CSG :: Volume #30

#2953: Thunder God Family retreats

Saint Realm, the passage entrance to lead to Spirit Immortal World, Right Ancient from Thunder God Family sits cross-legged as in the midair, blocked the two worlds passage entrance solitarily. 圣界,通向灵仙界通道入口处,来自雷神家族右宿老依旧盘坐在半空中,只身一人堵住了两界通道的入口。 Sees only him to shut both eyes, the whole person just like sitting in contemplation results in motionlessly, seeming like seems a stone carving. 只见他闭着双目,整个人宛若老僧入定似得一动不动,看上去就仿佛是一个石雕。 Such posture, he had maintained for more than 200 years. 这样的姿势,他已经保持了两百多年了。 More than 200 years, regarding common Martial Artist, calculated on are period of very long time, may regarding living Right Ancient of long years, are in a flash. 两百多年,对于寻常武者来说,算的上是一段很长的时间,可对于活了漫长岁月的右宿老来说,也不过是弹指之间而已。 In Right Ancient stops up in these years of entrance, except for with Dao Family and Purple Myrtle Family that Thunder God Family is on good terms, as well as beyond its attached influence, in vast Saint Realm is nothing influence, any Martial Artist can enter Spirit Immortal World. 而在右宿老堵住入口的这些年里,除了与雷神家族交好的道氏家族紫薇家族,以及其附属势力之外,浩瀚圣界中是没有任何势力,任何武者能够进入灵仙界 But so, collects in the two worlds passage entrance all influence as well as loose cultivator Martial Artist even if, its quantity does not reduce minute/share to increase, the population is more and more to become much. 可哪怕是如此,汇集在两界通道入口处的各方势力以及散修武者,其数量也是不减分增,人数是变得越来越多。 Can be Spirit Immortal World orthodox influence Spirit Immortal Clan, came many clansmen, they collect on huge Void Spaceship completely, monopolizes a region. 就连算得上是灵仙界的正统势力灵仙一族,也是来了众多族人,他们全部都汇集在一艘巨大的虚空飞船上,独占一片区域。 Spirit Immortal Clan the Void Spaceship, naturally is becomes in the field the thing of most dazzling attention. 灵仙一族的这艘虚空飞船,自然是成为了场中最为耀眼瞩目之物。 It is not other, because of this Void Spaceship, is high-grade Divine Item! 不为别的,就因为这艘虚空飞船,乃是一件上品神器 At this moment, in this Void Spaceship most peak, pair of middle-aged husband and wife is standing on a field of vision open flat roof shoulder to shoulder, vision simultaneously looks to stopping up two worlds passage Right Ancient, complexion is very unattractive. 此时此刻,在这艘虚空飞船的最顶端,有一对中年夫妇正并肩站在一处视野开阔的露台上,目光齐齐望向堵住两界通道右宿老,脸色很不好看。 But from them sends out aura that all reaches to peak powerhouse of boundary of Highest Beginning. 而从他们身上散发出的气息,皆是臻至太始之境的巅峰强者 The middle-aged man named Bai Cheng, the middle-aged female called Zi Lan, they were not only the husband and wife relations, and was also Spirit Immortal Clan two big Old Ancestor! 中年男子名叫百诚,中年女子叫紫兰,他们二人不仅是夫妇关系,并且同时也是灵仙一族的两大老祖 Thunder God Family was also too wild, this Spirit Immortal World really must relate in detail that also because of should belongs to our Spirit Immortal Clan domain, finally passage of Thunder God Family not only overbearing stopping up, and our Spirit Immortal Clan also kept them out......” in Spirit Immortal Clan two big Old Ancestor, Zi Lan makes the indignant sound. 雷神家族也太猖狂了,这灵仙界真要细说,那也因该是属于我们灵仙一族的地盘,结果雷神家族不仅霸道的堵住的通道,并且就连我们灵仙一族也被拒之门外......”灵仙一族两大老祖中,紫兰发出气愤的声音。 That middle-aged man Bai Cheng, on the face also is completely helpless the color, sighed lightly: Who lets Thunder God Family strength ....., thought back on the past years, our Spirit Immortal Clan when peak, even if in the clan did not have Supreme powerhouse, can still contend with many Antiquity Family simultaneously. Has a look at the present, Antiquity Family Saint Monarch not to need to act again, is comes out merely a ancient, then makes our Spirit Immortal Clan entire clan unable to find way out......” 那中年男子百诚,脸上也尽是无奈之色,轻叹道:“谁让雷神家族实力强呢.....唉,遥想当年,我们灵仙一族在巅峰时期时,即便是族中没有至尊强者,也能同时与多个远古家族抗衡。