CSG :: Volume #30

#2948: Grand Dao manifest

Time, you came.” The Right Ancient vision falls on this (Bai Yi) white clothes youth, that old face shows a kind smile. “时光,你来了。”右宿老的目光落在这名白衣青年身上,那张苍老的面庞露出一丝和蔼的笑容。 But the smile on his face then restrains quickly, gradually became serious, dignified saying: Time, the unnecessary words were not obsolete many said that the situation of this/should understanding you also understood, now obtains Grand Dao Source Highest Beginning Realm deeply to hide in Spirit Immortal World, various group of troops who our three big families sent out, the search still does not have the clue.” 但他脸上的笑容很快便收敛,逐渐变得严肃了起来,凝重的说道:“时光,多余的话老朽就不多说了,该了解的情况你也都了解,如今得到大道本源太始境深藏在灵仙界中,我们三大家族派出的各路人马,搜寻至今都毫无线索。” However you control Time Principle, hopes obsolete after you enter Spirit Immortal World, exhausting ability seeks for Grand Dao Source.” “而你掌控时间法则,老朽希望你进入灵仙界之后,竭尽所能的去寻找大道本源。” For a long time hadn't found that person? Do the ancients, you determine that person also in Spirit Immortal World?” The time is frowning to hesitate to say. “这么长时间都没有找到那人?宿老,你确定那人还在灵仙界吗?”时光皱着眉头沉吟道。 Assumes personal command obsolete personally here, to everyone who comes out from Spirit Immortal World, regardless of the strength height, will conduct the most thorough inspection. Therefore, dares to believe firmly the person of Grand Dao Source obsolete, still also stay in Spirit Immortal World.” Saying that Right Ancient vows solemnly. “老朽亲自坐镇在这里,对每一位从灵仙界出来的人,无论实力高低,都会进行最深入的检查。因此,老朽敢确信得到大道本源之人,依然还逗留在灵仙界中。”右宿老信誓旦旦的说道。 That is good, asking the ancient to feel relieved, the time can whole-heartedly.” Lei Shiguang expression with deep veneration, knows the weight of matter obviously. “那就好,请宿老放心,时光会全力以赴。”雷时光神色肃然,显然也知道事情的轻重。 Un, has you to act personally, felt relieved obsolete, went, quick returned quickly “嗯,有你亲自出手,老朽也放心多了,去吧,快去快回” The Lei Shiguang slight nod, then his vision shot a look at a float in the distant place, a meteorite of stay still, in the vision reveals a complex color, at once then turns around, in cross-over space channel that does not return. 雷时光微微点头,然后他目光瞥了一眼漂浮在远方,一颗静止不动的陨石,目光中流露出一丝复杂之色,旋即便转身,头也不回的跨入空间通道内。 But on that meteorite that Lei Shiguang stares at just before leaving, the light the upper part, is only putting on Zhen Yuan Saint Lord of shorts to sit cross-legged to sit there, before his body, is placing one extremely exquisite tea set, a person sits here, judging tea of being carefree and content. 而在雷时光临走前所凝望的那颗陨石上,光着上半身,只穿着一条短裤的镇元圣主正盘膝坐在那里,他身前摆放着一套极为精巧的茶具,正一个人坐在这里,悠然自得的品茶。 Never expected that Thunder God Family called Lei Shiguang, but this Lei Shiguang collection Thunder Lightning Principle and Time Principle in peak powerhouse, not only battle strength was powerful, and with the aid of Time Principle, enabling him also to transform Space-Time, traced the energy of source, if some method not wise Highest Beginning Realm to Lei Shikong, even if erased all clues and traces, can by the Lei Shikong easy restoration.” “没想到雷神家族雷时光都叫过来了,这雷时光可是集雷电法则时间法则于一身的巅峰强者,不仅战斗力强大,并且借助时间法则,使得他还拥有转换时空,追溯本源之能,若是一些手段不高明的太始境对上雷时空,哪怕是抹去了所有的线索和痕迹,都能被雷时空轻而易举的复原回去。” Thunder God Family, since makes Lei Shikong make a move, that explained that they had not found Grand Dao Source as before. But looks at them to obtaining Grand Dao Source the anxious stance, in solid that rumor. Perhaps Thunder God Family Saint Monarch, really received very serious injury, and this injury is extremely difficult to cure Zhen Yuan Saint Lord leisurely tea, while is watching two worlds passage that side situation, how to see is a rejoice in other people's misfortune expression. 雷神家族既然让雷时空出手,那说明他们依旧没有找到大道本源。而看他们对得到大道本源的急切姿态,则在坐实了那种传言。