CSG :: Volume #29

#2837: Numerous arrangement

Yes, Great Emperor!” Jadi respectful voice should say, then immediately gets down to transmit the order of Great Emperor. “是,大帝!”佳迪恭声应道,然后立即下去传递大帝的命令。 Although treats the Martial Artist attitude on Dark Star Great Emperor, making in the Jadi heart be full of the anxiety. But in Dark Star Clan, Dark Star Great Emperor has the supreme authority, so long as stems from the order of Dark Star Great Emperor, no one dares to refute and question, even if some people think the order of Dark Star Great Emperor is wrong, they must carry out this wrong order. 尽管就暗星大帝对待外界武者的态度而言,让佳迪心中充满了疑虑。但在暗星族内,暗星大帝拥有至高无上的权威,只要是出自暗星大帝的命令,就没有任何人敢反驳和质疑,哪怕是有人认为暗星大帝的命令是错误的,那他们也必须去执行这道错误的命令。 However, when Dark Star Great Emperor this is more like the decree of some commitment, passes to through the seventh temple is confined to barracks when Martial Artist ears in 36 Lord city, these tense anxious Martial Artist that immediately made in abundance were calm, must unite the momentum of together forming counter-attacks certainly faintly, temporary was disintegrated. 不过,当暗星大帝这更像是某种承诺的旨意,通过第七神殿传到被禁足在三十六座主城中的外界武者耳中时,顿时令的那些紧张不安的外界武者们纷纷是镇定了下来,就连隐隐要联合在一起形成绝地反扑的势头,也暂时性的被瓦解了。 Regarding the commitment of Dark Star Great Emperor, in Martial Artist Huan Zhen (really) few individuals questioned but actually, although in Martial Artist, no one has personally seen Dark Star Great Emperor, but regarding the Dark Star Great Emperor credibility, many people quite trusts. 对于暗星大帝的承诺,外界武者中倒还真没有几个人去质疑,虽然在外界武者之中,至今都还无人亲眼见过暗星大帝,但对于暗星大帝的信誉度,许多人都还是比较信任。 Originally has a false alarm, I said that how Dark Star Clan will not take us, and does not dare really to harm us, after all we, representative, but in entire Saint Realm almost half of influences, if Dark Star Clan is really ruthless my pledge, that assumes our Saint Realm great Supreme definitely to meet making a move destruction Dark Star Clan......” “原来是虚惊一场,我就说嘛,暗星族是不会拿我们怎么样的,并且也不敢真的伤害到我们,毕竟我们这些人,代表的可是整个圣界中几乎一半的势力,如果暗星族真的将我盟赶尽杀绝,那坐镇我们圣界的伟大至尊必然会出手覆灭暗星族......” Good that said that if our Saint Realm great Supreme acts, Dark Star Clan does not have the hope that the least bit returns alive certainly, Dark Star Clan offended Hundred Saints City is the limit, after all Hundred Saints City also merely was the unions of Saint Realm dozens big influences, but behind us, was millions of sect influences......” “说的不错,我们圣界的伟大至尊若是出手,暗星族绝无半点生还的希望,暗星族得罪百圣城就已经是极限了,毕竟百圣城也仅仅是圣界数十个大势力的联合而已,而在我们背后,可是千千万万的宗派势力......” Various Dark Star Clan places, hear similar discussion everywhere, when especially some Martial Artist mentioned „when great Supreme, among the manners has the arrogance that is hard to conceal , when vision passing over gently and swiftly Dark Star Clan person, has meaning of the light disdaining. 暗星族各处,随处都传来类似的议论声,特别是当一些外界武者提到“伟大至尊”时,神态间都有着难以掩饰的倨傲,随之目光掠过身边的暗星族人时,都带着一股淡淡的不屑之意。 In these Martial Artist, there is a considerably large part is belongs to have the background character in Saint Realm, although their back influences cannot compare Hundred Saints City, but has the influence that low-level Highest Beginning assumes to be not infrequent. 这些外界武者中,有相当大的一部分在圣界中都是属于有背景的人物,尽管他们背后的势力比不上百圣城,但拥有低阶太始坐镇的势力可不在少数。 And middle also has extremely a few existences, its back sect influence in Saint Realm, having is not completely inferior in the Hundred Saints City influence, even must dominate in majority. 并且当中还有极为少数的存在,其背后的宗派势力在圣界中,拥有完全不逊色于百圣城的势力,甚至都还要凌驾于大多数。 These influences without participating in the construction of Hundred Saints City, naturally would have no to form the alliance with the Hundred Saints City back influence, belongs exists in Dark Star alone. 只是这些势力没有参与百圣城的建设,自然就没有与百圣城背后的势力形成联盟,属于独自存在于暗星界之中。 Therefore, Supreme this type is not to exists in Saint Realm high, regarding some of them who common powerhouse can know has not been the secret. 