再看看现在,远古家族圣君都不需要出面,仅仅是出来一位宿老,便让我们灵仙一族全族一筹莫展......” Our Spirit Immortal Clan, has declined unexpectedly hence, really does not know that my clan also does have to reappear the magnificent time......” on the Bai Cheng face is completely the moved color. “我们灵仙一族,竟然已经没落至此了,真不知我族还有没有重现辉煌的时刻......”百诚脸上尽是伤感之色。 Pitifully old Patriarch is not, if old Patriarch here, I must have a look at this Thunder God Family also to dare but actually is so extremely arrogant, dares to stop our Spirit Immortal Clan to return to belong to our own world.” Saying that Zi Lan is filled with righteous indignation, quite clenching jaws meaning, obviously in the heart are resenting. “可惜老族长不在,若是老族长在这里,我倒要看看这雷神家族还敢不敢这么狂妄,竟敢阻拦我们灵仙一族回到属于我们自己的天地。”紫兰气愤填膺的说道,颇有一股咬牙切齿的意味,显然心中是愤恨不已。 Old Patriarch......” hears old Patriarch, Bai Cheng is face the color of longing, muttered: „After old clan in the past World of Immortals Supreme caused heavy losses, then unloaded the position of Patriarch, since then vanished without the trace, has never appeared, does not know whether he is also living.” “老族长......”一听到老族长,百诚便是一脸的怀念之色,喃喃道:“老族当年被仙界的一位至尊重创之后,便卸下了族长之位,从此消失无踪,至今都从未出现过,也不知道他老人家是否还活着。” Really fondly remembers has old Patriarch in that period of time, only then in that years, we can feel Spirit Immortal Clan is also a top large clan......” “真是怀念有老族长在的那一段时光啊,只有在那一段岁月里,我们才能感受到灵仙一族也是一个顶尖大族......” At this moment, the two worlds passage sudden vibration, such vibration, showed that has character extremely to pass through in. 就在这时,两界通道突然一阵震动,这样的震动,说明有绝顶人物正在里面通行。 Sat cross-legged opened the eye in passage front Right Ancient slowly, old eyes that pair felt the feeling of vicissitudes did flicker is staring in passage, filled the anticipation and disturbance. 盘坐在通道面前的右宿老缓缓的睁开了眼睛,那双充满沧桑之感的老眼一瞬不瞬的盯着通道中,充满了期待和忐忑。 The person's shadow flashes, Zhen Yuan Saint Lord that big form quiet emergence, he and Right Ancient stand shoulder to shoulder, hug are staring at two worlds passage that the arm is calm and composed even in press of work, light saying with a smile ; „More than 200 years, this group of people who disrupt the order are willing to come out finally.” 人影一闪,镇元圣主那高大的身影悄无声息的出现,他与右宿老并肩而立,抱着臂膀好整以暇的盯着两界通道,淡淡的笑道;“两百多年了,这一帮扰乱秩序的人终于肯出来了。” Saying, the Zhen Yuan Saint Lord vision was casting aside eye Right Ancient lightly , to continue saying: Said, your Huan Zhen (really) will select the time, because comes out in this time, but can also make you more dignified.” 说着,镇元圣主目光淡淡的撇了眼身边的右宿老,继续道:“不过说真的,你们还真会挑时间,因为在这个时间里出来,还可以让你们体面一些。” Zhen Yuan Saint Lord this words what meaning?” Right Ancient unemotional asking, but his vision, then flickers is staring at two worlds passage. 镇元圣主此话何意?”右宿老面无表情的问道,而他的目光,则是一瞬不瞬的盯着两界通道 Because he faint has felt to obtain, this person of coming out has many, Highest Beginning Realm has many, does not need to want also to know that is the person who they send all comes out. 因为他隐隐已经感觉得出,这一次出来的人有不少,太始境就有多名,不用想也知道是他们派遣进去的人全部出来了。 The whole staff withdraw, means that they seek for the action of Grand Dao Source, completely finished. 全员撤出,也意味着他们寻找大道本源的行动,彻底结束。 Because this Saint can tolerate your limit time, is 300 years. If 300 years later you so, that Saint caught up with the person on only the very powerful line.” A Zhen Yuan Saint Lord serene stance, although this is the unions of three big Antiquity Family, but he is in the slightest does not fear obviously. “因为本圣能容忍你们的极限时间,便是三百年。若是三百年后你们还是如此,那本圣就只好强行赶人了。”镇元圣主一副云淡风轻的姿态,尽管这是三大远古家族的联合,但他显然也是分毫不惧。 Right Ancient is silent, is silent. He knows that such as the character of Zhen Yuan Saint Lord this grade of level, will not always say things just to frighten people, always could say, could achieve. 右宿老沉默,闭口不言。