CSG :: Volume #27

#2676: Hundred Tribulations God King Pill

Fallen Beast World is quite famous in Spirit Immortal World, can say, every news Ling Tong, or stayed some time Martial Artist in the Spirit Immortal World ruins, is almost known to everybody existence of Fallen Beast World. 陨兽界灵仙界内极为有名,可以说,凡是消息灵通,或者是在灵仙界遗址呆了一段时间的武者,几乎无人不知陨兽界的存在。 Because in Fallen Beast World, surviving after Spirit Immortal World is broken, can maintain complete race only. 因为陨兽界内,生存着一支自灵仙界残破之后,唯一还能保持完好的种族。 That was one of the past vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered Spirit Immortal World many top large clans, Dark Star Clan! 那就是当年纵横灵仙界的众多顶尖大族之一,暗星族 Also because of the Dark Star Clan reason, this makes this mainland be named as Dark Star Continent. 也是因为暗星族的原因,这才使得这一块大陆被命名为暗星大陆 In Spirit Immortal World is complete, this mainland is belongs to Dark Star Clan control the scrap in vast territory. 因为在灵仙界还是完好之时,这一块大陆就是属于暗星族所统御的浩瀚领地中的一小块。 Naturally, now Spirit Immortal World is broken, entire Spirit Immortal World only has five slightly good points mainland fragments to preserve, therefore this Dark Star Continent area, even Dark Star Clan in the past 1/10 of territory. 当然,现在灵仙界已经残破了,整个灵仙界就只剩下五块稍微好一点的大陆碎片保存下来,因此这暗星大陆的面积,连暗星族当年领地的十分之一都还不到。 If only by the territory area, that Dark Star Clan past territory range, is now of Magnificent Province Saint Realm Seven Big Saint Province was huger. 若是单论领地面积的话,那暗星族当年的领地范围,可是比当今圣界七大圣州之一的盛州都还要庞大。 Naturally, the territory area is big, not necessarily explains past Dark Star Clan compared with present Magnificent Heavenly Palace even more stronger. 当然,领地面积大,不一定就说明当年的暗星族比现在的彼盛天宫还要强 But is lies in Spirit Immortal World and Saint Realm belongs to two completely not same world, the system is completely different. 而是在于灵仙界圣界是属于两个完全不相同的世界,体制完全不一样。 In Spirit Immortal World, almost exists in the race form, the entire Spirit Immortal World territory and other powerful races was given to carve up by such as Dark Star Clan, below is various ethnic groups of many attachment. 灵仙界内,几乎都是以种族的形式存在着,整个灵仙界的领地都被如暗星族等几个强大的种族给瓜分,下面则是众多依附的各类族群。 Therefore, past Spirit Immortal World top ethnic group that had Supreme to assume is carved up by several completely, this point is completely different from Saint Realm. 因此,当年的灵仙界完全是被几个拥有太尊坐镇的顶尖族群瓜分,这一点就和圣界完全不一样。 Saint Realm Supreme, has not ruled the desire, initially Saint Realm indisputable first powerhouse God Clan War God, occupied God Profound Province, although was known as the Saint Realm first strong clan in the past, but has not gone to meddle other Great Province any matters. 圣界太尊,并没有统治欲望,就连当初圣界无可争议的第一强者神族战神,也不过只是占据了一个神玄州而已,尽管当年号称圣界第一强族,可也没有去插手其他大洲的任何事。 Magnificent Heavenly Palace, in the Magnificent Province static development, enjoys the aloof position, but does not have to unify Magnificent Province. 彼盛天宫,也只是在盛州静静发展,享受超然的地位,而没有去统一盛州 At this moment, Jian Chen as if felt that anything, the vision looked suddenly to the distant place. 就在这时,剑尘似乎感觉到了什么,目光忽然看向远方。 Sees only in that broad street end, powerful imposing manners interwine, formed billowing rocket to charge into all around. 只见在那宽阔的街道尽头,一股股强大的气势交织在一起,形成了一股滚滚狼烟冲向四周。 Martial Artist that wears the unification to take care of maintains the uniform formation to walk slowly. 一支身穿统一服侍的武者保持着整齐划一的队形缓缓走来。 Their altogether over a thousand people, cultivation level does not have the exception, is God King Realm initial-stage! 