因此,太尊这种在圣界中绝非寻常强者所能知晓的至高存在,对于他们当中的一部份人来说早已不是什么秘密。 Will not harm and our life, but also ensure all of us can live departure? This information broad somewhat is big, Dark Star Great Emperor this is playing the word game with us.” At the same time, in 52 influence simultaneous/uniform gathering in great numbers temples that in Hundred Saints City, only save, is discussing the Dark Star Clan current change in situation together. “不会伤及我们性命,还保证我们所有人都能活着离开?这信息概括的可是有些大啊,暗星大帝这是在和我们玩文字游戏啊。”同一时间,百圣城内,仅存下来的五十二个势力齐聚众神殿内,正在一同商讨暗星族当前之变局。 Hehe, that right? For example makes into half dead to throw us, or makes us lack arm few legs to leave here, but finally has not harmed and our life lives is leaving. Dark Star Great Emperor only said that does not harm and our life, had not said does not harm us to be tiny bit......” “呵呵,那可不是么?比如把我们打成半死扔出去,或者让我们缺胳膊少腿离开这里,最终可都是没有伤及我们性命活着离开啊。暗星大帝只说不伤及我们性命,可没有说不伤害我们一丝一毫啊......” Good, does not harm and life, with does not injure and our soft body hair is two entirely different concepts, in addition Dark Star Clan detains so many Saint Realm Martial Artist now in 36 cities, and also seals up Transmission Formation these to depart, these are hiding some secretive conspiracy inevitably......” “不错,不伤及性命,和不伤及我们一根毫毛可是两个截然不同的概念,再加上现在暗星族将那么多圣界武者关押在三十六座城池中,并且还封闭传送阵不让这些人离去,这其中必然隐藏着某种不可告人的阴谋......” In the Hundred Saints City numerous temples, many influences are analyzing, supreme talent that but the person of speech actually does not lead respectively, but is follows the old servants side these supreme talent. 百圣城的众神殿内,许多势力都在分析,不过说话之人却不是各自领头的天骄,而是一名名跟随在这些天骄身边的老仆。 At this moment, these old servants act as the respective influence the brain truster, supplies ideas for respective Young Master. 此时此刻,这些老仆充当起各自势力的智囊,为各自少主出谋划策。 But they also truly are this character in aspect, the strength, although is not strong, but the ability and wisdom is good, is manages the wise men of respective family's all business in Dark Star Clan. 而他们也确实是这方面的人物,实力虽然不强,但才智不俗,是管理各自家族在暗星族内一切生意的智者。 Young Master, to be cautious, you leave Dark Star Clan as early as possible.” Has the old servant to say. 少爷,为了稳妥起见,您还是趁早离开暗星族吧。”有老仆说道。 Family sends me to enter Dark Star Clan, what are more is conducts an experience to me, if I merely am because some Gossip and your absurd in addition guessed that flinches on the choice, I will have what face countenance to compete for the positions of few Patriarch in the future......” that supreme talent face stubborn saying, dignified fearless. “家族派遣我进入暗星族,更多的是对我进行一种历练,若我仅仅是因为一些流言蜚语和你们的妄加猜测就选择退缩,那我将来还有何颜面去争夺少族长之位......”那名天骄一脸倔强的说道,泰然无惧。 This matter we have to guard, I look to be inferior to this, first sends for the energy full of Transmission Formation, lets Transmission Formation be at momentarily the transmissible condition, if really happened may not the matter of strength resists, we first evacuated.” Heavenly Thunder Clan Lei Jun opens the mouth to say. “此事我们不得不防,我看不如这样吧,先派人将传送阵的能量充盈,让传送阵处于随时都可传送的状态,万一真发生了不可力抗之事,我们就第一时间撤离。”天雷族雷均开口道。 His proposition, obtained everyone's unanimous approval immediately, then immediately sends people to conduct an overall check to Transmission Formation, is full of all energies completely, lets Transmission Formation be at the condition that one type may use momentarily. 他的提议,立即得到了所有人的一致认同,然后立即派人对传送阵进行一次全面检查,然后将所有能量全部充满,让传送阵处于一种随时可动用的状态。 All of them do not know, in they conduct the energy supplement for Transmission Formation, sky over Hundred Saints City, beside Hundred Saints City protection formation situated in the light screen that forms, there is body illusory person's shadow suspended together in the upper air, he as if fuses together with the trim world, not only aura does not have, and naked eye is unable to discover his existence. 