CSG :: Volume #29

#2882: Ten drops of blood essence

Dark Star Great Emperor this last few words, are make Jian Chen breathe obstruct suddenly, the heart is contracting fast , then beat by unprecedented speed fiercely. 暗星大帝这最后一句话,却是让剑尘呼吸猛然一窒,就连心脏都是在快速收缩,紧接着,便是以一种前所未有的速度剧烈跳动了起来。 What pledged?” Jian Chen blurted out immediately, has excitement and inspired that is hard to conceal. “什么承诺?”剑尘立即脱口而出,有着难以掩饰的激动和振奋。 At this moment, he could not attend to is seen his hope to the Supreme blood essence by Dark Star Great Emperor, because he could not cover the excitement of own innermost feelings. 这一刻,他也顾不得会被暗星大帝看出他对太尊精血的渴望了,因为他根本就掩盖不了自己内心的激动。 Ten drops of Supreme blood essence, can the unsealed Highest Beginning Temple seal, making Highest Beginning Temple get out of trouble, can free hovering in the world. 十滴太尊精血,可以解封太初神殿的封印,让太初神殿脱困,可以自由的翱翔在天地间。 And, he had also reached the agreement with Highest Beginning Temple Item Spirit initially, once he makes Highest Beginning Temple get out of trouble, Highest Beginning Temple then recognizes him for the lord, henceforth was controlled by him. 并且,他当初也与太初神殿器灵达成过协议,他一旦让太初神殿脱困,太初神殿便认他为主,从此被他掌控。 This is Huan Zhen Tower, Magnificent Heavenly Palace, Purple Azure Dual Swords situated in top Divine Item of same level, past was the Supreme boundary Supreme treasures, its precious and rare degree was self-evident. 这可是与还真塔,彼盛天宫,紫青双剑处于同一层次的顶尖神器,昔日都是太尊至尊的宝物,其珍贵与罕见程度不言而喻。 Most importantly, because Highest Beginning Temple is perfect top Divine Item, not like Huan Zhen Tower, Purple Azure Dual Swords and Radiant Temple Saint Light Tower like that had suffered the heavy losses that is inconceivable, is unable to show the prestige of past. 最重要的,还是因为太初神殿是一件完好无损的顶尖神器,不像还真塔,紫青双剑光明圣殿圣光塔那般,曾经都遭遇过难以想象的重创,根本就无法展现出昔日之威。 Once he obtained Highest Beginning Temple, through the assistance of Item Spirit, will display Highest Beginning Temple many wondrous uses effortlessly. 他一旦得到了太初神殿,通过器灵的协助,将会毫不费力的发挥出太初神殿的诸多妙用。 Although by his present strength, but also cannot play Highest Beginning Temple all might, but even if only then 1% might, that may not look down upon. 尽管以他如今的实力,还远不能发挥出太初神殿的所有威力,但哪怕是只有百分之一的威力,那也不可小视了。 Therefore, ten drops of Supreme blood essence regarding Jian Chen, the significance that has were really big. 因此,十滴太尊精血对于剑尘来说,所具备的意义实在是太大了。 this Emperor needs you to pledge, once you have ability that can let my clan difficulty-relief, that must exhaust ability help my clan difficulty-relief. And, when my clan will come across the crisis in the future, you must exhaust ability help my clan get through the difficult time.” The Dark Star Great Emperor vision becomes the incomparable sharpness, resembling to penetrate both eyes of Jian Chen to see his heart deep place, zheng zheng powerful say/way: This commitment , without the time to limit, hands over since ten drops of Supreme blood essence from my clan that moment in your hand, then officially becomes effective, so long as from now on you are also living, you must fulfill this commitment.” 本帝需要你承诺,你一旦拥有能够让我族脱困的能力,那就必须要竭尽所能的助我族脱困。并且,在日后我族遇到危机时,你也要竭尽所能的助我族渡过难关。”暗星大帝的目光变得无比的锋锐,似要穿透剑尘的双目看到他的内心深处,铮铮有力的道:“此承诺,没有时间限制,从我族将十滴太尊精血交到你手中的那一刻起,便正式生效,今后只要你还活着,那你就要一直履行这个承诺。” „Are you so confident to me? Assured will such I grow to be able to help that day of your clan in the future?” In the Jian Chen eye the rays of light twinkle, he had not become confused the mind by the benefit, is measuring the advantage and shortcoming in the brain. “你对我就这么有信心?这么笃定我将来会成长到能够帮助到你族的那一天?”剑尘眼中光芒闪烁,他没有被利益冲昏头脑,在脑中权衡着利与弊。 