他们人数总共有上千人之多,修为毫无例外,皆是神王境初期 These people are some extremely strong big influence obviously, sees only every their places visited, surrounding Martial Artist withdraws all in abundance, in the vision has a dreading color. 这些人显然是属于某一个极为强大的大势力,只见凡是他们所过之处,周围的武者无不是纷纷退避,目光中带着一丝忌惮之色。 Even if some Everlasting Beginning Realm powerhouse, when seeing the arrival of this team of people, still keeping silent made way the path. 即便是一些无极始境强者,在看到这一队人的到来时,也是默不作声的让开了道路。 The Jian Chen vision falls on these people, a brow slightly wrinkle, from these over a thousand God King, he felt not very right, because of these people, absolutely is not normal Martial Artist, will not be normal God King. 剑尘的目光落在这些人身上,眉头微微一皱,从这上千名神王身上,他感到很不对劲,因为这些人,绝对不是正常的武者,也不会是正常的神王 Because he felt keenly in these over a thousand God King, everyone's aura is unstable, the life fluctuates in the severe bounce, from time to time is powerful, from time to time deteriorates, some God King lives seemed like as if arrive at end to result , a lethargic appearance. 因为他敏锐感觉到这上千名神王中,所有人的气息都不稳定,生命波动在剧烈跳跃,时而强盛,时而衰败,更是有部分神王的生命看起来就仿佛是走到了尽头似得,一副暮气沉沉的样子。 In addition, these God King are the vision is completely low-spirited, is poke-faced, death qi heavy, does not have that vitality that normal Martial Artist has. 除此之外,这些神王全部都是目光黯然,表情木讷,死气沉沉,没有正常武者所拥有的那股朝气。 Is the Wei Family person ready dead, yeah, these people completely by the tool that Hundred Tribulations God King Pill trains, the longest life span can only live the last 100 years......” “是卫家的死士,哎,这些人全部都是被百劫神王丹培养起来的工具,最长的寿命只能活上一百年……” „The Wei Family person ready dead sent out, this time unexpectedly over a thousand people, set out so many people ready dead, actually Wei Family to one time why......” 卫家的死士又出动了,这次竟然有上千人之多,一次性出动了这么多死士,卫家究竟要干什么……” These by the person ready dead who Hundred Tribulations God King Pill trains, that is these top influences shocks Fallen Beast World trump card, without these people ready dead, they are not possible to preserve in all industries in Fallen Beast World operating......” “这些被百劫神王丹培养起来的死士,那是那些顶尖势力震慑陨兽界杀手锏啊,没有这些死士,他们在陨兽界内经营的所有产业都不可能保住……” Strange, how recently these big influences sent the person ready dead to Fallen Beast World repeatedly, in Fallen Beast World had what big change?” “奇怪,最近这些大势力怎么频频向陨兽界内派遣死士,难道陨兽界内发生了什么大变?” ...... …… Nearby the street, many Martial Artist are talking in a low voice, but Jian Chen also heard many news from their ears. 街道附近,许多武者都在低声交谈着,而剑尘也从他们的耳中听到了不少的消息。 Hundred Tribulations God King Pill? What Divine Pill this is, can actually train God King massively?” In the Jian Chen heart secretly thought, felt that the unusual doubts, he holds the fist in the other hand at once immediately the inquiry to a middle-aged man. 百劫神王丹?这是什么神丹,竟然能够大量培养神王?”剑尘心中暗道,感到非常的疑惑,旋即他立即向身边的一名中年男子抱拳询问。 That middle-aged man has God King Realm middle-stage cultivation level, on his face reveals impatient expression, is not willing to respond Jian Chen, when feels on Jian Chen that vague vast imposing manner, his innermost feelings tremble immediately, replying of busy non- place: Senior comes shortly after Spirit Immortal World, does not know that this Hundred Tribulations God King Pill is also normal. Medicine Pill that in Fallen Beast World this Hundred Tribulations God King Pill is from one type to grow heavenly material treasure that can refine becomes, reason that called Hundred Tribulations God King Pill, was because this Medicine Pill had the energy of ghosts and gods not measuring, even if by under an average person clothing/taking that did not have the cultivation, can in a short time be promoted God King Realm.” 