CSG :: Volume #28

#2707: Cuts to kill

Before experienced several times of fought massively, these people ready dead can cut to kill these Devouring Life Beast, having a large part of reasons was the injury that these Devouring Life Beast received was too serious, swallowed the life force / vitality ability unable to keep up with the consumption by far speed, finally within the body all life force / vitality were exhausted to perish forcefully. 之前所经历的数次大规模战斗,那些死士之所以能将这些噬生兽斩杀,有很大一部分原因是那些噬生兽所受的伤势太严重了,吞噬生机的能力已经远远跟不上消耗的速度,最终体内的所有生机硬生生被耗尽而亡。 Devouring Life Beast that died in this manner, although in flesh body still has some life force / vitality energies, similarly can be Pill Refining to use, but its effect and implication complete life force / vitality flesh compares, naturally must miss on many. 以这种方式死亡的噬生兽,虽然肉身中依然带着一些生机能量,同样可以作为炼丹所用,但其功效和蕴含完整生机的血肉比起来,自然是要差上许多。 But Beginning Realm Devouring Life Beast compared with God Realm Devouring Life Beast, the God Realm Devouring Life Beast huge quantity, Jian Chen will not care that a God Realm Devouring Life Beast within the body life energy is whether full, but Beginning Realm Devouring Life Beast Jian Chen regards, if the treasure treats, he naturally is the hope can greatest retain its complete life force / vitality. 始境噬生兽不比神境界噬生兽,神境界噬生兽数量庞大,剑尘倒不会去关心一只神境界噬生兽体内的生命能量是否饱满,可始境噬生兽剑尘可是视若珍宝来对待,他自然是希望能够最大程度的保留其完整的生机 It seems like, I must quickly end the fight, for does not make its within the body life strength pass too, I have not been able to let it by too many flesh wounds, must make it every be injured one time, can have a fracture, only by doing so, can cutting kill in the shortest time.” In the Jian Chen heart thinks secretly, he looks at Beginning Realm Devouring Life Beast that the tail that is long, in the heart has been knowing, if continues to take a way of its one, a claw and extremity/limb to make its disabled as if cannot continue to use. “看来,我必须要尽快的结束战斗,并且,为了不让它体内的生命力量流逝太多,我还不能让它受太多的皮肉之伤,必须要让它每一次受伤,都能够伤筋动骨,唯有如此,才能在最短的时间内将之斩杀。”剑尘心中暗暗想到,他望着始境噬生兽那已经重新长出来的尾巴,心中知晓若是继续以断其一尾、一爪、一肢的方式让其伤残的仿佛不能继续在使用了。 The Beginning Realm Devouring Life Beast limbs reproductive property was too strong, it can let the cutting off limb rebirth in several breath, each restoration, will consume its within the body life energy, this is not the result that Jian Chen wants. 始境噬生兽的肢体再生能力太强了,它可以在几个呼吸内让断肢重生,每一次恢复,都会消耗掉它体内的生命能量,这可不是剑尘想要的结果。 It seems like, to fight a battle to force a quick decision, can only use that move.” Jian Chen dexterous evades in the Beginning Realm Devouring Life Beast mouth to put out an energy light ball that the vision suddenly became sharp, in his right hand place, a rays of light gorgeous silver-white color sword qi turnover slowly. “看来,要想速战速决,只能用那一招了。”剑尘轻巧的躲过始境噬生兽口中吐出的一颗能量光球,目光骤然变得锋锐了起来,在他的右手处,一道光芒绚丽的银白色剑气缓缓的吞吐而出。 This sword qi, is pure sword qi was not so only simple, inside has the Grand Dao strength to past, is collecting one after another Sword Dao Principle strength, its great strength, before Jian Chen sends out any one strikes stronger more abundant. 这一股剑气,已经不仅仅是单纯的剑气那么简单了,里面有大道的力量在流转,汇集着一道又一道剑道法则的力量,它的强大,比剑尘之前所发出的任何一击都要强盛许多。 