CSG :: Volume #27

#2698: Wantonly harvesting

The Devouring Life Beast flesh body value is high, strength stronger Devouring Life Beast, the price naturally is also more expensive. 噬生兽肉身价值非常高,实力越强的噬生兽,价格自然也是越昂贵。 Therefore, this strength in God King Realm late-stage Devouring Life Beast King, Jian Chen naturally cannot discard here, but puts out Space Ring, loads in which this only Devouring Life Beast King corpse. 因此,这只实力在神王境后期噬生兽王,剑尘自然不会就这么舍弃在这里,而是拿出一枚空间戒指,将这只噬生兽王的尸体装入其中。 Devouring Life Beast is the product that in Fallen Beast World is in sole possession, they in this unique environment by Fallen Beast World came out to creation, left this environment unable to survive, therefore absolutely did not have Devouring Life Beast to exist in Saint Realm, even so, that also the corpse that brought from Fallen Beast World. 噬生兽陨兽界内独有的产物,它们是被陨兽界内这独特的环境给创造出来的,离开了这片环境根本就无法存活,因此在圣界中根本就没有噬生兽存在,即便是有,那也是从陨兽界内带出去的尸体。 Huge life force / vitality of its within the body implication, refines many high-level Divine Pill best-quality materials, therefore in Saint Realm, Devouring Life Beast corpse by many important resources of apex big power struggle. 体内蕴含的庞大生机,是炼制许多高阶神丹极品材料,因此在圣界,噬生兽的尸体是被许多顶尖大势力争夺的重要资源。 Even if steps into top powerhouse of boundary of Highest Beginning, still regards as important regarding Devouring Life Beast extremely. 即便是踏入太始之境的顶尖强者,对于噬生兽也是极为看重。 Divine Pill that because refines with Devouring Life Beast, inferiorly is also middle-grade Divine Pill, or high-grade Divine Pill, even is best-quality Divine Pill. 因为用噬生兽炼制的神丹,最次也是中品神丹,或者上品神丹,甚至是极品神丹 Highest Beginning Realm powerhouse will have the fight, will be injured, after being injured, naturally comes healing with high-level Divine Pill unavoidably, therefore the Devouring Life Beast corpse regarding Saint Realm any apex big influence, any top powerhouse, the strategic resources that must fight. 太始境强者也会发生战斗,也会受伤,受伤之后自然免不了用高阶神丹疗伤,因此噬生兽的尸体对于圣界的任何一个顶尖大势力,任何一个顶尖强者来说,都是一定要争夺的战略资源。 Although Jian Chen knew existence of Devouring Life Beast recently, but he has understood the information about Devouring Life Beast from He Qianqian there, actually therefore his very clear Devouring Life Beast has how preciously in Saint Realm, at this moment untied restraint, he naturally cannot give up this to collect the Devouring Life Beast corpse wantonly the golden opportunity. 尽管剑尘只是最近才知道噬生兽的存在,但他已经从鹤芊芊那里了解到许多关于噬生兽的信息,因此他非常清楚噬生兽圣界中究竟有多么的宝贵,此刻解开了束缚,他自然不会放弃这可以大肆收集噬生兽尸体的大好时机。 Therefore, after gathering the Devouring Life Beast King corpse, he does not stop, the figure flashes, has the massive Devouring Life Beast beast groups to graze to go toward the second accumulation. 因此,在收取了噬生兽王的尸体之后,他毫不做停留,身形一闪之间,已经朝着第二处聚集有大量噬生兽的兽群飞掠而去。 In Two Worlds Mountain of this bad risk, Jian Chen is completely unscrupulous, nothing can make him dread, his wind spreading electricity holds up, merely several time of breath, then appear outside the thousand li (500 km). 在这凶险的两界山中,剑尘完全是肆无忌惮,没有任何东西能够令他畏惧,他一路风驰电擎,仅仅几个呼吸的时间,便出现在千里之外。 Here, is the second accumulation of Jian Chen Spiritual Consciousness discovery has the massive Devouring Life Beast beast groups, on his present mountain peak, gathered several thousand Devouring Life Beast aura, has God King Realm late-stage Devouring Life Beast King to assume personal command, subordinate five God King Realm middle-stage, as well as over a hundred God King Realm initial-stage Devouring Life Beast. 