CSG :: Volume #27

#2682: In Chapter 2677 Fallen Beast World

In the crowd, Jian Chen is looking by the hundreds of thousands of Martial Artist of ages of dozens big influence collections under thousand -year-old, not only shakes the head secretly, obviously does not favor these people very much. 人群中,剑尘望着由数十个大势力汇集的数十万年纪在千岁之下的武者,不仅暗自摇了摇头,显然是很不看好这些人。 Several hundred thousand God Realm Martial Artist, besides these by the person ready dead who Hundred Tribulations God King Pill trains, true God King Realm Expert continually 1%, such strength in front of lording over Fallen Beast World Dark Star Clan, really does not have two with the ants.” In Jian Chen heart secretly thought , he although has not entered Fallen Beast World, but in the situation to Fallen Beast World had an approximate understanding from Mindless Boy there. “几十万神境界武者,除了那些被百劫神王丹培养起来的死士之外,真正的神王境高手可是连百分之一都还不到,这样的实力在独霸陨兽界暗星族面前,实在是与蝼蚁无二。”剑尘心中暗道,他虽然没有进入过陨兽界,但却从无心童子那里对陨兽界内的情况有了一个大致的了解。 If nothing else, merely is Dark Star Great Emperor of Fallen Beast World Dark Star clan, can easily wiped out to the last man that these people kill. 别的不说,仅仅是陨兽界暗星一族的暗星大帝,就能轻易的将这些人杀的片甲不留。 Dark Star Great Emperor, Everlasting Beginning Realm 9-layer cultivation level, is in itself the Peerless Generation supreme talent natural talent, real battle strength, has endured to compare Great Primal Beginning Realm. 暗星大帝,无极始境九重天修为,本身又是绝代天骄的天资,真实战力之强,已经堪比混元始境 In front of this grade of powerhouse, let alone these strength not strong God King, assurance that even if Jian Chen cannot win. 在这等强者面前,别说这些实力不强的神王了,即便是剑尘都没有必胜的把握。 This time rescues Sheng Yu, it seems like it is not an easy matter, other powerhouse of Dark Star clan is a cinch but actually, but this Dark Star Great Emperor, I he do not have the assurance of half a point to.” The Jian Chen mood is not very optimistic. “此次去营救圣羽,看来不是一件容易的事情啊,暗星一族的其余强者倒不在话下,可这暗星大帝,我对上他却是没有半分的把握。”剑尘的心情也很不乐观。 Because enters Fallen Beast World, can not carry God level above Divine Item and rare treasure, did not have Nine Stars Heavenly Dao Sword, his battle strength weak many. 因为进入陨兽界,不得携带神级以上的神器以及秘宝,没有了九星天道剑,他的战力已经虚弱了不少。 Endures by Dark Star Great Emperor compared with Great Primal Beginning Realm battle strength, even if he is hard to contend in the heyday, now is weakened again, he and Dark Star Great Emperor power gap was bigger. 暗星大帝堪比混元始境战力,他即便是在全盛时期都难以抗衡,如今再被削弱,那他与暗星大帝的实力差距更大了。 In Jian Chen thinks, Dark Green Wolf Clan Young Master Jin Hong appeared, he wears the gray clothing, body aura restraining, without the half a point fluctuation of energy sends out, peaceful following in Dark Green Wolf Clan Highest Beginning Realm powerhouse behind, the whole person seems like low key. 就在剑尘思索之时,苍狼族少主金宏出现了,他身穿灰色衣衫,身上气息收敛,没有半分能量波动散发出来,安安静静的跟在苍狼族太始境强者身后,整个人看上去十分的低调。 No matter what his what kind of showing one's self, he still becomes the audience most noticeable focus inevitably, no one pays attention to Dark Green Wolf Clan Highest Beginning Realm powerhouse, collects millions of Martial Artist in square, the vision neat complete collection on Jin Hong. 只是,任他如何的不显山不露水,他依然不可避免的成为了全场最令人瞩目的焦点人物,没有人去关注苍狼族太始境强者,汇集在广场上的千千万万名武者,目光齐刷刷的全部汇集在金宏身上。 