Sees only sword qi in his hand to wield toward the front gently, under this wields, sword qi in his hand, vanishes together with the half arm does not see, during seemingly integrated is completely void, with was in one void. 只见他手中的剑气朝着前方轻轻一挥,这一挥之下,他手中的剑气,连同半截手臂都是消失不见,放佛完全融入了虚空之中,与虚空结合为一体。 The next quarter, the Beginning Realm Devouring Life Beast body shivered suddenly fiercely, in its both eyes was full of the color of pain, been able to bear exudes a rending pitiful yell sound, the huge body also fell down loudly, exuded depressed sound, the pounded trim land was violent shaking several shook. 下一刻,始境噬生兽的身躯突然剧烈颤抖了起来,它的双目中充满了痛苦之色,忍不住的发出一声撕心裂肺的惨叫声,庞大的身躯也是轰然倒在了地上,发出一声沉闷的响声,砸的整片大地都是猛烈的震上了几震。 After it falls to the ground, in its huge body, suddenly has the dazzling white light sparkle, this white light by the weak strengthen, sends out from its within the body, as if must penetrate Devouring Life Beast that powerful flesh body to break through from the interior. 就在它倒地之后,它那庞大的身躯之中,突然有耀眼的白光闪耀而出,这白光由弱变强,是从它体内散发出来,似乎要从内部穿透噬生兽那强大的肉身突破出来。 Beginning Realm Devouring Life Beast has sent out the pitiful yell of pain, the huge body shivers violently, the strength of powerful life force / vitality erupt from its body, covers its entire body, seems like, seemed received the extremely serious wound. 始境噬生兽一直发出痛苦的惨叫,巨大的身躯猛烈颤抖,更有一股股强大的生机之力从它身体中爆发出来,将它整个身躯所笼罩,看上去,好似受到了极为严重的创伤。 This process continued two time of breath merely, sent out the dazzling white light that finally to break through from Devouring Life Beast within the body, it seemed the daybreak, but the hot sun, sent out ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) rays of light, each bunch of rays of light as if were a sharp sharp blade composition, rays of light, Beginning Realm Devouring Life Beast that powerful flesh body was cut. 这一过程仅仅持续了两个呼吸的时间,从噬生兽体内散发出的耀眼白光终于突破了出来,它就仿佛是破晓而出的烈日,散发出万丈光芒,每一束光芒都仿佛是一柄柄锋利的利刃组成,光芒所过,始境噬生兽那强大的肉身纷纷被切割开来。 Instantaneously, this powerful Beginning Realm Devouring Life Beast, its huge body as if received ten million attack to result , the entire body became tattered and torn, dense and numerous covered entirely the size to vary the wound that these wounds, even caused its body, in the breaking border, has only linked in the together flesh to pull its body depending on minority some, was insufficient to tear to shreds. 瞬间,这一只强大的始境噬生兽,其庞大的身躯就仿佛是受到了千万次攻击似得,整个身躯变得千疮百孔,密密麻麻的布满了大小不一的伤口,这些伤口之多,甚至使得它的身躯,已经是处于散架的边沿了,仅凭少数一些还链接在一起的血肉拉扯着它的身躯,不至于碎尸万段。 This move, is Jian Chen voluntarily comprehension secret skill Shadowless Life-Seizing Sword! 这一招,是剑尘自行领悟的秘法无影夺命剑 Shadowless Life-Seizing Sword, is Sword Dao Principle and Space Principle result, disregards the distance, disregards the hindrance, can break through all defense, directly enters inside the body of enemy, from inside to outside attacks. 无影夺命剑,是剑道法则空间法则的结果,无视距离,无视阻碍,能够突破一切防御,直接进入敌人的身体内部,由内而外的进行攻击。 Jian Chen of this move of might, made was drawing support from Nine Stars Heavenly Dao Sword in the past, was cuts to kill Everlasting Beginning Realm 9-layer powerhouse directly. 