雷神家族圣君,恐怕真的受了非常严重的伤势,并且这伤势还极难治愈”镇元圣主一边悠哉悠哉的品着茶,一边关注着两界通道那边的情况,怎么看都是一副幸灾乐祸的表情。 Thunder Saint Monarch, this Saint starts to expect suddenly, was anticipating wants to know you can pass this pass/test. However current Thunder God Family, but only then your 9-layer, if you could not insist that dropped down, the name of that Thunder God Family this Antiquity Family, but survived in name only 雷霆圣君,本圣忽然开始期待起来,期待着想要知道你能不能度过这一关。不过当今的雷神家族,可就只有你这一位九重天,倘若你坚持不住倒下了,那雷神家族远古家族之名,可就名存实亡了” By that time, Saint Realm eight big Antiquity Family, but turned into seven “到那个时候,圣界的八大远古家族,可就变成七个了” Saint Realm somewhere void, by the nameless stars that on the Spirit Immortal Clan Ancestral Item strength protects, suddenly, the entire stars started the strenuous vibration, in the surface of stars, the terrifying cracks is spreading rapidly, just like an incomparably giant spider web to be the same, erect quick spread toward the entire stars. 圣界的某处虚空中,被灵仙一族祖器力量所守护的无名星辰上,突然间,整颗星辰开始剧烈震动了起来,在星辰的表面上,更是有一道道恐怖的裂缝在飞速蔓延,犹如一张无比巨大的蜘蛛网一般,正飞快的朝着整个星辰蔓延。 Quick, this may in incomparably giant stars surface, cover entirely the innumerable cracks. 很快,这可无比巨大的星辰表面上,就已经布满了无数的裂缝。 From the upper air, it as if turns into ceramics that will soon disrupt to result in suddenly, only need bump gently, will then disintegrate immediately. 从高空看去,它就仿佛是忽然间变成了一个即将碎裂的陶瓷似得,只需轻轻一碰,便会立即土崩瓦解。 Because on this stars, presented one huge to terrifying strength beyond description suddenly, even if this terrifying strength is overflows to disperse a small stock, has destruction this stars easily the prestige of extinguishing world. 因为在这颗星辰上,忽然间出现了一股庞大到难以形容的恐怖之力,这股恐怖的力量哪怕是溢散出一小股,都拥有轻易毁灭这颗星辰的灭世之威。 Since this strength appears, in this being empty void, presented numerous runes suddenly, these runes are all sorts of strange and unusual, dense and numerous, the quantity, filled up the trim universe. 自这股力量出现之后,这片空无一物的虚空中,也是忽然间出现了众多符文,这些符文千奇百怪,密密麻麻,数量非常之多,填满了整片天宇。 Each runes contains the strength of supreme Grand Dao, each runes records in the world the mystery of deepest level, when the innumerable runes twinkles, interweave mutually, resembles contains the secret that the world is evolving. 每一股符文都包含着至高无上的大道之力,每一道符文似都记载着天地间最深层次的奥秘,无数符文闪烁,相互交织时,似都蕴藏着天地演化的秘密。 This is Grand Dao runes! 这是大道符文 By world Grand Dao, the time rule condenses the product that becomes completely, at this moment appeared in the world in another way! 完全由天地大道,时间规则凝聚而成的产物,此刻以另一种方式在天地间显现了出来! With the appearance of Grand Dao runes, in the world , indistinct spread the intermittent singing in praise of the Buddha, such as the mighty bell Banche sound world, shocks the mind greatly. Actually just like Nine Heavens Goddess to sing in the world, beautiful like sounds of nature. 伴随着大道符文的出现,天地间,也隐约的传出了阵阵梵音,如洪钟大吕般彻响天地,震撼心神。却又犹如九天神女在天地间歌唱,美如天籁。 This is the sound of Grand Dao, is Grand Dao is singing! 这是大道之音,是大道在歌唱! At this moment, hidden in the world Supreme Grand Dao of deepest level, resembled is cut through the numerous dense fog, by clearest way direct manifest. 此时此刻,隐藏在天地间最深层次的至高大道,似被人拨开了重重迷雾,以最清晰的方式直接显化了出来。 Grand Dao rule manifest, this was Grand Dao rule manifest, Feng Senior succeeded, Feng Senior succeeded, Feng Senior he really achieved, his really success Shen Jian jumped excitedly, because excited excessively, red that his complexion has risen. 大道规则显化,这是大道规则显化,风前辈成功了,风前辈成功了,风前辈他真的做到了,他真的成功了”沈剑激动的跳了起来,因为兴奋过度,他的脸色已经涨的一片通红。 Because he knows, from, Spirit Immortal Clan had Supreme at this moment finally. 因为他知道,从此刻起,灵仙一族终于拥有一位太尊了。 Although he has never gone to Spirit Immortal Clan, but he has known about Spirit Immortal Clan from Wind Venerable there enough many, he knows Spirit Immortal Clan , since leaving Spirit Immortal World, then has not been born again Supreme. 