The Supreme successor, was really noticeable, he in some people's eyes, the status was even higher than some Highest Beginning Realm powerhouse. 太尊传人,实在是太令人瞩目了,他在一些人的眼中,身份甚至是比一些太始境强者都还要高。 Because the boundary of Highest Beginning, although stands in pyramid top existence, they in some common Martial Artist eyes even are the life the character who is hard to see, is in Saint Realm, each apex big influence has the boundaries of one or more Highest Beginning, therefore they do not calculate cherishing how. 因为太始之境虽然是站在金字塔顶尖的存在,他们在一些寻常武者眼中甚至是一生都难以见到的人物,可是在圣界中,每一个顶尖大势力都有一名或者数名太始之境,因此他们并不算多么的稀罕。 Reviews the Supreme inheritance, that is absolute few, such as extremely rare is scarce. 反观太尊传承,那可是绝对的屈指可数,如凤毛麟角般稀少。 Therefore, Jin Hong seems Sun generally is here dazzling, is shining the entire square. 因此,金宏在这里就仿佛是太阳一般耀眼,照耀着整个广场。 With the appearance of Dark Green Wolf Clan Jin Hong, indicates that this time entered the Fallen Beast World influence on arrive in full completely, then, numerous influences started entry Fallen Beast World systematic. 随着苍狼族金宏的出现,也预示着此番进入陨兽界的势力已经全部到齐了,接下来,众多势力开始井然有序的进入陨兽界 Quick, was one's turn the Heavenly Crane Family camp, Heavenly Crane Family several hundred the person ready dead who was trained by Hundred Tribulations God King Pill, as well as several thousand Martial Artist that recruited to come, then vanished under the leadership of He Qianqian in Fallen Beast World passage. 很快,就轮到天鹤家族的阵营了,天鹤家族的数百名由百劫神王丹培养起来的死士,以及数千名招募而来的武者,则是在鹤芊芊的带领下消失在陨兽界通道中。 Enters Fallen Beast World passage, Jian Chen then felt that powerful packages him to move to the irresistible terrifying power rapidly, this strength is too boundless, was too fearful, could not have branched out is Dark Star Clan and Wood Spirit Clan that two Supreme strength, was Fallen Beast World strength. 一入陨兽界通道,剑尘便感觉一股强大到不可抗拒的恐怖力量包裹着他飞速的移动,这股力量太磅礴,太可怕了,已经分不出是暗星族木灵族那两位太尊的力量,还是属于陨兽界本身的力量。 Under the package of this strength, Jian Chen felt that own as if spanned remote Space-Time from, cannot feel passing of time completely, does not know how long, seems several days , seems of several years, as finally packages his strength drastic fluctuation, he has appeared in a gloomy world. 在这股力量的包裹下,剑尘感觉自己仿佛跨越了一个遥远的时空距离,完全感觉不到时间的流逝,也不知过去了多长时间,仿佛是数日,又仿佛是数年之久,最终随着包裹他的力量一阵剧烈波动,他已经出现在一个灰暗的世界中。 His vision took a fast look around all around, discovered the position that own currently is a stretch of bushveld, above his top of the head, is the exit|to speak of Fallen Beast World, exit|to speak touches type and the entrance in Dark Star City is exactly the same, similarly is a very huge energy vortex. 他目光扫视了四周,发现自己目前所在的位置是一片丛林地带,在他的头顶上方,则是陨兽界的出口,出口的摸样与暗星城内的入口一模一样,同样是一个非常巨大的能量漩涡。 In this gloomy world, he cannot see sun, moon and stars, only saw beyond hundred li (0.5 km), stands erect together there huge barrier. 在这个灰暗的世界里,他看不到日月星辰,只看到了百里之外,一道矗立在那里的巨大结界 This barrier assumes -and-a-half spheres the shapes to cover the exit|to speak of Fallen Beast World in inside, formed a powerful protection. Outside barrier, is thick gray mist, is indistinct, can see mountain tops fuzzily. 这个结界呈一个半圆球的形状将陨兽界的出口笼罩在里面,形成了一道强大的保护。结界外面,则是一片浓浓的灰色雾气,隐约间,可以模糊的看见一座座山头。 