他知道如镇元圣主这等层次的人物,从来都不会危言耸听,向来都是说得出,做得到。 The most important thing is, Zhen Yuan Saint Lord indeed has such ability! 最重要的是,镇元圣主的确拥有这样的能力! Because this is peerless powerhouse that eight big Saint Monarch that lets Antiquity Family, must treat cautiously, is not very affable. 因为这是一位让远古家族的八大圣君,都需慎重对待的绝世强者,很不好惹。 At this time, in two worlds passage the person's shadow surges, forms from inside one after another, when first person, controls Space-Time Principle Lei Shiguang impressively. 此时,两界通道内人影涌动,一道道身影从里面鱼贯而出,当先一人,赫然是掌控时空法则雷时光 In Lei Shiguang behind, is Lei Yun (thunder clouds), Lei Huaji, as well as comes to assist Old Ancestor level powerhouse that from Purple Myrtle Family and Dao Family. 雷时光身后,便是雷云,雷化极,以及来自紫薇家族道氏家族前来协助的老祖强者 This group of people just space channel, then discovered is standing in Right Ancient Zhen Yuan Saint Lord, is complexion changes, immediately salutes. 这群人刚一出空间通道,便发现了正站在右宿老身边的镇元圣主,一个个都是脸色微变,立即行礼。 Lei Shiguang, stayed for more than 200 years in Spirit Immortal World, but found Grand Dao Source?” 雷时光,在灵仙界中呆了两百多年,可是找到了大道本源?” Right Ancient has not opened the mouth, Zhen Yuan Saint Lord then first asked that faint smile is staring at Lei Shiguang. 右宿老还未开口,镇元圣主便抢先发问了,似笑非笑的盯着雷时光 Lei Shiguang was holding holding the fist in the other hand to Zhen Yuan Saint Lord, on that handsome charming face shows bathes in fresh air the smile, said: This time many thanks Saint Lord allows to pass, the time good fortune does not fail in one's mission, has sought Grand Dao Source successfully.” 雷时光对着镇元圣主抱了抱拳,那英俊帅气的面庞上露出如沐春风般的笑容,道:“此番多谢圣主放行,时光幸不辱命,已经成功寻到了大道本源。” Found? Good, good, is really good, finally obtained Grand Dao Source, the trip, the trip......” hearing that, Right Ancient did not light up with pleasure in vain in vain immediately, that has been hanging the heart on throat put finally. “找到了吗?太好了,太好了,真是太好了,终于得到大道本源了,不枉此行,不枉此行啊......”闻言,右宿老顿时喜笑颜开,那一直悬挂在嗓子眼上的心是终于放了下来。 Found? The wound that it seems like Thunder Saint Monarch receives was also about to restore, then, this Saint also felt relieved.” Zhen Yuan Saint Lord light saying with a smile, the mood has not fluctuated slightly. “找到了么?看来雷霆圣君所受的伤也快恢复了,如此一来,本圣也就放心了。”镇元圣主淡淡的笑道,没有丝毫情绪波动。 Thunder God Family, Purple Myrtle Family and Dao Family Old Ancestor is expression strange is staring at Zhen Yuan Saint Lord, Zhen Yuan Saint Lord for the injury worry of Thunder Saint Monarch? 雷神家族,紫薇家族道氏家族的各位老祖皆是神色古怪的盯着镇元圣主,镇元圣主会为雷霆圣君的伤势担心? Deceives the ghost. 骗鬼去吧。 Past years's these matters, perhaps in some Saint Realm top circles were the secrets, may with be one of the Antiquity Family, purity that Purple Myrtle Family and Dao Family Highest Beginning Realm Old Ancestor knew. 当年的那些事,或许在圣界一些顶尖圈子中算是秘密,可同为远古家族之一,紫薇家族道氏家族太始境老祖可是知道的一清二楚。 In the past, Zhen Yuan Saint Lord this solemn Highest Beginning Realm 8-layer peak powerhouse, to save the own favored daughter, not hesitating to give up own as the top powerhouse dignity, knelt down to Thunder Saint Monarch in the presence of everyone, but caused a stir in all Antiquity Family. 当年,镇元圣主这位堂堂太始境八重天的巅峰强者,为了挽救自己的爱女,不惜放弃自己身为绝顶强者的尊严,当众向雷霆圣君下跪,可是轰动了所有的远古家族 However the news was blocked strictly, has not spread, therefore in eight big Antiquity Family, only some position lofty Old Ancestor level characters has the qualifications to know. 不过消息被严密封锁,并未传开而已,因此在八大远古家族中,唯有一些地位崇高的老祖级人物才有资格知晓。 This Saint has been anticipating, in the future will have the opportunity to be able with Thunder Saint Monarch well when compares notes ..... the Zhen Yuan Saint Lord sound to spread, the person has disappeared does not see. “本圣可是一直期待着,日后有机会能与雷霆圣君好好的切磋切磋.....”镇元圣主的声音传出时,人已经消失不见。
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