这里,是剑尘神识发现的第二处聚集有大量噬生兽的兽群,在他眼前的一处山峰上,聚集了数千道噬生兽气息,拥有一只神王境后期噬生兽王坐镇,麾下五只神王境中期,以及上百只神王境初期噬生兽 Other is completely God King Realm following Devouring Life Beast. 余下则全部是神王境界以下的噬生兽 Jian Chen arrived here, actually does not begin, but both eyes turned into a silver white color, seems inexhaustible sword intent to contain to be one of them. 剑尘一来到这里,却并不动手,只是双目变成了一片银白之色,似有无穷无尽的剑意蕴藏在其中。 At this moment, he used the Supreme Sword Dao will directly. 这一刻,他直接动用了无上剑道的意志。 Supreme Sword Dao, the world performs, in he controls, all lives within surrounding area hundred thousand li (50,000 km) range, life and death all in his a thought. 无上剑道一出,天地尽在他掌控间,方圆十万里范围内的一切生灵,生死皆在他一念之间。 The mountain peak that at present this has several thousand Devouring Life Beast survivals, was then covered by intense sword intent in an instant, at this moment, here mobile air, fills in that unique vitality in the world, even is every bit of property of ground growth, a sand stone, changed into sharp incomparable sword qi completely. 眼前这座拥有数千只噬生兽生存的山峰,刹那间便被一股强烈的剑意所笼罩,此时此刻,这里流动的空气,弥漫在天地间的那独特元气,甚至是地上生长的一草一木,一沙一石,全部都化为了锋利无比的剑气 Innumerable sword qi are dense and numerous, during overlapping flooding in this piece is void, sends out the destruction myriad things aura. 无数的剑气密密麻麻,层层叠叠的充斥在这片虚空之中,散发出毁灭万物的气息 Extinguishes!” “灭!” At this moment, Jian Chen true becomes Ruler between world, sees only his thought to move, survives several thousand Devouring Life Beast in this mountain peak, including that only Devouring Life Beast King, even the pitiful yell sound sends out without enough time, struggles the strength not to have continually, then falls from the sky directly here, was killed with the Supreme Sword Dao will by Jian Chen. 此时此刻,剑尘真正的成为了天地间的主宰,只见他意念一动,生存在这座山峰中的数千只噬生兽,连同那只噬生兽王在内,连惨叫声都来不及发出,连挣扎一下的力气都没有,便是直接陨灭在这里,被剑尘无上剑道的意志所杀。 Under Beginning Realm, no one can withstand the Jian Chen Supreme Sword Dao will, to survive under the Jian Chen Supreme Sword Dao will, only has to step into Beginning Realm! 始境之下,谁也承受不了剑尘无上剑道的意志,要想在剑尘无上剑道的意志下存活,唯有踏入始境 In an instant, a scale is big, the strength even compares to pair of wings Azure Wolf even more powerful many Devouring Life Beast groups that the beforehand big team encounters, is the cleanness of dying. 转眼间,一个规模不小,实力甚至比起之前大队伍所遭遇的双翼青狼还要强大许多的噬生兽群,便是死的干干净净。 This, if were seen by Jin Hong their group of people, feared that is everyone must be frightened fearful and apprehensive. 这一幕,若是被金宏他们那群人看见了,怕是所有人都要被吓得心惊胆战。 Jian Chen took away all Devouring Life Beast corpses, after he receives Space Ring here over a thousand Devouring Life Beast corpses, in Space Ring, then does not have surplus space again, filled in full. 剑尘收走了所有噬生兽的尸体,不过当他把这里的上千只噬生兽尸体都收入空间戒指之后,空间戒指内,便已经再无一点剩余的空间了,已经被填的满满的。 Pitifully, this time enters Fallen Beast World, Space Ring that I wear because of reason of Rank limit, causes inside space is not very big, this wave of Devouring Life Beast group, has filled up Space Ring merely, it seems like, I need to seek many Space Ring to be good.” Is looking at the Space Ring in hand, a Jian Chen brow wrinkle, at once when his vision looks at always the road, is slightly scruple, immediately left here through Space Principle. “可惜啊,这次进入陨兽界,我佩戴的空间戒指因为品阶限制的原因,导致里面的空间不是很大,仅仅这一波噬生兽群,就已经填满了一枚空间戒指,看来,我需要寻到更多的空间戒指才行。”望着手中的这枚空间戒指,剑尘眉头一皱,旋即他目光望向来时的路,略微迟疑,立即通过空间法则离开了这里。 