Jian Chen Spiritual Consciousness sent out quietly, this belongs to Beginning Realm powerhouse Spiritual Consciousness, is adding on his concealing desirably, the people on the scene no one can discover. 剑尘神识悄无声息的散发了出来,这是属于始境强者神识,在加上他的刻意掩饰,在场众人没有人能够发现。 However, his Spiritual Consciousness when touching this barrier, actually by barrier preventing. 不过,他的神识在触及到这道结界时,却被结界给阻挡了下来。 This barrier is arranged by Beginning Realm powerhouse, although can definitely break through forcefully at my Spiritual Consciousness intensity, but as the matter stands on inevitable created the big sound.” In the Jian Chen heart secretly thought, can arrange such powerful barrier here, in his cognition, only then the Dark Star Clan person can achieve. “这结界是由一位始境强者布置下来的,虽然以我的神识强度完全可以强行突破出去,不过这样一来就不可避免的造成大动静了。”剑尘心中暗道,能够在这里布置这样强大的一道结界,在他的认知中,也只有暗星族的人才能做到了。 Around Jian Chen, quick on the sea of people, God Realm Martial Artist aura interwines, imitates, if formed the vast expanse of water sea, boundless incomparable. 剑尘四周,很快就人山人海,一股股神境界武者气息交织在一起,仿若形成了一片汪洋大海,磅礴无比。 Enters Fallen Beast World everyone, has collected completely here, the God King people ready dead as well as numerous Martial Artist that numerous top influences train, formed small camps. 进入陨兽界的所有人,已经全部汇集在这里,众多顶尖势力培养起来的神王死士以及众多武者,形成了一个个小阵营。 Gathers completely, everyone can not walk around.” “全部集合,所有人不得四处走动。” ...... …… At this time, big loudly shout transmitted, each leader of influence is restraining the own person, Heavenly Crane Family He Qianqian was no exception. 这时,一道道大喝声传来,各个势力的领头人物纷纷在约束自己的人,就连天鹤家族鹤芊芊也不例外。 „The Heavenly Crane Family person, fully enters the temple, then, will be led you to arrive in Hundred Saints City by me through Transmission Formation.” In the He Qianqian hand presented a temple. 天鹤家族的人,全部进入神殿,接下来,将由我带着你们通过传送阵抵达百圣城。”鹤芊芊手中出现了一座神殿。 This temple is not Divine Item, merely is best-quality Saint Item, on Rank, infinite is close to low-grade Divine Item, half Divine Item that even can say. 这神殿并不是神器,仅仅是一件极品圣器,在等阶上,无限余接近下品神器,甚至可以说的半品神器 Meanwhile, other leaders of influence also put out best-quality Saint Item, in the Martial Artist income temple that the preparation will bring respectively. 与此同时,其他势力的领头人物也是纷纷拿出了极品圣器,准备将各自带来的武者收入神殿之中。 The Transmission Formation transmission capacity that because they will soon ride is limited, like not entering Fallen Beast World passage can accommodate so many people like that to arrive in Hundred Saints City rapidly, therefore they can only reduce the manpower. 因为他们即将乘坐的传送阵传送能力有限,不像进入陨兽界通道那般能容纳那么多人,为了迅速抵达百圣城,因此他们只能减少人手。 In they prepare the people receive in the temple, that seat frame located here large-scale Transmission Formation, is rays of light was dazzling, sends out the strength of intermittent powerful transmission, however unexpectedly in this moment, its rays of light rapidly became gloomy, quick, entire Transmission Formation fell into a deathly stillness, without the least bit fluctuation of energy. 只是,就在他们准备将众人收入神殿中时,那座架设在这里的大型传送阵,原本是光芒耀眼,散发出阵阵强大的传送之力,然而竟是在这一刻,其光芒迅速变得暗淡了下来,很快,整座传送阵就陷入了一片死寂,没有半点能量波动。 Leader in abundance complexion of numerous influence the Transmission Formation sudden mutation, made changed, immediately sent people to inspect the Transmission Formation condition. 