虽然他从未去过灵仙一族,但他从风尊者那里对灵仙一族已经了解的足够多,他知道灵仙一族自从离开了灵仙界之后,便再也没有诞生过太尊 Had Supreme, Spirit Immortal Clan has hoped did not know many for generations. Now, finally on this day, Spirit Immortal Clan innumerably for generations, Supreme powerhouse that various innumerable Rank clansmen anticipate, finally birth! 拥有一位太尊,灵仙一族已经期盼了不知道多少个世世代代。如今,终于是在这一天,灵仙一族无数祖祖辈辈,无数各阶级的族人所期待的太尊强者,终于诞生了! And Wind Venerable to his concern, causes in the Shen Jian heart, already to this own has never contacted the ethnic group, had an anticipation feeling and sense of belonging. 并且风尊者对他的关爱,使得沈剑心中,早已对这个自己从未接触过的族群,产生了一种期待感和归属感。 Therefore, magnificence that smooth being promoted of Wind Venerable, as well as Spirit Immortal Clan will soon welcome, is to make Shen Jian rouse. 因此,风尊者的顺利晋级,以及灵仙一族即将迎来的辉煌,都是令得沈剑振奋不已。 World Grand Dao never such clear manifest, this is the best time of sensibility, is sure to remember unmissable.” Sat cross-legged to sit there restores Chaos Blood Essence Jian Chen also to open the eye, he made noise to remind Shen Jian and Sheng Yu two people immediately, then the rapid restraining mind, the whole person immersed to the sensibility of the world Grand Dao during. “天地大道从未这么清晰的显化过,这是感悟的最好时机,切记不可错过。”盘膝坐在那里恢复混沌精血剑尘也睁开了眼睛,他立即出声提醒沈剑圣羽两人,然后便迅速收敛心神,整个人都沉浸在对天地大道的感悟之中。 This sensibility opportunity, once in a thousand years, big of its result, must go far beyond Good Fortune Divine Jade. 这种感悟机会,千载难逢,其收效之大,要远远超过造化神玉 However this sensibility, will not be obviously lasting in the time, after Wind Venerable all conclusions, but this manifest world Grand Dao then again hidden, therefore one minute/share one second may not waste. 不过这种感悟,显然在时间上也不会太持久,待风尊者一切结束之后,这显化而出的天地大道便会重新隐去,因此一分一秒都不可浪费。 heard the sound, Sheng Yu and Shen Jian two people also rapid stability mind, follows close on is immersing to the sensibility during. 闻声,圣羽沈剑两人也迅速稳定心神,紧跟着沉浸到感悟之中。 Jian Chen all mind has used, in sensed on Grand Dao Principle, entered the absorbed boundary completely, but sensibility Principle, as before Sword Dao. 剑尘已经将所有心神都用在了感悟大道法则上,完全进入了忘我之境,而感悟的法则,依旧还是剑道 Under this sensibility, he achievement on Sword Dao Principle, as well as to the Sword Dao cognition, to the control of the world Grand Dao, is promoting by inconceivable speed rapidly, it promotes the rapidness of speed, was next to him in the past in Raising Dao Fruit that Dark Star took. 在这种感悟之下,他在剑道法则上的成就,以及对剑道的认知,对天地大道的掌控,正在以一种不可思议速度迅速提升着,其提升速度之快,仅次于他当年在暗星界服用的育道果 Naturally, all these give credit to the Jian Chen perception. The Jian Chen perception can describe with the present age high rarely, otherwise, he not possible to reach in so the age to so the boundary. 当然,这一切都还是归功于剑尘的悟性。剑尘的悟性之高可以用当世罕见来形容,否则的话,他也绝不可能在这般年纪就臻至如此境界。 Although his success, there are various chances to follow in inside, but Martial Artist, once reaches to God Realm, then must step onto sensibility world Principle, control world Grand Dao the rough road. 虽说他的成功,也有各种机缘伴随在里面,但一个武者一旦臻至神境界,便要走上感悟天地法则,掌控天地大道的这条坎坷之路。 But sensibility Grand Dao, is there is no shortcut to walk, if oneself perception is insufficient, even if placed Dao Fruit of Raising Dao Fruit this grade of level in front of you, is unable to bring the slight promotion to you. 而感悟大道,是没有任何捷径可走,倘若自身悟性不够,哪怕是将育道果这等层次的道果摆在你面前,也无法给你带来丝毫的提升。 Because all help sense Grand Dao heavenly material treasure and various treasures, regarding Martial Artist, nothing but is plays cuts through the numerous dense fog, makes clearer, more careful effect that you look, to attain, all must depend on your own. 因为一切有助于感悟大道天材地宝和各种宝物,对于武者来说,无非就是起到拨开重重迷雾,让你看的更清楚,更加仔细的效果罢了,要想有所获,一切都还要靠你自己
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