那名中年男子拥有神王境中期修为,他脸上露出一丝不耐烦的神色,本不愿搭理剑尘,可一感受到剑尘身上那若有若无的浩瀚气势时,他的内心顿时一颤,忙不地的答道:“想必前辈是才来灵仙界不久吧,不知道这百劫神王丹也正常。这百劫神王丹是取自一种只有在陨兽界内才可生长的天材地宝能炼制而成的丹药,之所以叫百劫神王丹,是因为这种丹药拥有鬼神莫测之能,哪怕是被一名没有修炼的普通人服下,也能在极短的时间内晋级神王境。” What? Such heaven defying Medicine Pill? Under an average person clothing/taking, can in a short time achieve God King Realm?” Jian Chen is startled, the Hundred Tribulations God King Pill effect, subverted his cognition to the Medicine Pill simply. “什么?还有这样逆天丹药?一名普通人服下,都能在极短的时间内达到神王境?”剑尘吃了一惊,百劫神王丹的功效,简直是颠覆了他对丹药的认知。 If the common person wants to cultivate God King Realm, does not know that must experience how long time, consumption big resources, at this moment, he actually hears only Medicine Pill to be able the average person to promote to God King Realm, this is not heaven defying, but is really fantasy story. 寻常人要想修炼到神王境,不知道要经历多么漫长的时间,耗费多大的一笔资源,此刻,他竟然听见区区一枚丹药就能将普通人提升至神王境,这已经不是逆天逆天了,而是实在是天方夜谭 This Medicine Pill although very heaven defying, but the hidden danger is also very big, so long as took the Hundred Tribulations God King Pill person, most can only live again for 100 years, hundred years later must die without doubt.” That middle-aged man continues to say. “不过这种丹药尽管非常逆天,但隐患也是非常大,只要是服用了百劫神王丹的人,最多只能再活一百年,百年之后必死无疑。”那名中年男子继续说道。 Hundred years, although only then hundred years, that cannot conceal the great strength of this Medicine Pill, Medicine Pill can accomplish God King, if there is several tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of, even is 1 million......” a Jian Chen exclamation, does not dare to continue to get down. “百年,尽管只有百年时间,那也掩饰不住这丹药的强大,一枚丹药就能造就一名神王,若是有数万枚,数十万枚,甚至是百万枚……”剑尘一阵惊叹,已经不敢继续想下去了。 hearing that, a that middle-aged man forced smile, said: Senior, you work as this Hundred Tribulations God King Pill are ordinary heavenly material treasure are not so valuable, refines the Hundred Tribulations God King Pill principal material is Hundred Tribulations Grass, belongs to God level heavenly material treasure, this heavenly material treasure only then in Fallen Beast World has the growth, the value is expensive, every so often is belongs does not have the city valuably, usually only then these strength extremely strong big influences are capable of getting so far as from Fallen Beast World, but the quantity is not many, is decidedly impossible several tens of thousands that presented Senior saying that hundreds of thousands of was so terrifying.” 闻言,那中年男子一阵苦笑,道:“前辈,你当这百劫神王丹是普通的天材地宝这么不值钱吗,炼制百劫神王丹的主材料是百劫草,是属于神级天材地宝,这种天材地宝只有陨兽界内才有生长,价值非常昂贵,很多时候都是属于有价无市,通常只有那些实力极强的大势力才有能力从陨兽界弄到一些,但数量也不是很多,断然不可能出现前辈说的数万,数十万株这么恐怖。” Perhaps if because some really so many Hundred Tribulations Grass, that these apex big influences not necessarily have so many wealth to purchase. Even if there is an enough wealth, in that Fallen Beast World will not have so many Hundred Tribulations Grass.” “因为要是真有这么多百劫草,那这些顶尖大势力恐怕也不一定有那么多财富去收购。即便是有足够的财富,那陨兽界内也不会有这么多百劫草。” Senior you look at Wei Family, by Wei Family that huge strength, sends out the person ready dead who these over a thousand Hundred Tribulations God King Pill train one time, it is estimated that has also turned out in full strength.” 前辈你看卫家,以卫家那庞大的实力,一次性派出这上千名百劫神王丹培养起来的死士,估计也已经是倾巢而出了。”
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