这一招的威力之强,令的剑尘当年在借助九星天道剑,直接是斩杀了一位无极始境九重天强者 Although he does not have Nine Stars Heavenly Dao Sword now, the Shadowless Life-Seizing Sword might also has weakened, may be used to cope with Devouring Life Beast that is equivalent to Everlasting Realm 3-layer, actually had more than enough to spare. 虽然如今他没有九星天道剑,无影夺命剑的威力也有所减弱,可用来对付一只相当于无极境三重天噬生兽,却是绰绰有余了。 Therefore, this move, this only Beginning Realm Devouring Life Beast has only assigned to hang the frontline at present, almost marched into the death border. 因此,仅此一招,眼前这只始境噬生兽就已经命垂一线,几乎是步入了死亡的边沿。 If not its vitality is extremely tenacious, trades to make any other Beginning Realm to withstand the so powerful attack, feared that was direct body and soul completely eliminated. 若非它的生命力极其顽强,换做其他任何一位始境承受这般强大的攻击,怕是直接形神俱灭了。 However the next instance, this only Beginning Realm Devouring Life Beast then struggled to stand slowly, around its body is filling strength of the rich life force / vitality, under the package of strength of this life force / vitality, the injury on it receiving rapidly is restoring. 不过下一个瞬间,这只始境噬生兽便是挣扎着缓缓站了起来,它的身体周围弥漫着一股浓郁的生机之力,在这股生机之力的包裹之下,它身上所受的伤势正在快速的恢复。 Cannot make you waste these life energies.” Jian Chen twittering, feels feeling of the weak dizziness in the brain transmitting in a low voice, in the heart understands this Shadowless Life-Seizing Sword unable extremely frequent displaying. “不能这么让你浪费这些生命能量。”剑尘低声呢喃,感受着脑中传来的一股微弱的眩晕之感,心中明白这无影夺命剑也不能太过频繁的施展。 Is powerful battle skill and secret skill, when displays the consumption is also bigger, some top God level battle skill, even is Highest Beginning Realm powerhouse cannot even endure, this Shadowless Life-Seizing Sword might such, displays its price is not naturally low. 越是强大的战技秘法,施展时的消耗也越大,一些顶级的神级战技,甚至是连太始境强者都吃不消,这无影夺命剑威力如此之强,施展它的代价自然不低。 The Jian Chen figure flashes, arrives in front of Beginning Realm Devouring Life Beast instantaneously, powerful sword qi brandishes from its back. 剑尘身形一闪,瞬间来到始境噬生兽面前,强大的剑气从其背脊上挥舞而过。 The Beginning Realm Devouring Life Beast body was in the collapse the border, body most flesh were cut to pieces, only conducts depending on the little flesh connected, now is withstanding Jian Chen this sword, the body was cut immediately around two sections. 始境噬生兽的身躯本来就处于崩溃的边沿了,身上大部分血肉都被切碎,仅凭少许血肉进行相连,如今在承受剑尘这一剑,身躯立即被斩成了前后两截。 Jian Chen arm violent, in the hand sword qi by the long sword that condenses changes into the everywhere sword-image lasing suddenly, instantaneously Devouring Life Beast that huge latter half body cutting the every large or small several hundred hashed meat, then lasing of Chaos Force from his hand, these hashed meat to 11 seals, isolated relations between these flesh, making the life strength that inside contains no longer pass, ceased these flesh the possibility that continues to reorganize. 剑尘手臂猛烈一阵,手中以剑气凝聚的长剑骤然化为漫天剑影激射而出,瞬间就将噬生兽那庞大的后半截身躯给切割成了大大小小数百块碎肉,然后一股股混沌之力从他手中激射而出,将这些碎肉给一一封印,隔绝了这些血肉间的联系,让里面包含的生命力量不再流逝,同时也杜绝了这些血肉相互间继续重组的可能。 After these flesh by seal, Beginning Realm Devouring Life Beast lost immediately to some flesh induction forces, this made in its heart have a frightened mood to come finally, to mix in, violent anger. 这些血肉被封印之后,始境噬生兽立即就失去了对这部分血肉的感应力,这终于让它心中生出了一丝恐惧的情绪来,夹杂在其中的,还有一股暴怒。 