只是他们所有人都不知晓,就在他们为传送阵进行能量补充时,在百圣城上空,位于百圣城的守护阵法形成的光幕之外,有一道身体虚幻的人影正悬浮在高空中,他似乎与整片天地融为一体,不仅气息全无,并且就连肉眼都无法发现他的存在。 Even if some people sweep the position that this person's shadow has been at with the naked eye, should still discover that this piece is empty void, nothing exists. 即便是有人无意间用肉眼扫过这道人影所在的位置,也会发现这片虚空空无一物,没有任何东西存在。 At this moment, the stance that this person's shadow to overlook is staring below Hundred Saints City, sends out only has twittering the sound that his own can hear: Initially this King rescued you in Two Worlds Mountain, but was counting on you can play some roles at the critical moment of big sacrifice, if makes you depart safely, that this King did plow the air initially?” During the speeches, the illusory person's shadow is counting on the fingers a ball to below Hundred Saints City, one bunch of incomparably weak vague energies shot in an instant, enters Hundred Saints City. 此刻,这道人影正以俯视的姿态凝望着下方的百圣城,发出唯有他自己才能听见的呢喃声:“当初本座两界山内解救你们,可就指望着你们能在大祭的关键时刻发挥一些作用,倘若就这么让你们一个个都安然离去,那本座当初岂不是就白费力气了?”说话间,虚幻人影对着下方的百圣城屈指一弹,一束无比微弱的隐晦能量刹那间射了出去,直入百圣城 Powerful formation that Hundred Saints City that is proud, in the face of this weak and vague energy on shape such as nominal, without playing any stop role, is putting from formation by the this weak energy, entered in Hundred Saints City, finally vanishes in erecting in that only Transmission Formation in Hundred Saints City. 百圣城那引以为傲的强大阵法,在这道微弱且隐晦的能量面前就形如虚设,没有起到任何的阻拦作用,就这么由着这一道微弱能量从阵法中一穿而过,神不知鬼不觉的进入了百圣城中,最终消失在架设在百圣城内的那唯一的传送阵中。 Transmission Formation has not changed, as before as usual, is only in inside, are many energy that no one is able to detect. 传送阵没有丝毫变化,依旧如常,只是在里面,多了一道谁也无法察觉到的能量。 This action, can only succeed, cannot be defeated, even if there is Jian Chen this to infiltrate the board game piece in Dark Star Clan high level, this King must make many preparations. This Hundred Saints City trump card, but has never used in Dark Star Clan, was the time makes it expose, in everyone's the energy collection by Hundred Saints City, the in addition Hundred Saints City innumerable formation increase, as well as deeply buried in the huge energy source of Hundred Saints City bottom, powerful that forms struck endures to compare Great Primal Beginning Realm sufficiently.” “此次行动,只能成功,不许失败,即便是有剑尘这颗打入暗星族高层中的棋子在,本座也必须要做多手准备。这座百圣城杀手锏,可是从未在暗星族中动用过,也是时候让它展露一下了,由百圣城内所有人的能量汇集,外加百圣城的无数阵法增幅,以及深埋于百圣城地底的庞大能量源泉,所形成的绝强一击足以堪比混元始境。” This strikes, when spanning the remote distance projects on the place of big sacrifice, although the might will be down slightly, but will also constitute some influences on the big sacrifice somewhat, has Dark Star Great Emperor, this strikes, although not necessarily can completely destroy the big sacrifice, but can actually be Jian Chen does at crucial moments conceals.” “这一击,在跨越遥远距离打到大祭之地时,虽然威力会略有下降,但多多少少也会对大祭构成一些影响,有暗星大帝在,这一击虽然不一定能完全破坏大祭,但是却能在关键时刻为剑尘做一些掩饰。” Jian Chen, you may do not disappoint this King to your expectation, if you were also defeated, that this King has to use one to incur finally......” 剑尘,你可一定不要辜负了本座对你的期望啊,你若是也失败了,那本座就只好动用最后一招了......” Is only this last move, this King is not really willing to use, otherwise, not only this King meeting turn into ashes of the second Primordial Spirit under the blood oath strength, and this King in Saint Realm true body/this senior, as before by strength of heavy losses blood oath.” “只是这最后一招,本座是真的不愿动用啊,否则的话,不仅本座的这道第二元神血誓力量之下会灰飞烟灭,并且就连本座圣界本尊,也依旧会被血誓之力重创。” Although this King has arranged the innumerable methods to prevent, weakens the blood oath strength, but that is the Dark Star Clan Supreme strength after all. Although Supreme has died, but in current world, besides Wind Venerable, but also no one can resist backlash of strength of this blood oath......” “虽然本座已经布置了无数手段去阻止,去削弱血誓的力量,但那毕竟是属于暗星族太尊的力量啊。尽管太尊已死,但在当今天地间,除了风尊者外,还没有人能抵挡得住这股血誓之力的反噬......”
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