You can reach the so astonishing altitude in so the age, the future achievement is inevitably limitless, therefore, this Emperor is willing to press this note on you. Although this gambling stake also has the risk, but during this long years, there is qualifications to let under our Dark Star Clan the big qualification betting person, only has your.” Dark Star Great Emperor expression serious, obviously before making this decision, his heart has also had intense struggling. “你能在这般年纪就达到如此惊人的高度,未来的成就必然不可限量,因此,本帝愿意在你身上压这一份注。虽然这个赌注也有风险,但在这漫长岁月之中,有资格让我们暗星族下大本钱押注的人,也唯有你一人。”暗星大帝神色严肃,显然在作出这个决定之前,他内心也有过激烈的挣扎。 Good, I can promise you, once in the future when I have the ability, certainly will help your clan difficulty-relief with all might and main, and in the future your clan will come across the life and death crisis in Saint Realm, I will also help you get through the difficult time with all might and main. However, actually must have a prerequisite, that is all things, must in my area of competence, I for these ten drops of Supreme blood essence, not ruin the own life in vain.” Jian Chen said. “好,我可以答应你,将来我一旦有能力时,一定会竭尽全力的助你族脱困,并且日后你族在圣界遇到生死危机,我也会竭尽全力的帮你们渡过难关。但是,却必须得有一个前提条件,那就是所有事情,都必须在我的能力范围之内,我不会为了这十滴太尊精血,去白白葬送自己的性命。”剑尘说道。 Good, without issue, but you must take an oath by own Grand Dao......” “好,没问题,不过你必须要以自己大道起誓......” Jian Chen achieved with Dark Star Great Emperor quickly consistently, during this period, ten big temples have Palace Master and Vice- Palace Master stand propose the opposing opinion, but resisted opposition by Dark Star Great Emperor, pressed forcefully. 剑尘暗星大帝很快就达成了一致,在此期间,十大神殿也有殿主副殿主站出来提出反对意见,但都被暗星大帝力排众议,给强行压了下去。 In Dark Star Clan, Dark Star Great Emperor is supreme existence, if he acts willfully, him who no one can stop, although he had lost flesh body. 暗星族中,暗星大帝就是至高无上的存在,他若是一意孤行,将没有任何人能阻拦的了他,尽管他已经失去了肉身 Afterward, Jian Chen takes an oath by own Grand Dao immediately, grave established a oath: That ten drops of Supreme can blood essence, when give me?” 随后,剑尘当即以自己大道起誓,庄重的立下了道誓:“那十滴太尊精血,什么时候能给我?” Supreme blood essence was collected in the altar, to take out Supreme blood essence, must reopen the altar. But reopens the altar, needs to condense the strength of 36 city.” Dark Star Great Emperor said slowly, his vision deep looked at Jian Chen one , to continue to open the mouth: Now 36 cities, have been extinguished 25 by you continually, only remain 11 city strengths not to damage, depend upon these 11 cities, cannot achieve to open the condition of altar by far.” 太尊精血都被珍藏在祭坛之中,要想取出太尊精血,就必须要重开祭坛。而重开祭坛,又需要凝聚三十六城之力。”暗星大帝缓缓说道,他目光深深的看了剑尘一眼,继续开口:“如今三十六城,已经被你连灭二十五座之多,仅剩十一座城池实力未损,依靠这十一座城池,远远达不到打开祭坛的条件。” Although outside the abatement 36 Lord cities, some of my clan also numerous every large or small town and villages, can assign the manpower to enter 36 Lord cities from each town. But these move the clansman in in the city, the strength want the weak level compared with 36 Lord cities, but also cannot meet the requirements.” “虽然除却三十六主城之外,我族还有众多大大小小的城镇和村落,可以从各个城镇中调派人手进驻三十六主城。可这些活动在城镇中的族人,实力都要比三十六主城要弱一个层次,还达不到要求。” Jian Chen brow big wrinkle: Then, this Supreme couldn't blood essence take?” 剑尘眉头大皱:“这么说来,这太尊精血是取不出来了?” Cannot take, but actually needs you to assist from side. My clan has superior God King Grass, by the ability of my clan, but also is unable to refine Medicine Pill God King Grass, but your Martial Artist actually. If after you can refine Medicine Pill, these God King Grass provides to my clan, that can repay the strengths of 36 cities rapidly, once 36 cities recovered, that opens the altar naturally is not the difficult matter.” Dark Star Great Emperor said. “并不是取不出来,不过却需要你从旁协助。