words. 不过这一次,司仪的声音却不想往常那样顺畅,都是突然卡住了,就仿佛是被人掐住了咽喉一般,怎么也说不出一句完整的话来。 „The Magnificent Heavenly Palace person also came, but was this master of ceremonies? Nine? Nine what?” 彼盛天宫的人也来了,不过这司仪是怎么了?九?九什么啊?” Under today's this inviolable grand occasion, the Ministry of Rites masters makes this mistake unexpectedly, this is a serious offense......” “在今日这种不可亵渎的盛况之下,礼部司仪竟然犯这种错误,这可是一个大过啊......” Snort, was this Ministry of Rites master of ceremonies? How to speak becomes the stutter to get up, today is our Luotian Family unprecedented prosperous times, this master of ceremonies was really gives to lose completely the face of our Luotian Family......” “哼,这礼部司仪是怎么了?怎么说话都变得结巴起来了,今日可是我们罗天家族前所未有之盛世,这司仪真是把我们罗天家族的脸都给丢尽了......” Who immediately checks this Ministry of Rites master of ceremonies is, makes this mistake under today's this grave ceremony unexpectedly, may not forgive simply......” “立即去查一查这礼部司仪是谁,在今日这庄重的仪式下竟然犯这种错误,简直不可饶恕......” Sudden being dumbfounded of master of ceremonies, immediately is lets many guest as well as Luotian Family person knits the brows. 司仪的突然结舌,立即是让众多宾客以及罗天家族的人皱眉。 At this time, the master of ceremonies seemed like takes a deep breath, then with compared with previously also wanted the loud and clear sound to shout loudly again: Magnificent Heavenly Palace, Ninth Your Highness celebrates......” 这时,那司仪似乎深吸一口气,然后才用较之先前还要洪亮的声音再次高呼:“彼盛天宫,九殿下来贺......”
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