In Two Worlds Mountain, his Spiritual Consciousness can cover the surrounding area ten million miles range, when his these days follows the big team hurries along, but also is far from going out of this range, when this walks, previously when the big team and Devouring Life Beast had the war location also during Jian Chen Spiritual Consciousness covered. 两界山中,他的神识可以笼罩方圆千万里范围,他这些日子跟随大队伍赶路时,还远没有走出这个范围,因此这一路走来时,先前大队伍与噬生兽发生大战时的场地都还在剑尘神识笼罩之中。 Then, Jian Chen returned the beforehand battlefield by terrifying peerless speed, died in battle on the person ready dead who to collect massive Space Ring from these, then brings these Space Ring, continued to start own the journey of hunting and killing. 接下来,剑尘以恐怖绝伦的速度重新回到了之前的战场,从那些战死的死士身上收集到了大量的空间戒指,然后带着这些空间戒指,继续开始了自己的猎杀之旅。 Short three days, died Devouring Life Beast in Jian Chen hand then has several tens of thousands to be much, these Devouring Life Beast volume sizes varied, small only several meters lengths, big had the greatness of hundred zhang (333 m). He collected all Devouring Life Beast corpses, before three days, Space Ring that died in battle from these person ready dead who collects, used half instantaneously. 短短三天的时间,死在剑尘手中的噬生兽便有数万之多了,这些噬生兽体积大小不一,小的仅有数米长短,大的则足足有百丈之巨。他将所有的噬生兽尸体都收集了起来,三日前才从那些战死的死士身上收集的空间戒指,瞬间用去了一半。 Bad risk Two Worlds Mountain extremely in the Jian Chen eye, is completely not strategic place, instead becomes one, no matter what he round trip free paradise. 凶险万分的两界山剑尘眼中,完全不是一个险地,反而成为了一个任他来去自如的乐园。 But in these three days of time, the big team headed by Jin Hong is tranquil, has not encountered an attack of Devouring Life Beast, causes speed that they go forward, is starting to speed up gradually. 而在这三天时间中,以金宏为首的大队伍则是一路平静,没有遇到一只噬生兽的袭击,使得他们前进的速度,也在开始渐渐加快。 Un, speed that they hurry along was getting quicker and quicker, this way, believes how long could not want to go out of Two Worlds Mountain, what a pity, I proliferated ten million miles Spiritual Consciousness, still where could not seek the exit|to speak of Two Worlds Mountain.” Beyond several hundred li (0.5 km), Jian Chen sits in a build has the hundred zhang (333 m) the great big vulture to conduct the back fully, the big vulture flies in the kilometer upper air, goes forward in the dead ahead of big team slowly, under the control of Jian Chen, consistently is maintaining certain distance with the big team of rear area. “嗯,他们赶路的速度越来越快了,照这样下去,相信要不了多久就可以走出两界山了,可惜,我扩散千万里神识,依然寻不到两界山的出口在何方。”数百里之外,剑尘坐在一只体型足有百丈之巨的大雕背上,大雕飞在千米高空,在大队伍的正前方缓缓前进,在剑尘的控制下,与后方的大队伍始终都保持着一定的距离。 This big vulture, similarly is Devouring Life Beast, God King Realm late-stage cultivation level. 这只大雕,同样是一只噬生兽,神王境后期修为 God King Realm late-stage Devouring Life Beast King, has some weak spiritual wisdom, therefore was surrendered by the powerful by Jian Chen, temporarily uses as mount. 神王境后期噬生兽王,已经拥有了一些微弱的灵智,因此被剑尘以强力降服,暂时作为坐骑所用。 „The hidden dangers of these thick fog, as if also soon erupted, happen to makes me have a look at these thick fog ambushes in Martial Artist within the body, actually finally to bring what harm to Martial Artist.” Jian Chen sits in conducting the back of big vulture thought aloud, his Spiritual Consciousness time is proliferating, sees clearly the situation of rear big team. “这些浓雾的隐患,似乎也快要爆发了,正好让我看看这些浓雾潜伏在武者体内,最终究竟会给武者带来什么样的危害。”剑尘坐在大雕的背上自言自语,他的神识时刻都扩散着,将后方大队伍的情况看得清清楚楚。
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