传送阵突然发生的异变,令的众多势力的领头人物纷纷脸色一变,立即派人去检查传送阵的状况。 „It is not good, the connection of Transmission Formation was interrupted, our here Transmission Formation do not have the issue, the issue definitely emerges that side Hundred Saints City.” Person complexion ugly/difficult to look at saying that inspects Transmission Formation. “不好了,传送阵的连接被中断了,我们这边的传送阵并没有问题,问题肯定是出现在百圣城那一边。”一名检查传送阵的人脸色难看的说道。 Certainly was that side Hundred Saints City had/left what condition, Jin Hong Young Master, I suggested to adjust the transmission place immediately, went to the alternative place.” A leader of respected family proposed to Jin Hong. “一定是百圣城那边出了什么状况,金宏公子,我建议立即调整传送地点,前往备选之地。”一名大家族的领头人向金宏提议。 This Fallen Beast World acts, the leaders of major influences obtain have bitten are, all are primarily Jin Hong, therefore they make any big movement, needs to solicit the suggestions of Jin Hong. 这一次陨兽界行动,各大势力的领头人都得到过叮属,一切以金宏为主,因此他们做出任何大的动作,都需要征求一下金宏的意见。 Jin Hong nods, agreed to that person of proposition. 金宏点了点头,同意了那人的提议。 Quick, Transmission Formation was adjusted, the preparation goes to another transmission place. 很快,传送阵被调整,准备前往另一个传送地点。 However quick, is responsible for fiddling with Transmission Formation person complexion simultaneously changes, incomparable gloomy. 然而很快,负责捣鼓传送阵的人脸色齐齐一变,无比阴沉 Situation is not wonderful, alternative place that side Transmission Formation had not responded, there Transmission Formation also had the problem.” Some people reported. “情况不妙,备选之地那边的传送阵也没有反应,那里的传送阵同样出现了问题。”有人禀告。 This, everyone's complexion became ugly/difficult to look at. 这一下,所有人的脸色都变得难看了起来。 Our in addition has several alternative places, the readjustment direction......” “我们另外还有几处备选之地,再调整方向……” ...... …… Then, Transmission Formation 11 adjustments, but makes in the people heart send finally coolly, they discovered that all Transmission Formation of arrangement in Fallen Beast World, regardless of hiding how, all had the problem, is not transmissible. 接下来,传送阵一一调整,可结果却让众人心中发凉,他们发现布置在陨兽界内的所有传送阵,无论多么的隐蔽,全部都出现了问题,不可传送。 Transmission Formation needs two dockings to transmit, once there had the problem at the same time, that was the path does not pass, is not naturally able to transmit. 传送阵需要两头对接才可进行传送,一旦有一边出现了问题,那就是道路不通,自然就无法传送了。 Hateful, definitely is the Dark Star Clan person does, besides Hundred Saints City, place of unusual hiding that all alternative transmissions we arrange, in this Fallen Beast World, only then Dark Star Clan has the ability 11 to seek these Transmission Formation......” “可恶,肯定是暗星族的人干的,除了百圣城外,我们布置的所有备选传送之地都非常的隐蔽,在这陨兽界内,也只有暗星族才有能力将这些传送阵一一寻找出来……” Was then bad, without Transmission Formation, how we should go to Hundred Saints City? Wants us to be inadequate across Two Worlds Mountain?” “这下糟糕了,没有传送阵,我们该怎么前往百圣城?难道要我们穿过两界山不成?” Talked about Two Worlds Mountain, the leaders of many big influences in abundance silent, their complexion were very dignified, even some people had been frightened the complexion blanch. 一谈到两界山,许多大势力的领头人纷纷都沉默了下来,他们的脸色都很凝重,甚至有部分人已经被吓得脸色发白了。 2 k novel reading network 2k小说阅读网
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