Suddenly, a strange fluctuation transmits, the vertical eye that its forehead that shuts tightly, under the threat of this death, opened finally slowly. 猛然间,一股奇异的波动传来,它眉心那紧闭的竖眼,在这死亡的威胁之下,终于是缓缓的睁开了。 speed that the vertical eye opens is not quick, but with opening of vertical eye, a fluctuation of energy that goes far beyond Devouring Life Beast cultivation level, erupts suddenly from the vertical eye. 竖眼睁开的速度不是很快,但随着竖眼的睁开,一股远远超过噬生兽本身修为的能量波动,骤然从竖眼中爆发出来。 Sees only its head one revolution, the third vertical eye locked Jian Chen instantaneously, speed lasing that dark green rays of light to be inconceivable together. 只见它头颅一转,第三只竖眼瞬间锁定了剑尘,一道墨绿色的光芒以难以想象的速度激射而出。 Jian Chen feels in the nihility immediately, strength of the powerful restraint transmits, is only regarding his current battle strength, the strength of this restraint is not anything, only has the dark green light beam that this front surface shoots, just now can arouse his interest. 剑尘立即感觉虚无之中,有一股强大的束缚之力传来,只是对于他当前的战力来说,这股束缚之力并不算什么,唯有这迎面射来的墨绿色光柱,方才能引起他的一丝兴趣。 „The might of this vertical eye has endured to compare Everlasting Beginning Realm 5-layer powerhouse, in the middle of Beginning Realm, this trump card could have been heaven defying.” Jian Chen waved to project sword qi to strike the smashing the dark green light beam. “这竖眼的威力已经堪比无极始境五重天强者了,在始境当中,这种杀手锏已经算得上是逆天了。”剑尘挥手间射出一道剑气就将墨绿色光柱击成了粉碎。 By his present battle strength, can cut to kill Everlasting Realm 6-layer powerhouse even without Nine Stars Heavenly Dao Sword, the attack of this 5-layer naturally cannot threaten him. 以他如今的战斗力,就算不用九星天道剑也能斩杀无极境六重天强者,这五重天的攻击自然威胁不到他。 After displaying this trump card, Beginning Realm Devouring Life Beast also reveals the color of dispirited, obviously displays this move, it will also pay the enormous price. 施展出这杀手锏之后,始境噬生兽也露出萎靡之色,显然施展这一招,它也会付出极大代价。 Jian Chen seizes this opportunity, immediately the making a move all-out attack, spoken parts shining sword qi has delimited from Devouring Life Beast forehead, deducted two petals the Devouring Life Beast remaining on half bodies. 剑尘抓住这个机会,立即出手全力攻击,一道白湛湛剑气噬生兽眉心划过,将噬生兽剩下的上半截身躯劈成了两瓣。 Arrived this step, Beginning Realm Devouring Life Beast had lost the resistance ability thoroughly, even if its within the body had powerful life force / vitality still to no help, is unable to cure its injury. 到了这一步,始境噬生兽已经彻底失去了反抗能力,即便它体内有强大的生机也于事无补了了,无法治愈它身上的伤势。 Because the attack of Jian Chen was really strong, every struck can cause the fatal destruction to it, its flesh body restored speed, could not have followed Jian Chen destruction speed by far. 因为剑尘的攻击实在是太强了,每一击都能对它造成致命的破坏,它的肉身恢复速度,已经远远跟不上剑尘的破坏速度了。 And, Jian Chen destroys, while the seal, this to Beginning Realm Devouring Life Beast, has one misfortune after another, therefore after several breath, this cultivation level has only reached to Everlasting Realm 3-layer Devouring Life Beast then thorough falls/dies, its all flesh got up by the Jian Chen seal, then lost into Space Ring. 并且,剑尘一边破坏,一边封印,这对始境噬生兽来说,更是雪上加霜,因此在数个呼吸之后,这只修为已经臻至无极境三重天噬生兽便彻底陨落,它的所有血肉都被剑尘封印起来,然后丢入了空间戒指之中。
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