我族有上等神王草,以我族的能力,还无法将神王草炼制成丹药,但是你们外界武者却可以。如果你能将这些神王草炼制成丹药之后提供给我族,那将能迅速补回三十六城的实力,一旦三十六城恢复了元气,那打开祭坛自然不是难事。”暗星大帝说道。 I need all superior God King Grass.” In the Jian Chen heart sighed secretly, he was witnesses Dark Star Clan to start the way of altar, what in the heart clear Dark Star Great Emperor said was the truth, the opening altar, indeed needed the strength of 36 city. “那我需要所有的上等神王草。”剑尘心中暗叹,他是亲眼目睹暗星族开始祭坛的方式,心中清楚暗星大帝说的是实情,开启祭坛,的确需要三十六城之力。 Finally, Jian Chen and Dark Star Clan discussed that a series of conditions were settled, both in light of this Ba battle, but Jian Chen also went to Dark Star Clan Imperial City later, prepares to receive Dark Star Clan various resources. 最终,剑尘暗星族谈成了一系列条件达成了和解,双方就此罢战,而剑尘随后也前往了暗星族皇城,准备接收暗星族的各类资源。 Meanwhile, in the Two Worlds Mountain deep place, the person's shadow is restraining whole body aura together cautiously, in the dense fog obstructs the day the wooded mountains the rapid shuttle. 与此同时,在两界山深处,一道人影正小心翼翼的收敛着浑身气息,在迷雾遮天的山林间飞速穿梭。 His clothing is tattered, the body has many wounds, the whole body is bathed in blood, obviously is injured heavily. 他衣衫破烂,身上有多处伤口,浑身浴血,显然受伤不轻。 This person's shadow, is on Star Flash Province one of the top sects, in Five Flowers Sect position lofty Saint Child, Five Flowers Saint Child! 这道人影,正是星耀州上顶尖宗派之一,五华宗内地位崇高的圣子,五华圣子 At this moment, Five Flowers Saint Child is crossing Two Worlds Mountain! 此刻,五华圣子正在横穿两界山 Spans Two Worlds Mountain, this to all Martial Artist, is almost one a life and death that is possible to complete does not challenge, even if the person of battle strength heaven defying, basically stretches across Two Worlds Mountain alone ten die not fresh. 跨越两界山,这对所有外界武者来说,都几乎是一个不可能完成的一个生死挑战,哪怕是战力逆天之人,独自横跨两界山都基本上的十死无生。 But Five Flowers Saint Child, battle strength is far from has heaven defying how, but his Space Principle and Time Principle unify, was actually displays all sorts of mysteriously, finally made battle strength be far from heaven defying him, the owner in Two Worlds Mountain was of superior the maintaining life ability person. 五华圣子,战力谈不上有多么逆天,可他空间法则时间法则结合,却是发挥出了种种玄妙,最终就使得战力谈不上逆天的他,在两界山内却拥有者远超常人的保命能力。 Five Flowers Saint Child complexion has become a paleness, expression dispiriteds, in his hand are grasping best-quality Divine Crystal, while hurries along, in while absorbs the Divine Crystal energy to restore itself. 五华圣子脸色已经变得一片苍白,神色一片萎靡,他手中握着极品神晶,在一边赶路的同时,也在一边吸纳着神晶的能量来恢复自身。 But in his rear area, then spreads the sound of intermittent beast roar, some numerous Devouring Life Beast after faces him to be in hot pursuit, the strength is almost God King Realm. 而在他的后方,则是传出阵阵兽吼之声,有众多噬生兽正在后面对他紧追不舍,实力几乎都是神王境 But Five Flowers Saint Child, then does not dare to have the slight stay, even if he is exhausted , can only bite the tip of tongue, proposes the spirit full speed to escape. 五华圣子,则是不敢有丝毫停留,哪怕是他已经精疲力竭,也只能咬着舌尖,强提精神全速逃亡。 His tongue, already by covered with blood that he bit. 他的舌头,早已被他咬的血肉模糊。 Finally, has not known how long, Five Flowers Saint Child saw the front that together is transparent barrier, this makes his fill exhausted gloomy both eyes, instantaneously became excited, seemed a being drowned person catches straw to grasp to result in the despair, the intense seeking livehood desire made him erupt the tremendous potential in an instant, speed suddenly suddenly increase, broke in barrier. 终于,也不知道过了多长时间,五华圣子看到了前方的那一道透明结界,这让他那充满疲惫的暗淡双目,瞬间变得激动了起来,就仿佛是一位溺水之人在绝望中抓到了一根救命稻草似得,强烈的求生欲望使他刹那间爆发出巨大的潜力,速度骤然暴增,一头冲入了结界之中。
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